Bus route 103

    Bus route 05 Route Departure Luzhniki Stadium Terminal Nikitsky Gate Main stops Luzhniki Stadium Street ... Wikipedia

    Moscow. I. General information. Population of M. is the capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the center of the Moscow region. The largest political, scientific, industrial and cultural center in the country and one of the most important in the world, the city is a hero. M. is one of the largest in number...

    The capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the center of the Moscow region, the largest political, industrial and cultural center of the USSR. Located in the center of Europe. parts of the USSR, on the river. Moscow. As of 1 Jan. 1965 (within modern borders) 6423 t. (without urban settlements subordinate... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    The word "Moscow" has other meanings: see Moscow (meanings). Capital Russian Federation, city of federal significance Moscow ... Wikipedia

    I Moscow is a river in the Moscow and partly in the Smolensk region of the RSFSR, a left tributary of the Oka (Volga basin). Length 502 km, basin area 17,600 km2. It originates on the Moscow Upland. Food is snow (61%), ground (27%) and rain... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Moscow (meanings). Moscow View from the Crimean Bridge in Moscow upstream ... Wikipedia

    Sochi bus ... Wikipedia

Distance between: 23rd quarter of New Cheryomushki → General Dorokhov Street is: ~ 0 km
along the route: ~ 0.8 km

Approximate travel time: ~ 10 min
Streets along which route No. 103 passes: Mozhaiskoe highway, Vereiskaya street, Ryabinovaya street, Kutuzovsky prospect, Staromozhaiskoe highway, Profsoyuznaya street, Lomonosovsky prospect, Nakhimovsky prospect, Novocheryomushkinskaya street, Garibaldi street, Architect Vlasov street, Minskaya street, Aminevskoe highway
Moscow districts through which route No. 103 passes: Mozhaisky district, Fili-Davydkovo district, Cheryomushki district, Gagarinsky district, Academichesky district, Lomonosovsky district, Obruchevsky district, Ramenki district, Dorogomilovo district
Metro stations along the route: New Cheryomushki; University; Slavyansky Boulevard; ;
Which buses and minibuses does this route intersect with: 121, 246, 684, 710, 60, C5, 1, 41, 196, 648, 60m, 113, 616, 721, 121m, 130, 153, 87m, 339m, 438m, 457m, 745m, 751m, 119, 130m, 329m, 400m, 434m, 49, 67, 67k, 14, 26, 39, 28,

Route Bus 103 - Stops. Schedule

How to get there (additional option)
23rd quarter of New Cheryomushki - General Dorokhov Street

All Stops Bus 103

"St. Veresaeva", Mozhaiskoe highway (to the center)

"St. Veresaeva", Mozhaiskoe highway (from the center) (1)

"St. Peter Alekseeva", Mozhaiskoe highway (to the center)

"St. Dorokhova", Vereyskaya street (to the center) (1)

"Grodnenskaya street", Vereyskaya street (from the center) (1)

"Woodworking plant", Vereyskaya street (from the center)

"93rd sq. Kuntseva", Ryabinovaya street (to the center)

"93rd sq. Kuntseva", Ryabinovaya street (from the center) (1)

"Z-d KIM", Ryabinovaya street (from the center) (2)

“Vereyskaya street,” Vereyskaya street (to the center)

"Woodworking plant", Vereyskaya street (to the center)

"MRTZ", Vereyskaya street (to the center)

“Grodnenskaya street,” Vereyskaya street (to the center)

"Mozhaiskoe highway", Ryabinovaya street (from the center) (2)

"Mozhaiskoye Highway", Ryabinovaya Street (to the center)

"Z-d KIM", Ryabinovaya street (to the center)

"St. Alexey Sviridov", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"St. Klochkova", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"St. Bagritsky - 71st mountains. b-tsa", Mozhaiskoe highway (to the center)

"St. Alexey Sviridov", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

“Kutuzovsky Prospekt,” Staromozhaiskoye Highway (to the center)

"St. Bagritsky - 71st mountains. b-tsa", Mozhaiskoe highway (from the center) (1)

"St. Peter Alekseeva", Mozhaiskoe highway (from the center) (1)

“Boarding school No. 17”, Profsoyuznaya street (to the center)

"Drama Theatre", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center) (2)

"Leninsky Prospekt", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

"Cheryomushkinsky Market", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

"St. Ivan Babushkina", Nakhimovsky Prospekt (from the center) (1)

"Leninsky Prospekt", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"23rd quarter" New Cheryomushki (village)", Novocheryomushkinskaya street (from the center) (1)

“Metro Novye Cheryomushki”, Garibaldi street (to the center) (1)

"Real estate agency INCOM - Orchestrion Hall", Garibaldi street (to the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 25", Architect Vlasov Street (to the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 7", Architect Vlasov Street (to the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 7", Architect Vlasov Street (from the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 25", Architect Vlasov Street (from the center)

"Real estate agency INCOM - Orchestrion Hall", Garibaldi street (from the center) (1)

"23rd quarter" New Cheryomushki (k/st, high)", Novocheryomushkinskaya street (to the center)

"St. Klochkova", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

"Metro University", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (6)

"St. Lebedev", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (2)

"Mendeleevskaya St.", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (1)

"Pl. Indira Gandhi", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"Mosfilmovskaya street", Lomonosovsky prospect (from the center) (1)

"Stone Dam", Minskaya Street (from the center)

“Stone Dam”, Minskaya Street (to the center) (1)

"Pl. Indira Gandhi", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (center)

"Mendeleevskaya St.", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center)

"St. Lebedev", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center)

"Metro University", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center)

"Victory Park", Minskaya street (from the center)

"Drama Theatre", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (1)

"Mosfilmovskaya street", Lomonosovsky prospect (to the center)

"Institute of Pediatrics", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (1)

"Institute of Pediatrics", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

"Etc. Ave. No. 4668", Garibaldi Street (to the center)

“Metro Novye Cheryomushki”, Garibaldi street (to the center)

“Metro Novye Cheryomushki”, Garibaldi street (from the center) (1)

"Etc. Ave. No. 4668", Garibaldi Street (from the center)

"Staromozhaiskoe highway", Staromozhaiskoe highway (to the center)

"St. Artamonova - Music. school", Aminevskoe highway (from the center) (1)

"Metro station Slavyansky Blvd. (high)", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"Metro New Cheryomushki", Profsoyuznaya street (from the center) (1)

"MSU Library", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (to the center) (1)

"MSU Library", Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 13", Architect Vlasov Street (to the center)

"St. Architect Vlasov, 13", Architect Vlasov Street (from the center)

"Metro Slavyansky Boulevard", Kutuzovsky Prospekt (from the center)

Cheryomushkinsky Market, Lomonosovsky Prospekt (from the center) (1)

“Metro Slavyansky Boulevard”, Staromozhaiskoe highway (to the center)

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