Sorghum beneficial properties and contraindications. Sorghum: a unique plant. Other plant names

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A crop such as sorghum ( lat. Sorghum, what does it mean in translation "to rise"), thanks to its rather long and strong stem, is better known as a natural raw material for the manufacture of high-quality brooms.

The homeland of this annual plant is East Africa, where this crop was grown in the 4th century BC. Then the plant spread widely throughout India, the countries of the European continent, Asia and America.

Due to its resistance to dry and hot climates, sorghum has long been considered a valuable food product and is still the main source of food among peoples representing the African continent.

Today, sorghum is one of the five most popular plants in the world and has found application in a wide variety of areas of human activity. This crop also grows well in Ukraine (especially in the southern regions).

Sorghum is a fairly unpretentious heat-loving cereal plant with a well-developed root system.

It is not difficult to grow this plant, since it demonstrates good productivity, is absolutely not demanding on the composition of the soil and can grow even in conditions of infertile land. The only negative is that it does not tolerate frost well. But sorghum has excellent drought resistance and is resistant to many harmful insects and infections, so in most cases it does not require the use of expensive pesticides.

In addition to an excellent set of vitamins and minerals, the plant is a valuable source of carbohydrates and protein, so it is recommended for athletes to quickly gain muscle mass and restore strength.

However, this product in its pure form is rarely used in cooking, since sorghum seeds have a bitter taste and a rather thick peel. But the plant is effectively used in livestock farming (as feed for livestock and birds), and vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements are also produced from it.

Main varieties of sorghum and beneficial properties

There are about 70 species of cultivated sorghum and 24 wild varieties in the world.

Sorghum, depending on the scope of application, is divided into several types:

· Grain

· Sugar

· Herbaceous


Occupies a separate place technical variety of this plant, from which ordinary brooms are made.

Grain sorghum It is widely used as a raw material for food production: cereals, starch and flour, from which porridges, flat cakes and bread are prepared, after mixing it with wheat flour for better viscosity.

Starch extracted from these plants is widely used in pulp and paper production, in the mining and textile industries, and in medicine. Sorghum is superior to even corn in terms of starch content, and it is much easier to grow.

Sugar variety sorghum contains up to 20% natural sugar (its maximum concentration is observed in the stems immediately after the flowering phase), so the plant is used to produce jams, molasses, beer, various sweets and alcohol.

It is noteworthy that sorghum sugar, unlike beet and cane sugar, is considered dietary, so it is recommended to be consumed even by people with diabetes. In addition, the production of sugar from sorghum is 50% (!) cheaper than other analogues.

Since this plant contains a large amount of beneficial nutrients, high-quality silage and hay are produced from the sugar variety of sorghum.

Sorghum is also increasingly used for the production of biological fuel. For example, in China there is a special government program aimed at cultivating this crop, since it produces solid briquette fuel, as well as biogas and bioethanol.

Among other things, sweet sorghum is an excellent antioxidant, helping to remove heavy metals, harmful salts and various toxic elements from fertile soil, therefore it is widely used in crop rotation, providing a phytomeliorative effect on the soil.

Concerning lemongrass, then thanks to its pronounced lemon aroma, this plant is widely used in the perfume industry and is used to prepare various drinks, spices and marinades. As it turns out, tea made from lemongrass stems, in addition to its excellent aroma and tonic effect, is good for colds, as it has antiseptic, antibacterial and antipyretic properties.

Lemongrass is also very popular in many cuisines around the world as a seasoning for meat, fish and vegetables. It is also used to produce valuable oil that strengthens hair well, giving it healthy shine and beauty.

Herbaceous varieties of sorghum are mostly used as animal feed, since they have increased juiciness, and the core of their stems is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Varieties of technical sorghum quite a bit of. The grains of these crops are usually used as bird feed, and the stems are used to create brooms. The most valuable varieties for the production of brooms are those with smooth and soft panicles. Varieties with red panicles are less valuable because their stems are stiffer.

In addition, technical grades are most often used for paper production.

Sorghum has a fairly high calorie content (100 grams of product contains 339 kilocalories).

The plant also contains a record amount of carbohydrates ( 68.3 grams in 100 grams), as well as a large amount of proteins ( 11.3 grams), fats ( 3.3 grams) and other useful substances.

Sorghum contains a huge amount of fiber, protein, valuable macro and micro elements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, etc.), as well as vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, PP, C, H.

Thanks to this set of useful substances, the plant has a powerful healing and healing effect, therefore it is widely used in medicine. For example, sorghum seeds, since they are rich in folic acid, are recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Among other things, sorghum improves appetite, stimulates brain activity, strengthens the heart muscle, and helps remove toxins from the body.

How to prepare raw materials for making brooms

Growing sorghum is not difficult, since this plant is absolutely unpretentious. To begin with, it is advisable to find technical grade seeds. The most suitable for making brooms are the stems that dry on the root.

Before planting, sorghum seeds should be filled with water for thirty minutes and all floating grains should be discarded, since they are unsuitable for sowing the crop in the ground. Next, the seeds should be thoroughly dried and can be planted.

This plant is very thermophilic, so it is advisable that the selected plot of land is well warmed by the sun.

Typically, sorghum seeds are planted immediately after the onset of sustained warmth (usually in early May). Sow the crop in rows, planting the seeds to a depth of 5 centimeters.

After the massive emergence of seedlings (the process takes about two weeks), they should be thinned out, leaving the strongest and healthiest sprouts. The distance between plants should be about ten centimeters.

Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the area and fertilize it with humus or urea.

It is important to loosen the soil throughout the growing season and remove weeds on time.

Around the end of August, the seeds are fully ripened, the stem dries out, and the panicles acquire a dark reddish-brown color. The stems should be cut right to the root.

Now you can knit brooms.

For most Russians, the name “sorghum” means nothing, although it also has another name – Sudanese grass. This somehow explains the origin of the ancient cereal belonging to the Poa family. The territory of modern Sudan and Ethiopia is the homeland of sorghum, where it was grown back in the 4th century BC. e. A little later, the plant began to be cultivated in China and India, and after another millennium - in southern Europe and America.

There was a lot of talk about sorghum around the world in the 2000s, when doctors sounded the alarm about increased problems with excess weight, chronic fatigue, and allergies to gluten-containing products. The “ethnic” African gluten-free cereal has thus even taken root in the Saratov region. However, its further spread in Russia was complicated by climatic conditions. Sorghum prefers tropical and subtropical zones and grows extremely rarely in temperate climates. But in arid areas it is a real salvation from hunger and disease.

Externally, grain sorghum looks like corn, but instead of an ear, it has a brown panicle at the top with seeds similar to millet. Their color varies from pale yellow to brown-black. Sorghum seeds are very nutritious due to their high carbohydrate content (68.33 per 100 g). The rest comes from proteins (11.3), water (9.2), fiber (6.3) and fats (3.3). The vitamin composition is valued for the presence of biotin, niacin, folic acid and other representatives of group B in sorghum. The list of micro- and macroelements is also quite diverse, but the leaders in terms of quantity are potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.

The presence of thiamine (B1) ensures the secretory function of the stomach, muscle tone, smooth functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increases mental performance and resistance to stressful situations. Niacin and biotin are involved in all metabolic processes during the breakdown of fats and the production of fatty acids, steroid hormones, valuable amino acids and vitamins. Since sorghum is a source of complex carbohydrates, porridge made from this grain will not cause sugar spikes in diabetics. It will be absorbed slowly, giving you a feeling of fullness for a long time. This property can be adopted by those losing weight.

However, you should not make sorghum the basis of your diet, since the cereal contains coarse fiber. To improve your health, it is better to include dishes with its participation 2-3 times a week. For this reason, sorghum cereal porridges can be offered to children no earlier than 5 years of age. In countries where this plant has been cultivated since ancient times, its seeds are an integral ingredient in all kinds of national dishes consumed by people of all ages. But it is better to introduce an unusual product gradually.

Doctors favor sorghum considering it an ideal hypoallergenic product. Despite this fact, there are cases of cereal intolerance due to the high content of coarse fiber. Discomfort may manifest itself in the form of flatulence. Such a valuable amino acid as lysine is absent in sorghum, so it is more advisable to combine it with other protein products. Sorghum takes a long time to cook and many varieties need to be soaked for a long time before cooking, since the outer shell has a bitter taste.

Sorghum is a unique plant whose history dates back several thousand years. In India, China and Africa it was used to make flour, from which flat cakes were subsequently baked. Despite the fact that over time, sorghum began to lose its position, about 70 million tons of this cereal are harvested annually in the world. After reading this article, you will learn what sorghum is.

Where is this crop grown?

This plant also has another name. In some countries it is known as Its homeland can be considered the northeastern part of Africa. This crop began to be grown in the 6th century BC. In ancient times, it was widespread throughout the African continent. Its inhabitants still use this cereal for food to this day. Those who do not know what sorghum is will probably be interested in the fact that it began to be cultivated in Europe only in the 15th century, and was brought to America two more centuries later. In Ethiopia and Sudan, a large number of varieties of this plant are still cultivated.

Sorghum: description

This heat-loving plant can be not only one-year, but also perennial. Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary corn. The height of the thick, hard, erect, well-leafed stem, filled with spongy tissue, often reaches three meters. This culture is well developed. It penetrates deep into the soil and spreads in different directions at a distance of 60 centimeters to one and a half meters. For those who are interested in what sorghum is, it would not hurt to know that the inflorescence of this plant is called a panicle, and the fruit is a caryopsis. The cereal itself has different colors. Its grain can be either white or black.

It is cultivated in regions with hot climates. In this case, its yield is about 20 centners per hectare. Low-growing varieties are grown for grain.

Popular varieties of sorghum

Modern scientists know more than sixty cultivated and wild varieties of this cereal. The vast majority of them grow in southwestern Asia, Australia, Africa, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and Europe. The most popular varieties are:

  • Grain sorghum, a photo of which will be presented in this article. Visually, it is very similar to millet. The seeds of this plant are light yellow or black-brown in color. They are mainly used for the industrial production of cereals, starch, flour and alcohol. Bread and various confectionery products are baked from ground grain.
  • Sweet sorghum, the stems of which are widely used in industrial production for the production of molasses and sweet syrups.
  • Grass sorghum has a soft core that makes it used as feed for livestock.
  • Industrial sorghum, valued for its straw, used for the production of wickerwork, paper and even household brooms.
  • Lemongrass is effectively used as a seasoning for all kinds of meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It goes perfectly with ginger and hot pepper. Plus, essential oil is produced from it, which is successfully used in the food, perfume and pharmaceutical industries.

and composition of sorghum

One hundred grams of this cereal contains about 68 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains ash, fiber, water, fats and proteins. For those who already understand what sorghum is, it will be useful to know that its energy value is 340 kilocalories.

It contains quite a lot of riboflavin, biotin, thiamine, niacin, folic and ascorbic acids. The plant is also rich in various micro- and macroelements, including zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese and selenium. It also contains substances such as molybdenum, iron and copper.

How is this plant useful?

Due to its high protein and carbohydrate content, sorghum is considered a highly nutritious grain. The thiamine present in it helps improve appetite and normalize gastric secretions. Regular consumption of sorghum improves the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system.

This plant contains powerful antioxidants that protect the human body from the negative effects of external factors. The concentration of polyphenolic compounds present in sorghum is twelve times higher than in blueberries.

Thanks to the presence of vitamins H and PP, this cereal promotes the breakdown of fats and accelerates metabolism. Regular consumption of sorghum stimulates the synthesis of amino acids. This product activates bone cell renewal processes. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people diagnosed with diabetes, as it regulates blood sugar concentrations and stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Sorghum is indicated for disorders of the nervous system, skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

Sorghum: what is the benefit and harm

What is sorghum?

Sorghum is an ancient grain crop that originated in parts of Africa and Australia over 5,000 years ago! Sorghum plant (lat. Sorghum), part of the family of herbaceous plants called millet (lat. Panicoideae), continues to provide nutrients and much-needed calories to the poor living in these areas. In fact, sorghum is considered “the fifth most important cereal crop grown in the world.” According to the data Whole Grains Council, it is the third most important in the USA (,).

Due to the versatility of this grain, sorghum is used as a food source, animal feed, biofuel, wax and red leather dye. Today, sorghum grain is widely grown in developed countries and is gaining popularity due to the fact that it does not contain . Sorghum is made into sorghum flour and used in cooking.

Nutritional value of sorghum

2. Rich in fiber

One of the biggest benefits of eating whole grains is that they retain all of their dietary fiber, unlike refined grains, which are processed to remove parts such as their bran and germ. Sorghum doesn't actually have an inedible hull like some other grains, so even its outer layers are commonly eaten. This means that it supplies the body with even more fiber, in addition to many other important nutrients, and has lower .

High fiber foods are important for the health of the body's digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. The high fiber content of sorghum flour also helps you feel fuller longer after consuming sorghum-based foods. However, the same cannot be said about others. This helps reduce food consumption and normalize body weight.

3. Good Source of Antioxidants

There are several types of sorghum plants, some of which are high in antioxidants linked to reduced risks of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some neurological diseases. are found in anti-inflammatory foods, and they help cleanse the body of free radicals, which, if left unchecked, can lead to inflammation, aging and various diseases.

Sorghum is a rich source of various phytochemicals such as:

  • tannins
  • phenolic acids
  • anthocyanins
  • phytosterols
  • policosanol

This means that sorghum and sorghum flour can provide the same health benefits as whole foods such as fruit.

The antioxidant activity and pH stability of sorghum have been found to be 3-4 times superior to some other whole grains. Black sorghum in particular is considered a high antioxidant food and has the highest anthocyanin content.

Sorghum grains also have a natural waxy layer that surrounds the grain and contains protective plant compounds such as policosanol. According to researchers, policosanol has a positive effect on heart health ().

Policosanol has demonstrated cholesterol-lowering potential in human studies that it has even been compared in effectiveness to statins! Policosanol present in sorghum flour makes it a potential cholesterol-lowering food.

Other studies show the great potential of phenolic compounds found in sorghum. They improve arterial health, help fight diabetes, and can even prevent cancer. Phenols are mainly present in sorghum bran fractions. They endow this plant with pronounced antioxidant properties, which help fight the pathogenesis that underlies many diabetic complications and cellular mutations.

4. Digests slowly and leads to balanced blood sugar levels

Due to the fact that sorghum flour has a low glycemic index, plus fiber and protein, it takes longer to digest compared to other similar refined grain products.

This slows the rate at which glucose (sugar) is released into the bloodstream, which is especially beneficial for people with blood sugar problems such as diabetes. Sorghum also keeps you feeling full longer and prevents spikes and dips in blood sugar levels that can lead to low energy, fatigue, cravings for unhealthy foods, and overeating.

Certain varieties of sorghum bran, which have high phenolic content and high antioxidant status, have been shown to inhibit protein glycation. This suggests that sorghum bran may influence important biological processes that are important in diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance ().

As a result of one study conducted Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences V University of Georgia, consuming sorghum has been found to be a natural way to improve diabetes by better controlling glycation and other risk factors for diabetes.

5. Helps Fight Inflammation, Cancer, and Heart Disease

A diet high in whole foods high in phytochemicals improves protection against common diet-related diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity. It is therefore not surprising that epidemiological evidence suggests that consumption of sorghum reduces the risk of certain types of cancer in humans compared to other grains ().

This is due in part to sorghum's high concentration of anti-inflammatory phytochemical antioxidants, as well as its high fiber and plant protein content, all of which make it a potential cancer treatment.

Sorghum contains tannins, which have been reported to reduce calorie availability and may help combat obesity, weight gain, and metabolic complications. The phytochemicals in sorghum also promote cardiovascular health, which is extremely important considering that cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death in developed countries!

History of sorghum and sorghum flour

Sorghum, also sometimes referred to in research as Sorghum bicolor, has been an important food source for centuries. This annual and perennial plant produces large yields and can withstand high temperatures, withstanding periods of drought. This is one reason why grains such as sorghum have been staples for poor rural people for thousands of years, especially in tropical regions such as Africa, Central America and South Asia ().

The earliest known record of sorghum was found in an archaeological excavation at Nabta Playa, near the Egyptian-Sudanese border. Scientists have determined that this recording was made about 10,000 years ago. After originating in Africa, sorghum grains spread throughout the Middle East and Asia through ancient trade routes. Travelers brought dried sorghum grains to parts of the Arabian Peninsula, India and China along the Silk Road. Many years later, the first known record of sorghum in the United States was that of Ben Franklin in 1757, who wrote about how the plant could be used to make brooms!

Historically, in addition to growing edible sorghum grains or producing sorghum flour, the grain was also used to produce sorghum syrup (also called sorghum molasses), animal feed, some alcoholic beverages, and even energy-efficient biofuels.

Sorghum is consumed in different ways in different parts of the world. It is made from:

  • Flatbread (made from fermented or unleavened dough) called jowar roti in India.
  • Porridge for breakfast or served for dinner in Africa.
  • A flour used to thicken stews in some Pacific Islands.
  • Sorghum is also used to produce a variety of fermented and non-fermented beverages, or simply consumed as a fresh vegetable in some areas of the world.

Apart from its culinary uses for human consumption, sorghum is also considered an important livestock feed in various countries. The use of sorghum in the ethanol market has grown rapidly in recent years, and estimates indicate that today about 30% of domestic sorghum now goes into ethanol production ().

How to use sorghum flour

Look for 100% sorghum flour that has not been refined, enriched, or refined. Ground sorghum can be used just like other gluten-free grains to make homemade baked goods such as bread, pies, muffins, pancakes, and even beer!

For various baked goods that are typically made with refined wheat flour (such as cakes, cookies, breads and muffins), sorghum flour can be added (partially) in place of regular or gluten-free flour.

Besides providing nutrients and plenty of fiber, an added benefit is that unlike some gluten-free flours (such as rice flour or ) which can sometimes be crumbly, dry or gritty, sorghum flour generally has a smoother texture and very mild taste. It is easy to incorporate into some sweet dishes or use small amounts to thicken stews, sauces and other savory dishes.

Most experts recommend adding 15 to 30 percent sorghum flour to your recipes to replace other flours (such as wheat). Using 100% sorghum flour is usually not the best idea because baked goods with it will not be as fluffy as regular refined flour. It works best when combined with another gluten-free flour, such as rice flour or potato starch. You'll likely get the best results if you start with recipes that use relatively small amounts of flour overall, such as cakes or pancakes rather than muffins or bread.

Keep in mind that when using gluten-free flour to bind ingredients together and improve the texture of your baked goods, it's a good idea to include a binder such as xanthan gum or cornstarch.

You can add 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum per cup of sorghum flour for making cookies and cakes, and one teaspoon per cup for making bread.

Adding a small amount of oil or fat (such as coconut oil or vegetable oil) and eggs to recipes made with sorghum-containing mixtures can improve moisture content and texture. Another trick is to use apple cider vinegar, which can also improve the volume of dough made with gluten-free mixes.

Are there any side effects or harm to sorghum?

All grains naturally contain "antinutrients" that block the absorption of some of the minerals and vitamins they contain.

One way to overcome this problem is to sprout the grains. The main benefit of sprouting them is that it unlocks beneficial digestive enzymes that make it easier for all types of grains, seeds, legumes and nuts to be absorbed into the digestive system. It also helps boost levels of beneficial flora in your gut, so you experience fewer autoimmune reactions when you eat these foods.

Even after sprouting sorghum or other grains, it is best to consume them in small quantities and vary your diet. Get nutrients, carbohydrates, fiber and protein from a variety of sources. These sources may include whole vegetables (including starchy vegetables), fruits, organic meats, probiotic foods, and raw dairy products.

Sorghum is far from the most popular crop in the CIS countries and Europe, however, all residents of Sudan and Ethiopia know about its benefits, and it is also very popular in China, which is famous throughout the world for its traditional medicine. For more than 5,000 years, this culture has been included in the daily diet of residents of Asian countries, which entails their healthy lifestyle and good body condition.

You can also find sorghum on free sale in our country - in online stores and large supermarkets everyone has the opportunity to purchase such a valuable and quite tasty product.

Interesting fact: Today there are more than 70 species of this grain crop, of which 24 are wild, 28 are cultivated, and the rest are newly bred by breeders.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calories: 323 kcal
  • Proteins: 10.6 g
  • Fat: 4.1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 59.6 g
  • Dietary fiber: 3.5 g
  • Water: 13.5 g

The beneficial properties of sorghum are undeniable, because the composition of this cereal includes the following components:

  • Valuable vitamin set - PP, H, B, E, C, choline.
  • Calcium, zinc, potassium, copper, iron, silicon.
  • Aluminum, cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, sodium.
  • Pectins, antioxidants.

There is a record amount of polyphenolic compounds in this cereal - 12 times more than in the most popular blueberry in this regard.

Beneficial features

The benefits of sorghum are evident when it is consumed regularly, but without an excessive amount of grain in the diet. It consists of the following:

  • accelerating the healing of skin wounds;
  • restoration of gastric mucous tissue;
  • normalization of the nervous system

Important! The beneficial properties of sorghum have a beneficial effect on pregnant women and nursing mothers. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in their diet, as well as the elderly and young children from 8 months.

Cereals can and should be consumed if there is a need to relieve swelling due to kidney failure; it is an excellent diuretic. Sorghum is also useful for the diet of people diagnosed with an allergy to the cereal protein gluten, since it does not contain this substance.

Interesting fact: Sorghum is also grown in Russia, but exclusively in the Saratov region. When trying to plant this crop in other regions, ripening did not occur.

Harm of sorghum

Contraindications for sorghum are limited solely to possible individual intolerance to one of the substances of the chemical composition. With excessive consumption, manifestations have also been noticed.

Otherwise, sorghum has only benefits for the human body, which nutritionists, vegetarians and people seeking to establish good nutrition for a healthy lifestyle strive to make the most of.

Depending on the sorghum variety, you can use:

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