Acidum sulfuricum in homeopathy. Acidum sulfuricum in homeopathy Pharmacological action and indications for use

Acidum phosphoricum (acidum phosphoricum)

Acidum phosphoricum

  1. Rhus tox.
  2. China, Arsenicum, Veratrum
  3. Nux vomica
  4. Ferrum
  5. Baptisia
  6. Camphora

Today we are going to study phosphoric acid, Acidum phosphoricum. It is a compound of oxygen and phosphorus. Acidum phosphoricum produces weakness, or general decline. Sometimes it causes temporary excitement, but the main characteristic This medicine is a relaxation characterized by indifference or apathy. The patient is not inclined to answer your questions. His answers are short, usually consisting of “yes” or “no,” and they are given in a tone that shows that the patient does not want to talk. The delirium is quiet, not violent, but is accompanied by characteristic depression of sensitivity and muttering, unintelligible speech. The patient lies in a daze or in a stupefied sleep, unaware of anything that is happening around him; but when he wakes up, he is fully conscious. This is characteristic of Acidum phosphoricum.

Symptoms that indicate Acidum phosphoricum in typhoid fever are: pointed nose, dark blue circles around the eyes. The patient may suffer from nosebleeds, but these bleedings, however, do not provide relief from the symptoms of the nose. early stages typhoid fever. This is a very different symptom from Rhus tox. , similar to Acidum phosphoricum. Rhus also has bleeding from the nose at the onset of typhoid fever, but the patient gets relief from this bleeding. The patient picks his nose with his finger. Therefore, it is not always prudent to think about Cina and assume that a patient has worms just because he picks his nose. His nose may be itchy. This symptom can also occur from abdominal irritation. With Cina it is a worm; with Acidum phosphoricum it occurs from irritation of Peyer's patches; hence you will find in abundance abdominal symptoms. For example, the abdomen may be distended and bloated. There is significant grumbling and gurgling in the stomach. Diarrhea often occurs with these symptoms. The stools are watery, sometimes foul-smelling, and contain undigested food. For example, the milk that you gave to your patient passes more or less undigested and with copious discharge of the wind, along with the stool. The tongue is dry and may have a dark red stripe down the middle, but it may also be pale and sticky and sometimes covered in sticky mucus. Sometimes the patient bites his tongue involuntarily during sleep; it is a convulsive movement. When the jaws come together, the tongue moves forward. You will find urine with a significant protein content, it has a milky appearance and decomposes very quickly; you will find it also containing many amorphous phosphate salts. These are the main symptoms that should lead you to choose Acidum phosphoricum for typhoid fever.

The medicines closest to it here are Rhus and Phosphorus. Acidum phosphoricum often follows Rhus, after the latter has relieved the restlessness, but diarrhea remains, and the patient falls into the quiet stupor described above.

Phosphorus has a greater dryness of the tongue and increases sensitivity; all senses are irritated; the patient cannot bear any noises or smells. If there is diarrhea, then the stool is speckled with blood veins and looks like a meat infusion.

With this apathy of feelings you should also remember Spiritus nitri dulcis. The patient lies in bed, completely indifferent to everything. He answers questions fairly quickly, but apathetically. This is the state in which Hahnemann gave Spiritus nitri dulcis. I have found it useful in cases where Acidum phosphoricum has failed.

Sulfuric acid. H2S4. Dilutions.


Increased intragastric acidity. Chronic alcoholism. Aphthae. Stiffness in the back. Tendency to diarrhea. Concussion. Bad breath. Cancer. Oral cancer. Scuffs, skin irritation. Chills. Menopausal disorders. Constipation. Calluses. Diabetes. Diarrhea. Diphtheria. Dyspepsia. Erythema nodosum. Tides. Gangrene. Gastralgia. Glossitis. Hair turns gray and falls out. Heartburn. Inguinal hernia. Hiccups. Impotence. Intermittent fever. Irritation. Liver diseases. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Myopia. Nightmares. Esophagitis. Paralysis, including due to lead poisoning. Excessive sweating. Tuberculosis. Pneumonia. Nausea during pregnancy. Purpura. Rheumatism. Scurvy. Diseases of the spleen. Infertility. Ulcers. Uterine prolapse. Vaginal prolapse. Phlebeurysm. Warts.


Teste writes that in the Middle Ages Sulphuricum acidum was a favorite medicine. It was taken in dilutions to treat scrofulosis, phagedenic, cancerous and venereal ulcers, as a mouth and throat rinse, for canker sores, gum ulceration and diphtheria. In the form of “mineral lemonade” it was prescribed for lead poisoning. [I myself was convinced of the effectiveness of this method by administering water acidified with 3x dilution. –J. H. C] “Sour soap” Ac hard was prescribed as a resolving agent for scirra of the mammary gland and kidney stones, for persistent intermittent fever, intestinal obstruction, edema, jaundice, cachexia and “some tumors localized to the feet.” Elixir of vitriol (a mixture of acid, alcohol and water) is still a popular remedy for nervous exhaustion in women. (Elixirs Dippel, Haller and others differ only in the ratio of the main ingredients.) The elixirs were used: for intermittent fever, septicemia, malignant and infectious fever, coma and cerebrospinal meningitis, scarlet fever, confluent and malignant forms of smallpox, dysentery, plague, leprosy, itching and other skin diseases, nocturnal emissions, suppressed menstruation, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis and gout, tuberculosis of the mucous membranes and chorea. Hahnemann, experienced Suf ac , wrote that it cures diseases characterized by the following symptoms: “strain in the eyeballs in the morning, myopia, poor hearing, inguinal hernia, chronic diarrhea; heavy menstruation, metrorrhagia, sore throat, swelling and coldness in the feet” (“Chronic Diseases”). Teste gives his own observations: “Twice or three times I have successfully used this remedy to treat bright red syphilitic spots about two centimeters in size, which merged with each other, sometimes secreted fluid and were quite itchy, most of them localized on the upper and inner surface thighs, between the shoulder blades, on the face, on back surface forearms and back of hands. The best thing Sulph . ac. acted on people with a lymphatic constitution who eat a lot, are prone to chronic diarrhea and who rarely have formed stools.” The Hahnemann trial and homeopathic observations have confirmed many of the old uses Suf ac . and allowed new indications to emerge.

Key symptom Sul ac . is a weakness. The patient is weak and exhausted. Suf ac . suitable in cases where weakness does not correspond to the severity of the disease. The weakness appears to be due to profound dyscrasia. It is characterized by a feeling of internal trembling, as if the patient is trembling from head to toe, but this trembling is invisible during examination. Suf ac . can be useful for alcoholics when they are already “at the last stage” and Nux v . it hasn't helped them for a long time. Hering states that Suf ac . weakens cravings for alcohol (after taking a mixture consisting of one part sulfuric acid and three parts alcohol, for one or two weeks, from 10 to 15 drops three times a day). Indications for the drug are: vomiting in the morning, increased intragastric acidity, burning in the esophagus and stomach, sour, acrid and foul-smelling belching. Suf ac . has the following unusual property: despite thirst, the patient cannot drink water; until it is mixed with alcohol, it causes a cold sensation in the stomach. This is a common symptom in hydrogenoid patients. In the mental sphere Suf ac . has the following key symptoms: the patient is very hurried, he is constantly in a hurry, he is gloomy, impatient and angry because, in his opinion, everything is happening too slowly. As for Sulph . , For Suf ac . periodicity is characteristic, so the drug occupies an important place in the treatment of malaria and periodic neuralgia. Cooper reasonably notes that many cases of malaria cured with Chinin s . (quinine sulfate) were actually cured by the sulfuric acid that formed when it dissolved. “Moreover,” writes Cooper, “in all epidemics - influenza, cholera, smallpox, etc. - if the corresponding symptoms are detected, it is required Suf ac . The medicine cured severe neuralgic pain throughout the entire left side of the head, face and neck, which developed as a complication of influenza or caused by drafts; with cholera Suf ac . relieved diarrhea and was often effective for diarrhea in malnourished children. The Covent Garden apothecary recommended a weak solution of sulfuric acid in all cases of itching with which he was referred (and there were many).”

For neuralgia corresponding Suf ac , a very important key symptom is observed: the pain gradually increases and then abruptly stops; the most characteristic pain is a dull pressure, as if a blunt object is being pressed into the limb. Pain and hyperesthesia of the skin are often observed. Hemorrhoids Suf ac . superficial, sensitive to touch, itchy. Suf ac . has the property of provoking bleeding, it is characterized by bleeding from all orifices, it causes subcutaneous hemorrhages (purpura); premature and too heavy menstruation, which can cause infertility; leakage of dark, liquid blood. It seems that many of the symptoms corresponding to Suf ac , come from the genital organs, especially in women. By using Suf ac 30, prescribed daily at night, I helped a sick woman get rid of nightmares,causing her to wake up in fear every time before her period began. Local "weakness" Suf ac can lead to prolapse of the vagina and uterus. Another indication of Suf ac is an injury; sulfuric acid follows Am . in case of damage to soft tissues, for Con . – with enlarged lymph nodes, for Ruta for bone injuries. It promotes the healing of treatment-resistant black and purple bruises that cause pain and stiffness in the affected part. Another symptom Suf ac there are hot flashes (as during menopause), especially when they are accompanied by sweating. Increased sweating, mostly in the upper half of the body. The body emits a sour odor that does not disappear after washing. This is especially true for children. Heartburn, sour belching and teeth set on edge. Suf ac shown:

    Elderly people, especially women.

    Blonde people.

    For pain during menopause.

    When a child has deep dyscrasia, he is weakened, but there are no other symptoms.

(5) If there is a sour smell coming from the baby.
Unusual sensations. As if skull were too loose and brain was hanging from side to side. Sensation of fog in one side of the head. As if a blunt object were being sharply pressed into the head. Sensation as if there were subcutaneous ulcerations on the scalp. Feeling foreign body in the right outer corner of the eye. As if ears were covered with leaves. As if a film of egg white had dried on the face. As if the skin on the cheeks and chin were shrinking. As if vocal cords lack elasticity. Feeling of a lump in the throat. As if menstruation is about to begin. As if a hernia is about to prolapse. As if rectum were torn to pieces during stool. Many symptoms are right-sided, but the left cheek and left parotid gland are most affected. Pain in the hypochondrium moves from left to right.

Unusual symptoms. The pain is felt during sleep and disappears upon awakening. Twitching when falling asleep. Seriousness alternates with immoderate fun and a penchant for practical jokes. Pain in bladder, if the patient cannot urinate immediately after the urge. Symptoms are aggravated by touch, pressure, irritation, and mechanical damage. Fresh air and cold aggravate, and warmth and rest ameliorate the symptoms. Gnawing pain in the face is relieved by lying down on the affected side. Movement, raising your arms, standing, walking, and riding a horse increase symptoms. Worse in the morning (and also in the evening and at night). Worse after drinking cold water. Wine makes the condition worse. Warm food causes sweating. Ability Suf ac to have a cauterizing effect is used for phagedenic ulcers and gangrene.


Antidote forSulphuric acidum isPuisatilla .

Sul ac . is an antidote in case of lead poisoning.

Is additional forPuisatilla .

Well follows for injuries for: Arnica , Conium , Ruta .

Should be compared:

Cough followed by belching of gas from the stomach - Ambra grisea , Veratrum album . Dyspepsia in alcoholics - Carbo vegetabilis . (Carb v . – putrefactive; Sul ac . – more acidic). Increased acidity, teeth set on edge - Rob . Weakness, twists the leg at the ankle joint - Caust , Sulph ., Sil . Scarlet fever, bruises, diphtheria films - Miriaticum acidum(For Mir-as improvement is characteristic when the patient opens up). Sprains – Atmonium carbonicum(with fever and pain). The patient often falls - Natrum carb , Caust ., Sulph .

The pain gradually increases and suddenly stops (Bell ., Lye – the pain begins suddenly and also suddenly stops; Stann . – the pain gradually increases and gradually decreases; Cofoc . – begins suddenly and gradually decreases).

Afty – Sul-ac., Borx., Nat-m., Kali-chl. Hemorrhoids – Nit ac Drinking causes a cold sensation in the stomach - Elaps Hot flashes in menopause - Lach . (Sul ac . – accompanied by sweating). Throbbing headache during menstruation - Lach . (Sul ac . accompanied by sweating). Inguinal hernia - Lye (Lye - on right, Sul ac . - left). Despite washing, a sour smell emanates from the child - Hep ., Mag c , Rheum . Feeling as if the brain is moving freely in the skull from side to side - Bell ., Bry ., Rheum , Spig .

Prostration – Acet ac Flow of black blood from all orifices - Crotalus [?], Mig-as,Nit ac ., Tag. Weakness and exhaustion due to deep dyscrasia, in the absence of other symptoms - Psor ., Sulph . Weakness - Pic ac Feeling of egg white on face - Alum . Sensation of subcutaneous ulcerations - Puis . Alcoholism – Querc Vaginal prolapse – Staph . Sensitivity of the larynx - Lach . Feeling of warmth in the genital area (Sulph . - cold).


Let's raise our hands up. Falls. Bruises. Concussions (brain). Irritations. Surgical operations. Sprains.


    Psyche– Increased mental excitability, exaltation. Melancholic, depressed mood. Tendency to tears. Anxious premonitions, suspicion. Loss of spirit. Excitement, haste, impatience. The patient constantly has the feeling that he must hurry, that everything must be done very quickly (also Arg n .). Anxiety. Irritability, nervous fatigue with a tendency to fear. Patients are gloomy and irritable, they do not want to talk. Disgust for life. Seriousness alternates with immoderate fun and practical jokes. Amazing absent-mindedness. Decrease in intelligence.

    Head– Feeling of confusion in one side of the head, as if it were filled with fog. Dizziness when sitting, better in the open air. Sensation as if the brain were moving freely in the forehead, but in the rest of the skull was moving from side to side; worse when sitting quietly in the room. A headache that gets worse and then suddenly goes away. Feeling of weakness in the head. Headache as if the brain were bursting. A rush of blood to the Head. Throbbing headache during menstruation, accompanied by sweating. Pressing headache. Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the brain, as if the head would explode. Sensation of constriction in the head. Painful tremors in the forehead and temples; worse in the morning and evening. Headache, as if a blunt object was being driven into the head with strong blows. Tremors and blows in the head. Very strong, jerking pain under the left frontal tubercle, which suddenly disappears. Headache: dull or sharp, pulling or tearing. Sensation as if the brain were moving in the skull. Sensation as if the scalp were ulcerated or suppurated, painful on palpation. Itching and rash on the scalp. Hair turns gray and falls out. Pimples on the forehead and side of the nose.

    Eyes– Burning and dull pain in the eyes in the fresh air or indoors, when the gaze is fixed on any object. Tension in the eyelids in the morning. Burning and burning pain in the eyes, with lacrimation, especially when reading. Sensation of a foreign body in the outer corner of the right eye in the morning when walking. The eyes are red; photophobia. Chronic inflammation of the eyes. Eyes open with difficulty. Myopia.

    Ears- Tearing pain in the ears. Tearing pain and trembling in right ear. Violent tickling sensation in the ear. Sensation as if ears were covered with bandages or covered with leaves. Rhythmic noise in the ears. It seems as if a bell is ringing next to your ear. The sound of hammers in the ears in the evening.

    Nose- Nosebleeds in the evening. Dry runny nose with loss of taste and smell. With a runny nose: lemon-colored liquid discharge. Pimples on the side of the nose. Thin discharge from the nose with congestion in one nostril.

    Face- Pale. Pain in the zygomatic process, as if from a bruise. Tearing pain in the bones of the face. The skin of the face is dry, wrinkled, and blotchy. Sensation as if the face were swollen, as if it were covered with a dried film of egg white. Lips are cracked and flaky. Lips are swollen, red, painful to the touch. Soreness in the corners of the lips. Inflammation and enlargement of the submandibular glands.

    TeethToothache, more intense in the evening in bed; worse from cold air; better from warmth; mostly tearing, boring or gnawing. Dull teeth. Toothache with sensitivity and pain in the sides of the head, which extends down the spine (R. T. C). The teeth are set on edge. Frequent bleeding from swollen gums. Ulceration of the gums.

    Mouth- Aphthae in the mouth in children. Feeling of dry mouth. The tongue is dry. Significant swelling of the tongue, swallowing is impossible; the surface of the tongue is wrinkled, the tip and edges are red, the mucous membrane at the tip is torn, the tongue is intensely red. Ulcers and inflammation on the tongue. The patient has difficulty speaking due to decreased elasticity of the vocal cords. The breath is very foul. Profuse drooling. Bleeding from the mouth.

    Throat– Sore throat when swallowing with sharp, shooting pain, especially in the evening (swelling, sensation of a lump in the throat, worse on the left). Dense yellow films in the pharynx, sticky like glue. Swelling of the uvula and palate. Enlargement and inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes. Sore throat. The mucous membrane of the palate and pharynx is swollen, injected, and ulcerated. Sticky, lemon-yellow mucus hangs from the choanae (diphtheria).

    Appetite- Putrid taste in the mouth. Bread has a bitter taste and causes heaviness in the stomach. Bulimia with rumbling and gurgling in the stomach. The patient wants fresh fruit (eg plums) and brandy. Loss of appetite and severe weakness. Chronic alcoholism, vomiting in the morning, increased acidity, burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach; sour, acrid or foul-smelling belching. After eating, pain in the stomach, belching of food that comes out in a mouthful. The patient sweats after eating warm food. After eating, there is excitement, cramping and boring pain, or extremely severe bloating in the stomach. Cold sweat immediately after eating hot food. Lethargy and flatulence after drinking milk. All drinks cause a cold sensation in the stomach unless a small amount of alcohol is added to them.

    Stomach- Empty or bitter belching. Sour, bitter, salty or sweetish belching. Sour belching and severe heartburn. Very severe hiccups. Heartburn. Nausea and trembling in the stomach. Vomiting first with water, then with food. Vomiting in alcoholics. Significant pain in the stomach area. Water (or any other drink) causes a cold sensation in the stomach unless mixed with a small amount alcohol. Feeling of fullness and pressure in the stomach. Sensation of constriction in the stomach in the evening, as if from a chill. Sensation of constriction in the stomach and heart pit (worsened by solid food). Cutting pain in the stomach area. Feeling of cold and burning in the stomach. Feeling of cold and relaxation in the stomach.

    Stomach- Sharp, shooting pain in the spleen. Enlarged spleen: it is hard and painful, pain when coughing, after intermittent fever. Stitching pain in liver and spleen. Shooting pain in the region of the liver. Shooting pain in the lower back. Colic in the abdomen, reminiscent of labor pains, involving the lower back and wings of the ilium. Increased peristalsis, cramping and squeezing pain in the abdomen, sometimes at night. Feeling of heat in the umbilical area. Convulsive twitching in the hypogastric region, especially in the anterior abdominal wall. Throbbing, shooting and tearing pain in the groin area. Burning in the groin area. Quite a large inguinal hernia. Colic due to flatulence in the hypogastric region with rumbling, seething and a feeling as if a hernia would prolapse. Feeling of weakness, as if before menstruation.

    Chair and anus- Tenesmus. Ineffective urge to defecate. The excretion of feces is slow, the feces are dense, knotty, and black. Feces are very voluminous. Chronic weakness in the abdomen. The stool is loose, mushy (yellowish-white; partly solid, partly liquid), greenish and watery. Watery diarrhea, feces extremely foul-smelling. Diarrhea: only liquid foamy mucus is released, burning in the rectum. Diarrhea with great weakness. Soft stool followed by a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. Discharge of mucus streaked with blood. Children often have chopped, saffron-yellow, stringy, mucous stools. Extremely offensive stools that have a putrid odor. Discharge of blood during bowel movements. Rush of blood to the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids with shooting pain, burning, itching and leakage of fluid. Hemorrhoids are moist and painful on palpation, very itchy; pain in the rectum during defecation, as if the intestine were being torn apart; stool resembles sheep feces; hemorrhoids in alcoholics. Sensation of pressure in the anus during and after mushy stool.

    Urinary organs– Diabetes, lethargy, weakness, despondency. Decreased urine secretion, burning sensation when urinating. Nocturnal enuresis. Urine: watery (brown; decreased secretion), as if containing earth (or clay). Mucus sediment in urine. A sediment resembling blood in the urine, which is covered with a thin film. Bladder pain occurs if the patient does not urinate immediately after the urge.

    Male genitals– Violent heat in the genitals and testicles. Emissions without voluptuous sensations. Itching and pain along the upper edge of the head of the penis. The scrotum is relaxed. Orchitis (right-sided).

    Female genital organs– Strong sexual arousal due to irritation of the external genitalia in women. Premature and too heavy menstruation. Too long periods. Metrorrhagia. Nightmares precede menstruation. During menstruation, sharp, shooting pain in the abdomen and vagina. After menstruation, a strong libido or, conversely, aversion to sexual intercourse occurs. Infertility due to premature and too heavy menstruation. Acrid, burning or milky white leucorrhoea. Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina. Vaginal prolapse, it is greenish in color and emits an unpleasant odor. Menopause with constant hot flashes, with a feeling of trembling throughout the body, severe weakness and a feeling as if the patient constantly has to hurry; as well as hemoptysis and constipation. Symptoms are aggravated by smelling (not drinking) coffee. Nausea during pregnancy, and although there was never any vomiting of food, the patient still could not eat due to increased discomfort in the stomach and vomiting mucus.

    Respiratory system– Hoarseness with dryness and soreness in the pharynx and larynx. Pain in the larynx, with difficulty in speaking, as if from insufficient elasticity of the ligaments. Increased sensitivity of the larynx to pressure. Fresh air provokes a cough. The cough worsens when walking, riding a horse, from cold water, from the smell of coffee. Dry short cough, the patient breathes heavily and frequently, sometimes in the morning after getting up. Wet cough with mucous sputum. Prolonged hemoptysis. Cough with hemoptysis. Cough with sputum in the morning, without sputum in the evening. The cough is caused by irritation in the chest, with coughing up dark blood in the morning, or thin, yellow sputum streaked with blood that usually tastes sour. Belching after coughing. Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage. Belching and regurgitation of food after coughing.

    Rib cage- Shortness of breath. Great weakness with difficulty speaking. Dull pain in the left side chest and cardiac fossa. Cutting pain in the left armpit. Cutting and burning pain localized along the sternum and under the sternum. Pain in the sternum, as if bruised. Dull stabbing pain localized to the left of the sternum in the area of ​​the costal cartilages. Dull pain and tension in the left side of the chest. Stitching pain radiating from the chest to the left shoulder blade. Left-sided pneumonia with pain in the epigastric region. Dullness at the base of the right lung, pneumonia, collapse, death. (In many cases, after poisoning Sul ac . pneumonia develops.) Weak pulsation and twitching in the left half of the chest. Severe stitching pain in right breast; frequent and prolonged; when pressed, the pain spreads deeper.

    Heart– Palpitations (with or without anxiety). Sharp, stabbing pain piercing the heart. Severe pain in the precordial region.

    Back and neck- The neck is swollen. The left side of the neck is painful when pressed. Purulent process with swelling of the left side of the neck. Sore sensation; feeling as if the back and lower back were broken. Pulling sensation in the back and lower back. Lower back pain. Boring pain in the lower back. Boils on the skin of the back. Stiffness in the back in the morning, when rising, for several days. Painful sensitivity and swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.

    Limbs– Convulsive twitching in the arms and legs. Joint pain is felt during sleep and disappears after waking up. Tearing pain in all limbs during menses, especially in the evening. Tendency to cramps in the hands and feet. The wrists and other large joints are painful and swollen, but there is no hyperemia of the skin. Extremities are cyanotic. Tendon twitching.

    Upper limbs- Heaviness in the hands. Spasmodic and paralytic flexion of the arms. Shooting pain in shoulder joints when raising your hands. Pain and tension in the elbow joint. Blue spots on the forearms, as if from ecchymosis. Spasms in the hands. Shocks and blows in the bones of the hand when writing. Rash on the skin of the hands and between the fingers. Sharp, shooting pain in the joints of the fingers. Frostbite of fingers.

    Lower limbs– Redness and hardening of the skin on the inner thighs (after riding). Heaviness in the legs. Lethargy and numbness of the legs. The desire to move the legs: sometimes stretch, sometimes bend. Tearing pain in legs due to varicose veins. Painful weakness of the knees with sharp and dull shooting pains, jolts and a bruised sensation. Red, itchy spots in the shin bone area. Stiffness in the ankle joint. Feeling of coldness in the feet. Swelling of the feet. Tearing and shooting pain in the calluses of the foot.

    GeneralSul ac . is prescribed for any diseases that develop as a result of general weakening, for example, prolapse, retroversion and other pathological conditions of the uterus, which are accompanied by a feeling of trembling throughout the body. Burning, stabbing pain in the muscles; painful tremors; black and blue spots on the body; bruises (especially in older people), when the damaged part of the body turns black, blue and it seems as if necrosis is about to begin. Flow of black blood from all orifices of the body. The umbilical ring on the right, the genitals (also on the right), the right half of the upper or the left half of the lower body are more affected, and an inguinal hernia is formed. Worse in the afternoon and evening, from injuries (including surgical ones), in the open air, from the smell of coffee. Tearing pain covers the whole body, as well as the face. Stitching pain in joints. The pain is felt during sleep. Complaints like jaundice. Twitching in tendons. Symptoms appear or intensify in the mornings and evenings. The patient feels worse in the open air. The left side of the body is more affected. Slowly increasing and abruptly stopping pain, as if a blunt object is being pressed into the affected part of the body. Painful sensation bruises all over the body. Weakness throughout the whole body with a feeling of trembling. Severe weakness with exhaustion and a feeling of trembling throughout the body; without feeling trembling. Sour odor emanating from the body. Severe weakness, exhaustion and back pain in young girls (R. T. C). Fatigue in full-blooded women with pain in the lower back (mainly on the left side), with weakness in the lower abdomen, worse during menstruation; coating on the tongue and constipation.

    Leather– Severe consequences of mechanical damage, such as bruises, falls, blows, pressure with a blunt object and contusions (especially in the elderly). Tendency to develop gangrene after a bruise. Itching all over the body. Red itchy spots on the skin or small, red and bluish spots (like ecchymosis). Abrasions on the skin, often with ulcerations, as in gangrene (the skin is easily damaged by walking or riding). Boils. Gnawing (corroding) pain in ulcers. Painful sensitivity of the lymph nodes. Frostbite. Calluses on the feet cause tearing and shooting pain. Warts.

    Dream– Delayed falling asleep and early awakening. Drowsiness. Insomnia due to mental excitement. Twitching in sleep. Anxious dreams. Twitching of fingers during sleep. Nightmares before the onset of menstruation.

    Fever– Chilliness during the day, worse indoors; relieved by physical activity in the fresh air. Frequent attacks of chills running through the body. The heat occurs in the evening and after the patient goes to bed. In the evening, frequent hot flashes occur, especially during physical labor. Hot flashes are accompanied by sweating (during menopause). Predominance of heat. Small, weak (accelerated) pulse. The patient sweats with the slightest movement (continues to sweat long after the movement has ended). Profuse sweating in the morning. The patient sweats at night. Cold sweat after eating warm food.

Description and indications for use of the homeopathic medicine Sulphuricum acidum (Sulfuric acid) according to Kent

A feeling of trembling throughout the whole body and in the limbs without visible trembling is a very striking symptom of Sulph-ac, especially if it is combined with prolonged weakness. Constant symptoms are fatigue, excitability and a feeling of urgency.

Tendency to bleed in many complaints. Discharge of dark liquid blood from all orifices. Rapidly enlarging small red spots resemble hemorrhagic purpura. Blue-black spots on the skin (bruises) from the slightest injury. Sometimes after an injury, blood-red spots appear on the skin, similar to trout spots. The skin easily becomes abraded and later ulcerates. Boils and bedsores. Many of the complaints are typical for older people.

Another typical symptom– morning worsening of symptoms. Sensitivity to cold and emaciation. The pain is aching, burning, tearing, stabbing, shooting and jerking. The pain appears gradually and disappears suddenly. Dark discharge with thin blood or streaks of blood; or thin, yellow and bloody. Irritating discharge. General sweating after eating. Predominance of symptoms on the right.

Sulph-ac, like Nerag, is often indicated in infants who have a sour smell, are sensitive to touch and almost also sensitive to cold. If the remedy has relieved the sensitivity to cold, the patient often becomes hooked and needs Puis, which is a complement and antidote.

Loss of mental and physical strength, with deep sadness, constant crying. There is no way to please him. Irritability, excitability from the slightest cause. Inability to eat and work quickly enough. He believes that no one is trying to do anything nice for him; does something or goes somewhere in great haste. Everything must be done immediately. Reluctance to answer questions. Indecisiveness.

Dizziness in a cramped room. Better from walking in open air. It's better to lie down. Sometimes forced to stay in bed due to dizziness. Feeling of tension in the forehead with runny nose. The feeling that the brains are hanging out, will fall out on the side on which it lies; better in a sitting position, motionless, hook when walking. Strong rush of blood to the head, cold feet. Electric discharges in forehead and temples shortly before noon and then in evening. Sensation as if a cork had been driven into the skull by strong blows. Headaches come on slowly and disappear quickly. Severe headaches in weakened patients. Extreme soreness of the periosteum, as in syphilis. Hair loss or graying. Ulceration of the scalp. Very tender, sensitive rashes. Tearing while reading. Chronic inflammation of the eye, with dilated veins and ulceration. Sensation of a foreign body in the right arm canthus. Sore eyes with runny nose.

Severe ear pain that occurs gradually and disappears suddenly. Gradual hearing loss. Bloody discharge from the ear. Buzzing in the ear.

Nosebleeds in the evening - the blood is dark, liquid, and oozes slowly. Sulph-ac cures acrid bloody discharge from the nose in debilitated patients, when the general symptoms correspond. With a runny nose, dryness or discharge from the nose, loss of smell and taste.

The face of the Sulph-ac patient bears the stamp of soreness. Pale, sometimes icteric. A clearly pained expression. Imprint of pain, exhaustion, weight loss. Sensation of tightness on the face, as if the white of an egg were drying out. Severe neuralgic pain develops gradually and quickly disappears, relieved by warmth and lying on the sore side. Small red spots or dots on the face that gradually increase in size. Inflammation of the submandibular gland.

Early tooth decay. Severe neuralgic pain in the teeth, slowly increases and suddenly disappears. Hook from cold and better from warmth, hook in the evening in bed. Critical dental condition. Loss of taste during a runny nose. A very important feature is stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa). Sulph-ac is most often prescribed for stomatitis in newborns. Aphthous stomatitis in an infant or nursing mother with yellowish or whitish ulcers. Discharge of bloody saliva from the mouth; blisters on the oral mucosa.

Bad breath. Bleeding of the oral mucosa and gums, possibly in combination with hemorrhagic purpura. Rapidly spreading ulcers on the oral mucosa.

Inflammation of the pharynx, aphthous or follicular. Exposure of the mucous membrane. Diphtheritic yellowish or white exudate, aphthous surfaces, bleeding from the nose, gums and other areas. Diphtheria with unusual loss of strength and unpleasant odor. Swelling of the uvula. There are a large number of corrosive ulcers in the throat. Pharyngitis with painful, difficult swallowing. When the pharynx is affected, the liquid you drink flows out of the nose. Salivation, swelling of the pharyngeal lymphoid ring, severe swelling of the tonsils, soft palate and pharynx as a whole. Discharge of dark thin blood from the throat and mouth.

Desire for brandy and fruit. Loss of appetite and progressive weakness are prominent features. Aversion to the smell of coffee. Cannot drink cold water because the feeling of cold in the stomach causes chills. Violent spasmodic hiccups, such as in alcoholics. Chronic heartburn. Belching sour. Vomiting sour. Constant irritability from sour belching. Vomiting sour during pregnancy. Morning vomiting in chronic alcoholism (cf. Ars). Sour and disgusting. Nausea and chills. Cough and belching of sour liquid. Feeling like the stomach is closing, as if relaxed. Vomiting after drinking cold water. Severe cramping pain in the stomach. The pain increases gradually and disappears suddenly. Sour vomiting is very similar to Robinia. There is no vomiting of the food eaten, but the patient cannot eat, as this causes stomach pain and vomiting of mucus.

Some time after the onset of intermittent fever, the spleen enlarges and becomes painful when coughing and palpating. Stitching pains in spleen and liver. Sulph-ac has repeatedly cured lead poisoning and lead colic. Loss of strength, feeling of weakness in the abdomen after defecation. Feeling of weakness in the abdomen, as if menstruation is about to begin. Abdominal pain as during childbirth, spreading to the hip joints and back.

Diarrhea with severe general weakness and a feeling of trembling, with a feeling of weakness, loss of strength in the abdomen after defecation. Chronic diarrhea with severe malaise. Irritating stool, burning in the rectum during stool. Diarrhea begins from the slightest violation of the diet, after fruits, especially unripe ones, after oysters. The mortar is watery, orange-yellow, stretches in threads, slimy, mixed with blood, greenish, black, with undigested food and the smell of rotten eggs. Hemorrhoids – painful, itchy, pain during bowel movements, with alcoholism. For constipation, stupas in the form of small balls.

Pain in the bladder if the urge to urinate is suppressed. Sulph-ac cured diabetes. Opiguria. Hematuria. Cylindruria.

Menstruation is too frequent and heavy, the discharge is dark and thin. Many symptoms appear before menstruation. Nightmares before menstruation. Nightmare before the end of menstruation. Prolapse, gangrenous inflammation of the vagina. Leucorrhoea – bloody, acrid, similar to milk or protein, yellow. Symptoms characteristic of Sulph-ac appear in women during menopause. Hot flashes, weakness, a feeling of trembling, nervous fussiness in all actions and sensations, bleeding from the uterus and other parts of the body, blood does not clot well; constipation with sheep stool - these are all symptoms characteristic of menopause. Vomiting in pregnant women. Vomiting is preceded by a cough.
Sulph-ac cured infertility when it was supposed to be due to heavy and frequent menstruation. Severe itching of the vulva.

Pain and inflammation in the larynx. Pain in the larynx when swallowing. Hoarseness with a feeling of dryness and rawness in the larynx.

Weakness in the chest and severe shortness of breath. Rapid movements of the wings of the nose, as in Lycopodium. Rapid movement of the larynx up and down with shortness of breath. Labored breathing.
With the exception of the morning cough, the cough is dry and short. Sometimes there are two coughs. Cough in the open air, during a walk or ride, cough from cold drinks and the smell of coffee. The cough is followed by itching and vomiting. Feeling of irritation in the chest. Morning sputum is dark, with thin blood or thin yellowish mucus streaked with blood and sour taste.

Weakness in the chest with burning and stitching pain. Pressure in the left side of the chest. Copious pulmonary bleeding of dark liquid blood, after pneumonia or during menopause. Ulceration of the lungs (cf. Kali-carb). A feeling of tightness in the chest, suffocation, relieved by hanging the legs down. An effective remedy in the early stages of pulmonary tuberculosis with profuse sweating and severe weakness; when prescribed at a late stage, it can cause bleeding and increased inflammation in the lungs. Stitching pain in the heart, palpitations. Effective for exudative pleurisy.

Marked weakness in the spine, especially when standing and sitting. Pain in the lumbar region. Pain between the shoulder blades when coughing. Stiffness of the back in the morning when rising. Large abscess on the right side of the neck.

Black and blue spots on the limbs. Stitching pain in the shoulder joint when raising the arm. Tingling in the joints of the fingers. Diaper rash on thighs after standing up. Marked weakness in knees and ankles. Swelling of the veins in the feet. Chilliness of frostbitten areas of the skin. Twitching of fingers during sleep.
Sleeping late, waking up too early. Nightmares before menstruation.

Chilliness, hot flashes with sweating. Copious sweat, mainly of the upper part of the body, from movement; sour, cold; after eating warm food. Sweating in the morning. Night sweats. Typhoid-like fever with marked loss of strength. Capillary bleeding. Dark, liquid blood.

Intestinal bleeding with dark, thin blood. Putrefactive forms of prolonged fever. The appearance of a dead man.

Ecchymosis, hemorrhagic purpura. Old scars become red and painful. Itching and tingling with rashes. Pimples. Acneous red itchy rash. Blue spots. Bruises, bedsores. Boils and abscesses. Nodular scars. Sulph-ac cures old indolent ulcers from which dark blood readily oozes. Painful, spreading ulcers. Stinging burning pain in ulcers. Effective for putrefactive ulcers of the legs; ulcers due to alcoholism, after a low-grade fever. Thin, yellow or bloody discharge.

In contact with

Sulfuric acid

Sulphuricum acidum is useful in many cases when the relationship between spouses is deteriorating or the family is going through a crisis, as well as in cases of shell shock or after accidents. The Sulphuricum acidum patient is characterized by transitions from buffoonery to sadness, as is clearly seen in the description in the Materia Medica.
The virtues of Sulphuricum acidum are clearly seen in the following sad case.


I was asked to visit the young patient by his parents, as well as by the doctor who constantly worked with him, but had to leave him for the duration of his vacation. My first meeting with the boy took place in the ward for terminal cancer patients at a children's hospital. For two years he had been ill with myeloid leukemia, and his case was now considered hopeless. Currently, the boy is in a completely sterilized box, constantly receiving morphine injections and other potent medications.

The parents are in despair because, after trying every remedy at their disposal for two years, the doctors have given up hope. The boy suffers from mouth ulcers and has a strong desire for sweets. Although the disease is in a very advanced stage, the patient affects the people around him with the power of vital energy. He still showers every morning. According to the medical staff, what is currently causing him the greatest suffering is not so much the symptoms of cancer, but rather the ulcers in his mouth.

This is a cheerful child (which was especially felt in him before the onset of the illness), loving, happy, active, always in a hurry. He doesn't like warmth. All this brings to mind the profile of Sulphuricum acidum. From the medical history it is clear that leukemia in his case developed according to the classical pattern, and the disease was discovered by chance after an injury that the boy received while returning home from a ski station.

Considering all these circumstances, I prescribe him Sulphuricum acidum (9 CH, 12 CH, 15 CH, 3 CH). Within two days, the painful ulcers in the mouth are cured, which brings great relief to the boy. Unfortunately, all the doctors' efforts to save the child were unsuccessful. He was released from the hospital and sent home, where he died six weeks later surrounded by the people who loved him.

Pharmaceutical Description

Sul-ac. Sulphuricum acidum. Sulfuric acid. Vitriol. A mixture of one part Sulphuricum acidum with three parts alcohol (take five to fifteen drops three times daily for several weeks) has been used successfully as a remedy for cravings for alcohol.

Historical use

Alchemical vitriol. Sulfuric acid solution was widely used in the Middle Ages as medical product from ulcerations of a tuberculous, cancerous and venereal nature, as a means for rinsing the throat and mouth for canker sores, ulcers on the gums and diphtheria. It was also prescribed in cases of lead poisoning under the name mineral lemonade. A vitriol-based elixir was made by mixing sulfuric acid with alcohol and water. It was often used to treat nervous weakness in women.


1) Elderly people, especially women;
2) Blonde people;
3) Dissatisfied, gloomy children.

Sulphuricum acidum is suitable for cases where weakness does not correspond to the manifestations of the disease that caused it. Weakness generated by deep, hidden pathology, dyscrasia. For pain during menopause. In the presence of deep hidden pathology, when the child weakens without showing any other symptoms. Recommended for alcoholics, elderly people, as well as menopausal women and weakened children, when there are no other complaints other than weakness.

Medical indications

Sulphuricum acidum is characterized by weakness or exhaustion, impotence, i.e. symptoms common to all acids. This is especially felt by its effect on the state of the digestive tract, namely by the feeling of pronounced weakness in the stomach.

Strong desire for alcohol as a stimulant. Acts on the blood and blood vessels, causing severe bleeding, in which liquid, black blood flows from all natural orifices. Dilated veins in the legs. Hemorrhagic purpura. Removes old bruises (black and blue spots) with soreness and stiffness of a body part after an injury. Used after Arnica. Tremor and weakness. Hot flashes accompanied by sweating and trembling.

Tendency to develop gangrene after mechanical damage. Writer's cramp. Lead poisoning. Stomach pain and hypochlorhydria. Hemorrhagic purpura. Weakness generated by some deep hidden pathology, dyscrasia, is disproportionate to other external manifestations of the disease. Internal trembling, wants to be held. Increased acidity stomach. Copious acrid or stringy discharge.


Burns. Mechanical damage. Falls. Bruises. Concussion. Surgical operations. Sprains. Abrasions.


Better by warmth and lying on the affected side of the body. Rest brings relief. Better from hot drinks, moderate temperature, with hands near the head.

Worse from open air, alcohol. Worse from cold, drinking cold water. Worse from the smell of coffee, during menopause, towards evening, from intense heat or contact with cold, from pressure, from raising the arms.

Mental symptoms

Everything must be done in great haste. Gloomy, impatient, angry because things are going too slowly. Fusses and gets irritated at the slightest provocation. Nervous fatigue, tendency to fright. Indecisive, doubtful and gloomy, withdrawn patient. Does not want to answer questions, finds it difficult to clearly answer “yes” or “no.” Cries constantly. The serious mood periodically gives way to buffoonery. He is dissatisfied with everyone and is difficult to please.

Physical symptoms

The most important clinical signs: Alcoholism. Aphthae. Infertility. Myopia. Liver diseases. Diseases of the spleen. Warts. Phlebeurysm. Vaginal prolapse. Hair loss. Gangrene. Gastritis. Glossitis. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Diphtheria. Constipation. Bad breath. Heartburn. Hiccups. Impotence. Nightmares. Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Calluses. Burns. Swelling. Edema. Paralysis caused by lead poisoning.

Inguinal hernia. Intermittent painful conditions. Pneumonia. Increased acidity. Diarrhea. Hot flashes. Uterine prolapse. Purpura. Irritability, agitation. Cancer. Wounds. Rheumatism. Weakness of the intestines. Concussion. Abrasions. Suffering caused by menopause. Nausea during pregnancy. Tuberculosis. Back stiffness. Erythema nodosum. Bruises. Scurvy. Excessive sweating. Esophagitis. Ulcers. Ulcerative necrotic stomatitis (cancrum oris).

Eyes. Intraocular hemorrhage due to trauma. Severe chemosis (edematous swelling of the conjunctiva) with aching and sharp pain. Pain in the eyes, burning and lacrimation when reading. The eyelids are difficult to open. Sensation of a foreign body in the outer canthus. The foreign body moves into internal corner when closing the eye and returns to the outside when it opens.

Head. A concussion in which the skin is cold and the body is literally drenched in profuse cold sweat. Sensation as if the brain were loose in the forehead, falling from side to side (Belladonna, Rhus tox.). Compressive pain in the back of the head, better if you hold your hand near your head. A sharp sensation of a blow in the right temple, as if a cork was being driven into it. Sensation of shocks in the forehead, temples, as if from electricity. Right-sided neuralgia, painful shock, sensation as if the skin was pinched. Pain in the external parts of the body, as if there were subcutaneous ulcers there, painful when touched. Hair falls out and turns grey.

Dizziness. Dizziness occurs when sitting down, disappears in the open air. Gangrenous inflammatory ulceration of the lips and oral cavity.

Throat. Soreness. With diphtheria, lemon-colored thread-like mucus is observed. The throat seems to be covered with a layer of lime. The liquid regurgitates when swallowing. The Adam's apple moves up and down with force.

Breast. Severe weakness in the chest combined with difficulty speaking.

Stomach. Feeling of weakness, relaxation in the stomach, worsening after stool. Heartburn, sour belching, strongly affects the nerves (Robinia). Drinking causes the stomach to cool and vomits unless alcohol is mixed with it. Feeling of relaxation in the stomach. Vomiting of sours, hiccups in alcoholics, nausea with trembling. Coldness in the stomach, ameliorated by hot applications. Nausea with chills. When vomiting, mucus is ejected instead of food. Coughing before vomiting during pregnancy.

Female genital area. Menstruation comes too early and too heavy. Tormenting nightmares before or after menstruation. Cervical erosion in older women begins to bleed easily. Hot flashes followed by sweating and a shivering sensation running through the entire body during menopause. Acrid, burning leukorrhea, often bloody mucus. Vaginal gangrene after prolapse. Prolapse of the vagina and uterus due to a state of general weakness.

Stomach. Colic, with sensation as if a hernia would come out. Sensation as if a hernia would protrude, especially on the left side. The spleen is enlarged, hard, and painful when coughing. Sudden weakness in the abdomen after stool.

Leather. Bad consequences of mechanical injuries with bruises and bluish-purple skin. Bedsores, abscesses. Bruising. Point hemorrhages. Hemorrhagic purpura. Boils are bluish-purple or red in color and cause itching. Bleeding black blood from all bodily orifices. The scars turn blue and red and begin to hurt. Frostbite with gangrenous predisposition. Nodular urticaria. Carbuncles, boils and other staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

Limbs. Convulsive paretic contractions of muscles in the arms and hands. Twitching of fingers when writing. Writer's cramp. Weakness and pain in the knees. Weakness in ankles, cannot walk. Twitching of fingers during sleep. Twitching of tendons.

Lungs. Rapid breathing. Bronchitis in children with a superficial, irritating cough. Cough, then belching or vomiting. Sputum with blood during menopause. With shortness of breath, strong movements of the larynx up and down and rapid movement of the wings of the nose. It's better to hang your legs.

Face. Deathly pale or wrinkled. Feeling like dried egg white on face.

Nose. Slow secretion of dark thin blood, aggravated by the smell of coffee in the elderly. Nosebleeds in the evening. Dry runny nose with loss of smell and taste. Liquid discharge of lemon color with a runny nose. Pimples on the side of the nose. Watery discharge from the nose.

Food. Aversion to the smell of coffee. Strong desire for cognac, brandy and fruit. Strong desire for alcohol. Desire for fresh food. Sweating after eating, especially from warm food. Wine worsens symptoms. Warm food causes sweating. Worse from drinking cold water.

Kidneys. Pain in the bladder if the urge to urinate is not satisfied. Hematuria. Diabetes with a feeling of fatigue, exhaustion, despondency with apathy. Decreased urine secretion. Mucus sediment in urine.

Rectum. The diarrhea is foul-smelling, black, with a sour body odor and a feeling of emptiness and weakness in the abdomen. Extremely foul-smelling: green, black or orange-colored “chopped” stool from unripe fruit and oysters, from the slightest indigestion. Hemorrhoids with fluid appearing on their surface. Hemorrhoids interfere with the process of bowel movement. Sensation in rectum as if there were a large ball inside.

Mouth. Aphthae during a long illness, especially in children with marasmus. Gums bleed easily. Bad breath. Pyorrhea. Tooth decay with diabetes mellitus. Saliva with blood from the mouth. Ulcers quickly spread throughout the body. Dream. Delayed falling asleep and early awakening. Drowsiness. Insomnia from mental excitement. He shudders and twitches in his sleep. Anxious dreams. Nightmares before menstruation.

Back. Sensation of weakness extending to thighs and sacrum. Weakness of the spine, such that one cannot sit or stand. Large abscess on the right side of the neck. Temperature. Flushes of heat, then shivering or cold sweat after warm food, worse in the upper part of the body, better from motion. Sweat that makes the patient wet. Excessive weakness during fever, as in typhoid fever.

Ears. Sensation as if a leaf were lying in front of the ear. Sensation of tearing and vibration in right ear. Strong tickling sensation in the ear. Rhythmic humming in the ears. Bell ringing in front of the ears. Humming in the ears in the evening.

Compare with: Arnica, Calendula, Ledum, Sepia, Calcarea.

Relationships with other drugs
The antidote for sulfuric acid is Pulsatilla. Sulphuricum acidum is an antidote for lead poisoning.
Complementary: Pulsatilla. In cases of injury it gives good results after: Arnica, Conium, Ruta.


Sulphuricum acidum/Acidum sulfuricum - sulfuric acid

Basic dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C6 and higher. Drops D3, C3, C6 and higher.

Indications for use. Widely used for injuries and their consequences, complementing Arnica. Effective for ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, gastritis with pain, heartburn, sour belching, a feeling of sore throat, hiccups, constipation, hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue, menopausal conditions.

It is especially indicated for malnourished children with a sour odor, regardless of care, and for elderly people weakened by alcoholism.

Worsening - from excess heat and cold, in the afternoon and evening hours. Improvement - from warmth and lying on the sore side.

One of the most characteristic symptoms of Sulphuricum acidum is a feeling of chilliness throughout the whole body and limbs without visible trembling, especially when combined with long-standing weakness. Exhaustion, excitability and severe fussiness are constantly present. Many complaints are accompanied by bleeding. Discharge of dark, thin blood from all orifices of the body. Small, red, rapidly enlarging spots, similar to those seen in hemorrhagic purpura. Bruises on the skin from the slightest injury. Sometimes after an injury, blood-red spots appear on the skin, reminiscent of trout spots. The skin is easily damaged, abrasions and then ulcers form. Boils and bedsores. This medicine has many complaints typical of older people. Another characteristic sign is morning worsening of symptoms. Sensitivity to cold and exhaustion. Pain, as from a bruise, burning, tearing, stabbing, shooting and jerking. The pain begins gradually and disappears immediately. The discharge is dark, in the form of thin blood or streaked with blood; or thin, yellow and bloody. The discharge is irritating. Sweating all over the body after eating. Right-sided symptoms predominate. This remedy is often indicated in infants with a sour odor, as is Hepar; he has the same sensitivity to touch and cold. When the administration of Sulphuricum acid removes the hypersensitivity to cold, the patient often becomes worse, and it is then necessary to give Pulsatilla, acting as a complementary remedy and antidote.

Mental and physical prostration, with intense melancholy; the patient cries all the time. It is impossible to please him. Irritability, moodiness at the slightest provocation. The patient can neither eat nor work as quickly as he would like. No one can keep up with him, he works and moves so fast. Everything must be done at once. Doesn't want to answer questions. Indecisiveness.

Dizziness in a closed room. Better from walking in the open air and lying down. Sometimes this forces him to stay out of bed.

Sensation of tension in the forehead during a runny nose.

A feeling that the brain is hanging out in the skull and is shifting to the side on which the patient is lying; better when sitting completely still, worse when walking. Blood rushes intensely to the head, while the feet become cold. Sensation of electric shocks in forehead and temples before noon and then in evening. Feels like a wedge is being driven into the skull with strong blows. Headaches come on slowly and go away suddenly. Violent headaches in weakened people. Extreme pain in the periosteum, as in syphilis. Hair falls out or turns grey. Ulceration of the scalp. The rash is extremely painful when touched. Tearing when reading. Chronic inflammation of the eyes, with dilated veins and ulceration. Sensation of a foreign body in the outer corner of the right eye. Sore eyes combined with runny nose.

Severe pain in the ears that gradually appears and disappears suddenly. Gradual hearing loss. Bloody discharge from the ears. Buzzing in the ears.

In the evenings, dark, liquid blood slowly oozes from the nose. When the general symptoms coincide, the medicine cures acrid bloody discharge from the nose in weakened patients. Dry or runny nose, loss of smell and taste.

The face of a Sulphuricum acidum patient is the face of a very sick person. Pale, exhausted, sometimes jaundiced. The face bears the mark of long suffering. Deep wrinkles from pain, exhaustion, exhaustion. The skin of the face seems tight, as if egg white has dried on it, tension in the face. Severe neuralgic pain, which increases gradually and quickly disappears, is better from warmth and in a lying position on the painful side. Small red spots or dots on the face that gradually increase in size. Inflammation of the submandibular gland.

Teeth decay prematurely. Severe dental neuralgia, slowly increasing and suddenly disappearing. Worse from cold and better from warmth, worse in the evening in bed. The teeth are set on edge. Loss of taste during a runny nose. One very characteristic condition is stomatitis. This is one of the most frequently indicated remedies for stomatitis in infants. Aphthous stomatitis in infants or nursing mothers with yellowish or whitish ulcers. Discharge of bloody saliva from the mouth; vesicles on the oral mucosa. Extremely foul breath. Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, with or without hemorrhagic purpura. Rapidly spreading ulcers on the oral mucosa.

Inflammation of the pharynx, which is aphthous or follicular in nature. Excoriation on the pharyngeal mucosa. Diphtheria exudate, yellowish or white, against the background of aphthous lesions, as well as bleeding from the nose, gums and other areas. Diphtheria with greater than usual exhaustion of the patient and a foul odor. Swelling of the uvula. Many corrosive ulcers in the throat. Sore throat with painful and difficult swallowing. In case of diseases of the pharynx, the liquid you drink flows out of the nose. Salivation, swelling of the pharyngeal lymph nodes, severe swelling of the tonsils, soft palate and pharynx as a whole. Bleeding dark, thin blood from the mouth and throat.

The patient really wants brandy and fruit. A noticeable sign is loss of appetite against a background of increasing weakness. Aversion to the smell of coffee. Cannot drink cold water, as it causes a feeling of extreme cold in the stomach and chilliness. Violent spasmodic hiccups, such as occurs in alcoholics. Chronic heartburn. Sour belching. Vomiting sour. Constant feeling of teeth being set on edge due to sour belching. Vomiting sour during pregnancy. Vomiting in alcoholics in the morning (compare Arsenicum album). Sour and extremely foul-smelling vomit. Nausea and severe chills. Cough and belching of sour liquid. The stomach seems to sag downwards, the feeling of its relaxation. Vomiting from drinking cold water. Terrible spasmodic pain in the stomach. The pain gradually intensifies and suddenly disappears. The sour vomiting of this remedy closely resembles that of Robinia.

The patient vomits not food she has eaten, since she cannot eat due to stomach pain, but mucus.

Some time after the onset of intermittent fever, the spleen becomes enlarged, coughing, and touching it becomes painful. Stitching pains in spleen and liver. With the help of this medicine many times it was possible to cope with the consequences of lead poisoning and lead colic. Feeling of sagging, weakness in the abdomen after defecation. Drawing sensation in the abdomen, as if menstruation was about to begin. Abdominal pain, reminiscent of labor contractions, spreading to the hips and back.

Diarrhea with severe general weakness and trembling sensation. In this case, after defecation, a feeling of weakness and sagging occurs in the abdomen. Chronic diarrhea causing severe suffering. Irritating stool, burning in the rectum during bowel movements. Diarrhea due to the slightest errors in diet, after eating fruits, especially unripe ones, after oysters. The stool is watery, orange-yellow, stringy, mucous, mixed with blood, greenish, black, undigested food, smelling of rotten eggs. Hemorrhoids with extremely painful nodes, itching, pain during bowel movements; in alcoholics. With constipation, the stool looks like small balls.

Pain in the bladder if the patient resists the urge to urinate. Cures diabetes. Urine scanty. Blood in urine. Urine is covered with a film.

Menstruation is too frequent and heavy, with dark and thin discharge. Many symptoms occur in the lead-up to menstruation, such as nightmares. Nightmares before the end of menstruation. Vaginal prolapse, gangrenous changes in it. Leucorrhoea is bloody, acrid, milky or egg white-like, yellow. Menopausal women experience many symptoms characteristic of Sulphuricum acidum. Hot flashes, weakness, a feeling of trembling, nervous fussiness in all actions and feelings, bleeding from the uterus and other parts of the body, poor blood clotting; constipation with stool in the form of sheep droppings - all these symptoms often accompany menopause. The medicine often helps with vomiting in pregnant women. Vomiting is preceded by a cough.

The medicine cures infertility when heavy and frequent menstruation is considered to be the cause. Severe itching of the vulva.

Pain and rawness in the larynx. Pain in the larynx when swallowing. Hoarseness with a feeling of dryness, roughness in the larynx.

Weakness in the chest and severe shortness of breath. Rapid movements of the wings of the nose, as in Lycopodium, and also of the Adam's apple up and down during shortness of breath. The patient has difficulty breathing.

The cough is dry and hacking at any time of the day, except in the morning. Sometimes double coughing may occur. The patient coughs in the open air, when walking and while driving, worse from cold drinks and the smell of coffee. The cough is followed by itching and vomiting. Irritation is felt throughout the chest. In the morning, coughs up dark, thin blood or watery, yellowish mucus streaked with blood that tastes sour.

Weakness in the chest with burning and stitching pains. Pressing sensation in the left side of the chest. Profuse pulmonary hemorrhage of dark, thin blood, after pneumonia or during menopause. Ulceration of the lungs (compare Kali carbonicum). The patient feels tightness in the chest and suffocation until he hangs his legs freely down. This medicine can be of great help in the early stages of consumption with profuse sweating and great weakness; but at a later stage it can cause bleeding and increase inflammation in the lungs. Stitching pain in the heart, palpitations. A valuable medicine for pleural effusion.

Great weakness in the spine, especially when standing or sitting. Pain in the lumbar region. Pain between the shoulder blades when coughing. Stiffness in the back when rising in the morning. Large abscesses on the right side of the neck.

Black and blue spots on the limbs. Stitching pain in the shoulder joints when raising the arms up, in the joints of the fingers. Abrasions on thighs after standing up. Considerable weakness in knees and ankles. Enlarged veins on the feet. Frostbite. Twitching of fingers during sleep.

The patient falls asleep late and wakes up too early. Nightmares on the eve of menstruation.

The medicine has chills, as well as hot flashes with sweating. Copious perspiration, chiefly on the upper part of the body, from motion; sour, cold; from hot food. Morning and night sweats. Typhoid fever with severe prostration. Bleeding from capillaries. Dark, liquid blood.

Bleeding from the anus with dark, thin blood. Malignant forms of persistent fever. The patient looks like a corpse.

Ecchymosis, hemorrhagic purpura. Old scars turn red and become painful. Itching and stitching pain in the areas of the rash. Pimples. Red, itchy spots on the skin. Blue spots. Bruises, bedsores. Boils and abscesses. Nodular urticaria. The medicine cures old non-healing ulcers that bleed easily with dark blood. Tender, painful, spreading ulcers. Stinging, burning pain in ulcers. Heals putrefactive ulcers on the legs. This is a very valuable medicine for ulcers in alcoholics, and for ulcers following a severe fever. Thin, yellow or bloody discharge.

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Acidum phosphoricum:

2. China, Arsenicum, Veratrum.

Today we are going to study Phosphoric acid. It is a compound of oxygen and phosphorus. Phosphoric acid produces weakness or general decline. Sometimes it causes temporary excitement, but the main characteristic of this remedy is relaxation, which is characterized by indifference or apathy. The patient is not inclined to answer your questions. His answers are short, usually consisting of “yes” or “no,” and they are given in a tone that shows that the patient does not want to talk. The delirium is quiet, not violent, but is accompanied by characteristic depression of sensitivity and muttering, unintelligible speech. The patient lies in a daze or in a stupefied sleep, unaware of anything that is happening around him; but when he wakes up, he is fully conscious. This is typical for phosphoric acid.

Symptoms that indicate Phosphoric acid in typhoid fever are: pointed nose, dark blue circles around the eyes. The patient may suffer from nosebleeds, but these bleedings, however, do not provide relief from the symptoms in the early stages of typhoid fever. This is a very different symptom from Rhus tox., which is similar to phosphoric acid. Rhus also has bleeding from the nose at the onset of typhoid fever, but the patient gets relief from this bleeding. The patient picks his nose with his finger. Therefore, it is not always prudent to think about China and assume that a patient has worms just because he picks his nose. His nose may be itchy. This symptom can also occur from abdominal irritation. In China it is a dewormer; with Phosphoric acid it comes from irritation of Peyer's patches, hence you will find abdominal symptoms in abundance. For example, the abdomen may be distended and bloated. There is significant grumbling and gurgling in the stomach. Diarrhea often occurs with these symptoms. The stools are watery, sometimes foul-smelling, and contain undigested food. For example, the milk that you gave to your patient passes more or less undigested and with copious discharge of the wind, along with the stool. The tongue is dry and may have a dark red stripe down the middle; but it may also be pale and sticky and sometimes covered with sticky mucus. Sometimes the patient bites his tongue involuntarily during sleep; it is a convulsive movement. When the jaws come together, the tongue moves forward. You will find urine with a significant protein content; it is milky in appearance and decomposes very quickly; you will find it also containing many amorphous phosphate salts. These are the main symptoms that should lead you to choose Phosphoric acid for typhoid fever.

The medicines closest to it here are: Rhus and Phosphorus. Phosphoric acid often follows Rhus after the latter has relieved the anxiety, but diarrhea remains and the patient falls into the quiet stupor described above.

Phosphorus makes the tongue more dry and increases sensitivity; all senses are irritated; the patient cannot bear any noises or smells. If there is diarrhea, then the stool is speckled with blood veins and looks like a meat infusion.

With this apathy of feelings you should also remember Spiritus nitri dulcis. The patient lies in bed, completely indifferent to everything. He answers questions fairly quickly, but apathetically. This is the state in which Hahnemann gave Spiritus nitri dulcis. I have found it useful in cases where Phosphoric Acid has failed.

Arnica should also be placed next to Phosphoric Acid. Like this acid, it has apathy or indifference. The patient does not seem to understand how seriously ill he is. But this condition occurs to a more developed degree with Arnica. The depression and numbness are deeper. The patient falls asleep while answering your questions, which shows you how deep the stupor is. Then you also have the bloody eruptions (petechiae) or bruises (ecchymoses) that are common with this medicine, and even later, the involuntary passage of stool and urine.

Opium, more than phosphoric acid, is a medicine for stupor, if this condition is progressive. With opium stupor, only at the beginning can the patient awaken from sleep. The numbness reaches such a state that no amount of braking of the patient can bring him to consciousness. Breathing becomes more and more labored and wheezing (stridor); the face, instead of being pale, haggard, hippocratic, as with Phosphoric acid, is dark red, almost brownish red. The more brown the redness, the more opium is indicated.

Another series of symptoms of Phosphoric Acid are its emotional symptoms. Phosphoric acid is one of the best medicines we have against the evil effects of sadness and depressing emotions, especially against the chronic effects of disappointed love. Here she was specially shown after Ignace. Ignatia corresponds to acute symptoms, and phosphoric acid to chronic ones.

We can find in Phosphoric acid a cure for diseases of the uterus and ovaries. So, you can use it if you have uterine prolapse. If other symptoms help you choose this remedy, you will find that by prescribing it you will most likely eliminate all symptoms, both local and constitutional.

Natrum mur. can be placed next to Phosphoric acid when chronic consequences grief, pain in the crown of the head, sadness, tears, emaciation, etc.

Next I would like to say a few words about diarrhea caused by Phosphoric Acid. It is especially indicated for diarrhea, which is preceded by rumbling in the intestines. The urge to go down is frequent and persistent. It is especially indicated in young, rapidly growing individuals. But diarrhea, despite its frequency, does not weaken the patient proportionately. A mother will tell you that her child has had diarrhea for six weeks, with a strong rumbling of winds, and yet he does not seem very weak from this diarrhea. The bowel movements may contain undigested food and may occur after eating.

The difference between Phosphoric Acid and Cinchona is that quinine diarrhea is extremely debilitating to the patient.

The next symptom of Phosphoric Acid is that the patient, although very weak, is refreshed by a very short sleep. I suppose that this action of the acid is due to the stimulating influence of the Phosphorus which it contains.

Phosphoric acid corresponds to more long-term consequences of the loss of animal juices than to its acute symptoms. Thus, we find it indicated for long-lasting consequences of ejaculation of semen, occurring during sleep or on awakening, with every urge to stool or urination, or from excessive sexual excesses. The whole body seems weakened. The patient feels faint, it seems to him that he should fall. There is another special form of dizziness. When lying down, the patient feels as if his legs are rising above his head. The genitals are relaxed. The scrotum and testicles hang down sluggishly. The penis does not have the strength to erect, or its erections are insufficient. Semen flows out too early during intercourse. The patient complains of itching in the scrotum. His back and legs are so weak that he staggers when he walks. He has little or no pain. There is a burning sensation in the spine, worsening at night.

Phosphoric acid is very similar to Cinchona; in fact, it is higher in the chronic effects of seminal fluid loss. Cinchona is useful for acute effects. For example, a man has wet dreams for 3-4 nights in a row and this makes him very weak. In such cases, Qinghona will quickly bring him relief.

If you give Phosphoric Acid in this state of weakening of the genital organs, then give it in low divisions.

Phosphoric acid also affects mucous membranes. We must remember it especially in chest diseases. The cough comes from a tickling sensation in the chest, just in the area of ​​the xiphoid cartilage. It is worse in the evening after the patient goes to bed. In the morning, sputum appears, which is yellowish or mucopurulent and usually has a salty taste. We may think of it, although less often than of phosphorus, in cases of tuberculosis, if there is great weakness in the chest, so that the patient can hardly speak. This weakness appears to be the cause of the shortness of breath. Every movement of air brings him a new cold. He wraps his chest in warmth; he cannot bear for the movement of air to touch his chest. If these symptoms are present, then Phosphoric acid is preferable to Phosphorus.

Now about the effect of phosphoric acid on bones. You can give it for scrofulous diseases in children. For example, in case of defeat hip joint and curvature of the spine from caries of the vertebrae, if the following symptoms are present: if the child is quite old, he will complain of a feeling as if a knife was being scraped along the bones. This occurs from inflammation of the periosteum. It is worse at night. This symptom may appear after overuse of Mercury.

Phosphoric acid, like all mineral acids, affects the kidneys. It produces, firstly, what we may call polyuria or copious discharge of urine. This symptom, as it was obtained upon trial, is as follows: the urine passed so quickly and so frequently that it seemed as if it were flowing through a urethra twice its natural size. You can see Phosphoric Acid as a possible remedy for sugar sickness. The symptoms that lead you to it are, first of all, frequent and copious urination, forcing the patient to get up often at night. The urine is often milky. Sometimes a gelatinous mass settles out of it, especially with catarrh of the bladder.

I would also like to draw your attention to Lactic Acid (Acid. lacticum). I have used it as a medicine for diabetes with great success.

Acidum sulphuricum (Acidum sulfuricum)

Acidum sulphuricum:

Arnica, Conium, Ruta.

Pulsatilla, Nux vomica.

Acid. sulphuricum, Sulfuric acid, is indicated if the patient is hasty, agile and restless in his actions, sometimes when the opposite state occurs, a state of great depression, as happens in typhoid cases. The patient answers questions slowly and with great difficulty, just as the Phosphoric Acid patient does. You find that the patient with Sulfuric Acid has a general feeling of trembling. He feels as if he is shaking from head to toe. The face in this condition is quite pointed and often pale, with blue circles under the eyes. Sometimes it feels as if egg white has dried on the skin. The patient's digestive organs are especially weakened; therefore, in the stomach area there is a feeling of coldness and relaxation, which causes the patient to need strong, stimulating drinks, like vodka, and this is observed even in people who are not subject to drunkenness. The stomach is so weak that all food is thrown out; the vomited masses are very sour.

You will find sulfuric acid especially indicated for drunkards who have drunk to the last degree. They have already completely sunk and have long since passed the state in which Nux vomica can help. You find them pale, wrinkled and cold. Their stomachs are so weakened that they cannot bear any food. They can't even drink water unless it contains vodka. The liver is enlarged. They have a dry stomach cough, and the coughing process causes pain in the liver. The diarrhea is watery, foul-smelling, and accompanied by extreme irritability. They have a quick, hurried manner when they do anything. They are tormented by hemorrhoids. Constant moisture or liquid discharge from the rectum is noticed. The hemorrhoids burn and are so large that they fill the rectum. Such cases are alleviated by Sulfuric acid.

Another use we can make of Sulfuric Acid is based on its property of curbing the thirst for alcoholic drinks. You can take two or three drops of pure acid and dilute it in half a glass of water. Give this to a drunkard a teaspoon every 2 or 3 hours, and it will conquer his physical thirst. Give it until the patient feels well, even if it causes soreness in the mouth. If it were to cause diarrhea, Pulsatilla would be its true antidote.

Another effect of Sulfuric Acid is its action on aphthous disease of the mouth, which occurs during relaxation resulting from a long illness, or in children suffering from summer diarrhea or exhaustion (marasmus). The mouth is speckled with yellowish aphthous spots. Copious flow of saliva is noticed. Along with this, there may be vomiting of sour milk or sour mucus. The child emits a sour smell, despite the most diligent washing of it. The stools are yellowish or mucous. They look like chopped eggs. The child is very apt to have a cough, which very possibly is a stomach cough, with belching of air after the cough.

You can think of Sulfuric acid also for diphtheria. The tonsils appear bright red and very swollen. They are so swollen that fluids leak through the nose. The child is deathly pale, so pale that he appears to be a corpse. He is prone to stupor or hibernation. He may have difficulty breathing or speaking or making any sound due to the huge number of membranes.

Sulfuric acid is also used as a traumatic agent. It can be used for bruises of the soft parts, after Arnica; for bruises of the glands, after Conium; for bone injuries, after Ruta. It can be especially prescribed when black and blue spots persist for a long time, with pain and hardening.

Again, Sulfuric acid, more than any other acid, is useful for bleeding. It produces bleeding from every orifice of the body, and the blood is dark and liquid.

You differentiate between Sulfuric acid and Carbo veg. for drunkard's dyspepsia because Sulfuric acid is a more “sour” remedy, and Carbo veg. "putrefactive" agent.

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