James Watson and Francis. Francis Crick and James Watson, Discovery of the Secondary Structure of DNA. Nobel Prize Laureate

James Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928, Chicago, Illinois) is an American biologist. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine 1962 - together with Francis Crick and Maurice H. F. Wilkins for the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule.

Since childhood, thanks to his father, James was fascinated by observations of the life of birds. At the age of 12, Watson participated in Quiz Kids, a popular radio quiz show for intelligent young people. Thanks to the liberal policies of University of Chicago President Robert Hutchins, he entered the university at the age of 15. After reading Erwin Schrödinger's book What Is Life According to Physics?, Watson changed his professional interests from studying ornithology to studying genetics. He received a bachelor's degree in zoology from the University of Chicago in 1947.

In 1951 he entered the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, where he studied the structure of proteins. There he met the physicist Francis Crick, who was interested in biology.

In 1952, Watson and Crick began working on modeling the structure of DNA. Using Chargaff's Rules and the x-ray photographs of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, a double-helical model was constructed.

For 25 years he directed the Cold Spring Harbor Scientific Institute, where he conducted research into cancer genetics.

From 1989 to 1992 - organizer and director of the Human Genome project to decipher the sequence of human DNA, at the same time heading the secret Faust project

In 2007, he spoke out in favor of the fact that representatives of different races have different intellectual abilities, which is determined genetically. Due to the violation of political correctness, a public apology was demanded from him, and in October 2007, Watson officially resigned as head of the laboratory where he worked. At the same time, he continues to lead research in the same laboratory.

According to the Independent, a DNA study of James Watson himself found a high concentration of African and, to a lesser extent, Asian genes. It was later suggested that the genome analysis contained significant errors.
Currently working on finding genes for mental illness.

Books (3)

Avoid being boring. Lessons from a life lived in science

The famous biologist James Watson became famous for his discovery (together with Francis Crick) of the structure of DNA in 1953, for which he received the Nobel Prize. Watson later became the first director of the National Center for Human Genome Research (USA) and headed the famous Human Genome Project.

In his autobiographical book, Avoid Boring, Watson writes about his famous discovery, how American science works, and the lessons he was able to learn from his own life experiences and from observing other people. It is this last circumstance that makes Watson’s book not only fascinating, but also very useful:

“Avoid Boring” is both a detailed memoir of a great scientist and a kind of guide to achieving success in science. Talking about your life path, the author gives the reader practical and practical advice, how to make a successful career in science and, perhaps, one day make an outstanding discovery yourself.

Molecular biology of the gene

The book was written by Nobel Prize laureate J. Watson and occupies a special place in the literature on molecular biology.

It is an excellent guide to this new, rapidly developing field of biology and summarizes the most up-to-date evidence. The principles of the chromosomal theory of heredity, the interaction of biologically active molecules, the structure and function of membranes, the role of various metabolic regulators, the viral theory of cancer, issues and tasks of genetic engineering are considered.

The book is written extremely clearly, logically and is read with great interest.

Double helix

The author of the book is the prominent American scientist James D. Watson. Anyone who has followed the latest achievements of world biology has probably heard his name next to the names of the Englishmen Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins. These three scientists, who received the Nobel Prize in 1962, made one of the most significant discoveries in biology of the 20th century: they established the structure of the DNA molecule - the genetic material of a cell that stores information about the hereditary characteristics of an organism.

“The Double Helix,” an autobiographical story in which Watson details how he and his co-authors came to this discovery, introduces the reader to the “kitchen” of big science. The relaxed manner of presentation, vivid characteristics of the characters - famous American and European scientists, figurative literary language will attract the attention of not only scientists, but also lovers of popular science literature to the book.

The discovery of the duplicated DNA helix proved to be a watershed moment in biology. It was made by the Englishman Francis Crick and the American James Watson. In 1962, scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize.

They are considered among the most smart people on the planet. Crick made many discoveries in various fields, not limited to genetics. Watson earned himself notoriety with a number of statements, but this characterizes him more as an extraordinary person.


Francis Crick was born in 1916 in Northampton, England. His father was a successful businessman and owned a shoe factory. He went to a regular high school. After the war, the family's income decreased significantly, the head decided to move the family to London. Francis graduated from Mill Hill School, where he was interested in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Later he studied at University College London and was recognized as a bachelor natural sciences.

Then his future colleague, James Watson, was born on another continent. Since childhood, he was different from ordinary children; even then, James was predicted to have a bright future. He was born in Chicago in 1928. His parents surrounded him with love and joy.

The teacher in the first grade noted that his intelligence was inappropriate for his age. After 3rd grade, he took part in an intellectual quiz for children on the radio. Watson showed amazing abilities. Later he would be invited to the four-year University of Chicago, where he would become interested in ornithology. Having a bachelor's degree, the young man decides to continue his studies at the University of Bloomington in Indiana.

Interest in science

At Indiana University, Watson studies genetics and comes to the attention of the biologist Salvador Lauria and the brilliant geneticist J. Moeller. The collaboration resulted in a dissertation on the effect of X-rays on bacteria and viruses. After a brilliant defense, James Watson became a Doctor of Science.

Further research on bacteriophages will take place in distant Denmark – the University of Copenhagen. The scientist is actively working on compiling a DNA model and studying its properties. His colleague is the talented biochemist Herman Kalkar. However, a fateful meeting with Francis Crick will take place at the University of Cambridge. An aspiring scientist, Watson, who is only 23 years old, will invite Francis to his laboratory to work together.

Before World War II, Crick studied the viscosity of water in various states. Later he had to work for the Navy Department - developing mines. The turning point will be reading E. Schrödinger’s book. The author's ideas pushed Francis to study biology. Since 1947, he has worked in a Cambridge laboratory, studying x-ray diffraction, organic chemistry and biology. Its leader was Max Perutz, who studies the structure of proteins. Crick develops an interest in determining the chemical basis of the genetic code.

DNA decoding

In the spring of 1951, a symposium was held in Naples, where James met the English scientist Maurice Wilkins and researcher Rosalyn Franklin, who were also conducting DNA analysis. They determined that the cell structure is similar to spiral staircase– has a double spiral shape. Their experimental data prompted Watson and Crick to conduct further research. They decide to determine the composition of nucleic acids and seek the necessary funding - a grant from the National Society for the Study of Infantile Paralysis.

James Watson

In 1953, they would inform the world about the structure of DNA and present a completed model of the molecule.

In just 8 months, two brilliant scientists will summarize the results of their experiments with the available data. In a month, a three-dimensional DNA model will be made from balls and cardboard.

The discovery was announced by Lawrence Bragg, director of the Cavendish Laboratory, at a Belgian conference on April 8. But the importance of the discovery was not immediately recognized. Only on April 25 after the publication of the article in scientific journal Nature biologists and other laureates appreciated the value of the new knowledge. The event was considered the greatest discovery of the century.

In 1962, the Englishmen Wilkins and Crick and the American Watson were nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Unfortunately, Rosalind Franklin died 4 years ago and was not among the contenders. There was a huge scandal about this, since the model used data from Franklin’s experiments, although she did not give official permission. Crick and Watson worked closely with her partner Wilkins, and Rosalind herself did not learn the importance of her experiments for medicine until the end of her life.

A monument was erected to Watson for his discovery in New York. Wilkins and Crick were not given this honor because they did not have American citizenship.


After the discovery of the structure of DNA, Watson and Crick diverged. James became a senior member of the biology department at the University of California, and later became a professor. In 1969, he was offered to head the Long Island Laboratory of Molecular Biology. The scientist refuses to work at Harvard, where he has worked since 1956. He will devote the rest of his life to neurobiology, studying the influence of viruses and DNA on cancer. Under the leadership of the scientist, the laboratory reached a new level of research quality, and its funding increased significantly. Gold Spring Harbor has become the world's leading center for the study of molecular biology. From 1988 to 1992, Watson was actively involved in a number of projects to study the human genome.

After international recognition, Crick became the head of a biological laboratory in Cambridge. In 1977 he moved to San Diego, California, to study the mechanisms of dreams and vision.

Francis Creek

In 1983, with the mathematician Gr. Mitchison, he suggested: dreams are the brain’s ability to free itself from useless and excessive associations that were accumulated during the day. Scientists have called dreams a way to prevent overload of the nervous system.

In 1981, Francis Crick’s book “Life as It Is: Its Origin and Nature” was published, where the author speculates about the origin of life on Earth. According to his version, the first inhabitants on the planet were microorganisms from other space objects. This explains the similarity of the genetic code of all living objects. The scientist died in 2004 from oncology. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered over Pacific Ocean.

Francis Creek

In 2004, Watson became rector, but in 2007 he had to resign from this position for speaking about the genetic connection between origin (race) and level of intelligence. The scientist loves to comment provocatively and insultingly on the work of his colleagues, and Franklin was no exception. Some statements were perceived as attacks against obese people and homosexuals.

In 2007, Watson released his autobiography, Avoid Boring. In 2008, he gave a public lecture at Moscow State University. Watson is called the first person with a completely deciphered genome. The scientist is currently working to find genes responsible for mental illness.

Crick and Watson opened up new possibilities for the development of medicine. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of their scientific activity.

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There are quite a few Nobel laureates in the world, but only a few of them are widely known. The legendary James Dewey Watson is one of them. Every schoolchild knows about the spatial structure of the DNA molecule he discovered. However, Watson became famous not only for his scientific achievements - among scientists he deservedly bears the title of number one brawler.

Unpleasant person
From the very beginning, James Watson followed his own special path in science. Perhaps the reason for this is his quarrelsome, quarrelsome, and, according to some, simply disgusting character. Watson's Harvard colleague, the famous zoologist Edward Wilson, once admitted: "Watson is the most unpleasant person I know." But Watson has long been accustomed to taking a punch - after all, he is from Chicago. It was in the capital of American crime that during the Great Depression, in 1928, the future genius James Dewey Watson happened to be born. True, young James never got involved with bad companies. He had no time for that. His father, a mediocre businessman, doted on his only son and did everything to give his son an excellent education. The parent's persistent efforts were crowned with success. Graduate primary school was invited to participate in the radio program “Quiz for Children”, where only gifted children performed. But unlike other young talents, Watson is the only one who achieved worldwide recognition...

Sharp turns
After completing two years of high school, James is sent to college at the University of Chicago. Watson is most attracted to biology, and he dreams of becoming an ornithologist - a specialist who studies birds. In 1947, at the age of just 19, Watson received his B.A. University luminaries predicted a brilliant future for him, but the young man suddenly showed his obstinate disposition and decided to retrain as a geneticist. In this field, Watson also achieved recognition: already in 1950 he received a doctorate for studying the effects of X-rays on the reproduction of viruses living in bacteria. The National Research Society allocated a considerable subsidy to the young specialist, but he again played all-in - he left America and rushed to Europe.

The path to Olympus
In the Old World, Watson plunges headlong into studying the biochemical properties of deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA. The scientist wants to know how it works, but he has serious competition - Linus Pauling himself, winner of two Nobel Prizes, has been working on this problem for a long time. Watson changes universities like gloves and meets misunderstanding and opposition everywhere. However, James, a timid guy, is not used to retreating. In the autumn of 1951, he first crosses the threshold of Cambridge and there he finds a like-minded person - Francis Crick. The cry was a match for Watson - he was known as an eccentric. He spoke too quickly and too much, but could not boast of great achievements in science. Despite the age difference (James is 23, Francis is 35), they quickly find a common language and get to work with inspiration.

By the early 1950s, it was clear that the components of DNA constituted some kind of unified structure. Just which one? Nobody knew this yet. True, the same Linus Pauling managed to suggest that DNA looks like a spiral. He was the first to come up with the idea of ​​a “children’s construction set” - a spatial model of a molecule. But so far no one, including Pauling himself, has been able to correctly assemble this “constructor.”

Watson and Crick, day after day, did nothing but put together “balls” and “wires.” Watching them “juggle,” their colleagues jokingly called them scientific clowns. The insight came, as always, unexpectedly. One cold January night in 1953, while sleepless, Watson was reading a newspaper. But only three letters were spinning in his head - DNA. And suddenly the scheme they had been struggling with for so long appeared before his eyes! James grabbed a pen and quickly sketched a picture right in the margins of the newspaper. The DNA molecule finally took on the appearance of a twisted rope ladder.

In 1962, James Watson, along with Crick and Maurice Wilkins (the latter confirmed the structure of DNA using X-ray crystallography), was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Thus began the era of molecular biology in science, and Watson became its symbol.

Against the stream
Meanwhile, the “symbol” behaved inappropriately. He wasn’t particularly politically correct before, but now it’s as if he’s gone off the rails. He once said that it would be nice to use his discovery to make all girls beautiful. A scandal arose. Someone else in his place would have drawn conclusions, but it was not this one who was attacked! Watson seemed to be testing public patience. He publicly declared that it would be good to find the gene responsible for sexuality. Then each woman could decide for herself whether to keep a homosexual child or get rid of him in the womb. What started here! “Every woman wants grandchildren,” the scientist later explained. “I was only arguing in favor of her right to make a choice.” I didn’t discuss whether it was good or bad.” The explanations did not satisfy anyone.

Another time, Watson admitted that stupidity is a disease that should be treated, at least using genetic engineering methods. Well, the biologist never showed mercy for human shortcomings, but this time, it seems, he did not spare even himself, because his son suffered from schizophrenia. But the public did not accept this statement either. However, these were still flowers. In 2007, a real storm broke out. The Times newspaper published an interview with Watson, in which he stated without hesitation: “The prospects for Africa, in my opinion, are the gloomiest ... Our whole social policy is based on the assumption that they are as smart as us, while tests show that this is not the case.” The biologist was not forgiven for this phrase, and at the age of 79 he was forced to resign from the scientific laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor. It was a punch in the gut. The scientist himself created this laboratory, recruited staff there himself, led it for many years, thanks to him it turned into one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world. How many times did Watson make excuses? He supposedly meant that people in different regions have different innate intellectual abilities, which is due to different living conditions. They didn't even listen to Watson.

Genes and prices
So, the hero was toppled from his pedestal. But he didn't break. Despite his advanced age, Watson today travels around the world giving lectures. Last August, for example, I visited Moscow. He gave a dozen interviews, received an honorary doctorate from Moscow State University, and gave two lectures. The halls where he performed were stormed. Watson eagerly talked about research into the human genome, which would help us understand the root cause of many serious diseases. Now such research costs a tidy sum, but in the future, according to the scientist, the cost of a complete reading of one human genome will approach the cost of a car. “And you will do this for your son or daughter, because knowing your DNA sequence is as important as having a car!” - the biologist is sure. By the way, Watson’s own genome was recently deciphered by two well-known American companies. It took two months of hard work and almost a million dollars to give the Nobel laureate such a gift!


By the way:
1. For most, Watson is primarily the creator of the spatial model of the DNA molecule. But the scientist has one more talent. His book “The Double Helix,” which describes the history of the discovery, is rightfully considered the best that has been written about science.

2. Decoding the first human genome, undertaken in 1988 (including with the participation of Watson), cost three billion dollars and lasted more than thirteen years.

Announcement picture: Array

James Watson is one of the smartest people in the world. From early childhood, his parents noticed his abilities, which predicted a bright future for the child. However, we learn from our article about how James pursued his dream and what obstacles he overcame on the path to fame.

Childhood, youth

James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago. He grew up in love and joy. As soon as the boy sat down at the school desk, the teachers were already talking about how little James was smart beyond his years.

After graduating from the 3rd grade of high school, he went to the radio to take part in an intellectual quiz for children. The boy demonstrated simply amazing abilities. After some time, James was invited to study at the four-year University of Chicago. There he develops an interest in ornithology. Having received a bachelor's degree in science, James goes to continue his studies at Indiana University Bloomington.

Interest in science

While studying at the university, James Watson became seriously interested in genetics. The famous geneticist Hermann J. Möller, as well as bacteriologist Salvador Lauria, drew attention to his abilities. Scientists invite him to work together. After some time, James wrote a dissertation on the topic “The influence of X-rays on the spread of viruses that infect bacteria (bacteriophages).” Thanks to this, the young scientist receives a Doctor of Philosophy degree.

After this, James Watson continues his research on bacteriophages at the University of Copenhagen, in distant Denmark. Within the walls of the institution he studies the properties of DNA. However, the scientist quickly gets bored with all this. He wants to study not just the properties of bacteriophages, but the very structure of the DNA molecule, which geneticists are so zealously studying.

Advances in science

In May 1951, at a symposium in Italy (Naples), James met with the English scientist Maurice Wilkins. As it turns out, he and his colleague, Rosalyn Franklin, are conducting a DNA analysis. Scientists' studies have shown that the cell is a double spiral, which resembles a spiral staircase.

After this data, James Watson decides to conduct a chemical analysis of nucleic acids. Having received a research grant, he began working with physicist Francis Crick. Already in 1953, scientists reported on the structure of DNA, and a year later they created an enlarged model of the molecule.

After the research was made public, Crick and Watson parted ways. James is appointed to the position of senior member of the biology department at the California Institute of Technology. After some time, Watson is offered a job as a professor (1961).

Prizes and awards

James Watson and received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology. This was an award “For discovery in the field of the molecular structure of nucleic acids.”

Since 1969, James Watson's theory has been tested by all geneticists in the world. In the same year, the scientist took the position of director of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Long Island. It should be noted that he refuses to work there. Watson has devoted many years to studying neurobiology, the role of DNA and viruses in the development of cancer.

By the way, Watson was awarded the Albert Lasker Award (1971), the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977), and the John D. Carty Medal. It's worth saying that James is a member National Academy Sciences, American Society of Biochemists, American Cancer Society, Danish Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Harvard University Council.

Personal life

In 1968, Watson married Elizabeth Levy. A girl in the laboratory where James himself once worked. The couple had two sons in their marriage.

There were active rumors that James's daughter was Emma Watson. And by the way, he fell into the category of the scientist’s children allegedly born out of wedlock. Although, most likely, this is not true.

James Watson on race

Watson argued that people with black skin have a lower level of intelligence than people with white skin. For this theory, the famous microbiologist Watson wanted to be put on trial. It should be noted that this is not the first time that the scientist allowed himself to express such an opinion. He used to say exactly the same thing about women.

Such statements generated a lot of discussions around, similar to those that the book by Watson and Murray generated in the 90s. In it, scientists examined the differences between the intelligences of different races. This work was then called an apology for scientific racism.

It is still difficult to say whether the famous scientist will be punished. On this moment It is known that the American Commission on Racial Equality noted that this unpleasant incident will not be ignored.

By the way, Watson probably lost his position as director of the Long Island laboratory precisely because of this statement.

Accusing a scientist of political incorrectness

James Watson is known for his provocative and scandalous statements. For example, a scientist believes against all odds that stupid people are sick, and that 10% of them need urgent treatment.

Another statement concerns female beauty. Watson is confident that it is with the help of genetic engineering that all women can be made truly attractive and charming.

In the same context, he spoke about people with non-traditional orientation. James maintains to this day that if it were possible to create a gene responsible for sexual orientation, he would immediately begin to study and correct it.

After such dislike for homosexuals and other non-traditional cultures, Watson was subject to condemnation from not only representatives of these cultures, but also from the authorities.

His judgment about overweight people also came into focus. Watson claims that he would never hire a “fat person” because he considers him intellectually undeveloped.

Well, everyone has their own opinion! And we will observe further research and statements of the famous scientist.

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