Loan calculator quarterly calculation. Loan calculator with early repayments online. Export data to Excel

Credit calculator calculates monthly payments, interest on the loan, payments for commissions and insurance. A payment schedule is drawn up indicating the amounts of payments taken into account. The loan calculator can calculate payments using the annuity or differentiated method. The results on the right display the amount of the monthly payment, overpayment of interest, overpayment taking into account commissions, and the total cost of the loan.

Special attention Please note the Effective Interest Rate, which, taking into account additional fees and insurance, may be significantly higher than that offered in the loan agreement.

Loan calculator settings

Calculation method
It is possible to calculate the loan and payments, both by the Loan Amount and by the Purchase Cost and the down payment. When calculating a loan based on the Purchase Cost, the loan amount is first calculated, and no interest or fees are charged on the down payment.

Selecting a loan currency
The loan calculator can calculate a loan online in one of 3 currencies: rubles, dollars or euros.

Credit term
By default, the loan term must be entered in months. You can enter the term in years, but you must change the loan term type.

Interest rate
Traditionally, interest rates are calculated on a percentage/year basis. By changing the settings of the loan calculator, you can calculate payments based on the monthly interest rate.

Payment type
Typically, banks use the annuity method for calculating loan payments (equal monthly payments) to calculate the loan. However, the second option is also possible - differentiated payments (accrual of interest on the balance). Using the drop-down menu, select the type of payment calculation you need. For more detailed information about the types and methods of calculation, see the sections annuity calculator or differentiated payment calculator.

Additional settings

Commission upon issue
One of the conditions for issuing a loan by many banks is the payment of a Commission when issuing or for issuing a loan. A loan calculator can factor such a fee into the total cost of the loan and, if necessary, break the fee into monthly payments.

Monthly commission
Taken into account in the total cost of the loan and in monthly payments

Credit insurance is an additional monthly fee option. As a rule, banks do not take insurance into account in the monthly payment schedule and charge a similar commission based on an additional agreement. However, the total cost of the loan received may increase significantly. The online loan calculator takes into account the monthly insurance in the total cost of the loan and in the amount of the monthly payment.

Last installment
One of the loan options is a loan with a final payment. When calculating such a loan, the monthly payment is lower due to a reduction in payments on the principal debt. However, interest on the last installment is also accrued and taken into account in monthly payments.

date of issue
By default, the current date is used, but you can choose any convenient one. The function is convenient when working with a payment schedule.

First payment date
Initially, the current date is used; for the convenience of working with the payment schedule, select the required one.

Loan calculator with early repayment

In the early repayment section, you can create a plan for such repayments. Some banks often impose penalties associated with the payment of such a payment. In the commission section, you can set the appropriate parameters and thereby determine exactly how profitable early repayment will actually be.

Loan calculator report in Excel

The loan calculator will calculate the total cost of the loan - a value calculated as a percentage, which takes into account commissions, associated payments and the time of their payments. This makes it possible to compare loans with different fees.

Accounting for inflation in loan payments

By setting the parameters of the expected inflation of the loan calculator, you can estimate the costs, taking into account the real purchasing power of money over time.

Dependence of overpayment and monthly payment amount on loan parameters

Analysis of graphs of dependence of loan parameters allows you to select the most comfortable loan conditions. By clicking on the point of interest on the chart, you can start a more detailed calculation for the parameter selected on the chart.

Annuity or differentiated payment

With annuity payments, the amount of monthly payments is the same throughout the entire repayment period, while in the initial period, debt repayment is slower, since you have to pay accrued interest on the loan. This type of loans is most common in Russia. A scheme with differentiated payments involves at the initial stage the payment of large monthly amounts, which will become smaller with each subsequent time. The debt is repaid in equal installments over the entire term, but the amount of accrued interest varies. The total amount of overpayments in absolute terms is greater with the annuity scheme, however, it is important not to forget about inflation, especially for long-term loans. In conditions of high inflation, this scheme becomes significantly more profitable in the context of the purchasing power of money. Those. You will be able to purchase more goods and services over the entire loan repayment period.

The credit system involves the monthly deposit of a certain amount into the bank account of the lender. To find out the interest, just use the “loan interest calculation” online calculator" Such applications contain standard formulas that allow you to obtain an accurate calculated value. However, it will not be superfluous for payers to be able to calculate the rate themselves.

How to calculate interest on a loan?

To begin with, you should understand that the amount of money you will overpay to the bank (interest) depends on the speed of loan repayment. That is, the higher the monthly payment, the lower the interest premium.

  • The number of loans issued.
  • Interest rate per year.
  • Method of debt repayment (differentiated and annuity options are distinguished).
  • The number of days for which the loan was issued.

All of these factors are taken into account in free online calculators that allow you to quickly and accurately calculate payments. If you want to calculate the interest yourself, the choice of formula will depend on the method by which the debt is repaid.

We calculate the amount of loan interest on a monthly differentiated payment

If you decide to calculate interest on a loan, we recommend using an online loan calculator with interest, in which you just need to provide all the requested data. It will be a little more difficult to calculate the rate and percentage on your own. Thus, the calculated payments include the following components:

  • An accurately calculated amount set by the bank, accrued to repay the loan in equal installments (funds are transferred every month).
  • The interest amount accrued on the loan balance, that is, a constantly decreasing (in a favorable situation) part.

To determine the exact amount of the standing payment, bank employees divide the borrowed funds by the number of months during which repayment must occur. A fairly simple formula allows you to calculate interest on a loan. It looks like this:

Percentage amount = (OOZxPSxKDM) / (100x365)

Let's decipher the components of the formula:

OZ - the balance of the main loan.

PS - interest rate.

KDM - number of days in a month.

The second part of the formula is the product of one hundred percent by the number of days in a year.

In principle, it is not difficult to calculate the level of overpayment using a differentiated formula. But if you want to save your own time, it is more rational to use an online loan calculator. The program calculates everything using an identical formula, but the final value will be more accurate.

How to calculate the amount of loan interest on a monthly annuity payment?

While the concept of a differentiated loan is recognizable to everyone, the term “annuity” is not so common. Such a loan involves repaying the debt in equal installments. That is, you won’t have to calculate how much money should be deposited into the account every month. Payments do not change throughout the loan period. However, the rate and interest itself are calculated in a slightly different, more complex way. Again, to simplify the task, it is more rational to calculate using a loan interest calculator.

Monthly payment = (PSZxGPS/12)/(1-(1/(1+GPS/12)^(KP-1))

Now let’s decipher the values ​​necessary for calculation (by the way, you will need a calculator here in any case, otherwise you risk incorrectly calculating the amount):

  • PSZ is the primary loan amount.
  • GPS - annual percentage amount.
  • KP - the planned number of loan payments.

Calculating the amount of interest on a loan using an online loan calculator

To calculate the amount of interest on a loan, you need to completely fill out the main fields of the loan calculator: loan amount, interest rate, loan period. To interest on this moment we refer to fixed and non-fixed.

We consider the interest rate to be fixed. Yes, some banks provide the opportunity to use a variable loan rate, but we talked about this in another article. We include commissions for non-fixed interest: “for early repayment of a loan”, “for issuing cash”, “for late loan payments” and others. Use the early repayment block if you have already made one. Add monthly and one-time fees, this will allow you to calculate the entire amount of interest on the loan.

Click the “ Calculate” and you will receive a full payment schedule, including the interest rate, previously specified fees and early repayment of the loan. Pay attention to the block “ Total information”, it has a column “ Interest charges” - this will be the amount of interest on the loan. If you want to look in more detail at which month and how much interest you will pay on the loan, click on the “ Load more... number of lines”.

Print, save or send via e-mail payment schedule. This will allow you to compare the resulting schedule with the schedule presented by the bank. This way you will easily understand about hidden commissions and possible overpayments that the bank was silent about earlier.

Which repayment method is more profitable: annuity or differentiated?

So, you can calculate interest and interest rates in two ways: using a special loan calculator or calculating it yourself using the formula. But one question still remains unanswered: which payment will be more profitable - differentiated or annuity?

An annuity loan is designed for payments in equal amounts every month. First, the interest on the loan is repaid, and then the “body” of the loan. A differentiated loan is calculated with the condition of faster repayment, but with more high payments at the beginning of the credit period and with a constant decrease in monthly payments. There is no point in taking a differentiated loan if the loan period is 1 year, but if you take out a loan for 10 years or more, then this type lending will help significantly save the family budget.

In fact, both systems have advantages and disadvantages of calculations. You should choose yourself, based on the real possibilities of payment. It is recommended to pre-calculate the rates and interest for both options (using the “online loan interest calculator” or calculate it yourself using the formulas provided) and, based on the calculated information received, select the appropriate loan repayment method.

To calculate the loan, you must enter the loan amount, indicate the duration of the agreement and the size of your interest rate. This calculator can calculate both fixed annuity and decreasing differentiated monthly payments (open the “additional options” item).

The rate indicator can be selected as fixed or variable. To select the second option, you need to enter the number from which the new percentage will be entered.

Thanks to our calculator, you will no longer need to go to the bank to calculate early loan repayment. And you can do this in just 2 minutes! To do this, simply provide some additional data in the program form:

  • What date are the funds deposited ahead of schedule (in the case of a one-time payment) or time period (if you plan to make regular payments several times a month);
  • Amount of early payment;
  • Specify the loan recalculation option;
  • You can enter an unlimited number of early payments.

The nuances of partial early repayment of debt

Early repayment loan calculator

There may be 2 types of write-offs for partial early repayment:

On the day when the next payment is made. With this method, the amount of debt is reduced by the amount of the extraordinary payment made.
Between next payments. This option is somewhat more complicated in calculations. Interest, depending on the size of the debt, is accrued daily, and repayment occurs once a month. By the day the early payment is made, a certain amount of interest accumulates, which is canceled thanks to the funds intended for the early payment. With this option, only the remaining portion of the amount will be used to pay off the debt. Next month, the percentage of the next installment will decrease, since some of this interest has already been paid. There is no reason to worry about this moment and postpone early repayment until the next payment. If the payment is made earlier, it will be more profitable.

After paying the extraordinary installment, changes are made to the schedule of subsequent loan payments. The size of the principal debt decreases and, as a result, one of the parameters changes: the loan term or the amount of the monthly payment. A client of a banking institution can always choose a more convenient option for himself. This choice determines how the bank will recalculate the loan and what the next payment schedule will be formed. The updated schedule can be obtained at the bank office, or by logging into the Internet bank, if you have access to it. Our online calculator will give you the opportunity to choose any option and calculate the loan depending on your choice. You will have access to a detailed payment schedule, which already takes into account and indicates early repayments.
Reducing the loan term is beneficial because it significantly reduces the overall overpayment. It follows from this that if you can afford the monthly payment, then you should reduce the loan term.

You can try different options to find the most optimal payment scheme for yourself. The loan calculator stores the calculation results, and you do not have to remember all the numbers entered and received previously.

Variable interest rate

As the loan progresses, the interest rate changes quite often. Such cases arise when, at the request of the borrower or under the terms of the agreement, the bank revises the loan rate. Our calculator has its own function specifically for such cases. You can specify as many interest rate changes as you want over the life of the loan. For each individual time period, it is necessary to set the start of the bet and its size. All changes will be marked in color in the payment schedule.

Our bank calculator will calculate your loan in one click. Just indicate the parameters of the requirement you are interested in. loan and the program will make a preliminary calculation automatically. A monthly payment schedule will be generated under the form and will contain a table of payments divided into principal and interest.

Bank calculator for calculating a consumer loan in cash

Before applying for a consumer loan, many citizens are interested in the conditions under which lending occurs. How much will I have to pay per month? How much will I overpay for the entire term? What will be the percentage of overpayment on a future cash loan? These are common questions that people are searching for answers to online in 2019 and will continue to search for in 2020, 2021 and beyond. Our specialists have developed a universal loan calculator, working entirely online, that will help answer them.

We will describe in detail how to independently work correctly with this calculation program.

What can this calculator calculate?

Correctly calculating a loan does not require special knowledge. Our program is created in such a way that it will be easy to use for both average individuals and pensioners. Previously, you can set 4 parameters in the form:

  • Cash loan amount(200000, 500000, 800000 or any other). By moving the slider, the maximum amount will be 15,000,000 rubles, but you can enter any arbitrary number.
  • Loan terms, which can also be absolutely anything - year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 7 years, but the slider is set within the range of 6-180 months.
  • Interest rate loans. We set 8.9% as the minimum value and 49.9% as the maximum. But you can also set the figure that is convenient for you - 15 per annum, 18 per annum, 16 per annum or 20 per annum.
  • And the last thing - payment type. If you plan to repay the loan in equal payments (annuity), then select the “Equal” tab. If you want the monthly payment amount to become smaller over time, then select the “Decreasable” (differentiated) tab as active.

Having configured these conditions, all you have to do is click on the “Calculate” button. Online mathematical formulas will instantly provide you with data on the following parameters:

  • Amount of monthly payment, in rubles.
  • Initial loan amount.
  • Full cost (initial + interest).
  • Total overpayment (interest in rubles).
  • Overpayment ratio, percentage.

Usually, after preliminary calculations, visitors talk about the calculator in in social networks, and also give a rating. It helps other people see how convenient and useful our program is to use. And reviews help form a common opinion about the functionality and usability of the calculator.

Drawing up a payment schedule or how to calculate loan payments

To solve this issue you also do not need to have specialized skills. After receiving the initial data, a table will open under the form, which will reflect an approximate payment schedule for a future short-term or long-term loan. It will present the following data on a monthly basis:

  • month number;
  • exact date of payment;
  • monthly payment amount (principal plus interest);
  • the amount of the principal debt in payment;
  • the amount of interest in the payment;
  • the balance of the loan after payment of the payment.

Below the payment table there will be a summary line that accumulates the full cost and overpayment on the loan. You will understand how much to pay for a loan under the selected terms of borrowing funds. The data presented will also be sufficient to estimate the preliminary early repayment.

Selection of a profitable cash loan

After you calculate the amount of debt yourself, a block with the most popular loan offers will be available to you. The site team tried to collect in one place the products of many Russian banks. A convenient location of information will help you submit applications to several banking institutions and, after receiving approval, withdraw money from any bank branch.

We hope you found our banking calculator useful!

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