Will Vikasol stop menstruation? Instructions for the use of Vikasol for uterine bleeding. Who should not take Vikasol

Vikasol is used to stop menstruation if necessary or to delay their onset. The main purpose of this drug is to reduce the amount of blood loss during menstruation. This symptom is characteristic of a number of pathological conditions. It should be understood that the medicine will not help eliminate the cause itself, but is only part general plan treatment.

The hemostatic properties of this drug will help reduce the intensity of discharge, and its use can improve the general condition of the body. This occurs by relieving all the characteristic symptoms of anemia caused by regular heavy menstruation. Women note the disappearance of weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

The drug is an affordable medicine and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But its availability does not mean that you should self-medicate. There are a number of contraindications; if taken uncontrolled, there is a risk of causing various complications (reproductive function or associated with blood stagnation and increased thrombus formation). Therefore, it cannot be used without the appointment of a specialized specialist.

What effect does Vikasol have on the body?

How to take Vikasol

Instructions for using the drug depend on the form in which it enters the body. If an immediate effect is required, intramuscular administration is selected once (1 ampoule) daily.

For heavy periods, Vikasol tablets are prescribed 0.03 g daily. This daily norm corresponds to 2 tablets, which are taken by the patient 1 piece at an equal interval of 12 hours. This scheme allows you to maintain a constant concentration of the main active substance in the body.

Regardless of the method of administration in the body (orally or intramuscularly), it is prohibited to exceed the daily dosage of the drug. If you drink Vikasol more than indicated, then it is possible that side effects. As well as severe complications that are caused by increased thrombus formation.

How to take Vikasol to stop menstruation? Usually, to reduce the volume of secretions, the drug is prescribed in. For a faster effect - in the form of an injection, in other cases - in the form of tablets. The duration of the course is a maximum of 4 days; if your period ends earlier, the drug is discontinued.

If necessary and on the advice of a doctor, you can take the medicine a week before the onset of menstruation, thus achieving the effect of delaying menstruation for several days (sometimes leading to a complete skipping of one cycle). It is not recommended to choose this option if desired simply for personal reasons (for example, so as not to experience certain restrictions during vacation). Side effects and possible complications can be much more dangerous, and results may not be obtained (for example, if a woman has problems with absorption, etc.).

Vikasol's analogs

If Vikasol tablets are ineffective during menstruation or the patient has individual intolerance, you can try analogues of the drug. They are also prescribed by a doctor. Despite the fact that analogue drugs have a similar composition (the same main active ingredient) and mechanism of action, they cannot be replaced independently. For example, Vikasol, although with caution, is used during pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to use some analogues during pregnancy.

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    Vicasol (lat. Vicasol) is a multifunctional medicinal product with the active ingredient Menadione sodium bisulfite. This is a hemogenic drug, an indirect coagulant/hemostatic, it stimulates the formation of a blood clot that stops bleeding. This medicine is also an artificial, water-soluble form of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting.

    What is Vikasol

    It is listed in the pharmacological group of indirect-acting coagulants. The active substance in the composition helps to normalize and increase blood clotting, maintain hemostasis, enhance the production of prothrombin, and play an important role in other physiological mechanisms occurring in the body.

    With its help, you can successfully treat bleeding: hemorrhoidal and uterine, as well as those provoked by surgery or injuries of varying severity. This is due to the fact that menadione sodium bisulfite actively affects the rate of blood clotting, promoting an increase in platelets in it.

    Vikasol is also in demand in gynecology. In particular, it is often prescribed during menstrual cycle in order to make the discharge less long and profuse, to stop or delay menstruation.

    Using the drug to delay menstruation, normalize the amount of blood discharge, adjust the cycle, it is also possible to improve overall well-being these days, minimize the risk of developing anemia, and restore blood reserves.

    Vikasol for menstruation

    The menstrual cycle directly depends on the general condition of the female reproductive system. If the duration critical days is several times higher than the norm, and the intensity of discharge increases each time, Vikasol can become an effective “helper” - with heavy periods, women often take this well-proven drug. Due to the synthesis of prothrombin, the blood thickens and flows less intensely from damaged vessels.

    Vikasol can also relieve the symptoms associated with menstruation - drowsiness, weakness, irritability. What else does it help with and how is it used on menstrual days? Indications for taking the drug during this period are as follows:

    • Heavy menstruation caused by hypertrophy of the uterine mucosa, which occurs with diagnosed endometritis, fibroids or endometriosis.
    • Long periods due to hormonal imbalance.
    • An acute lack of vitamin K in the body, which leads to poor blood clotting and, accordingly, intense discharge.

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    As an additional therapy, doctors prescribe Vikasol for uterine bleeding. But here it is important to understand - in this situation, it simply eliminates the symptom (i.e., reduces the amount of blood lost), but does not cure in any way.

    There are situations in life when one would like to postpone or delay the onset of menstruation, so many women decide to take a pill to delay it. However, doctors strongly recommend not using Vikasol to delay menstruation, as this can be fraught with serious health problems: edema, cycle failure, internal decomposition of the blood.

    Vikasol during pregnancy and lactation

    Vikasol is prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy. As a rule, it is effective in the third trimester as a hemostatic drug in case of abruption or placenta previa. It begins to act 8-12 hours after the woman has taken the pill. It does not have a dangerous effect on the fetus.

    The drug can be used during breastfeeding and given to newborns to prevent bleeding.

    Composition and release form

    Vikasol release form:

    1. Tablets packaged in 10/30 pieces.
    2. Solution for injection (1 ml in ampoules).

    The chemical composition of the drug and the amount of active substance in it vary depending on the release form. Thus, sodium menadione bisulfite contains 15 mg per tablet, and 10 mg per 1 ml ampoule. Thanks to the action of this active component, it becomes possible to use Vikasol to stop menstruation. It has also found application in the treatment of a number of diseases when it is necessary to normalize blood clotting.

    Vikasol tablets

    The drug is available in tablets, 30 pieces per glass jars or 10 - in a blister (3 blisters in a cardboard box).

    If the doctor has prescribed Vikasol for bleeding of one kind or another, the tablets are taken orally up to 3 times a day, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The adult daily dose is up to 30 mg, for children it depends on the age and specifics of the disease. The dosage regimen includes two cycles of 3-4 days with a 4-day break between them. Features of therapy with this medication during menstruation are prescribed individually for each patient.

    Vikasol in ampoules

    Vikasol solution, intended for injection, is available in cardboard boxes with two contour cells containing 5 ampoules.

    Intramuscular injections of the drug are recommended in a volume of 10 to 15 mg/day; for newborns the norm is 4 mg. When performing a surgical operation to prevent bleeding, injections (1-2 doses) are given both intravenously and intramuscularly an hour before it begins.

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    Indications for use

    Main indications for use of the drug:

    • various types of bleeding (nasal, surgical, caused by injuries);
    • menorrhagia;
    • hemorrhagic syndrome;
    • hypovitaminosis of vitamin K against the background of jaundice, hepatitis, prolonged diarrhea, cirrhosis;
    • thrombocytopenic purpura;
    • hemorrhages under the mucous membranes/skin, etc.

    The doctor may prescribe Vikasol in a number of other cases when the causes of bleeding lie in diseases of the duodenum and stomach, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

    Is it possible to use Vikasol to stop menstruation? The issue is quite controversial. During critical days, the product is indicated for use to reduce the volume of discharge; in all other situations, consultation with a gynecologist is required.

    Method and dosage of use

    The conditions of use and the unit/daily dose of the drug depend on the age and health status of the patient, as well as on the prescribed pharmacological form of the drug.

    Comprehensive information about what dosage Vikasol should be taken in will be given by the instructions for use: during menstruation, for example, only the attending physician can select the correct dosage schedule for a woman. For uterine and other bleeding, the daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg when taking the medication in tablet form and 30 mg if the drug is prescribed in the form of injections.

    Drink Vikasol 2-3 times a day without reference to meals, washing down the tablet with plain water.


    If hypersensitivity or allergic reactions in relation to the components of the medication, it is not recommended to take Vikasol; contraindications may be as follows:

    • thromboembolism;
    • hemolytic disease in newborns;
    • thrombosis;
    • hypercoagulability;
    • increased blood clotting.

    The appropriateness of use and the regimen for how to take Vikasol for liver failure, during pregnancy and pregnancy, for stomach diseases and deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, can be determined by the attending doctor.

    Side effects

    Allergic reactions in the form of redness, irritation, severe itching and even hives - side effects Vikasola, they are all temporary. Important! The drug does not cause diseases of internal organs.

    It is extremely rare that Vikasol solution can provoke local side effects: swelling, pain/redness at the injection site.


    Vikasol's analogs

    Good medications include Gaamelis, Contriven, Vilate, Octanan. According to their mechanism of action/composition, they can replace Vikasol; these analogues are in demand and effective, but each of them has its own treatment regimen and achievement of the final result. That is why it is not worth replacing one medication with another without a medical prescription.

    or make them less intense. But, like any medicine, it must be taken according to certain rules. What do Vikasol instructions for use during menstruation look like?

    The drug Vikasol is a stimulator of the production of an important protein in the blood, prothrombin, which promotes blood clotting. Essentially, it is a medicine that stops or reduces different types bleeding, including menstrual bleeding. Therefore, it is often prescribed for heavy periods to reduce their intensity.

    Participates in the process of synthesizing new elements of biological fluid - stabilizes the general condition of the body, relieves fatigue, and prevents the development of anemia.

    Instructions for use during heavy periods

    Not all women understand exactly what Vikasol is and what this drug helps with. The medicine can be taken in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. With the first option, the active substance begins to work after 12 hours, and with the second, almost immediately after administration.

    Most often it is prescribed if unusually heavy menstruation has begun. It can be triggered by:

    • fibroids formed in the ovary;
    • diseases of the uterine mucosa – endometritis and endometriosis;
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • inability of the uterus to contract;
    • lack of vitamin K;
    • poor blood clotting.

    In these cases, Vikasol is prescribed, but you need to understand that it does not eliminate the causes of heavy bleeding. The medicine helps to increase the platelet content in the blood, making it clot faster.

    Effect of Vikasol during menstruation

    Self-administration of the drug is not the most best idea. It can help some, be useless for others, and even harm others.

    The active substance works best if heavy discharge is caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. In many other cases, Vikasol tablets during menstruation can begin to act effectively only after 12-24 hours, and during this time you can lose a lot of blood. This is especially true in cases where we are not talking about heavy menstruation, but about uterine bleeding.

    If you do not consult a gynecologist on how to take Vikasol, you can not only become a victim of side effects, but also lead to serious disorders in the body.

    How to take Vikasol during menstruation

    Instructions for use of Vikasol during menstruation depend on the form in which the medication was prescribed. The amount of active substance that can be taken per day is 60 mg. These are two tablets or one intramuscular injection. Tablets are usually prescribed before meals, twice a day, 7 days before the expected period, but the doctor can adjust the distribution daily dose. You can take the medicine continuously for no longer than 4 days in a row.

    It is important to remember that the medicine does not work immediately. Therefore, there is no need to try to do this by taking a loading dose.

    Using the drug in excess of the norm threatens the formation of blood clots, hormonal and menstrual disruption. Blood whose movement has been stopped accumulates in the body and can cause the development of an inflammatory process, swelling and internal decomposition of the blood.

    Similar problems are often observed in women who have used a stopping drug to delay the onset of their periods for personal reasons. After such experiments, the menstrual cycle can take a long time to recover and be accompanied by problems in the reproductive system.

    Indications for Vikasol during menstruation

    The indications for prescribing Vikasol are usually as follows:

    • hemorrhagic syndrome due to hypoprothrombinemia;
    • blood loss after injury, trauma or surgery;
    • lack of vitamin K.

    The latter often occurs if a woman has had jaundice, has suffered from diarrhea for a long time, or has cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis.

    The use of this medicine has been proven to be highly effective for uterine bleeding and hemorrhagic disease in infants. It is prescribed in case of overdose of drugs that destabilize the amount of vitamin K in the body.

    If Vikasol is not used, analogues of this remedy are Dicynon, Etamzilat, Kontriven, Tranexam, Vilate.

    They prefer to work with Dicynon and Etamsylate during operations. But analogues also have a number of contraindications. They should not be taken for thrombosis, porphyria and bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants. Also, unlike Vikasol, some analogues cannot be used during pregnancy.


    Vikasol during heavy periods should not be taken by those suffering from:

    • thrombosis;
    • predisposition or presence of thromboembolism;
    • high blood clotting rate;
    • hypercoagulability;
    • atherosclerosis.

    As already mentioned, the excess daily norm can cause the development of many pathologies, so you should not violate the rules of administration. The use of this medicine is considered useless if a woman has von Willebrand disease and Verhoff disease or hemophilia.

    Side effects

    Severe side effects can occur even if the medicine is not abused. This is one of the reasons to carefully consider the need to take it. A third of women who took Vikasol suffer from side effects. It can be:

    • hives;
    • severe itching and redness of the skin;
    • allergic rashes;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • destabilization of liver function;
    • hemolytic anemia;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • red spots on the face;
    • swelling and cramping in asthma sufferers;
    • change in taste perception.

    Due to the risk of side effects and improper absorption of the drug by the body, its use should be monitored by a doctor. During the treatment process, monitoring blood clotting is a necessary aspect.


    Vikasol is a drug that is quite effective when it is necessary to reduce menstruation or stop bleeding completely. But its effectiveness does not apply to all cases and the drug does not work immediately after use. Therefore, an independent decision to take this medicine when bleeding is detected may be erroneous. Also, you should not use the medication as a way to delay the onset of your period for several days. Such amateur activities can lead to serious functional disorders of the reproductive system and the body as a whole.

    The female reproductive system is extremely sensitive to various disturbances in the functioning of the body. Failure of the menstrual cycle is a kind of alarm signal that requires you to find out the reason why it occurred as soon as possible.

    What is the menstrual cycle

    The concepts should not be confused menstrual cycle And menstruation.

    1. Menstrual cycle- This is a continuously repeating process with stages, occurring in a woman’s body under the influence of hormones and aimed at conceiving a child.
    2. Menstruation (periods)– periodic bleeding from the vagina, resulting from rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle.

    The menstrual cycle is considered normal lasting from 21 to 35 days. Normal duration of menstruation– 3-7 days.

    The normal volume of discharge during menstruation ranges from 10 to 80 ml. Any deviation from these numbers may be a symptom of a serious illness.

    What causes changes in the menstrual cycle

      The cycle may be disrupted in the following cases:
    • Failure in work endocrine system(pathologies of the gonads, diseases of the thyroid gland, pathologies of the adrenal glands, dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system).
    • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
    • Immunodeficiency states.
    • Stress.
    • Tumor lesions of the genital organs.
    • Sudden weight change.
    • Obesity or anorexia.
    • Side effects of medications.
    • Pregnancy or menopause.

    Hypermenorrhea– heavy menstruation, in which the amount of menstrual fluid exceeds 80 ml. Many women feel uncomfortable because of this, but try to cope on their own. However, you should not blindly follow the advice on the forums.

    Remember: any disorder of the menstrual cycle indicates a disruption in the functioning of the body. It needs to be found and treated, and not just relieved of symptoms. Particularly dangerous are uterine bleeding, which requires mandatory treatment. medical care and can be fatal.

    Women often use the drug Vikasol to stop menstruation. This is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K intended for the treatment of hemorrhagic syndrome. This medicine has proven its effectiveness, but has many contraindications and is strictly not recommended for use without a doctor’s prescription.

    In addition to trying to stop menstruation, women take Vikasol during heavy periods, trying to reduce the amount of discharge. It is also undesirable to self-prescribe the drug for these purposes.

    Vikasol is strictly contraindicated in patients who have hypersensitivity to menadione, suffer from increased coagulation, or have a history of thromboembolism.

    Vikasol instructions for use during menstruation

    If the situation is critical and for some reason you cannot this moment consult a doctor, take the drug strictly according to the instructions and do not exceed the maximum permissible doses.

    1. Maximum dosages for tablet form: single dose – 30 mg, daily dose – 60 mg.
    2. Maximum dosages of solution for injection: single dose – 15 mg, daily dose – 30 mg.

    The choice of how to take Vikasol during menstruation is at the discretion of the patient, but preference is given to tablets as a more convenient and safe form.

    Vikasol for menstruation reviews

    Most women evaluate the drug Vikasol as an effective remedy, but they say that the effect occurs within a day after entering the body. To delay the onset of the cycle, they recommend starting to take the drug three days before the expected first day of menstruation, in no case exceeding the maximum daily dose.

    In some patients, after successfully delaying the cycle for several days, the discharge drags on for several weeks, leading to significant blood loss.

    It is strictly forbidden to use it yourself this method more than twice a year and with a break of less than six months. After taking Vikasol, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited for a week.

    Some women are able to reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation. They take one tablet in the morning on the last, first and second day of the cycle. About a third of patients report side effects.

    It may take years to treat irregular menstrual cycles due to improper use of Vikasol. Before using the drug, consultation with a gynecologist is required.

    Vikasol for menstruation price

    1. Price Vikasol tablets averages 8 UAH / 20 rubles.
    2. Solution for injection in ampoules will cost 35 UAH / 95 rubles.

    pharmachologic effect

    Vikasol has a hemostatic effect due to the participation of vitamin K in the synthesis of blood coagulation factors - II (prothrombin), VII, IX, X, proteins C, S and Z. Promotes thrombus formation.

    The drug is absorbed in the intestine, enters the blood and reversibly binds to plasma proteins. Accumulates in the myocardium, spleen and liver. Transformed into vitamin K2 in the myocardium, skeletal muscles and kidneys. Metabolites are excreted in the urine.

    Side effects

      Taking Vikasol can lead to the following side effects:
    • hyperemia (redness) of the face;
    • skin rash like urticaria;
    • bronchospasm;
    • increased levels of bilirubin in the blood and resulting jaundice;
    • dizziness;
    • transient decrease in blood pressure;
    • increased sweating;
    • increased heart rate.

    Most girls face the problem of painful periods. This phenomenon has many reasons, among which are the fast pace of life, the environmental situation and inattention to one’s own health. Modern medicine provides a huge number of drugs with which you can ensure maximum comfortable well-being during menstrual bleeding and normalize the functioning of the whole body. Quite often they use Vikasol during menstruation, and reviews about this medicine confirm its effectiveness.

    This drug is an analogue of vitamin K, which ensures proper blood clotting, only it is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. That is why Vikasol is considered a hemostatic agent. It is used to reduce bleeding, thereby increasing blood clotting.

    Vikasol is periodically used in gynecology to reduce the duration of menstruation. If you take the drug regularly, you can make your periods quite scanty. But it must be borne in mind that Vikasol cannot completely stop menstruation: it simply acts in such a way as to make menstruation as short as possible.

    Vikasol for menstruation: instructions for use

    To obtain the desired effect, you must take Vikasol at least 5 days before the onset of your critical days, because the medicine does not act instantly, but a week after use.

    The drug is available in tablets, maybe in ampoules. Inside the ampoules there is exactly 1 ml of a special 1% solution.

    Indications for use

    It is known that Vikasol is taken not only during menstruation, and its spectrum of action is quite wide. So, this drug is prescribed if the following pathologies are identified:

    • jaundice;
    • thrombocytopenic purpura;
    • the occurrence of bleeding in people suffering from ulcers (stomach or duodenum);
    • capillary or parenchymal bleeding;
    • recurrent nosebleeds or hemorrhoids;
    • radiation sickness.

    Reviews from women say that Vikasol is often prescribed to expectant mothers who are in the last trimester of pregnancy to prevent the possibility of bleeding in the child.

    Vikasol is sometimes given to newborns suffering from hemorrhagic disease. It is also prescribed before the onset of puberty or during the premenopausal period, for uterine bleeding of a dysfunctional or juvenile nature.

    It is advisable to take Vikasol also for the following pathologies:

    • during bleeding occurring in septic diseases;
    • with poor blood clotting;
    • if anticoagulants are prescribed: Phenilin, vitamin K, Neodicoumarin, as well as other drugs that have a similar effect;
    • for tuberculosis.

    Based on patient reviews, we can conclude that using tablets or injections of this drug during Werlhof's disease or hemophilia is unlikely to obtain the desired effect.

    How to take the drug?

    The tablets should be taken orally immediately after meals, twice a day, a week before the expected start of menstruation. If you use an injection solution, it must be used intramuscularly.

    When using Vikasol during menstruation, always leave the instructions for use in plain sight so as not to confuse the dosage. Remember: only a specialist can prescribe the drug itself and the dosage.

    It is better not to try to self-medicate, because the blood that should come out during menstruation needs to go somewhere. And if it does not come out naturally, it will remain in the body and decompose inside.

    Who should not take Vikasol?

    This drug is prohibited for people who have increased blood clotting, as well as those who suffer from thromboembolism. Vikasol may have a negative effect on people who are hypersensitive to menadione.

    What side effects can the drug cause?

    According to experts, the following side effects of Vikasol can be identified:

    • rash on the skin;
    • hives;
    • erythema;
    • bronchial spasms;
    • hypervitaminosis, due to which the amount of prothrombin, thrombin, and bilirubin increases;
    • convulsions in children due to toxicosis.

    All patients who independently decided to try this drug leave a wide variety of reviews. However, most reviews about taking Vikasol during menstruation are still positive.

    Women say that this remedy works quite quickly and effectively. And experts warn that when using Vikasol during menstruation, you must take into account the dosage and not self-medicate, because otherwise negative consequences may occur.

    When going on vacation to the sea or just swimming in the pool and knowing that menstruation is about to begin, it is better not to use Vikasol, but simply postpone such water treatments. Of course, by taking this drug, you can minimize the amount of blood, but the body will certainly react to such interference in the performance of its natural physiological functions. Reviews from some women and doctors say that sometimes gynecological diseases that arise after using Vikasol have to be treated much longer than regular periods last. Accept medications only after the appointment of a treating specialist and be healthy!

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