Bamboo wallpaper in the room. Bamboo wallpaper in the interior is a stylish finish with exotic eco-friendly material. In the children's room

Modern finishing materials abound in a diverse range. Therefore, many people are beginning to prefer natural products. These finishing materials include wallpaper made from bamboo. The features of using bamboo wallpaper in the interior will now be discussed.

A special type of bamboo is used to produce wallpaper:

  • its stems are cut, dried and placed in a room with a certain temperature regime;
  • bamboo splits;
  • slats are made from sections of stems;
  • the slats are glued to the gauze fabric.

The cuts are made both from the outside of the bamboo and from the inside. The upper cuts produce wallpaper, which is similar in structure to bamboo. When making wallpaper from internal cuts, the slats acquire uniform tones.

The following standard sizes of bamboo wallpaper exist:

  • slats width - 4-20 mm (pressed sheets are used to produce the widest ones);
  • roll length - 10-15 m;
  • roll width - 0.9-2.5 m.

Based on color, bamboo wallpaper in the interior is conventionally divided into:

  • light;
  • dark.

Light-colored products include yellow wallpaper (the natural shade of bamboo). To produce dark-colored material, wood undergoes special processing.

Characteristics of bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo finishing material is a natural material. Wallpaper can be used to decorate all living spaces, including the bedroom and children's room. Bamboo wallpaper in the interior will look stylish and fashionable.

The positive characteristics of the material include:

  • versatility of use;
  • excellent bactericidal qualities;
  • ease of gluing;
  • long operational period;
  • preservation of the original appearance for a long time;
  • Ideal compatibility with other materials and a variety of styles.

Bamboo wallpaper has the following disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • difficult cutting across the slats (a grinder is required);
  • using only special glue designed for heavy canvases;
  • the difficulty of joining adjacent canvases with a given pattern.

The last problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. Use special connecting elements (plinths, strips, moldings) that seal all junctions.
  2. Finish the surface with wide canvases (up to 2.5 m), which are placed in a horizontal plane.

Material selection

When purchasing bamboo wallpaper, you should consider a number of features. To create a strict and stylish design, material with cool shades is purchased. If you need to make the room warm and cozy, then the best solution is golden shades.

Attention is also drawn to other finishing materials used in the room. Wallpaper should be in harmony with the surrounding elements (for example, tension or furniture and miniature sculptures, figured structures and other accessories).

In some cases, it is not necessary to wallpaper the entire room. You should simply focus on them, shading other cladding. Bamboo will be the main focus of the design, and the rest of the finishing will highlight it. It all depends on the style of the interior and the type of room.


Bamboo wallpaper in the bedroom interior is the key to a radical change in the design of the room. Particular attention is paid to the color of the material. Yellow, green and brown colors will be the best solution for a bedroom where a relaxing atmosphere should reign.

The wallpaper is complemented by original drawings. When decorating the entire room, you can highlight certain places. For example, a narrow strip is created above the head of the sofa to create printed patterns (birds of paradise, beautiful butterflies).

When gluing bamboo wallpaper, you should take into account the distance to the ceiling. If there is a high ceiling, the slats are mounted horizontally. If the ceilings are low, then they are visually enlarged using the vertical arrangement of the slats.

It should be noted that the wall decoration should not be the same color as the ceiling. More contrasting wallpaper (either darker or lighter) is used for walls. Green bamboo wallpaper (pictured) will look quite stylish in the interior.

Several options for using bamboo wallpaper in the bedroom:

  1. If the bedroom is located in an attic with sloping ceilings, then the wallpaper on the walls should differ in both shades and pattern width. In addition, furniture is installed in the room, which is also made from thick bamboo stalks.
  2. In the bedroom, decorated in a colonial style, massive and simple dark-colored furniture (bed, chest of drawers, bench) harmonizes perfectly with bamboo wallpaper. Multicultural accessories combined with heavy furniture take the room's visitors back to the centuries of European conquerors.
  3. Bamboo wallpaper is in harmony with wide roller shutters made from the same material. The bedroom features black parquet flooring, white ceiling plinth and black doors opening onto the balcony.
  4. When creating an exotic style in a room, wallpaper with wide and convex slats is suitable. They are made from the outer stem, which is more textured. Wall panels made from large stems of bamboo are a great addition to a tropical island style bedroom.
  5. For a classic style, wallpaper that has a coffee-beige color and a small pattern is suitable. The material harmoniously complements traditional modern furniture (bed, armchairs, table).


When using bamboo wallpaper in the interior of the hallway, close attention is paid to:

  • proper lighting;
  • availability of suitable furniture and accessories;
  • purchasing textured material with a clearly visible pattern.

It is clear that if there is a window in the hallway, natural light will be sufficient. But in most cases, the hallway is a dark room. In this case, you will additionally have to deal with the construction of an artificial one.

The most acceptable option is bright light that will not distort the colors of furniture and other objects in the room. Lighting should not create shadows. Poor artificial light will not allow you to convey all the beauty and naturalness of the bamboo wallpaper design. The walls will take on pale beige shades, and the slats will turn into one spot.

As for the colors of the wallpaper, it should be selected depending on the furniture (or vice versa). For dark furniture (cherry or chocolate shades), sand-colored finishing material is suitable.

Options for using bamboo wallpaper in the hallway:

  1. A standard-sized wardrobe won't go well with bamboo wallpaper. You need to add one more element. For example, light wicker furniture made from rattan.
  2. If the hallway has a large area, then you can place multi-colored ottomans in African style in it. They will look great against bamboo walls.
  3. A marine theme is also quite appropriate. You can wallpaper a chest of drawers that is not too large. Above the chest of drawers is a mirror trimmed with small shells.
  4. Elements of the now so popular Feng Shui (paintings with hieroglyphs, Chinese bells) will not be suitable for bamboo wallpaper. It is better to use huge dried leaves of exotic plants.


The main advantage of bamboo wallpaper in the kitchen interior (pictured) is ease of maintenance. To remove dust from the wallpaper, just use a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner. Do not use aggressive detergents, as this can damage the fabric.

The best place for wallpapering is the dining area, which is decorated in oriental style (dark furniture, black Japanese dishes). Finishing can be done not with whole canvases. Where communications pass, the wallpaper will have to be cut into pieces.

Options for decorating the kitchen interior with bamboo wallpaper:

  1. Ecostyle. The name itself indicates the presence in the kitchen of only natural products: furniture, finishing materials and other accessories. For this reason, bamboo slats are purchased, for the manufacture of which the outer part of the trunk was used. Such slats undergo minimal processing and are similar in appearance to the primary material (the presence of rings, scratches and cracks). Wallpaper combined with plain wooden furniture, bamboo curtains and light walls will make a small kitchen feel cozy.
  2. Colonial style. The room is dominated by exotic elements, which may include African-style painted crockery and Japanese furniture. It is better to use dark bamboo wallpaper and cover the other walls with chocolate paint.
  3. Modern style. This kitchen is dominated by cold and austere shades, the glossy shine of furniture and household appliances. In this case, bamboo wallpaper will create excellent contrasting shades and give the room a warmer atmosphere.

How to glue wallpaper

To decorate rooms with bamboo wallpaper you will need special glue. A water-based composition, which includes PVA, will not work. This is due to the fact that the wallpaper is quite dense and heavy. Bamboo wallpaper adhesive should contain acrylic, vinyl or carboxymethylcellulose.

You can glue bamboo wallpaper using:

  • CMC glue;
  • contact moment “Plug”;
  • composition Kenda Multifix.

The most common option is CMC glue, which consists of carboxymethylcellulose, talc, dextrin and water. Its popularity is due to its reasonable cost, environmental friendliness and low consumption.

The consumption of CMC depends on the method of its application:

  • when covering a wall you will need 300-350 g/m²;
  • when applied to wallpaper, the consumption will be 200-250 g/m².

To glue bamboo wallpaper, you can also use liquid nails of a certain color. This is especially true for walls made of brick or wood.

Surface finishing

The process of wallpapering is not complicated. But a number of nuances should be taken into account. The main one is that the finishing material is heavy. This will complicate the workflow a little.

Preparatory stage

Before gluing bamboo wallpaper, you will need to prepare the material and surface. The wallpaper is unpacked and placed in the room for a day. The material must “get used” to the temperature and humidity of the room.

  • the surface of the walls is cleaned of old coating, dirt and contaminants;
  • uneven areas are sealed with putty and sanded;
  • the walls are treated with a primer;
  • After drying, the surface is marked (you can draw a vertical line based on the size of the canvas).

The surface to be finished must be clean and dry. It is recommended to wash the walls. The only caveat is that it is prohibited to use detergents consisting of aggressive chemical components.

The next step is preparing the glue:

  • a clean container is filled with water;
  • the dry mixture is poured into water and mixed;
  • the solution is infused for 15 minutes;
  • The glue is mixed again.

The best performance is achieved by glue that is properly mixed. Only this composition will be absorbed normally without leaving marks on the wallpaper.


For this work you will need the following tools:

  • plastic spatula;
  • soft brush with nylon bristles;
  • metal scissors.

The technology for decorating walls with bamboo wallpaper involves performing the following actions:

  • cutting the material (this is done along the canvas with a sharp knife);
  • It is not recommended to fold wallpaper blanks, since the folds cannot be smoothed out;
  • the canvas on the reverse side is impregnated with glue and kept for 5-7 minutes;
  • to avoid the appearance of air bubbles, the surface of the wallpaper, including the outermost part of the material, must be completely covered with glue;
  • the canvas is carefully applied to the wall and pressed;
  • wallpaper should not be moved on the surface, as it may be damaged;
  • using a damp sponge, excess glue that has not been absorbed is removed from the canvas;
  • gluing of subsequent panels is carried out end-to-end (and in the corners too);
  • A plastic spatula is used to smooth out the finishing material.

To better connect the wallpaper to the wall, gently tap the surface of the material with your hand. After 2-3 hours, you can go over the finish with a soft roller.

Bamboo wallpaper is a rather fragile product. They cannot be wrapped in the corners of the room. Therefore, to give the wall the maximum aesthetic appearance, they should be covered with decorative moldings of a similar color.

Caring for bamboo wallpaper

Excessive exposure to sunlight can lead to fading of the finishing material. The color of the wallpaper becomes faded. To prevent this phenomenon, bamboo wallpaper is treated with varnish.

If the material is used in the interior of the kitchen, then the impregnations must also have moisture-repellent properties. Naturally, even when coated with such impregnations, bamboo wallpaper should not be pasted over. Constant exposure to moisture will cause premature deterioration of the material.

As for cleaning, wallpaper should not be cleaned with a brush or aggressive detergents. Use a soft cloth soaked in water. If dust appears on the bamboo wallpaper, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

Video about decorating a room with bamboo wallpaper:

Recently, the demand for finishing natural materials has increased significantly. Among them, bamboo has a special place. It is bamboo wallpaper in the interior that deserves special attention. The reason for this interest lies in the unique decorative characteristics of this material, thanks to which exoticism, home comfort, as well as traditional simplicity are introduced into the interior. The photo shows bamboo wallpaper in the interior.

Advice! We advise homeowners who dream of making significant changes to the appearance of their apartment on their own to pay attention to this polymer.

Let's talk about the positive characteristics of this decorative material, which made it so popular among interior designers.


Analyzing the main distinctive parameters of these natural fibers, we note that bamboo wallpaper in the interior is good for its resistance to high humidity.

In addition, this natural polymer is suitable for those owners of urban and suburban real estate who prefer environmentally friendly materials. The photo shows an example of decorating a room with natural canvases.

Thanks to the safety of these natural materials, bamboo wallpaper can be used for the interior design of children's rooms, as well as for decorating rooms in medical and health facilities.

Among the unique characteristics of bamboo sheets, we highlight the obstacle to the proliferation of microorganisms and harmful bacteria. This quality of bamboo helps create a favorable microclimate in the room.

The durability of the analyzed natural polymer deserves special attention. The photo shows an example of using bamboo material to decorate a children's room.

It perfectly tolerates changes in indoor air humidity and temperature fluctuations. Over a long period of time, the fibers used retain their original aesthetic characteristics.

In addition, many interior designers are attracted by the cost-effectiveness of bamboo canvases. Given the relatively high cost of that finishing material, thanks to its long service life and preservation of aesthetic characteristics, you can count on significant material benefits when renovating an apartment with these materials. The photo shows an example of the use of bamboo sheets to decorate walls in an apartment.

Types of natural wallpaper

Among the popular options for natural wallpaper, we note several common types. Sisal wallpaper (pictured), which is characterized by gluing fibers onto paper, is popular.

Such materials have an acceptable cost and have excellent aesthetic characteristics. The second option is woven fabrics made from natural plant fibers.

Ease of use

Bamboo sheets are convenient and easy to use (pictured).

Attention! When gluing them to the surface, you must follow the instructions provided by the wallpaper manufacturer.

Caring for bamboo surfaces involves periodically wiping them with a damp cloth, as well as removing dust accumulated on the wallpaper using a vacuum cleaner. Features of the selection of bamboo materials for the interior are presented in the video fragment

Features of application

The use of bamboo in the interior is considered by professionals to be a demonstration of style, an indicator of the excellent taste of the owner of the room. The photo shows an example of the use of bamboo in the design of residential premises.

Bamboo coverings are used to decorate window openings, ceilings, and door slopes. Bamboo is ideal for creating comfortable and beautiful kitchen aprons and changing the appearance of furniture fronts. Bamboo coverings can be used to decorate verandas, balconies, and loggias. Interesting solutions related to the use of bamboo materials in interior design are presented in the photo.

Description of natural fibers

The raw material for the manufacture of bamboo materials is the trunk of natural bamboo. It is split into individual lamellas, the thickness of which ranges from 4 to 20 millimeters. The average width of the lamellas is 50-75 mm. They are created by pressing bamboo fibers. Next, the finished lamellas are glued onto rice paper or a fabric base.

Advice! An interesting solution would be to use natural bamboo materials to create a tropical style in a bathroom or office.

Modern manufacturers of bamboo finishing materials offer two types of their products. Some materials are created from the inside, while others are created from the outside of the trunk.

Those canvases in the production of which the outer part of the trunk was used are distinguished by a pronounced natural ornament, a natural heterogeneous surface, and increased resistance to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Among the color variations of such materials, vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio shades predominate. To obtain color, bamboo slats are fired unevenly.

Textured gray natural materials created from the inside of a bamboo trunk are distinguished by their smooth polished surface. Among the disadvantages of such materials is instability to direct sunlight. In order to cope with this problem, the materials are coated with a layer of protective paint or varnish. The natural shades of bamboo materials are light. To obtain materials of dark colors, natural fibers are dyed or tinted.

Advice! An excellent choice for interior renovation in a country house would be to use jute wallpaper.

The modern construction market offers a variety of natural shades of bamboo, and you can also choose painted materials.

If you decide to renovate a children's room, try to give preference to unpainted (untreated) bamboo canvases. Such natural materials are also suitable for decorating rooms in which there will be people prone to allergies.

Combination with other decorative surfaces

Bamboo natural materials are ideal for creating an eco-style in an apartment or country house. In addition, designers use this material for African, Japanese, exotic, tropical styles. Bamboo goes well with bricks, paint, natural stone, and paper wallpaper.

The “bamboo” interior allows the use of stone sculptures, fresh flowers, decorative figurines, paintings in original wooden frames, and blinds on window openings.

Gray bamboo wallpaper made on a vinyl base looks great in the bedroom. They are suitable for decorating this room in Provence style.


The environmental friendliness and naturalness of such a natural fiber as bamboo have made it a truly sought-after material among modern interior designers. This polymer can increasingly be seen not only in country mansions, but also in city apartments. Residents of megacities, tired of the constant bustle and fast pace of life, strive to create a corner of wildlife in their homes for relaxation and good rest.

Is it worth gluing bamboo wallpaper in the bedroom interior - will it be practical, beautiful and fashionable? Yes, yes and yes again - in this article you will find 5 photos of the best bedrooms that feature exotic design.

By the way, bamboo wallpaper in the living room and hallway is great not only for regular wall decoration, but also for contrasting niches or the back of open cabinets. Of course, it’s a pity to spend expensive finishing on this, but if there are small pieces left from pasting other rooms - go for it!


Bedroom style

  • Wallpaper color
  • Prints
  • Location

Beautiful bedrooms with bamboo wallpaper

"Bedroom Style"

With the help of bamboo wallpaper alone you can radically change the look of your bedroom. And depending on changes in some variables, the original equation will become completely different. There are four influencing factors: color, pattern, scale, direction vector.

"Wallpaper color"

Let bamboo wallpaper become the starting point in the bedroom interior - in the photos presented you will see that designers are constantly checking their color.

  • It is best to decorate the entire room in a similar color scheme, using shades of brown, green, and soft yellow. This palette is very convenient to work with, as you can easily select similar furniture.
  • Designers who are accustomed to checking the recommendations of psychologists will also applaud you. It is known that shades of green and light wood are best suited for harmonizing the atmosphere in the room; in such a bedroom you will automatically begin to tune in to relaxation and peace.


  • In the bedroom, you can afford to complement the bamboo wallpaper with some interesting designs. If you are using this wallpaper not as an accent, but covering all the rooms at once, some part of the room should be highlighted - for example, a narrow strip of wall above the head of the bed. Nowadays there are a lot of printed bamboo wallpapers on sale - you can put ephemeral butterflies or birds of paradise in your bedroom.


  • How to stick bamboo wallpaper - vertically or horizontally? Here you need to build on the height of the ceilings. If they are high, then the slats will look good in a horizontal plane, and if the room looks small, then it is worth visually stretching it out with the direction of the bamboo slats up.

"Beautiful bedrooms with bamboo wallpaper"

We have already talked about how bamboo wallpaper can be placed on the ceiling in the interior of any room; it hides unevenness and looks very harmonious. If you use a similar coating for the walls, then do not repeat the color of the ceiling tone on tone, but choose a contrasting material, lighter or darker.

  • For an example of an unusual bedroom design, see the photo below - bamboo ceiling wallpaper in an attic room with a sloping ceiling. They differ from the walls not only in color, but also in the width of the pattern. The interior of the room with bamboo wallpaper is complemented by furniture made from large plant stems.
  • Bamboo wallpaper in a simple coffee-beige color will fit even into the classic interior of a bedroom or kitchen. Ultimately, the point here is not in color, but in texture - a small pattern looks less exotic, combined with traditional noble furniture. There is no need to be a daredevil and strive for a clear bias towards the Asian style - in the next photo, bamboo only complements the design, and is not its main accent.
  • The colonial style is characterized by simplicity and massiveness of furniture, as well as a mixture of accessories characteristic of the culture of different countries. A recognizable style marker is usually heavy, dark furniture with a laconic shape. In this bedroom, a banquette, a bed and a chest of drawers, combined with bamboo wallpaper, are reminiscent of the interiors of European conquerors, and everything else is dictated by modern tastes.
  • A similar interior can be seen below - here the colonial style is no less interesting. Bamboo wallpaper in the bedroom is combined with black parquet, ceiling plinths and door frames, as well as wide bamboo roller shutters - see photo. The necessary accent is zebra skin upholstery on the banquette and scarlet stains on the pillows.
  • If, on the contrary, you want to make a more obvious emphasis on the exoticism of the bedroom, look for bamboo wallpaper, the slats of which are wide and convex. You will need materials collected from the outer part of the stem - which is more textured and textured. Such wallpaper can be safely complemented with wall panels consisting of very large bamboo stems, as well as noticeable island-style furniture.

Eco-style in the interior, logically, should have appeared in country houses and become their distinctive feature. But nowhere can you see signs of style as often as in big cities. Residents of big cities are so tired of the aesthetics of urban style, stone walls and glass that they are trying to create at least some semblance of an eco-friendly refuge in their home, where everything is natural and fresher.

If completely designing your interior in an eco-style is a rather difficult task, then everyone can take the first step. Just with the help of bamboo wallpaper.

Undoubtedly, not every home is worth buying bamboo wallpaper: for a classic interior or an interior where the spirit of aristocracy hovers, this choice will be inappropriate. But if you like not only eco-style, but also oriental trends and ethnicity, bamboo wallpaper will be a good choice.

  • As a complete wall covering:
  • As a decorative element.

If you decide to completely cover the walls with bamboo wallpaper, your home will get a rustic flavor. This does not mean that it will look rustic - and natural sophistication can be found in this, but additional decor will be needed to convince the natural image.

In addition, bamboo wallpaper can be used in any interior:

  1. For decorating slopes;
  2. For decorating cabinets, chests of drawers, cabinets;
  3. For the restoration of old but still usable furniture.

A distinctive feature of wallpaper is that it goes well with many types of decoration. As an example, with tiles, natural stone, other types of wallpaper or just a painted wall.

Bamboo wallpaper in the interior (video)

Bamboo wallpaper with a pattern or wallpaper with a bamboo pattern

Bamboo wallpaper with a pattern looks great and incredibly stylish in an ethno-interior. However, you won’t see them on sale very often, and the price will be high. But an alternative to this type of wallpaper was simple wallpaper with a bamboo pattern.

This can be regular paper wallpaper, or non-woven or vinyl wallpaper.

There are cases when an imitation of bamboo or a pattern of bamboo will be more justified than bamboo wallpaper itself:

  • In a room with high humidity. In this case, natural finishing with bamboo wallpaper will be unreasonable, since even with special impregnations it absorbs moisture, and natural wallpaper will not withstand its full service life. At the same time, the desired drawing or print will create the necessary mood and allow you to embody the original idea in a certain form.
  • In the kitchen. To prevent natural bamboo wallpaper from becoming an absorber of numerous kitchen odors, wallpaper with a bamboo pattern in the kitchen interior will be the best choice. For the part above the desktop, you can make a special apron with a bamboo pattern that will complement the main wallpaper.
  • In the corridor. It is not always appropriate to have bamboo wallpaper there. The place in the corridor or hallway gets worn out and scratched faster. It’s easier to find an imitation analogue, or vinyl wallpaper with a bamboo pattern, which washes well and looks impressive.

In a children's room, natural bamboo wallpaper is also not the wisest choice - the risk of mechanical impact on the wallpaper is higher, and again, they may require repair in a few years.

Bamboo wallpaper: high-quality imitation

Many people perceive the word “imitation” in relation to wallpaper as something low-quality and cheap. But this is far from true. Modern technologies allow many imitation decorative materials to almost surpass the original.

For example, vinyl photo wallpaper with a bamboo pattern looks incredibly cool. If you decorate the entire central wall in the living room with them, or just a fragment of the wall, the image of the entire room will be transformed.

You can complement the imitation wallpaper in the interior:

  1. Decorative living plants that look like bamboo;
  2. A rug on the floor made in the same color scheme;
  3. Sofa cushions are similar in color to bamboo.

And, of course, various souvenirs and trinkets in the aesthetics of the countries where bamboo grows.

All about bamboo wallpaper (video)

How to glue bamboo wallpaper: step by step instructions

No matter how natural and healthy bamboo wallpaper looks in the interior, gluing it will resemble the same routine, sometimes dynamic process as gluing any other wallpaper. That is, no exceptions or concessions.

So, work begins with preparing the walls. The wall must be smooth, and be sure to treat it with a compound that will prevent mold and mildew from appearing.

There are several answers to the natural question of what to glue bamboo wallpaper on. Many experienced craftsmen claim that liquid nails are the best adhesive composition.

So, gluing standard bamboo wallpaper:

  • Treating the wall with a primer. Drying out the wall.
  • Applying vertical markings.
  • Applying glue to the surface of the wallpaper. Give the glue time to dry a little.
  • Press the wallpaper to the top of the wall, smoothing it with the fabric down. It is important to prevent areas of wallpaper with air underneath.
  • Additional processing.

Additional treatment involves applying an antistatic agent to the wallpaper. This will help keep dust from collecting on the wallpaper. Bamboo wallpaper can also be varnished, stained, and even sanded. The color scheme allows for different experiments.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about glue for bamboo wallpaper on a fabric basis. This is a specialized glue that can be bought at the same store where you buy wallpaper. It is suitable specifically for this type of coating and provides better adhesion to the surface. In short, for natural bamboo wallpaper there are two glue options - fabric-based glue and liquid nail glue.

Bamboo wallpaper in the interior: country style

The interior in the famous country style has not gone out of fashion for a long time. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly drawn to nature in the interior, to everything natural and environmentally friendly.

The decoration of a Russian house is different from the decoration of an English or French one. Therefore, bamboo wallpaper in Russian country will not be the best option, but if you are starting from a different country concept, you can choose wallpaper made from bamboo.

Image of a country-style home with bamboo wallpaper:

  1. Elimination of too bright and saturated colors;
  2. Color balance – if the walls are bright enough, then the accessories are discreet, and vice versa;
  3. Furniture with straight lines and minimal decoration;
  4. Forged furniture;
  5. Textiles that create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, and tranquility.

A country interior, in which bamboo wallpaper will be an excellent backdrop, does not tolerate fuss, an abundance of decor, and many details. He is rather for space, a lot of light and air.

Pasting bamboo wallpaper (video instructions)

Bamboo wallpaper is not a frequent guest in home interiors, but, nevertheless, it is gradually winning the sympathy of adherents of new design trends in the world of finishing materials. And there are many reasons for this - this type of wallpaper not only belongs to the category of fashionable exotic novelties, but is also recommended as an environmentally friendly material that creates a healthy atmosphere at home. The basis of bamboo wallpaper includes components donated by nature itself.

What other additional positive qualities do bamboo wallpapers have and for whom can they be the best stylistic solution? It’s worth trying to understand these issues in order to finally decide to include this unique natural gift in the interior of your home.

Bamboo wallpaper - a mysterious force of nature

The process of making bamboo wallpaper includes several technological aspects. First, carefully selected bamboo fibers are crushed and dried. And then, the bamboo “blanks”, the so-called slats, are attached to special rice paper or ordinary fabric fittings according to a predetermined pattern. Moreover, chemicals are completely excluded from the technological process. Even the glue used to fix the slats is natural.

Many attribute to bamboo not only healthy energy, but also some special, almost magical properties. In Eastern culture, it is believed that bamboo drives away evil spirits from the house and cleanses a person’s aura, filling his home with positively charged energy, as well as attracting health, prosperity and family well-being. There is a belief that bamboo can fulfill any desire of a person.

Therefore, wallpaper containing bamboo particles is not only a unique material for a healthy interior, but also an energetically powerful positive element of the home.

Color in natural tones

Most often, when making bamboo wallpaper, they try to preserve its naturalness in terms of color options. It is not for nothing that only those varieties of bamboo are chosen for the production of wallpaper that do not lose the brightness of their natural colors after drying. This allows you to avoid applying a layer of artificial paint at the final technological stage.

Therefore, the color palette of bamboo wallpaper is based on natural shades. The nuances of tones depend on factors such as the growing conditions of bamboo and its varietal.

The most common shades are the following:

  • light yellow;
  • natural white is the most valuable option for bamboo wallpaper;
  • dark brown and light brown;
  • pale green;
  • rich green;
  • dark olive;
  • copper.

In order for the natural palette to retain its freshness for as long as possible, bamboo wallpaper is coated with an antistatic agent with a dust-repellent effect.

Bamboo wallpaper and stylistic directions

When thinking about whether to include bamboo wallpaper in your home interior, many worry about whether the fashionable finishing element will be able to fit harmoniously into the overall style of the home.

You should know that bamboo wallpaper is perfect for a home where oriental style dominates. They will also be a good addition to a room made in ethnic style.

Fans of country and safari can safely choose bamboo. A fashionable novelty will be able to favorably emphasize all the sophistication of Japanese style or the exoticism of African.

Bamboo grows in warm southern countries. More than half of a living plant is liquid. After drying, only 10% of the weight remains. In the manufacture of such wallpaper, a special type of bamboo is used. The cut stems are half dried and kept for several months in a specially equipped warehouse at a certain temperature.

The color of the stems depends on the type of bamboo and the place of growth. It exists in a fairly wide range from green, yellow, white, brown with a wide variation of shades. Manufacturers take this into account and create original wallpapers by selecting bamboo of different colors.

They are used to cover walls, ceilings, one wall or part of a room, doors, furniture facades and other surfaces. This material was chosen by the owners of restaurants, cafes, all kinds of clubs, hotels and billiard rooms.

Bamboo wallpaper in the interior goes very well with various styles, finishes and furniture. Thanks to these qualities, as well as the practicality of their use, they have won the love and recognition of consumers, and thanks to the endless possibilities in implementing the most extraordinary and unusual design ideas, they have also won success among interior designers.

They fit any style, but go especially well with decoration made from natural materials or imitation natural materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of bamboo wallpaper

The advantages of this type of wall covering are incomparably greater than any other type:

  1. Firstly, they are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view; they can be glued without fear in children's rooms and kitchens.
  2. In addition, bamboo fibers have the unique property of preventing the growth of bacteria. Due to their versatility, they cover not only walls, but also ceilings.
  3. They are resistant to mechanical damage, sudden temperature changes and other atmospheric influences, so they can also be used for exterior decoration if covered with a protective layer of varnish.
  4. They are used for finishing offices, balconies, loggias and furniture, as they are surprisingly light, flexible and at the same time hard, and have good heat and sound insulation.
  5. Bamboo wallpaper in the interior is easy to glue even for a non-professional; no special skills are required; they can be easily glued to brick, timber, and even concrete, without preliminary surface treatment.
  6. Perhaps the only conditions for their most successful use are a flat surface without peeling plaster, as well as the use of special glue for heavy canvases.

Despite the fact that they, like , are not cheap, the use of bamboo wallpaper in the interior is very economical. It is not at all necessary to decorate all the walls with them; to design a high-status and non-standard interior, it is enough to highlight small areas with their help, and you will already get a special style that emphasizes your individuality.

After all, natural beauty will distinguish them favorably from standard wallpaper and repetitive industrial designs.

In addition, they practically do not fade, which extends their service life, and therefore, you will not have to spend money on repairs too often.

They can be vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth, they are wide and thick enough, which allows you to hide small irregularities on the walls, and also glue them both horizontally and vertically.

Disadvantages of bamboo wallpaper:

However, like any other type of wall covering, bamboo wallpaper in the interior also has disadvantages, although they are much fewer. But it’s still worth knowing them in advance so as not to be disappointed in your purchase later.

1. First of all, this is the difficulty of docking. Since the material is natural, the pattern is not repeated, and, therefore, there is a problem of harmonious and imperceptible joining of the canvases.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • Firstly, you can purchase wide canvases of 2.5 meters and glue them horizontally, however, in this case, the process will be very complicated.
  • Secondly, you can use special connecting elements of the desired color, which design all junctions and joints aesthetically and harmoniously.

The elements can be different: from universal strips to special skirting boards, joints and edges. They must not only be glued, but also nailed to the walls.

2. Another significant drawback is that cutting them across the slats will be very difficult and this can only be done with a grinder or a special knife for metal. Whereas they are cut lengthwise quite easily with a construction knife.

3. In addition, it is better to carry out gluing while wearing construction gloves and a respirator, since for bamboo they use not the usual aqueous glue composition, but a special glue with a solvent, which has a rather heavy odor.

4. One of the important disadvantages is the high price of natural materials, such as bamboo.

However, this is justified by the many advantages of such wallpapers in comparison with vinyl, paper or other artificial types.

How to choose bamboo wallpaper in the interior

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you decide to purchase this particular material, then the next step is to choose the type that is right for you.

Since the canvas of such wallpaper is bamboo slats fixed to the fabric with a width of five to twenty-five millimeters, their color will be correspondingly yellow or green, such as natural bamboo stems.

If you see darker colors, this is the result of heat treatment.
The standard width of the rolls is 90 centimeters or 1 – 1.5 – 2 – 2.5 meters.

The most popular are canvases made from the outside of the stems; their design is distinguished by an original natural pattern that completely reproduces the natural structure of bamboo branches. Just as in nature, the color of this plant can be of different saturation and contrast, and the canvas can be selected to suit any necessary color parameters.

In addition, they can be specially painted, in case it is necessary to match the color of the walls to the color of the furniture, interior, or accessories. In this case, wallpaper can be either one color or made up of contrasting colors, alternating with each other.

One type of bamboo wallpaper is varnished, which is made from polished bamboo strips. The advantages of this type are their durability and moisture resistance, which allows them to be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

More durable ones are stitched wallpaper made of bamboo, firmly connected to a fabric base. In addition, bright stitching will help create special decorative effects in the design of the room.

Finally, you have decided on the type of wallpaper you have chosen and the color. All that remains is to glue them and your interior design will acquire an extraordinary style.

How to glue bamboo wallpaper

Gluing them is not difficult, but there are some subtleties. They are quite heavy in weight and therefore inconvenient to work with. The tools you need are a soft spatula, a brush, and metal scissors for cutting edges. Special vinyl adhesive is available for sale.

Before you start pasting, it’s worth knowing a few general rules so that the walls look perfect and you don’t waste a lot of effort. First, you need to bring the wallpaper into the room in which you plan to glue it and leave it for a day or two, having first unpacked and unfolded it.

This is necessary so that the canvases acclimatize in the room, acquire the same temperature and humidity and in the future do not peel off or become askew. If this is not done, then the likelihood that the repair will have to be redone will be very high.

Then you need to clean the walls from dirt, grease, lime, etc. If necessary, apply putty, plaster, etc. to uneven areas. If the surface of the walls is crumbling or has a porous structure, then it must be treated with a primer.

You don’t have to achieve a perfectly smooth surface; the material hides minor surface roughnesses. If there is a sufficiently large defect in the wall, you must first stick on a special backing paper.

After the wall has dried, measurements and calculations are performed, and the wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length. Only then the glue is diluted. Then, using a protractor, draw an even mark on the wall for the first stripe.

The wallpaper is thoroughly impregnated with glue, then the wall is smeared. Carefully apply them to the wall and carefully smooth them along the grain with a dry rag or sponge.

Pasting is done end-to-end. If you are gluing brick, concrete, or wooden walls, the gluing must be done with a special glue called “liquid nails”. To give the finished look, you need to use bamboo moldings.

If excess glue gets on the front side of the wallpaper, wipe it with a clean cloth, but do not rub the glue. In order to improve the contact of the canvas with the wall, you can tap its surface with your palm. If self-pasting is intimidating, you can invite craftsmen.

After an hour or two, you should check how the wallpaper is stuck to the wall; if necessary, you can roll it with a roller.

Subtleties of gluing bamboo wallpaper

  1. Hanging bamboo wallpaper is not particularly difficult, but at the same time it has its own technological features.
  2. When carrying out this process, a special contact adhesive is used, which should be thoroughly absorbed into the wallpaper for about ten minutes.
  3. The edges of the wallpaper, if necessary, are trimmed with a special thin, sharply sharpened knife.
  4. Bamboo wallpaper should not be bent or twisted due to its increased fragility.
  5. You need to level the wallpaper on the wall very carefully, using a rubber roller or plastic spatula.
  6. Wallpaper made of bamboo is not only spectacular, but also very easy to care for - they can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or wiped with a damp cloth. The only rule is that they cannot be washed.

By decorating the interior with bamboo wallpaper, you can not only stylistically transform your home, but also fill it with the healthy, magical power of bamboo.

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