Smooth start of 12 volt motor. Do-it-yourself soft start of an electric motor. Frequency control of rotation speed

20.Methods of starting the engine direct current.

There are three possible ways to start the engine:

1) direct start, when the armature circuit is connected directly to the network at its full voltage;

2) starting using a starting rheostat or starting resistances connected in series to the armature circuit;

3) start at undervoltage anchor chains

Direct starting is used only for engines with a power of up to several hundred watts, for which Ra is relatively large and therefore, when starting, the starting process lasts no more than 1-2 seconds.

The most common is starting using a starting rheostat or starting resistances

Methods for starting a DC motor

1. Direct start- the armature winding is connected directly to the network.

The motor armature current is determined by the formula. (4.1) If we assume that during direct starting the values ​​of the supply voltage U and the resistance of the armature winding R I remain unchanged, then the armature current depends on the back EMF E. At the initial moment of armature launch, the engine is stationary ( =0) and in its winding E=0.Therefore, when connected to the network, a starting current appears in the winding
. (4.2) Usually resistance R I not much, especially for high-power motors, therefore the value of the starting current reaches 20 times the rated current of the motor. Unacceptably large values, 10 This creates a danger of breaking the machine shaft and strong sparking appears under the commutator brushes. For this reason, such a start is used only for low-power engines with R I relatively large.

2)Rheostat start- a starting rheostat is included in the armature circuit to limit the current. At the initial moment of start-up at =0 And R P =max The armature current will be equal

. (4.3) The maximum value of R p is selected so that for machines of high and medium power the armature current at start-up
, and for low-power machines
. Let's consider the process of rheostatic starting using the example of a motor with parallel excitation (Fig. 4.1). At the initial moment, the start-up is carried out according to the rheostatic characteristic 4, corresponding to the maximum resistance value R P, while the engine develops maximum starting torque M nmax.Adjustment rheostat R R is output so that I V And F were maximum. As the engine accelerates, the engine torque decreases, since as the rotor speed increases, the EMF also increases E, and as a result, the armature current, which determines its value, decreases. Upon reaching a certain value M pmin piece of resistance R P is output, as a result of which the torque increases again to M nmax, the engine switches to operation according to rheostatic characteristic 3 and accelerates to the value M pmin. Thus, gradually reducing the resistance of the starting rheostat, the engine is accelerated along individual segments of the rheostatic characteristic until it reaches natural characteristic 1. The average starting torque is determined from the expression
. (4.4) the engine accelerates with some constant acceleration.

A similar start is possible for series-excited motors. The number of starting stages depends on the rigidity of the natural characteristic and the requirements for smooth starting. Starting rheostats are designed for short-term operation under current.

In real devices, start-up is automatic. Microcontroller, according to given the algorithm, controls the switching elements (relay control), turning off sections of the starting rheostat and practically implementing the process described above.

The control algorithm can be constructed using three basic principles:

1) EMF principle

2) Current principle

3) The principle of time.

The idea of ​​implementing these principles can be explained using a starting circuit based on electromagnetic relays (which was practically used before the widespread introduction of microprocessor control systems) Figure 4.3. A series of relays are connected in parallel to the armature of the machine, which, with an increase in the rotation speed, and therefore the EMF, are sequentially activated and, with their contacts, remove the starting rheostat sections from operation, gradually reducing the resistance of the armature circuit.

When using the current principle, series-connected current relays are used, which give a command through their normally closed contacts to sequentially switch on the corresponding contactors K i when the current drops to a given level.

The time principle involves the use of time relays, which, through calculated time settings, give a command to bypass the rheostat sections.

4)Start by smoothly increasing the supply voltage - starting is carried out from a separate regulated power source. It is used for high-power engines, where it is impractical to use bulky rheostats due to significant energy losses.

Starting an induction motor smoothly is always a difficult task because starting an induction motor requires a lot of current and torque, which can burn out the motor winding. Engineers are constantly proposing and implementing interesting technical solutions to overcome this problem, for example, using a switching circuit, autotransformer, etc.

Currently, similar methods are used in various industrial installations for the uninterrupted operation of electric motors.

The principle of operation of an induction electric motor is known from physics, the whole essence of which is to use the difference between the rotation frequencies of the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor. The magnetic field of the rotor, trying to catch up with the magnetic field of the stator, contributes to the excitation of a large starting current. The motor runs at full speed, and the torque value also increases along with the current. As a result, the winding of the unit may be damaged due to overheating.

Thus, it becomes necessary to install a soft starter. Soft starters for three-phase asynchronous motors allow you to protect units from the initial high current and torque that arise due to the sliding effect when operating an induction motor.

Advantageous features of using a circuit with a device soft start(UPP):

  1. reduction of starting current;
  2. reduction in energy costs;
  3. increasing efficiency;
  4. relatively low cost;
  5. achieving maximum speed without damaging the unit.

How to start the engine smoothly?

There are five main soft starting methods.

  • High torque can be created by adding an external resistance to the rotor circuit as shown in the figure.

  • By including an automatic transformer in the circuit, the starting current and torque can be maintained by reducing the initial voltage. See the picture below.

  • Direct launch is the simplest and most cheap way, because the induction motor is connected directly to the power source.
  • Connections using a special winding configuration - the method is applicable for motors intended for operation under normal conditions.

  • Using SCP is the most advanced method of all the methods listed. Here, semiconductor devices such as thyristors or SCRs, which control the speed of an induction motor, successfully replace mechanical components.

Commutator motor speed controller

Most circuits for household appliances and electrical tools are based on a 220 V commutator motor. This demand is explained by its versatility. The units can be powered from DC or AC voltage. The advantage of the circuit is due to the provision of effective starting torque.

To achieve a smoother start and have the ability to adjust the rotation speed, speed controllers are used.

You can start an electric motor with your own hands, for example, in this way.












Names of the stages of the course project Lines of project stages
1 Analysis of technical specifications and selection of pulse width converter 15 June 2002
2 Analysis of functional diagrams and development of technical documentation 30 June 2002
3 Development of the transistor control system and preparation of the printed circuit board November 20, 2002
4 Design of equivalent circuits 30 leaf fall 2002
5 Pobudova static, mechanical and dynamic characteristics 5th birthday 2002
6 Selecting power elements and setting up circuit parameters 10 breast 2002
7 Rozrahunok energy characteristics 25 Breast 2002
8 Mathematical modeling 10 June 2003
9 Project design 27 June 2003

Student _____________

Kerivnyk _____________

“_______”______________________200 RUR


SHIP - pulse width converter

DPT - stationary engine

AD - asynchronous motor

IP - impulse converter

EOM – electronic computing machine

IDK - vimi-diagnostic complex

SD - stepper motor

VFD - variable frequency drive

Efficiency - coefficient of corysmic action

GPI - sawtooth generator


for a student's course project


1. Topic of work: Soft start of a stationary jet motor using the system “Pulse width reversal – stationary jet motor”. The main part is the design of a soft start system for a stationary jet engine based on a PIC 16F 877 microcontroller

2. Line of student’s completed work 01/28/03

3. Output data before operation, technical characteristics of the engine, technical characteristics of other systems of pulse width modulators

4. Substitution of an explanatory note, analysis of the main pulse converters and selection of the most optimal one, development of technical documentation for the stand, development of the principle and functional circuits, selection of power elements iv.

5. Date of publication 200 RUR




Introduction. 6

1. Advantages and disadvantages of the SHIP - DPT system. 8

1.1 Switching DC-DC converters (general information) 8

1.2 Analysis of existing pulse converters. 8

2. Functional diagram of the laboratory stand. eleven

3. Development of technical documentation for the laboratory bench of the SHIP - DPT system. 13

3.1 General view of the laboratory stand. 13

3.2 Schematic diagram stand after modification. 15

3.3 List functionality laboratory stand. 16

3.4 Base control system microcontroller PIC 16F 877.17

4. Calculation of equivalent circuit. 24

5. Static characteristics of the SHIP - DPT system. 26

6. Selection of power elements. 31

6.1 Selecting a power transformer. 31

6.2 Selecting a power transistor. 32

6.3 Selecting a reverse diode. 33

7. Calculation of the converter. 35

8. Calculation of energy characteristics. 42

9. Mathematical model of the SHIP – DPT system. 45


Electrical energy conservation is becoming an important part of the overall trend towards environmental protection. Electric motors that drive systems in everyday life and in industry consume a significant portion of the energy produced. Most of these motors operate in unregulated mode and therefore with low efficiency. Recent advances in the semiconductor industry, especially in power electronics and microcontrollers, have made variable speed drives more practical and significantly less expensive. Today, variable speed drives are required not only in highly professional and powerful applications. industrial applications such as processing machines or cranes, but more and more in household appliances, for example, in washing machines, compressors, small pumps, air conditioners, etc. These drives, controlled by advanced algorithms using microcontrollers, have a number of advantages:

increasing the energy efficiency of the system (speed regulation reduces power losses in engines)

improved performance (digital control can add features such as intelligent closed loops, changing frequency properties, controllable fault range, and the ability to interface with other systems)

simplification of electromechanical energy conversion (variable drives eliminate the need for transmissions, gearboxes, gearboxes) ease of updating software Microcontroller-based systems with flash memory can quickly change as needs increase. The main condition for their use is to maintain the total cost of the system within reasonable limits. For a number of systems, especially in the home, the total cost should be equivalent to the cost of the unregulated option.

1. Advantages and disadvantages of the SHIP - DPT system

1.1 Switching DC-DC converters (general information)

Changing the consumer voltage value using pulse converters (IP) is called pulse regulation.

Using a pulse converter, the voltage source is periodically connected to the load. As a result, voltage pulses are formed at the output of the converter. Load voltage regulation can be done in three ways:

changing the conductivity interval of the switch at a constant switching frequency (pulse width)

changing the switching frequency at a constant interval of switch conductivity (frequency-pulse)

changing the switching frequency and the conduction interval of the switch (time-pulse)

In this case, the relative conduction time of the switch is regulated, which leads to a smooth change in the average voltage value at the load (in our case, at the DPT armature)

1.2 Analysis of existing pulse converters

The PWB circuit with parallel capacitive switching is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1. PWB with parallel capacitive switching

The disadvantage of PSG with parallel capacitive switching is that during the switching process, the voltage at the load reaches double the supply voltage. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of setting up a resonant circuit with capacitor ‘C’ and inductor ‘Dr’.

Figure 1.2 shows a PWB circuit with an additional switching thyristor and a linear choke in the switching unit.

The disadvantage of the circuit is the connection of the switching circuit with the load circuit. This feature complicates switching in light load modes and makes it impossible for the device to operate at idle.

Figure 1.3 shows a diagram of a non-reversible power supply with a sequential key element.

Figure 1.3. Irreversible SPIKE

This circuit is the most suitable for our purpose, since it is characterized by a small number of elements, simplicity of design, fairly high speed and reliability.

Operating principle:

When the VT transistor is turned off from the power supply, energy is consumed. When the transistor VT is turned off, the load current due to E.M.F. self-induction retains its previous direction, closing through the reverse diode VD. Due to the fact that the power source, as a rule, has an inductance, to protect the transistor from overvoltages that occur when the power supply circuit is interrupted, a low-pass filter is installed at the input of the power supply, the output link of which is the capacitor Swx.

2. Functional diagram of the laboratory stand

The functional diagram of an existing laboratory stand is shown in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 Functional diagram of the stand

The functional diagram shows the main elements of the stand and the functional interactions between them.

The main element of the stand is the ACS 300 frequency converter. Through it, power is supplied to the asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor M1 - AOL2-21-4. The stand provides the ability to operate asynchronous dynamic braking mode. It is also possible to control the speed of an asynchronous motor, currents and voltages of both IM and DPT.

In the power circuit of the IM there are a three-phase current sensor and a three-phase voltage sensor, the data from which is supplied through the communication unit to the EOM. The communication unit and the EOM form a measuring and diagnostic complex (IDC). The IDK also receives signals from other sensors and control elements

3. Development of technical documentation for the laboratory bench of the SHIP - DPT system

3.1 General view of the laboratory stand

Appearance the designed stand is shown in the figure 3.1

1. Load resistor knob

2. Button SB2 “Stop blood pressure”

When controlling DC motors, sometimes there is a need for a sudden change in speed (for example, starting from 0% to 100% power or changing speed to the opposite). But this mode of engine operation requires very high currents - several times more than simple movement. If, for example, when rotating at a constant speed, the motor consumes a current of about 500 mA, then at the moment of starting this value can reach 2-3 A. Because of this, it is necessary to use a more powerful power supply subsystem and controller.

The problem of inrush currents can be solved by gradually increasing the speed. Those. Instead of instantaneous acceleration, the motor will accelerate gradually, while smoothing out the peak current consumption at the moment of starting.

Let's connect the motor to the motor-shield on the meringue L298P, as in the previous example:

Do not forget that the motor does not have a feedback connection, so to control the current speed we use the additional variable motorPower

unsigned long StartTimer; // Timer for soft start

pinMode(I1, OUTPUT);

for (motorPower=0;motorPower (


The engine now accelerates more smoothly. Accelerating from 0 to 255 will take almost half a second, and setting the change interval to 1 ms will generally take a quarter of a second. The difference is not very noticeable to the naked eye. But such overclocking is much more gentle on the power unit. In addition, we can adjust the acceleration speed to achieve the desired acceleration.

But the use of delay() does not allow parallel use

no other actions, so we implement a soft start using timers, as with.

byte E1=5; // Motor speed control - connection to output 5

byte I1=4; // Control the direction of rotation - connect to output 4

unsigned long StartTimer; // time counter for soft start

int StartTimeStep=2; // Engine power change interval, in ms

int StartPowerStep=1; // One step change in engine power

int motorPower; // Engine power

pinMode(E1, OUTPUT); // Set the operation of the corresponding pins as outputs

pinMode(I1, OUTPUT);

motorPower=0; // Initial power - 0

digitalWrite(I1, HIGH); // Pin I1 is set to a high logic level, the motor rotates in one direction

if (motorPower if ((millis()-StartTimer)>= StartTimeStep) // Check how much has passed since the last speed change

// if more than the specified interval, increase the speed by one more step

motorPower+= StartPowerStep; // increase speed

analogWrite(E1, motorPower); // At the ENABLE pin a control signal with a new speed

StartTimer=millis(); // Start of a new step

Now the engine accelerates smoothly, and in parallel with acceleration, you can perform any other actions

When studying the starting characteristics of starter electric motors, it was revealed that when voltage is applied to the electric motor, a reverse current pulse with a voltage of more than 2000 volts appears. The insulation of electric motor windings may fail and result in interturn breakdown. Sparking of the collector at high starting currents leads to burnout of the collector plates. You can avoid breakdown and an emergency situation when starting an electric motor by using the method of accelerating speed over time.

The starting current in this circuit is reduced to an acceptable value from 220 amperes to 20. Soft start conditions are created by a double current level - the first is created by the regulation characteristic of the field-effect transistor for a time of 0-10 ms, the second - by the contacts of the starting relay from 10 to 60 ms. The current during the starting mode increases almost linearly, which does not lead to destruction of the electrical part of the electric motor.

The circuit in the figure is a hybrid of a powerful field-effect transistor and a start relay.

After pressing the “Start” button, the field-effect transistor is opened by applying voltage from the battery GB1 to the gate through resistor R1. A circuit parallel to the gate of the transistor and the minus of the battery protects the transistor and slightly increases the turn-on time from 0.02 to 1 ms, depending on the values ​​of resistors R1, R2 and capacitor C1 - it supplies power to the starting motor M1 with increasing voltage. The electric motor will accelerate to rated speed, at the end of this process the powerful contacts K1.1 of relay K1 will close, the current through the field-effect transistor will stop, and the operating current of the electric motor will not create sparking of the contacts, since the acceleration mode has been completed.

Opening the “Start” circuit will lead to the opening of circuit K1.1 and de-energizing the electric motor, with the current decreasing exponentially.

A zener diode is introduced into the gate circuit of the field-effect transistor in the circuit to protect against exceeding the threshold voltage; in the source circuit of the transistor, in parallel with the starting electric motor, a circuit is connected to suppress the pulse voltage of reverse polarity - diode VD2 and capacitor C2.

The winding of relay K1 is protected from reverse polarity pulses by a bipolar LED HL1 with a discharge resistor R4; resistor R3 limits the supply current to the winding circuit and reduces its heating during prolonged operation. Diode VD3 eliminates the penetration of impulse noise into the power circuit.

There are no scarce radio components in the circuit: field-effect transistors are installed for a total operating current of 212 amperes. Resistors type MLT-0.25, R3 for one watt. Diodes VD2, VD3 pulse type. Automotive relay - type MG16566DX for a contact current of 30 amperes and a voltage of 12 volts, the turn-on voltage of such a relay is 7 volts, the release voltage is 3.5 volts. We will replace the HL1 LED with KIPD 45B-2 or KIPD 23 A1-K, start button type KM 1-1. The design used an Italian-made starter motor; research was also carried out on other types of electric motors with power from 10 to 300 watts.

The structure is assembled in a housing measuring 110 * 35 * 55 and is fixed next to the starter, the start button is installed in a place convenient for turning on and is connected by a multi-core insulated wire with a cross-section of 0.5 mm. The field-effect transistors are secured with a common bolt to the radiator.

The LED can be used as a start indicator or left on the board.

The power supply circuits of the electric motor must be made with stranded wire with a cross-section of at least 10 mm and as short as possible in length to reduce voltage losses.

The circuit was tested on a bench with the specified 250-watt motor; for reliability, install two field switches in parallel, securing them on both sides of the radiator, the starting current can then reach 220 amperes. A current of 130 Amps is taken from the battery by the starter of the Zhiguli VAZ 2107.

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
VT1 MOSFET transistor


1 To notepad
VD1 Zener diodeKS818E1 To notepad
VD2, VD3 Rectifier diode


2 To notepad
HL1 Light-emitting diodeL-57EGW1 To notepad
C1 Capacitor0.1 µF1 To notepad
C2 Electrolytic capacitor100 µF1 To notepad
R1 Resistor

120 kOhm

1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

75 kOhm

1 To notepad
R3 Resistor

1 ohm

1 To notepad
R4 Resistor

3.3 kOhm

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