What is a bathyscaphe and a bathysphere? How does a bathyscaphe work? Bathyscaphe for diving to great depths

The bathyscaphes of the 60s differ from the Biba bathysphere in the absence of a material connection with the surface vessel (the Biba bathysphere was lowered from the supporting vessel on a cable). "Trieste" and similar submersible deep-sea vehicles can be called "underwater balloons." The large spherical steel gondola that houses the crew and observers is similar to a hot air balloon gondola. The elongated reservoir to which the sphere is attached creates buoyancy and is similar to the tank of a hot air balloon. This tank, filled with gasoline, which is lighter than water, is capable of lifting the device to the surface if necessary. Before lowering, ballast - several tons of iron shot - is placed in special tanks. Before rising to the surface, these tanks are opened and the ballast is dumped. Small motors, powered by batteries, drive the propeller, steering and other equipment that gives the submersible some maneuverability. However, Trieste-type devices are not intended for long-term research near the bottom. They were designed as “elevators” capable of taking a person to the greatest depths in the ocean and returning him back.

When did Cousteau start working on his diving saucer?

His first diving saucer, Denise, entered service in 1959. It carried two people on board, moved at a speed of 1 knot and had a maximum diving depth of 300 m. Water jet propulsion made Denise very maneuverable.

Which deep-sea submersible first reached a depth of 2 km?

This was done by the first device of its type, Alvin, on July 20, 1965. It was piloted by William O. Riney and Marvin J. McCamies. The dive occurred exactly 4 years before Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon and was not broadcast on television.

What are the technical characteristics of Alvin-type deep-sea submersibles?

"Alvin" has a length of 6.6 m, a width of 2.4 m, its displacement is 13 tons. The hull of "Alvin" is a sphere with a diameter of 1 m and a wall thickness of 3.3 cm. It is made of high-strength steel created especially for nuclear submarines. On board the Alvin, like a spaceship, there are two crew members. It, by the way, is equipped with many of the same small-sized electronic devices that were developed for the space program; This is explained by the need to fit all the necessary equipment into a cramped cabin. The portholes on the Alvin are made of plexiglass, and the lamps are mounted on remote brackets. "Alvin" is equipped with three screws; the large screw is used for horizontal movement, and the two small ones are mainly used for lifting to the surface.

Other deep-sea vehicles, such as Lockheed's Deep Quest, are made from high-strength steel originally intended for rocket bodies. The design of “Aluminaut” is specific - it is made of aluminum.

What is the difference between Alvin-type and Trieste-type submersibles?

Both of these devices are designed for deep-sea diving, but their capabilities are completely different. "Trieste" is first and foremost a bathyscaphe; it is not intended for maneuvering. It works like a "deep sea elevator", lowering the observer to a given point and raising him back to the surface. It can be used to make only limited movements near the ocean floor. Unlike the Trieste, deep-sea vehicles such as Alvin, Deep Quest, Aluminaut, Deep Star and a dozen others are capable of not only diving to great depths, but also moving horizontally , being at depth or near the bottom, at speeds of up to several knots.

What has the operating experience of Aluminaut shown?

Aluminaut was built by Reynolds Metal to demonstrate the capabilities of aluminum as a material for the manufacture of deep-sea submersible hulls. “Aluminaut” performed well during the search for a hydrogen bomb lost off the coast of Spain, as well as during the recovery of the deep-sea vehicle “Alvin”, which sank at a depth of about 1.5 km. "Aluminaut" is designed to operate at depths of up to 4500 m with a crew of 6 people.

The world's oceans cover approximately three-quarters of the Earth's surface, but our knowledge of it remains incomplete. Since the issue of exploitation of marine resources is very important for humanity, there is a need to carefully study the underwater world of our planet. A very significant role in such research is played by submarines and bathyscaphes. According to historians, attempts to explore the depths of the sea were made by man back in antiquity.

From Aristotle's notes it follows that the army of Alexander the Great used a submersible bell to collect information about the underwater part of the defensive structures of the city of Tyre. References to devices used for diving are contained in a book by the Venetian engineer Robert Valturius; in addition, diagrams of such devices can be found among the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci. Dutch physician Cornelius van Drebbel designed submarine, consisting of a wooden frame covered with leather soaked in fat.

This Submarine was capable of taking on board up to 20 people, diving to a depth of 4 - 5 meters and remaining under water for several hours. Since the century before last, new, increasingly advanced designs of underwater vehicles began to appear one after another. Among the first prominent creators of submarine models are Robert Fulton, David Bushnell, Wilhelm Bauer, Efim Nikonov and Stepan Dzhevetsky. The bulk of submarines have two hulls placed one inside the other. As the depth increases by 10 cm, the water pressure increases. Sea water enters the tanks, the weight of the boat increases and the latter sinks under water. In order for the submarine to return to the surface, compressed air is pumped into the tanks, displacing water overboard. To adjust the depth of the underwater position, small shunting ballast tanks can be filled with water or purged.

Horizontal rudders can also be used to change the diving depth of the vessel, but they are effective only when the submarine is moving. The submarine is propelled by diesel and electric engines. The diesel engine is used to move on the surface and can simultaneously charge batteries, which serve as a source of energy for electric motors that turn on under water. The described design is not common to all types of submarines. Many modern combat submarines are equipped with nuclear engines and therefore may not rise to the surface at all until the crew's air supply or supplies are exhausted: the nuclear reactor installed on them constantly produces heat, which is converted into mechanical energy with the help of steam turbines.

The first nuclear-powered submarine, the American Nautilus, operated for two years without changing fuel. Bathyscaphe is a research or rescue vessel designed to operate at great depths. The body of the bathyscaphe is incredibly strong, and to ensure absolute tightness, its fragments are connected using special glue, and not welding or rivets. In addition, this device is usually equipped with one or more screw propellers for movement in a horizontal plane. To maintain the possibility of emergency ascent from depth, the submersible is equipped with discardable solid ballast.

The space between the outer hull and the crew gondola is divided into several sealed segments and filled with a liquid whose density is less than that of water, for example, gasoline or kerosene. These tanks communicate with the external environment, so the pressure on the walls of the bathyscaphe on both sides always remains uniform. To dive, the crew of the bathyscaphe throws part of the light liquid overboard, and to ascend, they release the required number of containers with solid ballast. The first bathyscaphe was built by Swiss professor Auguste Picard. His son, Jacques Picard, reached a previously incredible depth of 10,916 meters, after which he managed to break the previous record by diving in the Mariana Trench to a depth of 11,521 meters.

The story about the submarines Antey and Typhoon:

Underwater vehicles include bathyspheres and bathyscaphes. These are small and very specialized submarines. They are more often used for scientific research than for military purposes.

These tiny ships with very strong hulls, often made of titanium, can dive to record depths in the ocean. In 1960, the French deep-sea submersible Trieste set a diving record, reaching a depth of 35,802 feet to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the Mariinsky Trench area.

Submersible vehicles can not only be located where the pressure is 1000 times greater than at sea level, but also examine and photograph underwater areas using photo and video cameras. And mechanical “arms” can take geological and biological samples and deliver them to the surface in mesh containers. These same “hands” can help repair equipment on underwater pipelines or faulty cables on underwater communication lines.


This apparatus consists of a very durable crew compartment connected to a huge tank filled with gasoline. Inside the tank are ballast tanks, which are filled with sea water when diving and emptied when surfacing. A significant part of the equipment of the bathyscaphe is located on its outer side: spotlights, television and movie cameras, flashing lights - everything that helps you see in the pitch darkness of the ocean depths.

The bathyscaphe Alvin, pictured above, has helped make many discoveries in underwater exploration.

The interior of the cramped control compartment on the Alvin bathyscaphe is connected to various instruments.

Engine based on the oil pump principle

Gasoline-filled tanks and an expandable diaphragm compensate for pressure-related effects.

Water pressure increases with depth

For every 3,300 feet of depth, the pressure increases by 100 atmospheres. (One atmosphere is equal to the pressure of the entire earth's air column at sea level).

Spherical surfaces best withstand pressure due to its uniform distribution over the surface. Rectangles are easier to crush.

When testing models of radio submarines in natural reservoirs, there is a possibility of their loss due to low water transparency. Therefore, the need arose to build a bathyscaphe equipped with a video camera.

I lost submarines twice in the quarry. Fortunately, both times I found them using a trawl. To make the search for sunken boats more comfortable, it was decided to build a bathyscaphe equipped with a video camera.
The body of the bathyscaphe is made of a sheet of brass 0.5 mm thick. There are 12 steel rings with holes around the perimeter installed at both ends. The holes have M4 threads for fastening covers made of 5 mm thick plexiglass. The covers are secured using fasteners. On the side of the front cover there is a video camera with backlight diodes. The rear cover has connectors for powering the running electric motors, a hose outlet for the tank, an antenna and a video camera cable, as well as running lights and an electromagnet for buoy release. Electric motors are installed in sealed capsules with deadwoods. Two running electric motors are installed on the sides of the bathyscaphe. They also serve for turning. Two more electric motors are installed vertically; they are designed for maneuvering in depth within small limits. The immersion system consists of a compressor from an odometer, an air valve and a plastic ketchup bag with a capacity of 05 liters installed outside a durable housing. The system works in this way: initially the bathyscaphe is loaded with ballast until it is completely submerged with an empty package. To ascend, the compressor is turned on, which fills the bag with air from the body, the volume of the bathyscaphe increases and it floats up. When diving, a valve located inside the housing opens and air from the bag is released into the housing. The bathyscaphe is submerged. The bathyscaphe is controlled via 4 channels by servos. There is no speed controller. Since the mass of the bathyscaphe is quite large, the energy is decent. Therefore, the speed can be adjusted by briefly manipulating the stick. There are no jerks in the speed of the bathyscaphe. All components are installed on a plywood panel, which is attached to the back cover. The bathyscaphe is equipped with a buoy that floats up if the transmitter signal is lost. There is control of battery discharge. In total, 3 groups of batteries are used. The first is 12 volts to power the travel and vertical motors, the second is 6 volts to power the receiver, servos and compressor, the third is 6 volts to power the video camera. The video camera is connected to the TV with a 30-meter cable. The cable is very thin, silver-plated, and wound on a bobbin. When checking the quality, it turned out that the signal was good, there were no complaints. Unfortunately, the tests of the bathyscaphe took place without connecting the cable since there was nothing to see in the pool. A superstructure simulating a diving boat is attached to the top of the bathyscaphe. This was done for fun. A boat is swimming and suddenly it sinks, then it swims underwater and floats up. This is interesting, especially for children.

Three quarters of our planet's surface is covered by ocean. In its depths, a fairy-tale world inhabited by amazing, unique creatures is hidden from our eyes.

It is believed that man took the first step towards conquering the ocean in his imagination. However, the first manned underwater vehicles are now believed to have been bathyspheres and bathyscaphes. In 1934, American explorers William Beebe and Otis Barton reached a depth of 1 km in their bathysphere, marking the beginning of the conquest of the ocean depths by mankind. Beebe and Barton's bathysphere diving records: 1930 - 244 m, 1934 - 925 m, 1949 - 1375 m.

Bathysphere by Beebe and Barton

The scientist and inventor Auguste Picard is considered the founder of autonomous deep-sea manned vehicles. It is interesting that Auguste came to the creation of his first-born, the bathyscaphe (translated from Greek as deep boat) FRNS-2, being interested in aeronautics and studying cosmic rays. In 1931, Piccard built the stratospheric balloon FRNS-2, named after the Belgian organization that financed both projects, and in 1932 he was the first in the world to rise to a then-record altitude of 16,300 m.

If the stratosphere balloon rises upward thanks to the light gases helium and hydrogen filling its shell, then in the bathyscaphe these functions are performed by gasoline, which, as is known, is much lighter than water. The six compartments of the FRNS-2 bathyscaphe were filled with 32,000 liters of gasoline, which made it possible for it to emerge at the right time. The underwater vehicle itself consisted of a steel body or lifting tank filled with gasoline (otherwise called a float) and a steel gondola suspended from it, capable of withstanding pressure at any depth of the World Ocean. First, the device was tested at a depth of 25 m, and then without a crew it reached a depth of 1400 m. However, its tests revealed many design flaws, and in 1953 a new bathyscaphe FRNS-3 was built, in which in 1954 French engineers Georges Uau and Pierre Wilme For the first time in the world, they dived to a depth of 4050 m.

In 1952, Professor Auguste Piccard and his son Jacques accepted an offer from the city of Trieste to construct a bathyscaphe, which was to bear the name of this city. It was built simultaneously with the FRNS-3 underwater vehicle, but not in France, but in Italy and structurally was not much different from its French “brother”. The TRIESTA hull had a cylindrical shape, divided into 12 compartments that could hold 86,000 liters of gasoline. The bathyscaphe made many dives to depths of up to 3700 m.

Since 1957, TRIESTE has participated in many tests and scientific projects, including 10 dives. The most important of these was the NEKTON project, in which the submersible made a series of 7 dives, including 3 deep-sea dives. The culmination of the project was a dive into the Mariana Trench to a depth of almost 11 km, which was carried out on January 23, 1960. On board the submersible were Jacques Piccard and US Navy Lieutenant Don Wapsch.

For the first time in history, a submersible (whether inhabited or not) reached the Mariana Trench at a depth of 10,990 m, the deepest point in the World Ocean. The descent took 5 hours, 2 people spent about 20 minutes at the bottom before rising to the surface in 3 hours 15 minutes. They observed small flounder-like fish and noticed that the bottom was covered with diatomaceous lime deposits. The diving depth record set that day has not been broken to this day. For that series of dives, TRIESTE was equipped with a new rugged sphere designed for depths up to 36,000 feet and manufactured by the German company Krupp Werke.

Subsequently, the TRIESTE bathyscaphe was used by the US Navy, which purchased this device from Auguste Piccard for various purposes, including searching for the sunken American nuclear submarine USS Thresher. In total, more than 100 dives were made on the submersible.

Georges Uau and Pierre Wilme designed and built a new bathyscaphe, Archimede, in 1961, similar in design and appearance to FRNS-3. In 1962, a submersible dived off the coast of Japan to a depth of 9,200 m. Over 5 years, this submersible made 57 dives, mainly to depths of over 6,000 m to study the geology, biology, and acoustics of the great depths of the ocean.

No underwater vehicle can carry on board as much scientific equipment as is carried on Archimedes - 4.5 tons. This very reliable deep-sea vehicle is not without its drawbacks, including its bulkiness and enormous weight - 60 tons without fuel and quite expensive operation.

Of course, bathyscaphes are an excellent tool for studying the World Ocean, but their negative aspects, which were mentioned above, forced engineering thought to work towards creating lighter, more maneuverable and, most importantly, cheaper to operate autonomous underwater vehicles. In addition, in the vast majority of cases, bathyscaphes were used only for scientific purposes and at depths of over 6000 m, and it is known that such depths occupy a little more than 2 percent of the total area of ​​the World Ocean. It was necessary to create more versatile autonomous underwater vehicles for shallower depths.

In 1959, Jacques Cousteau tested his own “self-propelled diving saucer” DENISE (SP-300) with a maximum diving depth of 420 m. Between 1959 and 1970, the bathyscaphe SP-350 was dived 750 times, which is about 2000 hours.

Two days before the launch of the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in 1969, the bathyscaphe BEN FRANKLIN, also known as the Grumman/Piccard PX-15, plunged into the Gulf Stream off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida. Its crew consisted of 6 people led by Jacques Piccard. Remaining at a depth of 1,000 feet, the bathyscaphe drifted with the current in a northerly direction for more than 4 weeks, covering a distance of about 1,444 miles.

Further milestones were the American submersible SEA CLIFF, DSV-4, built in the late 60s, its maximum diving depth was 6000 m. The French bathyscaphe CYANA, built in the early 70s, had a diving depth of 3000 m.

The PISCES series of submersibles with diving depths of 1500-2000 m were built by International Hydrodynamics of Vancouver for the Hawaii Underwater Research Laboratory in 1973 and for the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in 1975.

The leader among modern underwater vehicles with a diving depth of 6500 m is the Japanese manned autonomous vehicle SHINKAI 6500.

No less famous underwater vehicles were MIR-1 and MIR-2 with a maximum diving depth of 6000 m, built by the Finnish company Rauma-Ripola. These deep-sea vehicles gained real popularity in the mid-90s - early 2000s after they were used by American director James Cameron to film the legendary film “Titanic,” which sank in the North Atlantic and rests at a depth of 3821 m.

In August 2007, the MIR deep-sea submersibles reached the ocean floor at the North Pole of our planet for the first time in history. This event was the culmination of a high-latitude deep-sea expedition consisting of the nuclear-powered icebreaker Rossiya and the research vessel Akademik Fedorov.

Between June 15 and August 30, 2009, these submersibles made 69 dives in Lake Baikal with a maximum depth of 1590 m. The MIR submersibles represent the technological achievements of the USSR in the field of underwater research. Indeed, they were built during the Cold War. Initially, the development of the project was carried out by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Central Design Bureau LAZURIT, a leading Soviet enterprise in this industry, created in 1953. Later, the construction of the devices was ordered to the Finnish company Rauma-Repola Oceanics.

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