Lavender aromatic water for sensitive and problematic skin. Lavender Flower Water (Lavender Hydrolate)

Lavender hydrolate is living water for the skin! The use of lavender flower water is especially beneficial for thin, sensitive skin prone to allergic rashes. Regenerates damaged skin after burns, insect bites, relieves itching, redness, inflammation. Recommended for newborns with diaper dermatitis. Helps restore shine to dull hair. Calms nervous system, relieves mental fatigue, helps get rid of insomnia.

Receipt method: This hydrolate is obtained in the process of producing lavender essential oil using steam distillation.

Compound: 100% natural hydrolate (distillate) of flowers and flowering shoots of high-mountain lavender of the Lavandula angustifolia species of French origin

Properties: floral water with a characteristic lavender scent and a slightly bitter cooling taste. pH level: 5.8 - 6.1. Lavender water is used as a natural tonic for the face and hair, a universal makeup remover, deodorant, intimate spray, an effective treatment for wounds, sun and household burns, and a moth and mosquito repellent. It is not a medicine!

Where to buy natural lavender hydrosol? Only where it is obtained through the process of producing highland lavender essential oil using steam distillation.

How does lavender water work?

Effect on skin: A universal cosmetic product for all skin types. Effective for deep moisturizing and cleansing the skin. Regenerates damaged skin after sun and household burns, eliminates itching, swelling and burning from insect bites, restores and renews the skin. Lavender flower water is especially useful for thin, sensitive skin prone to allergic rashes.

Promotes fast healing wound Effective for all types of acne, pimples, eczema, fungal skin diseases, lichen, bedsores, dermatitis of any origin. Natural lavender hydrosol is recommended for newborns with diaper dermatitis, prickly heat, and other inflammations and irritations of the skin of infants. Quickly soothes the skin, relieves redness and itching, and alleviates skin conditions caused by hives.

Effect on hair: Helps restore shine to dull hair, eliminates dryness and brittleness of hair, eliminates dry dandruff.

Effect on the body: Calms the nervous system, relieves mental fatigue and nervous tension. Helps relieve insomnia, promoting recovery good sleep. Increases immunity, recommended for protection against any infections, viruses, colds. An effective remedy for thrush and leucorrhoea. Reduces blood pressure. Helps reduce spasms in sore muscles after overexertion or physical exercise, relieves headaches. Relieves inflammation in cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis.

Impact on mood: Eliminates anxiety, tearfulness, hysterical reactions, depression and insomnia. Reduces aggression and irritation. Used as a sedative and relaxant

Household uses of lavender water: Repels insects, a good and long-known remedy for moths and mosquitoes. By spraying lavender hydrosol in the summer, you keep the room fresh, and in winter, spraying the hydrosol in the room cleanses it of pathogenic bacteria during an epidemic of flu and colds. Widely used in the production of medicines, expensive cosmetics and perfumes. Lavender water can be used in pure form or mix with other hydrolates depending on the desired result.

Lavender water - methods of application

Therapeutic irrigation of face and body skin(reducing blood pressure, treating dermatitis, eczema, allergic rashes, relieving inflammation, dry skin, itching, peeling, treating sun and household burns, relieving swelling of the skin from insect bites): apply splashes on the skin of the face or wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in lavender flower water;

Deodorant(aromatization, elimination of unpleasant body odor): apply sprays on the face, neck, areas of increased sweating locally and on the entire surface of the body, as a replacement for eau de toilette or deodorant;

Refreshing spray(moisturizing and cooling the skin): apply fragrant sprays to the face, neck, areas of increased sweating locally and throughout the body to refresh or reduce body temperature;

Spray before massage(pain-restoring, soothing, relaxing): spray or apply lavender hydrosol to the skin before using massage oil, this greatly facilitates the massage procedure and increases the therapeutic effect of the massage oil or cream;

Applications(relieving skin inflammation, treating wounds, burns, eczema, herpes): moisten a cotton pad with lavender water and apply to the problem area for a few minutes. Hydrolates soothe and nourish hypersensitive, inflamed skin, especially when the presence of oil is undesirable, for example, in the treatment of some forms of eczema, where oils or fatty creams can aggravate the painful skin condition;

Wound treatment(rinsing, disinfection, stopping bleeding, relieving inflammation): treat the wound or cut several times with a cotton swab dipped in hydrosol or by spraying hydrosol on the problem area;

Gargling and oral cavity (treatment of colds and sore throat): mix the hydrolate with clean warm water in a 1:1 ratio and rinse several times, gradually increasing its duration;

Nasal rinsing(treatment of a runny nose, elimination of inflammation, bleeding): mix the hydrolate with clean warm water in a 1:1 ratio and rinse the nose with a pipette, syringe or a special “duck”;

Douching(vaginal rinsing, treatment of leucorrhoea, vaginitis, thrush): stir the hydrolate with clean warm water in a 1:1 ratio and insert into the vagina using a syringe;

Spray for intimate hygiene(cleansing, relieving inflammation, itching, redness of the genital skin, eliminating unpleasant odor): apply aromatic spray to the intimate areas and wipe with a napkin or apply hydrosol to a cotton pad and wipe the intimate area locally;

Tamponade(treatment of inflammation, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, thrush): mix the hydrolate with clean warm water in a 1:1 ratio, soak a cotton or gauze swab and place it in the vagina;

Face tonic(makeup removal, cleansing, moisturizing, treatment of acne, pimples): apply hydrosol to a cotton pad or napkin and wipe your face, neck, and areas of increased sweating. Many hydrolates are good for both normal skin and oily or problematic skin with acne. They perfectly moisturize dry skin and refresh aging skin;

Cosmetic ice(for skin inflammation, acne, pimples): freeze the hydrosol in portions and wipe your face, neck, décolleté, chest morning and evening;

Mask for the face(to relieve skin inflammation): 1 tbsp. l. mix hydrolate or a mixture of hydrolates with the base for the mask (clay, egg yolk, white, cottage cheese, rolled oats, etc.), apply to the face and after 10-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe the face with hydrolate;

Compresses(treatment of headaches, healing of wounds, eczema, burns, insect bites): moisten cotton pads (for local use) or cloth (for use on the entire face), place on problem areas and leave for 10-15 minutes;

Tonic after shaving or depilation(relieving irritation, inflammation, dry skin): apply aromatic spray to the skin after shaving or depilation, moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin of the face and body to avoid inflammation and irritation;

Hair spray(moisturizing, aromatizing, adding shine to hair, preventing brittleness and split ends, eliminating dry dandruff): spray hydrolate onto the scalp and hair after washing or during the day;

Eau de Toilette(reducing blood pressure, relieving depression and headaches, treating insomnia, protecting against epidemics, increasing immunity, treating colds): apply fragrant sprays to the skin and hair or moisten a cotton pad and wipe the skin of the face and body;

Internal use(treatment of inflammation, removal nervous tension, pressure reduction, cleansing of toxins): 1 tbsp. l. Take hydrolate 3 times a day before meals.

Repellent(repellent mosquitoes, flies, moths): spray the hydrosol evenly onto open areas bodies, animal hair, indoors, in the wardrobe;

Living water for skin: mix lavender water and geranium hydrosol in equal proportions. This mixture can effectively treat wounds, cuts, insect bites, sun and household burns, eczema, fungal skin lesions, lichen, bedsores, dermatitis of any origin, including diaper rash, allergic and acne rashes, any inflammation and irritation of the skin.

Precautionary measures: individual intolerance to the aroma of lavender.

You should buy lavender hydrosol only where it has been obtained by steam distillation during the production of essential oil from the flowers and flowering shoots of the alpine lavender species Lavandula angustifolia.

Good afternoon The school organized congratulations on the upcoming March 8th in the Provence style. Well, who said that on March 8 you need to give mimosas and tulips? With your help, Anastasia, we pleased the girls and teachers with unique and inimitable gifts, which everyone was delighted with. Thank you for the sweets, decor, cosmetics, bouquets! We will be happy to recommend you to our friends! Happy upcoming holiday! Good luck and prosperity to you!

Good afternoon I am writing a review about an order completed at the end of November. Beautiful sachets with lavender never cease to delight to this day:) Oh, this magical aroma! I can’t ignore the sweets with the addition of lavender - sheer pleasure! I was also very pleased with the service: the problem was quickly resolved by arranging same-day delivery to the address. The holiday has taken place! Thank you)))

Thanks a lot!
This is not a bouquet, this is something incredible, something not from this reality, a miracle for which it is difficult to find an epithet to describe how beautiful it is. Needless to say, it made a splash! The birthday girl is delighted, everyone around her is envious, and even today those who see him for the first time are amazed by the beauty of the bouquet))
Thank you again, may the muse never leave you))

Today I received an order for sachet 🤗😇🙌 they are magical 😇 I’ve been looking for so long where I can order, everything is super 👍 I’m very pleased, I’ll order again in the near future 💕 p.s. courier in your company 👍👍👍 polite and friendly, such people are rare now

The order was delivered to us urgently, within 2 hours. The courier is polite and punctual (this is a big plus).
As soon as the packaging was removed from the lavender bouquet, an incredible aroma spread throughout the room. The order also included sashimi in bags (from now on they will live in my linen closet) and a delicate lavender lip balm.
We also took “Lavender for Cooking”, but didn’t cook anything, so I’ll write a separate review for this product)

Irina, May 19, 2017, 18:25

I ordered culinary lavender from the store. I was pleasantly surprised by the aroma of lavender as soon as you entered the building) very nice store, beautiful packaging, nice seller! I will come back here again and again for lavender happiness!!!

Aromatic lavender water is a natural cosmetic product designed to tone and refresh oily as well as normal skin.

This product does not contain chemical components, therefore it is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. It can be used to care for skin, hair, and also as a natural eau de toilette with a pleasant floral aroma.

Indications for use

  • Oily facial skin;
  • Black spots on the face, youthful acne;
  • Skin irritations;
  • Sunburn;
  • Stressful conditions;
  • Loss of strength, increased fatigue, general weakness of the body.


Lavender water for face

Lavender water is used to care for oily and normal skin faces. This cosmetic product has an antiseptic and soothing effect, so it is ideal for problematic and irritated skin. This product contains lavender essential oil. It not only nourishes the skin and maintains its tone, but also has a healing effect, so it can be used for sun and heat burns.

The healing properties of lavender

Lavender essential oil is widely known for its healing properties. It improves blood microcirculation, has a bactericidal, antiseptic and regenerating effect. Therefore, lavender oil is traditionally used to resolve skin seals and scars, destroy pathogenic microbes, and heal wounds and burns. It is effective for acne, boils, dandruff, and hair loss.

Aromatic lavender water is a real godsend for people with oily, inflammation-prone skin.

Lavender for the treatment of neuroses

In addition, the pronounced tonic and calming properties of lavender essential oil, the aroma of which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, have been clinically confirmed. Thanks to this, products containing essential lavender oil are used in the treatment of insomnia, neuroses, loss of strength, increased fatigue, general weakness and any diseases of nervous origin.

Lavender oil calms the nervous system and normalizes the body's hormonal levels, helping with increased fatigue. Also, its regular use activates protective forces body, improves memory and concentration.


  • Prepared water

Mode of application

Facial care:a small amount of The products are carefully applied to the skin of the face and then distributed over it with a cotton swab.

Hair care: Sprinkle washed and dried hair with aromatic water.

Making aromatic ice: The aromatic water is poured into an ice maker and placed in the refrigerator until frozen. The resulting aromatic cubes are used to wipe the face in the morning, after washing.

Use during pregnancy

Due to its completely natural composition, aromatic lavender water can be used during pregnancy.


Individual intolerance to lavender oil.

Where can I buy?

You can buy natural lavender water in our online store. Delivery of goods by mail, in the Moscow region and Moscow - by courier service. In the capital, buy lavender aromatic water and other

I see that there is a mixed opinion about this cosmetic product. I can say that I also didn’t immediately fall in love with lavender water, but now it has become an absolute MUST-HAVE for me. This cosmetic product can not only make the skin clean and beautiful, but also have a relaxing effect on the entire body thanks to aromatherapy. I think that the visual photographs in my review will really show you how lavender water has a beneficial effect on oily skin types that are prone to various types of inflammation and rashes. My problematic skin liked lavender water much more than rose or chamomile water.

And this incredible aroma... if you are prone to stress, irritable or have trouble sleeping, lavender water will help relieve emotional fatigue, relax and harmonize the general condition of the body. This is a truly luxurious, versatile and highly beneficial natural tonic that all of us should have.

My new cosmetic favorite - lavender water from Olesya Mustaeva's Workshop . This is a natural miracle that can replace a good part of cosmetic products and really help improve the condition of skin prone to various types of inflammation. If I hadn’t tried it, I wouldn’t have believed that lavender water had such a beneficial effect on problem skin, but I really fell in love with it and tried it not from the very first use.

Lavender water, also known as lavender hydrolate, also known as a natural tonic, came to me in a small bottle made of darkened plastic. I have no complaints about this container; moreover, it has already become familiar to me, so the wide neck and lack of a spray bottle do not bother or upset me. The main advantage of this bottle is its weight, because it is so light that I can always take my favorite lavender hydrosol with me if necessary. There is a regular sticker on the bottle, which indicates the composition, information about use and the manufacturer, as well as the volume and expiration date.

Lavender water has a rich and very unique aroma, which I didn’t really like at first. The first impression I got was that it was some kind of damp tobacco smell, the smell of something old and ancient. Then I got used to this aroma and it became very cozy for me, while remaining bright, intoxicating, mysterious! The aroma is very mature, lavender, enveloping, relaxing... indeed, a very anti-stress natural scent that relieves fatigue in an instant!

Compound: product of steam distillation of Crimean mountain lavender medicinal

The aroma of lavender water really calms and calms me, and Lately it became a real antidepressant for me. Not just the aroma, but best friend and assistant! My lavender miracle. I am an emotional person and cannot always control myself, so very often after a hard day at work I feel like a squeezed lemon, and the aroma of lavender water helps me eliminate depression, irritability and accumulated stress. To achieve the desired effect, I simply open the cap of the bottle and inhale the lavender aroma, or apply a few drops on my wrist before bed, or spray a couple of drops of hydrosol over the pillow to scent the linen and the air in the room. Thanks to this aromatherapy, my sleep becomes sweet, calm and very deep, I don’t care about any noise, and I fall asleep like a sprinter quickly! The aroma is truly healing, restorative, relaxing.

What does the manufacturer promise? Lavender water cleanses and nourishes the skin well, moderately moisturizes it, relieves irritation, inflammation, redness, and peeling. Makes the skin elastic, prevents the formation of wrinkles, relieves pain and burning sensation. sunburn. Lavender aromatic water has pronounced bactericidal activity, antiseptic properties. Lavender water lotions treat acne and eczema. In gynecology, douching with lavender water is recommended for leucorrhoea. Compresses with lavender water heated to 38-40 degrees are effective for joint and rheumatic pain. A bath with lavender water is a strong sedative, relieves mental and physical stress, relieves irritability and excitability.

In addition to the aromatic effect, lavender hydrosol works wonders on problematic and oily skin. I believe this is the best healer for painful skin. Lavender and its extracts are widely used in modern cosmetology, but in hydrosol lavender is at its best: it is as effective as in the form of essential oil, but very gentle in its effect on the skin. The brighter the aroma of natural tonic, the greater the concentration useful substances in it, therefore, judging only by the aroma of lavender water, then this is one of the most effective cosmetics. I can understand that some people might not like such a strong ethereal aroma, but I love it very much!

I specially highlighted the bottle to show you how much lavender water I used in more than a year of irregular use - a little less than half the bottle. Sometimes, when assessing the condition of my skin, I even feel sorry that I don’t think about this most natural cosmetics more often: I got rid of inflammation on my skin thanks to lavender water in just a couple of days, and put my favorite bottle in the refrigerator for storage. Perhaps I'm just unknowingly saving my favorite cosmetic product! Hydrolates should be stored exclusively in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight, in order to preserve the quality of the natural tonic for as long as possible.

Lavender water is very easy to use: I apply a small amount of hydrosol on a cotton pad and gently wipe my face after washing in the morning and evening. The main thing is systematicity! With regular use, lavender water gives a cumulative cosmetic effect. Lavender hydrolate gives my skin an incredible matte finish and has an astringent effect on the skin. In principle, hydrolates were created to complete the skin cleansing procedure, so even after the most thorough washing, there are still some impurities left on the cotton pad that cannot be removed with cleansers. I think that especially for problem skin, this is a very important moment when you need the skin to be almost sterilely clean, and various harmful microorganisms do not multiply on it.

Lavender water is a natural facial toner that I use in several ways:

Firstly , lavender water is an excellent component for enriching homemade creams and cleansing clay masks. It combines best with black and blue cosmetic clays, as well as ghassoul clay. 2 tbsp. I dilute spoons of clay with warm water and add one capful of lavender water. Such masks have a pronounced antiseptic and tonic effect, help fight pimples and inflammation, cleanse and mattify well. Cooperosis on the wings of the nose becomes less noticeable. The result is visible immediately after the first use.

Secondly , I add one cap of lavender water to steam baths for facial skin. I noticed that with this use, the skin pores are cleaned very well, the skin “breathes” cleanliness and health! The effect is very cool, I definitely recommend trying it!

Third , you can use lavender water as a very common facial cleansing toner. For one procedure, it is enough to literally apply a few drops of hydrosol on a cotton pad and gently wipe your face after each wash. The result will not be long in coming, literally after 3-5 applications the skin will become much cleaner and appearance will improve.

Lavender water is ideal for problematic skin, oily skin, atonic and tired skin. May be a little drying for very dry skin. By the way, I can say that I did not notice any moisturizing effect, but my skin does not feel tight and dry after using lavender water. If you use lavender hydrosol in the morning, then after applying makeup it will retain its freshness longer throughout the day, since the skin is practically not oily. And in the evening before bed, lavender hydrosol will not only help your skin become cleaner, but also help relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the day.

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In order not to be unfounded, I decided to do a photo experiment in which I will show you how lavender water acts on problem skin. I fight acne as best I can, but sometimes there are such disappointments, mostly this happens when the skin becomes very oily before these very days. Not enough pleasant things!

Immediately after washing with natural soap, I gently and carefully wipe my skin with lavender water. In just 20 minutes, the inflammation begins to gradually lighten, and the lavender water feels like it knits the inflamed skin a little. After using lavender water, my skin feels incredibly clean and fresh, very pleasant sensations!

And this is what my skin already looks like in the morning when I once again wiped it with this amazing natural toner. There are still inflammations, but they have dried out significantly, but the redness has almost completely disappeared. The skin is very smooth and matte!

And this is what my forehead looks like after 3 days of using lavender water as a toner and clay masks. I myself did not expect this result, but it is there. Truly lavender water is a real express remedy for inflammation, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. I am very pleased with the result and will try to never forget to use this amazing natural cosmetics again!

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I want to highlight several advantages of using lavender water:

  • smooth and matte skin
  • improves complexion
  • relieves inflammation
  • bright lavender aroma and good aromatic effect
  • relaxes, calms, improves sleep
  • cumulative effect and quick visible results

If you want a very quick and visible result, then hurry up to purchase this wonderful natural tonic. I simply adore lavender water for the result, the aroma, and the anti-stress effect. This is my main healer! I sleep soundly and wake up as a real beauty, and most importantly, this is the best aromatherapy for me!

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I ordered lavender water on the official website. Price 150 rubles per 100 ml . Aromatherapy and a wonderful natural tonic in one bottle. Now I will recommend it to everyone, because lavender water is the most effective cosmetic remedy for acne and skin inflammation!

Remain the most vigorous, beautiful, peaceful and happy!

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Gather everything you need. Lavender water made from lavender flowers will not smell as concentrated as lavender water made from essential oil. Essential oil is a distilled, concentrated lavender extract made from the flowers. By using the flowers themselves, the water is very light but still quite aromatic. Here's what you need:

  • A bunch of lavender stems, fresh or dried (for a total of 2 tablespoons of buds)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Glass bowl
  • Spray
  • Funnel
  • Fine-grain strainer

Remove lavender buds from their stems. Lavender flowers grow as small buds along a straight stem. To make lavender water, you don't need the stems; the buds contain a floral aroma. To remove them from the stems, hold the stem over a glass bowl. Gently pinch the stem at its base and run your fingers from base to tip. The buds will fall into the bowl.

  • You can also buy dried lavender buds that have already been removed from the stems. Look in gourmet food stores or herbal stores.
  • This is a great way to use lavender plants that may be growing in your yard.
  • Bring the water to a boil. Pour it into a small saucepan and place over high heat. Heat the water until it comes to a full boil. Don't leave it unattended for too long or the water will begin to evaporate.

    Pour boiling water over the lavender buds. Pour the buds carefully so they may begin to soak in hot water. The heat will draw out the oils from the flower and the water will smell like lavender.

    Cover the bowl and let the buds soak. Leave the buds to soak in water for several hours or overnight. The process is similar to brewing tea. Let the buds continue to soak until the water cools.

    Strain the buds from the water. Place a fine-grain strainer over a bowl. Pour water into a sieve to separate the buds. Throw away the buds; Now they will not smell, since their extract has gone into the water.

  • Use a funnel to pour the water into a spray bottle. Place the funnel into the open spray bottle. Pour lavender water into a spray bottle. The water is now ready to use on your bedding, as an air freshener, or as an aromatherapy tool.

    • If you want to preserve the water for a long time, you can add 30 grams of witch hazel or vodka. Shake the bottle well to distribute them throughout the water.
    • You can also store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.
  • Share with friends or save for yourself:
