Materializing thoughts: three techniques to help you achieve what you want. Is it true that thoughts are material, and how to think correctly to change life for the better? How to think correctly to

The power of thought

Wish carefully!

Think right!

Visualize your desires!

The saying that “all our thoughts materialize” is not just empty words, but a fact proven by scientists and psychologists, which they directly associate with the law of attraction.
If you think about it, then each of us, having thought about something, soon noticed that the thought was "embodied" in life. For example, a woman, dreaming of the attention of a certain man, noticed that he really began to show her attention ...
And if you look at the power of thought from the other side, it turns out that we ourselves attract all troubles, problems and ordinary troubles into our lives: while complaining about poverty, we will never get out of debt; complaining about failure in personal life, we remain lonely; thinking about poor health, we constantly "catch" sores and viruses, etc.
Of course, all this can be attributed to ordinary coincidences, but ... Studying the subconscious of a person, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts are a kind of magnet that attracts what we want and makes it real.
Based on this, many psychologists are seriously engaged in the development of techniques, having mastered which, most people achieve what they want in the shortest possible time: they become more successful, more financially wealthy, make progress in their careers and create happy families. How does this happen? A long formulation boils down to a simple conclusion: to become more successful, it is enough to learn to think and wish correctly!
Wish carefully!
Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires, correctly formulated, will certainly come true. True, not right away.

Probably, many girls had to notice this pattern: you dream of a boyfriend, you pour tears into your pillow inconsolably, you try to attract the attention of sweethearts to no avail. Time passes, the girl forgets about her hobby, and here you get: the once adored passion appears on the horizon.
And all because (and this has been proven by the research of scientists!), That we, according to the law of attraction, ourselves attract into our life everything that we eventually have in it. That is, the subconsciously desired sooner or later becomes valid. This applies to almost all spheres of life: health, career, wealth, relationships with the opposite sex.
Remember, our thoughts are our desires.
Our subconscious is inextricably linked with the Universe, which fixes our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. This is where the greatest danger lies. While a woman laments that she is lonely, the Universe takes the complaint for ... desire, and materializes thought. As a result, years pass, fans change, but the woman is still lonely ... Because with the help of the force of gravity, SAMA attracted loneliness into her life, and she cannot start thinking differently or does not want to. After all, it is not so easy to eradicate the habit of thinking about the bad - for most of us it is easier to complain about fate and grumble that life does not work out.
And it turns out a vicious circle: we complain - the Universe records "complaints" as "desires" - "desires" are fulfilled - we complain even more. The same can be said for our fears. It is not for nothing that they say that what we are most afraid of happens to us.
Think right!
The foregoing leads to the question: how to learn to think correctly - so as to change fate for the better and attract the desired benefits into your life?
The answer is simple: you need to learn how to formulate your desires correctly! And before that, it will not hurt to get rid of the old, negative thoughts with which we are used to living. They need to be thrown away like old trash, reconsider the past, determine a happy future, and from now on think only positively about it! Our own beliefs, painted in black tones, are the key to the same hopeless life with a bunch of problems and a lack of bright prospects. It's time to change!
Visualize your desires!

This is the most effective and efficient method for materializing your own thoughts. To make what you want come true, you need to understand and clearly imagine what you want and think over all the details.

Tavliyarova Gulnaz,

2nd year student of the department of journalism

The power of thought

The saying that “all our thoughts materialize” is not just empty words, but a fact proven by scientists and psychologists, which they directly associate with the law of attraction.

If you think about it, then each of us, having thought about something, soon noticed that the thought was “embodied” in life. For example, a woman, dreaming of the attention of a certain man, noticed that he really began to show her attention ...

If you look at the power of thought from the other side, it turns out that we ourselves attract all troubles, problems and ordinary troubles into our lives: while complaining about poverty, we will never get out of debt; complaining about failure in personal life, we remain lonely; thinking about poor health, we constantly "catch" sores and viruses, etc.

Of course, all this can be attributed to ordinary coincidences, but ... Studying the subconscious of a person, scientists have long come to the conclusion that our thoughts are a kind of magnet that attracts what we want and makes it real.

Based on this, many psychologists are seriously engaged in the development of techniques, having mastered which, most people achieve what they want in the shortest possible time: they become more successful, more financially wealthy, make progress in their careers and create happy families. How does this happen? A long formulation boils down to a simple conclusion: to become more successful, it is enough to learn to think and wish correctly!

Wish carefully!

Because the first rule of the law of attraction is that our desires, correctly formulated, will certainly come true. True, not right away. Probably, many girls had to notice this pattern: you dream of a boyfriend, you pour tears into your pillow inconsolably, you try to attract the attention of sweethearts to no avail. Time passes, the girl forgets about her hobby, and here you get: the once adored passion appears on the horizon.

And all because (and this is proved by the research of scientists!) That we, according to the law of attraction, ourselves attract into our life everything that we eventually have in it. That is, the subconsciously desired sooner or later becomes valid.

This applies to almost all spheres of life: health, career, wealth, relationships with the opposite sex.

Remember our thoughts are our desires

Our subconscious is inextricably linked with the Universe, which fixes our thoughts, perceiving them as our desires. This is where the greatest danger lies. While a woman laments that she is lonely, the Universe takes the complaint for ... desire, and materializes thought. As a result, years pass, fans change, but the woman is still lonely ... Because with the help of the force of gravity, SAMA attracted loneliness into her life, and she cannot start thinking differently or does not want to. After all, it is not so easy to eradicate the habit of thinking about the bad - for most of us it is easier to complain about fate and grumble that life does not work out.

And it turns out a vicious circle: we complain - the Universe records "complaints" as "desires" - "desires" are fulfilled - we complain even more ... The same can be said about our fears. It is not for nothing that they say that what we are most afraid of happens to us.

Think right!

The foregoing leads to the question: how to learn to think correctly - so as to change fate for the better and attract the desired benefits into your life?

The answer is simple: you need to learn how to formulate your desires correctly! And before that, it will not hurt to get rid of the old, negative thoughts with which we are used to living. They need to be thrown away like old trash, reconsider the past, determine a happy future, and from now on think only positively about it! Our own beliefs, painted in black tones, are the key to the same hopeless life with a bunch of problems and a lack of bright prospects. It's time to change!

Visualize your desires!

This is the most effective and efficient method for materializing your own thoughts. To make what you want come true, you need to understand and clearly imagine what you want and think over all the details.


Deal with terms. Most often, by "right" we mean "with for myself" and "for the common good." If the situation is difficult and there is no one else to consult, best friend- synonyms, paper and pen. A word with a vague meaning (for example, the word "right") needs to choose one that will resonate in the heart. Or choose the words ourselves, reveal this word. You can even write the whole in order to get the same cherished meaning out of it. When a word is found, it is written out on a blank piece of paper, underlined and designated as a goal. And then they move on to the next stage.

Keeping emotions in check. We often make decisions based on feelings (not to say hormones), and cold calculation and logic are turned off at this time. Accordingly, the decision at first seems correct to us. And when the head cools down, it’s not very good. It must be understood that absolutely correct decisions are extremely rare. Each of them is adequate to its situation. And there is no unambiguous answer to such a question as: "Was it worth it to call at night ex-boyfriend?".

Check the results. There is a wise rule, which in a simplified form is formulated as follows: "The wrong choice leads to a dead end." In a positive form, it means: "If the choice made increases the number of new possibilities, new paths, then you were thinking correctly." After making a decision, a person usually doubts himself, and therefore the changes that come immediately seem negative to him. So he thought wrong and acted wrong. However, after a while, when the memory erases the negative and leaves the positive, the person realizes that his act was not done in vain. To think rightly, we must avoid the trap of our own feelings and not balance between self-flagellation and self-justification.

Study logic. Actually, its second name is "the science of the ability to think correctly", "the art of correct reasoning." Any difficult situation can be broken down into a chain of logical and illogical actions. The mind needs to be trained the way we train our legs if we want to run cross-country. More logical tasks, tests for intelligence, for the ability to analyze information and combine disparate data. And then the whole number of wrong conclusions and annoying everyday mistakes will be reduced significantly.

There is a saying "Forget your troubles, come on get happy" - "Forget your difficulties and just be happy." Sometimes our insecurity, fear of taking responsibility for our actions, very much interfere with our lives. And instead of thinking easily and naturally, choosing different roads and different people, a person locks himself in doubts. And completely in vain.

Yes, educational games for children. Designed for children's development, they are great for adults too. The range of educational games is very wide. Here are electronic constructors like SnapCircuits, and desktop card games("Swish", "Set"), and games for smartphones and tablets, for example, Gravity Maze. By playing games, you will not only develop lateral thinking skills, but also have a great time with friends or children.

2. Communicate with people

Despite the abundance of various sources of information, other people are still able to give us new ideas. Meeting with unique experience another person, we significantly enrich our understanding of the world (or a specific problem). And it is not at all necessary to communicate with the luminaries of science or financial gurus.

Career consultant Gia Ganesh gives an example of her conversation with a granite installer. It turned out that the guy was originally from Cuba. He told how he came to the USA and how he got to this job. The conversation prompted Gia to interesting thoughts about migration and career choice, suggested ideas for new research.

3. Get new experiences

To think differently, you need to live differently. Give up the usual patterns of behavior, destroy the established way of life, break stereotypes. Prepare new meals, change your route from home to work, and look around more. Try to wear clothes that are not typical for your image, change your hairstyle.

A great way to learn something new is. Other countries, other cultures, unfamiliar surroundings - all this gives a good stimulus for the work of thinking. Especially if you do not miss the opportunity to make new acquaintances while traveling.

4. Explore unusual ideas

In our age, there is no shortage of information. On the contrary, there is even too much around it. But not all of it deserves attention. You have to look for really worthwhile ideas, but doing it is much easier than 100 or even 50 years ago. Read more! , articles on the Internet and magazines. Look everywhere for fresh ideas, new views and unconventional approaches.

Thinking differently is good, but not enough. Their original ideas one must be able to formulate and defend.

It is not always easy to have your own opinion that differs from the generally accepted one. The social pressure of the majority is great, and very often society is able to impose a collective point of view on individuals. Next, there are several ways to help develop and defend your own opinion.

5. Be based on facts only

This seemingly elementary principle is violated too often. Emotions, speculation, expectations, assumptions, rumors ... All this is not good. Start with simple questions: "How do I know this is true?" "What facts speak in favor of my opinion?" If the facts are not enough, then you have to look for them.

6. State your opinion in writing

Imagine that you need to convince someone and write a letter for this. Written presentation will help you articulate your thoughts more clearly, trace the logical chain of conclusions and conclusions. Diagrams and pictures will make your ideas clearer and more intuitive. Such a preparation will help a lot if you really need or defend your point of view in a discussion.

7. Discuss

Group discussion is both a test of your ideas and a means to find new solutions to old problems. The greatest benefit bring specially organized discussions. Almost any topic can be chosen: from politics to football. Divide the group into two teams, and have them advocate opposing points of view. It is better to limit the time allotted to each participant - this helps to formulate your arguments clearly and concisely.

8. Be objective

This is the kind of advice that is easy to give but hard to follow. Each of us is inclined to consider our opinion, if not the only correct one, then certainly not erroneous. But even the ancients said that it is human nature to make mistakes. We look at the world through the prism of our experience and very often see only what we want to see.

In developing your own opinion, it is important to get rid of bias in the selection and assessment of available information. Have we really considered all the available facts? Have we exaggerated the significance of some facts to please our expectations? Are there alternative points of view? These and other similar questions can help you be more objective and independent of someone else's biases. Even from your own.

This is far from an exhaustive list of ways to help you think differently and shape. What methods do you use?

“Watch your thoughts. Let your thoughts be positive, because your thoughts become words.

Watch your words. Let your words be positive, because your words become your actions.

Watch your actions. Let your actions be positive, because your actions become your habits.

Monitor your habits. Let your habits be positive, because your actions become your values.

Keep track of your values. Let your values ​​be positive, because your values ​​become your FATE! ”

Mahatma Gandhi

One of our biggest problems, and perhaps the only one, is choosing the right thoughts. Or how to think correctly? If you have happy thoughts, then you will definitely be happy. If your thoughts are full of fear, then you will be afraid of everything. If you constantly think about failure, then there is even no point in starting anything. Our thoughts affect our mood and even our physical strength. Our state of mind and the ability to enjoy life do not depend on where we are now, what we have and who we are, but only on our inner attitude to all this.

In his book How Man Thinks, James Allen tells us that our mind is like a garden that can either be cultivated correctly,
either run. In either case, it will grow. But if you plant and care for plants, then what you have planted will grow: flowers or fruits. And if you do not plant certain seeds and seedlings, then animals, wind or other elements will put various things into your garden, and this will entail a rich flowering of wild vegetation and weeds that will suffocate useful plants... One thing is clear. Let something grow in your garden.

Therefore, as a gardener who must tend his plot by pulling out weeds, we must take care of the garden of our mind, removing all thoughts of need, limitation and unhappiness. And also to nourish and cultivate dreams of happiness, success and goal achievement.

Without thinking about how to think correctly we unconsciously shape circumstances by the power of our thoughts.

True, many do not think so. It is much easier for them to believe in chance, luck or destiny. After all, it is much easier to blame everyone and everything and to blame everything bad on a spouse, on the government, the economy, God, the Universe, so we absolve ourselves of all responsibility and while away our days in constant claims, isn't that so?

First, we need to understand and accept the fact that there is a most direct and unbreakable connection between thoughts and circumstances. Once realizing this, you begin to be completely responsible for everything that happens in your life. And then you start to think, how does all this actually happen and how to think correctly?

Where do we need to start?

Track your every thought. If it is negative, replace it with a positive one.

In the morning and evening, I read short excerpts from self-development books as something positive. Because I want these messages to be imprinted in my subconscious.

I say the affirmations out loud and write them out thirteen times. Sometimes I put them up or write them down in my diary so that I can see them all the time. They affect the subconscious every time you see them, even out of the corner of your eye.

To begin with, make yourself comfortable, it is best to sit cross-legged, or just on a chair. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Slowly, evenly, deeply.

Start counting down from 50 for each exhale. Clear your mind of external thoughts and focus on the next number. Just mark any unnecessary thought, then throw it out of your head and keep counting. Now you can start programming the subconscious. This is best done in the form of affirmations. For example:

I attract joyful events and pleasant people into my life.

I am a magnet of happiness and good luck

I attract money like a magnet

I trust myself and face the future boldly

I am abundance

For the uninitiated who think that such statements are banal and stupid, I declare: you are mistaken. This is a VERY STRONG programming technique.

Once you're done, say:

“Now I'm going to count from 5 to one. On one count, I will be fully awake, alert and ready for a wonderful day. Five ... I can hear everything that is happening around. Four ... The eyelids are getting lighter. Three ... I turn on my full attention. Two ... ”This is an example of how you can finish your meditation in the morning.

And if you wanted to do it at night, you can say:

“I will count from 5 to one. On the count of one, I will completely relax and calm down, ready for good sleep... Five ... I want to sleep. Four ... the eyelids are getting heavier. Three…"

Remember, your subconscious mind does not analyze or criticize. It just works to accomplish its task. As you do this technique, you will be asking yourself less and less a question. how to think correctly? You will be convinced that your thoughts become your destiny.

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Correct thinking is the key to personal success. According to psychologists, it includes an orientation towards results, rather than avoidance of failures. People who think positively make positive changes in their lives much faster. The article will discuss how to learn to think correctly and enjoy it.

The art of thinking correctly develops from a person's perception of the world. If an individual regards reality as a place for discovering opportunities, then his thinking will be productive. Psychologists advise a person to treat the world around him kindly, forgiving him his shortcomings. Otherwise, sadness, fruitless anger and a sense of hopelessness will significantly undermine him. vitality... Many talented people could not fully realize their merits just because they allowed apathy and blues to accumulate in their souls. Therefore, think positively, and success will not keep you waiting.

Love knowledge

Reading books improves and enriches the quality of a person's thinking. This is especially true of philosophical and fiction literature. The works of outstanding people will help a person form his own assessment of the surrounding reality, and will arm him with a set of arguments that allow him to defend his own position. If you don't like reading, then watch the cognitive programs. They are freely available on the Internet, and they succinctly set out all the key thoughts that can make an individual's life brighter and richer.

Train your thinking

Surprisingly, you can train not only the body, but also own thoughts... Reflection is gymnastics for the mind. Improve cognitive processes perhaps through the development of memory and perception. To do this, you need to accustom yourself to memorizing poems, quotes and aphorisms, and also try to learn to look even at an ordinary thing from different points of view. As you know, looking and seeing are two different things. Therefore, try to “see”, that is, study reality in the aggregate of all its manifestations.

Be open to new experiences

Conservatism is the second death. Do not try to settle in a cozy little world of common truths, because this is not productive and leads to the degradation of personal qualities. On the contrary, a person should be open to new things - impressions, experiences, ideas and thoughts. By adding them to what has already been perceived, the individual makes his own worldview even richer.

Do not forget that to think correctly also means to correctly convey thoughts to the interlocutor. Therefore, voicing your personal position, give up unnecessary emotions, and rely on the power of facts and logic. So you will earn the glory of not only a sane, but also a balanced person.

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