Legend legacy of dragons dead masters of the ancient temple. Quests

Tome of the Dead

Greetings, traveler! By the time you arrived, I have one thing to do, but only a mighty warrior who does not admit defeat and at the same time is sane can do it.
Good day to you too! Your speeches are flattering, Necromancer. What caused them?

I remember you and your achievements. Therefore, I hope that you will not refuse to help me and solve a difficult task, especially since the reward will be great.
Well, I don't mind. So tell me what this matter is.

In the name of great goals, and, I won’t hide it, in order to assert my own power, I need to get me the Book of the Dead. This tome, warrior, is not just sheets of parchment, but the greatest collection of covenants and truths of the world of the dead! The owner of that book will learn wisdom and approach the ideal of knowledge, he will gain power over the creatures of the dead world, rise in his wisdom and teach others.
For now, Necromancer, I see only your whims, but where are the great goals that you mentioned?!

But you yourself didn’t guess?! With the help of this tome, of course, I won’t be able to control the great monster Lingraon at once, but I can completely stop the disturbances that skeletons and other evil spirits are causing in churchyards! Think, warrior, having power over the creatures of the world of the dead, we will be able to convert them to our “faith”, which will benefit people!
Hmm, everything seems to go smoothly as you say, I also see the benefits and good intentions in this venture. How to get the book of the dead?

But this is not at all easy. Many Great Ones tried to appropriate the tome of the Dead for themselves, instigated wars and carried out massacres. Then the angry God of Death Fenzaarg took the tome and broke it into four parts, and hid them in special caches, and assigned to each a never-sleeping ghost - a great warrior of darkness! Since then, these great ghosts have been guarding pieces of the Book of the Dead! And you can learn all the wisdom of the book only by putting all the parts together. And only those who are dead themselves can touch this tome! But even if someone manages to deceive death itself, he will not possess the tome for long, until his first death, after which all the pieces of the tome collected by him will again return to their keepers! Fenzaarg did a good job of keeping the Book of the Dead safe from us mortals.
Well, okay, waking ghosts guard parts of the tome, but you can also take away the treasured parchments from them! Not by force, but by cunning!

Your words are like a balm for my...eh...I have no soul, I won’t lie! I'm glad that you are not afraid of the ghost guards. But before you meet face to face with the guardians, you need to open the portal. It will allow you to travel to the southern, northern, western and eastern guardian.
Yes, it’s not getting any easier hour by hour! Do you know how to open the portal?

Don't worry, warrior! I can open the portal myself, but, of course, not without your help. Get me the runes

This collection of 10 ruble coins is from the theme Ancient Cities of Russia. Ancient cities include cities that are older than 1000 years. So the city of Gdov on this 10-ruble coin is a real work of art. There is a picture of a temple and, in small detail, the coat of arms of the city. Alloy - brass or cupronickel. The diameter of the coin is 27.0 mm.

It is believed that this is where the ancient Polynesian culture originated. During excavations, many valuable historical finds were found here. These fascinating exhibits are kept right here on the island. In the village of Maeva, ancient sacrificial temples have been restored, as well as stone fish traps, which are still used by local residents.

mataram will be of interest to those who love countries with rich and interesting story. Here you can look at the ancient temples and buildings, communicate with the residents and simply enjoy the landscape of the island. Modern hotels for tourists are located next to the preserved attractions.

The Gothic style in architecture surprises with its diversity, splendor and beauty. Peterborough Cathedral is one of the most beautiful monuments of history and architecture. It is located in England and is considered a very ancient temple in the kingdom. True, Gothic elements were added to it only in the 16th century

Today, on the site of the ancient temple there are the remains of bas-reliefs. Presumably, the tomb of Antiochus I was surrounded by giant statues of the gods Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Antiochus, as well as animals and birds - lions and eagles. The statues stood out for their height - about 25 - 30m. “Stone heads” that have survived to this day indicate that the statues of the gods were deliberately destroyed during the period of iconoclasm.

Little known facts about ancient miracles.
Originally there were seven wonders of the world, but to date only one has survived. Luckily, there are some very nice replicas or other objects made in the likeness of the originals around the world, so we can imagine what most of them would look like. Looking at these photographs, it becomes clear why they were considered great wonders of the world. Below is interesting data about the wonders of the world that could be found in ancient world, especially in the areas of today's Rome, Greece and Ethiopia.
Temple of Artemis of Ephesus
550 BC - 262 AD
This photo shows a reconstructed model of the Temple of Artemis - built in honor of the daughter of Zeus (the Roman equivalent is Diana). The temple was rebuilt three times, but in the end it was completely destroyed by Gothic raids, which looted it and set fire to the remains. Unfortunately, all that has survived to this day is one column assembled from ruins.

0 0 0

Peace be with you, warrior. Are you heading from the Canyon of Immortality? Undead hunters who visited these parts brought bad news. They say that a passage was discovered in one of the mountain gorges that leads to a mysterious stone structure. But it’s impossible to get closer to the mysterious place: all the approaches to it are guarded by amazing warriors! Dead warriors! In dexterity and ability to wield daggers, they cannot compare with anyone, and their entire appearance is strikingly different from the undead living in Faeo. Perhaps you can solve this riddle?
- And where did such unusual dead warriors come from in those parts? If you need help, dear Shiko, please contact me.

*Paladin nods gratefully.*
I feel in my gut, warrior, that I need to deal with these dead people and find out what they are so carefully guarding in the mountain gorge. The undead have no business doing anything among the living! It has long been known that nothing good can be expected from the dead. Therefore, I ask you to take with you several reliable and brave warriors and pay a visit to the nasty undead. Try to get into the ancient building and find their leader. I need some thing that belongs to him, because through it we can learn more about the dead and the power that feeds them. Good luck to you and your comrades, warrior.

Your goal: Go to the Canyon of Immortality, and find the Gorge that Chicot spoke about. Then find the leader of the dead, and get some item for the paladin's research.

17:20 You attacked the Dark Ranger.
17:20 The battle “Attack on the Dark Ranger” has begun.
17:23 The battle “Attack on the Dark Ranger” is over.
17:23 » Elixir of internal protection: After examining the body of the Dark Ranger, you found Elixir of internal protection 1 pc.
17:23 Player Yarachka received: Elixir of internal protection 1 pc.

We use the elixir before attacking the wall. There are only three of them. A new elixir is knocked out on each wall.

19:02 You attacked Queen Andorven. (HP is adjusted to the level)

Calls your retinue into battle as soon as someone from your retinue dies. The Queen casts a Dead Man's Curse on you.

Hmm... The dead blood stains on your armor speak for themselves, warrior. The undead had a hard time meeting you.
*Paladin laughs loudly.*
May he rest in peace!
- You asked to bring you an item belonging to the mistress of the dead. Look, this is a ring taken from the finger of a dead queen.

Lady? This means that the dead have a queen, and judging by the powerful energy emanating from the ring, she has enormous power.
*Paladin twirls the artifact in his hands.*
This is not dwarven work; I would immediately recognize the creation of bearded craftsmen. It was not made by people... And not by Magmars. Hmm... And the magic that powers this amazing artifact is hardly subject to the control of any of the Faeo peoples I know.
*The paladin held the ring in his fist for a minute and then opened his palm.*
The ring is cursed, and this curse was inflicted by a being of a higher order, perhaps even a deity. Dark aura...
Until the guesses are confirmed, they remain just guesses. What to do next, Shiko?

It will take time to sort things out, warrior. I will turn to my friends for help, perhaps they will be able to recognize something in this ring. And I thank you, warrior, for the help and courage you showed by going to the lair of an unknown enemy. Faeo is proud of a protector like you! And now there is no need to detain you. I think we will meet very soon. Our investigation has just begun.

19:44 You have completed the quest "Dead Masters of the Ancient Temple".
19:44 Received: 50 Undead Hunter reputation. Seized: Royal ring 1 pc.

Elven Sanctuary

Description Far from roads and numerous villages, in a ring of steep mountains, the ancient sanctuary of the dark elves is hidden from prying eyes. A long time ago, a spell cast by people caused a severe rockfall, and the passage to the temple was blocked with stones. Centuries later, a new earthquake cleared the way to the sanctuary, but the dark elves, guardians of a hidden place, led by a powerful queens of Andorwen , will not allow strangers into their possessions.

Restrictions Available from level 3 after completing the quests "Fighting the Undead" and "Dead Masters of the Ancient Temple" from the paladin Shiko inTomb of the Monarchs andRoyal tomb. The instance is available for 6 hours every 7 days.

How to get entrance from Canyon of Immortality andThickets of jasmine. A group is required to visit.

What is instas for?

The instance consists of 7 locations. The locations look something like this:

The instance is intended for group passage. You can go solo, but this event will be very expensive. The instance is adjusted to the group level. The division by level is as follows: 3-4 level, 5-6 level, 7-8 level, 9-10 level, 11-12 level, 13-14 level, 15 level. It is important to consider that if, for example, level 4 is in a group with level 5, then the instance will be tailored for a level group of 5-6.
The first two locations are passable - there are no monsters or the need for any actions in these locations. In the third location, before attacking the screen, you must each participantgroups to knock themselves outElixir of Internal Defense, without which it will be almost impossible to pass the wall.

To get the elixir, you need to open the hunting mode and attack the Dark Ranger wandering in the location.

The dark ranger uses the following castes in battle; they cannot be removed by anything:

Poison Blade - weakens your next hit.

Elven curse - The dark ranger strikes with redoubled force.

Dead Man's Fury -

The monster is not difficult. It is quite possible to kill without a mount and any equipment.

It varies across different level groups. Below are data on HP at different levels of groups.

Level group Mostra's standard of living
3-4 379
5-6 908
7-8 1716
9-10 2504
11-12 6431
13-14 8217
15 8217

The elixir may not drop immediately after the first battle. It is likely that you will have to kill more than one ranger before you get the coveted jar. The elixir drops directly into each player’s backpack in the Quests section.

Before the fight on the screen, you need to drink the elixir. It only lasts for one fight. If you drink the elixir and decide to help a teammate in a battle with a ranger, then after the battle the effect of the elixir will end, and you'll have to knock it out again. To save time I advise everyoneknock out the elixir yourself. When the elixirs have been obtained and drunk, you can attack the barrier.

The barrier consists of 4 Hunters, with characteristics similar to the Dark Elves, and the Guardian.

Level group Hunter's standard of living Guardian's standard of living
3-4 n/a 431
5-6 908 1087
7-8 1716 2084
9-10 2504 2928
11-12 6431 7530
13-14 8217 10179
15 8217 10179, healed at 610-611 hp

Dark Hunters have castes similar to those of the Pathfinder. The Guardians have castes that differ by level group.

Guardian castesnothing can remove it:

3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-15

The dark guardian restores those lost in battle vitality(3 times per battle).

subtracts 12 units of health and deals an additional 6damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 18 units of health and deals an additional 8damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 25 units of health and deals an additional 12damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 38 units of health and deals an additional 17damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

o takes away 75 damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 81 units of health and deals an additional 39damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

witchcraft spells will lull the vigilance of pets, depriving them of the ability to provide assistance in battle for 4 progress.

resets accumulated combo hits. Duration 1 turn.

prohibits the use of magic for 1 move.

When the player's life level is above 65%, temple defenders deal increased damage.

takes away 19 units of health and deals an additional 35damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 25 units of health and deals an additional 47damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 36 units of health and deals an additional 67damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 53 units of health and deals an additional 99damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 115 units of health and deals an additional 213damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

takes away 129 units of health and deals an additional 239damage units every 8seconds for 32 seconds

Screen passing tactics: before lunch everyoneparticipant drinks elixirinternal protection. The main problem on the screen is the Dark Guardian. Therefore, it is advised that each player in the group put 1 baiting slot up to magic levels and poison the Guardian. Fill the remaining slots with scrolls of healing to maintain your life level by 65% ​​and life banks to quickly replenish your HP if you are hunted; power, blood, vampirics - optional. At magical levels, the following facts should be taken into account - poisonous arrows and witchcraft silence. It makes sense to kill monsters in the screen as quickly as possible. We put gig, spirit, atsha, two slots of manohils, banks, slot of heals. Tanks use anger instead of atshi. Try to keep your standard of living around 65%. We poison the Guardian, the rest of the elves on the screen are not heavy.

After killing the barrier, you find yourself in the next location, where againeach player from the group needs to knock outan elixir for yourselfin front of the wall. Such barrierson the way to the amphitheater with the queen 3.

Queen Androven's retinue consists of 4 Dark Hunters, absolutely identical to those who accompany the Dark Guardians on the barriers.

Level group Queen Androven
3-4 378
5-6 732
7-8 1316
9-10 1512
11-12 6804
13-14 8679
15 8679

The Queen uses the following castes in battle and they cannot be removed by anything:

For players: 3-10 levels. For players 11-15 levels.

when the player's life level is above 65%Temple defenders deal increased damage.

the elven queen destroys the bodies of her warriors, releasing a dead aura from them, which instantly takes away 42%the enemy's vitality. At the same time, as the destructive aura weakens and dissipates, 35% will gradually be restored.lost energy.

Times/ 8 once at level 9-10.

restores vitality lost in battle 5 once.

Prevents you from dodging, blocking, and critical hits for 2 progress.

prohibits the use of magic for 2 move.

Tactics for killing the queen and her retinue: Before the fight with the Queen it is not necessary to receive Elixir of Internal Defense . The biggest difficulty in the battle with the Queen is her cast of -42% HP when killing a Hunter from the retinue. Given this circumstance, the work of the group must be coordinated so that all participants in the battle have a sufficient standard of living if someone from the retinue dies. It is recommended to enter the battle one at a time. If the group consists of 2-3 players, then enter one at a time and throw a ride. As soon as one of the hunters from the retinue dies and the queen’s caste passes, the next one can join the battle. Also consider the Queen's life restoration castes. For the battle, it is enough to put gig and elixirs of life.

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