How to take revenge for insults. How you can ruin the life of a bad person 10 ways to take revenge on your ex

Women's revenge is cruel and merciless! The weaker sex can come up with very strong ways of taking revenge both on the friend who offended her and on her colleagues, but former friends or it’s better for friends not to even know what plans for revenge the woman is hatching!

But it’s not for nothing that they say that Women’s revenge is cruel and merciless!

All these are innocent pranks compared to what a woman can do to a man who has betrayed her! Women's revenge is so insidious and emotional, and so multivariate that it is sometimes impossible to unravel it and predict it. And with all this, women's revenge is applied - without the use of physical force!

We offer you 10 win-win options for female revenge that will not leave your (ex) man indifferent!

Women's revenge 10 most insidious ways of women's revenge!!!

1. Damage property

One of the oldest and most reliable options for female revenge. Yes, it’s undignified, yes, it’s ugly. But how nice it is! Nothing lifts your spirits more than the sound of crashing plasma or the sight of a car covered in paint! The iron horse is, in fact, an ideal object for female revenge, because to carry it out you do not need to sneak into the house of the offender! You just need to sprinkle the hood with crumbs - the birds will do the rest, or pour a kilogram of sugar into the gas tank - no engine has ever withstood this!

2. Damage your reputation

With the advent of the World Wide Web, this has become very easy. All you have to do is post intimate photos or beautifully present “incriminating” information! The 2013 film “I Love Your Wife” immediately comes to mind. According to the plot, an offended girl created a blog about her husband’s shortcomings, which became so popular that a book was written based on it, and subsequently a film was made! Learn, girls, how to take revenge!

3. Get acquainted, or better yet, make friends with his new girlfriend

The most difficult, but also the most insidious female revenge! Can you imagine the tension of the situation? You are sitting, having a nice conversation with his sweet girlfriend, and at this time he is horrified to imagine what you can say to him! One of the most morally difficult methods of revenge for an offender)!!! And by deceit!!!

4. Have an affair with best friend

Day after day, your ex will see you with his friend in the office, in the park, in a cafe, in the cinema. You know where he goes, don’t you? It will be even better if this friend is more successful than your victim! You will be able to show the superiority of your new boyfriend and put pressure on two sore calluses at once.

5. Name the hamster after him - fun female revenge!

Imagine the reaction of your friends to the sayings: “Vasya has become so fat, he can’t fit in his cage anymore” or “Vasya is pooping badly now, we need to change his food.” It seems harmless, but incredibly fun!

6. Make him fork out - expensive female revenge

If your unlucky young man was a miser, then this is - the best option! Surely you know his address, personal information, phone numbers. Order a bunch of goods from different online stores and be sure to leave a note so that you don’t leave until your boyfriend pays for it all!

7. Do what he has always dreamed of - a woman's dream of revenge!

Has your abuser always dreamed of skydiving, but something always got in the way? This is your chance! Tighten up and take a leap! You will give an unforgettable experience to both yourself and him!

8. Sell ​​his clothes second-hand - charity women's revenge!

Preferably all of it! So that he doesn’t have anything to wear! And generously and brightly and will be remembered for a long time! This is exactly what Jennifer Aniston did when breaking up with Brad Pitt!

9. Various innocent pranks - fun and memorable female revenge

Anything - smear his eyebrows with depilatory cream while he sleeps with you (what if), release cockroaches into the apartment, cut off all the buttons, change the lock, send intimate text messages to his mobile phone in the middle of the night when he sleeps with someone else... And after that, from all have a good laugh with your friends!

10. Be happy - the most successful female revenge!

All of the above will make your ex nervous, but this is the only way to make him regret it. When a girl does not shed tears, does not throw hysterics, but calmly and beautifully moves on with her life, then the man feels abandoned! The main thing to remember is that every person deserves happiness in life! And if you come across the wrong person on the way, don’t be upset! Think of it as just another step towards a brighter future!

Probably every girl is familiar with the annoyance caused by the fact that a guy leaves her. It’s especially bitter if her feelings are still strong. In this case, not only pride is hurt, but also the soul. Therefore, it is not surprising that the only question that interests her is: “How to take revenge on a guy?”

Revenge is a cold dish. Decisions that are made under the influence of resentment and pain are unlikely to be successful. The first thing to do is to calm down. And try to look at the situation from the other side. Perhaps you shouldn’t stoop to revenge, because it only brings negativity and destruction.

Why do people take revenge?

The desire for revenge is caused by the fact that it allows you to relieve some stress and ease the soul, as well as let go of old grievances. Sometimes it is almost impossible to kill the desire for retribution, so it is better to figure out how to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend beautifully so as not to lose your dignity.

Psychologists assure that you should not take revenge on offenders, you need to work on yourself and solve internal problems. But people are far from ideal and do not always behave according to book models. Betrayal can hurt girls so much that they only think about how to take revenge on a guy.

When to take revenge?

There is no need to take retribution in hot pursuit; this will only cause pity or laughter from the offender. In order for an action to really hurt a guy, you need to think through your every step and clearly outline what should happen as a result. Otherwise, revenge simply will not make sense.

If a girl is in a hurry and implements her plans at the wrong time, there is a risk of getting into an absurd and funny situation in which she will look quite stupid. Slapping or damaging things can help you release your own emotions, but it is unlikely to cause suffering and anguish to the offender. Rather, it will only anger him, awaken in him aggression and the desire to fight back.

In the case when the main goal is to make the guy regret what he did and worry about his action, you need to think through everything carefully. Developing a plan on how to take revenge on a guy, the girls want to cause him the same pain that they experienced. Every action should lead to a goal; you should not get scattered over trifles.

Important nuance!

Revenge should under no circumstances destroy a person's life. Otherwise, sooner or later all the evil will come back. This is worth remembering at all stages of developing a plan on how to take revenge on a guy. When performing certain actions, it is important not to forget about self-esteem and not stoop to the level of the offender.

How to choose a method of revenge?

For revenge to be effective, it must be unexpected. It is ideal when the object does not even realize that it is “under the hood”. Then interference in his life and penetration into his territory will cause shock and shock. Perhaps this will help him realize how vile he acted.

There are quite a lot of options for how to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend. But each case must be approached individually. The punishment must correspond to the offense, then it will be appropriate. Petty revenge will look like just a minor dirty trick.

You should not expect that no one will know about this “operation”. Therefore, you need to do everything in such a way that you are not ashamed of your actions and words.

The offender must be treated with contempt and contempt, without stooping to petty dirty tricks. You shouldn’t put “heaps” under his door, as some home-grown advisers recommend. This cannot be called revenge, rather, a stupid joke that will only anger the guy and convince him that he did the right thing by breaking up with such a special one.

A well-mannered and self-sufficient girl will understand how to take revenge on a guy beautifully, so that it is convincing and graceful. But it is worth remembering that all actions must fit within the framework of the law, otherwise, instead of feeling relief, you may end up with big problems with law enforcement agencies.

Revenge like a movie heroine

The famous film showed an original and effective method of revenge. You can post leaflets all over the city with a photo of the scoundrel and a description of his negative qualities. A lot of girls will be put off by this and won't want to deal with him.

Indifference and ignorance

People are designed in such a way that they are very hurt by being ignored by those who were once close to them. It doesn’t matter that it was the guy who made the decision to stop communicating, he will probably be “hooked” by the girl’s complete indifference. Indifference will upset the offender much more, because even negative emotions are feelings. The absence of any feelings is the best revenge.

Wedge with wedge

Not knowing how to take revenge on a guy for cheating, girls often intuitively use one of the most effective methods. To make the offender regret his actions, you need to make him jealous. Demonstrating your success and walking arm-in-arm with a new worthy gentleman will not leave the cheater indifferent. When he feels useless and helpless, the girl can enjoy a triumphant moment. The goal is achieved - and the ex-boyfriend bites his elbows.

Tarnished reputation

If a guy acts ugly and mean to a girl, she can easily “mirror” his actions and ruin his reputation. There is no need to come to his work and cause a scandal, it is better to act smarter and more cunning. You can become friends with his colleagues and tell unpleasant things about him. People love to discuss the shortcomings of others, so conversations at work will not subside for a long time.

When thinking about how to take revenge on a guy, do not forget that reputation is very important for men. Having become close to his friends or their girlfriends, you can carefully tell some stories in which the offender will not be presented in the best light. Most likely, everyone they know will soon find out about this, and their attitude towards the guy will change noticeably.

Friendship with a rival

By thinking over a plan on how to take revenge on a guy for cheating, you can make friends with his new passion. It is not necessary to tell her that you have a mutual friend. Listening to stories about the misdeeds of your offender, your rival will initially have a negative attitude towards her friend’s ex and will begin to empathize with you. Then (as if by accident) you need to tell her that this “hero” is her boyfriend.

Become happy!

Everyone will agree that the greatest disappointment is the state of happiness of your ex-lover. If she doesn’t suffer and doesn’t live with dreams of how to get him back, the guy is very offended. In order for the offender to experience a feeling of bitterness and regret that he caused pain, you need to become happy, beautiful and self-confident. If he sees how his ex has blossomed, he will probably pay attention to this fact.

It’s better to start your transformation with external changes: go on a diet, start going to the gym or dancing, quit smoking and change your hairstyle. The stylist will help you change your image and select makeup. Seeing “his” girl in a new image, the guy will feel annoyed that she has changed so much in better side without him.

Home photo shoot

Social networks are very popular today, so almost every person has their own account there. When figuring out how to take revenge on a guy who offended you, you should take advantage of this. Giving in to curiosity, the ex-boyfriend will definitely go to the page of the once beloved girl. Beautiful pictures, uploaded to the network, will not leave him indifferent. Therefore, a girl should make sure that in every photo she is irresistible, with a sparkle in her eyes.

A man's weakness is a car.

Almost all men have a special passion for their car. This can be used when coming up with a revenge plan. By pouring millet or cereal on the roof, the girl will not only feed the birds, but also annoy the traitor. Another harmless, but rather unpleasant way is to coat the car handles with baby puree of the appropriate color.

When figuring out how to take revenge on a guy for an insult, you need to use your imagination, and then the goal will definitely be achieved.

Black humor

To annoy the offender, you can put him in an ambiguous situation. For example, advertise in a local newspaper or post a message on the Internet with the following content: “Looking for a friend for pleasant meetings.” You need to leave not only his mobile phone, but also his work and home phones. The ad text can be anything, it depends on the girl’s imagination.

The following method can give a good effect. You need to call the offender at work and ask the secretary to tell such and such an employee that the results of his tests have arrived and he urgently needs to report to the dermatovenerology clinic. It is advisable to emphasize that delay is dangerous to life and health. This solution to the question of how to take revenge on a guy for betrayal is tough, but effective.

Swap places

So that the guy understands what kind of offense he feels ex-girlfriend, you need to put it in similar conditions. It is necessary to create a situation in which he will feel great disappointment and bitterness. You can promise him something and not deliver, or you can make up a story and then tell him that it’s a joke. After he expresses his dissatisfaction and grief, you need to explain to him that these are the feelings he once caused to a loved one. Perhaps this will make him reconsider his actions.

Feelings of guilt and desire to possess

Tormented by the question: “The guy left me - how to take revenge on him?” - it’s worth thinking about self-improvement and self-development. Psychologists have long discovered a characteristic of men, namely that the woman who rejected him becomes an unattainable ideal for him. Over time, he begins to endow her with non-existent qualities and experiences a strong desire to return her. Even if there was no strong passion on his part before, now it will definitely appear.

The guy will be jealous and imagine the girl spending time with someone else and how happy she is. In addition, the situation will be aggravated by the fact that the feeling of guilt will begin to gnaw at the traitor. After all, it was on his initiative that the breakup occurred. He will regret that fatal offense for a very long time. If suffering and torment ex-boyfriend were the girl’s main goal, then she can consider her mission accomplished and enjoy the victory. All that's left to do is to become so attractive, confident and sexy that the guy can't think about anyone else.

Worthless Lover

To hurt a guy, you can spread a rumor that he can't do anything in bed. This will hurt his pride, and he will probably look for a meeting. But this method is acceptable only in the case when the guy acted meanly towards the girl and betrayed her.

Romance with best friend

While developing a strategy for how to get back at your boyfriend, you can start an affair with his best friend. Such a blow will clearly hit the target and cause unpleasant emotions in the offender. His sense of ownership will intensify, and he will again want to possess such a desirable and beautiful girl that no one can resist.

Black magic

Often the feeling of resentment is so great that the girl is ready to use any means to cause pain to the traitor. The desire for revenge makes you go to sorcerers and magicians. But casting spells and spells is a very dangerous and risky activity. It is better not to use this method, but to try to hurt the feelings of the offender using traditional methods.

What not to do

Openly discussing a guy with his friends - big mistake. They are unlikely to side with the girl. Most likely, friends will support the offender. And a girl who acts in this way will gain a reputation as a gossip and troublemaker.

By planning to add laxatives to tea, over-salt food and other minor tricks, the girl will disgrace herself. When the emotions subside, she will regret her impulse, but it will be too late. It is better to give yourself time to calm down and think through each stage of revenge.

The weaker sex in rage is a huge destructive force. And if a woman seriously sets out to take revenge on her ex, it means that he really treated her ugly. Lies, betrayal, humiliation, insidious betrayals - even recognized smart women and beauties are not immune from such “surprises” in relationships. But if we are looking for a way to take revenge on our ex for his ugly behavior, our goal is not to lose face, remain clean before the law and not get a dangerous enemy.

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What does it smell like?

Let's say you were left unkindly, the resentment is strong, and you want to hint to your ex that his behavior, so to speak, stinks. For a hint, you will need a couple of raw eggs and some fresh fish, such as mackerel. Or shrimp.

You are dialing a raw egg into the syringe and - go! You can make several injections into the seats of his car, into the upholstered furniture of his apartment, into the upholstery of the door. A couple of shrimp or some raw fish can be placed in the nooks and crannies of your home. For example, put it on top of the cornice on which the curtains hang. Very soon your offender will be exhausted by searching for a) the source of the disgusting smell and b) who wants to buy such a stinking car.

"Ants in Pants"

Changed it meanly? Did he do you an obvious, unforgivable nasty thing? Okay, packing your things and leaving your once common home, stop by the drawer with his underwear. Cowards carefully sprinkled with red pepper will “amuse” anyone.

In the name of the law

A man who is capable of disgusting behavior towards a woman is rarely decent in other areas of life. For example, he violates parking rules. Great, we take a photo and send it to the traffic police. What did we do? Will not violate!

Feed the birds

Have you always suspected that he loves his car more than you? Great, you have a good trump card in your hands. A handful of sunflower seeds or a mixture for feeding birds from zoomazagin, poured onto the roof and hood of a car, and the scoundrel will be tortured to shout “shoo”.

You can take a comfortable observation position and watch him examine the claw scratches on the polish.

Have you gained a little weight?

Stingy, liar, rude, and even called you fat? I wonder who suddenly got all their pants and shirts hopelessly too small? The same ones that you, before disappearing from his life, took to the studio, where they were sutured down a couple of sizes?

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Greetings from “Madame Gritsatsueva”

Did he assert himself at your expense, strive to humiliate you, and sometimes even in public? Pay him back in kind, make him look funny in front of his work colleagues.

Imagine: in the midst of a working day, when the office is full and the bosses are there, your ex receives a package brought by a courier: a large portrait plump woman 60-70 years old, in a playful pose and a transparent peignoir with an inscription like “To my little bear with hope for new hot nights! In the evening - a gift!

Receive, sign

While your abuser’s colleagues are gossiping about the fact that he turns out to be a gigolo in the pay of an elderly erotomaniac, turn up the heat.

Incriminating messages at the place of work are the widest field for imagination. For example, in front of your colleagues, your abuser may be delivered some depraved items from a sex shop or medicine to treat impotence. If you manage to hire a reckless “courier” who is ready for anything, he will turn the delivery into an unforgettable performance. You can even ask him to film everything on video.

"Belly Festival"

If you are sure that your ex-lover acted meanly to you and deserves punishment, allow yourself a little childishness. A little laxative powder added to a can of sports drink or an open packet of instant coffee will leave you rubbing your hands. Some people find it very useful to cleanse their sludge-laden body.

Calling a "friend"

Sometimes it happens that a man has done something nasty to a woman and walks around laughing. And then suddenly they call him at work and ask him to remind him that, as a registered person at the drug dispensary, he is obliged, by the way, to regularly check in and get tested. And no one canceled classes in the Alcoholics Anonymous circle for him either.

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Invisible Man

It’s unpleasant if your ex, who inflicted a mental wound on you, is your work colleague or studies with you in the same group.

The best way to make him feel the depth of his insignificance is to completely ignore him. Act as if such a person does not exist in nature. No greetings, no glances in his direction, no, God forbid, reproaches or tears. He was waiting for recognition of the importance of his person, and you deprived him of such pleasure.

Too many women

He cheated on you with your girlfriend behind your back for a year? He left you in tears and shock, while he himself is busy pursuing a new romance? You can annoy bad people a little. Buy several phone SIM cards and bombard the insidious SMS with love and erotic content. It won't hurt his new girlfriend to get a hint that she's a womanizer.


A mediocre relationship, after which he also demanded his wretched gifts back - what could be more disgusting? One American woman gave her greedy ex-boyfriend such a surprise: she arranged a daily transfer at the bank in his name with notice for a period of 17 years. Every day the miser began to receive a penny amount with a sarcastic note. You can do this too, adding: “For poverty.”

Is it necessary to take revenge?

Marina Vostrikova, psychologist:

When we are faced with a difficult, stressful situation that radically changes our lives, our reaction to it is divided into several phases: shock (the feeling that the world has collapsed), denial (we do not believe that this is happening to us), depression (a whole spectrum feelings from aggression to self-criticism) and, finally, acceptance. At the stage of depression, many offended women come up with the idea: revenge! Let us ask ourselves the question: why do we want to take revenge? People say: I want my offender to feel as bad as I do, so that he too suffers. But this is an illusion: if someone nearby cuts their finger, our cut finger will not stop hurting, right? People who took revenge then say: I thought it would be easier, but it didn’t become easier. The woman still went through all the phases of reaction to the mental wound inflicted on her. Any revenge, thinking about it, carrying it out is a focus on the offender. And in order to get over a breakup, you need to focus on yourself. And even frantic beauty restoration, weight loss and posting the results on social networks are also efforts in the name of the ex, and not in the name of oneself. They say, let him look what he lost! Productive behavior in this case is an analysis of the situation. Think about why this happened to you. Why did you choose such a man? What “bells” did you miss, what shortcomings did you turn a blind eye to? What to do to prevent this from happening again? Before entering a war, think about whether you will harm yourself. For example, one of my clients took revenge on a man who promised but did not marry, and as a result lost her job - such a “boomerang” came from the object of revenge. In addition, your revenge is a sign of attention to your offender. Isn't there a lot of honor for him? You can do no harm, but only flatter your ex, fuel his pride: I’m so unforgettable, how women fight for me! Instead of fixating on an unworthy person, wasting time, nerves, money, stalking, humiliating yourself, it is better to focus on yourself. Accept the pain of parting, stay with it, experience it. The best revenge on an unworthy person is to endure the test with dignity, without losing yourself, to develop and move forward, turning everything experienced into a useful experience.

Betrayal, resentment, quarrels - all this is an integral part of human life. But it is always unpleasant when the offender goes unpunished, and a natural and fair desire arises to punish him. There are dozens of ways to ruin a person’s life, they range from the most harmless to the extremely dangerous.

Ways to ruin your life

You should be guided by the principle of justice before you begin to take revenge on a person. After all, if you really decide to harm someone, you need to realize the scale of the harm, the damage that will be caused. There is no need to harass a person if he takes your parking spot. You can arrange a kind of court hearing, where the guilt of the criminal has already been proven, and you only need to pass a verdict, which should be fair.

There are several options for how to harm a person you hate. You should immediately discard everything connected with magic and rituals- it doesn't make any sense. We need real action that causes real damage.

This damage is often accomplished through:

  • Uses social networks or the Internet.
  • Active actions to damage property (smear front door paint, break windows).
  • Moral humiliation of a person.
  • Using a phone number.

These are not even methods, but categories. Each of them is unique and includes dozens of options. Using the principle of justice, you can choose the type of revenge that suitable for a certain occasion. For example, if someone insulted you at work or at school, you can humiliate the person in return. This will not create a reputation for you as a vindictive and unscrupulous dirty tricker, unlike methods that involve damaging property.

However, the majority will still choose option with property damage, although watching the shame of a morally humiliated enemy is as pleasant as hearing his cries that someone has broken his car window.

And also an extremely unpleasant (for the offender, of course) way using his phone number. You can really get on your enemy’s nerves by constantly calling him at night. You can even download a special program and go to bed peacefully - it will do everything itself.

Don’t forget about methods that can really scare you. For example, intimidation, which includes not only anonymous threatening calls, but also good old notes under the door. Collectors use similar methods; you can adopt a couple of options from them.

Damage to property

Property damage is the most common option. But you need to remember that it can become a crime if you cross the line. There is no need to set anything on fire, nor do you need to blow it up.

The following options are usually used:

The main thing, as in principle with other methods, is not to get caught.

For such methods of revenge, there will be no criminal punishment, but administrative punishment is possible.

There will also be rumors, and all of this together will put you in a bad light, despite the fact that the initiator of the conflict was another person.

Harm via the Internet

Everything that happens in modern world, immediately gets into the global network and is actively discussed. Even if the information is false. You can use this for your revenge. And there are a huge number of options for what nasty things can be done to a person.

But it is worth paying attention to the following:

The Internet provides quite creative and unusual ways to harm a person. Knowing the phone number, you can use it for revenge. But there are also other ways that can be much more unpleasant for the offender.

We use a phone number

In addition to posting ads on dating sites and trading platforms, you can use your phone number in other cases. You can intimidate a person, or you can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies to him.

To intimidate means to make a direct threat to a person’s health or life. This may lead to undesirable consequences, if the offender wants to contact the police. So it's worth knowing how to intimidate someone anonymously. For this you can use Skype program. It is often used by the famous Ukrainian pranker Volnov, who not only sarcastically mocked the victims of pranks, but also threatened some. This program allowed him to remain anonymous. It is designed for calls via the Internet, but also has a function for calls to the telephone. The main thing is not to indicate your number anywhere.

In addition to this, you will also need voice changer program. All calls will be made through a computer, so a microphone will be required. When you speak into a microphone, this program will transform your speech. In this way, the girl will be able to speak in the voice of a frail old man.

Having these utilities, all that remains is to think about the pressure line.

There is no need to directly threaten to kill or injure a person, then he will definitely contact the police.

You can simply express your demand, for example, that the offender quit, and then reinforce the demand by calling at night, leaving messages on the door, and you can also break his windows with stones with a note attached.

The second option is to attract the attention of law enforcement agencies. It is necessary, wherever possible, to leave the enemy’s number indicating that drugs are sold here. You can write on fences and houses using a can of spray paint. A bold move would be to do this in front of the police station. Main - spread over a large area. And then either drug addicts who want to get a dose will call this number, or the police will pay attention to the owner of the number.

Nuances of revenge

Problems can come from anywhere: a loved one abandoned you, your boss is a tyrant who ruined your career, noisy neighbors. When an ordinary person who has not caused any inconvenience is subjected to vile blows, his desire for revenge will be completely just.

But it is worth remembering that you need to act fairly - no matter how vile the enemy acts. There is no need to be like him, it is better to act according to the principle "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth". It is important to imagine the consequences that revenge can lead to - no need to go beyond the law.

Besides this, revenge must be individual, except if the harm was caused to more than one person. There is no need to involve other people in the implementation of your plans, because they can tell someone about it, and this information will reach the enemy.

If it seems that you can’t cope on your own, and the retaliatory strike will not be sufficient, you can turn to detective agencies.

Some provide special services - they spoil their reputation. And often it is reputational damage that causes the most great harm self-esteem and general human condition. Specialists can help, but at a big cost. But if you still decide to carry out revenge on your own, you need to remember the main rule - don’t get caught.

There are situations when it is almost impossible to cope with your emotions and feelings. This happens when a guy breaks a woman's tender heart. At such moments, you want to hurt the offender so that he feels all the suffering and torment of the girl. Next, we’ll take a closer look at 10 ways to take revenge on a guy.

Navigator by methods

1. Method. Ruin his car

Of course, this method is only suitable if the guy has a car. The main thing here is not to cross the line of the law, so as not to have serious problems later. You need to find a weak point, something that the guy really likes in his car.

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In addition to the car, you can damage any other favorite things of a guy, for example, breaking a phone or hacking into your beloved’s account computer game and leave the character with nothing. Revenge should be related to the guy's favorite thing.

2. Method. Deprive him of his wardrobe

You can also ruin your ex-boyfriend's wardrobe. It is recommended to choose the guy’s favorite thing, which he wears and takes care of most. Next we turn on our imagination. You can simply cut it, paint it, or throw it away.

3. Method. Let his reputation go around the world

In this case, you can use all available options. So, on his behalf, you can create a page, for example, on a dating site or free classified ads and give his phone number. You can write a funny article or simply post any other confidential information and photos on popular sites.

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4. Method. Have an affair with his friend

There are probably many beautiful and lonely men in his company. It is recommended to start an affair with one of your ex-boyfriend's acquaintances. This will definitely hurt his ego and pride. Maybe we can even make him jealous.

Every abandoned and insulted girl should know 10 ways to take revenge on a guy.

5. Method. Make him regret

You just need to become the perfect girl. To do this, we change our image, for example, hairstyle or wardrobe. We appear in places where the guy often visits. The main thing is to always smile and be cheerful, flirt in front of other guys and just have fun in your free time.

6. Method. Meet his girlfriend

If a guy starts a new relationship, then you need to try to ruin it. We just meet his new girlfriend and become her best friend. The guy will definitely worry and be afraid that you will say something unnecessary.

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7. Method. Innocent pranks

You can do small unpleasant things. So, if you lived together in an apartment, then you can ruin something there. Let's use our imagination and do some minor mischief. So, for example, we change door lock or we let cockroaches and rodents into the apartment.

8. Method. Online orders

If you know the guy’s personal details, then you can make various orders in his name on websites via the Internet. You can order on his behalf to his home address. Let him now pay for unnecessary and meaningless things.

9. Method. Get yourself a rich admirer

Let your admirer take you for rides in a car in front of your ex-boyfriend and give you armfuls of flowers. Let your ex know that everything is fine with you. This will definitely hurt his pride and cause feelings of jealousy.

10. Method. Be happy!

There are different situations in life, and this does not mean that you need to immediately rush to extremes. It's better to let the guy go and forget about him altogether. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but it is possible to control your emotions and actions. You need to enjoy life and try to be happy.

These are all 10 ways to take revenge on a guy that every offended girl should know.

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