Energy vampires among us: how to recognize and protect yourself? Am I a vampire? What to do if you are an energy vampire

I will try to describe the most common and striking symptoms of vampirism, without delving into its causes. I hope this helps you answer the question for yourself: “Am I still a vampire?” I will only talk about ordinary vampires who need blood for their vital functions - since this subject is closer and more understandable to me. But, as far as I know, energy vampirism is similar in symptoms. This will be discussed in more detail in one of the following articles.

So, the first and most important sign is the physiological need for blood consumption, in other words, thirst for blood. Typically (not necessarily) it is expressed as:

1) A constant feeling of hunger or thirst that cannot be satisfied with regular food.
2) Chronic headaches, reaching the level of migraines.
3) Muscle pain and spasms, usually occurring in the shoulders, arms, legs or neck muscles.
4) Insomnia, however, this should not be confused with the tendency of some vampires to be nocturnal.
5) Emotional instability - mood swings, attacks of uncontrollable rage, followed by periods of depression.
6) Paranoia - in the extreme stages of Hunger.
7) Mental disorders - in the extreme stages of Hunger.
Most or all of the symptoms listed are common in a vampire who has not consumed blood; The strength of their manifestation varies; no two vampires experience the same thing. They disappear completely within about 24-28 hours after feeding, and appear again after about two weeks.

It is important to note: these symptoms are the most important, namely the need for blood and the disappearance of symptoms after satisfying hunger! If you don't feel any of them, or if they don't go away after taking a sip of blood, you're unlikely to be a vampire.

But in any case, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor. All signs may be symptoms of serious diseases; it is quite possible that their cause is not vampirism at all. A word of advice: It is not necessary to tell your doctor that you suspect you are a vampire. Just list the symptoms and ask what kind of testing would be best for you to undergo.

However, if no apparent reason is found, then you may indeed turn out to be a vampire.

Secondary signs:

Heightened senses are common for a vampire. Naturally, this manifests itself differently for everyone, but one way or another everyone talks about it.
1) Vision. Sharpened vision, including night vision (for example, the ability to read road signs at a distance of one hundred meters only by starlight); decreased vision during the day, similar to some people's inability to navigate at night. Possible shift in the perceived spectrum, unusual brightness or sharpness.
2) Hearing. Also aggravated, the vampire gains the ability to distinguish between low and high frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear; hear sound over a long distance and becomes more sensitive to frequency differences.
3) Smell. Not everyone reports any changes here, but some claim that they can, for example, understand that a woman is on her period, being a few meters away from her. There is also evidence of hypersensitivity to pheromones released by humans or animals.
4) Touch. Some say that they are able to understand whether someone else is in the room only by feeling the movement of air - others do not notice any changes. As with the sense of smell, everything is individual, and the range of possible changes is quite wide.
5) Taste. And here in each case the changes manifest themselves differently. Just don't be surprised if your usual food suddenly becomes intolerable or vice versa.
6) Some others. Most vampires claim that they can sense the presence of various kinds of creatures, and even objects. However, this ability manifests itself with age. A fairly common ability is to capture and manipulate the feelings and emotions of people around.

Increased physical strength is also common. The degree of manifestation varies from greater ease in moving any heavy object to a two to threefold increase in strength compared to “normal”.

The appearance of new allergic reactions, symptoms of stomach infections - for example, most vampires talk about intolerance to fermented milk products.

Almost all vampires report a change in the rhythm of their biological clock; the shift forces them to be predominantly nocturnal.

Another common problem for vampires is hyperphotosensitivity, almost everyone talks about intolerance to sunlight - in some cases the problem is solved with the help of sunglasses, sometimes it comes to skin burns.

Perhaps I have listed the main reasons. Don't be surprised if your body gives you surprises - its restructuring can be painful. The body must adapt to a new and necessary source of nutrition; it is possible that the temperature may rise after consuming blood, or vice versa - it may decrease and even transition to a state close to lethargy. However, these are really extreme cases. After some time, you will establish a clear blood consumption schedule and will be able to control the manifestation of all these symptoms.

By the way, ordinary human medications like aspirin will help you cope with at least a headache - but I would not recommend abusing it with antidepressants or sleeping pills. And one more caution: remember that the only thing that can eliminate all the symptoms of Hunger is blood. Any of the remedies that you have found most effective for yourself can only dull the sensations, but not eliminate their cause - but a complete refusal to feed on blood can destroy both your body and your psyche. They can only help cope with excessively unpleasant sensations - in a situation where there is no opportunity to satisfy Hunger. By the way, your own blood is also powerless here - moreover, constant attempts to get rid of the thirst for blood in this way can lead to an irreparable mental disorder.

And I want to repeat once again - if you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, do not immediately try to find the cause on vampire forums and websites! Don't consider yourself a vampire just because of this. The first thing you should do is visit a doctor. If the cause of the malaise does not become clear after a thorough examination, then try to quench your thirst with blood. You don't need several liters of it, just try drinking a tablespoon of fresh blood. If after this the symptoms have not disappeared or at least their manifestations have not weakened, return to the doctor, you need a more thorough and attentive examination. Remember: they can cause serious illnesses! By the way, do not overuse such “checks” of blood treatment - the human stomach is not adapted to digest blood, and its constant consumption for a person can cause serious diseases of the stomach and liver.

It is best to do this after a weekend, vacation, or vacation. If you only have 1 day free, this is also quite enough.

The first thing about becoming a vampire is that it's quite slow, so step by step, start acting a little like a vampire. Something to do: stop fiddling with things like pencils or hair, don't blink so much (but blink! Don't ruin your eyes! Blink slowly, blink at least 5-10 seconds apart!), pretend you're not breathe (but still breathe! If you don't breathe: you could get hurt!), and stare at people! Don't be creepy. Just watch for 6-10 seconds. But look intensely. When "transforming", pretend that you have "serious headaches" or "your teeth hurt." This enhances the effect.

After about a week of "transformation" you are a vampire! Congratulations! So now let's move on to food. Eat a big breakfast, and don't eat a big lunch. Maybe a salad, or a small sandwich. If your school allows it, eat where no one else eats. If you cannot eat a small lunch as above.

Carry a metal thermos with you at all times. Drink what's in the thermos more often than you eat. Be careful what you drink (“blood”), and if anyone asks what’s in it, just say, “Oh, nothing.” Also, when you drink, sigh deeply, as if with relief.

If you invite someone to spend the night at their house, say something like “I can’t, I’m busy tomorrow. But we can pass the time before dark." Vampires tend to become more active after dark. This is not necessary, but it adds to the effect.

Don't be too socially active. Have a few close friends and keep them close. Stay close to them, and if there is a threat, protect them.

As for music, give preference to either classics, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. Or listen to rock bands such as Paramore, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Nightwish, Shinedown, Black Veil Brides, Metallica, etc. The choice is yours.

NEVER complain about being cold, hot, or tired. Vampires never get tired! Avoid light. You imagine a modern, I-can-walk-in-the-sunlight vampire, not an old, I-turn-to-dust-in-the-sunlight vampire. When you are in the sun, wear large, dark glasses. If it's actually sunny, pretend the sun is bothering you a little and walk away. If you're in class and sitting next to a sunny window, wear a sweater. However, don't overheat. When you're outside, try to stay in the shade.

If the person gets too close, step back, hold your breath, and clench your fists. Then take a sip from the thermos. The person will probably ask, just say that you were a little uneasy and thirsty.

A word to the vampires

The contemptuous “vampire” will be thrown at you in the eyes and back. You and your habits will turn into a living X-ray; your every word and deed, like a litmus test, will reveal your true essence. Some will sympathize with you, and some will gloat.

The bosses will have the hardest time; many will have to change jobs, because they will feel the general condemnation of their “native” team.

It won’t be easy in family relationships either, but don’t lead to divorce, the children will suffer as a result, and you yourself. You can cope with this disease yourself, but it is better when a loved one helps you with this.

By writing this book, I did not intend to pass judgment on you, but to show how imperfect we still are. The purpose of this book is to open your eyes, make you think, teach you to see and understand the world in a new way, even in the light of this small ray of karmic medicine. I don’t want to sow discord, but the joy of a new understanding, self-awareness, and from this the world will become clearer and the view will become clearer.

Karmic medicine claims that any treatment should begin with repentance, and first of all - to oneself. Only then will any illness begin to recede.

The disease of vampirism arises from weakness of spirit, although solar vampires consider themselves strong people, however, where do these periodic nervous shocks that they arrange for those around them come from? Admit it to yourself, repent, and then it will be easy for you to get rid of this illness.

What is needed for this? Learn to capture that state when you suddenly feel an urgent need to unwind. Analyzing this state, you will understand that before this all your thoughts were concentrated on yourself out of dissatisfaction or irritation with someone. That everything you see and hear makes you nervous. It is not difficult to remove this depressing state and transform it into a new quality. Humanity has developed many methods and techniques that it successfully uses to bring itself into a calm state.

They are based on the principle of abstraction, when we switch our attention to a new activity or state. On the one hand, this is meditation and relaxation, and on the other, active activity. Active activity in the full range of its manifestations helps to switch attention and consciousness, and physical activity relieves the tension that suppresses us. Then it becomes clear to us why some people often move furniture in their apartment. Here is the real embodiment of the phrase: “Your energy, but for peaceful purposes.”

It is important to take into account here that if a switch of consciousness does not occur during physical activity, then this is why accidents occur. Any work should bring joy, and this is the fundamental basis for a qualitative change in the state, in which some energies will be replaced by new ones. That is why they say that work ennobles.

When a person works passionately, he finds himself in a state of the “fourth dimension”, and in this state people not only work, they create! At the same time, the sense of time is lost, you don’t feel like eating and drinking, illnesses go away, because the whole human body, its organs are filled with pure divine energy, displacing everything that interfered and oppressed it before.

And everyone can remember that he was in this state more than once. Bring it back to yourself again and again, and you will feel like a happy person. It doesn't matter at all what you do. The main thing is for your soul to sing with the joy of what you are doing.

I remember a pioneer camp where all the adults had to take turns setting tables for seven hundred children for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone considered it the most hard labor. When I first came to set the tables, my thoughts were indeed elsewhere. I could have spent an extra hour swimming in the sea and sunbathing, minding my own business, but here... And I was really tired, not to mention the fact that other counselors were “falling” from fatigue and becoming irritated.

No, I told myself, you can’t work like that, you need to come up with something.

And I came up with an idea. When I came to serve dinner, I played the role of a waiter. Oh, how they fly between the tables, gracefully holding the tray and masterfully controlling their bodies. All. I was in “seventh heaven” with joy. And when all the counselors were already exhausted, softened, and became irritable, I, without feeling tired, fluttered around the halls, delivering supplements to the children. My soul sang! The dinner was delicious and wonderful, but I felt that the cutlets were mixed with dirty energies and made by a bad, evil person, and therefore my soul did not accept them. After lunch, I checked who made the cutlets, and it turned out to be the cook with the worst reputation in the team.

The same thing happens in our home when family members refuse to eat cooked food. In what state of mind did you prepare it? But we force or trick the child to eat this food, and then we wonder why he has diarrhea, fever, etc.

Karmic medicine describes external laws without resorting to physical and biological research. It shows new search paths for specialists: physicists, biologists, chemists, geneticists, etc. And since there is irrefutable evidence of some phenomena in human life and health, then they must explain them.

The biofield (aura) around the human body has always existed, the ancients knew about it, but only at the end of the 20th century physicists managed to detect and record it on instruments, and see its color image. But those who spoke about its existence were considered charlatans. This is due to powerlessness and ignorance of the Unified Laws of Nature.

Now let's get back to the topic of this chapter.

We found out that in order to get rid of a heavy load of energies, you need to put yourself in an altered state. We have looked at its active forms, and now let's talk about passive ones.

Many people do not have sufficient physical strength, and therefore it is easier for them to achieve an altered state through internal calm, relaxation and relaxation. Music and painting, going out into nature will help them with this, but the most powerful tool for them can be prayer, mantra, meditation.

The purity of the human body depends on its spiritual state. Lunar people have a floating, changeable and unstable state of soul; they lack internal support, which is formed on Faith and Will.

Lunar people react to all events around them and very quickly move from one state to another, while the new state can completely replace the old one. If they were in a cheerful and joyful state, then a minute later, having reacted to a negative source, the joy was gone. The blues attack him, but instead of crying, he needs to remember the state that was a minute ago. Lunar people are especially susceptible to insults, which makes them difficult to communicate with.

Joy in the soul is what we need first of all. “Don’t lose heart, you’ll hurt yourself,” said Kozma Prutkov, and he was right.

Lunar vampires talk about their illnesses all the time, looking for our sympathy, but they come across junk: “Leave me alone, I’m tired of you with your sores!” This makes them suffer even more.

Try to change your impressions, go to exhibitions, theaters, parks, go to holiday homes and go hiking. All this stops negative vibrations of feelings and emotions from heavy thoughts and fills you with pure mental energies, awakens the spiritual world.

Forgive me, I said a lot of offensive words about you, but I ask you not to be offended. For only now have you learned that you are sick with a hitherto unknown disease, which everyone now knows about.

One wise man said: “Forewarned is forearmed.” I am equipping you with the knowledge of how to get rid of the disease, and not hide it (which is impossible to do). Remember that now you are unable to hide your vice; it can be changed if you change your lifestyle, thoughts and actions.
I would like to end my message to you with the words of S.Ya. Marshak:

“Let your mind be good,
And the heart will be smart.”

Many have seen films about vampires - dead people who support their existence with the living blood of their victims. Very accurately, the authors of books and films reflect in these horror films the real relationships between people that occur at the energetic level.

Ordinary people receive a boost of energy in ways known to all: after digesting food and assimilating the carbohydrates it contains, after saturating the blood with a large amount of oxygen, and so on. This concerns physical charges with energy.

At the same time, the creation of spiritual energy is carried out. Its reserves are replenished due to good events that happen in a person’s life: for example, visiting a favorite museum, watching a soulful movie, going to a concert or visiting, meeting an old friend, enrolling a child in a university, and so on. This is how a person who is not burdened by hereditary breaks in the energy shell is filled with vitality.

As for energy vampires, their vulnerability is a consequence of a “leaky” energy shell. For a normal existence, such people are forced not only
eat intensely, lead an emotional life in order to generate energy, but also replenish its lack with ready-made energy, taking it away from others.

There are two types of energy vampires: they are either very active, sociable people, open to everyone and everything, easy-going, or outright “sufferers” whose lives are spent in eternal complaints about ill health, loneliness, misunderstanding, and unsettled life.

If a friend suddenly turns out to be

Like all normal people, energy vampires do not want to complicate their lives, so they “take” what is at hand. Their victims are friends and people with whom they can spend a lot of time without arousing suspicion (work colleagues, housemates, clients, etc.).

Usually, after communicating with an energy vampire, you always feel a loss of strength and experience an unconscious hostility towards this person. At such moments, the victim is struck by the thought that she is communicating with the enemy, and after a while everything returns to normal - and the hostility disappears.

Vampire people are naturally gifted with charm and the ability to win the hearts and souls of others. If they are “activists”, then they are indispensable when working with people (paradoxically), when reaching compromises and finalizing the final plan of action or making a decision.

True, energy vampires are subject to frequent mood swings, but over the years this takes on a tinge of disguise: they will not show emotions in truly difficult moments, but will show off without reason or reason when they want to fool the people around them.

It is interesting that vampires are characterized by different abilities for pumping out energy. Some can take energy from any source predisposed to it, and under any circumstances. Others are able to take away only what is “bad”: from a relaxed, upset, sick person. Still others need a powerful energy concentration, a burst, to absorb energy.

This is how quarrelsome vampires get energy. Among unintentional vampires, this is the lowest and most unenviable stratum. Their policy is to gather as many people as possible in one small room and lead them to a quarrel, a scandal. It's interesting that a vampire never
does not take part in the squabble, he enjoys absorbing the whirlwind of energy and hardly hides the pleasure he feels.

Look at yourself!

If you think that you, in fact, are the same energy donor that every second person strives to attach to, then you are very mistaken. It turns out that each of us is capable of being both a donor and a vampire.

When we are sick, we are vampires. When we are energetically depleted and exhausted by nagging bosses, troubles in business and emotional turmoil, we are vampires. And, without noticing it, we act simply and without frills - we find ourselves a donor. For permanent use or for one time use.

Which neighbor do you run to to complain when you quarrel with your husband again or collapse under the eternal nagging of your mother-in-law? She, the neighbor, will always understand and regret it. You will cry and speak out and, really, you will feel better. This is your personal and proven energy donor. Which subordinate do you regularly “take it out on”, who is your “whipping boy” or “scapegoat”? Or maybe you bring your problems home and take it out on your own children, wife or husband? You may object: “Why, it was my boss who exhausted me to the point of exhaustion!” Is it any wonder that I snapped at the student who stepped on my foot on the bus?” But this is how it turns out, just like in the movies - someone who is bitten by a vampire becomes a vampire himself!

What to do if you are a vampire?

If you feel a tendency towards energy vampirism, immediately look for the reason. Not in the people around you, but in yourself. Where is that inexhaustible internal source of energy that you do not have access to?

* Visit the temple more often, attend prayer services, prayers and other temple rituals. In general, it is very useful for you to visit the temple as often as possible. After all, there is such powerful energy inside the temple premises that you can be charged with it for several days without causing harm to other people.

* Get rid of the evil eye, if there is one.

* Douse yourself with cool water daily. Go in for sports, make it your favorite
a weekly visit to the bathhouse and steam room with a broom is a habit. Or saunas with a swimming pool. Sign up for belly dancing or swimming. Exercise regularly until you get tired. Buy a bicycle or, as a last resort, an exercise bike.

* Go for a full body massage or Turkish baths. Take a regular course of Thai therapeutic massage. Take up hatha yoga or any other yogic practice. Take up Buddhist meditation. If you are interested - reiki, cosmoenergy, bioenergy. Take faith into your heart. All this will help open your inner source of energy.

How to resist a vampire

* Learn to say “NO!”

* Learn to say “I DON’T WANT!”

* Learn to unhook a person who has clung to you for his “culture” by apologizing. For example, with the following phrase: “Sorry, I really don’t have time right now, I’m in such a hurry!” (or, on the phone - I’m so busy, they came to me, the milk ran away! Etc., etc.)

* Keep track of what “bait” (guilt, resentment, irritation, anger) the next vampire caught you with. Get rid of complexes and habits, from reactions that a vampire can get caught up in.

* If someone has chosen you as a regular donor and this bothers you, you need to break off the relationship. Even if this person is very charming, does a lot of good things for you, takes on the responsibility of caring for you and perhaps even seems to love you. Of course he does, you also love the fruits that you grow in your garden to eat.

* Try to spend less time talking with older people.

* Leave as soon as possible if someone begins to insult or anger you for no apparent reason. Don't respond to the attack, don't open up, don't open your mouth.

* If you are drawn into a conversation, if you find yourself in the company of a flatterer or a talker, remain silent. Talking takes away a huge amount of energy. Answer in monosyllables if your boss forces him to listen. That is, yes, no.

* If you feel out of breath after a long monologue and feel exhausted, mark this event and learn not to be hypnotized by the sound of your own voice. Learn to be silent.

* If you still find it difficult not to react, run! Run away, get away from conflicts and showdowns. Often physical escape is easier to accomplish than defense.

* If you can’t escape, “close the loop.” That is, cross your legs, arms on your chest or stomach. Or place your palm on your throat or solar plexus, and the palm of your other hand on top of the first. The woman places her left hand on her throat or solar plexus, and her right hand on top. The man gives his right hand first, then his left hand from above.

Energy Shield

This method is found among some adherents of occult teachings. It consists in the fact that a person who is confident in the influence of an energy vampire on him must mentally surround himself with a thin energy shield or screen, as if woven from an unusually strong luminous matter. This is usually a golden-colored sphere or shield. The brighter your imagination, the calmer and more confident you are at the moment of attack, the more effective the result will be. Do not forget to subsequently destroy the screen, since its constant presence will disrupt your natural energy exchange with the environment.

And you're so cold...

It happens that an energy vampire does not leave you alone, constantly complains about his fate, problems and illnesses, but at the same time does absolutely nothing to improve the situation. It may turn out that this is your close relative. Then you can counteract it with coldness. You need to treat such people coldly, not cruelly or indifferently, but coldly. Of course, after such a change in your relationship with an energy vampire, their deterioration or rupture is inevitable. However, believe me, this is the best solution for both of you. You will be protected, and the vampire will be forced to learn to obtain energy in a normal way, in the worst case, switch to other donors.

We need to refresh ourselves!

And if your energy is stolen, how can you accumulate it again? Just like the sucked blood, it urgently needs to be restored, because blood and energy are the two dominant vital principles of a person.

Select a donor tree such as birch, oak or pine. Walk around the tree nine times counterclockwise and say: “I ask you, tree (name), give me strength, heal my wounds.” Then you need to hug the tree and imagine that it fills you with energy.

Sit comfortably in a chair, place your hands on your knees, palms up (this is how you open your energy channels) and, completely relaxed, closing your eyes, mentally turn to the Cosmos, asking for new vitality from there.

Conspiracy against the "bloodsuckers"

To counteract vampires, you can ask for help from God, the Guardian Angel, or use a spell that you can say to yourself when contacting a vampire: “On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, lies the Alatyr stone, on that stone sit three elders with iron rods, twelve fever sisters are coming towards them, sucking blood, cursed. Where are you going, you sinners, damned ones? Let's go out into the world, break people's bones, drink their blood, take away their strength. Turn back, sinners, damned ones, damned ones! Mother, you are my evening star, I complain to you, servant of God (name), about twelve maidens. Herod’s daughters!”

Repeat the spell three times, quietly spitting to the left after each time, with the sentence: “Where I spit, bloodsucking sinners should not go there!”

Aspen stakes were sharpened by Svetlana Myadzel

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