Zecharia Sitchin: the "inconvenient" real scientist. Zecharia Sitchin and his books Zecharia Sitchin Sumerians and Nibiru

For the past two or three years, the media have been intensively pumping up hysteria about the end of the world in 2012. The scenario of this Armageddon arose from a bizarre symbiosis of the last date of the Mayan calendar and the myth of the planet Nibiru-Marduk.

In the mess of arguments and counterarguments, it was somehow forgotten that the person who gave the myth of Nibiru its modern sound, the American researcher Zecharia Sitchin, who died in October 2010, called a completely different date for the convergence of our planet and Marduk, namely 2085.

Zecharia Sitchin was born on July 11, 1920 in the city of Baku, the capital of young Soviet Azerbaijan. He grew up in Palestine, where his parents moved. There, Zechariah received knowledge in the field of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, as well as in the Old Testament, in the history and archeology of the Middle East. Later he graduated from the London School of Economics and the University of London. But the main interest in Sitchin's life was ancient history, to which he gave very peculiar interpretations. After working for many years as a journalist and editor in Israel, Zachariah later lived and worked in New York.

Few could compare with this man in knowledge of ancient languages. As one of the few linguists able to read the Sumerian cuneiform texts, he was also regarded as the recognized authority on Hebrew and Egyptian hieroglyphics. But Sitchin's unusual method of interpreting ancient texts still causes numerous objections from people of science.

Whether the texts are Biblical, Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian, or otherwise, Zechariah insisted that they should not be taken allegorically, like myths, but literally, like modern journalism. “If someone says that a group of 50 people landed in the Persian Gulf under the leadership of Enki,” he argued, “and wade to the coast, built a settlement, so why should I say that this never happened, that this is a metaphor , myth, imagination, that someone just came up with this.

who created people

Beginning with The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976, Zecharia Sitchin developed his unique interpretation of ancient texts. In the end, it developed into a vast and fascinating story, which could well serve as the plot of more than one science fiction film. But according to the writer, it was precisely such events that actually took place at the dawn of mankind.

Sitchin proves that there is another planet in the solar system, extremely distant from the star and moving along an elongated ellipsoidal orbit - Nibiru, or otherwise - Marduk. The period of its rotation around the Sun is about 3600-3760 years. From there, in ancient times, paleoastronauts came to Earth - the biblical giants, or the Anunnaki, who were described by the Sumerians as beings three and a half to five meters tall with a lifetime of up to 360 thousand years.

It was the creatures from Nibiru who artificially created modern humanity, using genetic engineering, combining their genes with the genes of Homo erectus - Homo erectus, that is, Pithecanthropus. Sitchin developed this hypothesis in a whole series of books: Stairway to Heaven, Wars of Gods and Men, Lost Worlds, and When Time Began. The texts of the series were collectively called The Chronicles of the Earth and were supplemented by another work, Genesis Revisited.

The researcher found confirmation of his ideas in the materials of the International Consortium for Sequencing (Deciphering) the Human Genome, who discovered 223 unique genes in this very genome, which, as it seemed at first, had no predecessors in evolution. But the further the work of the consortium went, the more and more plausible in the biological sense the explanations were given to the revealed paradons. In particular, it turned out that a person inherited about 40 of the aforementioned mysterious genes from the so-called prokaryotes - single-celled living organisms that do not have a formalized cell nucleus, that is, bacteria. After all, these tiny creatures reigned supreme on our planet 3.6 -1.6 billion years ago.

From the shards of Tiamat

The Sumerians' ideas about the origin of the Universe were that, in their opinion, then only water existed and terrible chaos reigned. From it the first gods were born. Over time, some gods wished to establish order in the universe. This caused indignation of the god Abzu and his wife Tiamat, the goddess of chaos, the mother of all dragons. But the adherents of order united under the leadership of the wise god Ea and killed the Abzu. Tiamat decided to avenge the death of her husband. Then the rebels led by Mardun in a bloody battle slew the goddess of chaos, and her gigantic body was cut into two parts, of which one part became the earth, and the other became the sky. The blood of the Abzu was mixed with clay, and from this mixture the first man appeared.

In Sitchin's interpretation, Tiamat appears to be a large planet that formed after the formation of the solar system and moved in the orbit of the current asteroid belt. After a collision with the satellite of Marduk, the planet was split into two halves. During the next passage through the inner regions of the solar system, Nibiru-Marduk herself collided with one of the halves of the "goddess of chaos" and turned it into an asteroid belt. The second part of Tiamat, after a “meeting” head-on with another satellite of Nibiru, fell into a new orbit, where it is now found under the name “Earth”. Despite the fact that scientists are convinced that such a scenario is impossible, supporters of the Sitchin hypothesis are confident that it explains the reason for the separation of the continents on our planet and the nature of the layers in sedimentary rocks. Confirmation of the correctness of the American writer is also found in the fact that the continents of the Earth are concentrated on one side of it, and on the other there is a huge ocean.

Stolen by the gods

Sitchin's book Divine Aliens retells stories from Biblical, Sumerian and Egyptian sources, from the Garden of Eden to Gilgamesh, in accordance with the theory of paleocontact. The writer is convinced that all references to deities actually point to the Anunnaki, and does not distinguish between modern cases of abductions of earthlings by aliens and the same actions on the part of paleoastronauts. Emphasizing that he was never personally abducted, Sitchin points out that if in our time such an experience is viewed as negative, associated with painful experiences, then “in ancient times, joining the deities was a great and unique privilege. Only a few have been honored with this.”

Descendants from close contacts of people and deified aliens were perceived in antiquity as demigods. In the Bible, according to Zecharia Sitchin, it is clearly stated that the Anunnaki chose their wives from the daughters of a man and had children from them, as a rule, very prominent personalities. Similar demigods are described in Mesopotamian literature, and in ancient Egyptian mythology, and, to a certain extent, in ancient Greek sources. After all, the same Alexander the Great believed that the sons of the gods entered into a relationship with his mother.

Anunnaki ancient?

The argument that the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations had an extraterrestrial source does not rule out for Sitchin the possibility of earlier and possibly more advanced cultures on Earth. In these conclusions, he starts from the Sumerian and Assyrian legends. King Ashurbanipal, for example, said that he could read texts dating back to antediluvian times, and talked about cities and people destroyed by a global cataclysm. So for the researcher, only a firm "yes" becomes the answer to the question of the existence of an unknown civilization before the Sumerians and even before the Great Flood.

Just as literally as Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology, Zecharia Sitchin perceives the works of the ancient Greek Plato, although he emphasizes that he points to the location of Atlantis somewhat confusingly. “Was it in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Pacific Ocean, which later became known as Mu, or in Antarctica? It is not clear what [Plato] is actually talking about. But there are no questions - once upon a time there was a certain civilization that was destroyed or disappeared as a result of a terrible catastrophe, the Great Flood or another similar phenomenon.

Zecharia Sitchin was born in Baku (Azerbaijan) and grew up in Palestine, where he gained knowledge in the field of modern and ancient Hebrew, as well as other Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, history and archeology of the Middle East.

After working for many years as a journalist and editor in Israel, he now lives and writes in New York. His books have been translated into many languages, adapted into Braille for the blind, and released on radio and television.

Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Nephilim of Nibiru. According to the writer, the asteroid belt was part of the planet that the Sumerians called Tiamat. Although this theory is similar to the big impact theory (moon formation theory) in astronomy, the world's leading scientists do not support the author's views.

Sitchin claims that his research is consistent with many biblical texts, and that the biblical texts are a transcription of the Sumerian account of their history.

Recently, Sitchin has put forward his own date for the next approach to Nibiru (2085), but the most discussed date is around 2012, which will mark the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology) is the main element of Sitchin's theory. He claims it is the 10th planet with a very elongated, elliptical orbit, passing through the solar system every 3,600 years.

According to Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the 12th object of the solar system (that is, including 10 planets, the Sun and the Moon). Its cataclysmic collision with Tiamat - a planet located between Mars and Jupiter - formed the planet Earth, the Moon and the belt of asteroids and comets. It was the home of the powerful Annunaki humanoid race of Sumerian mythology, who Sitchin believes survived and later visited Earth. Here on Earth, with the help of genetic engineering, they created our species (humans) by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus. They needed people as cheap labor for their gold mines.

Sitchin has made several suggestions about this planet, possibly a brown dwarf and still orbiting the Sun in a very elongated orbit, with a perihelion of about 3600 light years and an estimated orbital period of about 3600-3760 years.

Tiamat, described in the Enuma Elish, is a goddess. In Sitchin, however, it is a planet that existed in antiquity, but after a collision with one of the satellites of the planet Marduk (Nibiru), it was split into two parts. During the second passage through the solar system, the planet Nibiru itself collided with one of the halves of Tiamat and turned it into the modern asteroid belt. The second half of Tiamat, after a collision with another satellite of Nibiru, was pushed into a new orbit, where it is now called Earth. Despite the fact that scientists are convinced that such a scenario is impossible, Sitchin supporters are confident that this theory explains the reason for the separation of the continents and the nature of the layers in sedimentary rocks.

Nibiru- the Babylonians have a celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The origin of the name is Akkadian and means "ferry", "meeting place". According to Sitchin, Nibiru is described in the Sumerian texts as an undiscovered planet. According to one of the astronomical hypotheses [source?], 450 thousand years ago, intelligent beings from the 10th mysterious planet of the solar system landed on Earth and experimented on primitive man. Indigenous Altaians have known about this planet for a long time. The Sumerians called it Nibiru, the Altaians - Tayanar. This is a mysterious planet beyond Pluto, which has no Russian name in the Altai calendar and which returns once every 3600 years.

Sitchin, Enki was the same as Ptah and Poseidon/Neptune.

Sitchin, An (Anu) was one of the Nephilim who came from the planet Nibiru (Marduk). Anu was the head of the council of 12 gods until he passed the throne to his son Marduk. Anu's wife was the goddess of fertility and the mother of the gods; the center of her cult was one of the provinces of Ireland (English Munster).

K N I G I:

Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Babylonian texts contain amazing knowledge that could well be deciphered today. The cosmological ideas of our distant ancestors are much more consistent and convincing than modern science, explaining the emergence of the Earth and other planets of the solar system. This knowledge could only be obtained in one way - from outer space...
In his book, the famous "classifier of the unknown" Zakharia Sitchin, based on studies of religious primary sources and a careful study of archaeological finds, convincingly proves that all ancient religions are based on the knowledge of the existence in our solar system of the twelfth celestial body - the planet Nibiru, whose inhabitants, from time to time visiting the Earth, they laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of mankind.

For thousands of years, people believed in the supernatural nature of the gods, attributing to them the ability to live forever, and themselves sought to achieve divine immortality. The Sumerian king Gilgamesh wandered in search of the flower of eternal life, the legendary conqueror Alexander the Great was looking for a stream of living water, the navigators Christopher Columbus and Ponsa de Leon showed miracles of courage, trying to discover the Fountain of Youth in the Western Hemisphere. Little by little, immortality became a myth. However, the famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the author of several scandalous works on alternative history, in his next book undertakes to prove that in ancient times people could become like gods and live dozens of times longer than their fellow tribesmen.
Many archaeological finds, ancient texts and legends that have survived to our time, the images and symbols of which became possible to decipher only at the present stage of the development of science and technology, undeniably testify: man was originally created by immortal beings for eternal life.

The books united in the Earth Chronicles series are based on the hypothesis that mythology is not just entertaining reading, but a true repository of ancient knowledge; that the Bible must be read literally, as a genuine historical document; and that ancient civilizations arose thanks to the knowledge brought to our planet by the Annunaki - "those who came to Earth from heaven."
Wars of Gods and Men is the third book in this series. Long before people went to war against people, the gods were at enmity with each other. It was the Wars of the Gods that initiated the Wars of Men. The wars of the Gods for dominance on Earth began on their home planet. So the first human civilization was on the verge of a nuclear catastrophe.

The history of the discovery of the New World is inextricably linked with the legend of Eldorado and with the tireless pursuit of gold. But the greedy conquistadors did not even suspect that they were only repeating the path beaten many centuries before them.
The well-known historian and linguist, a brilliant researcher of ancient civilizations, Zakharia Sitchin, provides indisputable material evidence that all the cultural, scientific and architectural achievements of the Old World, which the Europeans were so proud of, existed for many centuries before the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. And humanity was only rediscovering the past...

Philosophers and scientists who think about the structure of the universe and offer modern cosmogonic theories inevitably encounter the concept of time. Is time the only true measurement of the parameters of the universe? Does time flow in one direction or can it be reversed? Is the present a continuation of the past or the beginning of the future? And one of the most important questions - did time have a beginning?
The ancient Sumerians believed in the beginning of all things, and therefore in its end... The moment of the beginning of the countdown of earthly time forms the basis of ancient cosmogony, so vividly displayed in the Sumerian texts. The famous historian and linguist Zecharia Sitchin, using his deep knowledge of ancient languages, developed an original and unexpected approach to the study of the Sumerian heritage and determined the time of the Beginning of Beginnings and the Beginning of the End...

The famous explorer Zecharia Sitchin finds new convincing evidence that the Earth in ancient times was visited by aliens from outer space, who created the human race in their own image and likeness through genetic engineering.
Irrefutable evidence of this is the ancient written sources, sometimes incorrectly interpreted and translated by traditionalist scholars. An indirect confirmation of Sitchin's theory is also the lack of an unequivocal answer to the question: why does the human genome contain 223 genes that do not have predecessors at the lower stages of evolution? This scientifically confirmed fact still does not fit into any modern evolutionary theory.
Based on the Holy Scriptures and documents of the Egyptian and Sumerian-Akkadian civilizations studied in detail by him, Sitchin reconstructs the nuclear catastrophe that occurred more than two thousand years ago, which occurred during the war between the "gods", and also recreates all stages of the emergence of Homo sapiens.

Zakharia Sitchin, the author of the sensational theories of paleocontact, has long and fruitfully developed the theory that the Earth was visited by aliens from space in ancient times. The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru created the human race by genetic engineering in their own image and likeness, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of mankind. The Annunaki became gods for humans. But where did they come from?
Continuing to carefully analyze and compare ancient sacred texts, Sitchin comes to sensational conclusions. In his new book, he argues and convincingly proves that the aliens from the planet Nibiru were themselves artificially bred living organisms, which is a lot of evidence in the Bible and ancient Sumerian texts. The progenitor deity of the Anunnaki, Ab-reshit, later became known on Earth as Jehovah. According to Zecharia Sitchin, it was the transition from worshiping representatives of aliens to a religion based on faith in their wise creator that became a grand impetus to the rapid progress of mankind.

Zecharia Sitchin(July 11, 1920, Baku, Azerbaijan SSR - October 9, 2010, New York, USA) - American writer. Adherent and popularizer of the theory of paleocontacts and extraterrestrial origin of man.


Zecharia Sitchin was born in Baku, but grew up in Palestine, where he gained knowledge in the field of modern and ancient Hebrew, as well as other Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, the history and archeology of the Middle East.

He graduated from the University of London with a degree in economics and worked for many years as an editor and journalist in Israel before moving to New York in 1952. While working as a head of a shipping company, he independently studied Sumerian cuneiform and visited several archaeological sites.


Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Nephilim from the planet Nibiru. According to the writer, the asteroid belt was part of the planet that the Sumerians called Tiamat. Although this theory is similar to the giant impact theory (moon formation theory) in astronomy, the world's leading scientists do not share the author's views.

Sitchin claims that his research is consistent with many biblical texts, and that the biblical texts are retellings of the Sumerian account of their history.

Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology) is the main element of Sitchin's theory. He claims that it is the 10th planet with a very elongated, elliptical orbit, passing through the solar system every 3600 years.

According to Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru was the 12th object of the solar system (that is, consisting of 10 planets, plus the Sun and Moon). Its cataclysmic collision with Tiamat - a planet located between Mars and Jupiter - formed the planet Earth, the Moon and the belt of asteroids and comets. It was the home of the powerful humanoid race of the Anunnaki from Sumerian mythology, who Sitchin believes survived and later visited Earth. Here on Earth, with the help of genetic engineering, they created our species (humans) by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus. They needed people as cheap labor for their gold mines.

Sitchin has made several suggestions about this planet, possibly a brown dwarf and still orbiting the Sun in a very elongated orbit, with an estimated orbital period of around 3600-3760 years. Sitchin put the date of the next approach to Nibiru in 2085.

Theory about the planet Tiamat

Tiamat, described in the Enuma Elish, is a goddess. In Sitchin, however, it is a planet that existed in antiquity, but after a collision with one of the satellites of the planet Marduk (Nibiru), it was split into two parts. During the second passage through the solar system, the planet Nibiru itself collided with one of the halves of Tiamat and turned it into the modern asteroid belt. The second half of Tiamat, after a collision with another satellite of Nibiru, was pushed into a new orbit, where it is now called Earth. Despite the fact that scientists are convinced that such a scenario is impossible, Sitchin's supporters are confident that this theory explains the reason for the separation of the continents and the nature of the layers in sedimentary rocks.


Nibiru among the Babylonians is a celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The origin of the name is Akkadian and means "ferry", "meeting place".

According to Sitchin, Nibiru is described in Sumerian texts as an undiscovered planet beyond Pluto that returns once every 3,600 years.


For Sitchin, Enki was the same as Ptah and Poseidon/Neptune.


at Sitchin, An (Anu) was one of the Nephilim who came from the planet Nibiru (Marduk). Anu was the head of the council of 12 gods until he passed the throne to his grandson Marduk. Anu's wife was the goddess of fertility and the mother of the gods; the center of her cult was one of the provinces of Ireland.


Despite the fact that Sitchin's work was criticized by professional scientists, historians and archaeologists, making remarks about the incorrect translation of ancient texts and calling his research "pseudoscience", his theories have attracted the attention of modern culture. Criticism of Sitchin's theory generally falls into three categories: the quality of translation and interpretation of ancient texts, astronomical and scientific inconsistencies, and the literal interpretation of myths.

For the last two or three years, the media have been intensively pumping up hysteria about the end of the world in 2012 to the guide. The scenario of this Armageddon arose from a bizarre symbiosis of the last date of the Mayan calendar and the myth of the planet Nnbiru-Marduk.

In the mess of arguments and counterarguments, it was somehow forgotten that the person, thanks to whom the myth of Nibnru received its modern sound - the American researcher Zecharia Sitchin, who died in October 2010 - named a completely different date for the rapprochement of our planet and Marduk, namely: 2085.

Zakharia Sigchin was born on July 11, 1920 in the city of Baku - the capital of young Soviet Azerbaijan, Grew up in Palestine, his parents were a miracle. There, Zechariah received knowledge in the field of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, as well as in the Old Testament, in the history and archeology of the Middle East. Later he graduated from the London School of Economics and the University of London. But the main interest in Sitchin's life was ancient history, to which he gave very peculiar interpretations. After working for many years as a journalist and editor in Israel, Zachariah later lived and worked in New York.

Few could compare with this man in knowledge of ancient languages. As one of the few linguists able to read the Sumerian cuneiform texts, he was also regarded as the recognized authority on Hebrew and Egyptian hieroglyphics. But Sitchin's unusual method of interpreting ancient texts still causes numerous objections from people of science.

Whether the texts are Biblical, Sumerian, ancient Egyptian, or otherwise, Zechariah insisted, they should not be taken allegorically, like myths, but literally, like modern journalism. -If someone says that a group of 50 people landed in the Persian Gulf under the leadership of Enki, he argued. - and wade to the shore, built a settlement, so why should I say that this never happened, that this is a metaphor, a myth. imagination that someone just came up with this.

who created people

Beginning with The Twelfth Planet, published in 1976, Zecharia Sitchin developed his unique interpretation of ancient texts. In the end, it developed into a vast and fascinating story, which could well serve as the plot of more than one science fiction film. But according to the writer, it was precisely such events that actually took place at the dawn of mankind.

Sitchin proves that there is another planet in the solar system, extremely distant from the star and moving in an elongated ellipsoidal orbit - Nibiru or otherwise, Marduk. The period of its rotation around the Sun is about 3600 3760 years. From there, in ancient times, paleoastronauts came to Earth - the biblical giants, or the Anunnaki, who were described by the Sumerians as beings three and a half to five meters tall with a lifetime of up to 360 thousand years.

It was the creatures from Nibiru who artificially created modern humanity, using genetic engineering, connecting their genes with the genes of Homo erectus - Homo erectus, that is, Pithecanthropus. Sitchin developed this hypothesis in a series of books: Stairway to Heaven, Wars of Gods and Men, Lost Worlds, and When Time Began. The texts of the series received the general title "Earth Chronicles" and were supplemented by another work - "Revisited Genesis".

The researcher found confirmation of his ideas in the materials of the International Consortium for Sequencing (Deciphering) the Human Genome, who discovered 223 unique genes in this very genome, which, as it seemed at first, had no predecessors in evolution. But the further the work of the consortium went, the more and more plausible in the biological sense the explanations were given to the revealed paradons. In particular, it turned out that a person inherited about 40 of the aforementioned mysterious genes from the so-called prokaryotes - single-celled living organisms that do not have a formalized cell nucleus, that is, bacteria. After all, these tiny creatures reigned supreme on our planet 3.6 -1.6 billion years ago.

From the shards of Tiamat

The Sumerians' ideas about the origin of the Universe were that, in their opinion, then only water existed and terrible chaos reigned. From it the first gods were born. Over time, some gods wished to establish order in the universe. This caused indignation of the god Abzu and his wife Tiamat - the goddess of chaos, the mother of all dragons. But the adherents of order united under the leadership of the wise god Ea and killed the Abzu. Tiamat decided to avenge the death of her husband. Then the rebels led by Mardun in a bloody battle slew the goddess of chaos, and her gigantic body was cut into two parts, of which one part became the earth, and the other became the sky. The blood of the Abzu was mixed with clay, and from this mixture the first man appeared.

In Sitchin's interpretation, Tiamat appears to be a large planet that formed after the formation of the solar system and moved in the orbit of the current asteroid belt. After a collision with the satellite of Marduk, the planet was split into two halves. During the next passage through the inner regions of the solar system, Nibiru-Marduk herself collided with one of the halves of the "goddess of chaos" and turned it into an asteroid belt. The second part of Tiamat, after a “meeting” head-on with another satellite of Nibiru, fell into a new orbit, where it is now found under the name “Earth”. Despite the fact that scientists are convinced that such a scenario is impossible, supporters of the Sitchin hypothesis are confident that it explains the reason for the separation of the continents on our planet and the nature of the layers in sedimentary rocks. Confirmation of the correctness of the American writer is also found in the fact that the continents of the Earth are concentrated on one side of it, and on the other there is a huge ocean.

Stolen by the gods

Sitchin's book Divine Aliens retells stories from Biblical, Sumerian and Egyptian sources, from the Garden of Eden to Gilgamesh, in accordance with the theory of paleocontact. The writer is convinced that all references to deities actually point to the Anunnaki, and does not distinguish between modern cases of abductions of earthlings by aliens and the same actions on the part of paleoastronauts. Emphasizing that he was never personally abducted, Sitchin points out that if in our time such an experience is viewed as negative, associated with painful experiences, then “in ancient times, joining the deities was a great and unique privilege. Only a few have been honored with this.”

Descendants from close contacts of people and deified aliens were perceived in antiquity as demigods. In the Bible, according to Zecharia Sitchin, it is clearly stated that the Anunnaki chose their wives from the daughters of a man and had children from them, as a rule, very prominent personalities. Similar demigods are described in Mesopotamian literature, and in ancient Egyptian mythology, and, to a certain extent, in ancient Greek sources. After all, the same Alexander the Great believed that the sons of the gods entered into a relationship with his mother.

Anunnaki ancient?

The argument that the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations had an extraterrestrial source does not rule out for Sitchin the possibility of earlier and possibly more advanced cultures on Earth. In these conclusions, he starts from the Sumerian and Assyrian legends. King Ashurbanipal, for example, said that he could read texts dating back to antediluvian times, and talked about cities and people destroyed by a global cataclysm. So for the researcher, only a firm "yes" becomes the answer to the question of the existence of an unknown civilization before the Sumerians and even before the Great Flood.

Just as literally as Mesopotamian and Egyptian mythology, Zecharia Sitchin perceives the works of the ancient Greek Plato, although he emphasizes that he points to the location of Atlantis somewhat confusingly. “Was it in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in the Pacific Ocean, which later became known as Mu, or in Antarctica? It is not clear what [Plato] is actually talking about. But there are no questions - once upon a time there was a certain civilization that was destroyed or disappeared as a result of a terrible catastrophe, the Great Flood or another similar phenomenon.

Secret of the XX century № 47 2011

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God Marduk and Biblical Abraham

The gods of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were called Marduk in Sumer. Gods, i.e. immigrants from the planet Nibiru and their descendants then lived "in the flesh" on Earth among people. Marduk did not have enough hereditary rights among the other gods to become the ruler of the entire Earth. But he did not think so and tried in every possible way to demonstrate his superiority. For this, the gods exiled him into exile outside Mesopotamia.

Angry, he wandered the uncivilized Earth and wrote memoirs at that time, the text of which has been partially preserved to this day. Without waiting for the end of the exile, having gathered a lot of people under his control, he began a war against other gods and the capture of Mesopotamia. It was at this time that he called the influential man Abraham to his service, after making sure of his devotion (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin).

Why did the gods create people

About our gods and how and why they created people, there is a lot of reliable and detailed archaeological evidence. We are accustomed to receiving information of such high importance from the state, and regarding the gods - from the Church. But both of these organizations are still silent in confusion, and they seek to hide the most egregious evidence from wide publicity, protecting their outdated ideas and dogmas.

The solar system has one more planet, not yet discovered by modern astronomers. The Sumerians called it Nibiru. Hundreds of thousands of years ago from this planet came to earth those whom we call gods. They needed a lot of gold to fix the dire ecological condition of their planet. For many thousands of years they mined it themselves in the mines of South Africa, until the miner-gods rebelled from a hopeless life and hard work.

And then they created for such work a "primitive worker" - a man. In the process of creation, they had a lot of trials, errors, subsequent improvements, adapting a person not only to the hard, but simple work of a miner, but also to the exquisite service of the gods themselves, which requires a person of high culture and knowledge (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin).

The first major forgery of history

The first major forgery of history and religion was committed by the God of the Jews and the Heavenly Father of Christians - Marduk. After the death of Sumer and the usurpation of the power of the gods on Earth, Marduk creates his own version of history and religion, which was mandatory for the people of the Babylonian kingdom to confess. The planet of the gods Nibiru, people were obliged to call the name Marduk. Earth and Sky are now created by Marduk. Man, domestic animals, vegetables, fruits, cereals - everything was created by Marduk. Now people should not know that once there were gods of Heaven and gods of the Earth, that there were many gods of the Earth and they had a specialization. Some gods were responsible for the harvest, others for the health of people, still others for individual regions and cities, and so on. Now people are obliged to confess that there is only one God of Heaven and Earth, who has always existed and created everything. It is this false situation that we have in the present Bible. In places it is embroidered with white threads, such as: "God has become in the host of gods...", "...behold, Adam has become like one of us..." (according to the books by Zecharia Sitchin).

The first people of the earth

The first people were created by the gods about 300 thousand years ago in southern Africa. These first people could not reproduce on their own (like modern mules), so whole squads of goddesses-parturients were formed, who en masse bore and gave birth to people. The "laboratory of genetic engineering" was led by the god Enki, the ruler of the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and his sister Ninhursag, the chief physician of the gods. Enki was the first son of Anu, the ruler of the planet of the gods - Nibiru. God Anu did not live on Earth, but sometimes visited. The first son of Enki, Marduk, is now revered by the Jews as the only God of Earth and Heaven - Jehovah, Sabaoth. In total, he has 50 official names. Almost all of his names for people are secret, sacred [Perhaps this is the reason why Judaism prohibits the use of the name of God - Altov's suggestion] (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin).

Fraud about the Creation of the World

As part of his Forgery of History, Marduk (now God of the Jews, Heavenly Father of Christians, and Allah of Muslims) did more than just embellish his unglamorous past (low, for Marduk's requests, social status, painful blows to ambition from other gods, exile outside of Mesopotamia), Marduk removed the past altogether. Now people should not know anything about the planet of the gods Nibiru, about the 450-thousand-year history of the life of the gods and the 300-thousand-year life of people together with the gods on planet Earth, about the multimillion-year history of the existence of the Earth itself and the solar system. According to his false version, heaven, earth and everything on earth, Marduk creates in 6 days. It is this false Creation of the World that is described in the Bible.

Marduk did not forget about the forgery of the calendar. The calendar now counts time from the Creation of the World invented by him. This calendar is still valid in all three world religions of monotheism. The year 2006 from the Nativity of Christ according to the Jewish calendar is 5766 from the Creation of the World, according to the Orthodox calendar - 7514 from the Creation of the World. I cannot say now which year from the Creation of the World falls on 2006 AD. according to the Muslim calendar, but the Creation of the World among Muslims took place about 6000 years ago, and before the Creation of the World, except for Allah, nothing existed anywhere.

According to the forgery in which Marduk wanted to destroy the very possibility of the existence of the planet Nibiru in the memory of people, there never was, and still is not the solar system. There is not only the planet Nibiru, there is no planet Earth and the star Sun. There is just earth and sky. The flat earth and the dome of the sky above it, created by God. This position of forgery has turned out to be the most vulnerable now, when people themselves already have cosmic experience, its obvious falsity had to be recognized by all religions of monotheism. Contrary to the false, but sacred - from God, biblical description of the World, all these religions have already recognized that the Earth on which we live is still not flat and is not located in the center of the World, and the Sun is still not just a luminous disk on dome of the sky. But this knowledge did not come from the God of these religions, and now all of them do not know what to do with this knowledge, how to harmonize it with the infallible sacred text of the inspired Bible and the Koran, which forbid the real existence of such a situation to be recognized.

In the sacred false picture of the world of all three religions of monotheism, there is no place for planets that are similar to the Earth, and on which intelligent beings like us, people, can exist. Their planets are just "wandering stars" on the dome of the sky, just small decorative elements of this dome, created by God for the manifestation of divine signs to the people of the earth. And to stutter about the possibility of the existence of planets like our Earth under other stars is a complete heresy, for which any Church of monotheism is ready to destroy any person, if it has the strength, as the Christian Church burned Giordano Bruno, when it had such strength (according to the books Zecharia Sitchin with my, Altov, additions).

Discrimination against women

In the Sumerian pantheon, female goddesses played leading roles along with males. But Marduk, who suffered a lot from women, after the usurpation of the power of the gods, introduces discrimination against women for the first time. One of the first imperious acts of Marduk was the transfer of the functions of the god of writing from the goddess Nisaba to the male god Nabu. All the goddesses of the Sumerian pantheon, who had special knowledge or performed special functions in the society of the gods, were forgotten in the Babylonian pantheon. The goddesses began to be mentioned only as the spouses of the gods.

The same thing happened among people: women were mentioned only as wives and mothers. Women could no longer have any other socially significant status. It is this Marduk discrimination of women that the modern Bible and the Koran demonstrate to us in full. Muslims, in their current theocratic society, have realized this discrimination against women most fully and massively (according to the books of Zakhary Sitchin with additions by Altov).

First alien settlement on Earth

The first detachment of gods from the planet Nibiru arrived on Earth 450 thousand years ago, it splashed down in the Persian Gulf. The detachment consisted of 50 gods under the leadership of Enki, the great scientist of the gods, who 150 thousand years later created us humans. Subsequently, new batches of gods arrived on Earth. On the shores of the Persian Gulf, they founded the first alien settlement on Earth, which they called Eridu, which in the language of the gods means "Home away" or "Home away from home." It is from this name that our planet got its current name - Earth. In some languages, even now, after hundreds of thousands of years, this name is pronounced almost the same, for example, in German - Erde (Erde), the English name is not far gone - Earth (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin).

Gods inheritance rights

In the family of gods, one of the sons in whom there was more family blood had more rights to inherit the family fortune. The son who was completely born within the family, for example, from a brother and sister, from a daughter and a father, a mother and a son, and so on, had the greatest inheritance right.

From the ruler of the planet of the gods Nibiru, whose name was Anu, his two sons, Enki and Enlil, and the daughter Ninhursag lived on Earth. Both brothers Enki and Enlil, rivals in succession, wanted to have a son by their sister in order to have an heir with greater rights. In time, Ninhursag gave birth to Enlil's son, and Enlil calmed down on this score.

Enki is not so lucky. His sister bore him a daughter. When the daughter became an adult, Enki tries his luck with his daughter, but she also gives birth to a daughter. When the second daughter grows up, the restless Enki makes another attempt with her, but again it turns out to be a daughter! Ninhursag becomes furious and induces a fatal illness on Enki, he falls ill, and is already dying when other gods intercede for him. Ninhursag removes his curse from Enki, he recovers, but no longer tries to acquire a full-blooded heir.

Enki further supports the illegitimate claim of his first son Marduk to inherit the entire Earth. Ultimately, contrary to the law of inheritance, using force, Marduk becomes the main among the gods of the Earth, the god of gods, the Most High. He himself now approves the laws of the gods on Earth, and the first thing he does is change the old law of inheritance, which has annoyed him so much.

As part of his general discriminatory policy towards women, Marduk excludes any influence of women on inheritance rights. Now only men are taken into account in the genealogy of gods and people. It is this new Marduk law of inheritance and family tree construction that the Bible shows us: Adam begat Seth, Seth begat Enos, Enos begat Cainan, and so on. And all of them seemed to do it without women at all (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin with additions by Altov).

global flood

As Zecharia Sitchin writes, the Flood myth is heavily redacted in the Bible, just as everything about multiple gods is redacted in a monotheistic Bible. Many of the functions and deeds of many real, historical gods in the Bible are simply attributed to the same god. And where there is a confrontation of different gods with each other, their oppositely directed actions and struggle, in the Bible contradictory actions of the same God appear, allegedly fighting with himself.

There is a Sumerian, incompletely preserved, original description of the Flood and an Akkadian version close to it. The biblical Noah was called Zuisudra in Sumer, and Utnapishti in Akkad. At the end of the Flood, the gods took Utnapishti to their Heavenly Abode and gave him immortality. Subsequently, Utnapishti himself, at a meeting, tells the famous king of the Sumerian city of Uruk, Gilgamesh, the story of the Flood, which he personally experienced.

Why the Flood occurred Utnapishti does not explain, he only reports that the gods knew that the Flood would come and knew exactly when. From the context of the myth, we can understand that the Flood most likely did not occur by the will of the gods and that the gods themselves suffered greatly from it. We can also assume that by this time the gods no longer needed the gold for which they created their colony on Earth, and the “primitive worker” was no longer needed.

The head of the gods Enlil gathers the Council of the gods. He indicates that people have an unfavorable, incl. sexually corrupting, impact on the gods and proposes to use the upcoming Flood, a unique catastrophe on a planetary scale, to destroy all people, to cleanse the colony of the gods from people. All gods voluntarily-compulsorily vote "for".

The very fact of the voting of the gods and its results, all the gods undertook (Enlil took an oath from them) to keep secret from people. However, Enki sought out Utnapishti, the ruler of the city of Shuruppak, and told him of the impending disaster. He ordered him to leave all other things and build a large ark in seven days. And as soon as it starts to rain, let him go up into the ark and tar the door.

Utnapishti builds an ark. As instructed by Enki, he explains to the townspeople that he angered Enlil and for this Enlil cursed the city. In order to return Enlil's favor to the city, he allegedly decided to leave this city and sail away to the Lower World, to the kingdom of Enki. The whole city, even the children, help him build the ark. He puts his family and relatives on it, took “what he had, a living creature”, as well as “the cattle of the steppe and beasts”, took all the artisans who helped him build the ship. A year and 10 days the ship dangled on the waters of the Flood.

The gods, just before the start of the flood, boarded their spaceships and settled in them in near-Earth orbits. For a year and 10 days, the gods, accustomed to luxury and plentiful food, looked longingly at the water-covered Earth from their spaceships and ate meager camp food. And when Utnapishti came out of the ark, lit a fire and sacrificed two bulls, "the gods smelled a good smell, the gods, like flies, gathered to the sacrificer."

The gods are happy with the saved people, but then their leader Enlil appears, he is furious: “What kind of soul was saved? Not a single person was supposed to survive! Suspicion falls on Enki, who almost always resists Enlil's decisions in one way or another. Enki did not resist. But he declared that he did not betray the secret of the gods, but only allowed the wise man to guess about the Flood and offered to reward the man for wisdom.

Enki's offer is accepted. Enlil grants immortality to Utnapishti and settles him in the Abode of the gods. In the depths of his soul, he is also glad for the saved people - there is so much work on the post-Flood Earth! He gives his commandments to the surviving people, among which we may be particularly interested in this one: “Let there be among the people women who give birth, and women who do not give birth.”

Doesn't Enlil, the god of the gods and people of the Earth, sanctify one of the most ancient and famous professions of women with this commandment? Isn't that why even the exceptionally pious biblical patriarchs were not afraid to anger God by using the services of harlots, these same "women who do not give birth", while having wives and concubines? (Based on books by Zecharia Sitchin with additions by Altov).

When did astronomy become astrology?

When in Marduk false Creation of the World our globe became a flat earth in the center of the World, and the rest of the cosmos became just a dome of the sky over this flat earth, then astronomy became astrology. The movement and condition of the stars and planets observed from the earth lost their natural cosmic independence and began to depend on the will of the almighty God, who supposedly created them, on the relationship between God and people, and the life and affairs of people began to allegedly depend on the position and condition of the stars and planets in the sky , allegedly now showing people this very will of God.

From the once powerful astronomical theory of Sumer, based on knowledge of the real laws of motion of real cosmic bodies, in the Babylonian period only mathematical formulas for calculating the time of the onset of eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and the positions of the planets in the sky, are used, without any consideration of the question of how such formulas could be received.

However, astrology was not born in finished form simultaneously with the Marduk myth of the Creation of the World in 6 days. Astrological ideas developed gradually. At first, astrological predictions were associated with state affairs - the fate of the king, the dynasty and the whole country. Over time, they acquired an increasingly personal character and the formation of personal horoscopes began.

Sumerian texts on astrology have not been found at all, although a very large number of them have been found on various other topics. This is natural, Marduk had not yet become the Almighty and in the human worldview had not yet substituted the flat earth and the dome of the sky instead of cosmic reality. The first discovered astrological text in the history of mankind belongs to the Old Babylonian period (19-16 centuries BC). The first personality horoscope in the history of mankind was discovered in Babylon, and dates back to the 5th century BC. In general, a huge number of cuneiform texts on astrological topics from the time of the Babylonian kingdom have been found.

In our time, the geocentric system of the World invented by Marduk seems to have been finally debunked. But, as in the Middle Ages, modern astrological calculations still rely on it, where the Universe has no depth, and stars and planets form houses, crosses, conjunctions, etc. on the surface of the dome of the sky, expressing precisely by this, well, if not already the will of God, then some kind of "universal rhythms".

True, no astrologer dares to call the earth flat, but the dome of the sky in astrological calculations has not become a bottomless cosmos. The dome has become a celestial sphere around the globe, along which the stars and planets move in the same way as they previously moved along the dome, hemisphere, and in the same way form various configurations on this imaginary sphere, supposedly really affecting the life of all mankind, individual peoples, and each of us.

It can be assumed that when our worldview is finally cleared of Marduk, now better known in the biblical version, the myth of the Creation of the World, then there will be no support left for astrological ideas in our minds and they will sink into oblivion, as the idea of ​​a flat earth has already managed to sink there, which until relatively recently was unconditional, consecrated by the Christian church, the truth (according to the books of Zecharia Sitchin with additions by Altov).

Information from the Sumerians about the creation of man by the Anunnaki is in perfect agreement with the latest data of modern anthropology.

Zecharia Sitchin, relying on the deciphered records of the Sumerians, claims that our alien gods, who were also called the Anunnaki (descended from heaven) in the Sumerians, created us humans in a special genetic engineering laboratory, which was located in Africa.

The process of creation took many thousands of years, many different unsatisfactory human prototypes were created. The first sample launched into the series was unable to reproduce on its own. The embryos created in the laboratory were nurtured by special goddesses in childbirth, and only after another thousand years was a person endowed with the ability to reproduce on his own, after which his triumphal procession began around the globe. It happened about 300 thousand years ago.

They created man not from the "dust of the earth", as it is written in the Bible. By this time, some underdeveloped primitive man already existed on Earth, but he could not master the work for which the Anunnaki needed a man. Therefore, the Anunnaki added something of their own to this primitive man, eventually creating an almost modern man.

The famous American anthropologist Stephen Oppenheimer, who does not rely on the writings of the Sumerians, in the Prologue of his book “The Expulsion from Eden. Settlement of the world. Population Explosion Chronicles, 2004, writes: “... about 300 thousand years ago, a new species appeared on the historical stage in Africa. It is known to some under its archaic name, Homo sapiens, and to others, under the name Homo helmei. ... Some scientists ... argue that if these thick-browed creatures were born in a modern family, they would fit perfectly into our society. …representatives of homo helmei about 250 thousand years ago settled in the expanses of Eurasia.”

In the 1990s, a technique was developed to use human DNA mutations to build a family tree of individuals and all of humanity. With the help of this technique, it is possible to reliably trace the genealogy of each modern or fossil person (bones), figuratively speaking, up to Adam and Eve.

Conducted in recent years, massive analyzes of the DNA of living and fossil people around the globe have shown that all the examined people of the Earth have only one common ancestor, which appeared in Africa about 300 thousand years ago. Despite all the differences in cultures, races, peoples and tribes of the Earth, we are all blood relatives, we are all biologically equally developed, we all have the same common ancestor. Based on these DNA analyzes, S. Oppenheimer in his book traces in detail many specific ways of settling people from Africa throughout the Earth.

Thus, modern anthropology gives us strong scientific arguments in favor of the reliability of information from the Sumerians about the origin of man on Earth. It confirms that all the people of the Earth really have only one ancestor, that this ancestor appeared on Earth precisely in Africa, that he appeared exactly 300 thousand years ago, and that he was biologically similar to modern man.

Perhaps, over time, the remains of the laboratory itself will be discovered, in which the Anunnaki created and modified a person. There is reason to believe that even during the time of the Sumerians (about 5000 years ago) this laboratory was still in use.

What god is hidden under the name Jehovah?

In the conclusion of his book The Deity of the 12th Planet, 2006, Zecharia Sitchin expresses the idea that Jehovah is not only the God of humans, but also of the Anunnaki, that He is the creator of the Anunnaki themselves, just as the Anunnaki are the creators of humans. The annotation to the book says that Z. Sitchin "convincingly proved" this, but I, Altov, could not find any evidence in the book. There is only an unexpected idea about it, presented by the author on the very last few pages of the book.

This idea is unexpected because it does not follow in any way from the previous content of the entire book, appearing at the end of this book as if from nothing. Knowing well all the gods of the Earth, Z. Sitchin argues that Jehovah is not Enki, not Enlil, not Marduk, etc., although He has a greater or lesser resemblance to each of these gods.

So, Z. Sitchin concludes, Jehovah does not belong to the pantheon of known earthly gods. On Anu, the ruler of the planet Nibiru, He is also not very similar. Who then is Jehovah? - asks Z. Sitchin and suddenly sees the answer in the Bible itself: Jehovah is “God Elohim”, i.e. God of the Anunnaki, God of gods, Most High. Eureka! The Anunnaki, it turns out, also have a God! Moreover, it is Jehovah! So the Anunnaki themselves were also created by Jehovah!

Indeed, the Bible says that Jehovah is the God of gods, the creator of man, heaven and earth. But even before the Bible, it was written on Babylonian clay tablets that the God of the gods, the creator of man, heaven and earth is Marduk. And almost at the same time with the Israelites, the Assyrians wrote the same thing about their god Ashur.

Regarding Marduk, we have written evidence, reviewed in the books of Z. Sitchin, that Marduk was officially declared the head of all the gods of heaven and earth, the God of the gods at a meeting of the entire Anunnaki leadership, including Anu and Enlil, about 4000 years ago. Before that, Marduk was subjected to special tests for "professional suitability", which he withstood with honor. The Assyrian Ashur turned out to be Enlil, who really was the chief among the Anunnaki before the appointment of Marduk to this position. Regarding Jehovah, only the Bible testifies. And what does she say?

Jehovah created man. We know that Enki created man. So, in this case, Enki is called Jehovah.

Jehovah placed man in Eden. But, in reality, Enlil did it, i.e. in this case Enlil was called Jehovah.

Jehovah is outraged that the serpent gave man the opportunity to reproduce on his own. Z. Sitchin in his books unequivocally shows that, in fact, Enlil is called Jehovah here, and Enki is called the serpent.

Jehovah wanted to destroy all people with a flood. In fact, Enlil wanted to do this, but Enki prevented him from completely destroying his favorites.

Jehovah sends Abraham with an army to defend the spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula, which is in the hands of the son of Marduk, Nabu, from the troops of the Enlil clan. And here Jehovah is either Marduk himself, or in the same company with him.

Jehovah is preparing the Israelites for the role of his priests and priests for the sole management with their help of all the peoples of the Earth without the mediation of any other gods. But at that biblical time, it was Marduk, who was formally the head of all the Anunnaki, who passionately aspired to this and, in the context of an already brutal war of clans, he naturally had to keep this project in deep secret from other gods, with most of whom he preferred, at least temporarily, to maintain peaceful relations. He had to carefully hide both his authorship and his participation in this project from everyone, incl. and from the Israelites themselves. Is it not from this forced secrecy that all the mystery of the person of Jehovah stems? (this whole point is Altov's guess)

This list can be continued or detailed, but it seems to us that what has been said is enough to make it clear to an unprejudiced person that at different times and in different situations, the role of Jehovah in the Bible is played by Enki, Enlil, Marduk, and sometimes, perhaps, other Anunnaki. The Old Testament Jehovah is basically the collective Israeli image of the Anunnaki, just as Jesus Christ in the Gospels is basically the collective Christian image of the Jewish messiahs.

Where was the biblical Eden and Paradise located?

Zecharia Sitchin in the 1st chapter of the book "The Deity of the 12th Planet", 2006, leaves no questions about this: the biblical Eden was located in the Sumerian Edin. Even the names are almost the same. But the Bible says more than just the name. “A river came out of Eden to water paradise; and then divided into four rivers” (Genesis 2:10).

Bible Students equate the word "coming out" with the word "flowed out" and cannot find such a river to this day. Z. Sitchin gave another, also acceptable, and, it seems, the only correct interpretation of this word: “stretched”, i.e. purely spatially located in relation to Eden in such a way that outside it it was divided into 4 rivers. And such rivers were found. They did not flow out of Eden, but flowed into it.

“The name of one is Pishon: it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good; there is bdolach and an onyx stone” (Genesis 2:11-12). The issue with this river was resolved only in 1993. In the time of Adam and Eve, such a river actually existed and was full-flowing, its length is about 530 miles. It flowed from the current Hijaz mountains, located near the Red Sea, through the Arabian Peninsula, which in those distant times served as a source of gold and precious stones, to the mouth of the merged Tigris and Euphrates rivers on the Persian Gulf. About 5,000 years ago, the climate changed, and this river dried up, and its bed was buried under the desert sands. Now this channel has been discovered and traced along its entire length. Now this dried up river is given the name "Kuwait".

"The name of the second river is Gihon: it flows around the whole land of Cush" (Genesis 2.13). After replacing the concept of “flowed out” with “stretched”, finding this river was not difficult. This is the current river Karun, the main river of the ancient land of Kushu, its length is about 500 miles. It flows through the Zagros Mountains and merges with the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in their swampy delta.

The remaining two rivers are obvious - these are the current Tigris and Euphrates. All four rivers merged near the Persian Gulf, where the Anunnaki E.DIN (house of the just) was located, in the garden of which the first people of the Earth, who were not yet endowed with the ability to reproduce independently, were placed by the leader of the Anunnaki Enlil.

These first, still small, people Enlil took by force from his brother Enki, their creator. Enki used people to mine gold in Africa, he also still lacked them, but Enlil also needed workers in the Edin. This skirmish between the two leading Anunnaki brothers over the distribution of the first human workers between them is described in detail in the Sumerian texts.

Thus, it can now be considered firmly established, and thanks to Z. Sitchin, that the biblical Eden and Paradise were located in the delta of the current Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Z. Sitchin in the same place, in the book, gives a map of the area of ​​Eden with all its four biblical rivers.

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