Blue flowers: names of garden small beautiful plants. List of blue flowers with names and photos: field, garden and indoor flowers Gentian or gentiana

Monochrome gardens can have a healing effect on their owners and guests, since color directly affects a person’s psycho-emotional state. In the last article we talked about the white garden, and now we’ll look at the most mysterious monochrome garden the color of the sky!

What emotions does such a garden evoke? For me it is balance, calmness, harmony, perfection and infinity. Blue is the color of the sky and sea, a color that creates a feeling of coolness and freshness. Blue - lightness, purple - mystery, magical mystery.

When choosing plants for a monochrome garden, remember that you need to highlight the focal color, and not fill the entire space with it. You can also use other colors to create an advantageous background to the main tone. The very idea of ​​​​creating a monochrome garden is not new, but it is very popular and considered difficult to implement. Therefore, to begin with, as a training, you can decorate one in a monochrome style in order to learn how to manage color and harmoniously select plants according to shades. And of course, it is desirable that the main color in a monochrome garden be present throughout the entire season - from spring to autumn.

When choosing plants for a monochrome garden, remember that you need to highlight the focal color, and not fill the entire space with it.

Assortment of plants for a blue-blue garden

Bulbous. Having planted scillas, crocuses, muscari, hyacinths in the fall, we will be able to admire the blooms in the garden in early spring.

The very first to start are the well-known Siberian scilla Scilla sibirica and crocuses, of which the Blue Pearl variety with bluish flowers is suitable for us. By the way, some groups of crocuses bloom in autumn, for example the beautiful crocus Artabir - large lilac, Aitchesoni - lilac, Oxonian - blue-violet.

In April - May, muscari will bloom, almost all types and varieties of which have blue, blue or purple flowers. The most popular is Armenian muscari (Muscari armeniacum) and its varieties:

Blue Spike – blooms for a long time (about 20 days) in May, plant height 25 cm, complex cluster-shaped inflorescence, blue flowers;
Christmas Pearl and Big Smile are beautiful varieties with blue-violet flowers;
Cantab - a variety with blue flowers on low peduncles;
Sapphire is a variety with dark blue flowers.

Let's select blue and blue-violet hyacinths: Delft Blue, Doctor Liber, Marie, Peter Stuyvesant, King Condro (double).

At the end of May - beginning of June, on tall peduncles (up to 1 m), many star-shaped flowers of blue-lilac color with a diameter of 3-4 cm of Leuchtlin's camassia Caerulea will open.

Camassia Leuchtlina Caerulea

Perennials and annuals

Irises. Huge opportunities for creating spectacular landscape compositions in blue tones are provided by numerous varieties of irises - bearded and. These are, for example, bearded irises Lynette Blue (sky blue), Lynette Blue (blue), Sea Power (cornflower blue), Adriatic Waves (blue-violet with a white beard), Black Butte (dark blue), Baltic Sea ( blue with white and blue beard), About Town (dark purple with silver-purple standards).

Dwarf bearded irises such as Big Blue Eyes and Bourgeois are good for borders.

Unpretentious but elegant Siberian irises with narrow sword-shaped leaves bloom a little later than bearded ones. Varieties with blue flowers: Jiggles, Ships are Sailing, Pride In Blue, Sea of ​​Dreams. Purple and dark blue: Magnum Bordeaux, Ruffled velvet, Spindazzle, Berliner Welle, Three Hand Star.

Aquilegia, or catchment area, is a perennial that blooms in June and has blue varieties in its palette. For example, the common aquilegia (Aquilegia vulgaris) and its varieties with blue and purple flowers.

Delphimiums: blue - Royal Aspirations and Blue Lace, purple - Black Night, blue - Blue Lace and Blue Venus, and many others also bloom in early summer.

Onion. Very decorative is blue (Allium caeruleum), blooming in May - June with spherical blue inflorescences.

Ground cover. In light partial shade, the unpretentious periwinkle feels good as a plant; in April - May it blooms with sky-blue flowers.

Catnip. Of the fragrant, spicy perennials, there are also suitable species and varieties for the blue garden, for example, Fassin's catnip (Nepeta faassenii) and Mussini's catnip (Nepeta mussinij). This plant blooms very early, in April, and then continues to bloom until frost.

Sage. You can use oak salvia, or (Salvia nemorosa), which blooms from June to September in blue-violet colors, as well as its varieties that bloom in various shades of blue. Popular varieties: Ositriestand and Mainacht bloom with violet-blue flowers, Plumosa - lavender, Caradonna - dark purple.

Lavender. Known to everyone, it will color the area with its unique flowering in July - September. You can use the popular Hidcot angustifolia lavender variety with violet-blue inflorescences, growing in a compact bush about 50 cm high, and its variations Hidcot Blue and Hidcot Giant. Imperial Gem and Mustead varieties are also good. In addition to beautiful flowering, lavender will fill the garden with its unique aroma.

Veronica. Various types and varieties of veronica will look great.

Gray Veronica (Veronica incana) - blooms in June - August. Its dark blue flowers in spike-shaped inflorescences look contrasting against the background of silver-gray foliage.
Speedwell (Veronica spicata) - blooms in June - July with blue or dark blue flowers. Its varieties Blue Carpet, Blue Peter, Romiley Purple are especially attractive.

Bell. Many species and varieties of bluebells have blue, blue or purple flowers. The Carpathian bellflower (Campanula carpatica) is very popular. The large-flowered broadbell, or platycodon (Platycodon grandiflorus) is very beautiful. It blooms from July to the end of August with large (up to 5 cm in diameter) blue flowers.

Geranium. Good choices for a blue garden would be the Himalayan varieties (Geranium himalayense) Johnsons Blue and Baby Blue, as well as the flat petal geranium (Geranium platypetalum) with large blue flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

Ageratum. The beautiful Ageratum plant is a perennial that we grow as an annual plant and will be a good choice for flower beds and borders. Most varieties bloom from mid-June to October, look very elegant, and wonderfully decorate flower beds. Varieties that bloom in blue-lilac and blue tones: Blue Ball, Blue Mink, Blaue Kappe, etc. Modern F1 hybrids, characterized by abundant and long-lasting flowering, are especially beautiful: Adriatic, Atlantic, Ocean, etc.

Perennials will help color your garden in the fall asters- New England and New Belgian, which people lovingly call “September”. Examples of varieties: New England asters with lilac-violet flowers Browmann, Gloire de Kronstadt; New Belgian Royal Blue, Saturn, and many others.

Himalayan geranium Johnsons Blue

But the main frame of the blue-blue garden will not be created by flowering perennials, but by decorative deciduous plants with dove, blue and silver foliage. So, large bluish leaves look good in it Siebold hosts(Hosta sieboldiana), which also blooms beautifully with pale lilac flowers in July.

To create a general background, you can use, for example, gray fescue, evergreen fescue Saphirsprudel, etc.

You can read a detailed list of plants with silver foliage that are perfect for the background palette of a blue garden. The structural elements of the garden will be blue and purple roses, as well as ornamental shrubs and.

The structural elements of the garden will be blue and purple roses, as well as ornamental shrubs and clematis.

Roses. In a blue garden, many people will want to plant such mysterious “blue” roses. Let’s immediately make a reservation that true blue roses do not exist, but there are varieties that can conditionally be classified as one.

Blue for You - this modern floribunda is perhaps the bluest of all roses today. The delicate semi-double flowers are described as lilac-blue. The color changes depending on the weather, the stage of dissolution and light. In sunny and hot weather the rosette is ash-blue-lilac; in cool weather the color is more intense, even violet. A very fragrant rose. An excellent choice for a blue garden!

Rhapsody in Blue - belongs to the group and is also considered one of the most “blue”. The bush is up to 120 cm high, the flowers are semi-double violet-purple with a white center and golden stamens, eventually fading to lilac. A very showy rose that blooms throughout the season. At dusk the flowers look really blue.

Mainzer Fastnacht is a luxurious hybrid tea rose of lilac color.

There are several more varieties whose names include “blue” or “blue”, for example Shoсking Blue, Blue Boy, Blue River, Blue Nile. However, their color is more likely in lilac tones with a pink or fuchsia tint.

Clematis. Numerous varieties of clematis with blue, blue and purple flowers are suitable for vertical gardening.

Bal tsvetov – lilac-blue flowers with wavy edges. It blooms profusely and for a long time until frost. Easy pruning (group 2).
Blue Light – double flowers, pale blue. It blooms on last year's and current shoots from late May to October. Light pruning (group 2) is recommended.
Franziska Maria - flowers are purple at first, blue at the end of flowering. Blooms for a long time from June to October. Easy pruning (group 2).
Mazury – this variety has double blue flowers with light spots.
Multi Blue – flowers are double, sometimes simple, blue-violet, large (10–14 cm). Blooms from late May to September.
The President is an unpretentious variety, blue-violet flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter. It blooms for a long time and repeatedly. Light pruning is recommended (group 2);
William Kennet – large blue-lilac flowers, large (15–20 cm) Flowering in June–July, repeated flowering in August–September.
Sizaja Ptitza (Blue Bird) is a bush clematis from the Integrifolia group, a weakly clinging subshrub for landscaping low objects. It has slightly drooping bell-shaped flowers of blue-violet color. Flowering on the shoots of the current year from June to October. Trimming group 3 (strong).

You can also use the time-tested, unpretentious Jackman clematis (Clematis x jackmanii), which blooms with violet-blue flowers with yellow anthers.

Ornamental shrubs

Lilac. It is imperative to plant in the garden, without which spring is not spring!

Blue varieties of common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) will look good; here are just a few of them:

Blanche Sweet - a variety of American selection has compact bushes and dense erect inflorescences of large (3 cm) simple flowers of a delicate light blue color;
President Lincoln is a variety of American selection, the bushes are tall (up to 5 m) and spreading, the color of the simple flowers of this variety is lilac-blue;
Madame Charles Souchet is a beautiful Lemoine variety (1949) with simple blue flowers collected in wide pyramidal inflorescences in large panicles. The bushes are low;
Nadezhda (Hope) - large inflorescences, double flowers, initially purple, and when fully bloomed blue, large (3 cm).

Hydrangeas. Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydragea macrophylla) is very popular now that many gardeners have already learned the intricacies of growing. This stunningly beautiful shrub is usually the pride of the owner of the garden plot. Many varieties seem to be specially created to embody the idea of ​​a blue garden. You will find blue, blue and purple flowers in the following varieties:

Early Blue - a variety with bright blue inflorescences, blooms from July to early October. Bush up to 120 cm high;
Mini Penny - blooms from June until frost with blue or pink flowers (depending on the acidity of the soil), collected in spherical inflorescences. Bush up to 80 cm high, grows slowly;
Freepon is a wonderful modern variety with dense spherical inflorescences consisting of flowers with petals corrugated along the edge. The color varies from light blue to blue;
Hopcorn Blue is an original variety, the flowers resemble popcorn, their color varies from blue to purple. Bush up to 1 m high, compact. Flowering period July – September.

Planting scheme for lilac-blue mixborder

This mixborder combines rich purple, lilac and blue tones. The main emphasis is on the bush of lilac rose of the Blue for You floribunda group, on the sides it is shaded by blue Chinese junipers Stricta. Lilac onions, Thunberg's Red Chief barberry, Cajun Fire heuchera and blue bunny's ears balance the composition. Hosta White Christmas with variegated foliage and blue flowers harmoniously complements the purple flowerbed, making it more contrasting.

I suggested plants at my discretion, but you can find many more. Before creating a monochrome garden, make a list of all the plants that have a suitable color scheme. After the list is formed, analyze which plants are suitable for your conditions on the site (acidity and composition, shade/sun), and which are not. After such an analysis, the range of selected plants may be significantly reduced, but do not rush to get upset. In fact, even with a small set of plants, for example from five positions, you can create a stylish monochrome garden or flower garden. Of course, a landscape design specialist will do a great job with this task, but how exciting it is to create all this with your own hands!

Even with a small set of plants, for example from five positions, you can create a stylish monochrome garden or flower garden.

In the following articles we will continue to consider the palette of monochrome gardens. I wish you creative inspiration and successful experiments!

Today, garden plots, flower beds and window sills in apartments are decorated with a variety of ornamental plants. The abundance of colors, shapes and sizes of plants delights the eyes of gardeners and their guests. Plants with flowers of all shades of blue, from blue to dark blue, are gaining popularity. The blue shades of flowers are very reminiscent of the sky, and that is why they are gradually winning the love of flower growers.

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Blue flowers: symbol of the sky

Thanks to the efforts of breeding scientists, today many new varieties have been developed plants with blue and blue flowers. As outside observers note, plants with blue and blue flowers amaze with the richness of their colors. In addition, blue and light blue go well with other colors.

So, The most popular colors of all shades of blue are:

  • African lily or agapanthus;
  • ageratum;
  • wrestler or aconite;
  • small periwinkle;
  • oak speedwell;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring;
  • garden hydrangea;
  • blue tulips.

It should be remembered that in nature, pure blue flowers are extremely rare; most plants have shades of blue.

Blue flowers

Agapanthus or African lily is an indoor plant with blue flowers of extraordinary beauty (pictured). Belongs to the onion family, genus Agapanthus. Quite a low plant (no more than 70 cm in height). The leaves are large, fleshy, collected in fluffy rosettes. Flowers of various colors, including bluish and blue, are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

The plant blooms from summer to late autumn. Recently, the plant has been actively cultivated at home. The most popular among indoor plants Three types are considered:

  • Agapanthus orientalis;
  • Agapanthus bellflower;
  • Agapanthus umbellata.

The plant is photophilous and thrives in sunlight. The optimal growing temperature is considered to be 15–25 degrees Celsius. Does not require painstaking care, watering must be regular, requires replanting.

Ageratum variety Blue Mink belongs to the aster family. This is a small bush (no more than 60 cm in height), with triangular or diamond-shaped leaves, the stems are straight, pubescent, the number of stems is quite large. Ageratum bears fruit, the fruits are in the form of a pentagonal achene.

The blue flowers are fluffy, small, reminiscent of dandelions. Flower growers often plant entire flowery carpets; the bush is also popularly called a “dry stream.”

Wolfsbane or fighter

There has always been a trail of legends and traditions around this plant. According to one version, aconite appeared after the dog Cerberus, guardian of the entrance to Tartarus, appeared in Greece along with Hercules. From his poisonous saliva that fell on the ground, a plant appeared.

The wrestler (in the picture) is of small size (60–130 cm in height) perennial herbs, with a straight, less often curly stem (up to 400 cm in length). The leaves are lobe-shaped, dark green in color, and arranged alternately. The blue flowers vaguely resemble a bell. It tolerates winter well, does not require painstaking care, and tolerates transplantation well. They are actively cultivated by flower growers in gardens and front gardens.

A completely poisonous plant. When working with flowers, all precautions must be taken. It is recommended to plant out of the reach of animals and small children.

Small - a small plant with blue flowers, surrounded by mystical stories. The height of periwinkle is about 40 cm, the stem is branched, straight, less often creeping. Flowering begins in May, pale blue or dark blue flowers appear on the stems. The flowers are solitary, the pedicels are long, about 3–4 cm in diameter.

The leaves of periwinkle are attached to the stem using short cuttings, are elliptical in shape, fleshy, dense to the touch, and shiny. The top of the leaf is juicy green, the bottom is paler, grayish green.

The plant bears fruit, the fruits begin to ripen in June. Famous for its healing properties.

Veronica dubravnaya

The plant belongs to the genus Veronica, the plantain family.. The herbaceous perennial has creeping pubescent stems, the length of which varies from 10 to 40 cm. The leaves of Speedwell are ovoid, the edges are slightly jagged, about 2-3 cm long. They are attached to the stems using short cuttings.

The inflorescence is racemose, the axillary flowers have a bluish tint (pictured). The flowers are four-five-leaved, sometimes have a white edge or dark veins across the petals. It has long been grown by flower growers as a decorative decoration for the garden or vegetable garden; it prefers dry and shady places of growth. Widely distributed in Russia and Ukraine.

Hyacinth is accompanied by a beautiful legend: once upon a time the son of the king of Sparta, a young man named Hyacinth, challenged the gods Apollo and Zephyr. The young man competed with God in discus throwing, in no way inferior to the deity. Zephyr couldn't let a mortal win, so a gust of wind changed the trajectory of the disc's fall. It hit Hyacinth right in the face. The young man died from a mortal wound, and in the place where drops of Hyacinth’s blood fell, a tender bud grew.

belongs to the lily family, is a perennial plant with a tuberous root system. The leaves are dense, juicy green in color, as if superimposed on each other. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue tones. The inflorescences are racemose, with many bell-like flowers.

There can be about 45 flowers on one stem.

Gentian or gentiana

Gentian belongs to the perennial shrubby plants of the gentian family. It includes about 400 subspecies, small in stature, about 50-70 cm. In the natural environment, you can find specimens up to half a meter high.

The stem of gentian is erect, has basal leaves collected in a rosette. The leaves are mostly entire and can be ovoid or oblong. The flowers are solitary, less often collected in inflorescences, with straight vertical peduncles. They have the shape of a bell, blue, less often blue.

Gentiana has recently been cultivated in Russia, in areas where the climate is similar to the natural environment where the flower grows.

Garden hydrangea

Large-leaved is considered the most popular ornamental shrub (see picture). The bush is quite tall; there are specimens about 4 m high. This shrub is popularly called hydrania. Widely used in Russia to decorate gardens and parks.

Hydrangea leaves are quite large, juicy green, egg-shaped. The tips of the leaves are slightly pointed. The inflorescences are cluster-shaped, lush, of various colors, there are shades of blue. Vaguely reminiscent of lilac, the diameter of the inflorescence can reach 15 cm.

Flowering begins in June and ends in September - October. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves change color and become red-brown.

Blue and blue tulips were bred not so long ago by breeding scientists. Tulips are perennial bulbous plants and come in a wide variety of shades of blue. An ephemeroid herbaceous tulip, it goes through all stages of development in the spring: from the first leaves to death.

Tulips are quite popular among gardeners; they do not require special care. He prefers regular watering; the soil for the tulip should have a loose surface.

In landscape design, it has recently become fashionable to create flower arrangements in one color scheme. Why not try to create islands of plants with blue or blue flowers on your site - these are the colors of the sky and sea, which soothe and create a feeling of coolness.

There are many blue-blue flowers, be they annuals or perennials, and when creating monochromatic flower beds, there is plenty to choose from.

Agapanthus umbellata perennial heat-loving The plant grows in open ground only in the south. In central Russia, they are grown in pots and taken out onto balconies or gardens in the spring.

Sun-loving - tolerates slight shading, is moisture-loving and needs feeding once every two weeks. In winter, when on the windowsill, watering is reduced to a minimum and fertilizing is excluded. Replant as the pot fills with roots and the bush grows.

long-flowering annual flower from the aster family. It loves well-lit places, is thermophilic, and cannot withstand even light frosts, so seedlings grown from seeds are planted in open ground in the second half of May.

Ageratum is grown on light fertile soils with neutral acidity, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and fertilizing with fresh manure. The flower is unpretentious in care; it likes to be fertilized with full mineral fertilizer 2-3 times per season. Propagated by seeds.

If the overgrown and elongated bushes of ageratum are trimmed and fed, the shoots quickly grow, and a new wave of flowering begins.

evergreen creeping perennial the plant grows to form a continuous carpet. The height of a periwinkle flower does not exceed 30 cm. The flower is unpretentious and grows both in the sun and in the shade. After flowering it needs pruning, otherwise it will crowd out all nearby neighbors.

It is good to cover the tree trunks with periwinkle.

Cheerful flower – mountain cornflower. Unpretentious perennial up to 0.6 m high, light-loving, does not like the slightest shading and drying out of the soil.

Winter-hardy, does not require shelter for the winter. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Cornflower is propagated by seeds. Dividing the bush.

Veronica – low-growing, fast-growing plant, no more than 20 cm high. It can be used as a lawn, it is small and resistant to trampling, and as a ground cover. Prefers to grow on neutral or slightly acidic soils.

Bulbous early spring fragrant plant up to 40 cm high. Grows in open ground and is suitable for forcing in winter. Photophilous. Bulbs are planted in light, fertile soils in September-October.

With blue flower caps, this is a noble luxury in the garden.

Deciduous shrub with lush caps of flowers, loving abundant watering and regular feeding. Tolerates shading preferably during midday hours.

For the winter, the soil under hydrangeas should be well mulched, and the plant itself should be covered, bending it to the ground.

To maintain the blue color of flowers, it is necessary to maintain the acidity of the soil at a pH level of no more than 5.5 and constantly add aluminum sulfate.

Use sawdust and pine bark as mulch to acidify the soil.

Graceful perennial plant. Loves sunny places, drought and frost-resistant. Soil for growing needs light, rich in organic matter.

Beautiful when planted in groups of 5-7 pieces. To form lush inflorescences, the delphinium must be fed at least three times per season. The plant is tall, so to avoid breaking off the stems, they must be tied to stakes.

Delphinium is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush.

If you remove faded inflorescences, re-blooming is possible.


  • Platycodon or broadbell

Bells are perennial frost-resistant plants with flowers corresponding to the name. By height, depending on the type, bells are divided into:

  • tall - 1-1.5m;
  • medium height – 0.5-0.8 m;
  • low no more than 0.15m.

Grow in sunny areas with fertile, well-permeable soils, because... The bell cannot tolerate stagnant water at the roots; moderate watering is needed. To increase decorativeness, fading flowers should be removed. The flower is propagated by seeds followed by dividing the bush.

Lavender refers to fragrant shrubs. It grows in open ground, in the conditions of central Russia, only English angustifolia lavender.

Loves open sunny areas. At air temperatures below -25 ºC, shelter for the winter is required.

After flowering, for decorative purposes and to maintain the shape of the bush, it is necessary to trim the lavender. Propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

Herbaceous heat-loving perennial loving sunny areas. After planting with seeds, like all perennials, it blooms the next year.

Moisture-loving and winter-hardy flax loves soil rich in organic matter and regular fertilizing. Plant height is 0.3-0.5 m.

Lobelia represents blooming fluffy bush ampelous or bush form. The height of bush varieties is up to 0.2 m; hanging varieties form flower cascades up to 1-1.5 m.

For good flowering, lobelia needs sun, abundant watering, and regular feeding.

At the end of the first wave of flowering, lobelia needs to be cut at a height of 5 cm from the soil and fed. Repeated flowering lasts until frost. Lobelia propagates by seeds.

“There are forget-me-not flowers in Russia - blue like the sky...”

Perennial unpretentious plant up to 0.2 m high. When grown in the sun, flowering is abundant. Forget-me-not is demanding when it comes to watering.

Annual photophilous 0.3-1.0 m high, propagating by self-seeding. Drought-resistant, but loves abundant watering.

Uncoarsened leaves (before flowering) have a pronounced smell of fresh cucumber; they are used as food in the preparation of salads and okroshka.

Perennial bulbous up to 0.5 m high, growing in both sun and partial shade. Winter-hardy, moisture-loving.

Perennial winter-hardy a plant growing on light calcareous, sandy soils. Sun-loving, up to 0.8 m high.

Cut flowers are used to create dry bouquets.

perennial flower with rigid stems up to 1.5 m high. Prefers sunny places, with alkaline soils, moisture-loving.

A medicinal plant, the crushed roots are used as a coffee substitute.

Nigella Damascus or Nigella

Annual cold-resistant herbaceous plant up to 0.5 m high. Grows in sunny areas, unpretentious. Propagated only by sowing seeds and immediately to a permanent place.

With insufficient watering, flowering stops.

Sage belongs to perennial herbaceous winter-hardy plants up to 0.7 m high. Loves sunny places and fertile soils. Does not like waterlogged soil. Sow seeds with preliminary germination.

It is a medicinal plant and is used as a spice in cooking.

Perennial low growing bulbous plant height 10-15 cm, winter-hardy. When planted in the sun, it is one of the first to bloom; in partial shade, flowering is delayed. Prefers fertile and loose soils.

Sky blue and blue tones of flowers will bring a feeling of freshness and romance to the garden.

Monochrome flower arrangements always remain popular.

To decorate your garden, create an attractive bouquet or furnish your apartment with plants of the same color, you need to distinguish them by their names.

We suggest considering a list of plants that have blue flowers.

Lily leaf bell

The bell belongs to the bellflower class and is a representative of wildflowers. The bell grows in Europe, the Caucasus and western Siberia.

It can often be found in thickets, bushes near rivers. Blue bell flowers can easily be confused with field bells.

There is a slight difference between these plants - the presence of a long pistil in the lily-leaved bell.

The bell is characterized by long flowering, its stem is covered with thin leaves. In Belarus, the bell is listed in the Red Book.

morning glory

An elegant representative of garden plants, which allows you to green fences and fences with its climbing stems.

The sky blue shades of the flower fascinate the owners garden plots, so morning glory is widely used for landscape design of dachas.

The flower has the shape of a gramophone, its main color is blue with streaks of purple and burgundy. Morning glory is an annual plant and blooms from June until the first frost.

Ipomoea stems are curly, densely covered with medium leaves. The flower is great for disguising unsightly areas of the garden space.


A plant with blue or blue flowers, intended for growing indoors. When indoors, this flower reaches a height of 35 cm.

Its flowers are grouped in groups, they have a poppy-like silhouette, and the surface is covered with terry fibers.

Fluffy flowers require constant sunlight, so it is best to place the lisianthus in a well-lit window.

Do not forget about the foliage: it must be frequently sprayed with water. Lisianthus requires thorough watering, as well as moderate temperature conditions. In winter, lisianthus is kept in a cool place.


The meadow fields of Russia are abundantly covered with this plant. It is also common in the Caucasus. Cornflower is not grown for decorative purposes; it grows near bushes, in fields and meadows.

Cornflower is considered perennial: Its stem is rough and reaches a height of 1 meter. The flowers have a blue and purple hue and bloom throughout the summer.

Cornflower is widely used in medicine - it has tannins, has a diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

blue cyanosis

The plant is used for ornamental gardening and also grows wild in the Caucasus, western Siberia and the European part of Russia.

The stem of the cyanosis is branched, but bare. Small leaves do not completely cover the erect plant. The blue flowers look like small gramophones.

They consist of several boxes, and the pistils protrude forward. Field species of cyanosis grow near wetlands, where humus occurs in the soil.

It can also be found on the edges, near bushes: there the cyanosis is grouped or grows separately.

Piglet auricularis

Houseplants often have fancy names, and vinica is no exception. Its blue flowers are arranged in clusters at the top of the stems, so it creates a beautiful blue crown over the pot.

Creeping stems– they can be used to beautifully decorate window openings. In winter and spring, it is recommended to keep the plant cool.

Flowering begins in summer or early autumn. For proper growth, the pigweed must have support in the pot.

When the stems reach 1 meter, they are cut off– it’s better to do this in the spring. In summer, watering should be plentiful, and in winter, sparing.

Delphinium or Larkspur

A beautiful tall plant with an erect stem, widespread in central Russia. It grows in wild fields and is also used for ornamental gardening.

The height of larkspur can reach from 50 cm to 2 m, a distinction is made between annual and perennial individuals. You can admire the blue flowers from the end of June for a whole month.

Delphinium is unpretentious in garden cultivation, however, it is a good idea to install plant supports to avoid damage during bad weather.

You can grow delphinium yourself using cuttings or sowing.

Blue Lily

This name is sometimes given to the blue water lily that grows in bodies of water. Africa is considered the birthplace of the water lily; later it was brought to India and China.

This pale blue flower is widely praised in literature.. The peculiarity of the lily is that it blooms on water during the daytime.

It lasts about 3 days, after which it fades. Blue water lily is not only elegant, but also healthy.

It has long been used as an antiseptic which has a calming effect. If there is a pond at your summer cottage, you can grow a blue lily yourself.


The plant blooms profusely with beautiful blue and white bells. It is easy to care for at home, so it is widespread among those who like to grow indoor plants.

It is suitable for diffused moderate lighting, a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees, and relatively high humidity.

In the evening the blue flower falls asleep and opens again in the morning. Gloxinia's leaves are rough, so they can retain moisture: this point should be taken into account if the plant is often exposed to the sun.

Garden and indoor plants are equally beautiful as their meadow counterparts. Blue color is designed to calm the nervous system and evoke a feeling of peace.

If you have no inclination to grow flowers, make them yourself from foamiran. They will look lifelike and delight the eye every day with their beauty and elegance.

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