Install a gas tank in a private house. Gas holder for a private home: principle of operation and overview of various types. Turnkey gas tanks Chemet

Gas holder - the name was borrowed from English. Gas – gas and holder – holder, owner. Under the loud name there is simply a storage tank for a gaseous substance. Most often, residents of private houses pump and store natural or liquefied gas into such containers. Heating systems that include solid fuel or diesel boilers may often not suit homeowners due to labor-intensive maintenance.

An alternative in this case is, but what to do when the main gas pipeline is too far from your home, or is completely absent? A gas tank comes to the rescue. The use of such a device is not at all uncommon in the modern world. A correctly selected gas tank, depending on the volume and corresponding gas consumption of the boiler equipment, is capable of providing a country house with fuel, requiring replenishment only twice a year.

What is a gas holder?

A gas holder is nothing more than a container designed to store liquefied natural gas. If you want, this is such a huge lighter. Around the world, the use of gas tanks on households is completely common. It would never occur to a prudent owner to pull a branch from a main gas pipeline several kilometers away.

Gas holders are widely used in Europe, where resources are used sparingly and the traditions of autonomous gasification are firmly entrenched in the minds of homeowners. Often such a large cylinder can be found on ski resorts, or northern territories where it is not possibleextend the main gas pipeline for geological or economic reasons.

Autonomous gasification is not hopeless at all. This is a completely sensible, balanced and widespread decision throughout the world. In the European Union, for example, Poland alone, there are more than 100 thousand similar gas supply options. Installing a gas holder allows households to experience the privileges of using liquefied gas in everyday life, such as:convenience and economic benefits.

Currently, at the end of 2017, the rules for operating a gas tank in the Russian Federation regulate the registration of installed equipment in Rostekhnadzor, in caseits affiliation with a legal entity. If the equipment belongs to an individual and is installed on private property, there is no such regulation of registration requirements. Of course, it is worth understanding that the owner is responsible for everything independently.

Gas holder device

Gas holders are distinguished according to the principle of storing gaseous substances and are divided into two types: with variable and constant volume. In the variable type, the gas is stored at a pressure equal to atmospheric values. The volume of such a container changes linearly depending on filling or emptying, and the necessary pressure is created by a special bell in a cylindrical pool filled with water or by a piston in dry systems.

Second type: constant volume gas holder. That is, it is a container that does not change the internal volume depending on the amount of gaseous substance injected. As a rule, they look like a cylindrical tank. Their main advantage is the modern materials used for their manufacture, which are capable of containing gas under a pressure of 1.8 MPa.

Why is a gas tank needed?

In order to save your expenses and make more profits, developers are not willing to extend highways to new buildings. The owner of a private house may, in this case, think about autonomous gasification of his home. If the mainline is significantly removed, a gas tank becomes an alternative solution. Why is this necessary? For three reasons: convenience, economy and ecology. Of course, you can heat your house with coal, fuel oil, diesel fuel or even wood.

If any of the above options are comparable in cost, then they are definitely not environmentally friendly. As for the economy, if you consider that the price of a kilogram of liquefied gas at the time of 2017 is about 30 rubles (on average = 0.5 dollars). An eight-month heating season for a house with an area of ​​150 square meters. will require from 3000 to 4000 kilograms.

Thus, the total financial costs for heating, heating water to a hot state and cooking food are approaching 90-120 thousand rubles per year. Or 7 – 10 thousand rubles per month, for complete energy independence. However, we will make a reservation that the actual amount of costs depends on the materials used to build the house, the insulation used and the area.

Gas holder placement rules on the site

An autonomous heating system using a gas holder today requires large one-time investments. That is why it is not advisable to use a gas tank for a private house with an area of ​​less than 150 square meters, due to the long payback period of the project.

The basis for gasification of the facility is the gas tank. Or, as we found out, a liquefied gas storage facility. Gas is delivered by special gas carriers, which pump it into the tank. The volume of the required gas tank is calculated based on the size of the house.

Practice shows that normal household use is limited to a size of 2.5 - 5 cubic meters. The tank is buried in the ground at a certain distance from the house so that the gas tank can be refilled unhindered, andthe gas carrier had the opportunity to park without experiencing any difficulties.

The depth of the container is also important. Preference should be given to manufacturing companies that manufacture gas holders taking into account the freezing depth. The design must have a high neck.

Please note that European manufacturers do not always make a high neck, since it is not necessary in southern latitudes. We can only envy that not all of Europe is familiar with the concept of “freezing depth”.

Many consumers buy a container without a neck, saving a small amount of money, and then, when faced with difficulties, begin to heroically overcome them. After installation, deepening the gas tank is not an easy and costly task, but expanding the neck becomes more difficult and many times more expensive.

In any case, it will not be possible to leave the gas holder near the surface. Physical properties of propane-butane does not allow to ensure high-quality operation of the device whennegative temperatures preventing the liquefied phase from effectively evaporating.

In addition, pay attention to the service life of the container. Often a gas tank with no neck has a limited service life and does not exceed 20 years. After this time, the container simply needs to be replaced, since there is no way to diagnose it.

Bury the gas tank in a horizontal position. This achieves two goals. Firstly, it is much easier to dig a hole and ensure inexpensive installation of the structure. Secondly, the gas evaporation surface expands. Evaporation occurs naturally, and its quantity is enough to provide a country house with the vapor phase of gas. Otherwise, it would be necessary to use separate mechanisms - so-called evaporators.

Gas holder safety

A gas holder is not very different from a regular household cylinder, except in size. Reviews from owners indicate the unpretentiousness of the equipment in general. Filling with gas, just like a cylinder, should not exceed 85% of its volume.

Evaporating, the gas phase enters the house through the gas duct and powers heating, hot water and other gas appliances. Mandatory principle safety duringoperation becomes the use of a group of special devices that control leaks of the gas mixture. Thermal shut-off valves block the gas supply to the house in the event of a fire.

Gas alarms paired with a solenoid valve during a leak and a gas concentration of 0.4% send a pulse to the valve and completely block the supply of the gas mixture to all appliances in the house.

A sensitive gas analyzer is installed near the floor, where possible leakage will accumulate; a wire runs from it to a valve fixed on the gas pipe. The critical concentration of propane-butane starts from 2% of its content in the air. Such a pair is not cheap, but it is a reasonable price for complete safety.

Gas holder for a private home: pros and cons

The advantages of owning a gas holder in a personal household are obvious, we just have to state the facts:


  • autonomy– the consumption of gas resources becomes available to you in full. Your personal gas pipeline system does not depend on pressure in the mains. You are not afraid of accidents of the common gas pipeline. In addition, such equipment significantly affects the capitalization of your home;
  • environmental component– Do you want to walk on snow-white snow in your country house, creaking on the paths? Then urgently give up fuel oil, diesel fuel and coal. The almost complete absence of sulfur compounds in liquefied gas, and its complete combustion with sufficient air, guarantees snow-white snow and clean air. Even if the gas tank fails and gas escapes, nothing terrible will happen. Liquefied gas quickly passes into the vapor phase and evaporates into the atmosphere. You don't have to worry about harming the ground cover or seedlings;
  • extended service life your entire household. Boiler equipment running on gas fuel always has an undeniable advantage in the form of a long service life over solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers. The fact is that the absence of sulfur has a beneficial effect on interaction with metal. Having no reaction with sulfur, gas equipment will work faithfully 30% longer compared to traditional heating units;
  • odorless combustion– modern gas equipment is everywhere located in high-rise apartments. The combustion processes of blue fuel in devices occur without the release of pungent odors, and harmful products are removed outside through a chimney.

The disadvantages that a gas tank can give us are not so obvious. For the most part, they are all connected in one way or another with the increasing financial burden on home ownership:


  • Price– financial costs for a full range of services for connecting a gas tank, which is called “turnkey”, will cost the owner starting from $3,500. Additionally, you will have to buy control valves, gas analyzers and other metering devices. Ensuring the access of a gas carrier so that gas delivery and gas holder refilling can be carried out without hindrance. Add here the annual maintenance;
  • Increased responsibility– the gas in the tank is an explosive substance. You should remember safety measures and, if possible, bury the gas tank in the ground at the maximum distance from residential buildings. The minimum distance is considered to be 10 meters; the depth, as a rule, corresponds to the lower level of soil freezing. As we wrote above, limit yourself to filling the storage tank to no more than 85% of the volume. Remember, gas is a substance that can expand, especially in the summer.
  • Regulatory inspection– the gas tank requires regular maintenance. Taking into account the passport data of the tanks, in accordance with the current rules and standards, only specially trained persons who have passed certification are allowed to perform maintenance. The entire system must be constantly monitored for gas leaks. Monitor the amount of it in the tank so as not to end up in a situation where the tank is empty and then the heating system stops. A telemetry module can be an assistant in solving many problems. As you might guess, this pleasure is not free, but the installation monitors and transmits information about the status of the equipment via the Internet or cellular communications;
  • condensate formations– evaporation occurs inside the gas tank, particles fall onto the walls in the form of condensation, the process destroys the equipment and can gradually damage the tank.

Autonomous gasification and gas supply to a private home - watch the video:

Attention!!! The prices below include All necessary equipment, works and services for the legal commissioning of tanks, reliable and safe operation throughout the entire designated service life of 40 years, except for earthworks and the cost of sand with which the tank is filled . The table below shows prices for an autonomous gasification system delivered and installed on site, based on reliable and durable Chemet gas tanks (gas holders) of certified models 2700P, 4850P, 4850PM, 6400P, 6400PM, 9200P, 9200PM.

Comparing prices of autonomous gasification based on gas tanks from various manufacturers, it should be taken into account that due to changes in legislation throughout the Russian market, only Chemet gas tanks models 2700P, 4850P, 4850PM, 6400P, 6400PM, 9200P, 9200PM do not require additional expensive (80-300 thousand rubles) examination for compliance regulations of the Russian Federation for their legalization, because only these articles are fully identified in the certificate and nameplate. All other Chemet models, except those indicated above, and all models of gas tanks from City-Gas, VPS, Kadatec, G.A.M., Antonio Merloni, as well as all Russian manufacturers require individual certification for legal operation due to the fact that they are not identified in the certificate , therefore their compliance with the regulations has not been proven. To the prices of all models of tanks from all other manufacturers, it is necessary to add additional costs of 80-300 thousand rubles for individual certification with hydraulic tests conducted by an independent expert organization. It should also be noted that models of these or other brands, for example Deltagaz, are not subject to certification. PROHIBITED operation of uncertified models of gas tanks in accordance with TR CU 032/2013! Availability of certificate without indicating the model number and/or assigned service life is not evidence of confirmation of the gas tank’s compliance with the regulations of the Russian Federation! An order to prohibit operation can be issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations during an inspection based on a report from the operator of the state automated information system GAIS ERA-GLONASS (monitoring gas tankers) or based on complaints from neighbors.

When comparing with the prices of other companies, one should take into account the significant additional costs of owners of “cheap” gas tanks from other companies for autonomous gasification systems, for certification tests, for paying for the electricity consumed by the ECP system for corrosion protection, for replacing the tank at the end of a low (10 years) designated period. service life.

When calculating the economic efficiency of using Chemet gas tanks, one should take into account,that the listed price (price divided by the confirmed service life) of Chemet is the lowest on the Russian market: 3-4 times lower than the quoted price of other manufacturers. The record high safe operation life of Chemet gas tanks is due to the unique material of the gas tanks, which is not subject to sulfation under the influence of hydrogen sulfide additives and inclusions contained in the gas, which are aggressive to steel. The record service life of 40 years is confirmed by a certificate issued by the German technical supervision TUV SUD. Gas tanks from all other manufacturers need to be replaced after 10 years.

Chemet tank Cost of basic equipment Volume Maximum thermal power of consumers Maximum heated area of ​​the house
4850 Economy 360,000 rub. 4.85 m 3 50 kW 400 m 2
4850 Premium 460,000 rub. 4.85 m 3 50 kW 400 m 2
6400 Economy RUB 425,400 6.4 m 3 70 kW 700 m 2
6400 Premium RUB 525,400 6.4 m 3 70 kW 700 m 2
9200 Economy RUB 581,800 9.2 m3 100 kW 1000 m 2
9200 Premium RUB 681,800 9.2 m3 100 kW 1000 m 2

Basic equipment

The price of the basic package already includes all the equipment that is necessary for long, reliable and safe operation of the autonomous gasification system. The price includes:

  • Chemet tank
  • solid concrete base
  • stainless steel tank fastening by feet *
  • base entry with bellows compensator *
  • 15 meters of gas pipeline
  • condensate collector *
  • cathodic protection anode *
  • special GOK gearbox *
  • all delivery and installation work
  • tests

Free service

Annual maintenance and repair of AvtonomGaz tanks is carried out for free.

This eliminates the costs that would otherwise have to be spent on repairs and maintenance when using gas tanks from other companies.

This is the final price

We do not provide discounts, credits or installments and do not add markups.

All equipment is in stock in sufficient quantity. Reservation is free of charge and without prepayment after the engineer visits the site.

The price does not include the cost of excavation and sand.

* elements necessary for reliable and safe operation, but not included in the price by many other companies, or replaced with cheap ones that do not provide reliable operation in Russian conditions.

Attention: counterfeit! Chemet equipment not produced outside the plant located in Poland. Licenses for the production of Chemet tanks are also not issued. Only authorized partners of the plant have the right to install and maintain Chemet equipment. In the countries of the Customs Union, only the companies AvtonomGaz and Gazovoz are authorized partners of Chemet. Any equipment installed by companies NOT listed on the official Chemet website, presented as CHEMET equipment or allegedly manufactured under license, is counterfeit!

  • Read also:

Cost of refilling an autonomous gasification system

Refilling a gas tank with a volume of 4850 liters will cost approximately. You can estimate your annual home heating costs using this calculator.

Cost of a mobile gas tank trailer

A mobile gas tank is a cylinder with a volume of 600 liters, mounted on a trailer for a passenger car. Its capacity is enough to heat a room of 100 m2 in winter. When the gas runs out, the mobile gas tank can be attached to a car and taken to the nearest gas station.

Cost of additional equipment

For an additional fee, you can install additional elements that are not included in the basic package. The cost indicated in the table includes all installation work.

Additional item price Availability as standard
System for remote control of fuel volume in the tank via the Internet and SMS 14500 rub. -
Underground gas pipeline 300 rub. per meter 15 meters
Butane evaporator collector (6 liters) 14200 rub. 1 piece
Chemet base inlet with welded tap and bellows compensator assembly 18,000 rub. 1 piece
Magnesium anode for electrochemical protection in the activator 8000 rub. 1 piece with tanks with a volume of 4.86 m3 and 6.5 m3, 2 pieces with tanks with a volume of 9.2 m3
Gas inlet 9000 rub. -
Internal gas pipeline with permanent (welded or soldered) connections (steel, copper) 1500 rub. per meter -
Internal tap ½" 300 rub. -
Internal tap ¾" 500 rub. -
Flexible bellows liner internal 500 rub. per meter -
Fire shut-off valve 2000 rub. -
Solenoid valve with gas sensor 10700 rub. -

Cost of maintenance and repair of Chemet autonomous gasification systems

We service and repair Chemet tanks free of charge when refueling at AvtonomGaz. When refueling at other companies, you will have to pay for the same services.

When refueling at AvtonomGaz When refueling at other companies
Warranty for the Chemet autonomous gasification system Lifetime 1 year
Commissioning work during refueling For free 12000 rub.
Routine maintenance (before and after refueling) For free 9000 rub.
Routine maintenance (for departure and work) For free 9000 rub.
Emergency maintenance (for travel and work without pumping and degassing the tank) For free 9000 rub.
Condensate pumping, tank cleaning and disposal For free 23,000 rub.
Gas pumping and tank degassing for equipment repair, equipment replacement, gas injection For free 32,000 rub.
Spare parts: valves, taps, level gauge, regulators For free 3000 - 14000 rub.
Replacing the gearbox For free 14300 rub.
Replacing the ECP anode Not required 14,000 rub.

The indicated cost of maintenance and repair includes the cost of spare parts and components.

The cost of upgrading autonomous gasification systems installed by other companies

Some companies install autonomous gasification systems with flaws, due to which the service life of the installations becomes much shorter. AvtonomGaz will help owners of such systems and eliminate the shortcomings left by others.

Autonomous gasification system Price
Lifting the gearbox above ground level from flooding with groundwater 12000 rub.
Raising the filling valve above ground level to prevent the valve from opening and releasing gas when water entering the valve freezes All systems manufactured in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy 10700 rub.
Installation or replacement of passive electrochemical protection anode on epoxy-coated tanks, carried out annually All produced in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy without flaw detection and repair of microcracks immediately before lowering into the pit 14,000 rub.
Installation of active electrochemical protection (constant current power consumption 0.5 -3 kW) with arrangement of a trench with conductive backfill All tanks made in Russia (steel 09G2S and its modifications, any coating according to the Russian standard “very reinforced type”) 147,000 rub.
Laying a gas pipeline on a slope with installation of a butane evaporator collector at the lowest point (price without excavation work) All installations with a gas pipeline made of PE80 or with a gas pipeline laid without a slope 1200 rub. per meter + 14,200 rub. evaporator collection
Tank dismantling, washing, drying, flaw detection of microcracks in epoxy coating, coating repair, flaw detection after repair, installation (price without excavation work) All made in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy, installed without flaw detection and repair of microcracks immediately before lowering into the pit 42,000 rub. without replacing the stove or 51,000 rubles. with replacement of a hollow slab with a solid one
Replacing a base bushing with a bushing with a welded tap and bellows compensator All installations with brass tap on the plinth inlet and detachable connections on the plinth inlet 18,000 rub.
Replacing the cable fastening with a fastening by the paws (if there are paws) before the tank floats up (price without excavation work) 18,000 rub.
Replacing the cable fastening with a fastening by the paws (if there are paws) after the tank floats up (price without excavation work) All installations are secured to the slab with cables. 29,000 rub.

The number of country houses is growing, but not everyone can afford to connect their house to the gas distribution network. Here we can note the high cost of gasification work and the fact that not every remote area has a gas distribution network. However, the problem can be solved using an autonomous gas reservoir - gas holder.

Gas holder: general information

A gas holder is a large reservoir (tank) in which reserves of liquefied gas are stored. Monitors the pressure inside the tank special automation. It also controls the amount of gas, its distribution and monitors the safety of the entire system.

The supply of gas to the tank, refueling, connection of the gas holder to the gas boiler and all service work must be carried out only by certified workers from special companies. This is explosive equipment and requires proper maintenance by qualified technicians. Otherwise, the gas tank will not cause problems for the user.

The gas tank is filled with liquefied propane butane. The number of refills per year depends on the volume of the tank and gas consumption. As a rule, refilling rarely exceeds 1-2 times a year. A special vehicle with a refueling tank arrives for refueling. The procedure itself is reminiscent of refueling a car at a gas station.

Types of gas tanks

Based on the type of container placement, gas tanks are divided into two types:

  • underground tanks;
  • above ground tanks.

We'll tell you more information about the types of gas tanks.

Installation Standards

For underground gas tanks:

  • the tank should be located at least 10-12 meters from a private house;
  • the soil in which the tank is dug must be stable;
  • utility lines should not pass nearby;

For a ground-type gas holder:

  • installed within 2-3 meters from the border of the site, so that the hose from the filling machine can freely reach the neck of the gas tank;
  • There should be a water intake well no further than 15 meters from the gas tank.

How to calculate the volume of a tank for a private house

This parameter is calculated based on gas consumption per 1 sq. m of living space. In the southern regions of the country, per 1 sq.m. premises, the average gas consumption is about 25-30 cu. m., then in the northern regions it will be about 35 cubic meters. m., and maybe more.

An accurate calculation of the volume can be made based on the power of the heating boiler. We multiply the maximum rated power of the boiler by 100. That is, by 1 kW. capacity per year will require consuming 100 liters of gas.

So, for example, in order to heat a private house in central Russia with an area of ​​200 square meters. m. you will need a tank of at least 6000 liters.

When calculating, it is important to remember that the tank is filled with gas by 85%. The remaining volume - 15% - is needed to fill with gas, which expands when heated.

Cost of models and installation

The Russian market is ready to provide various types and models of gas tanks. When choosing a model it is worth pay attention on the manufacturer, tank volume, temperature conditions and service life.

Quality companies and manufacturers

Installation of a gas tank, installation cost and main stages

Installation of the tank usually takes from 1 to 3 days. It all depends on the complexity of the work being carried out. And the prices for this work in companies involved in the sale and installation of gas tanks.

Gas tank installation includes the following steps:

  • excavation;
  • installation of a device for liquefied gas, which includes: installation of a concrete base, placement of the tank at the appropriate depth and arrangement of protective systems;
  • laying and connecting gas pipes to a private house.

The cost of installation work, including delivery, commissioning and pressure testing of the gas pipeline, can range from approximately 50-55 thousand rubles. up to 65-70 thousand rubles.

Excavation work is priced separately. The cost depends on the volume of the tank and the difficulties on site. Approximate cost for gas tanks with volumes starting from 2700 litas. up to 6400 lit. can be from 20 thousand rubles. And the tank is 10,000 litres. will cost 40 - 50 thousand rubles.

Total expenditure will be built like this:

(model cost)+(installation cost)+(excavation cost) = total consumption


  • Based on the parameters of the site, decide on the type of tank - underground or above ground. The most practical models are underground;
  • decide on the volume of the tank;
  • select the gas tank model;
  • Based on your budget and the cost of the model and services, choose a company that will deliver and install the tank.

Regardless of the type, gas tanks will fully satisfy the gas needs of a private home. Gas tanks are safe to use. For installation, you should contact professionals. In this case, you can receive service, starting from delivery and installation, and ending with an annual technical inspection of the gas tank.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The word gasification is most often associated with large-scale events held in large cities. However, gas supply is also required for small suburban areas, cottages and houses, and for these purposes the installation of a gas tank is required. Autonomous gasification is convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

The main customers of this service are owners of houses with an area of ​​at least 150-200 sq.m. The system requires considerable initial costs, but then such investments are fully justified.

The basis for gasification of any facility is an autonomous gas tank, or liquefied gas storage facility, which is supplied to the reservoir by gas carriers.

How is a gas holder installed for a country house?

Installing a gas holder in a dacha is a very responsible process that must be performed only with special knowledge. The tank is placed at the depth of the summer cottage at a distant distance from the housing, but in such a way that there is convenient access to it for the gas carrier.

The storage depth is also important. Domestic modifications are made taking into account the depth of freezing, and are made with a wide neck. In European variants there are various variants. One way or another, placing a reservoir somewhere on the surface will not work - physics simply will not allow this.

A container without a neck is buried no lower than the freezing depth (as shown in the photo, video). Propane-butane has such properties that evaporation is possible only at a sufficient temperature. Such a gas tank for a country house can last no longer than the period specified by the manufacturer - this is no more than a couple of decades of use, after which the tank is not suitable for subsequent operation, diagnostics and extension of service life. The volume of the gas holder directly depends on the size of the house - on average, its size ranges from 2.5 to 5 cubic meters.

There is a certain significance in the horizontal arrangement of the tanks - this greatly simplifies their immersion in the ground, and also increases the area for gas evaporation. Otherwise, you have to buy and install additional equipment - so-called evaporators.

The gas holder, like a regular gas cylinder, is filled with liquid gas no more than 85%. Evaporating, it enters the house through the gas duct and ends up, first of all, in the boiler, which can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted. In any case, it is better to allocate a special room for such a container, the dimensions and operating conditions of which are determined by special requirements.

Gas appliances in the house are installed based on their purpose. So, food is cooked on a stove, a boiler heats the room, and a boiler heats water in large quantities. If you need to heat any room in which there is no need to maintain a constantly high temperature (for example, in a garage or utility room), you can install a gas convector as an additional device - this is much more economical than uninterrupted heating.

In addition, in villages with problematic power supplies, you can have a gas power generator as a backup option. This is a rather expensive option, but as a backup, it is very convenient.

The question often arises: how safe is a gas tank for a private home, since gas leaks are not uncommon? All autonomous gas supply systems are equipped with special sensors and analyzers, and if a leak is detected, the system automatically blocks the gas supply. The critical concentration of propane-butane starts at 2%, but the analyzer shuts off the gas supply already at 0.4%.

Gas consumption in the gas tank

An autonomous gasification system such as a gas holder is quite practical. The entire system can be equipped with thermostats and automatic machines to set the required parameters once and forget about the need for manual adjustments of gas consumption, and remember about them only a couple of times a year when ordering natural fuel - this, by the way, is the answer to the question of how much gas is enough in the gas tank . Typically, 20-30 liters of gas are consumed per year per 1 m2 for permanent residence. Those. One refill of a gas tank with a volume of 4850 liters for a house with an area of ​​100 m2 is enough for 1.5-2 years.

Video of installing a gas holder on a summer cottage

Gas tanks

Requirements for the location of the gas tank

The size of the pit for installing a gas holder

Requirements for a gas tank

From the documents regulating the construction of autonomous gas supply systems in Russia, the following requirements arise for underground gas tanks operated in Russia at domestic facilities without daily monitoring.

  • The gas holder fittings must be installed above ground level.
  • The gas tank must be located below ground level at a depth of at least 60 cm from the top of the tank to ground level.
  • The gas tank must be designed not only for pressure, but also for vacuum. This requirement is related to the characteristics of the gas mixture used in Russia.
  • The gas tank must rest on support legs, which are an integral part of its design.
  • The neck of the gas tank must have a reinforcing “collar”.
  • The gas tank must have a polyurethane coating, tested for breakdown by a spark flaw detector with a current of at least 14 kilovolts. If epoxy coating is used, it should be tested with a spark flaw detector immediately before lowering into the excavation. Polyurethane coating in the field requires only visual inspection.
  • The gas tank must be equipped with electrochemical protection against corrosion. Russian gas tanks require active protection that continuously consumes electricity. Gas tanks manufactured in Europe require passive protection, which simultaneously functions as grounding.
  • The gas holder must have a nameplate (nameplate) with the serial number and basic information about the tank, which must be easily read throughout the operation of the gas holder. Installation of a nameplate in the underground part of a gas tank is unacceptable.
  • The gas holder should only be attached directly to the support feet. Cable or sling fastening is prohibited. The concrete slab of the base of the gas tank must be solid (without voids).

Gas pipeline

Requirements for the location of the gas pipeline

Gas pipeline requirements

  • Laying depth is from 1.2 to 1.8 meters, on average no less than 1.5 meters.
  • The width of the trench depends on the possibility of excavating soil.
  • The slope is at least 1 cm per 1 meter.
  • Permissible deflection is no more than 100 mm.
  • The underground gas pipeline is made of PE100 polyethylene pipes with a high nitrile content, designed specifically for liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane).
  • The overhead and internal gas pipelines are made of steel gas pipes.
  • A polyethylene underground gas pipeline should not rise to a height where the ground temperature can drop below -20°C.
  • Gas pipeline connections cannot be detachable. For a polyethylene gas pipeline, only electrofusion or butt welding should be used, for a steel pipeline - electric or gas welding.
  • All underground metal parts must be reliably waterproofed.
  • The gas pipeline must be equipped with a condensate collector (butane evaporator collector).

Requirements for base inlet for liquefied gas

The presence on the nameplate (nameplate) of information about the permission of Rostechnadzor to use the “liquefied gas” base input means that:

  • the basement input has a polyethylene-steel transition at a depth of at least 30 cm from ground level, protected from electrochemical corrosion by means of a polymer coating to a level exceeding ground level;
  • anti-corrosion zinc coating of the entire steel riser, applied by hot-dip galvanizing by dipping into a bath of molten zinc after machining and welding;
  • a bellows compensator is used to compensate for soil movement and settlement of the structure with the ability to control its condition;
  • a steel ball valve is used for manual emergency shutdown of gas supply to the house;
  • special thermal insulation of the riser is used in a sealed case for a length of at least 1.3 meters to prevent cold bridges that cause the formation of crystalline hydrate frost that clogs the basement input. The base inlet intended for natural gas cannot be used with liquefied gas - in severe frosts this leads to frequent interruptions in the gas supply.

Boiler rooms

General provisions (boiler room room)

  1. As sources of thermal energy, automated heat generators of full factory readiness with a coolant temperature of water up to 115 ° C and a coolant pressure of up to 1.0 MPa of domestic or foreign production, having permission to use ROSTEKHNADZOR, should be accepted.
  2. The placement of thermal units is provided:
  • in the kitchen with a heating unit power of up to 60 kW inclusive, regardless of the presence of a gas stove and gas water heater;
  • in a separate room on any floor (including the basement or basement) with a total power for heating and hot water supply systems of up to 150 kW inclusive;
  • in a separate room on the first, ground or basement floor, as well as in a room attached to a residential building, with their total capacity for the heating and hot water supply system up to 350 kW inclusive.

Planning and design solutions for the boiler room

1. In the kitchen. When placing a gas stove, instantaneous water heater for hot water supply and a heating unit for heating with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen, the kitchen room must meet the following requirements:

  • height not less than 2.5 m;
  • the volume of the room is at least 15 m3 plus 0.2 m3 per 1 kW of power of the thermal unit for heating;
  • in the kitchen, ventilation should be provided at the rate of - exhaust in the volume of 3 times the air exchange of the room per hour, inflow in the volume of the exhaust plus the amount of air for gas combustion;
  • the kitchen should have a window with a window. For air flow, a grille or gap with a clear cross-section of at least 0.025 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door.

2. On the floor of a residential building. When placing thermal units with a total power of up to 150 kW in a separate room located on any floor of a residential building, the room must meet the following requirements:

  • height not less than 2.5 m;
  • the volume and area of ​​the room are designed based on the conditions for convenient maintenance of thermal units and auxiliary equipment, but not less than 15 m3;
  • the room must be separated from adjacent rooms by enclosing walls with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero;

3. In a separate room on the first or ground or basement floor. When placing thermal units with a total power of up to 350 kW in a separate room on the ground floor, in the basement or basement of a residential building, the room must meet the following requirements:

  • height not less than 2.5 m;
  • the boiler room must be separated from adjacent rooms by enclosing walls with a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero;
  • natural lighting - based on glazing 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume;
  • ventilation in the room must be provided at the rate of - exhaust in the volume of 3 times the air exchange of the room per hour, inflow in the volume of the exhaust plus the amount of air for gas combustion;
  • The volume and area of ​​the room are designed based on the conditions for convenient maintenance of thermal units and auxiliary equipment.
  • the room must have direct access to the outside. It is allowed to provide a second exit to the utility room; the door must be fireproof type 3.

4. In an extension to residential buildings. When placing thermal units with a total thermal power of up to 350 kW in an extension to residential buildings, the extension room must meet the following requirements:

  • the extension must be located near the blank part of the building wall with a horizontal distance from window and door openings of at least 1 m;
  • the wall of the extension should not be connected to the wall of the residential building;
  • the enclosing walls and structures of the extension must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours, and the limit of fire spread throughout the structure is zero;
  • the height of the boiler room is at least 2.5 m;
  • the volume and area of ​​the boiler room are designed based on the conditions for convenient maintenance of heat generators and auxiliary equipment; - natural lighting - based on glazing 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume;
  • ventilation in the room must be provided at the rate of - exhaust in the volume of 3 times the air exchange of the room per hour, inflow in the volume of the exhaust plus the amount of air for gas combustion.
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