Ikarus equipment. Armor sets in Icarus: Wind of Change - Chaos, Assassin, Heaven's Wrath sets and Roxanne set, legendary armor. List of available learned recipes

Review of types of PvP in the game, as of the state of affairs on the Euro server Velzeroth as of 04/13/2017.

Intra-server PvP for world bosses/spots
There is a special area for levels 30-40. There are some world bosses and very limited spots for collecting PvP equipment. Depending on the level cap, it can be very hot here at the start of the ru server.

Battle for the Mana Stone
Takes place in an intra-server PvP location. A mana stone appears in a random place; anyone can pick it up. The task is to convey it to the nearest city. The task of the alliance is to protect its player who took the stone. The rest of the server is trying to take this stone away. Whose alliance successfully delivers the stone to the city receives bonuses. Actually, this is an analogue of sieges in other games and the most massive pvp event in the game. Even a year after the start of the server, a large crowd of players gathers and fight for the stone. For a quick delivery they give you a variety of goodies, useful in both pvp and pve. Full list I don’t know because there is no way to check. From what I know: coins for assembling PvP equipment, the opportunity to get a clan mount that carries 10 people, various temporary items for 6 days that increase characteristics. We watched the battle in person, it looks cool and spectacular. About ~100 people participated, there were no lags at all.

Cross-server PvP for world bosses/spots
Cross-server location for 40+ levels. There are world bosses and a limited number of spots with mobs, from which resources drop for collecting PvP equipment of levels 45 and 50. Depending on the level cap on the game, at the start in this location it can be very fun and interesting to fight for zones of influence.

Cross-server battle for the mana stone
Analogous to intra-server. In terms of rewards, I know for sure that the entire winning server receives a buff for a week with bonuses to stats, taming chances, etc. They probably give you similar benefits to the intra-server battle, but of higher ranks.

Battle between alliances
By agreement of two alliances, you can throw var to each other. Victory = get 1000 kills on the enemy alliance. PvP in the world does not port to special locations. The winning alliance is given a buff for 14 days, which makes trading at the auction more profitable and slightly increases the chances of taming, sharpening, and crafting.

In principle, there is nothing to add here. Regular duels are 1 x 1, no other modes are provided. You can test your skills and hold a PvP tournament.

There is PvP in the game and at the start of the ru server, there will be even more of it. On the euro, even after a year they fight in battles for the mana stone, which indicates their interest and usefulness. These battles don’t work on the euro, which I personally observed. Although on ru, there will be significantly more people and, most likely, there will be lag. But this is inevitable in any starting game.

An inter-server location that allows you to fight with other servers or simply agree on GvG with a clan from any server is generally great, I didn’t even expect to see this when I started playing.

In addition, very interesting mix-ups are expected in pvp locks at the start to collect pvp equipment, which will fade away in 2-3 months. But it will be a very interesting 2-3 months.


The closer the update gets, the less information remains that we haven’t talked about. In today's article we want to introduce you to basic sets of equipment, which will be available very soon. The description of characteristics contains only general information for all kits. You can find out what bonuses there will be for each class on the forum in the guides section, shortly after the update is released.

Chaos Kit

Quality: Heroic
Req. level: 55

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Kit characteristics

Armor: each item – +20 to all parameters. 5-Piece Set - Successful attacks have a 1% chance to activate the Power of the Undying, increasing your maximum health by 10% for 1 minute.

Weapon: crossbow or pike – maximum health +810, reload -6%.

Accessories:necklace – all parameters +25, speed +6%. Ring (each) – magic protection +7%, maximum health +640.

The Humble Killer Kit

Quality: Heroic
Req. level: 45

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img" data-cycle-timeout="5000" style="text-align: justify;">Allows you to tame Finion. The attack has a 2% chance to increase PvP defense by 30%.

Kit characteristics

Armor:each item – 7% protection in PvP. 5-piece set – +30% resistance in PvP.

Weapon: attack in PvP +24%.

Accessories:3-Piece Set – Reduces attack of PvP targets by 50%. Ring (each) – PVP resistance +10%. Necklace – PvP resistance +18%.

Tough Killer Kit

Quality: Heroic
Req. level: 50

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Allows you to tame Kalyposa. The attack has a 2% chance to increase PvP defense by 50%.

Kit characteristics

Armor:each item – 8% protection in PvP. 5-piece set – +34% resistance in PvP.

Weapon: attack in PvP +40%.

Accessories: 3-Piece Set – Reduces attack of PvP targets by 50%. Ring (each) – PvP resistance +11%. Necklace – PvP resistance +20%.

Great killer kit

Quality: Heroic
Req. level: 55

Allows you to tame Atilla. The attack has a 2% chance to increase PvP defense by 60%. The enemy has a 30% chance to reduce all critical damage by 1000 and critical damage defense by 1800.

Kit characteristics

Armor: each item – 9% protection in PvP. 5-piece set – +40% PvP resistance, PvP defense +15%.

Weapon: attack in PvP +60%.

Accessories: 3-piece set – a successful attack reduces the target's PvP defense by 35%. Ring (each) – PvP resistance +12%. Necklace – PvP resistance +22%.

Heaven's Wrath Kit

Quality: legendary
Req. level: 50

Armor:each item – 3% protection in PvP. Set of 5 items – all parameters +18, +24% resistance in PvP, a successful attack with a 1% probability of activating Ellora Energy. 3 charges of Ellora's Energy activate Divine Wrath.

Ellora Weapons: PvP attack +14%. Crossbow or pike – all attack +213, reload -9%.

Ellora Accessories: set of 3 items – all attack +422, all parameters +66, crit probability +15%, maximum health +10%.
Ring of Ellora I – speed +7%, all parameters +43.
Ring of Ellora II – maximum health +955, magic defense +15%.
Ellora's Necklace – cooldown -10%, all attack +375.

Roxanne's set

Quality: legendary
Req. level: 55

A set of 3 items – all attack +464, all parameters +87, all crit. damage +700, maximum health +10%, after a successful attack gives a 1% chance to restore health by 1.5% per second. every 5 sec.
Lenanzar's left ring – PvP resistance +12%, speed +9%, all parameters +62.
Lenanzar's right ring – PvP resistance +12%, maximum health +1689, magic defense +20%.
Roxanne's Necklace – PvP resistance +19%, cooldown -10%, all attack +469.

Collect your kit!

Crafting in Icarus Online is a system for creating items in Icarus online. It includes not only the creation of weapons that everyone is so accustomed to, as well as armor and jewelry, but also potions, food and ammunition for your faithful pet.
The manufacturing menu is called up by pressing the “N” button, it will look like this:

To craft weapons, armor and other things, you need to be located next to the corresponding workbench, like a forge or kitchen:
  • A weapon forge is used to create weapons. In it you can create a variety of weapons that will have good characteristics and will be very effective in battle.
  • An armor forge is used to create armor. Here you can create many types of armor with different characteristics, number of built-in runes, etc.
  • A jewelry workshop is used to create jewelry. A variety of jewelry is created here: rings, necklaces and runes.
  • An alchemy laboratory is used to create alchemy. Here you can create useful and effective potions that will give a useful bonus to your stats.
  • The saddler's workshop is used to create harnesses; it will help in creating armor and equipment for your battle pet. Armor increases the horse's capabilities and gives a good increase in performance
  • The kitchen is used to create some culinary masterpieces. Here you can create culinary items, as well as ingredients that will help you create other items.

Types of Crafted Items

There are no restrictions in the game on creating items for other specializations. For example, if you are a guard, you can easily make a staff for a magician. That is, the game does not limit your trading opportunities.

In the “Weapons” section you will find recipes for weapons of all character specializations and items that will be useful to you in the process of creating items (weapons, armor, jewelry).

In the “Armor” section there are recipes for creating armor of all classes (heavy, light, medium) of characters and resources for crafting, which will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Decoration” section contains corresponding decoration recipes for all character classes, runes and resources that will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Harness” section includes recipes for all possible types of equipment for companions, tags for taming animals, as well as materials that will be useful to you in the future during the crafting process.

The “Alchemy” section contains recipes for elixirs for health and mana for various levels, enhancing potions and consumable items.

In the “Cooking” section you will find food that increases health and energy regeneration, as well as drinks and food that increase performance at high levels.

List of available learned recipes

At the start of the game, only the most standard recipes for crafting items will be available to you. You can find the rest of the recipes as you progress through Icarus Online and your unusual adventures. When you receive the recipe in your inventory, you need to study it. Click RMB to study, after which the recipe will be added to one of the categories.
Filter "In stock" in the left bottom corner will display in the list only those recipes for which the inventory has the necessary crafting resources.

The most important thing you need to do is craft in Icarus Online: creating items of the current level increases your skill. To raise your skill level, you need to contact a master of professions that matches your profession.

Necessary materials

This part of the menu contains a list of all materials needed for manufacturing, their required and available quantities.
In the window to the left of the button "Do" you can choose the number of items you create.

You will encounter some materials while hunting monsters, and you can also find all necessary materials in the open world.

Button "To do everything" will help you create all the items for which you have enough resources.


The “Chance of Triumph” function is a kind of roulette. When crafting through Triumph, you can get an item of improved quality or get Additional materials, but you spend twice as many resources.

Learn more about triumph effects:

  • Weapon
  • Armor
    Receives improved quality. Materials are multiplied
  • Decorations
    Equipment receives improved quality. Materials are multiplying. Gems also multiply
  • Harness
    The companion's equipment does not receive any additional effects. Materials are multiplying. Satellite marks are also multiplied
  • Alchemy
    Potions etc. are made in greater quantities. Materials are multiplied
  • Cooking
    Food is produced in greater quantities

Promote basic characteristics You can craft your items (weapons or equipment) in the game Icarus in different ways, one of which is hardening.

Hardening is the process of upgrading equipment using hardening stones. Hardening items increase the basic characteristics of the weapon (physical and magical protection for armor, as well as physical and magical attack of the weapon). Along with synthesis and awakening, tempering is one of three ways, with which the player can improve his equipment, as well as the easiest to use, which brings the greatest effects.

Use of hardening.

In order to temper an item, tempering stones are required. Tempering stones come in different levels (currently the lowest level of tempering stone is level 5, and the highest is level 170). The chance of successful tempering directly depends on the level of the stone, a high level has a greater chance of successful tempering, and low level stones will more often lead to failure.

Craft is the main way to obtain tempering stones, although they can also be obtained in the usual way or by completing certain quests. As a rule, the more complex the mining method, the higher the level of stones.

There are also glowing tempering stones that provide the player with a chance of tempering success (30, 40, 50%). They can be obtained by sending your farmers on missions. In addition, the blessed elite hardening stones ensure that the hardening rate is 100%.

Use of tempering stones.

After tempering stones have been purchased, right-click on the desired tempering stone, and then left-click on the item you want to temper. A window will open showing a description of the approximate chance of success. The item being tempered will be displayed directly below this success rating, and the result of a successful tempering, specifically an increase in stats, will be displayed below it. If the player liked everything, he can choose “ Confirm"for hardening. Regardless of whether the hardening succeeds or not, the stone will be used (although canceling the hardening does not use it).

Be careful, as the item may lose its tempering level starting at +10. When hardened to +15 or higher, an item can lose two or more levels at once. Starting with +12 tempering, it is recommended to use Ellunes, which can be obtained by completing daily quests, achievements or special events.

Items can be tempered several times depending on the level, in the region from 5 to 25. Items more high level have a larger maximum amount of hardening. Legendary equipment can be tempered in the region of 20 to 25 times, while heroic equipment can only be tempered 10 times.

If you have upgraded an item by +16 or higher, a corresponding message “ The player has tempered the item to +x" However, any item with +16 or higher tempering can no longer be sold, even if you have not used it before.

Hardening results.

Hardening increases the basic characteristics of armor, such as physical and magical protection. It also increases the weapon's base physical or magical damage. However, it does not increase additional characteristics and effects on items.

Armor sets will appear, interesting both for their abilities and appearance. In this article we have collected all the information about the new sets.

However, keep in mind that all sets are aimed only at well-developed heroes, and the level required to wear them ranges from 45 to 55. The article also provides only characteristics common to all classes - bonuses for each character individually are still unknown.

The video below shows all the kits on characters of each class and gender.

Chaos Kit

The Chaos Set is a heroic set available from level 55. It can be obtained by completing the Forgotten Sanctuary.

  • Each armor - +20 to the player’s parameters;
  • Full set - 1% chance of activating the Power of the Immortals on impact. Strength of the Immortals increases maximum health by 10%. Valid for 1 minute;
  • Crossbow or pike - +810 to health reserves and -6% to reload speed;
  • Any of the rings - +7% to defense and +640 to health level;
  • Necklace - +25 to parameters and +6% to speed.

The Humble Killer Kit

The Humble Assassin's Set is a heroic set that requires level 45.

  • Allows you to tame Finion;
  • Each armor - +7% to defense in PvP;
  • Full set - +30% to defense in PvP, 2% chance of increasing defense in PvP by 30% with a successful attack;
  • Crossbow or pike - +24% to damage dealt in PvP;
  • Any of the rings - +10% to resistance in PvP;
  • Necklace - +18% to resistance in PvP;
  • Full set of accessories (2 rings + necklace) - -30% to enemy attack in PvP.

Tough Killer Kit

An improved version of the previous set, the Tough Assassin's Set requires level 50.

  • Allows you to tame Kalyposa;
  • Each armor - +8% to defense in PvP;
  • Full set - +34% to resistance in PvP, 2% chance of increasing defense in PvP by 50% with a successful attack;
  • Crossbow or pike - +40% to damage dealt in PvP;
  • Any of the rings - +11% to resistance in PvP;
  • Full set of accessories (2 rings + necklace) - -50% to enemy attack in PvP.

Great killer kit

The maximum version of the assassin's kit requires level 55. Modest, strong, excellent and high-quality killer kits can be obtained for completing tasks in.

  • Allows you to tame Atilla;
  • Each armor - +9% to defense in PvP;
  • Full set - +40% to resistance in PvP, +15% to defense in PvP, 2% chance of increasing defense in PvP by 60% on a successful attack. The attacker can (30% chance) reduce his critical damage by 1000, and his critical defense by 1800;
  • Crossbow or pike - +60% damage dealt in PvP;
  • Any of the rings - +12% to resistance in PvP;
  • Necklace - +20% to resistance in PvP;
  • Full set of accessories (2 rings + necklace) - -35% enemy defense in PvP upon successful attack.

Heaven's Wrath Kit

Heaven's Wrath Set is a level 50 legendary set. You can get the set by completing “Cave of the Veil,” “Frozen Castle,” or “The Rift” on Legendary difficulty.

  • Each armor - +3% to defense in PvP;
  • Full set - +18 to all parameters, +24% resistance in PvP. A successful attack has a 1% chance of granting 1 charge of Ellora Energy. 3 charges convert to Divine Wrath;
  • Ellora's weapon - +14% damage in PvP;
  • Crossbow or pike - +213 damage and -9% reload speed;
  • 1 Ring of Ellora - +7% to speed, +43 to parameters;
  • 2 Ring of Ellora - +955 to health level, +15% to magical protection;
  • Ellora's Necklace - -10% reload speed and +375 damage dealt;
  • Full set of accessories (2 rings + necklace) - +422 to attack, +66 to parameters, +15% to crit probability, +10% to maximum health.

Roxanne's set

Roxana's set is a legendary set of level 55 accessories, dropped from world bosses: the chaos elf queen Roxana in the Windy Canyon, on the island of El Kanin, and Lenanzara, located in the Ancient Elven Ruins in the Altar of Ellora location.

  • Left Ring of Lenanzar - +12% to resistance in PvP, +9% to player speed, +62 to parameters;
  • Right Ring of Lenanzar - +12% to resistance in PvP, +1689 to maximum health, +20% to magic defense;
  • Roxanne's Necklace - +19% to resistance in PvP, -10% to reload speed and +469 to damage dealt;
  • Full set of accessories (2 rings + necklace) - +464 damage, +87 parameters, +700 critical damage and +10% maximum health. A successful attack can (1% chance) activate health regeneration - for 5 seconds health will be restored at 1.5% per second.

Other guides

  • Icarus guide to completing legendary dungeons - Lava Cave, Caerleon Mansion, Matryona Ruins, Temple of the Sands and Fortress of Sorrow
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