Belt sander with limit frame. All about belt sanders. Stationary grinder

Each member of the tool family called “grinding machines” has its own specialization or, if you like, its own “role”. Just as in film or theater actors often specialize in roles of a certain type and character, so each grinding machine copes better with a specific task. Let's take the trinity: eccentric (ESHM), flat (FSHM) and tape (LSM). The first two “sisters” are good for processing relatively small areas - there they will provide high quality. But the third - ribbon (or, if affectionately and gently, “ribbon”) - will show itself in all its glory where you need to work quickly and a lot.


So, a belt sander is good when you need to do a lot of work. It is not difficult to imagine situations in which such a need might arise. The LSM is capable of leveling walls and removing old paint from them, sanding boards, timber and wooden boards and even process wood floors (although a sanding machine is more suitable for this case). But the “preferences” of the draw frame are not limited to wood alone. It works well with both metal (if you need to, say, remove a layer of rust) and plastic. In general, the LSM works, although it is rough in places, but it is very effective. In addition, it has one more advantage: it is a relatively inexpensive tool.

There is nothing complicated about the design of the machine. The engine transmits movement to the equipment through a V-belt drive. As a “weapon” for blade grinders, a sanding belt is used, which is pulled onto rollers - front and rear.

When you start the tool, the tape begins to spin quickly, “grinding down” layer by layer on the workpiece. When sanding wood, the machine is moved along the grain. By the way, when the blade moves backwards, there is some risk of damaging the power cord, so you should always keep it in sight.

The appearance of the tool is dictated by the location of the engine. Most often it is placed transversely, less often - longitudinally (then the motor is supplemented with an angular gearbox). Accordingly, in the latter case, the LSM turns out to be elongated. Typically, such machines are made with flat sides in order to work close to the wall.

Since we are talking about working in cramped conditions that await the user at every turn, it is worth saying a few more words about the problem of “dead spots”. This is what they call those places that, due to design features LBMs are not available for grinding. This problem also occurs “around” the front roller of the “ribbon”: the area from the front edge of the sole touching the surface of the material to the obstacle itself is the “dead zone”. Trying to solve the problem, some manufacturers equip the blade grinder with a small front roller, which increases the available working area, because the “dead zone” is nothing more than the radius of the roller.

Speaking about the differences between belt sanding machines, we cannot help but mention the so-called electric files. These are the same blades, only their abrasive belt is small in width (the count is almost in millimeters). They are also inferior in power and weight to conventional “ribbons”. Electric files are convenient to use when processing small parts or grinding hard-to-reach places. True, you can’t find this tool in every manufacturer’s catalogue.


The main parameters of the blade grinder that you need to pay attention to are quite common - engine power and belt speed. There are also “exclusive” ones that are specific to grinders - the size of the working surface and the size of the equipment.

The power of the “ribbons” on the market ranges from approximately 600 to 1400 W. As is the case with other tools, this indicator indicates the “power” capabilities of the machine and its “reliability” during operation.

The speed of the sanding belt affects the time it takes to complete the job. For some models it reaches 500 meters per minute.

If there is a significant amount of work to be done, then the best option- fast car. And vice versa, if the task is to polish a small workpiece, then the option with a lower speed is optimal, because at high speed the material is removed very quickly: if you do not calculate the force and duration of the impact, the part will be damaged.

The size of the working surface directly depends on the power characteristics: for powerful and high-speed “ribbons” the width reaches 100 mm. Mostly professionals use such machines: they usually need them more due to the large volumes of grinding. And for domestic purposes (“housework”), a model with a smaller width - 75 or 76 mm - is quite suitable. Although there are exceptions among amateur instruments.

“Weapons” are also selected for the working surface. The most common abrasive belt size options are 75x457 and 75x533 mm; 100x610 mm equipment is less common. Even less common are the remaining options and “combinations” of numbers.


The choice of equipment for a tool is sometimes no less important than the choice of the tool itself. First you need to know exactly the suitable “format” of the sanding belt - it is indicated in the “accompanying documents” for the sanding machine. Please note that for some models it will not be easy to select equipment. For example, it is not possible to buy skins with the “problematic” strip length of 100x620 mm everywhere (although the 100x610 mm option is quite common). So, when choosing a grinding machine, you should “provide your back” in advance by finding out about the availability of equipment.

The grain size of the tape is indicated by a number - the larger it is, the smaller the diameter of the abrasive with which the sandpaper is coated. A “consumer” with a large grain is intended for rough work, that is, for removing a good “piece” from the workpiece at one time. For finishing sanding you need a “fine” belt. It makes sense to have a more or less complete set of equipment of all “suits” on hand, so that you don’t have to run to the store or market every time to get the right ribbon. In addition, most often the workpiece is polished in several steps: first, the layer is roughly removed, then finishing is carried out.

Those who purchase equipment for the “ribbon” need to pay attention to the quality of its manufacture. For example, you should take a closer look at the seam: it must be strong and even, otherwise the tape may become unusable due to tearing. Otherwise, the grinder will vibrate more than usual during operation, and the workpiece will end up in “potholes” that are noticeable to the touch. To check the evenness of the seam, place it on a flat surface and run your hand along it. back side tape - your fingers will “see” everything perfectly. High-quality skin should also be strong, but elastic, and not “brittle” - this will quickly deteriorate. There should be no fringe on the edges of the abrasive belt.

For many users, the issue of the cost of consumables is an acute issue. So, you need to save on equipment, but wisely. For long and hard work, you should not buy cheap tapes that will fall apart even before they are “crucified” on the machine. But for rare and short-lived grinding, there is probably no point in buying “famous” or too expensive equipment.

Another important point: you can’t put too much pressure on the tool while working - it will have a hard time, and the tape will wear out faster. For the normal course of the process, the device’s own weight is usually sufficient.


Tape replacement system.

Modern “ribbons” are equipped with a system for quick replacement of “consumables”, so that auxiliary tools for installing the tape are not needed. First, the tension lever is deflected, an abrasive “ring” is inserted (the direction of the arrows on the machine body and on the belt must match), and then the lever is returned to its place.

Most sanding machines have manual belt centering: there is a small handle on the side of the body, with which everything is done. All machines have their own individuality, and some of them are quite “capricious” in terms of adjustment: during operation, the “consumable” can constantly slide or “jump”, so you often have to turn the handle to achieve a stable position of the equipment. Advice: before you start sanding, “drive” your machine without load and see how the belt behaves - everything will become clear.

A smaller number of models are equipped with an automatic centering system. In such machines, one of the rollers has the shape of a barrel (it is thicker in the middle than at the edges), and during operation the belt does not slide to the side.

Electronic speed control system.

It makes the machine universal - you can process different materials in different modes. At low speed, for example, they grind plastic, which is sensitive to heat (it melts at too high speeds). The speed of the belt movement is set using a control wheel with numbers (or letters).

Dust removal system.

Fine and harmful dust is an invariable companion to the operation of any grinder, so the issue of waste disposal is far from idle. All machines are equipped with a built-in dust extraction system - a special impeller that sucks dust through the gap between the rear of the machine body and the rear roller. The air flow directs the waste into a bag or dust container. By the way, it is not recommended to use them when stripping metal: hot metal dust can cause the bag to burst into flames.

And when processing concrete, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner - this way the efficiency of dust removal increases significantly. In addition, after finishing sanding, it makes sense to “vacuum clean” the machine itself, since dust gets clogged in some of its corners, for example, in the openings between the sole and the body.

Front handle.

The most common are mushroom-shaped handles attached to the body. Some of them sit “tightly”, but on a number of machines the position of the front handle can be changed, choosing the most convenient one. In addition, at small quantity On such machines, this handle can generally be removed if the situation requires it: without it, the dimensions of the “ribbon” are reduced, and it itself does not interfere with work in problem areas.

Stationary installation.

It is useful in cases where it is necessary to polish very small workpieces. The machine is secured with the belt up, the part is started and polished, that is, it is no longer the tool that is being guided by hand, but the workpiece.

Grinding depth limit frame.

Another useful option that helps when performing delicate work. Here the count is literally in millimeters, and if the user gets carried away with the process, he risks ruining the workpiece. The frame is fixed to the body, and it serves as a stop that will prevent the machine from “licking off” the excess layer.

The final surface treatment of various parts and structures often involves the use of abrasive materials. The construction market today offers a lot of effective tools for sanding. Moreover, even high-performance models are becoming more accessible to ordinary home craftsmen. Such tools, in particular, include a belt tool, which uses an emery cloth as a working abrasive surface.

What is FSM?

The device consists of a housing containing a compact motor. The dimensions of the tool are usually small, which makes it ergonomic and easy to use. The functional part is represented by two rollers, which are located at the ends of the structure. It is fixed on them. In this case, the tasks of the rollers are divided. One of them acts as a leader (drive), and the second allows you to adjust the transverse positioning of the blade. Wood should be considered as a target material - such devices cope with it more effectively than with metal or plastic. Thus, a belt with average characteristics removes a layer about 1 mm thick from the workpiece in 1 second. The tool can also be used in stripping surfaces of paint and varnish coatings to renew the coating.

Selection by main characteristics

The speed of stripping or grinding will depend on the power of the electric motor. There are two fundamentally different categories - 500 and 1200 W models. We can say that these are representatives of the household and industrial groups, respectively. The 500 W power potential is suitable as an aid for occasional finishing of parts. Models with a power of 1000 W or more are used in production and construction. High productivity allows high-quality and deep processing of workpiece surfaces for a long time.

The next important parameter is the intensity of the belt movement. It determines how high-quality and uniform the operation will be. On average, belt machines operate at speeds from 500 to 700 m/min. In this case, it is not even the maximum processing speed that is important, but the ability to configure it across different ranges. In some cases, 200-300 m/min may be sufficient, and exceeding the speed will not allow you to carefully remove a very thin layer.

What to consider in the feature set?

Some useful design additions include the following:

  • Smooth start. At the moment of switching on, the current minimization function is activated, which allows you to start processing not with a sudden movement, but with a gradual increase in speed.
  • Bounding box. Since the tool involves applying manual force to the work area, it is difficult for the operator to maintain the same height of the removed layer over the entire area. Therefore, to precisely control the maximum depth, belt sanders are equipped with special limiters.
  • Dust removal system. During operation, large volumes of fine shavings and wood dust are inevitably released. To ensure timely disposal and prevent the spread of waste, some models can be connected to a tool industrial vacuum cleaners. They suck up the generated dust immediately after it is released.
  • Maintaining high speed. This is the ability of a power tool to maintain a stable working rhythm when the rollers rotate at high speeds.

Actually, when choosing a tool, it would not be a bad idea to initially focus on optimal sizes abrasive consumable. Two characteristics matter - length and width. As for the first, it expresses the total length of the web, which is wound on rotating rollers. Depending on the model, the length varies from 400 to 600 mm on average. During operation, this parameter will affect the machine's ability to efficiently handle long workpieces and the durability of the blade in terms of wear. Width directly affects the area of ​​one-time coverage of the target surface. For example, it is advisable to treat narrow boards with tape, the width of which is 65-75 mm. Large-format sheet material, on the contrary, is more efficiently served by a strip of 100-110 mm. Now you can move on to a review of specific models of belt sanders. The rating presented below demonstrates the most successful devices from the best manufacturers in the hand power tool market.

1st place - Makita 9404 model

The Japanese company regularly takes first positions in sales rankings, which can be explained by the high quality of its products, their functionality and reliability. These characteristics are appropriate to apply to the 9404 modification grinder, the cost of which is about 14 thousand rubles. The tool is equipped with a 1010 W motor, supports speeds of up to 440 m/min and is equipped with a dust collector. Among its competitors, the Makita belt sander of this version may well take first place in terms of build quality, balance of power and functionality. Users, for example, respond positively to the speed control and maneuverability of the device. Among the small ergonomic advantages, many mention a long cord, comfortable grips on the handle and the presence of several plates in the basic set (made of cork and graphite).

2nd place - model PBS 75 A from Bosch

The German manufacturer is in direct competition with Makita, offering products that are largely similar in quality. In this case, we are considering a tool of a lower class. If the above-mentioned machine is suitable for semi-professional use, then the PBS 75 A is more likely to fit into the household. This is also hinted at by the average cost of the model, 8 thousand rubles. For this amount, the owner receives a power potential of 750 W, thanks to which the rollers accelerate to 350 m/min. What operations can belt sanders with these capabilities perform? Operating practice shows that the device copes well with cleaning parquet, removing old layers of paint, etc. And, again, the stability of the work process and endurance - character traits namely Bosch and Makita tools. Chinese analogues, even with higher power, are unlikely to be able to guarantee the same high quality of grinding while maintaining their own technical resource for a long time.

3rd place - Ryobi EBS800 model

A solution for simple household tasks. Ryobi is not as well known as the manufacturers mentioned above, but its products are worthy of attention, as they combine decent power with an attractive set of options and low cost. Model EBS800 with 800 W motor and speed up to 300 m/min. available for only 4-4.5 thousand rubles. The characteristics with previous versions are very similar, so what is the difference? As already noted, budget-class belt sanders initially lose to their premium counterparts as an elemental base. This option is less reliable and durable, although it can have noticeable advantages in terms of ease of physical handling. There should also be limitations in functionality. The EBS800 device is deprived soft start, peak load support and speed control.

4th place - model “Interskol LShM-76/900”

Domestic development for household use and also with a small price tag - about 4 thousand rubles. A special feature of this model is the unusual combination of power and maximum roller rotation speed - 900 W at 250 m/min. This means that the grinder is designed for rough cleaning of metal surfaces - corrugated sheets, car bodies, various surfaces of equipment, etc. Users point to the good performance of the Interskol belt sanding machine, its low weight (3.2 kg) and convenient adjustment. The disadvantages include strong vibrations and noise. Oscillations do not allow fine grinding of small parts.

Which manufacturer should you prefer?

The higher the class of the grinder, the more responsible operations can be assigned to it. Therefore, power tools from companies like Bosch and Makita should be chosen for professional use. This group also includes the brands Elitech, Hitachi and Metabo. If the task is to perform simple cleaning of small areas, then you can limit yourself to entry-level models. This segment is mainly represented by Russian belt sanding machines. Reviews, in addition to the Interskol devices, also praise the Zubr, Caliber and Enkor models. With an average quality of construction, they produce good power indicators and do not cause any special problems in physical handling.

Is it possible to make a LSM with your own hands?

Manufacturing will require an electric motor, two drums (roller replacements), a frame and mounting hardware. The power unit from a washing machine can be used as an engine. Its average power is about 3 kW, so you can count on a high-performance operating mode. As for the frame, you should choose a frame structure made of thick metal profiles. The main thing in this part is to think over the configuration of the interface with the engine, drums and supporting platform. Next, you can move on to the drums, which will be used for processing by the belt sander. You can make them with your own hands from small-format cylinders or wide furniture rollers. They are first ground to suit the frame design and the seating mechanism of the tape itself. The fact is that the diameter in the central area should be several millimeters larger than at the edges. This will ensure stable processing, since the main force on the blade will be directed precisely in the middle area.


Usually the transition from mechanical hand tools to electrical analogues is accompanied by a radical change in processing principles. In this case, only the working force changes, and the functional consumable retains the characteristics of traditional abrasive materials. Does this mean that such a tool has retained its previous processing efficiency? As practice shows, for example, the Makita belt sander, even in semi-professional modifications, gives an effect close to high-tech sandblasting machines. What distinguishes such devices is the softness of their physical impact with the possibility of fine tuning. This is what allows you to clean and even polish sensitive surfaces of wooden workpieces without the risk of deep damage to them by the abrasive tape.

There are some nuances that are characteristic only of this type of power tool. So…

This function is available on both HOUSEHOLD and PROFESSIONAL LBMs. For the second type, it is more necessary for non-tiring (relieves stress on the fingers) and long-term work, especially when sanding large areas.

With this option it becomes more versatile (MAKITA 9911, BLACR & DECKER KA85EK, BOSCH PBS7AE). This grinder is capable of not only high-quality sanding of plastic (at low speed), but also quickly processing a large surface area.
SPEED is set with a special wheel. The same system is found in ELECTRIC DRILLS, grinders, and ELECTRIC JIGSAWS.
The most advanced FSM (PROFESSIONAL) have

With stronger pressure on the tool, the SPEED remains the same, and accordingly, the productivity of the saw blade remains at the same level.

A REMOVABLE ADDITIONAL HANDLE is quite rare, although there is undoubtedly some benefit from this feature. Without the HANDLE, the blade becomes a little more compact, which is sometimes an advantage, especially when you need to get into a hard-to-reach place.
The same applies to the ADJUSTABLE ANGLE HANDLE. In this situation, the part is not removed, but is tilted back. In addition, if necessary, you can adjust the HANDLE to suit your hand (BLACK & DECKER KA88, XTA80EK).

if necessary, it can be used as a machine for fine processing of small-sized workpieces. It is attached to

in an inverted position using special clamps, which are usually equipped with most blades (mainly HOUSEHOLD class).
However, when using the BELT SANDER in this way, extreme caution must be exercised, as there is a risk of injury from contact with a fast-moving SANDING BELT (SKIL 1205, RUOBI EBS9576V, INTERSKOL LShM75E).

The changing process is quite simple: you need to release the BELT TENSION LEVER, then insert a new one in accordance with the indicators so that the direction of the arrows on the BELT and on the blade body coincides, then return the LEVER to its original position.

It is believed that this is an invention of the SKIL company. This option is found in both PROFESSIONAL and HOUSEHOLD models of BELT SANDERS (SKIL 7650AA, SKIL 7620AA, BOSCH PSB7A).
It happens that different SANDING BELTS have different alignment: for some it is more accurate, for others it is with an error. When adjusting the RIBBON manually - using the “thumb” - you have to adjust the position of the front roller. In the process of working with different TAPES, regular adjustment will still be necessary, which takes time and effort (HAMMER LSM800, BORT BBS800, STERN 75X457).
AUTOMATIC setup is easier. One of the rollers has the shape of a barrel (for most blade grinders, both are cylindrical), so the contact with the SANDING BELTE is incomplete. Therefore, even an unbalanced BELT will not slip to the side when sanding.

This type of blade is not common (BLACK & DECKER KA88, BLACK & DECKER XTA80EK). When working close to a wall (sanding floors), the problem of a “dead zone” arises - an inaccessible area of ​​the surface from the front edge of the sole to the obstacle itself. Grinding across is possible, but you should still move the blade along the grain to avoid scratches and burrs. A blade grinder with a small front roller will cope with the problem - the working surface is increased, and the “dead zones” are mostly millimeters and often equal to the radius of the roller.

It is attached to the body of the BELT GRINDER and serves as a kind of stop. Used for precision work when grinding materials large area(furniture and carpentry panels, parquet flooring). The use of a FRAME prevents the appearance of “furrows” - height differences during work, as well as during uneven passage through the workpiece (BLACK & DECKER KA85, RUOBI EBS1310F, SKIL 1200).

Unlike the JIGSAW and CIRCULAR SAW, which “throw out” fairly large sawdust, after operation of the BELT GRINDER, fine-grained dust remains. You can use a DUST COLLECTION BAG (MAKITA 9910, METABO BAE1075, HITACHI SB8V2), but it will have to be cleaned periodically, especially since during the operation of the blade, only 30-40% of the total volume of “waste” gets into it. Using a DUST COLLECTION BAG or FILTER is, in principle, ineffective, and when cleaning metal you should not wear it at all - if there is wood dust left in it, the risk of fire increases significantly.
A vacuum cleaner solves the problem of dust removal well. In production, special INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANERS are used, but at home, an ordinary household one will do. Some models

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