Do-it-yourself free energy generator with self-powering. Free energy generator circuit. Vortex heat generator - a new source of heat in the house Potapov generator with self-feeding

It is no longer possible to count all the articles and all publications regarding these generators. And what hasn’t been written about them, and that this is the solution to all energy problems, and that this is complete quackery. This whole topic is overgrown with a bunch of speculation and all sorts of legends. Many theories and assumptions have been put forward about where additional energy comes from - from cold nuclear fusion to the use of ether energy. The same information comes from America that supposedly some engineer created a thermal installation with an efficiency of 135%, this installation is called a singing (whisting) installation that makes a loud whistling sound when operating. But as practice shows, miracles do not happen in nature, and every miracle can be explained if you thoroughly understand the essence of the issue. When a magician pulls a dove out of his empty hat, it makes an impression. So where does the additional energy in Potapov’s generators and other similar devices come from? This is the issue we will try to understand in this article.

Everything is in order. Several years ago, at my suggestion, one auto repair shop purchased a Potapov generator. The auto service was located in two large hangars, standing next to each other, which were metal half-barrels with an area of ​​about 300 square meters each. These buildings are the remains of metalwork workshops from the former state farm garage. They have 3-phase electricity, but no heating or water. In this situation, Potapov’s generator seemed to be a panacea for solving all problems. I helped the team of this small enterprise select and purchase a Potapov generator. According to the technical characteristics of the generator, it must provide at least 140% efficiency. I myself was extremely interested in whether it was true that this would happen - energy from nowhere. Winter passed and the result was that there was no efficiency above 100%. After simple calculations and calculations, it was clear that the efficiency of the installation was in the range of 70-80%, and the head of the car service did not hesitate to express his dissatisfaction with me and especially with Potapov. Life moves on and something had to be done before next winter. This time I was more cunning and recommended a proven method - heating water using electricity using ordinary heaters with efficiency = 100%. And the Potapov generator can be used as a pump for pumping hot water in the heating system. No sooner said than done. At the input of the Potapov generator, in series with it, a conventional heating tank with heaters (commercially produced) was placed in the water circulation circuit. This is where the miracles began. The head of the car service was delighted - in the most severe frost it was possible to work in the hangar undressed. And I was extremely puzzled as to what I recommended that I got such a result. Again, not connecting, the efficiency was over 100%. Either too little or too much - complete nonsense. I began to figure it out - I asked to run the complex in different operating modes, with different temperatures, and so on. (By the way, some users’ Potapov generators at the beginning gave over 100% efficiency; they measured it and then for some reason they stopped giving the operating parameters as in the beginning.) After analyzing all the data, the following picture was obtained. The efficiency of the entire complex could be over 100%, provided that the water from the heating tank enters the Potapov generator with a temperature of about 65 C. In this case, the water is absolutely transparent (simply hot). And when leaving the Potapov generator, the water acquires a cloudy white color - as if milk had been added to the water, although the temperature also remains about 65C. Such cloudy water can be observed in the heating system when air pockets are released. It’s with this muddy water that everything incomprehensible happens. Turbid water entering the battery and radiator begins to give off heat to the environment, while the radiator itself and the water clearly have a temperature of 65C and does not cool down (although it is visually clear that the radiator gives off thermal energy to the surrounding space). Next, the water enters the next radiator - the radiator is hot (about 65C), but the water does not cool, and only after entering the third radiator does the water first acquire its transparency and then begin to cool linearly in all subsequent heating radiators. The auto service heating system consists of 10 batteries with 18 sections each, connected in series. Here are the measurement results:

Battery No. 1 temperature 65C, cloudy water as if with milk.

Battery No. 2 temperature 68C, cloudy water as if with milk.

Battery No. 3 temperature 65C the water is almost clear, but still cloudy.

Battery No. 4 temperature 60C, clear water.

Battery No. 5 temperature 55C water transparent.

Battery No. 6 temperature 50C water transparent

Battery No. 7 temperature 45C water transparent

Battery No. 8 temperature 40C water transparent

Battery No. 9 temperature 35C water transparent

Battery No. 10 temperature 30C water transparent

After the 10th battery, there is a tap in the heating main to draw hot water for domestic needs - washing cars, showers for workers, etc. Next, the heating line is connected to a heating tank, to which another cold water line is connected to supply the entire system with water from an artesian well. From the heating tank, the water, already heated, enters the Potapov generator itself. If the water is not heated to 65C in a tank with heaters, but supplied to Potapov’s generator, for example, at a temperature of 50C, then the inlet will be 50C, and in each subsequent battery there will be a decrease of 5 degrees linearly and the water will be transparent, and there will be no additional heat. The release of “unknown” energy occurs only in water heated to 65C and at the same time it should be agitated, agitated - have a cloudy white color. Potapov's generator, in principle, can be replaced with absolutely any agitator. There is no know-how. The release of unknown energy does not occur in Potapov’s generator, but in the radiator system.

That the temperature of the water in battery No. 2 is 68C and in battery No. 1 65C is not a typo, indeed there is not a large increase (by 2-3C) in the temperature of the water in the battery, although according to the logic of things, the water in the battery should be cooled, and here even heating occurs without additional energy supply. The whole secret is in the water. Water is an extremely interesting thing.

Everything is in order. H2 Well-known formula, the molecule is

Rogatulin with an angle of 104.27 degrees, more precisely, when writing the formula of water H2 O this way, this means water vapor. In the liquid state, water is a more complex formula (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6

Due to the fact that all hydrogen bonds are closed, water acquires its fluidity. On the one hand, water seems to be a liquid; on the other hand, it is solid crystals of the smallest size (molecular level). There is a complete analogy with sand - sand, if you consider one grain of sand, it is an absolutely solid substance, but if you consider sand in a large volume, then it seems to be a flowing (liquid) substance. Quicksand - you can even drown in them, like in water. The water molecule is not flat, but seems to consist of 2 layers. This is due to the fact that the angle is 104.27 between the hydrogen atoms, and in the angle of a liquid molecule of an octagon the angle is 135 just like in a hexagon the angle is 120. This is not a correspondence 135-104.27 = 27.73 degrees in octagonal and 120-104.27 = 15.73 degrees in a hexagon is compensated by the protrusion of one layer (even) over the other layer (odd) and the angle still remains equal to 104.27. The water molecule (H2 O)8 is like two squares shifted relative to each other by 45 degrees, and in the corners of these squares there are H2 O molecules. The water molecule (H2 O)6 is like two triangles shifted relative to each other by 60 degrees and in the corners of these triangles there are molecules of H2 O. H2 O is steam, and liquid water is a mixture of crystals of molecules (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6. Water also has another crystalline state - ice.

Ice has the shape of cubes, or rather trapezoids, or more precisely trapezoids mixed with


But this statement is not entirely true, because in each cube there are 2 pairs of hydrogen bonds not taken into account and these hydrogen bonds are connected to other cubes, so the ice is like one large monolithic crystal. This is what explains the mechanical hardness of ice. It turns out that each individual H2O molecule in an ice crystal is connected to all other H2O molecules. In all chemical reference books, such a crystal lattice of ice is called hexagonal. The chemical formula of ice should be written as (H2 O) infinity. By infinity we mean a very large, but finite number of H2O molecules included in the composition of a particular object - for example, an iceberg. To a rough approximation, we can say that the number of molecules in an iceberg is equal to infinity and the iceberg is one large crystal

Water has two more crystalline states, but they are formed at very low temperatures. Such low temperatures can only be obtained in laboratory conditions, so these crystal lattices remain the province of specialists. Now we will talk only about the aggregate states of water in the permissible temperature range:

Solid state Ice - (H2 O) infinity Stable state up to 0C

Liquid state Water - (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6 (mixture) Steady state from 0C to 100C

Gaseous state Steam - (H2 O)2 and H2 O (mixture) Steady state from 100C to 135C

Gaseous state Superheated steam – H2 O Steady state from 135C and above

Separately, we need to talk about another class of water crystals - snowflakes.

Such solid water crystals form directly from the gaseous phase at negative temperatures. Moreover, at different negative temperatures, different snowflakes are formed. The center of snowflake formation is the molecule (H2 O)6 - a hexagon, so snowflakes are always hexagonal

Note: In Soviet times, snowflakes with 5 rays could be seen on Soviet posters. They exist???? NO The artists painted snowflakes with five rays not from life, but guided by ideological zeal and the orders of the party.

Professor and physicist from the University of California Kenneth Libbecht set out to find out the probability of repeating the snowflake pattern. To do this, he began photographing snowflakes on a specially designed stand mounted on a jeep. I photographed for 5 years and took more than 6,500 photographs, and what is most striking is that in all the photographs the snowflakes were different with their own individual patterns. The question “what if there are two identical snowflakes in nature” remains open; there is an assumption, not without reason, that two identical snowflakes do not exist in nature. While looking through his catalog of snowflakes, I came across photographs of extremely interesting crystals - very rare with 12 rays, such snowflakes occur approximately one in 500 pieces. I put forward the assumption that in nature there is another type of liquid crystals of water (H2 O)12; this state of water is not mentioned in any literature. But if there is a photograph, then it simply has to be there.

Now let's talk about the crystal lattice.

Almost all substances have a crystal lattice - everyone knows this from the school curriculum. To destroy the crystal lattice, energy must be expended - this process is called melting. The process is reversible - when the crystal lattice is destroyed (melting), thermal energy is absorbed; when a lattice is created (solidification), energy is released. This is precisely why many substances with a clearly defined crystal lattice have a melting point indicated from start to finish; there is no specific number. For example, sulfur. This article is about water, so we will talk about water. In physics, the specific heat of fusion is denoted L and measured as Joule per kilogram. For water (ice) it is 33.7 * 100000 joules per kilogram (liter). Wow, how much. But what about liquid water? After all, it also consists of two types of crystals (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6. If there are crystals, then there is latent thermal energy. Isn’t it this thermal energy that is released in Potapov’s generators and the like? I assume that at a temperature of 65C, conditions are formed for the reconstruction of one crystal lattice of water into another type of lattice, and this process is accompanied by the release of thermal energy.

The restructuring reaction is written as follows.

liquid T=65С liquid steam energy

(H2 O)8 = (H2 O)6 + 2 H2 O +T

From this recording it becomes clear why the water takes on a cloudy appearance - steam is formed in the water - finely dispersed at the molecular level. This steam condenses in the interior of the water, and this process (condensation) occurs with the release of thermal energy. After condensation, (H2 O)6 is formed. First, individual H2O molecules form pairs and then complex molecules are formed, that is, first the superheated steam turns simply into steam and then into liquid.

2 H2 O = (H2 O)2 + T

3 (H2 O)2 = (H2 O)6 + T

The initiator of this process (destruction of the crystal lattice) is the agitation, swelling of water in Potapov’s generator. Just like nitroglycerin must be hit to initiate a violent chemical reaction - an explosion. To transform one type of crystal lattice of water into another type, two conditions are required - a temperature of 65C and agitation (stirring) of the water. When these conditions are met, the crystal lattice is reconstructed with the release of thermal energy, which is perceived by the consumer as an efficiency of over 100%.

It becomes clear why Potapov’s generators, when filled with fresh water, can provide an efficiency of over 100%. It is also clear why an increased release of thermal energy is observed in a car service center - in the workshop, water is constantly drained from the heating system for washing cars, and the system is constantly refilled with fresh water from an artesian well.

It turns out that the heating system is not closed, but open from an energy point of view.

So where does “free” energy come from? And the energy comes from our sun. First, the sun melts snowflakes and ice forms melt water (H2 O)6

Liquid T=0 to 40 evaporation

3 (H2 O)6 = 2 (H2 O)8 + 2 (H2 O)2 – T

Thermal energy is absorbed from the environment. When a person comes out of a river wet and if the breeze is still blowing on him, it is quite cold, this is the absorption of water energy from the environment through evaporation.

Some H2O molecules fly away as vapor, and some H2O molecules remain in the melt water in which (H2 O)8 is formed as it evaporates, more and more latent energy is formed in the water.

the result is no longer melt water, but a mixture of two types (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6; thermal energy is hidden in the crystal lattice of one of them.

Next, such water (mixture) (H2 O)8 and (H2 O)6 enters the heating system of the car workshop, where water (H2 O)8 is converted into (H2 O)6 with the release of thermal energy due to the destruction (rearrangement) of the crystalline grates. Over time, water in the heating system becomes (H2 O)6. The water is then used to wash cars and goes down the drain. It evaporates in the drain.

3(H2 O)6 = 2(H2 O)8 + 2 H2 O – T (ambient thermal energy)

The process is closed. Thermal energy of the environment participates in this process.

And it is not surprising that latent thermal energy enters the auto repair shop in the form of stored energy in the crystal lattice.

No matter how beautiful the theory may look, the top of everything is experiment.

I thought for a long time about how to confirm or refute my guesses with the help of an experiment.

And I decided that since one type of water should absorb the energy of the environment, then this water should evaporate more slowly. At the auto repair shop I asked for water samples, but so that the water would circulate through the heating circuit as many times as possible. Auto service workers said that the water does not drain at night and the morning is the best time to take samples. No sooner said than done.

This water is absolutely no different from any other, either in taste or color.

He poured it into a glass. Next to it I poured a glass of tap water and next to it I placed a glass of melt water obtained from snow. All three glasses are filled equally and stand next to each other. For the purity of the experiment, I filled 3 more glasses in the same way and placed them in another room, so that the experiment would take place in different rooms.

After a week, it is clear that in glass No. 1 and No. 3 the evaporation of water is slower than in glass No. 2; after two weeks, the rate of water evaporation levels off. The attentive reader has probably already guessed why the rate of water evaporation levels off over time.

And lastly, in order to make a qualitative assessment of how much hidden energy is in water, I had to delve into textbooks. It is not possible to say precisely due to the fact that there is absolutely no data in this area, but an approximate estimate can be made. To heat a liter of water by 1 degree, you need to spend 80 kilos of calories. Based on this and approximating all the data, we can say that the “free” energy is somewhere around 36 thousand kilocalories.

Approximately 1-2 liters of gasoline - 300 liters of water per circulation cycle.

Or, in other words, 100 liters of water contain hidden energy like 0.5 liters of gasoline when burned. Half a liter of gasoline does not seem to be much for such an amount of water, but here you need to pay attention to the fact that this is a renewable source of energy. The gasoline was burned and that’s it, it’s gone. But having received energy in water due to recrystallization, you can drain the waste water, wait for our sun to evaporate this water, and the water will be restored. And this same water is again suitable for recrystallization with the release of additional thermal energy.

The brilliance and poverty of Potapov's generators.

Taking into account that, based on the principle of water recrystallization, it is possible to produce thermal systems for space heating, based on existing heating networks, without special capital investments, it becomes very tempting and attractive to use this principle. How to use this principle. And to use this principle, two conditions must be created in heating networks. The first is a temperature of 65 C and the second is some kind of device that stirs up the water. Many times I have observed how water mixed with steam and a cloudy white color begins to flow from under a hot tap. The water stops being white when the tap is slightly open and when the tap is fully open. This effect occurs only when the tap is half closed. I suggest that in the place where the hot water supply for heating the premises is located, place a washer inside the pipe, across the water pressure, in order to create a pressure difference and cause the effect of clouding the water, or rather the formation of steam in it. As a matter of fact, this washer will serve as Potapov’s generator. Thermal heating systems have very low efficiency due to the fact that there are large heat losses when pumping hot water to the consumer. Such a shaker (washer) should be installed not at the heating station, but directly at the consumer (at the heating system input) right in the apartment. Thereby minimizing heat losses in heating networks and increasing efficiency in general. When the water has passed 2-3 circles of circulation, it must be replaced, that is, it must be drained and a fresh heat carrier must be added to the system. To do this, a heat exchanger must be installed at heating stations. In the heat exchangers, water coming from consumers (used) will give off the remaining heat to fresh water, which will be constantly pumped into the system. Or use warm water from the return for any technological needs. Thus, it is possible to modernize existing heating networks without any special capital investments and increase their efficiency by approximately 10-20%.

And if Mr. Potapov’s promises and assurances come true (which I very much doubt), then efficiency will increase by 40%.


There is a technical product - an ultrasonic washing machine. It is an ultrasonic emitter with a low-power power supply. The essence of the washing machine is that the emitter is lowered into water with soaked laundry, and the laundry is supposedly washed without the use of detergents. I tried it and nothing worked, but when I started using water with a temperature of about 65 degrees, everything worked out. The water began to become cloudy around the ultrasonic emitter and the laundry actually began to be washed without the use of detergents. I assume that ultra sound has nothing to do with it, it just (ultra sound) causes a water recrystallization reaction with the formation of steam, which in turn destroys soiled laundry. How can one not recall the American experience - there the installation is called “Singing”, and during operation it makes a loud whistling sound. Something is all connected here.

This chapter was written after a long period of time after the article was written. The author found another temperature range when water releases hidden energy, no longer thermal but mechanical. I had to supplement the article with this second chapter.

Everything is in order. Even before the First World War, at the very beginning of the 20th century, a curious incident occurred. Fake metal coins of high quality mintage began to appear in Europe. Analysis of these counterfeit coins showed that they were made on a press that can generate a force of more than 25 tons. Counterfeiters had previously used various devices for stamping coins, but all these devices - cleats, jacks, levers and other devices did not produce high-quality impressions as on high-pressure hydraulic presses. The secret police are running wild looking for this counterfeiter. The guide for the search, coin experts, was the presence of a huge hydraulic press - the size of a two-story house, a steam engine and a large consumption of coal. The secret police could not understand how such a huge thing could be hidden and, most importantly, where. No matter how much the rope twists, it will still end. The counterfeiter was caught. The police and specialists were surprised and extremely puzzled - there was no hydraulic press, but there was a certain device that could be hidden in a pocket, and this device could develop a force like a hydraulic press, more than 25 tons, without consuming any energy. The device was a thick square steel plate in which a square hole was cut. Primitive piston and plungers with heads and tails. Water was poured into the piston, and very little - half a glass of water. Then the whole device was placed outside the window in the cold, outside. The water in the piston froze, turning into ice, increasing the volume - the piston moved and stamped the coin. The piston moved slowly (in proportion to the freezing of water), but with great effort, the quality of the print was of the highest quality.

The secret police kept this matter secret - they were afraid that they would start stamping coins in this way in every gateway. Everything became known in the mid-20th century, when more advanced methods of protecting money and coins appeared.

In our country, no one stamps coins, but the effect produced by freezing water in heating systems is known to everyone - a headache for all public utilities. Here and there the heating systems freeze, after which the heating system cannot even be repaired - it must be completely changed. Steel pipes are torn as if there was an explosion in them, it seems that it is not steel, but paper.

I personally had to see torn steel pipes and crumbled cast iron radiators after such an accident. From a physics point of view, everything is clear - water has one density, ice another. Water, turning into ice, takes up more volume - expanding, breaking steel pipes or stamping coins. But from an energy point of view, it’s complete nonsense. Water gives off its thermal energy (cools) to the surrounding space, while doing mechanical work. How can this be, by releasing energy (thermal) there is an even greater release of energy (mechanical)? What efficiency is more than 100%?? All physics textbooks say that thermal energy can be converted into mechanical energy and mechanical energy into thermal energy, that is, these energies are interconnected. The question arises, where does the free (extra) energy come from, and even so much that it is enough to crumble a cast-iron radiator. I assume that the effect of releasing latent energy from water by rearranging the crystal lattice exists in two temperature ranges. The first temperature range, within 0 degrees, is where the latent energy of the crystal lattice is converted into mechanical energy. And the second temperature range within 63-65 degrees is the conversion of the latent energy of the crystal lattice into heat; this temperature range was discussed in the first chapter of this article.

Counterfeiters were the first to create a technical device for extracting hidden energy from water by changing the crystal lattice; in addition, this device did not consume any energy, but only gave off thermal energy (cooled) and performed mechanical work, and even so much that can be compared with the work of a high-pressure hydraulic press . This was done more than 100 years ago, as for Mr. Potapov, who also seems to be making devices for extracting hidden energy from a crystal lattice, here it must be said frankly that all the processes that occur in his devices are not fully understood even by himself the creator - Mr. Potapov. Such a categorical conclusion gives me the right to make based on the fact that I personally communicated with this person. The crystal lattice is a rather complex topic, although at first glance it seems simple. Mention should also be made of diamond or graphite, or rather of the same substance - carbon. From one crystal lattice it is an incredibly hard substance, from another crystal lattice it is a soft substance. Should we not approach the issue of growing diamonds from the point of view of energy circulation? Nature somehow creates these stones. It is quite possible that to grow a diamond, no exotic conditions (pressure, temperature) are required, but it is simply necessary to create conditions for the circulation (transformation) of energy and the substance itself will change its crystal lattices.

Many people have thought about the possibility of owning a source of renewable energy in their lives. The brilliant physicist Tesla, known for his unique inventions, who worked at the beginning of the last century, did not make his secrets widely public, leaving behind only hints of his discoveries. They say that in his experiments he managed to learn how to control gravity and teleport objects. It is also known about his work in the direction of obtaining energy from under space. It is possible that he managed to create a free energy generator.

A little about what electricity is

An atom creates two types of energy fields around itself. One is formed by circular rotation, the speed of which is close to the speed of light. This movement is familiar to us as a magnetic field. It spreads along the plane of rotation of the atom. Two other spatial disturbances are observed along the axis of rotation. The latter cause the appearance of electric fields in bodies. The energy of particle rotation is the free energy of space. We do not make any expenses in order for it to appear - the energy was initially embedded by the universe in all particles of the material world. The task is to ensure that the vortexes of rotation of atoms in a physical body are formed into one, which can be extracted.

Electric current in a wire is nothing more than the rotation orientation of metal atoms in the direction of the current. But it is possible to orient the rotation axes of atoms perpendicular to the surface. This orientation is known as electric charge. However, the latter method involves the atoms of a substance only on its surface.

The amazing is nearby

A free energy generator can be seen in the operation of a conventional transformer. The primary coil creates a magnetic field. Current appears in the secondary winding. If you achieve a transformer efficiency greater than 1, you can get a clear example of how self-powered free energy generators work.

Step-up transformers are also a clear example of a device that takes part of the energy from outside.

Superconductivity of materials can increase productivity, but so far no one has been able to create conditions for the degree of efficiency to exceed unity. In any case, there are no public statements of this kind.

Tesla Free Energy Generator

The world-famous physicist is rarely mentioned in textbooks on the subject. Although his discovery of alternating current is now used by all of humanity. He has over 800 registered invention patents. All the energy of the last century and today is based on his creative potential. Despite this, some of his work was hidden from the general public.

He participated in the development of modern electromagnetic weapons, being the director of Project Rainbow. The famous Philadelphia experiment, which teleported a large ship with its crew to an unimaginable distance, was his work. In 1900, a physicist from Serbia suddenly became rich. He sold some of his inventions for $15 million. The amount in those days was simply huge. Who acquired Tesla's secrets remains a mystery. After his death, all the diaries, which could have contained sold inventions, disappeared without a trace. The great inventor never revealed to the world how the free energy generator works and works. But perhaps there are people on the planet who have this secret.

Hendershot Generator

Free energy may have revealed its secret to an American physicist. In 1928, he demonstrated to the general public a device that was immediately dubbed the Hendershot fuel-free generator. The first prototype only worked when the device was positioned correctly according to the Earth's magnetic field. Its power was small and amounted to 300 W. The scientist continued to work, improving the invention.

However, in 1961 his life was tragically cut short. The scientist’s killers were never punished, and the criminal proceedings themselves only confused the investigation. There were rumors that he was preparing to launch mass production of his model.

The device is so simple to implement that almost anyone can make it. Followers of the inventor recently posted online information on how to assemble Hendershot's Free Energy Generator. The instructions as a video tutorial clearly demonstrate the process of assembling the device. Using this information, you can assemble this unique device in 2.5 - 3 hours.

Does not work

Despite the step-by-step video tutorial, almost no one who has tried to do it can assemble and launch a free energy generator with their own hands. The reason is not in the hands, but in the fact that the scientist, having given people a diagram with a detailed indication of the parameters, forgot to mention several small details. Most likely, this was done deliberately to protect his invention.

The theory about the falsity of the invented generator is not without meaning. Many energy companies are working in this way to discredit scientific research into alternative energy sources. People who follow the wrong path will ultimately be disappointed. Many inquisitive minds, after unsuccessful attempts, rejected the very idea of ​​free energy.

What is Hendershot's secret?

And from those whom he decided to trust, he made an obligation that the secret of launching the device would be kept. Hendershot had a good sense of people. Those to whom he revealed the secret keep secret the knowledge of how to start the free energy generator. The device's launch circuit has not yet been solved. Or those who succeeded also selfishly decided to keep the knowledge secret from others.


This unique property of metals makes it possible to assemble free energy generators on magnets. Permanent magnets generate a magnetic field of a certain direction. If they are positioned properly, the rotor can be made to rotate for a long time. However, permanent magnets have one big drawback - the magnetic field weakens greatly over time, that is, the magnet becomes demagnetized. Such a magnetic free energy generator can only serve a demonstration and advertising role.

There are especially many schemes online for assembling devices using neodymium magnets. They have a very strong magnetic field, but they are also expensive. All magnetic devices, the diagrams of which can be found on the Internet, fulfill their role as unobtrusive subliminal advertising. There is one goal - more neodymium magnets, good and different. With their popularity, the welfare of the manufacturer also grows.

Nevertheless, magnetic engines that generate energy from space have a right to exist. There are successful models, which will be discussed below.

Generator Bedini

American physicist and researcher John Bedini, our contemporary, invented an amazing device based on Tesla’s work.

He announced it back in 1974. The invention is capable of increasing the capacity of existing batteries by 2.5 times and can restore most of the non-working batteries that cannot be charged using the usual method. As the author himself says, radiant energy increases capacity and cleans the plates inside energy storage devices. It is typical that there is no heating at all during charging.

Still she exists

Bedini managed to establish mass production of almost eternal generators of radiant (free) energy. He succeeded, despite the fact that both the government and many energy companies, to put it mildly, did not like the scientist’s invention. Nevertheless, today anyone can buy it by ordering it on the author’s website. The cost of the device is a little over 1 thousand dollars. You can purchase a kit for self-assembly. In addition, the author does not attach mysticism and secrecy to his invention. The diagram is not a secret document, and the inventor himself has released step-by-step instructions that allow you to assemble a free energy generator with your own hands.


Not long ago, the Ukrainian company Virano, which specialized in the production and sale of wind generators, began selling fuel-free Vega generators, which generated 10 kW of electricity without any external source. Literally in a matter of days, the sale was prohibited due to the lack of licensing of this type of generators. Despite this, it is impossible to ban the very existence of alternative sources. Recently, more and more people have appeared who want to break out of the tenacious embrace of energy dependence.

Battle for Earth

What will happen to the world if such a generator appears in every home? The answer is simple, as is the principle by which self-powered free energy generators operate. It will simply cease to exist in the form in which it exists now.

If on a planetary scale the consumption of electricity, which is provided by a free energy generator, begins, an amazing thing will happen. Financial hegemons will lose control over the world order and fall from the pedestals of their prosperity. Their primary task is to prevent us from becoming truly free citizens of planet Earth. They were very successful along this path. The life of a modern person resembles a squirrel race in a wheel. There is no time to stop, look around, or begin to slowly think.

If you stop, you will immediately fall out of the “clip” of those who are successful and receive rewards for their work. The reward is actually small, but compared to many who do not have it, it looks significant. This way of life is a road to nowhere. We burn not only our lives for the benefit of others. We are leaving our children an unenviable legacy in the form of a polluted atmosphere, water resources, and turning the Earth's surface into a landfill.

Therefore, everyone's freedom is in his hands. Now you have the knowledge that a free energy generator can exist and operate in the world. The scheme by which humanity will throw off centuries of slavery has already been launched. We are on the verge of great change.

The high cost of heating equipment makes many people think about whether it is worth buying an industrial model or whether it is better to assemble it yourself. Essentially, a heat generator is a slightly modified centrifugal pump. Anyone with minimal knowledge in this industry can assemble such a unit on their own. If you don’t have your own designs, then ready-made diagrams can always be found on the Internet. The main thing is to choose one that will make it easy to assemble the heat generator with your own hands. But first, it doesn’t hurt to learn as much as possible about this device.

What is a heat generator

Equipment of this class is represented by two main types of devices:

  • Stator;
  • Notorny (vortex).

However, cavitation models also appeared not so long ago, which may in the near future become a worthy replacement for units operating on conventional types of fuel.

The difference between stator and rotor devices is that in the first, the liquid is heated using nozzles located at the inlet and outlet openings of the unit. In the second type of generators, heat is generated during pump rotations, leading to turbulence in the water.

Let's watch the video, the generator in operation, measurements:

In terms of performance, a vortex heat generator assembled by yourself is somewhat superior to a stator one. It has 30% more heat transfer. And although such equipment is presented on the market today in various modifications, differing in rotors and nozzles, the essence of their work does not change. Based on these parameters, it is still better to assemble a heat generator on your own of the vortex type. How to do this will be discussed below.

Equipment and principle of operation

The simplest design is a device consisting of the following elements:

  1. Rotor made of carbon steel;
  2. Stator (welded or monolithic);
  3. Pressure sleeve with an internal diameter of 28 mm;
  4. Steel ring.

Let us consider the principle of operation of the generator using the example of a cavitation model. In it, water enters the cavitator, after which it is spun by the engine. During operation of the unit, air bubbles in the coolant collapse. In this case, the liquid entering the cavitator heats up.

To work with a device assembled with your own hands, using drawings of a device found on the Internet, you should remember that it requires energy, which is spent on overcoming the friction force in the device, generating sound vibrations, and heating the liquid. In addition, the device has almost 100% efficiency.

Tools required to assemble the unit

It is impossible to assemble such a unit from scratch on your own, since its manufacture will require the use of technological equipment that the home craftsman simply does not have. Therefore, they usually assemble only an assembly with their own hands, which in some way repeats. It is called the Potapov device.

However, even to assemble this device you need the following equipment:

  1. Drill and a set of drills for it;
  2. Welding machine;
  3. Grinding machine;
  4. Keys;
  5. Fasteners;
  6. Primer and paint brush.

In addition, you will need to purchase a motor operating from a 220 V network and a fixed base for installing the device itself on it.

Generator manufacturing stages

Assembly of the device begins with connecting a mixing pipe to the pump, the desired pressure type. It is connected using a special flange. There is a hole in the center of the bottom of the pipe through which hot water will be discharged. To control its flow, a braking device is used. It is located in front of the bottom.

But since cold water also circulates in the system, its flow must also be regulated. For this purpose, a disk rectifier is used. When the liquid cools, it is directed to the hot end, where it is mixed with the heated coolant in a special mixer.

Next, they move on to assembling the structure of the vortex heat generator with their own hands. To do this, I use a grinding machine to cut angles from which the main structure is assembled. How to do this can be seen in the drawing below.

There are two ways to assemble the structure:

  • Using bolts and nuts;
  • Using a welding machine.

In the first case, get ready for the fact that you will have to make holes for fasteners. For this you need a drill. During the assembly process, it is necessary to take into account all dimensions - this will help to obtain a unit with the specified parameters.

The very first stage is the creation of a frame on which the engine is installed. It is assembled from iron corners. The dimensions of the structure depend on the size of the engine. They may differ and are selected for a specific device.

To secure the engine to the assembled frame, you will need another square. It will act as a cross member in the structure. When choosing an engine, experts recommend paying attention to its power. The amount of coolant to be heated depends on this parameter.

Let's watch the video, the stages of assembling the heat generator:

The last stage of assembly is painting the frame and preparing holes for installing the unit. But before you begin installing the pump, you should calculate its power. Otherwise, the engine may not be able to start the unit.

After all the components are prepared, the pump is connected to the hole from which water flows under pressure and the unit is ready for operation. Now, using the second pipe, it is connected to the heating system.

This model is one of the simplest. But if there is a desire to regulate the temperature of the coolant, then install a locking device. Electronic monitoring devices can also be used, but it should be borne in mind that they are quite expensive.

The device is connected to the system as follows. First, it is connected to the hole through which water flows. She is under pressure. The second pipe is used for direct connection to the heating system. To change the temperature of the coolant, there is a locking device behind the pipe. When it is closed, the temperature in the system gradually increases.

Additional nodes can also be used. However, the cost of such equipment is quite high.

Watch the video, the design after manufacturing:

The housing of the future generator can be welded. And any turner will turn the parts for it according to your drawings. It is usually shaped like a cylinder, closed on both sides. There are through holes on the sides of the body. They are needed to connect the unit to the heating system. A jet is placed inside the housing.

The outer cover of the generator is usually made of steel. Then holes are made in it for bolts and a central one, to which a fitting for supplying liquid is subsequently welded.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult about assembling a heat generator with your own hands using wood. But in reality this task is not so easy. Of course, if you don’t rush and study the issue well, you can cope. But the dimensional accuracy of the machined parts is very important. And the manufacture of the rotor requires special attention. Indeed, if it is machined incorrectly, the unit will begin to operate with a high level of vibration, which will negatively affect all parts. But the bearings suffer the most in such a situation. They will break very quickly.

Only a properly assembled heat generator will work efficiently. Moreover, its efficiency can reach 93%. That's why experts advise.

The vortex thermal generator is considered a promising and innovative development. Meanwhile, the technology is not new, since almost 100 years ago scientists were thinking about how to apply the phenomenon of cavitation.

The first operational pilot plant, the so-called “vortex tube”, was manufactured and patented by the French engineer Joseph Rank in 1934.

Rank was the first to notice that the temperature of the air at the inlet to the cyclone (air purifier) ​​differs from the temperature of the same air stream at the outlet. However, at the initial stages of bench tests, the vortex tube was tested not for heating efficiency, but, on the contrary, for the cooling efficiency of the air stream.

The technology received new development in the 60s of the twentieth century, when Soviet scientists figured out how to improve the Ranque tube by running liquid into it instead of an air jet.

Due to the higher density of the liquid medium, compared to air, the temperature of the liquid, when passing through the vortex tube, changed more intensively. As a result, it was experimentally established that the liquid medium, passing through the improved Ranque tube, heated up abnormally quickly with an energy conversion coefficient of 100%!

Unfortunately, there was no need for cheap sources of thermal energy at that time, and the technology did not find practical application. The first operating cavitation installations designed to heat a liquid medium appeared only in the mid-90s of the twentieth century.

A series of energy crises and, as a consequence, increasing interest in alternative energy sources served as the reason for resuming work on effective converters of the energy of water jet movement into heat. As a result, today you can buy a unit with the required power and use it in most heating systems.

Operating principle

Cavitation makes it possible not to give heat to water, but to extract heat from moving water, while heating it to significant temperatures.

The design of operating samples of vortex heat generators is externally simple. We can see a massive motor, to which is connected a cylindrical snail device.

"Snail" is a modified version of Ranque's trumpet. Due to its characteristic shape, the intensity of cavitation processes in the cavity of the “snail” is much higher in comparison with a vortex tube.

In the cavity of the “snail” there is a disk activator - a disk with special perforation. When the disk rotates, the liquid medium in the “snail” is activated, due to which cavitation processes occur:

  • The electric motor turns the disk activator
    . The disk activator is the most important element in the design of the heat generator, and it is connected to the electric motor by means of a straight shaft or a belt drive. When the device is turned on in operating mode, the engine transmits torque to the activator;
  • The activator spins the liquid medium
    . The activator is designed in such a way that the liquid medium, entering the cavity of the disk, swirls and acquires kinetic energy;
  • Conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy
    . Leaving the activator, the liquid medium loses acceleration and, as a result of sudden braking, a cavitation effect occurs. As a result, kinetic energy heats the liquid medium to + 95 ° C, and mechanical energy becomes thermal.

Pump installation

Now you will need to select a water pump. Now in specialized stores you can purchase a unit of any modification and power.

What should you pay attention to?

  1. The pump must be centrifugal.
  2. Your engine will be able to spin it.

Install a pump on the frame; if you need to make more cross members, make them either from a corner or from strip iron of the same thickness as the corner. It is hardly possible to make a coupling without a lathe. Therefore, you will have to order it somewhere.

Diagram of a hydraulic vortex heat generator.

Potapov's vortex heat generator consists of a housing made in the form of a closed cylinder. At its ends there must be through holes and pipes for connection to the heating system. The secret of the design is inside the cylinder. There should be a nozzle behind the inlet hole. Its hole is selected individually for a given device, but it is desirable that it be half the size of a quarter of the diameter of the pipe body. If you do less, the pump will not be able to pass water through this hole and will begin to heat up. In addition, internal parts will begin to rapidly deteriorate due to the phenomenon of cavitation.

Tools: angle grinder or hacksaw, welding machine, electric drill, adjustable wrench.

Materials: thick metal pipe, electrodes, drills, 2 threaded pipes, couplings.

  1. Cut a piece of thick pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 500-600 mm. Make an external groove on it approximately 20-25 mm and half the thickness of the pipe. Cut the thread.
  2. Make two rings 50 mm long from the same pipe diameter. Cut an internal thread on one side of each half ring.
  3. Make covers from the same thickness of flat metal as the pipe and weld them on the unthreaded side of the rings.
  4. Make a central hole in the covers: one with the diameter of the nozzle, and the other with the diameter of the pipe. Make a chamfer on the inside of the cover, where the jet is located, with a larger diameter drill. The result should be a nozzle.
  5. Connect the heat generator to the system. Connect the pipe where the nozzle is located to the pump into the hole from which water is supplied under pressure. Connect the heating system input to the second pipe. Connect the outlet from the system to the pump inlet.

Water under the pressure created by the pump will pass through the nozzle of the vortex heat generator, which you make yourself. In the chamber it will begin to heat up due to intense stirring. Then feed it into the heating system. To regulate the temperature, install a ball locking device behind the nozzle. Cover it, and the vortex heat generator will circulate water inside the housing longer, which means the temperature in it will begin to rise. This is roughly how this heater works.

Working principle of induction heating

An induction heater uses the energy of an electromagnetic field, which the heated object absorbs and converts into heat. To generate a magnetic field, an inductor is used, i.e. a multi-turn cylindrical coil. Passing through this inductor, an alternating electric current creates an alternating magnetic field around the coil.

A homemade inventory heater allows you to heat quickly and to very high temperatures. With the help of such devices you can not only heat water, but even melt various metals

If a heated object is placed inside or near the inductor, it will be penetrated by the flux of the magnetic induction vector, which constantly changes over time. In this case, an electric field arises, the lines of which are perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic flux and move in a closed circle. Thanks to these vortex flows, electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy and the object heats up.

Thus, the electrical energy of the inductor is transferred to the object without the use of contacts, as happens in resistance furnaces. As a result, thermal energy is spent more efficiently, and the heating rate increases noticeably. This principle is widely used in the field of metal processing: melting, forging, soldering, surfacing, etc. With no less success, a vortex induction heater can be used to heat water.

Operating principle

There are various explanations for the reasons for the occurrence of the vortex effect of rotation in the complete absence of movement and magnetic fields.

In this case, the gas acts as a body of rotation due to its rapid movement inside the device. This operating principle differs from the generally accepted standard, where cold and hot air flow separately, because when flows are combined, according to the laws of physics, different pressures are formed, which in our case causes a vortex movement of gases.

Due to the presence of centrifugal force, the air temperature at the outlet is much higher than its inlet temperature, this allows the devices to be used both for heat generation and for effective cooling.

There is another theory of the principle of operation of the heat generator, due to the fact that both vortices rotate with the same angular velocity and direction, the internal vortex angle loses its angular momentum. The decrease in torque transfers kinetic energy to the external vortex, resulting in the formation of separated flows of hot and cold gas. This operating principle is exactly the same as the Peltier effect, in which the device uses electrical pressure (voltage) energy to move heat to one side of a dissimilar metal junction, causing the other side to cool and return the consumed energy to the source.

Advantages of a vortex heat generator

  • Provides a significant (up to 200 º C) temperature difference between “cold” and “hot” gas, works even at low inlet pressure;
  • Operates with efficiency up to 92%, does not require forced cooling;
  • Converts the entire inlet flow into one cooling flow. Thanks to this, the possibility of overheating of heating systems is practically eliminated
  • The energy generated in a vortex tube in a single flow is used, which contributes to the efficient heating of natural gas with minimal heat loss;
  • Provides effective separation of the eddy temperature of the inlet gas at atmospheric pressure and the outlet gas at negative pressure.

Such alternative heating, at almost zero volt consumption, perfectly heats a room of 100 square meters (depending on the modification). Main disadvantages
: This is high cost and rarely used in practice.

Scope of application

IllustrationDescription of application

. Equipment that converts the mechanical energy of water movement into heat is successfully used in heating various buildings, from small private buildings to large industrial facilities.

By the way, in Russia today you can already count at least ten settlements where centralized heating is provided not by traditional boiler houses, but by gravity generators.

Heating running water for domestic use
. The heat generator, when connected to the network, heats the water very quickly. Therefore, such equipment can be used to heat water in an autonomous water supply system, in swimming pools, bathhouses, laundries, etc.

Mixing immiscible liquids
. In laboratory conditions, cavitation units can be used for high-quality mixing of liquid media with different densities until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Integration into the heating system of a private home

In order to use a heat generator in a heating system, it must be installed into it. How to do this correctly? In fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

In front of the generator (marked 2 in the figure) a centrifugal pump (1 in the figure) is installed, which will supply water with a pressure of up to 6 atmospheres. After the generator, an expansion tank (6 in the figure) and shut-off valves are installed.

Advantages of using cavitation heat generators

Advantages of a vortex source of alternative energy

. Thanks to the efficient consumption of electricity and high efficiency, the heat generator is more economical compared to other types of heating equipment.

Small dimensions compared to conventional heating equipment of similar power
. A stationary generator, suitable for heating a small house, is twice as compact as a modern gas boiler.

If you install a heat generator in a regular boiler room instead of a solid fuel boiler, there will be a lot of free space left.

Low installation weight
. Due to its light weight, even large high-power installations can be easily placed on the floor of the boiler room without building a special foundation. There are no problems at all with the location of compact modifications.

Simple design
. The cavitation type heat generator is so simple that there is nothing to break in it.

The device has a small number of mechanically moving elements, and there are no complex electronics at all. Therefore, the likelihood of device failure, in comparison with gas or even solid fuel boilers, is minimal.

No need for additional modifications
. The heat generator can be integrated into an existing heating system. That is, there is no need to change the diameter of the pipes or their location.

No need for water treatment
. If a running water filter is needed for normal operation of a gas boiler, then by installing a cavitation heater, you don’t have to worry about blockages.

Due to specific processes in the working chamber of the generator, blockages and scale do not appear on the walls.

Equipment operation does not require constant monitoring
. If solid fuel boilers need to be looked after, the cavitation heater operates in autonomous mode.

The operating instructions for the device are simple - just plug in the engine and, if necessary, turn it off.

Environmental friendliness
. Cavitation installations do not affect the ecosystem in any way, because the only energy-consuming component is the electric motor.

How to make a heat generator with your own hands

Vortex heat generators are very complex devices; in practice, you can make an automatic Potapov VTG, the circuit of which is suitable for both home and industrial work.

This is how Potapov’s mechanical heat generator (efficiency 93%) appeared, the diagram of which is shown in the figure. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrakov was the first to receive a patent, it is Potapov’s device that enjoys particular success among home craftsmen.

This diagram shows the design of a vortex generator. Mixing pipe 1 is connected to the pressure pump by a flange, which in turn supplies liquid with a pressure of 4 to 6 atmospheres. When water enters the collector, in drawing 2, a vortex is formed and it is fed into a special vortex tube (3), which is designed so that the length is 10 times greater than the diameter. A vortex of water moves along a spiral pipe near the walls to the hot nozzle. This end ends with bottom 4, in the center of which there is a special hole for the outlet of hot water.

To control the flow, a special braking device, or water flow straightener 5, is located in front of the bottom; it consists of several rows of plates that are welded to the sleeve in the center. The sleeve is coaxial with tube 3. At the moment when water moves through the pipe to the rectifier along the walls, a countercurrent flow is formed in the axial section. Here the water moves towards fitting 6, which is embedded in the wall of the volute and the liquid supply pipe. Here the manufacturer installed another disc flow straightener 7 to control the flow of cold water. If heat comes out of the liquid, it is directed through a special bypass 8 to the hot end 9, where the water is mixed with the heated water using the mixer 5.

Directly from the hot water pipe, the liquid flows into the radiators, after which it makes a “circle” and returns to the coolant for reheating. Next, the source heats the liquid, the pump repeats the circle.

According to this theory, there are even modifications of the heat generator for mass production of low pressure. Unfortunately, the projects are only good on paper; in reality, few people use them, especially considering that the calculation is carried out using the Virial theorem, which must take into account the energy of the Sun (a non-constant value) and the centrifugal force in the pipe.

The formula is as follows:

Epot = – 2 Ekin

Where Ekin = mV2/2 is the kinetic movement of the Sun;

The mass of the planet is m, kg.

A household vortex-type heat generator for Potapov water may have the following technical characteristics:

Rotary heat generator

This unit is a modernized centrifugal pump, or rather its housing, which will serve as a stator. You can’t do without a working chamber and pipes.

Inside the body of our hydrodynamic design there is a flywheel as an impeller. There is a huge variety of rotary heat generator designs. The simplest among them is the disk design.

The required number of holes, which must have a certain diameter and depth, are applied to the cylindrical surface of the rotor disk. They are commonly called "Griggs cells". It is worth noting that the size and number of drilled holes will vary depending on the caliber of the rotor disk and the speed of the electric motor shaft.

The body of such a heat source is most often made in the form of a hollow cylinder. In essence, it is an ordinary pipe with welded flanges at the ends. The gap between the inside of the housing and the flywheel will be very small (approximately 1.5-2 mm).

Direct heating of water will occur precisely in this gap. Heating of the liquid is achieved due to its friction against the surface of the rotor and housing at the same time, while the flywheel disk moves at almost maximum speeds.

Cavitation (bubble formation) processes that occur in rotor cells have a great influence on the heating of the liquid.

A rotary heat generator is a modernized centrifugal pump, or rather its housing, which will serve as a stator

As a rule, the diameter of the disk in this type of heat generator is 300 mm, and the rotation speed of the hydraulic device is 3200 rpm. Depending on the size of the rotor, the rotation speed will vary.

Analyzing the design of this installation, we can conclude that its operating life is quite short. Due to the constant heating and abrasive action of water, the gap gradually expands.

Description of the generator

There are different types of vortex heat generators; they are mainly distinguished by their shape. Previously, only tubular models were used; now round, asymmetrical or oval ones are actively used. It should be noted that this small device can provide completely autonomous heating, and with the right approach, also hot water supply.

A vortex and hydro-vortex heat generator is a mechanical device that separates compressed gas from hot and cold streams. The air coming out of the “hot” end can reach a temperature of 200 ° C, and from the cold end it can reach -50. It should be noted that the main advantage of such a generator is that this electrical device has no moving parts, everything is permanently fixed. Pipes are most often made of stainless alloy steel, which perfectly withstands high temperatures and external destructive factors (pressure, corrosion, shock loads).

The compressed gas is blown tangentially into the vortex chamber, after which it is accelerated to a high rotation speed. Due to the conical nozzle at the end of the outlet pipe, only the "incoming" portion of the compressed gas is allowed to flow in a given direction. The rest is forced to return to the internal vortex, which is smaller in diameter than the outer one.

Where are vortex heat generators used:

  1. In refrigeration units;
  2. To provide heating for residential buildings;
  3. For heating industrial premises;

It must be taken into account that the vortex gas and hydraulic generator has lower efficiency than traditional air conditioning equipment. They are widely used for low-cost spot cooling when compressed air from a local heating network is available.

Video: studying vortex heat generators

Price overview

Despite their relative simplicity, it is often easier to buy vortex cavitation heat generators than to assemble a homemade device yourself. Sales of new generation generators are carried out in many large cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Let's look at the price list from open sources (mini-devices will be cheaper), how much the Mustafaev, Bolotov and Potapov generator costs:

The lowest price for a vortex energy heat generator of the brands Akoil, Vita, Graviton, Must, Euroalliance, Yusmar, NTK, in Izhevsk, for example, is about 700,000 rubles. When purchasing, be sure to check the device passport and quality certificates.

The purpose of the Potapov vortex heat generator (VTG), made by yourself, is to obtain heat only with the help of an electric motor and a pump. This device is mainly used as an economical heater.

Scheme of the vortex thermal system.

The easiest way is to make a vortex heat generator from standard parts. Any electric motor will do this. The more powerful it is, the larger volume of water it will heat to a given temperature.

Insulation of a vortex engine

Before putting the device into operation, it should be insulated. This is done after constructing the casing. It is recommended to wrap the structure with thermal insulation. As a rule, high-temperature resistant material is used for these purposes. The insulation layer is attached to the device casing with wire. One of the following materials should be used as thermal insulation:

Ready thermal generator.

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • basalt wool.

As you can see from the list, almost any fiber insulation will do. A vortex induction heater, reviews of which can be found all over the Russian Internet, must be insulated with high quality. Otherwise, there is a risk that the device will give off more heat to the room where it is installed. Good to know: “Insulation of pipelines with mineral wool.”

What features are endowed with long-burning wood stoves in this article.

Finally, some advice should be given. First, it is recommended to paint the surface of the product. This will protect it from corrosion. Secondly, it is advisable to make all the internal elements of the device thicker. This approach will increase their wear resistance and resistance to aggressive environments. Third, it’s worth making several spare caps. They must also have holes on the plane of the required diameter in the required places. This is necessary in order to achieve a higher efficiency of the unit through selection.

Ways to Improve Productivity

Heat pump diagram.

Heat loss occurs in the pump. So Potapov’s vortex heat generator in this version has a significant drawback. Therefore, it is logical to surround the submerged pump with a water jacket so that its heat is also used for useful heating.

Make the outer casing of the entire device slightly larger than the diameter of the existing pump. This can be either a finished pipe, which is desirable, or a parallelepiped made from sheet material. Its dimensions must be such that the pump, coupling and the generator itself fit inside. The thickness of the walls must withstand the pressure in the system.

To reduce heat loss, install thermal insulation around the device body. It can be protected with a casing made of tin. As an insulator, use any thermal insulation material that can withstand the boiling point of the liquid.

  1. Assemble a compact device consisting of a submersible pump, a connecting pipe and a heat generator that you assembled with your own hands.
  2. Decide on its dimensions and select a pipe of a diameter that will easily accommodate all these mechanisms.
  3. Make covers on one side and the other.
  4. Ensure the rigidity of the internal mechanisms and the ability of the pump to pump water through itself from the resulting reservoir.
  5. Make an inlet hole and attach the pipe to it. The pump should be located inside with its water intake as close as possible to this hole.

Weld a flange on the opposite end of the pipe. With its help the cover will be attached through a rubber gasket. To make it easier to mount the insides, make a simple, lightweight frame or skeleton. Assemble the device inside it. Check the fit and tightness of all components. Insert into the housing and close the lid.

Connect to consumers and check everything for leaks. If there are no leaks, turn on the pump. By opening and closing the valve located at the outlet of the generator, adjust the temperature.

Vortex induction heaters - operating principle

Eddy induction heaters operate on the basis of the physical law that eddy currents arising (induced) by an alternating magnetic field heat the environment.

In theory. The hollow electromagnetic core with the induction coil is protected by a shielding shell from environmental influences. When voltage is applied through the terminal box, an alternating magnetic field is created, inducing eddy currents in the core coil, which leads to heating of the metal systems of the heat exchange system. Heat enters the coolant circulation system, heating it. The temperature is set using a thermostat, and the thermostat automatically maintains the set temperature.

On practice. Vortex induction heaters are a tube wrapped in wire that is supplied with alternating current. Cold coolant enters the pipe, usually from below, but also from the side. Eddy currents, which are created by alternating current in the wires wrapped around the pipe, heat the pipe, and, consequently, heat the water.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what a popular and sought-after source of alternative energy is. This means that it will be easy for you to decide whether such equipment is suitable or not. I also recommend watching the video in this article.

Ready thermal generator.

Depending on the type of device, the method of its manufacture also changes. It is worth familiarizing yourself with each type of device, studying the production features before getting to work. A simple way to make a Ranke vortex tube with your own hands is to use ready-made elements. To do this you will need any engine. At the same time, a device of greater power is able to heat more coolant, which will increase the productivity of the system.

For a successful construction, ready-made solutions should be found. You can create a vortex heat generator with your own hands, the drawings and diagrams of which will be available, without much difficulty. To carry out construction work you will need the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • iron corners;
  • welding;
  • drill and a set of several drills;
  • accessories and a set of keys;
  • primer, dye and brushes.

It is worth understanding that rotary devices produce quite a lot of noise during operation. But in comparison with other devices, they are characterized by greater productivity. Drawings and diagrams for making a vortex heat generator with your own hands can be found everywhere. It is worth understanding that the work will be completed successfully only if the production technology is fully complied with.

Electrical energy generating devices can be divided into several categories, depending on what type of energy is used for conversion:

  • thermal;
  • hydraulic;
  • wind;
  • sunny.

All these devices are currently the main suppliers of electricity. The disadvantage here is the dependence on converted sources.

Amplifying transmitter CE Tesla

Disadvantages of Energy Sources

Thermal electric generators use the energy of combustion of coal or petroleum products, the reserves of which in the bowels of the earth are coming to an end. Nuclear power plants also belong to this type. The reserves of radioactive elements are still quite large, but they are also not infinite. Thermal power plants cause the greatest harm to the environment. These are emissions of incompletely burned hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, as well as a high probability of radioactive contamination (for nuclear powered devices).

Hydraulic devices include hydroelectric power plants, which use the energy stored in river water in reservoirs, and tidal power plants, which use the energy of the ebb and flow of tides. The normal operation of hydroelectric power plants depends on the water level in the reservoir and, if it decreases significantly, is excluded. In addition, hydroelectric dams have an extremely negative impact on existing ecosystems of rivers and coastal areas. Tidal power plants have less negative impact on the environment.

Wind generators depend on air movement and can only be built in areas with stable winds. With climate change, the performance of wind generators may be in question.

The situation is similar with solar energy conversion devices. Solar power plants are installed only in areas with a large number of sunny days a year. At night and in cloudy weather, such power plants do not operate.

These shortcomings force us to actively search for alternative energy sources.

Alternative energy sources

Among enthusiasts, the most widespread attention is paid to the use of free energy and the Earth's magnetic field. Since there is still no scientific basis for determining free energy, disputes arise about what free energy is. Most of the research is carried out in the field of application of radiant energy, vacuum energy and magnetic field. The source of inspiration for constructing free energy generators with your own hands comes from the work of Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla.

All devices that use the principle of free energy in their work are divided into:

  • radiant generators;
  • permanent magnet blocking generators without moving parts;
  • permanent magnet blocking generators;
  • transgenerator;
  • mechanical heaters with an efficiency coefficient greater than one;
  • implosion (Potapov vortex generators);
  • electrolysis of water without external energy sources;
  • heat pumps;
  • cold nuclear fusion.

Of all the listed devices, only heat pumps have a strict scientific basis. More precisely, they are not free energy generators, since they use temperature differences in different layers of the earth in their work.

Radiant CE generators

Radiant energy is similar to electrostatic energy, which is why there is often confusion. Radiant energy is obtained from the environment or an external source of electricity with subsequent release of its excess into the external circuit.

The most famous radiant energy devices are the Tesla amplifying transmitter, the self-powered CE generator, and the T. Henry Morrey generator. All new schemes use their principles of operation.

Tesla amplifying transmitter

The Tesla amplifying transmitter is a resonant transformer with special flat-shaped windings, which are powered from an external source of electricity through special capacitors and spark gaps.

A special feature of the transmitter is the generation of standing waves of radiant energy in the environment, which did not weaken with distance. The field of application of the amplifying transmitter was supposed to be remote wireless transmission of electricity. Unfortunately, Tesla did not have time to fully complete experiments on energy transfer, and the drawings and descriptions of the experimental installations turned out to be classified after his death. A photo of the receiving and transmitting tower of the Tesla amplifying transmitter is shown above.

Assembled with their own hands, the new installations, even if they worked, produced extremely low efficiency. The only device that you can assemble and test with your own hands is the Tesla transformer, which has a huge transformation ratio and is capable of producing an output voltage of tens and hundreds of thousands of volts at an insignificant cost of input electricity.

Generator T. Henry Morrey

The T. Henry Morrey generator is based on the conversion of radiant energy through specially designed capacitors and diodes. Structurally, the capacitors were similar to vacuum tubes, however, unlike the latter, they did not require additional heating of the electrodes (Fig. below).

Condenser T. Henry Morrey

A self-powered CE generator is a self-oscillating generator that requires energy supply from an external source to start generation. Subsequently, power is generated from the output voltage of the generator under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field. If a self-assembled generator is started from a battery, then when the blocking generator operates with self-feeding, excess energy can be used to recharge the battery (Fig. below). The operation of the generator is based on the interaction of the magnetic field of the transformer with energy from various sources.

Self-powered CE generator circuit

One of the options for a self-powered free energy generator is a transgenerator (Fig. below). This generator uses the action of the Earth's magnetic field on the windings of the transformer and is very easy to assemble with your own hands.

Scheme of a transgenerator - a self-powered free energy generator

Free Energy Generators

By combining the physical processes of self-powered CE generators and permanent magnet generators, a permanent magnet magnetic blocking generator circuit is obtained (Fig. below). Such a blocking oscillator also requires a pulse from the input source to start oscillating. Powerful magnets are used here to create a magnetic field.

Scheme of blocking oscillator CE on permanent magnets

Implosion (vortex) generators

When talking about electricity generators, one cannot fail to mention heat sources that allow the generation of heat with an efficiency of more than 100%. We are talking about vortex generators designed by Yu. S. Potapov. The operation of the heat generator is based on the interaction of coaxial vortex fluid flows. The operating principle of the Potapov vortex generator is shown in the figure below.

Scheme of the Potapov vortex generator

Water is supplied by a centrifugal pump through the pipe (2). Moving in a spiral along the outer wall of the housing (1), the liquid approaches the reflecting cone (4), where it is divided into two streams. The external, heated flow returns to the pump, and the internal, reflected from the surface of the cone, forms a vortex of smaller diameter, which passes inside the primary vortex and enters the outlet pipe (3), to which the heating system is connected.

Heating of the liquid occurs due to heat exchange between the vortices. The absence of moving parts in the heat exchanger provides the heat generator with ultra-high efficiency.

It is difficult to assemble a Potapov vortex heater with your own hands, since it requires the use of factory equipment for metal processing.

New versions of heat generators use the phenomenon of cavitation - the formation of microscopic vapor bubbles in a liquid volume and their collapse. This process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of thermal energy.

Electrolysis of water

New areas of research that deal with the problem of water electrolysis without the use of third-party energy sources are very promising. Water is the simplest reversible source of energy. Everything is very simple. Water molecules are made up of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Electrolysis produces oxygen and hydrogen gases, which can be used as a replacement for any hydrocarbon fuel.

The interaction of oxygen and hydrogen occurs with the formation of water molecules and the release of a large amount of heat. The problem with electrolysis is the need to supply a large amount of energy for the reaction to occur. By changing the configuration of the electrodes and the composition of the catalyst, as well as the energy of the magnetic field, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in power consumption. A number of experiments have already been carried out that prove the possibility of decomposing water into its constituent elements without supplying energy and creating new sources of energy.

Cold fusion

Traditional nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, during which some elements are converted into others, require enormous amounts of energy to initiate the process. This is due to the fact that in order to transform elements, it is necessary to bring their nuclei together to a very small distance, at which the forces of mutual repulsion are so great that they require enormous amounts of energy.

Such reactions occur in nuclear reactors, atomic bombs and particle accelerators under conditions of high magnetic field strength.

A nuclear reactor works on the same principle as an atomic bomb, except that the reaction can be controlled. Reactors require specific fuel and are extremely dangerous in terms of radiation contamination and exposure.

The problem of cold fusion is to find a way to carry out nuclear reactions without supplying external energy and without releasing radioactive radiation. As with water electrolysis, new research has already yielded positive results.

The problem with free energy generators is the active opposition of supporters of traditional sources, since the entire world economy is based on hydrocarbon fuels and radioactive materials. Cold fusion has been declared a pseudoscience, and all funding in this area has been stopped. All work is carried out only by enthusiasts.

Video. Self-powered generator

On the Internet you can find many references to designs of CE generators of various types, such as a transgenerator or a blocking CE generator. Descriptions and technical characteristics, methods of calculations and do-it-yourself assembly are provided. However, there is not a single link indicating where one can see a working prototype of a free energy generator. Also, many people assembled free energy generators and blocking generators with their own hands, but their characteristics did not correspond to the declared ones, or the devices did not work at all.

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