How to draw a straight oval. Oval. Definition of an oval and methods for constructing it. Draw a ball and a hemisphere

Look at Fig. 92. It shows a frontal dimetric projection of a cube with circles inscribed in its faces.

Circles located on planes perpendicular to the x and z axes are represented by ellipses. The front face of the cube, perpendicular to the y-axis, is projected without distortion, and the circle located on it is depicted without distortion, i.e., described by a compass. Therefore, the frontal dimetric projection is convenient for depicting objects with curvilinear outlines, such as those shown in Fig. 93.

Construction of a frontal dimetric projection of a flat part with a cylindrical hole. The frontal dimetric projection of a flat part with a cylindrical hole is performed as follows.

1. Construct the outline of the front face of the part using a compass (Fig. 94, a).

2. Straight lines are drawn through the centers of the circle and arcs parallel to the y-axis, on which half the thickness of the part is laid. The centers of the circle and arcs located on the rear surface of the part are obtained (Fig. 94, b). From these centers a circle and arcs are drawn, the radii of which must be equal to the radii of the circle and arcs of the front face.

3. Draw tangents to the arcs. Remove excess lines and outline the visible contour (Fig. 94, c).

Isometric projections of circles. A square in isometric projection is projected into a rhombus. Circles inscribed in squares, for example, located on the faces of a cube (Fig. 95), are depicted as ellipses in an isometric projection. In practice, ellipses are replaced by ovals, which are drawn with four arcs of circles.

Construction of an oval inscribed in a rhombus.

1. Construct a rhombus with a side equal to the diameter of the depicted circle (Fig. 96, a). To do this, the isometric axes x and y are drawn through point O and segments equal to the radius of the depicted circle are laid on them from point O. Through points a, w, c and d, draw straight lines parallel to the axes; get a rhombus. The major axis of the oval is located on the major diagonal of the rhombus.

2. Fit an oval into the rhombus. To do this, arcs of radius R are drawn from the vertices of obtuse angles (points A and B), equal to the distance from the vertex of the obtuse angle (points A and B) to points a, b or c, d, respectively. Straight lines are drawn through points B and a, B and b (Fig. 96, b); the intersection of these lines with the larger diagonal of the rhombus gives points C and D, which will be the centers of the minor arcs; the radius R 1 of small arcs is equal to Ca (Db). Arcs of this radius conjugate the large arcs of the oval. This is how an oval is built, lying in a plane perpendicular to the z axis (oval 1 in Fig. 95). Ovals located in planes perpendicular to the x (oval 3) and y (oval 2) axes are constructed in the same way as oval 1, only the construction of oval 3 is carried out on the y and z axes (Fig. 97, a), and ovals 2 (see Fig. 95) - on the x and z axes (Fig. 97, b).

Constructing an isometric projection of a part with a cylindrical hole.

How to apply the discussed constructions in practice?

An isometric projection of the part is given (Fig. 98, a). It is necessary to draw a through cylindrical hole drilled perpendicular to the front face.

The construction is carried out as follows.

1. Find the position of the center of the hole on the front face of the part. Isometric axes are drawn through the found center. (To determine their direction, it is convenient to use the image of a cube in Fig. 95.) On the axes from the center, segments equal to the radius of the depicted circle are laid (Fig. 98, a).

2. Construct a rhombus, the side of which is equal to the diameter of the depicted circle; draw a large diagonal of the rhombus (Fig. 98, b).

3. Describe large oval arcs; find centers for small arcs (Fig. 98, c).

4. Draw small arcs (Fig. 98, d).

5. Construct the same oval on the back face of the part and draw tangents to both ovals (Fig. 98, e).

Answer the questions

1. What figures are depicted in the frontal dimetric projection of circles located on planes perpendicular to the x and y axes?

2. Is a circle distorted in a frontal dimetric projection if its plane is perpendicular to the y-axis?

3. When depicting what parts is it convenient to use frontal dimetric projection?

4. What figures are used to represent circles in an isometric projection located on planes perpendicular to the x, y, z axes?

5. What figures in practice replace ellipses depicting circles in isometric projection?

6. What elements does the oval consist of?

7. What are the diameters of the circles depicted as ovals inscribed in rhombuses in Fig. 95 if the sides of these rhombuses are 40 mm?

Tasks for § 13 and 14

Exercise 42

In Fig. 99 axes are drawn to construct three rhombuses representing squares in an isometric projection. Look at Fig. 95 and write down on which face of the cube - the top, right side or left side will be located each rhombus, built on the axes given in Fig. 99. Which axis (x, y or z) will the plane of each rhombus be perpendicular to?

In this lesson you will find a step-by-step drawing diagram consisting of 9 steps dedicated to how to draw an Oval correctly.

Step 1. We draw a vertical and a horizontal that intersect at right angles of 90 degrees. At the top of the vertical we place a notch and measure the distance from it to the center. Depending on where you place the tick mark, the size of the final ellipse will depend. We put the resulting distance down vertically and put another notch. We perform the same actions for the horizontal. But here we set aside two such distances in each direction. We split the extreme horizontal segments approximately in half and also put serifs.

Step 2. We connect the extreme serifs on the vertical and horizontal with straight lines, obtaining the shape of a rhombus.

Step 3. Using the other two notches on the horizontal line, draw two verticals until they intersect with the sides of the rhombus. This way we get four auxiliary points, one on each side of the diamond.

Step 4. Through the center and auxiliary points obtained in the last step, we will draw two inclined straight lines that will be parallel to the sides of the rhombus.

Step 5. Using the two remaining serifs, we will draw two more verticals until they intersect with the inclined lines obtained in the previous step.

Step 6. We'll use an arc to draw part of an oval.

Step 7 We will complete the first quarter of the figure with the second arc.

Step 8 By analogy with the 6th and 7th steps, we build the upper right and lower left quarters of the oval.

Step 9 In the final step, the last lower quarter is built. After you erase all the extra lines you should get a regular symmetrical oval.

At this stage, the lesson on how to draw an Oval is correctly completed. Now you have learned how to draw an oval correctly. We wish you creative success!

How to draw (draw) an oval

How to draw or draw an oval?

For an artist, the ability to draw an oval beautifully and correctly is extremely important. When planning to write this article, I first read on the Internet what they say about drawing ovals, so as not to repeat myself.

By the way, let's not confuse an oval with an ellipse. They are similar, but they are not the same thing. We will look at the ellipse in the topic “perspective of a circle.”

But about the oval I will say this: the methods of drawing an oval are varied and complex. And it is also important for what purpose we need to draw an oval.

If an oval template is required for design work, then I do it in this cunning way. I trace a round object twice with a pencil and connect these circles by hand with arcs.

You can use a compass, but I always take the opportunity to develop my eye.

If the hand is as true as an Indian's, then the figure is quite satisfactory.

It’s another matter if an oval is needed for a drawing. For example, you painted a “turtle” coloring book and want to draw the same one according to the example. And not with the help of tracing paper or transferring through window glass, but just by drawing (drawing) a beautiful, even oval.

Children of any age tend to draw an oval in one fell swoop - crookedly and tilted to the right. But drawing such a complex figure is a serious geometric construction.

Let's draw a vertical axis and a horizontal one perpendicular to it.

If we draw using a ruler, then we check with a square whether the angles are really right. If we draw by hand, then we need to rotate the picture to evaluate it from different points of view. From the point of intersection of the axes, we measure segments of the same length in both directions horizontally - the width of the oval and vertically - the height of the oval. First, slowly and very beautifully draw the first curved line limiting one of the four sectors. Here you have to rely on your sense of harmony. We draw the next line symmetrically, again carefully monitoring the symmetry and accuracy of the dimensions. Having decided on the sketch of the oval, we erase the extra lines and outline the one we need:

Here, comrades, there are many pitfalls: usually children are in a hurry. Or, busy drawing out details, they do not see the whole. As with squaring a circle, the temptation is very strong to draw either a rhombus or a rectangle with rounded corners.

So I repeat again: drawing or drawing an oval is not so easy . I believe that it makes sense to study such a topic no earlier than the second grade. Yes. And methodically develop the skill of drawing an oval before taking on topics like “pattern in an oval” for Easter, or “Ladybug” or “human face”. However, the human face is a very, very complex topic; honestly, it’s better not to take it on before third grade. And master “Portrait of a Mother” by storm in kindergarten– this may unjustifiably exceed the capabilities of children. Even the most simplified picture - the canon of the structure of the human face looks like this:

Can you imagine? We need to grow into such constructions.

Marina Novikova shared her tips on how to draw an oval and her thoughts on at what age children are ready for such geometric constructions.

What do you think about this? Please write in the comments. Your opinion is important and very interesting to me.

For more on the topic of geometric constructions, read:

How to draw with a ruler

How to draw a wave pattern

Hatching Sun

How to draw a star

Read also:


Marina Novikova

How to draw an oval yourself quickly and beautifully

An oval is a geometric figure that is used to display individual parts of interior items, draw animals and much more. Many people are interested in how to draw an oval correctly by hand.

How to draw an oval yourself correctly

In order for the drawing to turn out beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to correctly and accurately draw all its elements. However, not everyone knows how to make an ellipse by hand correctly and beautifully.

To make an ellipse, you need to take:

  • album sheet;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • eraser.

Initially, you need to draw a rhombus in the middle of the sheet, all sides of which will be equal, and the opposite sides will be parallel. The rhombus should be such that an oval of the required size fits well into it. Then you need to fit an oval into the resulting diamond. After this, the diamond must be erased with a pencil.

Draw an oval evenly and beautifully

To make geometric shapes look great, you need to know how to draw an oval with a compass in a few minutes. To make an ellipse using a compass, you need to take:

  • album sheet;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • thread;
  • pins.

To draw an ellipse beautifully, you must initially draw two straight lines that will be perpendicular. Place the point of the compass at the intersection of the two lines and then draw a circle.

The diameter of such a circle will correspond to the width of the ellipse. Then, leaving the compass in the same place, you need to draw a slightly larger circle to get the length of the ellipse. Then you need to connect the two circles, erasing the extra lines. Thus, you will get a beautiful and even oval, from which you can then draw various animals and birds. Knowing how to draw an oval by hand, you can make very beautiful and original drawings without much difficulty.

How to Draw a Guinea Pig Based on an Oval

Drawings of animals and birds drawn from simple geometric shapes look very interesting. Many people are interested in what they can draw from an oval with their children.

Using an oval you can quickly and beautifully draw a guinea pig. To make a drawing, you need to draw two ovals in horizontal position, one of which will be slightly smaller than the other.

One oval should intersect with another, and then the outer corners formed when the two shapes intersect should be closed with lines. This will create the neck of the animal. In the center of a small oval you need to draw a point, from which you will then get an eye.

After this, you need to draw small ears at the top of the small oval. When everything is ready, you should draw the guinea pig's paws. It is worth considering that the front legs should be slightly shorter than the hind legs and almost invisible.

When everything is completely drawn, the extra lines can be erased, and then you need to color the guinea pig, making the animal spotted.

Knowing how to draw an oval, you can make a very beautiful drawings animals and birds.

How to draw an oval. | Blog fayaaaa

When making complex, multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings, it often becomes necessary to make an oval. It can look like a cutout on a plasterboard ceiling, or it can go down one tier below; in any case, to make an oval on the ceiling, you first need to draw it. This is not a circle that can be drawn using a homemade compass from a profile. To draw an oval, you need more complex calculations and knowledge of geometry. Basically, there are two types of ovals. Correct and incorrect. It is almost impossible to distinguish them by eye.

The first way is how to draw an oval.

An irregular oval can be drawn by fitting it into a rhombus. To do this, in the right place, draw the coordinate axes and draw an equilateral rhombus of the size we need. Now we draw two arcs with the center in two opposite corners of the rhombus. The radius of this arc can be calculated as follows. From the top of the rhombus we lower perpendiculars to two opposite sides of the rhombus. The length of these perpendiculars is the radius of the arcs we need. In the figure, the perpendiculars are drawn in black, and the resulting arcs are drawn in blue.

We do the same with the opposite vertex of the rhombus. At the intersection points of the perpendiculars, we get two more centers for constructing the two remaining arcs. The radius of these arcs (drawn in red in the figure) will not be difficult to measure when all the necessary lines have already been drawn.

The second way to draw an oval

If you need a less precise (approximate) figure, then you can draw an oval using a thread, two screws and a pencil. To do this, you will need to find the so-called oval focuses. These are exactly the points relative to which we drew the last two arcs. In the picture above, they are shown in red. We screw two self-tapping screws into these focal points and tie a thread to them. The thread needs to be chosen so that it does not stretch. The length of the thread is equal to the larger size of the oval. Now everything is simple, stretch the thread with a pencil and draw an oval.

Of course, you won’t be able to draw a clear oval in this way, the thread stretches, and it’s difficult to hold the pencil straight. This oval will have to be adjusted a little. If the oval is large, then even those who know about them will not see the errors. If it’s small, then it’s better to draw an oval using a compass.

How to draw a circle in perspective

The question is important not only for beginners, but sometimes also for experienced artists. Understanding how to draw a circle correctly in perspective, we can draw a huge number of objects, not just pots and plates.
In general, a short summary: usually we rarely see round objects from the front. For example a plate like this

we see much less often than this.

Therefore, we need to understand how to correctly depict a plate in a perspective horizontal plane. There is a simple diagram for this.

The most important thing is on the left. We see ovals and the horizon line, relative to which we usually draw all objects. At the level of the horizon line, the oval either turns into a line or becomes very narrow. The higher or lower, the rounder the oval becomes, all the lines that are closer to us according to the law of perspective will be thicker, everything further away will be thinner. If the oval is much lower than the level of vision, it can become almost round. This can be seen very clearly by taking a roll of tape, your ideal medium for practicing this skill. We raise the skein to eye level - ideally we will see a rectangle, raise it higher and lower and immediately see clearly all the changes.

In the vertical plane, the story is absolutely the same, only the diagram must be turned 90 degrees.

Thus, all plates and pots become subject to us, we look at the previous picture of the plate, taking into account new knowledge.

You can draw another oval to show the thickness of the plate, the final result depends on your observation skills. The skill of drawing ovals is very well trained in detailed drawing of simple objects; the same roll of tape, for example, works great at first.

There is another common mistake when drawing ovals. Many people draw two arcs instead of an oval. This should not be allowed, even if your oval is very narrow; we always draw roundings in the corners.

Over time, you will become great at finding perspective in almost any object.

Well, after you get tired of circles, you can try drawing squares - the principle is the same. There is indeed a nuance with the vanishing point, but more on that another time.

I hope you no longer have problems with the circle in perspective and your drawings will be correct and accurate. In addition to this post, you can also see exercises for mastering a tablet that will help you quickly draw beautiful, even ovals, circles and other geometric shapes.

How to draw regular ovals

“No fish or sausages! We need to draw the correct ovals! »

This is exactly what my teacher, Sergei Ivanovich Poluychik, said when he looked at our first still lifes. Thanks to this phrase, I immediately remembered what regular ovals should look like when constructing cylindrical shapes.

So, let's get acquainted with fish, sausages, and regular ovals.

FISH- an irregular oval with sharp corners.

An oval is a circle that lies on a plane, so no matter from which side we look, it cannot have sharp corners.

SAUSAGE- an incorrectly drawn oval with parallel sides.

Once again, just to remember: an oval is a circle on a plane; a circle has no parallel sides.

CORRECT OVAL, without sharp corners and parallel sides.

Following the rules of perspective, the far part of the oval is drawn smaller (red line), the one closest to the viewer is drawn larger (blue line in the figure).

Almost all cylindrical and cone-shaped shapes (jugs, jars, vases, bottles, mugs, etc.) are drawn according to the same pattern. Here, using this jug as an example, we will analyze step by step this diagram of drawing cylindrical bodies.

The entire construction is done with light, barely noticeable lines so that you don’t have to erase with an eraser, since erasing deteriorates the top layer of paper. Both the paint in a painting and the strokes in a drawing fall unevenly onto the paper after erasing.

Determine the place of the object on the sheet. We draw a central center line to construct the jug.

We determine the location of the center lines for constructing the ovals. That is, using the sighting method, we clarify the proportions and sizes between the centers of the ovals of the jug. Let's draw these lines.

Using sighting we determine the size of the ovals. We set this size aside with a pencil, mark equal segments from the point of intersection of the center lines.

We set aside the width points of the ovals.

When noting these dimensions, do not forget about the rules of perspective: the side of the oval that is farther from us will be a little smaller, which means that the one that is closer to us will be larger.

We also remember that the lower the oval is at eye level, the more it wants to become a circle.

Finally, we draw the ovals of our cylindrical object.

Connecting extreme points ovals and our jug ​​is almost ready.

All that remains is to finish drawing the handle and nose. When drawing a handle and a nose, we try to remember that they are usually opposite each other, that is, on the same line.


This is what the construction of the jug will look like if we place it higher than the one whose construction we analyzed.

This is how the construction of the jug will look if the upper edge of the jug is at eye level, so we depict it as a line. But the bottom of the jug is below eye level, so in order to see the bottom line, we build an oval for the bottom. draw a jug above eye level

This is how the construction of the jug will look if its middle coincides with the line of the eyes. Top part the jug will be above the eye line - draw an oval, which will have the top line closer to us. The bottom of the jug turns out to be slightly below eye level, so we build a regular oval. But! If the jug (vase) is located far from the viewer (artist), then both the top edge and the bottom line will be drawn with a simple straight line, as if they were at eye level. Beginning artists very often make mistakes when constructing ovals, which spoils the impression of the whole picture as a whole.

How to draw an oval?

There are many ways to draw an oval. The article presents the two simplest options: how to draw an oval using a compass, pencil and ruler, without using patterns.

Drawing an oval using a rhombus

  • Before constructing an oval, it is necessary to draw an equilateral rhombus located with a larger diagonal horizontally.
  • From the top vertex of the rhombus, draw two segments that will bisect the lower sides of the rhombus. From the other vertex of the rhombus, which is visually located below, also draw two similar segments. The result will be four triangles: on the left and on the right.
  • At the intersection of each pair of triangles, a point should be marked - it is at this point that the leg of the compass should be placed and the arced side walls of the oval should be drawn.
  • Using a compass, draw the missing sides of the oval from the bottom and top from the vertices that were used to draw the segments.

This method is good for those who have wondered: how to draw an oval with a compass?

Ovals are a very common element in still lifes. And still life, in turn, is a favorite theme for novice artists - motionless nature. If the oval is drawn correctly, then the entire drawing looks stable and correct. So how to draw an oval is easy?

General approach.

To know how to draw an oval correctly, you need to understand academic drawing, perspective, and vanishing points. This is for those who want to become professionals and study the subject in depth.

And now I’ll tell you about a simplified method that gives good results.

And, if you are wondering how to teach a child to draw an oval, check out this method.

How to draw an oval. Draw an oval in 4 steps.

  1. Let's take a simple figure of rotation with a diameter that is the same throughout its entire height - a cylinder.
How to draw an oval

Let's construct a drawing template and draw an auxiliary line v - the axis of rotation.

The upper and lower lines limiting the height of the cylinder will be denoted by f and h, respectively.

The task is to draw ovals at the top and bottom of the cylinder.

  1. To simplify, we assume that our eyes are above the cylinder - this is the most common view of the depicted object. Then (remember!)

This means that the upper oval will be slightly narrower than the lower one.

Draw the top oval:

On the axis of rotation v we mark the distance to the point of the upper circle closest to us, as we see it on the object. This is point A.

A little, but already. It's because of perspective. Therefore, on the same line v we mark the point farthest from us - point B, but the distance from straight line f to it will be slightly less than to point A.

How to draw an oval

Now we have 4 extreme points of the oval and can draw it. Let's just do one more thing - put brackets on the sides of the oval.

This is so that we do not have the opportunity to draw a “fish eye” instead of a figure that is round along the entire length.

  1. Let's move on to the lower oval. Everything is exactly the same there, with the difference that the distance along the v axis to the straight line h of the near and far points will be greater than that of the upper oval. And, at the same time, the back remains shorter than the front. We put brackets and describe the lower oval.
  1. And this is what the visible cylinder turned out to be:
How to draw an oval

All other options:

Different diameter of rotation according to the height of the object

Eye level below or at the height of the object

do not change the principle of construction - the oval widens as it moves away from the eye and becomes narrower back oval compared to the front.

How to draw an oval

And in conclusion.

These simple techniques show you how to draw an oval, and their use will make your drawings more convincing.

If you teach this to your children and grandchildren, then their drawings of cups, vases, and jugs will be the best in the class. This will increase their interest in drawing and increase their authority in the eyes of their classmates.

You can draw ovals of different sizes using a computer, but you can often have problems printing large drawings on a printer if the oval is larger than the sheet that can be fed into the printer.

Therefore, it is useful to learn how to draw ellipses directly on blanks (or a piece of cardboard, plywood, hardboard to make a template). A simple compass from scraps (Fig. 2) will help you construct any ellipse, as shown in the photo above, and it is not at all difficult.

Decide on the sizes

First of all, you should determine the mine (major axis) and width (minor axis) of your ellipse (Figure 1). As a rule, ellipses have pleasant shapes, in which the length of the minor axis is from half to two-thirds of the length of the major axis. Draw these axes on the workpiece so that they intersect the floor at a right angle (photo on the right). We traced the axes on strips of masking tape placed on the backboard to keep the surface clean.

Make a compass

Take a strip of hardboard or other material about 3 mm thick and 25 mm wide. The length of the strip is approximately three quarters of the major axis of the ellipse. Drill a hole at one end for the tip of a pencil (Fig. 2). Taking measurements from this hole to the other end, place a point at a distance equal to half the width of the ellipse (dimension A in the figure), and another point at a distance equal to half the length (dimension B). Drive small finishing nails at both points so that the tips protrude from the bottom.

Draw an ellipse with your own hands

Using double-sided tape, attach a large carpenter's square to the workpiece, aligning it with the axes of the ellipse (photo at the beginning of the article).

Place a compass on top so that the tips of the nails rest against the edges of the square, as shown in the photo. Insert the pencil into the hole and move it along with the compass, keeping the nails in constant contact with the square. Having drawn the first quarter of the ellipse, move the square to the next quadrant and continue marking until the contour is completed. When cutting an ellipse, leave a small allowance on the outside, and then sand the edges down to the line to create a smooth outline.

Quick tip!

It is more convenient to draw small ellipses using ready-made templates sold in office supply stores. They are available in different versions, usually several sizes on one template.

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"No fish or sausages! You have to draw the right ovals!"

This is exactly what my teacher, Sergei Ivanovich Poluychik, said when he looked at our first still lifes. Thanks to this phrase, I immediately remembered what regular ovals should look like when constructing cylindrical shapes.

So, let's get acquainted with fish, sausages, and regular ovals.

FISH- irregular oval with sharp corners.

An oval is a circle that lies on a plane, so no matter from which side we look, it cannot have sharp corners.

SAUSAGE- an incorrectly drawn oval with parallel sides.

Once again, just to remember: an oval is a circle on a plane; a circle has no parallel sides.

CORRECT OVAL, without sharp corners and parallel sides.

Following the rules of perspective, the far part of the oval is drawn smaller (red line), the one closest to the viewer is drawn larger (blue line in the figure).

Almost all cylindrical and cone-shaped shapes (jugs, jars, vases, bottles, mugs, etc.) are drawn according to the same pattern. Here, using this jug as an example, we will analyze step by step this diagram of drawing cylindrical bodies.

The entire construction is done with light, barely noticeable lines so that you don’t have to erase with an eraser, since erasing deteriorates the top layer of paper. Both the paint in a painting and the strokes in a drawing fall unevenly onto the paper after erasing.

Determine the place of the object on the sheet. We draw a central center line to construct the jug.

We determine the location of the center lines for constructing the ovals. That is, using the sighting method, we clarify the proportions and sizes between the centers of the ovals of the jug. Let's draw these lines.

Using sighting we determine the size of the ovals. We set this size aside with a pencil, mark equal segments from the point of intersection of the center lines.

We set aside the width points of the ovals.

When noting these dimensions, we do not forget about the rules of perspective: the side of the oval that is further from us will be a little smaller, which means that the one that is closer to us will be larger.

We also remember that the lower the oval is at eye level, the more it wants to become a circle.

Finally, we draw the ovals of our cylindrical object.

We connect the extreme points of the ovals and our jug ​​is almost ready.

All that remains is to finish drawing the handle and nose. When drawing a handle and a nose, we try to remember that they are usually opposite each other, that is, on the same line.


This is what the construction of the jug will look like if we place it higher than the one whose construction we analyzed.

This is how the construction of the jug will look if the upper edge of the jug is at eye level, so we depict it as a line. But the bottom of the jug is below eye level, so in order to see the bottom line, we build an oval for the bottom. draw a jug above eye level

This is how the construction of the jug will look if its middle coincides with the line of the eyes. The top of the jug will be above the eye line - draw an oval, which will have the top line closer to us. The bottom of the jug turns out to be slightly below eye level, so we build a regular oval. But! If the jug (vase) is located far from the viewer (artist), then both the top edge and the bottom line will be drawn with a simple straight line, as if they were at eye level. Beginning artists very often make mistakes when constructing ovals, which spoils the impression of the whole picture as a whole.

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