Spanish anti-cellulite massage. What do you get with a Spanish massage procedure?

The uniqueness and inimitability of Spanish massage lies in the combination of the Western approach, which consists in impeccable knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the human body and Eastern teachings about the vital functions of the body, which consider health as a result of an excess or deficiency of qi and yang energies.

Basic principles

The number of unique massage techniques that Spanish body massage includes is great. There are more than a hundred of them. The main advantage of Spanish massage over other types is that, due to the uniqueness of each session, the human body does not “get used to” and does not lose sensitivity to its effects.

The client's sensations should be pleasant, not painful, sometimes causing him to relax and fall asleep. This relaxed state is believed to activate chi energy, which promotes self-healing.

Under no circumstances should you use different massage techniques to avoid their mutually exclusive effects on the body.

All these principles contradict the basic principles classic massage.

Spanish body massage techniques

Spanish massage can be represented by the following unique techniques:

  • Chiromassage. Designed to improve the elasticity of muscle fibers. For it to be effective, the massage therapist must first completely relax the patient’s muscles. Then, using circular techniques, they begin a deeper impact. This Spanish body massage mainly affects the back and legs.
  • Myotensive technique. It is most often used to normalize the musculoskeletal system. First, using circular movements, the muscles that move the joints are relaxed. After relaxing each muscle group, the joint itself is deeply worked out.
  • Somatoemotional massage. It is carried out to normalize the function of the nervous system. The massage therapist alternates relaxing techniques with intense ones that affect certain reflex zones. Massage movements are carried out at different speeds and strength. Sometimes feathers and stones are used to perform such a massage.
  • Neurosedative massage. Its goal is to normalize the patient’s mental state. Also, this Spanish body massage is used to eliminate chronic pain in the neck, back and limbs. It is carried out using monotonous, slow techniques, which are believed to be reminiscent of the sensations once experienced by a person during prenatal period. To increase efficiency, various creams and aromatic oils are used.
  • Hemolymphatic technique. Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Used to normalize arterial and intracranial pressure, eliminate edema, and for weight loss. Massage movements are carried out along the flow of blood and lymph.

There are also lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite and other Spanish massage techniques.

"Hiro" - hand. You lie there, relaxing every cell of your body, and someone’s hands give you unforgettable pleasure. This massage is the only way to stimulate vitality body, when there are no intermediaries between you and the specialist - no tools, no medicine, but only warm palms that directly bring health and joy.

Chiromassage is one of the most popular techniques in the world, incorporating various techniques of classical and oriental massage systems. This technique is used not only as a medical procedure, but also as a preventive measure for the aging of the body in general, and the face in particular. And also in various aesthetic procedures aimed at weight loss, correction of cellulite, etc. The results will impress you so much that you will want to come back to us again and again. After all, the secret of youth and health is in the hands of our massage therapists!

The chiromassage technique works on 4 levels with the muscular system and its functions: nervous, vascular, muscular and osteoarticular systems.

A wide variety of massage techniques allows you to create an absolutely original massage every time, avoid the effect of getting used to tactile influences and maintain 100% results for a long time:

  • ● body: body sculpting, restoration of muscle contractile function, relief from muscle pain, restoration of tissue elasticity and mobility of joints and ligaments, weight loss, reduction of cellulite, general improvement and rejuvenation of the body, relief from stress;
  • ● face: muscle relaxation, relief of muscle hypertonicity, work with wrinkles, solving problems of the periorbital zone and lip area, restoration of skin turgor and tone of facial muscles, obvious lifting.

Like any massage technique, chiromassage is based on scientific data, but at the same time it is an art. And every time the massage therapist begins his new picture, unique and beautiful. We invite everyone to plunge into this miracle through the hands of our masters!

Body chiromassage:

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • 2,800 rub.
    4,200 rub.

Chiromassage of the face:

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 40 minutes
  • 1,800 rub.

"Hemolymphatic drainage"

This is a manual technique aimed at eliminating stagnation in tissues and organs through specific effects.

Hemolymphatic drainage helps cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic products, which, settling in the lymph nodes, reduce the detoxification function of the body.

The hemolymphatic drainage method is effective:

  • ● in the treatment of cellulite;
  • ● when removing excess fat deposits;
  • ● to eliminate skin sagging;
  • ● to restore skin moisture levels;
  • ● to eliminate swelling;
  • ● for varicose veins;
  • ● for hypertension;
  • ● for osteochondrosis;
  • ● with decreased immunity;
  • ● for general fatigue.

Hemolymphatic drainage of the body:

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • 2,800 rub.
    4,200 rub.

Facial hemolymphatic drainage:

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 40 minutes
    1 hour
  • 1,800 rub.
    2,500 rub.

Reaffirming (lifting) facial massage

This Spanish massage technique is aimed at restoring the tone and elasticity of all layers of tissue. Unlike the extensive kneading of classical massage, very small kneading is used in reaffirming massage. The work proceeds at a fairly fast pace (the entire block is designed for 40 minutes) so that the skin does not get tired. Every cell of your face begins to work. The muscles are in good tone and support the skin. Due to the restoration of the main muscle groups that form the muscular frame of the face, the lifting result is obvious. Reaffirming massage is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 40 minutes
  • 2,100 rub.

"Tandem massage"

Massage is nice. Tandem massage is doubly pleasant.

Synchronized massage with 4 hands (body and face) provides a unique opportunity to have a comprehensive impact on the human body. This is a technique aimed at restoring energy balance, restoring vitality, increasing vitality and adaptation to stress, and also effectively affects the muscular-articular system, improves joint mobility, elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Also indicated for such psychosomatic diseases, such as stomach ulcers, hypertension, skin diseases, insomnia, headaches, decreased potency.

Massage should never be accompanied by pain, bruises, or negative emotions. Thanks to tandem massage, you will not only get obvious pleasure, but also covertly, unnoticeably get rid of many health problems.

  • Duration of the procedure
  • Cost of the procedure
  • 1 hour
  • 5,600 rub.

Cellulite is one of the aesthetic problems that creates discomfort when a girl or woman is on the beach or wears short dresses, skirts, or shorts. Usually this deficiency is removed with the help of massage, but it often causes pain. Spanish anti-cellulite massage differs from others in that the patient does not experience pain.

Indications for the procedure

The main problems that can be solved with the help of Spanish anti-cellulite massage:

  • overweight;
  • presence of “orange peel” on the thighs;
  • changes in the contour of the figure.

You should seek the services of a massage therapist without waiting for cellulite to develop. Since weight fluctuations accelerate the process of its formation, the body must be kept in good shape constantly. They will help with this physical exercise, drinking enough fluids throughout the day and getting massages. You don’t need to think that cellulite is a problem for older women. It can also appear in young girls, so taking care of yourself is the basic rule of a modern woman.

The principle of anti-cellulite Spanish massage

At first glance, this type of massage seems to be light stroking that does not affect subcutaneous fat. But in fact, light pressure on the skin has a fairly strong effect on its condition. Unlike a regular massage with possible consequences in the form of bruises, this procedure is gentle. As a result, blood microcirculation improves, stagnant fluid is removed, metabolism accelerates, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Despite the apparent ease and ineffectiveness, Spanish massage allows you to reduce the volume of your hips by 5 cm in one session.

The touch on the skin is so pleasant that the patient can fall asleep. This explains the relaxing effect of massage. During the procedure, the muscles are completely relaxed, which is impossible with a classic massage. Resting nervous system, the whole body recovers well after hard work and stress.
Another plus is an individual approach to each client. Every woman has her own body structure. The massage therapist does not work according to a rigid pattern. He takes into account the specifics of the patient’s body and corrects her figure. During this procedure, more than 100 different techniques are used.

The result of the procedure will not be long in coming. It shows itself quite quickly and is fixed for a long time. Therefore, this type of massage is recommended for those who want to get their body in order and feel more confident in a short time.

When to do a Spanish massage

Spanish massage is carried out in a course of 10-15 sessions every six months. It is enough to visit a specialist 2-3 times a week. This regime allows you to have a gentle effect on the skin, begin weight loss and remove toxins from the body. At this time, you need to increase the amount you consume clean water per day up to 1.5-2 liters.

Unlike classic massage, Spanish massage can be performed on women with varicose veins or gynecological diseases. This is its huge advantage, allowing every lady to deal with problems.

After trying a Spanish anti-cellulite massage, you will be able to feel a surge of strength and see changes in your appearance that will pleasantly surprise you.

» Spanish massage - what is Spanish massage?

Spanish massage

Spanish massage for face and body

Beauty - PopMed - 2004

Spanish massage - what is Spanish massage?

Spanish massage has many techniques that can help solve a variety of problems. It is performed both on the body and, more often, on the face. Spanish massage improves tone, increases skin elasticity, reduces swelling and partially relieves stress.

Its fundamental difference from other massage systems is its plasticity. In this case, a seemingly simple stroking is performed. But this massage is very deep: as a result of complete relaxation of the muscles, amazing results are achieved. First of all, it has a strong effect on the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular system, joints - for each system of the human body, its own special set of manipulations has been created. A separate system exists for relieving stress and nervous tension.

When performed professionally, it is especially clear that Spanish massage requires a creative approach. The same element of this technology is rarely repeated during the session, which does not allow the nervous system of the person receiving the massage to adapt, since his sensations are constantly changing. The massage is purely individual, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

This massage technology, due to its specificity, allows it to be used as a warm-up and preparatory technique in the pre-training period (to prevent and reduce injuries during training); and in the post-training period, as a restorative massage (accelerating and improving the body’s recovery and adaptive abilities).

Spanish massage of the face and neck is becoming very popular, and it is not surprising - by stimulating microcirculation processes, it accordingly improves the nutrition of all tissues and better supplies them with oxygen. Due to the fact that the tone of the main muscle groups that form the muscular frame of the face is restored, even a lifting effect is noted.

The session begins with cleansing the skin and removing makeup. Massage can be performed with either oil or cream. Oil is most often chosen for dry skin; for all other types - cream, but not the same for everyone, but suitable for a specific skin type. Hands glide over the cream better, the skin is not injured, and at the same time receives nutrients and vitamins.

During a Spanish massage, relaxing stroking is performed very delicately, since the skin of the face is thin and delicate. The main movements are circular, the massage is performed with both the fingertips and the entire palm, the pressure varies from weak to strong. Not only the face is massaged, but also the neck, décolleté and shoulders. The skin is processed in zones, and the master’s hands return to the same areas more than once or twice. The regularity of movements easily calms. The session ends with washing and applying cream. As a result, the skin looks fresh and rested.

When carrying out a course of procedures, it is advisable to allocate time for massage 2-3 times a week, ten sessions. The standard recommendation for massage courses is 2 times a year, however, depending on the wishes of the client and taking into account the recommendations of a specialist, the schedule may change.

The Spanish technique has already been recognized as unique, as it allows you to achieve stable results in short time, and fully influence the processes of biological aging of the skin.

But, as they say, rather than hearing a hundred times, it’s better to try once, and maybe a second, and a third...

On the eve of summer, many of us begin to seriously think about idealizing our figure. But in general, you want to be beautiful at any time of the year. What stops many women on the path to their beauty? One of the most common problems is cellulite. Generally speaking, cellulite was openly discussed only in the 19th century - before that, cellulite was considered not a problem, but a normal sign of an adult woman. In the early 20th century and earlier, doctors called cellulite a disease. Today, any woman can use the Internet and find out statistics: about 80-90% of women suffer from cellulite. The fact that cellulite is a common problem, and the fact that cellulite is not a disease, does not at all save us from the unpleasant fact: cellulite is ugly. Even if you have slender thighs, if you regularly exercise, this will not necessarily save you from cellulite, which, in turn, significantly reduces your sexuality in the eyes of the opposite sex. Instead of being ashamed of your uneven skin, you just need to admit the existence of a problem and go to the beauty salon in Mitino “Sunny Master” - your life will become much more enjoyable with confidence in the beauty of your own body.

One of the most current topics in this area is the fight against cellulite with the help of massage. Indeed, unlike many dubious creams and diets, anti-cellulite massage in a beauty salon in Mitino has a visible effect. In addition, massage is always pleasant and painless, even if you are unlucky enough to contact an inexperienced massage therapist, you can be sure that as a result of the procedure your blood circulation has improved and your muscles have relaxed.

That's why you need to contact a good massage therapist if you don't want to be disappointed in the effect. In addition, it is the joint work of the massage therapist and the client that can give excellent results and even allow you to get rid of extra pounds.

Spanish massage is one of the unique techniques. Enrique Garcia is considered its inventor.

What distinguishes Spanish massage from other types of massage?

The Spanish massage technique is based on three main principles that the master massage therapist adheres to:

  1. Individual approach to every client.
  2. Taboo on repeating already tried techniques. In this regard, Enrique Garcia has developed approximately one hundred different methods that are used in this technique.
  3. Complete absence of pain during the massage. It is worth noting here: despite the fact that not only stroking movements are used, but also pinching, the client does not experience any discomfort.

It is worth noting that when performing a regular classical massage, no more than six techniques are used: the body quickly gets used to such movements. And when performing a Spanish massage, the nervous system does not have time to adapt to the monotonous effect, as a result of which the effectiveness of the procedure increases several times. This is what distinguishes the Spanish method from the rest.

What do you get with a Spanish massage?

The positive effects of Spanish massage are visible even to the naked eye, as a result you get:

  • general relaxation of the body,
  • general rejuvenating effect,
  • skin tightening,
  • disappearance of tissue swelling,
  • fit figure, slender contours
  • reduction of skin unevenness
  • Possible relief from stretch marks
  • removal of all kinds of toxic harmful substances from the body.

It is worth noting that Spanish massage is used not only by clients of our beauty salon “Sunny Master” in Mitino, but also by athletes before training to warm up their muscles. So the effectiveness of Spanish massage has been proven not only by our satisfied clients, but also by professional doctors.

Unlike other massage techniques, the main emphasis in Spanish massage is on ensuring adequate outflow rather than blood flow to the skin. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of bruises, which are almost inevitable with traditional anti-cellulite massage.

Spanish massage:

  • copes with stress,
  • relieves muscle tension,
  • improves blood supply to tissues,
  • improves microcirculation in all tissues of the body,
  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system.

The Spanish massage technique is practically devoid of any contraindications. It is not traumatic, is based on a variety of techniques, and is suitable for almost all categories of people without exception.

One of the main goals of massage is deep relaxation of the body, which allows you to activate the body's hidden reserves. After such a massage, the skin does not sag, the body begins to work normally. And since anti-cellulite massage acts deeply, metabolic processes in the muscles begin to improve. After a Spanish massage, your body will become toned and elastic, and it will also help you get rid of excess weight.

Of course, in order to experience all of the above effects, you need to contact a qualified massage therapist at the “Sunny Master” beauty salon in Mitino.

Features of conducting a Spanish massage in the beauty salon in Mitino “Sunny Master”

It would seem: the more often you undergo a health procedure, the better the effect will be. However, this is not the case. In Spanish massage, as in everything, moderation is needed.

The procedure should be dosed and limited in time. Stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin has its limits.

Sessions are held for a maximum of 30 minutes and between them our masters advise taking a break of 1-2 days. With such frequency, the skin is more than enough of the charge it receives. A long course and increasing the procedure time can lead to counter-productive results. Courses can be held no more than several times a year.

Such a professional, balanced approach will help not only get rid of cellulite, correct your figure, eliminate skin unevenness, but also forget about excess weight. And this can be done without the use of diet pills of dubious effect. Our master massage therapists do not chase fleeting benefits, but prefer to meet grateful clients and their friends in the beauty salon in Mitino “Sunny Master”.

Come to us: we will help you regain faith in the natural perfection of your body!

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