The Sims FreePlay walkthrough: hacking, money, secrets and questions. Maslow's pyramid of human needs Inspire a Sims character

Theory of human needs - Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs

There are 5 basic human needs (according to A. Maslow’s theory):

    • Physiological needs (food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, sleep, health, cleanliness).
    • The need for safety and protection (including stability).
    • The need to belong to social group, involvement and support. In this case we are talking about partner, family, friends, intimacy and affection.
    • The need for respect and recognition (self-esteem, self-esteem, confidence, prestige, fame, recognition of merit).
    • The need for self-expression (realization of one’s abilities and talents).

The pyramid of needs reflects one of the most popular and well-known theories of motivation - the theory of the hierarchy of needs.

Maslow distributed needs as they increase, explaining this construction by the fact that a person cannot experience needs high level, for now it needs more primitive things. The basis is physiology (quenching hunger, thirst, sexual need, etc.). A step higher is the need for security, above it is the need for affection and love, as well as to belong to a social group. The next stage is the need for respect and approval, above which Maslow placed cognitive needs (thirst for knowledge, desire to perceive as much information as possible). Next comes the need for aesthetics (the desire to harmonize life, fill it with beauty and art). And finally, the last step of the pyramid, the highest, is the desire to reveal inner potential (this is self-actualization). It is important to note that each of the needs does not have to be satisfied completely - partial saturation is enough to move to the next stage.

As lower-lying needs are satisfied, higher-level needs become more and more relevant, but this does not mean that the place of the previous need is taken by a new one only when the previous one is fully satisfied.

At the base of this pyramid are the so-called basic needs. These are physiological needs and the need for safety.

Physiological: need for food, water, sexual satisfaction, etc. If for some reason it is impossible to satisfy them, a person can no longer think about anything and cannot move on to satisfying other, higher needs in the hierarchy. Probably everyone has experienced the feeling of extreme hunger, which prevents you from doing or even thinking about anything else. V. Frankl described this very eloquently in his book “Saying Yes to Life.” Psychologist in a concentration camp." About how people living in constant fear, anxiety for themselves and their loved ones, could not talk about anything else except food. They talked about food at any time during their vacation, but the work was very hard, they described the dishes they had once prepared, and talked about the restaurants they visited. One of the most important needs that guarantees life, the need for food, was not satisfied for them, and therefore declared itself constantly.

When physiological needs are satisfied, a person stops thinking about them, forgets for a while, until the body gives another sign. Then you can switch your attention to satisfying other needs. Of course, we learned to abstain and endure for a while. But only for a while, until the discomfort becomes very strong.

The next level of needs is the need for security.. It is very difficult to realize any of your plans, dreams, work, develop, without feeling safe. If this need is not satisfied, a person organizes all his activities (sometimes neglecting even physiological needs) to make your life safer. A threat to security can be global cataclysms, war, disease, loss of property, housing, as well as the threat of dismissal from work. You can track how, during a period of social instability in the country, the level of general anxiety increases.

To maintain a sense of security, we are looking for any guarantees: insurance, work with a guaranteed social package, a car with modern technologies that provide passenger protection, we study the legislation, hoping to receive protection from the state, etc.

The third and fourth stages belong to the zone of psychological needs. If we are not bothered by unsatisfied basic needs, or simply put, if we are not hungry, thirsty, sick, not in a war zone, and have a roof over our heads, we strive to satisfy psychological needs. These include: a sense of significance, belonging to a particular social system(family, community, team, social connections, communication, affection, etc.), the need for respect, for love. We create systems for this, communities, without which we cannot survive. We strive for love, respect, friendship, we strive to be members of a group, a team.

When these needs are not met, we acutely experience the absence of friends, family, partner, and children. What we most want is to be accepted, heard, understood. We are looking for how to fulfill such a need, sometimes neglecting basic needs, so great is the torment of experiencing loneliness.

Sects and criminal groups often exploit this need. Teenagers have a particularly strong desire to be in a group. And therefore, a teenager, often without thinking, obeys the rules and laws of the group he strives to join only in order not to be rejected by it.

The next step is the need for recognition, selfexpression, respect for others, recognition of one’s own worth, stable high self-esteem. It is important for us to occupy some significant social position. We want our strengths to be recognized, our competence to be appreciated, our skill to be noticed. This may include the desire to have a good reputation, status, fame and glory, superiority, etc.

And sometimes we ourselves should think about how much these needs are satisfied in our lives, for example, in percentage terms. And, if these numbers are less than the statistical averages cited by A. Maslow (85% physiological, 70% in safety, 50% in love, 40% in respect and 10% in self-actualization), then it’s probably worth thinking about what we can change in our lives.

It is more convenient for us, as sales specialists, to use a different classification, with the help of which we find out what needs potential clients have.

There are several basic needs that every person strives to satisfy throughout life. If one of the desires is satisfied, the person strives to satisfy the next need.

The need for survival. The survival instinct is the most powerful instinct of a human being. Every person wants to save his life, protect his family, friends, and compatriots from danger. Only after receiving a guarantee of survival does a person begin to think about satisfying other desires.

Need for security. Once a person receives guarantees of survival, he begins to think about the safety of every aspect of his life.

Financial security– every person is afraid of poverty and material losses and strives to overcome them. It is expressed in the desire to save and increase wealth.

Emotional safety necessary for a person to feel comfortable.

Physical Security– every person, to a certain level, needs food, warmth, shelter and clothing.

The need for security does not mean that a person needs an armored door. He may well want to purchase high-quality wallpaper that will serve him for a long time.

Need for comfort. As soon as a person reaches a minimum level of security and safety, he begins to strive for comfort. He invests a huge amount of time and money to create a cozy home environment and strives to create comfortable conditions at work. A person strives for comfort in any situation and chooses products that are convenient and easy to use.

Need for image. The client focuses on the attractiveness and prestige of the product.

Need for free time. People want to relax as much as possible and look for any opportunity to stop work and relax. The focus of most people is evenings, weekends and vacations. Leisure time activities play a central role in human behavior and decision making.

Need for love. People have an urgent need to build and maintain loving relationships. Everything a person does is aimed either at achieving love or at compensating for a lack of love. An adult personality is formed in the conditions of love received or not received in childhood. The desire to create reliable conditions for love is the main reason for human behavior.

The need for respect. A person strives to earn the respect of other people. The bulk of human activity is aimed at this. Loss of respect can be a significant cause of dissatisfaction, and obtaining a high-ranking position can be a greater incentive than money.

The need for self-realization. The highest desire of a person is the realization of the creative potential of the individual, his talents and abilities. A person's motivation is aimed at achieving whatever they are capable of achieving. Throughout his life, he strives to use the most talents and abilities. The need for self-realization can be stronger than all other motivations.

IN The Sims 4 Thanks to the new emotion feature, our characters have learned to feel joy, sadness, anger, embarrassment, boredom, tension and much more. Their whole life is filled with these emotions: they affect their careers and skills, social interactions, personal experiences and behavior in general. Some of the emotional states can even kill your Sim if not dealt with promptly. Today we will look at what types of emotions exist in the game, how to get them, and how mood affects certain aspects of the lives of our players. We will learn all the levels of each emotion, find out how to get rid of negative ones and how to maintain the desired state for a long time.

Features of emotions in Sims 4

A Sim can get any of the emotions in the game using , which are visible on the panel next to his photo.

Also note that happiness with a positive emotion of a different type enhances its effect and becomes two-colored. This means that even if there is quite a lot of happiness, they will always be interrupted by at least one other emotion, and happiness will greatly enhance its effect.

You can study and obtain them in more detail in our review.
In addition, each emotion provides its own special options, which are highlighted in the color of the current mood. They can be found by interacting with objects, Sims, the character himself, or on the phone.

In positive moods, such options can provide new opportunities and privileges, and in negative moods, some of them help relieve a negative emotion or reduce the strength and duration of its action.

Leveling up skills in special emotions

Some emotional states provide the ability to develop certain skills faster. So, for example, in a confident state, charm improves well, and in a playful state, the skill of comedy improves. To see whether an emotion helps accelerate learning in a particular skill, just look at the skill level bar above the Sim’s head.

If it glows a special color, it means that the process is more efficient than in the normal state. Below is a list of emotions and skills that go well together.
Well, now we move on to a more detailed acquaintance with each emotional state.

Types of emotions in Sims 4

There are 15 in the game emotional states+ sleep state ( sleeping), which we do not consider because it does not relate to emotions. Some of the moods have 2-3 states: normal and enhanced. It is achieved by enhancing emotions due to a large amount of one color. Let's find out how to get this or that mood and what advantages and disadvantages there are in each of them.

Neutral state

Indicated in light gray. A neutral mood is characterized by a complete absence of any kind; it does neither harm nor benefit to your character. To get rid of it, it is enough to get at least one of any kind.

Happy mood

The emotion of happiness is indicated green and has two states: happy And very happy. Despite the large amount of happiness, one other positive emotion is enough to kill the mood. Therefore, to achieve a happy and very happy state, you only need green ones (single negative ones are allowed).

How to get the emotion of happiness:
  • Have the character trait "Cheerful" or "Kind".
  • Surround the space with objects that enhance ambience or coziness (from shopping mode, a collection of fossils, geodes, metals, meteorites, aliens in aquariums, frogs, insects or Easter eggs).
  • Eat quality food, drink good drinks and green tea.
  • There are good quality vegetables and fruits.
  • Play sports (good warm-up).
  • Keep your Sim's needs high.
  • Use high quality furniture, as well as plumbing fixtures and household appliances with improvements (more details about improvements in).
  • Listen to music.
  • Play in a dollhouse.
  • Chat with other characters (fun and friendly activities).
  • First kiss, woohoo, engagement and marriage.
  • Renewing vows at the wedding arch after marriage.
  • During pregnancy and birth, adoption of a child.
  • Attend a successful party (from bronze to gold).
  • Give donations via computer.
  • Swim in swiming pool.
  • Be near a burning fireplace.
  • Drink happiness extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Drink a happiness potion (in the reward store).
  • When promoting.
  • Think about the happy memories saved in the “Snapshots and Memories” section (more details in the review).
What does the emotion of happiness give:
  • Helps you master any skills a little faster.

Inspired state

This emotion has two states: inspired And very inspired.

How to get inspired:
  • Have the “Creator” character trait
  • Take a reflective shower.
  • Surround the environment with objects that inspire inspiration (items from shopping mode, collectible postcards).
  • Interact with objects that inspire inspiration (from shopping mode, masterpiece painting).
  • Learn to sculpt from plasticine.
  • Use a microscope.
  • Read an emotional book (“Inspirational Posters: What's the Truth?”, “Seize the Moment and Inspire Others”).
  • Drink tea from a teapot with a mesh (improvement) or a drink from the Prose and Pop bar (also done in the inspired state).
  • Look for inspiration on musical instruments from skill level 3.
  • View art online via your computer.
  • Ask the cube of the future about creative ideas (the result is ambiguous).
  • Complete a painting with drawing skill level 2 to 5.
  • Drink inspiration extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Cook a meal at Cooking level 10 or a gourmet dish at Gourmet Cooking level 6.
  • Learn bar tricks from level 6 on mixing drinks.
  • Chat with a Sim who has reached the top of their writing career.
  • Learn to play musical instrument, drawing or writing with a mentor with the maximum skill level.
  • Inspect a Bonsai tree trimmed in a spiral shape.
  • Drink a potion of inspiration (in the reward shop).
  • Think about the inspirational memory you saved in the Snapshots & Memories section.
  • Wear the Inspired Chicken hat from the Animal Hat Bonus Pack.
What gives inspiration:
  • Helps you quickly master creative skills: Guitar, Piano, Violin, Writing, Drawing, Mixing Drinks, Cooking and Gourmet Cooking.
  • Helps with career advancement as a writer, artist, and cook.
  • The dishes prepared and the creative works created when inspired will be of higher quality.
  • Less chance of setting the kitchen on fire while cooking.
  • Immunity from the intense “Creative crisis” that appears when writing for a long time.

Self confidence

This type of mood also has two states: confident And very confident.

How to gain self-confidence:
  • Have the “Self-Confident” character trait.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Rehearse a speech or gather your thoughts in the mirror.
  • Achieve a slim figure after playing sports.
  • Drink tea with bergamot or drinks from the bar: “Savory and Salty”, “Sea of ​​Fire”, “Heat and Smoke” (drinks are available with the Sims 4 Extended Edition, “Staying All Night” pack).
  • Drink instant confidence potion (from the reward store).
  • Read books on motivation (the kind a writer writes in a confident state).
  • Put out a fire or a burning Sim.
  • Successfully complete a painting, book, or song with high skill in drawing, writing, or playing music. instrument.
  • Interact with paintings painted in a confident mood.
  • Surround the environment with items that instill confidence (items from shopping mode, a collection of aliens in jars, stuffed fish).
  • Win a fight.
  • Catch a big fish from a pond.
  • Ask a question to the cube of the future (the result is ambiguous).
  • Woohoo in space on a space rocket.
  • Hold a successful party as an organizer (from bronze to gold).
  • Win at chess or cards.
  • Send an SMS by phone (confidence only comes out sometimes).
  • Play a prank on someone over the phone (from level 3 of dirty tricks).
  • Rehearse a written comedy routine at the microphone.
  • Associate a Voodoo doll with a specific character.
  • Train on a punching bag with advanced fitness skills.
  • With level 2 programming skills and above, create a plugin on a computer or successfully complete freelance work.
  • Think about the confidence memory you saved in the Snapshots and Memories section.
  • Drink confidence extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Mentor another Sim by being a master in the chosen skill.
  • Perform a serenade on the guitar (from level 6).
  • Improve or repair objects, engage in wood carving at a high level of mechanics (up to level 10).
  • Prepare food (up to cooking level 10) or mix drinks at a bar (from mixology level 5 to 9 inclusive).
  • If the child is helped with homework (appears in the child).
What gives you confidence:
  • Helps set up faster friendly relations with other sims.
  • Helps you learn any type of skill, but is best suited for learning Charisma.
  • Gives you special actions during work, such as “Gossip in the boss”, thanks to which you can also increase your productivity.
  • Helps advance the career of a secret agent or criminal.
  • You can paint a painting with confidence on an easel (gives confidence to the setting or to those viewing it).
  • You can write a book of motivations from level 3 of writing (gives you confidence when reading).

Excited state

A Sim with this emotion can be in two states: excited And very excited.

How to get the emotion of excitement:
  • Have the “Active” character trait.
  • Drink red tea or coffee in small quantities.
  • Take a nap on the bed or sofa.
  • Take a refreshing shower.
  • Eat protein food(cooked in an excited state at cooking level 2).
  • Drink an energy drink at a bar (created at level 8 of mixing drinks in an excited state) or a protein shake (requires level 5 fitness).
  • Surround the environment with objects that create excitement (items from shopping mode, a collection of crystals).
  • Read emotional books (“E = Cheerfulness. Cheer yourself up,” “Sleep less, move more”) or original books created by the writer in an inspired mood.
  • Look for tips for warming up online via your computer.
  • Train on a machine, treadmill or punching bag under the mentorship of a Sim with fitness level 10.
  • Drink vigor extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Drink an Excitement Potion (in the Reward Shop).
  • Wear the Horny Owl hat from the Animal Hat Bonus Pack.
What gives you an excited mood:
  • Helps to quickly master fitness skills in adult Sims and motor skills in children.
  • Helps with career advancement as an athlete, astronaut, criminal and business.
  • Can cook protein-rich food at Cooking Level 2 (gives excitement to everyone who eats it).
  • You can mix an energy drink at a bar at mixology level 8 (gives excitement to everyone who drinks it).
  • You can write a training manual for level 4 writing (provides excitement when reading).

Attentive state

There are two possible states: attentive And very attentive.

How to get mindfulness:
  • Have the "Genius" character trait.
  • Drink black tea or a drink from the Grace bar (created in an attentive state from level 1 of mixing drinks).
  • Surround the environment with objects that encourage attentiveness (items from shopping mode, a collection of elements, microprints and space images).
  • Interact with pictures painted in a mindful state (mathematical diagrams).
  • Play chess, cards or video games.
  • Consider a move when playing chess.
  • View Simpedia online on your computer.
  • Study gardening online on a computer (from level 3 gardening).
  • Read an emotional book (“Sharpening Attention”, “Self-Control. Vain Efforts”).
  • Look at the stars using an observatory.
  • Study slides of plants, metals and crystals through a microscope.
  • Prune a Bonsai tree in a pot.
  • Drink mindfulness extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Ask the cube of the future about scientific secrets (the result is ambiguous).
  • Drink an instant potion of composure (from the reward store).
  • Improve or repair objects, engage in wood carving at mechanics level 10.
  • Improve or repair items under the instructions of a master mechanic.
What mindfulness does:
  • Helps you quickly master the skills of logic, mechanics, fishing, gardening, rocket science, video games and programming.
  • Helps with career advancement as an astronaut, technician, secret agent, detective, doctor and scientist.
  • Helps you win at chess.
  • Gives you a greater chance of catching a rare species of fish in a pond.
  • You can draw a mathematical diagram on an easel (provides attentiveness).
  • Helps your child improve their performance at school.
  • Reduces the chances of getting electrocuted when repairing or upgrading electrical appliances.

Flirty state

Has two states: flirty And very flirty.

How to get a flirty mood:
  • Have the “Romantic” character trait.
  • Freshen up or try on clothes in front of the mirror.
  • Surround the environment with items that set the mood for romance (items from the shopping mode).
  • Interact with paintings painted in a romantic state.
  • Watch romantic programs on TV.
  • Accept hot shower with steam.
  • Drink ginseng tea or drinks from the bar “Cupid's Nectar” and “Love Potion No. 4” (created in a flirty mood at mixology levels 1 and 7, respectively).
  • There are “Coquette” cookies (prepared in romantic mood at cooking level 3).
  • Perform any romantic activities with other Sims.
  • Study online flirting on a computer.
  • Get another Sim to serenade you with music. instrument (from skill level 6).
  • Make another Sim promise to dedicate a song to you. instrument (from skill level 7).
  • Watch a comedy performance at the microphone.
  • Splash in the pool.
  • Fantasize about a wedding under a wedding arch.
  • Read emotional books (“How to learn to flirt. A guide for beginners”, “The thorny path to love”) or original books created by the writer in a romantic mood.
  • Inspect a Bonsai tree trimmed in the shape of a heart.
  • Drink romance extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Ask the cube of the future about his personal life (the result is ambiguous).
  • Think about a romantic memory saved in the "Snapshots and Memories" section.
  • Drink the Flirty Potion (from the Reward Shop).
  • Gossip about office romances.
  • When a Voodoo doll is used on a Sim (the "Fool" option).
  • Wear a men's disco suit from the “Time to Party” set.
What does flirtatiousness give:
  • Helps you quickly start romantic relationships and successfully perform flirtatious actions.
  • You can make “Flirty” cookies at cooking level 3 (gives flirtatiousness to everyone who eats it).
  • You can mix the drinks "Cupid's Nectar" and "Love Potion No. 4" at the bar at mixology levels 1 and 7, respectively (gives flirtatiousness to everyone who drinks them).
  • You can paint a flirty picture on an easel (it gives a flirty feel to the setting or to those viewing it).
  • You can write a romance novel at writing level 4 (gives flirtatiousness when read).

Playful (playful) state

A playful (or playful) mood has three states: playful, very playful And hysterics. The latter condition is life-threatening, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to get into a playful mood:
  • Have the “Blubber” character trait.
  • Take a bubble bath or play in the bathtub in a playful mood.
  • Surround the environment with items that encourage playfulness (shopping mode items, MySims doll collection).
  • Interact with paintings painted in a playful state.
  • Perform fun social interactions with other Sims (any kind of jokes).
  • There are Silly Gummi Bears Pancakes (cooked in a playful mood at Cooking Level 3).
  • Watch comedies on TV or funny video on the network on a computer.
  • Play on the play mat.
  • Read emotional books (“Vicious Play with Food”, “Laughter to Tears!”) or original books created by the writer in a playful mood.
  • Inspect a Bonsai tree trimmed in the shape of Lenny the Rabbit.
  • Drink playfulness extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • When a Voodoo doll is used on a Sim (option "Naughty").
  • Wear the “Hysterical Tiger” hat from the bonus set with animal hats.
  • Wear a women's disco costume or star-shaped glasses from the “Time to Party” set.
  • The child plays with small toys or on the gymnastics complex and ship.
  • A child watches a children's program on TV.
  • A child in a playful mood makes a face at the mirror.
  • Have the Eternal Child trait and play with toys.
  • Have the "Clumsy" personality trait and play sports.
What playfulness does:
  • Helps you quickly master comedy skills.
  • Helps you advance faster in your criminal career.
  • You can make Silly Gummi Bears Pancakes at Cooking Level 3 (gives a playfulness to everyone who eats them).
  • You can paint a playful picture on an easel (provides playfulness to the setting or to those viewing it).
  • You can write a playful book at writing level 3 (gives playfulness when read).
How to remove playfulness:
  • Try to overcome the emotion of other moods (except happiness).

Tense state

Tension is one of the negative emotions that has two states: tense And very tense.

How to get tense:
  • Have the character trait "Active", "Genius", "Eccentric", "Creator", "Practical", "Loves Nature", "Careerist", "Fickle", "Romantic", "Loner", "Against Children" and not fulfill the conditions necessary for the trait.
  • Bring the leisure scale to a minimum.
  • It takes a long time to clean up (wash dirty surfaces and objects, wipe up puddles and clean plumbing fixtures).
  • Listen to any low skill Sim play any musical instrument.
  • Being scared because of a ghost.
  • Work hard all day long.
  • Reading a book on a skill that is too high level to understand.
  • Spending too much time programming on a computer.
  • Be on site during a fire or survive a fire.
  • Catch fire or suffer burns after extinguishing.
  • Drink the extract of the stunned state (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Ask the cube about scientific secrets or creative ideas (the result is ambiguous).
  • Make another Sim with level 2 mischief convince you that he is an evil genius.
What does tension give?
  • Sims cannot draw pictures.
  • Available skills develop more slowly.
  • Labor productivity at work decreases significantly.
  • If you are very stressed, you should not use a microphone, make up jokes, do programming or writing, or use the Internet except for browsing the web.
  • If you are under extreme stress, you should not read skill books or play chess.
How to relieve tension:
  • Increase your leisure scale using any available method.
  • Play on the computer.
  • Try to calm down in front of the mirror.

Confused state

One of the negative emotions that has three states: embarrassed, very embarrassed And depressed (aka humility). The last stage is life-threatening.

How to get embarrassed:
  • Receive a refusal from any social action.
  • Pee from incontinence (zero scale of natural need).
  • Play any musical instrument with low skill.
  • You were caught or you caught someone in the toilet, bath or shower.
  • Make an offer and get rejected.
  • After an unsuccessful woohoo (happens infrequently).
  • You are caught cheating.
  • You are being demoted.
  • It's not a good idea to explore a cave and come back empty-handed.
  • It's not a good idea to freshen up in front of a mirror.
  • Drink embarrassment extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • It's not good to prank someone on the phone at level 3 of dirty tricks.
  • Think about an embarrassing memory you saved in your Snapshots & Memories section.
  • Wear the hat from the Party Time bonus pack.
  • Have the “Perfectionist” personality trait and create a low-quality creation.
  • Have the "Loner" personality trait and engage in socially awkward interactions.
What does embarrassment give?
  • Interferes with communication with other Sims and makes all social interactions less successful.
  • The friendship scale grows more slowly.
  • The romance scale is not growing.
How to get rid of embarrassment:
  • Hide from everyone under the blanket (optional on the bed).
  • Hide in a tent.
  • Encourage yourself in front of the mirror.
  • Social interactions on another Sim: asking for comfort, self-deprecating joke.

Discomfort (displeasure)

A negative emotion that has two states: discomfort And terrible discomfort. In earlier versions of the game it was called displeasure.

How to get discomfort:
  • Bring your hunger, vigor, natural need or hygiene scale to a low state.
  • Use a public toilet.
  • Eating low quality or spoiled food.
  • Stay indoors where there is dirt, puddles and debris.
  • Eating and drinking at a dirty table, using dirty plumbing.
  • Use a cheap refrigerator, microwave, bed or seats.
  • Witness a fight.
  • After an unsatisfactory woohoo.
  • Improve or repair objects, engage in wood carving with low mechanical skill.
  • Exercising for a long time.
  • Being eaten and spat out by a Ruminant Plant.
  • Drink the extract of suffering (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Drink a potion of stinkiness.
  • When using a Voodoo doll on a Sim (Tickle option).
  • For toxicosis during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Have the character trait “Ficky” and take out the trash, clean, catch fish, frogs and insects.
What causes discomfort (severe):
  • You can't learn skills or read books on skills.
  • You can't paint pictures.
  • You can't play chess.
  • You can't freshen up or rehearse your speech in the mirror.
  • You can't play sports.
  • You cannot play musical instruments.
  • You can't take care of the garden.
  • You may not use a microphone, make up jokes, do programming or writing, or use the Internet except for browsing the web.
How to get rid of discomfort:
  • If discomfort is caused by low needs, restore them.
  • Take a regular or bubble bath.


One of the few emotions that has only one state: misses.

How to get bored:
  • Listen to an unfunny joke or have a boring conversation (repetition of actions).
  • Read a tutorial book that is at a lower level than your knowledge of the skill.
  • Play computer games for a long time.
  • Play for a long time on the play mat in the dice game.
  • As an adult, watch a children's program on TV.
  • Have the “Skeptic” trait and watch an action movie, romance, children's show or comedy on TV.
  • Drink boredom extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Discuss specific skills with someone if the other person does not have them (for example, cooking, mechanics, mixing drinks, etc.).
What boredom does:
  • Sims cannot make up jokes on the computer.
How to relieve boredom:
  • Social interactions on another Sim: offer to do something fun, complain about boredom.
  • Read a book, watch TV or play computer games.

Angry state

One of the most powerful negative emotions. Has three states: angry, very angry And furious(the latter of which is deadly).

How to get an angry mood:
  • Have the “Choleric” character trait.
  • Eat flaming spaghetti (cooked in an angry mood at cooking level 4).
  • Drinking a drink at the Boiler Incident bar (creates an angry mood).
  • Surround the environment with angry-inducing objects (paintings drawn by an angry Sim or a Sim with the Expressionist trait).
  • Interact with paintings drawn by an evil Sim or a Sim with the Expressionist trait.
  • Have an angry conversation (options from the angry actions section).
  • Make a new enemy.
  • Finding yourself abandoned at the altar.
  • Inspect a Bonsai tree trimmed in the shape of a card spade.
  • Drink anger extract (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • When a Voodoo doll is used on a Sim (option “Prick with an awl”).
  • Think about an angry memory you saved in your Snapshots & Memories section.
  • Wear the “Angry Lion” hat from the bonus set with animal hats.
What does anger give?
  • Helps you quickly master the skill of dirty tricks.
  • You cannot hug other Sims or use romantic actions.
  • An angry Sim may get fired from their job.
  • Can cook flaming spaghetti at cooking level 4 (gives angry to everyone who eats it).
  • You can mix the Boiler Incident drink at the bar at mixology level 1 (gives angry to everyone who drinks it).
  • You can paint an angry picture on an easel (it gives an angry look to the setting or to those who view it).
How to relieve anger:
  • Use exercise machines, a treadmill or a punching bag to let off steam.
  • Drink soothing chamomile tea.
  • Take a cold shower.
  • Try to calm down in the mirror.
  • Unwind in the tent.
  • Use the "Be Angry and Think Logically" interaction from the Evil Actions section on another Sim (available at Logic Level 10).

Sad state

Has two states: sad And very sad.

How to get a sad mood:
  • Have the "Sullen" character trait.
  • Reduce the communication scale to a minimum.
  • Surround the environment with objects that evoke sadness (paintings drawn by a sad Sim or a Sim with the Expressionist trait).
  • Interact with paintings drawn in a sad mood or by a Sim with the Expressionist trait.
  • Break off a relationship or divorce your significant other.
  • Catching your significant other flirting or cheating.
  • Get a negative pregnancy test.
  • If an infant is taken away due to inattention to him.
  • Miss the birthday celebration on the scheduled day.
  • Witness death.
  • Mourn over a grave or urn.
  • Send the soul to the afterlife (option on the grave or urn).
  • Upon dismissal from work.
  • Make another Sim "Make you cry" using a violin (available at skill level 7).
  • Lose in a tournament (on a computer or gaming mat).
  • Drink the extract of sadness (essence of the Ruminant plant).
  • Ask the cube of the future a question or ask it about its personal life (the result is ambiguous).
  • It is not a good idea to use a voodoo doll.
  • Think about a sad memory you saved in the “Snapshots and Memories” section.
  • Wear the “Sad Panda” hat from the bonus set with animal hats.
  • Failed to donate via computer.
What sadness gives:
  • You can't do fun things with other Sims and you can't tell stories.
  • Almost all romantic activities are unavailable.
  • You can draw a sad picture on an easel (it gives sadness to the environment or to those who view it).
  • You can write a sad book at writing level 2 (gives sadness when read).
How to get rid of sadness:
  • Cry under the covers (optional on the bed).
  • Cry in a tent.
  • Encourage yourself in the mirror.
  • Call support for sad people.

Stunned state

One of the rare negative emotions that has only one state: very dazed.

How to get the stunned state:
  • From electric shock (when repairing or upgrading electrical appliances), especially common for Sims with the Clumsy character trait.
  • When defeated in a fight.
  • From drinking a lot of coffee.
  • During an emergency landing spaceship(crash).
  • When using a Voodoo doll on a Sim ("Wet" option).
  • Wear the “Dazed Bear” hat from the bonus set with animal hats.
  • Take medicine when you don't need it.
What does a stunned state give:
  • Skills level up slower than usual.
  • Interferes with productivity at work and school.
  • It is more difficult to create high-quality dishes, paintings, and books in a stunned state.
How to relieve a stunned state:
  • Send your Sim to sleep or take a nap.
  • Interrupt with a few positive emotions.

Death by emotion in Sims 4

There are several emotions in the game that can lead a character to death. Such emotions contain 3 states: mild (normal), enhanced and severe. The more of the same emotion you receive, the more impact it has on the character and the deeper her condition. It is the severe form that poses a danger to the life of Sims.

3rd stage of anger - Enraged: Can give your Sim a heart attack.
3rd stage of embarrassment - Depressed (or Humility): can lead to death from shame.
3rd stage of playfulness - Hysteria: capable of causing you to die from laughter.

If you get one of these moodlets and make no attempt to get rid of it within the first few hours, the character will die. Therefore, to reduce the emotion to nothing, or at least bring it to a lighter level, use the methods presented above in the tips on emotions section. Or try sending your Sim to sleep to reduce the duration of the effect. Usually such conditions are quite difficult to maintain for a long time, so getting rid of them is not difficult. But if you deliberately want to get rid of your ward using this method (for sadistic purposes), you only need to maintain the quantity and strength for about 4-5 hours in a row.

Emotional aura

One of the most simple ways influence the emotional mood - use items from the shopping mode that give an emotional aura. Such objects can be found in the decoration section, lighting and among various career rewards.

If you place them in the interior, they will give an emotional atmosphere, but only while you are in the room. To get a similar one for a long time, regardless of your location, interact with objects directly (option on the item “Confident actions”, “Attentive actions”, etc.).
The most famous way to obtain an aura can be considered plumbob-shaped lamps from the table lamps section.

All you have to do is click on the lamp and select the “Enable emotional atmosphere” option. Thus, you can get attentiveness, playfulness, inspiration, confidence, flirtatiousness and the usual comfort of the environment.

The influence of character traits on emotions

There are character traits in the game that can give you their own special traits. At the same time, if you fulfill the conditions necessary for the trait, you will receive a certain positive emotion, and if you do not fulfill it, you will receive a negative emotion. For example, the "Active" trait requires exercise and can occasionally give you stimulation, but if you don't exercise for a long time, you will get tension from lack of activity.
Some traits do not provide any benefits on their own and do not cause negativity. But in special conditions (social, work or everyday) they can give a specific mood inherent in this particular character. You can study in more detail the moods that appear due to character traits in our review.

Interesting Facts:

  • In the reward store, you can buy bonus chips that will make your Sim no longer feel embarrassed or stressed (the “Shameless” and “Carefree” rewards, respectively).
  • To quickly get the desired emotions, you can use cheat codes in (follow the links) to get game or cheat codes. For the same purposes, it is perfect.

“Let our desires always coincide with our... true needs, or let our needs adapt to our True Desires!”

(remade folk toast)

Each of us wants the wishes we have conceived to come true, and the goals we have set for ourselves to be realized. And we are often perplexed by the fact that - as the character in the film “Big Change” Grigory Ganzha said: “What is it all about? You go to school, you walk... and then... BAM!..” - you want something... you want, you strive for something, you strive, but your desires and goals remain unfulfilled.

The fact is that our “dreams come true” and the successful achievement of our goals are directly dependent on how important they really are to us. And this depends on the group of dominant needs, within which the formation of our desires occurs; it is on the extent to which our “main desires” coincide with our dominant needs that the speed of their fulfillment and our success in realizing our plans depend.

A very simple test developed by the American psychologist - founder of Actualization psychology - Abraham Maslow can help us figure out which group of needs is the most significant in the lives of each of us.

Perhaps, after taking this test, many of you will be surprised by its results, or rather, how different they are from what we considered important to ourselves and what self-image we considered “officially true.”

So, :

Answer the 20 statements indicating the closest fit between the answer and your behavior pattern—all about your own opinion, perspective, and point of view.

1. Quiet workthe most important thing for me

A) always true = 5 points;

= 4;

c) sometimes

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

2. I prefer to work independently, on my own

A) always true = 1;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 2;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) absolutelyfalse = 5;

3. High salarythe best evidence of a person's value in a company

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

4. Finding what will make me happythe most important thing in life

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

5. Work safetynot the most importantfactor for me

A) always true = 1;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 2;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 4;

d) absolutelyfalse = 5;

6. My friends mean more to me than anything else

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

7. Most people think they are betterwhat it really is

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

8. I want to have a job that would allow meme to learn something new and develop my abilities

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

9. Regular income that I can usecount is decisive for me

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

10. It is better to avoid very close relationships with work colleagues

A) always true = 1;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 2;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 4;

d) absolutelyfalse = 5;

11. Myself-esteem is most important to me,than anyone else's opinion

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

12. Chasing a dreamit's a waste of time

A) always true = 1;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 2;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 4;

d) absolutelyfalse = 5;

13. Good job should include goodretirement plan

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

14. I prefer work that involvescommunication with other peopleclients andcolleagues

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

15. I get angry when someone takes credit for done by me

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

16. Go further, installown limitsthat's what drives me

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

17. The most important aspect of working in a companygood plan health insurance

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

18. It is very important for me to be partcohesive group

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

19. My achievements give me the right to respectmyself

A) always true = 5;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 4;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 2;

d) absolutelyfalse = 1;

20. I feel better when I do whatI know better than when I try to do something new

A) always true = 1;

b) in the vast majority of cases true= 2;

c) sometimes(depending on the situation) true = 3;

d) very rarely (more likely “no” than “yes”) = 4;

d) absolutelyfalse = 5;


For each of the 20 statements you chose own version answer that best suits your behavior.

Now add up the points for the statements.

Each of the four columns can receive a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 25 points.

A mark of 20 or more points indicates that the motives highlighted in this column are very important to you.

A score of 15-19 indicates that these motives are less important to you.

10-14 points indicate that the motives highlighted in this column are not particularly important to you.

A score of 5-10 indicates that the motives presented in this column are completely unimportant to you.

ColumnI. Safety and reliability

The first column of the Questionnaire assesses security and reliability needs. These needs are long term compared to the most basic needs of life. In relation to work, we usually talk about economic security and reliability, comfortable living conditions and a sense of security.

ColumnII. Belonging to society and being in demand

The second part of the questionnaire focuses on the individual's interaction with society, the sense of belonging and the need to be needed.

ColumnIII. Self-esteem

Many people, perhaps even the majority, are motivated by the search for a sense of self-worth as an individual. This is the third category of human motivation identified by Abraham Maslow, the need for self-esteem.

ColumnIV. Self-realization

The last part of the Questionnaire focuses on human motivation of the highest level (according to Maslow) - the need for self-development, an attempt to become what a person can be. Maslow calls this phenomenon “self-actualization.” Most people want to self-actualize to some extent, but how much depends on each individual. The scores on the Questionnaire give us an idea of ​​the strength of our own motivation in this matter. The desire to receive challenging tasks and to feel that we are not only using already acquired skills and abilities, but also acquiring new ones. We must be attentive to such motivations, trying to constantly “grow above ourselves.” This can be done by planning our own developmental activities through training, mastering complex tasks, setting new goals - everything that helps us in personal development.

“What is this happening? You go to school, you walk... and then... BAM!..”

I look forward to your comments if you liked the Maslow test.

I wish everyone success on the path of harmonizing their needs and their desires!
You can purchase equipment with which hundreds of people have already made their desires come true

So, all the Sims under your care have their own needs and wants. Open the simology panel in life mode and you will see what your ward needs. To make your virtual person happy, you will need to constantly keep eight indicators filled: Hunger, Comfort, Hygiene, Bladder, Energy, Joy, Communication and Room. We'll look at each of these more closely shortly.

Every Sim's action affects one or more of their needs. So, when he eats, the Hunger meter gradually fills, but the Hygiene slowly drops.

The fullness of the scales ultimately affects the mood of your ward. The more green there is on the needs panel, the happier the virtual person becomes; the more yellow or red, the more unhappy he is, on the contrary.

A Sim's mood affects everything they do. When your ward is extremely unhappy, he becomes moody and refuses to do anything or may even die. Mood can also affect interactions with other Sims. For example, two irritated Sims whose needs are not being met will be more likely to start fighting each other (more on this in section 3.1 of this guide). At the same time, two happy Sims are more likely to agree to an offer to start a family.

Finally, there are items that will help keep your need indicators at the proper level. We will also talk about them a little later.


Hunger is one of the most important needs in the lives of little people. If this need is not met in time, Sims may die, so keep a close eye on their diet. First of all, buy a refrigerator.

With the refrigerator, Sims have several interaction options: “Grab a Snack,” “Quick Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner,” “Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner,” “Serve Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner.” Snacks allow you to quickly satisfy your hunger, but the needs indicator is filled very little, although this pleasure costs only $5. If you order a Sim to cook a dish, their hunger meter will fill according to their cooking talent. Preparing the dish will cost $10. Quick breakfasts, lunches or dinners do not satisfy hunger as well as full meals, but take less time to prepare.

Finally, selecting the “Serve Meal” option will cause your Sim to prepare one large plate, costing $20, consisting of 6 servings, which is very convenient if you have a large family under your care. For single Sims, the optimal solution is to prepare one serving: “Breakfast”, “Lunch” or “Dinner”.

You can also satisfy your Sims' food needs by ordering pizza to their home using your phone. Pizza slices are not as filling (unless you eat them all, of course), but they will save your ward from having to cook.

Finally, if you want to maximize the richness of your meals, make sure you have the following essentials: refrigerator, food processor, stove, or microwave.


The significance of this need is obvious. Comfort indicates how comfortable the Sim is in this moment. The indicator may change differently under the influence of different situations. If the Sim is standing, comfort will gradually decrease, but not as quickly as if the Sim was sitting in an uncomfortable chair or working.

To be able to satisfy this need, you don’t need to be a scientist - it’s easy. Sitting on a comfortable sofa, watching TV, your Sim increases the indicator of not only comfort, but also joy - thereby you can solve several tasks at the same time. And if you invite a friend to the same sofa, then the need for communication can be satisfied.

All sofas and armchairs are capable of filling the Comfort scale, but different time. A sofa with a comfort rating of 10 will satisfy the need in a matter of minutes, while a sofa with a comfort rating of 1 will cope with the task for a longer time.


The hygiene scale shows how clean and washed your ward is. To increase the level of need, use a bath, shower, or wash your hands in the sink. If hygiene is not maintained properly, the unmet need will eventually have a negative impact on the Sim's mood and interactions with other Sims. Imagine, would you like to communicate with a person who has not washed for two or more weeks?

To maximize the benefits of showering and bathing, keep these items clean.

Bladder (urinary)

I think there is no need to explain the meaning of this need. The most important thing is to make sure that you do not bring the indicator to a low level, otherwise this can turn into a little trouble for a Sim of any age. If he cannot restrain his natural need, the bubble will empty against your will, no matter where the Sim is at the moment. At the same time, his hygiene will drop sharply to a minimum. Embarrassment can happen regardless of the state of the bubble. For example, if someone decides to really tickle your character.

For this need, it doesn’t matter what kind of toilet you have. Your Sim will instantly satisfy their needs and return to their daily routine.


Energy is a well-known need for sleep, the satisfaction of which virtual people deserve just as much as we do. The more time they spend sleeping, the more their energy bar fills up. The indicator decreases gradually throughout the day, especially when the Sim is busy with some kind of work. There are several ways to restore it.

First, of course, with the help of a bed. If the furniture is bad, the need for sleep is satisfied slowly and may take the whole night. Sims may even sleep through their work if the need gauge does not fill in time. Therefore, make sure to send your charges to bed early. If the bed is good (for example, “Modern”), the energy will be restored quickly, in just a couple of hours. If energy is fully restored, characters automatically get up at 6 am. If not, they will sleep until you tell them to wake up.

There is one special bed, which we will talk about in the section dedicated to children, because as a result of its use, the flowers of life can be born. The bed can be used both for sleeping and for other equally important matters. If you already have a spouse who would like to join, select the "Play in Bed" option. This type of play raises the mood and comfort of your characters to the maximum level, but lowers hygiene and energy.

If you need to quickly increase your character's energy before going to work, use the coffee machine. Coffee raises your Sim's energy quite a bit, but enough to keep them awake. Children cannot use coffee machines, but they have other options for replenishing energy.

Depending on how full the Energy bar is, Sims can wake up in different ways. Rested and happy characters instantly jump out of their beds, while sleep-deprived ones can take up to 30 in-game minutes to get up: this is the time it takes to finally wake up and show you their displeasure.

Adults and children sleep slightly differently. Adult Sims sleep more lightly than child Sims. They wake up from any noise, be it a computer, TV or tape recorder. Therefore, I recommend that you protect your adult sleep more carefully and ensure that children do not enter the bedroom while their parents are sleeping. In addition, the phone and exercise machine should be placed in any other room: the sound of the bell and someone trying to exercise will wake up Sims. So my advice to you is to not place anything other than the bare necessities in your bedroom, in which case restful sleep your wards will be provided with.

Children are extremely sleepy, and the only thing that can wake them up is an alarm clock. Therefore, you can take advantage of this property and save on building a separate bedroom for them, since neither a working TV nor a turned on tape recorder can wake up children.


This need is satisfied the fastest in The Sims. I think no one likes to be bored and idle. Virtual people also need little joys, and they can entertain themselves in various ways.

Firstly, you can use any electronic items at your disposal. In addition to the TV, on which the characters can watch something interesting, there is also a computer. Make sure that in both cases you provide the necessary chairs, armchairs or sofas, then Sims can satisfy their comfort needs at the same time. The Virtual Worlds Pack is another excellent mood booster, although it's a bit pricey.

Your Sims can also read books, and if they have a playful nature, they can indulge in joint entertainment with other Sims: from watching TV to playing in bed or in a hot bath. Only if your plans do not include further expansion of your family, be careful with these games.


Every Sim needs to communicate and interact with their own kind. The Communication scale fills up much more slowly than others and needs to be maintained at the proper level at least once a day. The simplest situation is when a Sim does not live alone and can constantly communicate with relatives. On the contrary, lonely characters are constantly faced with the need to invite friends home or go to the city with them for joint entertainment.

The level of Communication is influenced by many interactions, but each of them with different strength. So, chatting with friends for an hour will not bring the same good effect as just a few passionate kisses. To satisfy the need, communicate with the Sims around your character, and if there are none, playing with pets is quite enough.

If for some strange reason you need to lower the level of communication, and your character is in a bad mood, start a fight. Attack another Sim and the communication level will drop dramatically.


And finally, the last need is a room. The essence of the need is to reflect how comfortable and beautifully furnished the house is. Sims love spacious, well-lit spaces.

The Room scale is filled if there are various decorations in your home: statues, flowers, paintings - each adds additional points to comfort. If the rooms are empty or there are dirty dishes, puddles or flies in them, the level of need drops sharply.

In addition, cockroaches may appear in contaminated areas. You can get rid of insects by selecting the “Destroy” option, during which it is very funny to watch the actions of the characters.

If the rooms are small, hang a lot of pictures on the walls (if you have the funds for them) and buy expensive furniture. Comfort points will increase after such purchases. However, we should not forget that the need is influenced by the condition of not only the house, but also the entire site. If you have space and opportunity, decorate your areas. A lot of flowers and trees will add coziness points, and if you have the Hot Date add-on installed and the family has enough money, place fountains on the site.

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