What is speed fan. How to set up the SpeedFan program. SpeedFan Functionality Overview

1. Basic setting SpeedFan... 1.1. Customization Advanced fan control. 2. Enabling startup. 3. F.A.Q.

1. Basic setting of SpeedFan.
SpeedFan- a free program designed to control fan speeds, as well as to monitor temperatures and voltages in computers with motherboards that have hardware sensors. The program can also display S.M.A.R.T. information. and temperature hard disk if this feature is supported by the hard drive. There is also the ability to change the FSB on some components and support for SCSI disks. But the main feature of this program is that it can change the fan speeds depending on the current temperatures (this feature is not supported by all sensors). Thus, noise and power consumption are reduced. This manual is suitable for any version SpeedFan.
I recommend using the program's English-language interface. This will avoid problems with dropping the names of temperatures and fans, and the English text looks more concise and compact.
Program setting
Press the button " Configure". Before us is the first tab - " Temperatures", Which displays the sensors installed on the motherboard and current temperatures with standard parameters. Let's start setting up
You can see that all available temperature values ​​are displayed, which SpeedFan was able to detect. In a collumn " Chip»The sensor chip is indicated. In this case, we have three different chips: one W83782D and two LM75. We can tell the difference between the two LM75s due to the different addresses ($ 48 and $ 49). The LM75 chips, in this case, are actually clones created by the W83782D, and we will not pay attention to them, since all temperatures are available directly through the W83782D. But this is not always true. Winbond chips can be configured to actually hide the actual temperature from the main sensor. In this case, you need to work with the LM75. So, we choose the right temperature. For example, we have selected TEMP02.
We select Desired and Warning temperature values ​​according to our wishes. Please note that we say "wishes." You are free to set any values. But do not rush to extremes and set values, for example, around 15 degrees. This will not bring the desired result.
Ideally, the thresholds should be set like this. Select a comfortable processor fan speed for idle mode (usually set so that it cannot be heard), and now remember what the processor temperature is at that fan speed. For example, if the idle temperature of the processor is 35 degrees, then the desired ( Desire) should be set more, for example, 37-40. Then, when this threshold is exceeded, the fan will accelerate to the upper value ( Warning) in its settings, and when the temperature starts to drop and crosses this mark ( Desire), then the fan will slow down. So: 1. If the temperature of the sensor is less Desire, then the fan will rotate at the Min speed (set for it). 2. If the temperature of the sensor has exceeded Desire but less Warning- the fan will rotate at a speed Maximum Value(usually exhibited<100%). 3. Если температура датчика превысила значение Warning, then the fan starts rotating at 100% of the possible speed.
As you can see, we first have to select the temperature, then we can select its parameters. You can also rename the name of the temperature (using the mouse or by clicking " F2"). The new name will be more clearly displayed in the main window.
In modern systems, there are usually a large number of different temperature sensors. For their correct identification, it is recommended to run the program in parallel AIDA64 and rename all the required temperatures according to its readings, comparing the same indicators.
We have renamed TEMP1 and TEMP2 to CPU1 and CPU0.
So we have finished renaming and setting parameters for each temperature. Since in our case the highest temperature in the system is the “Case” temperature, we decided to display it in the taskbar (the “ Show In Traybar"). Now we have to hide in the main window those temperatures that are not used. In our case, these are the LM75 indicators. Not every system has unused sensors, but it also happens that there are unconnected sensors on the motherboard that report incorrect values ​​(for example, -127 or something like that).
Uncheck the boxes for temperatures that you think are not useful or are incorrect. You can now arrange the temperatures shown in the main window. All we have to do is use drag & drop to move them up or down.
So, the first part of the setup was successful, and we achieved the following result:
Fan setting

Just like in the case of temperatures, we can rename the names of the fans ...
... remove unused ones from the main window ...
... and arrange.
Setting the speeds
These are the default parameters for this system. You can set your minimum ( Minimum value) and maximum ( Maximum value) power values ​​for each fan. Keep in mind that not every motherboard has fan speed control capabilities. This, first of all, depends on what sensors can be installed on it and detected by the program. SpeedFan... The same goes for temperatures, voltages and fans. Not every sensor chip can control all of these parameters. SpeedFan displays all the information available to it.
As usual, we can rename ...
... remove unused ones from the main window (W83782D has 4 PWMs, but you are unlikely to use all of them) ... ... and organize.
We will not describe the voltage settings here, since they can also be renamed, hidden, and rearranged by analogy with other parameters.
Assigning speeds to temperatures
Now the main window looks much better than when you first started the program. The flame icons are gone and unnecessary parameters no longer clutter up the window :-) But we still have CPU0 and CPU1 at 100%. It is necessary to reduce the speed of the fans. Note that you cannot change all speeds. It depends on the sensors and controllers installed on your motherboard. Since, in this case, we have a W83782D, we have the ability to change many parameters.
Going back to the settings panel, we can see that the CPU0 temperature is associated with all available speeds, two of which have checkboxes and the other two do not. This happens because we have hidden some speeds from the main window and the program, assuming that we do not need the speed data, automatically unchecked them. Each PWM can increase or decrease the speed of one fan. In theory, each fan can affect any temperature. Here we tell the program that CPU0 speed and CPU1 speed (which are related to PWM2 and PWM1) both affect the CPU0 temperature. It means that SpeedFan will try to speed up both of these fans when the CPU0 temperature is too high and will try to slow them down when the temperature drops. This is how we formed the CPU0 temperature so far. But this is not what actually happens in this system. Here, the CPU0 temperature changes under the influence of the CPU0 (fan) speed and the CPU1 temperature changes under the influence of the CPU1 speed. We change the configuration accordingly.
There is one more temperature that we would like to control: the temperature " Case". This temperature actually changes under the influence of both fans. We can easily inform the program about this.
Automatic speed change
As you can see, when the checkbox “ Automatic fan speed”, The speed does not change automatically. Therefore, we return to the " Speeds»The settings panel.
We select the fan speed we need and put a tick in the column “ Automatically variated"(Automatic change). This should be done for all coolers whose speeds are planned to be controlled automatically. Now the speeds of the fans we need will change depending on the temperatures we set on the tab “ Temperatures». Default, SpeedFan can vary each speed from 0 to 100%. If you uncheck the box “ Automatic fan speed»(Automatic fan speed control), SpeedFan will stop automatically controlling the speeds.
Setting the desired speeds

One of the fans in our system is quite quiet already at 65% power ( Minimum value). This is good as it still runs at 5700 rpm. The other fan is noisier. Therefore, the value of its power will differ slightly from the first. 90% power ( Maximum Value) the second cooler is enough to cool the central processor to an acceptable temperature. At 100%, the noise level becomes quite high.
With these settings, the program will dynamically change the speed of the first fan from 65 to 100%, and the speed of the second from 60 to 90%. Please note that if “ Anxious» ( Warning) the temperature is reached, SpeedFan will set the fan speed to 100% regardless of what we set earlier. The basic settings that need to be made for the successful operation of the program are described here.
1.1. Configuring Advanced Fan Control.
In the latest versions Speedfan it became possible to set the curve of the dependence of the fan speed on temperature - Advanced fan control... You can see detailed information on setting up at the link provided. Note that if you are not satisfied with the accuracy of the points, open the file speedfansens.cfg and there set the points directly in numbers (value ControlPoints, after the change the program must be restarted). It should be borne in mind that the minimum and maximum fan speed thresholds on the tab Speeds have a higher priority than the curve Advanced fan control... The temperature is the same: if a point on the curve goes beyond the border Warning in the tab Temperatures, then the fan will start rotating at 100% speed.
2. Enabling startup.
The program is configured, but now we need it to run every time the computer boots. There are no problems with Windows XP, there you just need to drop the shortcut to Startup. And with Windows 7 and 8 it is more difficult. In Windows 7 with the default UAC settings, the program may not start by simply moving the shortcut to startup, so the easiest way would be to reduce the UAC slider to a minimum. If this does not suit you (and in Windows 8 it may not work yet), then the Task Scheduler method will help. Right click on My Computer - Management - Task Scheduler - Task Scheduler Library... On the panel on the right - Create task... In the tab General enter the name of the task (arbitrary) and check the box Execute with the highest rights... Tab Triggers - Create - On Login... Tab Action - Create - Run the program- specify Speedfan.exe button Overview... Click on OK- a task will be created. You can check its launch immediately: right-click - Execute.
3. F.A.Q.
Q: How do I know what the temperature sensors Temp1, Temp2 correspond to? A: Run in parallel AIDA64 and find the same readings. Rename the old names as desired. Q: Help! One of the sensors (aux) shows 127 (-125) degrees! A: If the readings of this sensor are always the same - feel free to remove it from the list of displayed ones. Q: After changing the names of sensors and fans to their own, at the next boot, the previous names of fan1, temp2, etc. appear again. I have to press "Configuration - OK" and only then my names appear instead of ventilation and tempo. A: Please use the English interface language. Q: I did everything as written in the program settings, but the fan on the CPU cooler does not change its speed. A: Make sure the 4-pin fan is plugged into the 4-pin header on the motherboard. If the fan has only 3 wires, then speed control is impossible (with rare exceptions). Q: I have a three-pin connector on the motherboard and the same on the fan / I have a four-pin connector on the motherboard and the same on the fan - the rpm still does not change. A: Change the PWM x Mode value (where x is the required fan) in the IO chip settings (Configure - Advanced) to something like Software Controlled or Manual PWM Control, remembering to check the "Remember" checkbox
Q: The program shows that the voltage on the 12V line is only 9V. What to do? A: Don't trust this data. The only correct solution would be to measure the voltage with a voltmeter. Q: I am going to rearrange the operating system, but I do not want to re-configure the program. How can all settings be saved? A: Copy 3 files from the program working folder: speedfanevents.cfg, speedfanparams.cfg, speedfansens.cfg. Q: Fan speed 0 / huge values. It is normal in other programs. A: Change the Fan Div value in the IO chip settings (Configure - Advanced), if it doesn't help - Fan Mult. Download SpeedFan from the official site: http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php All questions related to setting up and operating the program, ask in the appropriate topic at. In the comments, please indicate any errors and misprints you have noticed.

And personal computers often wonder how to use Speedfan.

Features of the program:

  1. Function of dynamic regulation of the fan speed on a laptop or PC;
  2. Real-time CPU temperature monitoring;
  3. Interaction with all available chips for system monitoring;
  4. A function that allows you to change the system bus frequencies (works only with several types of motherboards);
  5. Full display of statistics of hardware devices and diagrams of their impact on the overall performance of the system;
  6. Identifying the temperature of the hard disk of the device.

Also, in addition to all of the above functions, the updated version of the software has support for the latest versions of popular models of laptop processors.

An available version of the software that will suit any computer is portable rus. This version does not require installation into the system.

You can work with the application by simply opening the executable file.

Advice! If your computer is too noisy (heats up), and the fans do not speed up, you should use the program, because it can solve the problem of constant overheating and spontaneous shutdown of the system.

Program setting

For the application to work stably and regulate the operation of all hardware components of the computer, it must be configured.

Let's take a closer look at how to use and how to set up the program in a few minutes.

This configuration method, and the instructions are suitable for any version of the program, because they all have the same interface:

  • Use the program in English, not Russian. In this way, it is possible to avoid incorrect display of some of the detected system parameters;
  • Run the program as administrator, as shown in the figure;

  • After starting the program, you need to wait a few seconds. At this time, the utility determines the hardware components with which it will work in the future;

  • To start the configuration process, click on the configuration button, which is located on the right side of the main program window. The following window will appear;

  • The window is divided into several tabs. The picture above shows the component temperatures tab. The numbers in the second column indicate the motherboard chip from which the device is being read.
    This way we can determine which component temperature is shown. Let's start setting up the display of temperature, for example, a video card. It corresponds to the GeForce Video card chip. Click on the device.
    At the bottom of the window, two temperature regulators are visible (on the left - the desired temperature, on the right - alarm). All that is needed is to set the indicators at the discretion of the user;

  • Uncheck all devices named Temp. They were not determined by the program and it is impossible to measure their temperature;

Changing the fan speed

If the processor temperature is less than desired, the fans will spin slowly.

When the temperature reaches the desired value, the fans will start to work faster, and, finally, when the temperature reaches the alarming level, the program will warn the user about possible danger.

How to increase the cooler speed? The latest version of the program allows you to dynamically adjust the rotation of the fan (s).

This means that depending on the temperature of the processor or video card, which is determined in the first tab, the fan will operate at different speeds.

If the utility does not see the fans, restart it.

If the utility does not regulate and detect components, autoload will help (if standard detection does not work).

To do this, you need to add a shortcut to the program in the device manager startup menu.

Let's take a closer look at how to change the fan speed. In our case, the program has detected two system fans.

Hi friends Today we will talk about such a program as SpeedFan, I will tell you what it is for and you can decide whether you need it or not. SpeedFan is a program for adjusting the fan speed inside the system cabinet. That is, with the help of SpeedFan you can make your computer quieter.

You can decrease the speed or increase it, it all depends on the temperature regime in which the computer is operating. The temperature is displayed in the SpeedFan program itself, but personally I use another program of this - Aida64, it's somehow more convenient for me there.

SpeedFan can regulate the speed of only those fans that are connected with three wires, there are two for electricity and one wire for service, just for such programs.

In addition to SpeedFan, the motherboard initially monitors the revolutions, unless, of course, change the settings in the BIOS there. Usually, the BIOS has speed control, that is, when the processor has a high temperature, the speed increases, and when the temperature is low, it decreases accordingly, some motherboards can stop the fans altogether. If you have a modern computer and you have not changed the settings in the BIOS, then most likely everything is happening for you. But, it may be that the computer makes a lot of noise even when not loaded - it means that we have already rummaged in the BIOS settings before you.

SpeedFan does not support Russian, but I think that without it it's easy to figure out what's what. True, you can find a Russified version on the Internet. After starting the program, you will see a window like this:

In this window, you can see the CPU Usage indicators, after which there are two halves, so to speak, on the left are the fan speeds that are currently set, and on the right are the temperatures of different devices.

A few explanations as to which term means:

  • SysFan - rotational speed of the cooler connected to the SysFan connector. All connectors are usually signed on the board, but if you have an instruction from the board, it is better to look into it;
  • CPU0 Fan - usually responsible for the cooler located on the processor heatsink, this connector on the board is signed as CPU0 Fan;
  • Aux0 Fan - a fan connected to the Aux0 Fan connector;
  • CPU1 Fan - this is in case you have a motherboard for two processors, then the connector for the second processor cooler is signed as CPU1 Fan;
  • Aux1 Fan - a fan that is connected to the Aux1 Fan connector;
  • PWR Fan - a fan connected to the PWR Fan connector; There is an opinion that this parameter can show the number of revolutions of the cooler in the power supply, but I'm not sure about that, because the fan in the power supply is regulated by a separate board and it is unlikely that it tells the motherboard about the rotations;
  • Fan1-Fan3 - additional fans;

Usually modern motherboards, especially those that are a little more expensive, do a good job of monitoring temperatures and, if necessary, changing the number of fan revolutions. This is so, just a note to you. Personally, I played with programs like SpeedFan, but came to the conclusion that it would be better to entrust this business to the motherboard. But I don’t argue that old boards, for example, on the 775th socket, may not regulate all this correctly.

Now let me tell you a little about some points. Here is the plug, which is referred to as a 3 pin and can be adjusted:

Here is a 4 pin connector and it also allows you to adjust the speed, usually such connectors in processor coolers:

Now we draw a small conclusion. If there are two wires from the fan, then such a fan cannot be regulated, simply because there is no additional wire, as I already wrote for the service one (it is usually yellow). Therefore, in this picture, the first plug will not allow you to change the speed, and the second and third will allow:

Any adapters like this one:

Or this one:

All of them also will not allow you to regulate the speed, I think that is understandable. To still regulate, you need to come up with some crutches (resistors), which, in my opinion, are still not a solution to this problem. Example:

Another example:

Personally, I do not like this for the reason that you cannot increase the speed when necessary. If you need to reduce the speed forever, then it is better to use adapters, that is, connect the fan directly to a 5 or 7 volt power supply.

How to remove SpeedFan from PC completely?

If you decide that you do not need this program, then you need to uninstall it. To do this, I recommend using a special software called, it will not only remove the program, but also clean the system after uninstallation. In general, I recommend

To uninstall in Windows itself, click Start and select Control Panel there (if you have Windows 10, then such an item can be found in the menu that is invoked using Win + X):

Then we find the Programs and Features icon and run it:

Find SpeedFan in the list of installed software, right-click and select Uninstall:

Then click Uninstall:

There will also be a window asking whether to delete the SpeedFan configurations, if you are not going to install this program anymore, then click here Yes:

Everything will be written Completed, which means that the deletion is complete:

Now everything is deleted, as you can see there is nothing complicated here

How to manually clean the registry after removing SpeedFan?

Well, this is only for advanced users who keep their system in strict cleanliness.

Keys from SpeedFan may remain in the registry, they basically do not load the system. Personally, I'm used to cleaning the registry this way, especially since I don't uninstall software so often.

So, first we open the registry, for this we hold down Win + R, write regedit there and click OK:

Then the registry editor will open, hold Ctrl + F there and write a word by which we will look for garbage keys in the registry. That is, we write speedfan and click Find Next:

All results to be found will be highlighted. For each, right-click and select Delete:

Deleted? Great, now press F3 to continue the search. And so it deletes until there is a message that the search is complete.

Well, that's all, I hope that everything told you what kind of SpeedFan program you now know, whether you need it or not, I think you can decide. Good luck to you


One of the most popular and used programs for working with computer coolers is SpeedFan. Its functionality is focused precisely on providing the user with all the necessary parameters for regulating the speed and voltage of the connected fans. Within the framework of this article, we would like to talk about interaction with this software.

Let's start with the most important thing - regulating the rotational speed of coolers. It should be noted right away that SpeedFan only supports and detects fans connected to the motherboard, since the connected elements with the power supply unit have nothing to do with the main system. After starting this software, the user only needs to go to the appropriate menu and set the indicators in such a way that the speed meets the requirements.

Thanks to flexible regulation, the speed can be either reduced, providing a quieter operation of the system unit, and increased, improving cooling. For detailed instructions on how to perform this operation, read our other material at the following link.

System temperature monitoring

Since SpeedFan is directly related to the temperature regime of the system unit, its functionality includes a tool that allows you to monitor the heating of components. It is in the section "Exotic"... At the moment, this menu is still under development, so it is possible that in the future the user will see even more useful information here. So far, it shows the load and temperature of the CPU, hard disk and video card.

Program setting

In addition, SpeedFan changes the voltage of the fans, monitors the hertz of the processor, configures certain events, for example, sending a message if the temperature of the processor exceeds a certain mark. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with all these functions in a separate article of ours below.

Fix for fan detection issue

Usually, users do not encounter any problems when working in the software in question, but in extremely rare cases [SpeedFan does not display the connected fans. Note once again that the coolers connected to the power supply unit will not be visible, but if even the processor cooling system is not shown, you need to immediately resolve this issue. Our other author, in the material below, has written detailed instructions for correcting this difficulty.

Now you know all about assistive software like SpeedFan. It remains only to carefully study the presented material in order to fully plunge into the flexible configuration of computer coolers.

SpeedFan is one of the most popular free computer monitoring programs with the ability to adjust the rotation of the fan speed. It is for the second part of its functionality that many users install this software on their computer, because it is much easier to configure the cooler immediately in the operating system, without entering the BIOS. However, in terms of monitoring temperatures, voltages, and rotational speed of coolers, SpeedFan has also succeeded. The user only needs to customize the software for himself in order to comfortably interact with him.

As part of today's material, we want to discuss the complete configuration of the mentioned application, disassembling step by step every important detail. The whole process will be divided into separate sections, so you can familiarize yourself with the content and immediately proceed to performing the necessary actions. However, we recommend that you still learn about all the intricacies in order to discover new facets of editing parameters in SpeedFan.


It is always recommended to customize the interface for yourself in the first place in order to simplify all further actions with the software. It should be noted right away that SpeedFan has localization in Russian, so the choice of this particular language of buttons and functions will allow you to quickly deal with all the components. The interface configuration is carried out as follows:

After completing the configuration, do not forget to apply the changes, otherwise all parameters will be automatically reset to their original state.

Fan control

Next, let's look at the most interesting feature of SpeedFan - fan control, for which many people install this software. First, pay attention to the main menu: basic information about the state of components is displayed here - temperature, speed. However, this is not what we need now. Check the box "Fan autospeed" so that the software automatically manages them as the system is loaded and temperatures rise. Below there are three lines responsible for the ability to quickly change the rotation speed.

Then move to the window again "Configuration" and open the tab "Fans"... Here you can tick the items to be monitored. As you can see, not always all coolers present here are actually installed in the computer, so a check mark is not required. Enabling unnecessary parameters will only add a few unnecessary lines to the report or notification.

Next, we'll touch on the topic of speed control. This is done in the corresponding tab, where three items are marked - system, processor and additionally connected cooler through the AUX sensor. Highlight one of the items so that two control values ​​appear at the bottom. Here you can set the minimum speed and maximum speed. Read more about changing these parameters in our other articles by clicking on the links below.

Additional settings for fan control

There is another tab that is responsible for additional settings for fan control. Here you add one of the devices and fine-tune the distribution of the rotational speed at certain temperatures. The procedure for creating a new profile looks like this:

  1. Move to the tab Fan Control... Here, check the box next to "Advanced fan control" and click on "Add".
  2. Enter a name for the new controller.
  3. Select a new profile and in the pop-up list define the fan device connected to one of the connectors.
  4. Now add the device whose temperature will be detected. To do this, click on the bottom button "Add"... As you can see from the screenshot below, the button "Add" slightly hidden in the interface. This is due to errors in the development of windows and it will not be possible to fix the problem on your own.
  5. From the list that opens, select the component whose temperature you want to monitor.
  6. Then change the graph by moving the rotation speed points up or down as needed. So you can make that from a temperature of 30 to 60 degrees, the speed of revolutions will be at the same level, and then increase by the specified number of percent.

Additional properties of chips

In the tab "Additionally" there are a few more properties that allow you to adjust the temperature offset. To familiarize yourself with them, you first need to select the chip itself by expanding the pop-up menu. It displays all connected devices.

Further, it remains only to choose an interpretation and set two offsets of the temperature regime, if necessary. Just remember to press the button. "OK" after each change so that it is saved.

Creating events

Sometimes it is necessary that when special events are reached, some action automatically occurs. SpeedFan for this task allows you to create special scripts, completely customizing them yourself. Let's take a look at one of the examples of writing such an event.

  1. Move to the tab "Events".
  2. In the pop-up menu "If" select the operator that is responsible for the condition, for example, the temperature of the processor.
  3. Next, set a condition, for example, when the temperature exceeds or falls below a certain value.
  4. Specify the frequency of the event duration at which the condition will be triggered.
  5. Set the condition itself, for example, display a notification, send an e-mail, or beep.
  6. Install additional descriptions and actions as required.
  7. Click on the button "Add".
  8. One line with a detailed description of the condition will appear at the top.

In the same way, you can add several more different events that will perform some action when the goal is achieved. Such settings allow you to create flexible conditions by optimizing the operation of the software.

Sending messages by email

Above, we mentioned sending messages by email. Now is the time to talk about setting up this process. The built-in functionality of the software in question allows you to enter your address and additional information, which will later be used to send reports on the operation of the system or certain warnings. All configuration is built absolutely individually and is carried out through the menu "Mail".

Making report

Reports in SpeedFan are generated automatically, but first you need to activate their saving and configure some parameters. All data is entered into a separate file with all the required notes, and it is stored for a certain number of days or sent by mail. The report configuration looks like this:

Viewing the status of the hard drive

Finally, let's look at two important functions that have little to do with the topic of program settings, but take place in this material. First, pay attention to the tab "S.M.A.R.T."... Here you can quickly check the status of the connected drive by running one of the available tests. You will be shown the performance, physical condition and values ​​of the main parameters.


The formation of graphs will allow for a more successful analysis of the system by adding the necessary indicators to the display. This includes: system temperature, CPU, graphics adapter, and optional accessories. In addition, you can analyze not only degrees, but also voltage by selecting the appropriate mode.

You are now familiar with the basic aspects of setting up SpeedFan. As you can see, there are really many parameters here, and after familiarizing yourself with each of them, the procedure for mastering the software will take much less time, which will allow you to immediately use the tool to its full power.

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