Do not swear, because where there is an oath, there is a crime. Therefore, we must get rid of them! How to remove an oath taken by two people

Nowadays, many people, without thinking about the dire consequences, make vows, and then, having broken them, begin to rush around and do not know what to do.

In addition to curses and “killer words,” there are words that, when said, can cause irreparable harm to one’s destiny, especially if one says them rashly and thoughtlessly. They are “words-oaths”. People swear by their lives, parents, health, children, luck, God, imposing an invisible seal of prohibition on all these dear concepts, which works until they fulfill the oath. And it doesn’t matter whether the person gave it jokingly, without at all attaching much importance to the words he said, or whether those around him “snatched” it from him. As soon as a person swears, according to psychics, the course of events in his karmic body is irrevocably disrupted. It’s not for nothing that the word “oath” and the word “curse” have the same root.

People swear without thinking about the consequences. For example, by saying: “let me not have money,” they do not suspect that they are thereby killing their own financial luck. And until they take off this oath, given, most likely, out of stupidity, nothing in their life will change for the better.

A phrase like: “I will never marry again,” which a woman exhausted in an unhappy marriage can say in her hearts, immediately places the crown of celibacy on this woman.

The most terrible thing, as researchers say, a person’s life is influenced by an oath in which he gives part of his destiny to some person. Thus, psychics know many examples of when parents whose children are sick ask in their hearts to take their health away and give it to their child. As a rule, this does not make the children feel any better, while the parents themselves begin to get sick, sometimes very badly. No matter how much you want to help a loved one, you need to remember: everyone has their own destiny, and by sacrificing their destiny, no one managed to bring benefit to either their loved one, much less themselves.

When people say that they would give their life or soul for someone, they usually do not live long. And if someone swears on the health of their own children, then the children pay for breaking the oath, and with the most expensive thing - their health. If a person swears by his parents and breaks this vow, then misfortunes fall on the eldest in the family, which means that through them the swearer himself is punished.

The word “oath,” according to V. Dahl, comes from “curse,” meaning “curse” or “scold.” Other dictionaries define an oath as a promise or duty undertaken. But one thing is obvious: the oath, being a moral category, imposes specific restrictions on people.

In ancient times, when a person made an oath to God and broke it, a huge crucifix was burned with a candle on the gate of his house. The oathbreaker kissed the cross and said a special prayer. After which he ate the earth, as many handfuls as there were ends of the crucifix. It was believed that if the perjurer remained alive, then this meant that God had forgiven him, and if not, then there was no forgiveness for him.

The proverb says: “Where there is an oath, there is a crime!” In Rus', oath-breaking or oath-breaking has long been considered a serious crime and a great sin.

The Holy Scripture says that when you make a vow to your God, you must immediately fulfill it, since God will definitely exact it from the person and he will have sin. The Prophet Ecclesiastes said that it is better not to swear than to swear and break.

A Christian who committed an oath, even one who repented, was subjected to ten years of excommunication from the church. By the way, perjury in Orthodox Christianity refers to mortal sins, for which even the descendants of sinners are responsible.

Recently, one of the Moscow newspapers published M.'s story, which aroused a variety of opinions among readers. M., who is thirty today, lost his beloved girlfriend five years ago, with whom he had been together since school. The girl suffered from epilepsy. She died after another attack. Standing at the coffin, M., being in a state of prostration, swore to the dead girl that he would not love anyone like her and that he would be alone all his life. However, after two years of loneliness, he realized that this condition was beginning to weigh on him, his youth was leaving, and he was not married. But in a strange way, he could not connect his life with any of the girls he liked, nothing worked out for him. But that was not all: M., to whom his first love came every night in a dream, began to waste away, lost the sparkle in his eyes, became weak and lost. One day, when he was alone at home, he heard a knock on the door. Opening it, M. saw his girlfriend - pale, with curls below the waist, she confidently asked to leave the door to the balcony open at night so that it would be easier for her to come to him. M. clearly remembered holding her hand, and in the morning, waking up, he saw that the door to the balcony was open, and on the table there were two cups of tea and candy wrappers from his girlfriend’s favorite sweets. Gradually the condition young man it got so bad that his parents forcibly took him to a psychologist. The specialist conducted several sessions with him and advised him to mentally let go of his beloved. However, nothing helped. No matter how much M. tried, nothing worked for him. And one day a girl in a dream threatened him with revenge if he broke his oath. Seeing her son’s fading state, M.’s mother took him to a psychic. She performed some kind of ceremony and ordered me to pray and say certain words every day for a certain time. Gradually M. became much easier. Things started to look up for him. And one day, in a dream, a girl asked to bring her a ring and several of her things that her lover had left to the cemetery. A year later M. got married. Before the wedding, he saw his wife in a dream for the last time. ex-girlfriend, who wished him happiness. Through the newspaper in which his story was published, M. strongly advised and asked all readers not to take an oath, not to swear on anything expensive, especially at the coffin, since it is not always possible to fulfill it, and then life turns into torture.

Many still take the oath today. True, crosses are not burned on the doors of oathbreakers, but the oathbreakers themselves, realizing that they have broken an oath, turn to healers, witches and fortune tellers for help, so that they would help them and free them from the oath.

“I swear on my children”, “I swear on God”, “I swear on my health”...

Such vows often play the role of a kind of trump card when sorting out relationships with a spouse, lover, etc. With their help, some try to make the desired impression on a person and win an argument. They may win the argument, but they will definitely lose the war with fate. After all, such oaths always turn against the one who pronounces them, as well as against his loved ones.

How should lunch be given? Well, how do they give lunch to God, so as not to do something? Should this be done in church? and got the best answer

Answer from Yyrka Ivanov[guru]
Not all churches today practice vows (“promises”), although the Bible calls for it. I know about some people who made vows to God in the most difficult life situations. A vow is a holy and inviolable promise to God when a person needs something really important from Him. Here are examples to help you understand the meaning: a person dies of an incurable disease. He makes a vow to God that he will serve Him if God spares his life. And God preserves if this vow pleases Him.
Often people made vows during the war: if I stay alive, I will build a church, etc.
We must not forget that there is a fine line between a vow and trading with God. Everything is to the detriment of the wicked. Those who are honest with God even practice casting lots, or answering according to the Bible. The wicked will turn it into fortune telling. Therefore, most churches today do not practice or advise this.

Answer from EZHULYA[guru]

Answer from Birkart[guru]

Answer from Vika[guru]

Answer from Agapi[guru]

Answer from Ekaterina Pasechnik[active]

Answer from Kseniya[guru]

Answer from Yovetyashka MaTHeD Koltunova[guru]

Answer from Maxim Medvedev[newbie]
And also a guru!

Answer from CheLovechina[guru]

They consist of:

Answer from Delia Delia[guru]
They make a VOW to God - a promise, an oath.
And share LUNCH with a friend))
Light a candle and read any prayer
And then - eradicate all the vices and imperfections in yourself

Answer from Looking for God[guru]
It is advisable to serve lunch on time, on a plate with a blue border, placed on a tray along with a saucer and cup and with a towel thrown over the arm... salt, pepper, butter, sour cream, vinegar, mayonnaise - to taste as needed...

Answer from EZHULYA[guru]
Lunch - eating. . Vow - oath, promise

Answer from Birkart[guru]
before the crucifixion they give it, and it doesn’t matter where - be it at home or in church

Answer from Vika[guru]
any oath is not from God. He taught how to say yes or no.
You can't be sure that you'll never break your vow... .
There are certain vows, for example, “celibacy”, then this is the case with some priests... that is, among people with a much stronger Spirit and faith.

Answer from Agapi[guru]
Vadim, it’s probably still a VOW?
No vows needed. And no oaths are needed.
The Lord knows everything. Come, light a candle, remember your family for health and peace.
Talk mentally - the Lord is calling you to him, your soul is crying.
God's help! Guardian Angel!

Answer from Ekaterina Pasechnik[active]
Why should you take a vow? Is God calling you to this?

Answer from Kseniya[guru]
Are you talking about the meal? Or about promises? There is no need to make a promise. They may not be fulfilled easily and for various reasons. They bring repentance to God and subsequently the person works on himself to improve his life...

Answer from Yovetyashka MaTHeD Koltunova[guru]
First, make a vow to yourself - to read a Russian language textbook. It will be more useful for you))

Answer from Maxim Medvedev[newbie]
And also a guru!

Answer from CheLovechina[guru]
Indeed, there are vows in the Church. And a person takes the very first of these vows at BAPTISM. These vows are called - VOWS OF BAPTISM.
They consist of:
1. In renunciation of Satan, his works, and service to him.
2. And accepting Christ - in accepting a holy, pure life, following Christ, serving.
In principle, if you are a baptized person, then you have already made almost all the basic CHRISTIAN vows. That is, all unnecessary, sinful, unrighteous things should already be left aside right from the time you were baptized.
If some things, for example, of an ascetic plan or God forbid sinful things are still present in your life, then there is such a thing as Confession.
Confession is a thing that allows a person to RENEW their baptismal vows. In the event that a person was baptized in an unconscious state. Baptism took place simply mechanically as a rite - and the person in spirit has not heard of any renunciation of Satan, and even more so does not know that now he is a Man of Holy Life, then he can simply go through confession for his entire life. This will be the acceptance of the vow.

In some verbal collisions, combinations of words, and even in individual words, sometimes something strange and even mystical is encountered. On the one hand, in the 21st century we have stopped trusting words. Perhaps this was facilitated by the yellow press and the fables that filled the Internet, but the word means little these days. The statements of Zhirinovsky alone, who today publicly says one thing and tomorrow the exact opposite, are worth a lot.

The lesson’s phrase from the famous movie: “What can’t be said in a funny conversation” has become volatile and is perceived as an excuse for any lie and nonsense. But, on the other hand, there are special words. For example, the amazing and strange word “I swear.” The meaning and amplitude of this word are enormous. From the everyday “I swear by my mother” to the completely official “I swear, when exercising the powers of the President, to observe the Constitution...” or, for example, the medical Hippocratic oath. Why? What's so special about this word?

Oath in everyday life

Indeed, why are the words of the same root “oath”, “I swear”, “curse” even in the most ordinary, everyday life filled with significant, even solemn content? We swear by the most precious things: “parents”, “children’s lives”, “all saints”, “honor”, ​​etc. The word “oath”, like “faith”, “God”, “mother”, “father”, are already connected at the genetic level in our minds with concepts so serious and significant that they cannot simply be thrown to the wind. In Soviet, atheistic times, this phenomenon was understood and already in childhood we swore an oath “to be faithful to the cause of Lenin and the Communist Party” when joining the pioneers, and an oath of allegiance to the Motherland when taking the military oath.

The history of the oath dates back thousands of years. Even among the ancients this word played an important role. Let us at least remember the oath of the Horatii brothers to take revenge on their enemies or die, the oath of Oedipus, who swore to the people to find the killer of King Laius, or the famous Hannibal oath to be an enemy of Rome until death. The oath ritual has incredibly passed through the centuries and has survived to this day. Moreover, not only in religion, but also in ordinary secular life. From a wedding oath of love between the bride and groom, a magical blood oath, an oath at knighting, to the most modern, annual oath of allegiance to the Russian Navy by freshmen of the Moscow Academy of Water Transport. But especially great importance, of course, has an oath in religion.

Oath in Judaism

In the cult and ethical norms of Judaism, the oath served and still serves as a solemn seal of obligations for both individuals and society as a whole. In the Torah (Old Testament), an oath is associated with calling God as a witness and with the willingness to accept punishment from the Almighty in case of its violation. At the same time, the idea was created that God was sealing the promise. The court even recognized an oath as a form of evidence and could release the defendant from a claim only on the basis of an oath. In religious circles, a false oath or its violation is considered one of the most serious mortal sins: “Yahweh will not spare the one who takes Him in vain...”.

In modern times, it became possible to free oneself from the oath, but this required the help of a rabbi or three members of the community. At the same time, the person taking the oath had to explain why he was refusing the oath. Later, starting from the 17th century, the swearing of all participants in a trial became mandatory. At the same time, frightening and rather humiliating curses were pronounced for the Jews in case of breaking the oath: “If I lied, let the earth open up and swallow me alive,” etc. Since the mid-nineteenth century, in many European countries these curses and rituals, humiliating for Jews, were abolished. All that remained were the words: “I swear by the name of the God of Israel.”

When taking an oath, religious Jews raise right hand. Sometimes it was enough to raise your hand, which meant “I swear.” They swore by “life” (indicated by whose), “heaven”, “earth”, “Temple”, “Jerusalem”. The most inviolable and sacred was, and is still considered today, an oath in the name of God.

Oath in Christianity

For Christians, the oath loses its meaning. In the Gospel of Matthew we read the words of Jesus Christ from the Sermon on the Mount: “And I say: do not swear at all. Neither heaven, because it is the throne of God, nor the earth, because it is His footstool, nor Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King. There will be a word for you: “yes, yes” or “no, no.” At the same time, conscience becomes a witness to a person’s fidelity to his word, which, according to Christians, is the voice of God inside a person. The New Testament quotes the words of the Apostle Paul, “I speak the truth in Christ, as my conscience bears witness to me...”.

But there are also some contradictions. According to some Christian theologians and religious philosophers, we are not talking about the complete abolition of the oath, but only about the prohibition of swearing by those specific concepts that Christ spoke about. Moreover, further in the New Testament we read: “The angel raised his hand to heaven and swore to Him who lives forever.” Christians followed and still follow the oath, both priests and councils of different years. In many Christian countries, those testifying in court or taking the oath of office as head of state swear by placing their hand on the Bible.

Oath in Islam

Muslims can swear, but only in the name of Allah. Oaths “with the life of the mother”, “with your life”, “with the life of the children” and others of this kind are undesirable. Muslims have three types of oaths: empty, false and real. An empty oath used in conversation is nothing more than a figure of speech and, according to Islamic theologians, it is better to avoid it. A false oath, especially a deliberately false one, is, as in other religions, one of the greatest sins. A valid oath is usually accompanied by the words “I swear by Allah” or “I swear by the One who controls human souls.” Failure to fulfill such an oath requires not only repentance, but also atonement. Moreover, there are two types of redemption. Either feed 10 beggars (you can also feed one beggar for 10 days), or fast for three days. But there is one caveat. If the person who took the oath ended it with the words “... if Allah wills,” then failure to fulfill it does not matter.

Oath in Buddhism

For followers of Buddha (Buddhism, by the way, is not so much a religion as a philosophy), an oath or vow is also of great importance. Two oaths are of particular interest. Bodhisattva Oath - Buddhists who have achieved Supreme Enlightenment. They make a vow to take upon themselves the burden of human suffering, and the oath of those entering the path of Buddha is to free their own consciousness from evil, envy, aggression and other bad qualities.

Among the Buddhist oaths there are some that cannot be found in other religions. I especially remember the oath to strive for boundless peace and the oath to become an angel after death. -a guardian for his children and grandchildren. There is also an oath - never take any oaths. Once this oath is taken, all others are considered invalid.


I believe in God. I believe in a Supreme Mind. I believe in the sacred semantic content of some words and, especially, the word “oath”. It is enough to remember the same root word “curse” to be convinced of this. The ancestral curse of the Kennedy clan, in which, for the sins of the robber Patrick Kennedy, who lived in the 19th century, people died and are dying to this day as a result of murders, suicides and various plane and car accidents members of this famous family cannot be a coincidence.

The word “oath,” like other words with the same root, must be pronounced carefully, not forgetting possible consequences. Human thought expressed in words is not an empty shock of air. Isn’t this what popular wisdom says: “silence is golden?”

Lev Madorsky

Oaths, vows, commitments, promises - the topic of the next thematic immersion.

You have probably made promises more than once, or someone has made them to you. Perhaps these were not just promises, but oaths, pledges or vows. For example, oaths of love and fidelity are often found. A striking example is the oaths and promises made during a marriage or wedding. Many more oaths and promises were made during the times Soviet Union, where there were many different slogans in school (Octobers, Pioneers), collective farms, civil service, etc. “We don’t need bread - give us work, we don’t need sun - the party will shine for us,” “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails.”

Perhaps you had difficulty keeping your promise or felt pressure from a once-made oath that had lost relevance, BUT YOU PROMISED and continued to follow what you promised.

Or, on the contrary, once this promise helped and supported you or another person to whom you made an oath. But changes have occurred in life and the oath is no longer needed and, perhaps, even interferes.

I will also give various examples from the practice of consultations about the oaths once taken and their manifestation in different areas of life. The reason for unsuccessful romantic relationships and loneliness often lies in the vows given earlier - “I swear, I’d rather be alone than with someone unknown,” “I will never get married,” “I will never love anyone again,” vows given in monastic lives (there are a lot - and in loyalty to God, in the absence of a sexual life, refusal of material goods, luxury, etc.). The vow “I will never be a burden to another person” makes it difficult to ask for help. In connection with a difficult situation where money is involved, very often various promises are made to oneself or others, which then drag on from life to life - “I don’t need money, give me back my child,” “I will never pick up money again.” When it is difficult to get out of an outdated relationship with a certain person, to let go is an example of a given promise “I will never leave you” or “I will always be there”, “I will only be with you”.

The impulse to help everyone, to “do good” when not asked, can be caused to one’s detriment by the oath “I will never refuse help to anyone,” “I will definitely help.”

It happens that it is not clear what an oath/promise/pledge/vow sounds like, what it is about, when it was taken, they can be indicated by a frequently recurring situation in life or behavior that you are unable to change and do the same thing over and over again same.

So what is an oath? This is a certain perspective, a certain direction in which a person is going to be. And in life, situations develop in accordance with a certain promise, pledge, oath, vow given to yourself or someone else. And they can relate to absolutely any area - labor, work, money, relationships with the opposite sex, relatives, friends, colleagues, manifestations of oneself, etc. They can sound both in the current life and also drawn from past ones. It can also last through several lives. Most often, oaths, vows, pledges are made on emotions, “in the hearts” and thus a karmic tie is created, which goes on to the next incarnations.

Perhaps not all vows interfere, not all of them need to be canceled. Oaths, vows, pledges, promises come not only with a minus sign, but also with a plus sign. For example, a promise given to myself - “Despite any difficulties, overcoming any obstacles, I will definitely get results.” If you think that this helps you, then there is no need to cancel such vows.

Just like any other situation, the situation with an oath can be changed, rethought, canceled. All this is within your power.

Vows occur quite often and prevent you from getting what you need from life, drain your energy, drain you, and you have to give up what you really need. They swore...

  • see/hear what your oath, pledge, pledge, promise sounds like
  • how this oath affected the current life and other lives
  • when it manifested and “activated” for the first time in the current life
  • look at life, where you first gave it and in what circumstances
  • look at it through the eyes of your Wise Soul, re-realize the situation where it was given
  • do what you want with the oath - reformulate, cancel, release or something else
  • untie karmic knots, free yourself from restraining oaths, vows, pledges, promises
  • and of course, thereby changing the events of your current life.

I also present to your attention a video review of regression sessions.

They worked with Vimana according to an old vow made many lives ago. It was this vow that was the reason for endless reincarnations. Very unusual! On the video from 6:38 min.: “...This session helped me resolve a very old, long-standing, long-standing, long-standing vow that I made, having made my free choice in the same way... Having made a free choice to incarnate again, to go through a whole chain of these incarnations , becoming a Guardian Angel, becoming simply someone who is invisibly nearby..."

I invite you to free yourself from oaths, vows, commitments and promises at a thematic immersion on the topic “Vows, vows, pledges, promises.”

Conditions for passing: 2-3 hours of free time, good Internet connection. The cost is conditional (details on page c).

You have another great opportunity to get a lot of useful and interesting information, which will help you further on your path. Use it to change your life now!

For those who are interested in taking this thematic dive on a special offer, please let us know about your desire to .

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What is an oath and why can’t you swear?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

An oath is an assurance to another of the truth of what is said or done. The Hebrew text of the Bible uses two words: shevua (Gen. 21:31) and ala (26:28). The one who swore called on God to be a witness to what he was saying (Deut. 10:1-22). This custom was enshrined in the Law of Moses: " Fear the Lord your God and serve Him alone, and cleave to Him and swear by His name" (Tue. 10.20). Holy books Old Testament contain many examples of establishing agreements using an oath.

"And the time came for Israel to die, and he called his son Joseph, and said: if I have found favor in your sight, put your hand on my thigh and swear that you will show me mercy..."(Gen.47:29)". " And Moses swore that day and said: "the ground on which your feet walked..." (Joshua 14:9) " David swore and said: Your father knows well..." (1 Samuel 20:3). “The king will rejoice in God, everyone who swears by Him will be praised, for the lips that speak lies will be stopped."(Ps. 63:12). The passages cited are enough to see that this custom of taking an oath in itself did not contain anything sinful. The Savior in the Sermon on the Mount abolished this Old Testament rite because he gave new law- spiritual. Now the witness of fidelity in the fulfillment of what was said is conscience (glorious conscience, co-messenger) - the voice of God in man. According to the words of the apostle: " I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie, my conscience bears witness to me in the Holy Spirit" (Rom.9.1). Let us cite other passages from the Epistles of St. Apostle Paul: " God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that I remember you continually."(Rom.1.9), " I call upon God to be a witness to my soul, that, sparing you, I have not hitherto come to Corinth" (2 Cor. 1:23), " The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed forever, knows that I do not lie" (2 Cor. 11:31), " God is my witness that I love you all with the love of Jesus Christ"(Phil.1:8), " For we never had before you any words of endearment, as you know, or any form of self-interest: God is my witness!" (1 Thess. 2:5) " And the Angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the earth, He raised his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created the sky and everything in it, the earth and everything in it, and the sea and everything in it, that time would be no more." (Rev. 10:5-6). Jesus Christ in the words " don't swear" abolished a specific Old Testament rite, because conscience becomes a witness to the faithfulness of a word or deed.
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