How to make high heels more comfortable. High heels: how to wear them correctly? How to make high heels comfortable

How to make high heels more comfortable is a question many ladies ask. Agree that you really want to look stylish and attractive, but you really want not to lose comfort. Heels adorn a woman. They give her self-confidence and change the perception of others.

Marilyn Monroe also said that all women in the world owe a lot to the inventor of high heels, and she was right: heels turn an ordinary gait into a “catwalk” one, ordinary legs into a “from the ears” option, an ordinary posture into a royal one, average height into “above average” and the usual self-esteem in “yes, yes, she is the one.”

They also regularly provide us with pain in the legs, back, calluses... Favorite stilettos are like an unfaithful but attractive lover: they are too stunning to be thrown into the trash; look great “under the arm” (on the legs); sometimes they make us feel great, but they cause us such pain that it devalues ​​all their virtues.

Fortunately, we are not suggesting that you suddenly fall in love with ballet flats (which, by the way, also have plenty of disadvantages). We offer several ways to make stiletto heels more comfortable.

1. Hello, deodorant!

Rub clear deodorant over all surfaces of the shoes that come into contact with the skin. Pay special attention to the straps. This simple measure will reduce friction and significantly reduce the risk of developing calluses.

2. Fasten your seat belts

When choosing high-heeled shoes, give preference to those with straps and clasps. Thanks to these “seat belts”, your heels will fit more tightly to the soles of your shoes - and the discomfort when walking will be reduced.

3. Girls' best friends are shoemakers

The soles of high-heeled shoes wear out quite quickly - because they bear double the load. They become uneven and uncomfortable, and feet in worn-out shoes get tired faster. Monitor the condition of the soles and heels of your favorite stilettos and promptly take them to a shoe repair shop.

4. Warm up before the race

Having bought new hairpins, do not be lazy to stretch them. You can use the services " best friend"(see above), you can purchase special means for stretching shoes at home (cream and last), you can remember your grandmother's or folk "recipes". For example, in many cases a bag of water can help out. Half filled and tightly tied, and then inserted into shoes and placed in the freezer overnight, it will delicately stretch even slightly too small shoes (important: this method is not suitable for patent leather or poor quality artificial leather!) Stretched shoes are more pleasant to wear than brand new ones, creaking with new leather or suede at every step, and broken ones are even better. If you have an important event coming up - so important that it deserves the purchase of new shoes - break them in in advance: put them on for a few minutes at home and take them off as soon as discomfort or slight fatigue appears in your feet.

5. Proper shopping - evening shopping

Go shopping for shoes at the end of the day, even if it has been busy and tiring. It is in the evening that your feet swell slightly, which means that this is the optimal time to buy any shoes, especially such capricious ones as stilettos. If in the evening on the day of purchase the shoes are tight, cause discomfort and even “kill” your foot, then they will treat your feet this way every time you wear them - especially in the evenings.

6. Size matters

Take your time when trying on stilettos and choose the size carefully. It is important to remember that a) the size ranges of different manufacturers may differ slightly, so you should not take the labels at their word; b) your size can change in any direction over time - and you are hardly aware of it. Make sure that the foot in the shoe has a little movement - after all, while walking, the foot will strive to take the most comfortable position, so we need to try to leave it “room to maneuver”.

7. Flying gait...

Change your gait depending on what shoes you are wearing. Exactly! Wearing sneakers and walking in heels are not the same thing. To walk correctly in high heels, you need to tense your abdominal and back muscles and lean your body forward slightly. Take a lesson or two from runway models: walking in heels is more like balancing than race walking. The support should be on the ball of the foot. Having mastered and put into practice the “high” gait, you will feel that the pain in your legs and, especially, in your heels has decreased.

8. Focus on fingers

Models who regularly walk the runway in high heels have a secret that we'll share with you. Taping or taping your third and fourth toes together (counting from the big toe) can make walking in heels a less painful experience. This is a bit strange, we agree, but there is a reasonable explanation: by connecting the 3rd and 4th toes, we more evenly distribute the load on the nerve located between them. Unfortunately, this life hack does not apply if you plan to wear sandals or open-toed shoes.

Take care and love yourself. stay always beautiful, healthy and happy!

12/26/2018 at 00:47 · oksioksi · 126 800

10 tricks for wearing heels to prevent your feet from hurting

Many representatives of the fair sex like high-heeled shoes. This is not surprising; shoes, boots, sandals and ankle boots with heels make the silhouette more slender, graceful, and add height to the lady, making the legs look longer. In addition, such shoes give the simplest clothes an elegant, almost festive look. But not every girl can flit around in heels; most beauties’ feet get tired from wearing them, so they abandon them in favor of comfortable sneakers, sneakers and ballet shoes.

10. Choose the right size

When choosing high-heeled shoes, it is very important to ensure that the size is appropriate. Shoes should not press or rub anywhere. Choosing a larger size is also dangerous; shoes or sandals should not fall off, this will aggravate the situation.

You should refuse to buy if you can’t find the right size boots or ankle boots, even if they are sold at super discounts. It is impossible to walk in shoes that are not the right size, so they are often sent to the closet for storage.

It is better to buy shoes with heels in the afternoon, when your feet are already a little swollen, this will allow you to choose a more suitable size.

9. Use earbuds

To make it easier to walk in high heels, you can put orthopedic insoles or inserts in your shoes. They will reduce the load on the legs and prevent the foot from slipping. You should buy such insoles in specialized departments.

Orthopedic insoles and inserts are equipped with miniature pads that provide comfort to your feet while walking. They are made from leather, silicone, textiles.

Inserts in high-heeled shoes reduce leg fatigue and stress on the spine, thanks to them the foot takes the correct position.

8. Glue the third and fourth fingers with adhesive tape

Famous in the 80s. supermodel Marie Helvin spent her entire career wearing high heels; journalists often asked her how she did it and didn’t get tired. Successful model shared a secret, she advised sticking together the third and fourth toes on each foot with a plaster. It is believed that it is between these fingers that there is a nerve that causes pain when pressed. By gluing them together and wearing high-heeled shoes, you don’t have to worry that your feet will quickly get tired and start to ache.

7. Break in your shoes

You shouldn’t go out in public wearing new, unworn heeled shoes. The shoes you just bought won’t bring you joy; your feet will quickly get tired and start to hurt. Before putting them on, you need to break them in a little and let your feet get used to them.

You can break in new shoes at home by wearing two pairs of woolen socks on your feet. Do this every day until you no longer feel discomfort in your shoes or boots.

6. Learn to walk correctly

It’s not so easy to move around in high heels, so if you didn’t have similar shoes in your wardrobe before, you shouldn’t immediately buy sandals with 10-centimeter stiletto heels. First, you should buy shoes with thick, durable heels. After putting them on, you should try to maintain your posture, keep your back straight; if you slouch, you can damage the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

To prevent your feet from immediately getting tired after putting on high-heeled shoes, they need to be trained. For training, doing this is suitable: simple exercise How to: Walk on your toes and then on your heels for 10 minutes a day.

You should not forget about caring for the skin of your legs. Daily baths with cool water will make your skin hydrated and more resistant to damage.

5. Lower your heel

If you haven’t had high-heeled shoes in your wardrobe before or haven’t worn them for a very long time, you shouldn’t immediately put them on for shopping or work. Those who do not know how to wear shoes or sandals of this type should be careful, as they can easily twist their ankle. Perhaps you should take a closer look at more comfortable shoes with less high and stable heels. Many modern models are made in such a way that they look great on the foot and can compete with those that have the highest heels.

4. Choose genuine leather

Shoes with heels should be made from natural materials. They will ensure normal air circulation, allow the skin to “breathe”, and reduce sweating, which causes swelling.

3. Take breaks

It should be understood that beautiful high-heeled shoes should not be worn every day, despite the fact that they look impressive. Properly selected comfortable shoes with heels can be worn up to three times a week without harming the health of your feet.

Also, you shouldn't spend the whole day in high heels. They can be worn to business negotiations, presentations or interviews. Arriving home, or returning to your desk, you need to remove your stiletto heels and replace them with ballet flats or shoes with small heels. To do this, many ladies keep a second pair of comfortable shoes at work or carry them in their bag, provided that they do not take up much space.

2. Use deodorant to protect against calluses

If you plan to wear high-heeled shoes or sandals during the hot season, you need to take care to prevent your feet from sweating. To do this, the feet are sprayed with deodorant. Antiperspirant will prevent increased sweating, so your feet will not slip in your shoes, causing calluses on the skin. You can also securely fix the position of your feet in shoes using hairspray.

It is known that high-heeled shoes are chosen not only based on foot size, but it is also worth taking into account weight and height. It should be understood that the greater the body weight, the more stable the heel should be. Therefore, it will be difficult for ladies with curvy figures to walk in stiletto heels; it is better to take a closer look at shoes with wedge heels.

It is worth noting that modern platform shoes look no less elegant than stiletto heels, but are much more comfortable to wear and more stable. Feet in wedge shoes are less susceptible to injury.

What else to see:

And how to make any, even the highest heels, comfortable - read our instructions!

Center of gravity

If the heel “goes” too far back, then your balance is inevitably disturbed. If you want to feel confident even in the most breathtakingly high heels, when buying new shoes, pay attention to the placement of the heel.

The “correct” heel should be located directly under the center of the heel; In this regard, it’s easiest with thick heels, but if we are talking about stilettos, then be sure to look at their location.

Platform to help

High heels are much easier to “carry” when the shoes have at least a small platform. But what to do if the model of your Dream Shoes does not include it?


In the event that the shoe model does not provide for a platform, it is enough to acquire a special gel insole pad. Initially, it was created to prevent the foot from slipping in shoes or sandals, but in addition, the gel insole raises the foot and makes the shoes more comfortable.

No tree

Not only heels can be uncomfortable, but also platforms with wedges. And we know what the cause of the discomfort is. Platform/wedge shoes made of wood or thick plastic, which have been popular in the last couple of seasons, inevitably cause foot discomfort when walking.

But models with wedge heels made of rubber with leather coating are incomparably more comfortable, since they are more flexible and are able to adapt both to your feet and to various obstacles that you encounter on the road.

The thicker the better

Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, in the case of heels everything is completely different from how it is with losing weight. The wider and thicker your heel, the more comfortable it is, and at the same time you feel more comfortable.

Therefore, the most comfortable heel is, firstly, wide, and secondly, it smoothly transitions into a “built-in” platform. This allows you to distribute your weight more evenly than in the case of stiletto heels and a complete absence of a platform.


The easier your heels can slide out of your shoes, the more uncomfortable you will feel in high heels. From this point of view, trendy mules with heels, in principle, can hardly be called comfortable shoes.

Do you regularly lose your balance and feel how tired your legs are, especially in shoes with a “loose” heel that is not secured by anything, or do you generally suffer from regular dislocations? It's time to change your favorite model to shoes with a heel or a strap that goes around the front of the foot and secures it.

Tilt back

When you proudly walk in your favorite heels, you shouldn’t shift your center of gravity forward - it’s better to lean back a little and relax. This will help you maintain your balance even in the highest stiletto heels.

In addition, when wearing high-heeled shoes, you should not move around without taking your eyes off your feet - thereby you spoil your posture, the overall impression of your image, and in addition, you run the risk of missing a lamppost :)

There is a new hobby in Europe: women go to beauty clinics for collagen injections, which are made into “pads” at the base of the foot. This procedure allows you to wear high heels with virtually no discomfort. And if your feet begin to hurt as a result of wearing high heels for many years, doctors may suggest botox injections to the foot area, blocking nerve impulses and for the duration of the drug's action, relieving pain. But, of course, these are extreme measures: health is not a sacrifice worth making for the sake of fashion and desire appear more attractive in the eyes of men .

At a safe height

The most “physiological” heel is no more than 3-4 cm. This height preserves the natural position of the foot. If you like to wear high heel shoes, listen to your body. Swelling, tingling muscles, numbness in fingers, cramps, spider veins, corns, non-healing calluses - all these are signs that it’s time for you to change your couture stilettos to more down-to-earth models. At least for a while to periodically give your legs a rest! Fortunately, comfortable and practical shoes with almost flat soles or small wedges are in fashion today. Another option: shoes with a small platform. It will add a centimeter or two, and even with a 3-4 centimeter heel you will appear taller and your legs slimmer.

Why are high heels dangerous?

Doctors believe that the foot and spine finish developing by the age of 23. Until this age, orthopedists recommend refraining from wearing high heels and stilettos. But even after this age you should be careful with heels. Constantly wearing high heels and tight shoes often causes deformation of fingers, the impact load on the forefoot also increases, leading to deformation over time. Due to the redistribution of the load on the foot, lovers of heels often develop the so-called heel spur (plantar fasciitis)– growth calcaneus. Also due to constant wearing of high heels for a long time, Achilles tendon is deformed and in the future it will be impossible to wear flat-soled shoes. Only surgery can correct the situation.

In addition, the higher the heel, the greater the load on the spine. If you wear high heels (from 8 cm) for a long time, intervertebral hernias, lower back pain, and joint displacement may occur. High heels are harmful and those with scoliosis. And, of course, if my legs started to get very tired after wearing heels - this is a sign that you need to be more attentive to your health.

Kirill Samokhin

surgeon-phlebologist of the Interregional Phlebological Center, teacher of the Department of General Surgery of the Faculty of General Surgery of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova

Leg cramps (even rare and mild ones), swelling and a feeling of fatigue that appears in the evening can be the first signs of varicose veins. If you are constantly on your feet during the day, you are at risk for developing varicose veins. And high heels and narrow lasts of dress shoes impede blood circulation and increase the load on the venous system.

How to wear heels?

It is recommended to wear high heels no more than 3-4 hours a day. That's why At work it’s better to have a convenient “shift” .

Give your legs a rest often. Take off your shoes whenever possible and do simple gymnastics for legs– pull the toe towards you, then away from you, rise on tiptoe. Such movements improve blood circulation and relieve leg fatigue.

Orthopedic insole will help make dress shoes more comfortable. You can also use special silicone pads and stickers, which reduce the load on the foot and at the same time prevent the formation of calluses and chafing.

I love shoes, especially shoes. I also love boots, shoes and all sorts of derivatives, but nothing adorns women's feet like classic pumps.

They have always been in fashion and will not lose their position anytime soon. They can be worn under any clothes, from regular jeans to an evening dress. You can never have too many shoes, so I personally always buy two or three new pairs per season, taking into account new trends.

And the most important question when purchasing a new pair of these wonderful shoes is how to quickly determine whether it will be comfortable to walk in these patent leather shoes?

But these ones, under the snakeskin? And these ones, with bead embroidery on the toe? Is it possible to quickly determine whether the shoes you like are suitable for you and whether it will be comfortable to walk in them? Of course you can! How to do this - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

I, like any woman, can quickly determine which shoes from those presented on the counter will suit me in color, style and shape.

And it happened that, having hastily tried on the chosen pair, I ran to the cashier to pay, and then it turned out that the purchased shoes were only suitable for trying them on in front of the mirror and admiring them, because it was impossible to walk in these shoes for a long time, they were uncomfortable! Imagine my disappointment - I have very beautiful shoes, but I can’t wear them...

To avoid this kind of trouble, which sometimes hits hard on my pocket, I have developed a rule for choosing shoes that I try to follow.

In pumps, this attribute that distinguishes stylish woman, a lot of advantages over other types of women's shoes:

  • They fit absolutely any outfit, adding elegance and style to your look. The most ordinary dress, the simplest trousers will look completely different if you wear beautiful shoes. Conversely, any sophisticated outfit can be ruined by cheap shoes;
  • any woman’s legs, even not the most graceful shape, will appear elegant and beautiful in pumps, especially if you are wearing trousers or a skirt of the right length;
  • There is a huge selection of boats, of different colors and textures. Personally, I adore brightly colored patent leather pumps - they perfectly complement any outfit and make any female look stylish and noticeable;
  • You can choose both high-heeled shoes for those who love stilettos, and pumps with small elegant heels, which will not create any difficulties, even if you have to stand on your feet all day. Any pumps look very sophisticated, despite the height of the heel.

Even if I have two pairs of such shoes in my wardrobe - black and beige - you can always look elegant and sophisticated by adding them with suitable accessories. But I still advised purchasing at least one pair in yellow, blue or green. Or sea green lacquer pumps. Believe me, you will make a splash at any event!

How to choose the right shoes

So, I formulated for myself several rules for choosing the shoes that suit me:

  • You should only go to a shoe store in the evening. The fact is that any foot swells a little during the day, and it is in the evening that poorly chosen shoes begin to mercilessly squeeze! Therefore, an evening trip to the store will help you choose exactly the shoes that will suit you in size. If your shoes are easy to put on in the evening, then you will feel comfortable in them throughout the day;
  • Never choose a narrow toe if you have wide feet. I have exactly this problem, and beautiful scarlet patent leather shoes with a narrow toe are already sitting idle in my closet. Very disappointing! But in the store it seemed to me that they suited me perfectly. It turns out there is nothing of the kind;
  • never buy shoes that are a little too tight for you, even if the seller tells you that the leather breaks in well. Indeed, good quality genuine leather stretches, but your “worn-in” shoes will look unpresentable. I'm not even talking about the harm you cause to your feet by wearing tight shoes. As a result, you may have a “bunion” on your leg that you don’t need at all;
  • Be sure to pay attention to the inside of the shoes. No protruding pieces of leather, seams, jagged edges or bulges. After some time, they will definitely begin to cause you discomfort when walking, even if at first it seems to you that “nothing is wrong”;
  • pay attention to the insole. It should be made of either genuine leather or the same suede. There should be no artificial materials inside the shoes;
  • When you are in a store, you don’t just need to “try on” shoes or, as some people do, just one shoe. By the way, I sometimes do this too - my left foot is a little wider than my right, and I always ask the seller to show me a shoe for my left foot. Only if she comes up, I ask for the right one. But some ladies limit themselves to trying on only one shoe, surprisingly - I myself have observed this many times. You should definitely put on both shoes and walk around the store in them for a while - this is the only way you can understand how comfortable the last is for you. Remember that the comfort of a shoe depends primarily on the last that fits you, and not on the height of the heel;
  • Don't rush into the shoe store! Choosing expensive shoes that fit you is a pleasure that needs to be stretched! Not to mention that quickly choosing the right shoes is quite difficult.

Subtleties of choice

However, even the rules discussed above will not help everyone. As you know, there are women with very sensitive feet, for whom the slightest inconvenience of shoes becomes a problem. And you cannot insure yourself against such subjective inconveniences even if you purchase very expensive shoes!

If you are one of these women, and choosing new shoes is always very difficult for you, we will try to help you. Be sure to pay attention to the following when trying on:

  • your toes should not “stick out” from the shoes, creating such “bumps” from the inside. What an ordinary woman would feel as a slight inconvenience will turn into very great discomfort for you;
  • Be sure to stand on your toes several times - you need to make sure that your feet are comfortable in the shoes you choose. If the bend places pressure on your foot, it is better to refuse the shoes, no matter how much you like them;
  • give Special attention shock absorption - this is important for your sensitive feet. If the shoes have a special rubberized or foam layer, then it will be much more comfortable for you to walk in them - your feet will get less tired, and in general such shoes are much more comfortable. It is easier to stand and move in them;
  • check that the sole of the shoes bends easily, and the shoe itself should not be deformed during bending. This circumstance also indicates that the shoes you have chosen are of high quality and will not create discomfort when walking.

About the material

Probably everyone knows that shoes should be natural. However, let me dwell on why this is so important.

Choose leather or suede shoes! Not to mention the comfort they provide natural materials, synthetics are simply harmful to health.

And if in your youth you wear shoes made of low-quality material, it is possible that after forty you will have to walk exclusively in orthopedic shoes without heels! And at this age, looking good is much more important than in youth, which is beautiful in itself.

Leather, like any other material, stretches and easily takes the shape of the leg, unlike leatherette. It looks good much longer and is not afraid of temperature changes. It is easy to care for and looks like new for a long time, unlike synthetic materials.

And it’s just nice to know that you’re wearing an expensive, high-quality item and not a fake.


So, the main tips for choosing shoes come down to the following:

  • you can’t rush if you want your shoes to bring you joy for a long time;
  • carefully pay attention to all the details of the chosen shoes;
  • Be sure to stand on your toes and walk around the store for a minute while trying on.

If you follow these simple and easy rules, not a single pair of shoes in your wardrobe will sit on the shelf without being used! And this is exactly what we strive for - so that the chosen shoes serve us for a long time and bring only pleasure.

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