How to align a knife on a hand plane. Installing knives on an electric planer. Reusable cutting attachments

With a regular hand plane. But work hand tools It is quite labor-intensive and, if necessary, planing a large number of boards becomes ineffective.

To speed up the process, it is more advisable to use a power tool. Modern electric planers are capable of performing large volumes of work with much less physical effort.

Let's find out how to use an electric planer correctly to get the job done with the quality we need.

Adjusting electric planer knives

An electric planer can be used to perform both rough processing of wooden planes and finishing, after which sanding may not even be necessary. Therefore, it is important to be able to adjust the knives correctly so that the planing depth provides the surface cleanliness you need.

On electric planers, the planing depth is set by switching the handle. The adjustment step can be up to tenths of a millimeter. Therefore, when buying a plane, pay attention to this parameter as one of the most important. Depending on what work you plan to perform, you should select a power tool with a sufficient adjustment step for this purpose.

Before you start processing the surfaces of boards or bars that you will use in the future, make several test passes on a workpiece that you won’t mind throwing away later. It is during these test runs that attention should be paid to possible processing defects.

Most often, such defects are beveled surfaces or incisions. Both of these indicate incorrect settings of the knives in the drum of the electric planer.

To eliminate the defect, it is best to contact the experts in a service workshop or a self-taught specialist who has already adjusted the electric planer knives more than once. But if you don’t have this opportunity, then you can try to adjust the blades of the electric planer yourself.

To do this, loosen the fastening of the knives on the drum using a hex wrench in accordance with the operating instructions for the electric planer, and very carefully set the knives to the correct position. To align the knives, apply a ruler and determine the desired position.

After adjusting the knives, all the bolts must be tightened securely and, turning the drum by hand, see if the knives touch the body of the electric plane.

Before you begin processing the wooden surface, the workpiece must be securely fastened. How well it is secured affects not only the cleanliness of planing, but also directly affects the safety of the work performed.

The board or block being touched should not have even a slight play. Otherwise, when in contact with the rotating knives of the electric planer, the workpiece may be torn out and thrown to the side with force, which can lead to injury to both the worker and people nearby.

After the workpiece is securely fastened, you need to stand so that, starting to plan from one edge, you can freely move next to the workpiece parallel to the movement of the plane. The body position should not be tense, and nothing should interfere with holding the power tool firmly with both hands.

Before turning on the electric planer, its knives should not come into contact with the surface to be cut. Only after starting should you carefully move the knives from the end of the board and start moving forward.

With each pass, try not to tip the electric plane onto your toe or heel. The sole of the plane must always be positioned strictly parallel to the surface being processed.

The pressure on the front and rear handles of the electric planer should be the same. In this case, at the beginning of the passage you should press a little harder on the front handle, and at the end - on the back. This will avoid blockages. The required pressing force is determined only by practice.

While the electric planer is moving along the surface being processed, jerking, acceleration or stopping is unacceptable. Otherwise, the surface will not be able to be made perfectly flat and various pits will be visible on it.

The speed of movement of an electric plane over the surface being processed is usually 1.5-2 meters per minute. In this case, you need to make sure that the shavings removed by the plane do not get under the sole.

Selection of quarters with an electric planer

Often there is a need to select a quarter in the workpiece being planed. Modern electric planers have this option and can make this task much easier for you. However, when selecting quarters using an electric planer, there are also some features that should be taken into account when performing work.

As you know, when cutting a quarter, the side stop of the plane moves along the edge of the board. Therefore, in order for the groove to be smooth, you should be sure that this edge does not have any bulges or dimples.

When planing a quarter, the pressure on the plane handles is slightly different from the pressure when planing flats. With one hand you need to point the plane forward, and with the other, press its side stop to the edge of the workpiece.

Safety when working with an electric planer

When used correctly, an electric planer will help you quickly complete large amounts of work, but if handled carelessly, it can also cause serious injuries.

As mentioned above, the workpiece must be securely secured before starting work. Otherwise, there is a risk of it being pulled out and injuring the worker or other people nearby.

During any inspections of cutting edges or adjustments of knives, be sure to completely turn off the power to the electric planer by disconnecting the electrical cord from the network. Any accidental start can leave you without fingers.

Start processing the surface by first turning on the plane and allowing the knives to reach maximum speed until they touch the board.

If you put the electric planer aside to check the surface you are working on, place it only on its side.

The electrical cord should not have significant kinks or tangles during operation. The electrical insulation must not be damaged, all current-carrying structural elements must be reliably insulated.

In the video below you can watch tips on working with an electric planer (click on the triangle to view):

Now you know how to properly operate an electric planer in order to process wooden surfaces with the desired quality. Next time we’ll talk about how to properly sharpen knives for an electric planer if they have become dull and the cleanliness of the processing has decreased.

A good intermediate branch between professional machines and hand planes is the electric plane. Some models have just several functions, starting with an ordinary plane and ending with a mini-machine. As an addition, such a tool may have an attachment, due to which the unit can be turned upside down and permanently fixed on the workbench.

But with frequent use, the cutting elements lose their former sharpness, as indicated by poor chip removal. Replacing the knives of the Interskol electric planer, as well as any other models, is carried out according to a similar principle. The only difference is that the tools may have different mounts.

Often, electric planer knives come with double sides, 2 pcs. in each set. Not all parts should be changed immediately; some brands of blades can be sharpened.

Main types of knives

The cutting elements are fastened to the rotating drum of the tool. Their main task is to remove the top layers of the working material during planing. A knife may have one or two cutting edges. The latest products are called rotary, since it is possible to change their position from a dull blade to a sharp one. There are knives that are made of tool steel, and they can be sharpened, and there are those that are made of tungsten carbide, and then it is required new installation knives.

The shape of the blade is divided into:

  1. Direct. Used for working with narrow parts, if necessary, and for removing quarters.
  2. Rounded. Used in the processing of wide parts.
  3. Wavy. They are used when the surface needs to be “aged.” Such knives are also called figured knives.

Before turning on the electric planer, you should carefully check the correct installation of the cutting elements. With proper fastening, the blade should protrude outward just a little (by 0.5 mm), and the position itself should be parallel to the sole. This moment can also be determined visually by turning the tool upside down.

To adjust the position of the knife, turn the small and large adjusting screw first in one direction and then in the other. They are located behind the platform under the knife.

Next, the element is installed in the electric planer and fixed with a centering lever and a screw located on the top plate. If you have to work with a new tool, then, most likely, all the adjustments were made in advance, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side. In addition, during constant use of technology, the settings tend to get lost. In order to make sure that the adjustment is correct, it is best to test the electric planer on some unnecessary boards.

A knife for a tool has not only a certain shape, but also a size. Depending on the manufacturer, whether imported or domestic, the sizes of knives may vary. For example, among foreign analogues the standard length is considered to be 8.2 cm and is called “plate”. Depending on the manufacturer, the price of such components will also vary. The Zubr company produces knives that are suitable not only for domestic units, but also for foreign equipment. But here it is immediately worth mentioning that the cheaper the manufacturer, the lower the quality and strength of this element.

Certain models of power tools may have a set of specific knives. This applies to Interskol and Baikal planes; they require knives with a wider and thicker blade. Their strength is somewhat higher, so they are not afraid of “rough” work. The standard width is 1 cm, the length can vary between 82 and 102 cm, they are quite easy to sharpen using sandpaper, although this will still require some experience.

Wide and thick knives with special holes for fasteners are considered more rare in demand. Most often they are installed on powerful units (2000 W). The width of such blades can be 11 cm.

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How to change the knife on an electric planer?

To perform high-quality work, the sharpness of the knife must be at a good level.

If you hold the chamfer to the light and turn it around the cutting edge, a shiny strip shaped like a thread will appear, which means the knife has become dull and requires sharpening or replacement. Electric planer knives are sharpened at an angle of 30°.

As noted above, today you can choose a tool that has double blades. In this case, when one side becomes unusable, the knife is turned to the other and the work continues. But after the second blade has become dull, the electric planer is equipped with a new knife.

There are three nuts in the body transverse groove, which are designed to fix the cutting parts. The knife is installed in them, after which the height is adjusted using two screws that are located at the edges. In order to remove the old blade, you need to loosen the nuts while screwing the screws in until the very end. This will allow the knife holder to slide out of the groove.

The drift is selected to match the thickness of the knife. Using it, the cutting element is knocked out of the latch. After which the new knife is driven into place of the old one. At this stage Special attention is given to the parallel position of the blade relative to the knife holder.

And again, we should not forget that the new cutting tool should be adjusted in height using screws, and then secured with nuts. To avoid shaft imbalance, the blades are set to the same clearance.

The entire procedure for replacing knives should only take place with the electric planer turned off.

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Electric planer knives are mounted on top part rotating drum of the instrument.

The quality of planing directly depends on the sharpness of the knife used. But this does not mean that if the blade is slightly dull, it should be changed immediately. After all, such parts are not so cheap that you have to buy new ones after each job. The way out of this situation is to edit the edge. A grinding wheel is used for this purpose.

Sanding is a fairly simple process. To do this, the knife is placed on the flat surface of the grinding wheel, and during the grinding process you need to move it from one side to the other. During this action, the parts will heat up, so you should not use excessive force. Otherwise, it may cause the edge to lose its hardness or turn blue.

After the blade is polished, it needs to be straightened. For the manual process, whetstones are usually used. They are artificial or natural bars. If you use the machine method, then in this case a finishing disk is used.

When dressing Belgian donkeys, you must use water, and for Arkansas ones, a mixture of oil and kerosene. In turn, bars made of artificial materials can differ in grain size: coarse and fine. The first side carries out a rougher edit, while the second requires a more “jewelry” approach. If you use whetstones without lubrication, it will ruin the knife as it will lose its hardening. In addition, the bar should be washed well after each procedure, otherwise it will become greasy.

The edge of the blade must be rested against the block and moved in a cross-shaped motion until its surface acquires a shine similar to a mirror. In addition, there should be no burrs left on the electric planer knife. The front side is straightened with up and down movements.

The machine finishing disc is made of artificial materials, as a result of which its surface becomes abrasive. Mechanical straightening takes much less time than manual straightening, but purchasing the appropriate equipment will be somewhat more expensive.

How to set knives on an electric planer.
Naturally, unplug the plane and put the plug in your pocket (kids away). If you remove them, the knife slides into a special groove and is symmetrical in width. You need to loosen the bolts (tighten them), thereby releasing the clamp of the entire knife assembly, then loosen the screws that regulate the height (release) of the knives themselves, so that they “fall” down, that is, they won’t fall on their own, of course, you push them down with the piece of wood. Set the height handle
planing exactly to zero. If you planed, clean everything so that there is no wood dust anywhere.
And in this position, it is also worth checking the coincidence of the planes of the front and rear platforms using an accurate ruler. If there is a distortion, something can be done to straighten it, level it out.
Next, let's assume everything is smooth - a single plane. Slightly attach the knife assembly with large bolts so that it does not dangle. Place the drum with knives so that the knife is in the highest position and apply an accurate ruler made of duralumin or wood, now on the right, now on the left, tightening the knife height screws a little by a quarter or an eighth of a turn or less, so that between the knife and the ruler at its highest point, a gap barely visible to the eye became visible, and the knife did not touch the ruler. You need to look obliquely at an angle, and not along the knife. Moreover, this is both on the left and on the right, so it must be set equally. Mentally remember which gap you set first, focus on it and compare both. In this position, now tighten the large bolts, first the central one - a little, then the side ones - a little, then the central one - a little, then the side ones - all a little. This is done little by little so that the height adjustment does not move.
Then everything is the same with another knife, one to one. Now check with a ruler how it turned out after fully tightening:
all four lumens, barely visible, should be the same.
In this position (in the ground), the plane should not plane a flat board, because the knives can't reach her. However, this is only if the front platform is rigidly fixed, and if it is spring-loaded (in some designs), then it can still catch a little thin chips when pressed from above.
This was exposed to the eye (also a good tool, by the way,
- if diamond).
Next, set, for example, 1 m, and check with a ruler on the right and left there should be the same distance of the ruler from the front platform. This way you can check the uniformity (uniformity) at different planing depths; in a good tool it should be maintained at all positions of the depth knob. This way there will be no step on one side of the planing.
- You can probably set it up in some other way.
The experts will correct me or add something, I’ll be happy to learn too.

An electric plane is a convenient and effective tool for working with wood. Its use will significantly speed up the progress of work compared to hand tools. Naturally, the efficiency of an electric planer depends on the quality of the installed knives and their condition.

Electric planer knives are replaced due to wear or a change in the type of work.

Types of knives

Before you figure out how to install knives on an electric planer, you should choose the right one.

Knives with certain specifications can be used for various tasks:

  • Straight - used for planing and selecting wood;
  • Wavy - used for artistic processing, in particular to give the surface an aging effect;
  • Rounded - allow you to make smooth transitions between planing lines, and are used when working on a wide surface.

In addition, knives can have different sizes. Installing knives on an electric planer means that you have figured out which knives are used in your tool. Some manufacturers design the tool in such a way that it will only fit knives of certain sizes (usually different from the most common options).

Replacing knives

Let's look at how to install knives on an electric planer:

  1. Turn off the power to the instrument.
  2. Remove any wood resin that has accumulated on the plane's working surface using a cotton swab soaked in solvent.
  3. The tool should include a key with which you need to loosen the bar that presses the knives in the drum. You can also use a regular wrench if it is suitable, or pliers if there are no suitable wrenches.
  4. After this, remove the bar with the knife from the drum.
  5. The knife on the bar is usually secured with a conventional bolt connection and can be easily removed.
  6. After removing the old knife, a new one is attached to the bar.
  7. The bar is inserted into the drum and slightly fixed.
  8. After adjusting the position of the knife, we finally fix the bar. Adjusting the electric planer blades is the most difficult part of the procedure (and the most important).


Now let’s take a closer look at how to adjust the knives on an electric planer:

  • After securing the knife to the plank and installing the plank into the drum, make sure that the knife does not touch the planer parts.
  • The position of the knives is adjusted using special eccentrics, which are turned with a flat screwdriver.
  • Place a metal ruler (edge) on the back sole of the plane. The knife should be positioned so that the blade touches the ruler.
  • Alternately apply the ruler with the left and right side. The touch of the blade should be even. If there is a skew, then the eccentric should be adjusted on the desired side.
  • After completing the work, secure the plate with the knife by tightening the corresponding nut.

Having figured out how to set knives on an electric planer, keep in mind that this procedure is quite lengthy and requires care. There is no need to rush here, since the efficiency of your work will depend on the quality of installation of the knife.

In the age of modernization, the market is rich in various construction tools, simplifying and speeding up the work process. Also, not a single repair or construction can be done without an electric planer. Each tool has additional components, but for a plane these additional elements are knives, with which the wood is processed. These knives are double-sided and come in a set of two pieces. If the cutting elements become difficult to remove chips, it means that they have become inoperative and need to be sharpened.

But, before you start disassembling the tool, you need to know how to position the knives on the electric planer. In this regard, it is important to study in detail the principles of disassembling a plane.

The cutting elements are mounted on the plane drum, which rotates. The purpose of the knives is to plan the top layers of wood during the processing of products. This design is equipped with one or two cutting elements. The knives standing last are rotary; if necessary, their position can be easily changed if one of the sides is dull. Electric planer knives are made from tungsten carbide or tool steel. Products made of steel can be re-sharpened.

The blades have different configurations and are divided by shape:

  1. Straight - they are installed when selecting quarters and when processing small parts.
  2. Rounded - used when planing wide areas of parts, since the transitions between planed lines are made smoothly.
  3. Wave-shaped - similar knives are used when simulating antiquity on wood.

Diagram of options for sharpening a plane knife: a – on a whetstone, b – on a whetstone, c – position of the cutter blade chamfer when sharpening on a whetstone, d – sharpening on a whetstone disk using a stop device.

Before you start working with an electric planer, you need to make sure that the knives are installed correctly. If any errors were found, then you need to correctly align the knives on the electric planer. The cutting part of the element should be located parallel to the sole of the plane and protrude slightly upward. To be able to determine the correct adjustment of the knife, it is enough to turn it upside down and raise the plane at eye level.

Usually cutting part the knife protrudes 0.5 mm above the level of the sole. But the sherhebel, which is used for the first rough planing, its cutting edge, is produced by at least 1 mm. Adjustments can be made without problems. In this case, it is important to alternately turn the small and large adjusting screw to the right and left until the cutting part is in place. These screws are located on the back of the platform designed for the electric plane blade.

After all the manipulations, the knife is installed in the tool itself and fixed with centering fasteners on the top plate. If the electric planer is new, then, as a rule, its knives are adjusted, but when using the tool, the settings get lost. In this regard, if the plane has not been used for a long time, it is recommended to pre-adjust it. It is also important to remember that immediately after setting it up, it is not recommended to work immediately on the parts without first trying the tool on an unnecessary board.

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Classification of modern knives

Cutting elements for electric planers are classified by size.

Imported planers, for example, from Skil, are equipped with standard 82 mm knives, the common name for which is “plate”. If you choose inexpensive and at the same time durable options, craftsmen recommend “Bison” knives, which are made of carbon steel. Such products are universal, as they fit most planes from various foreign manufacturers. They are even used in famous tools like Bosh and Makita.

The exact dimensions of standard knives are available: length 82 mm, width 5.5 mm and thickness 1.2 mm. Today, on the shelves of specialized stores and markets you can find knives from different manufacturers, and their price will fluctuate depending on the company that produces these products. For example, Bosh knives cost twice as much compared to simple “Bison”, “Stayer”, etc. But, of course, the quality of the products itself will vary noticeably.

There are knives made specifically for individual plane models. Quite popular electric planes “Interskol” and “Baikal” have individual knives, whose width and thickness are greater than those of ordinary plates. Thanks to their parameters, they have higher quality and are strong, which means that if you suddenly get a nail or a knot while working with an electric planer, the knife will not break, and the jagged edges on it can be easily removed with sandpaper.

Such knives are usually about 1 cm wide, and they are visually different from their counterparts. The length of such knives is 82 and 102 mm, and it corresponds to the model of the plane. If they become dull, you can sharpen them without any problems even on your own.

There is also another type of knives for electric planes. They are made wide and thick and equipped with holes for fastening. This model of knives is extremely specific, as they are suitable only for certain models. Such models include planes from Rebir; they have a power of 2000 Watts. Distinctive feature These knives are thick and powerful, and their width can reach 110 mm.

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How to replace electric planer blades?

Electric planer knives require a special approach, and very high demands are placed on them. When knives become dull, it can be determined with the naked eye. To do this, simply examine the chamfer in the light. It needs to be examined by turning it around the cutting edge. If a sanded strip as thick as a thread has formed at the end of the chamfer, then the cutting part has become dull. The knife is sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees.

Modern manufacturers have begun to produce knives with rotating blades. This is convenient: when one of the blades becomes dull, it is simply turned over.

In an electric planer, the cutters are installed in a special knife holder. It is located in a tapered groove and is clamped with three nuts. The height of the protrusion can be adjusted with screws located at the edges. When the element is removed, the nuts are loosened and the screws are tightened, which allows the holder to be pulled out of the groove.

Next, select a drift to match the size of the product and use it to knock it out of the groove. The next action is to replace or turn over the element, which is carefully driven into its original place. When installing the cutting product, it is important to ensure that it fits parallel to the holder.

After making the replacement, you need to place the knives on the electric planer, adjusting them in height, after which they are clamped with nuts. It is important to ensure the same clearance when installing both elements. This is necessary to avoid shaft imbalance.

After sharpening the cutting edges, it is important to immediately test the blade by removing a few shavings. This is important, since the blade of the tool, which was immediately used after sharpening, becomes dull much less. To avoid frequent sharpening on the sharpener, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cutter while working, and if the initial signs appear, it is better to straighten the blade immediately.

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