Sad experience says that kingdoms are perishing. Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich - selected poems

And in this phase, more than ever, each individual person in Russia plays a key role. Not in America, not in Europe. Namely in Russia. Back in the mid-80s, voiced by Gorbachev’s head, the perestroika slogan - “Everything that is not prohibited is allowed” pushed the country into a bottomless abyss. And this huge country, in free fall, not yet reaching the bottom, has already begun to split apart. Notice she did not resist, did not offer resistance. She actually voluntarily jumped into this abyss. And having flown for five years with Turkish shuttle bags through bloody demonstrations in Georgia and Kazakhstan, the “independence” of the Baltic states, this Great Country, to the trumpet march of the “Parade of Sovereignties”, was finally torn to pieces in 1991. And ahead there were still Nord-Ost, Beslan, two Chechen wars , Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky and much more. We can talk for a long time about the reasons for its collapse. There are also a lot of them. They are diverse. Here there is stagnation in economic development and 45 years of the Cold War and the total soldering of the population, etc. And there is only one reason. And it consisted of only one thing - the very existence of this country. Countries with a once proud name - the USSR! And with great regret for some and joy for others, one could state that this country did not pass the test of strength, or rather a PERSON. Not one specific person, but the people who lived in this country. And their only justification is that by that time these people were already spiritually empty. Yes, our patriotism was already beginning to fall into a lethargic sleep long before the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev, which ultimately allowed us to throw the country into the abyss. And this lethargy continued until the arrival of Putin. Pushkin also warned: “Russia will awaken from its sleep..” This moment has come. Sleep time is over! The patient opened his eyes and returned to life. Let him take small steps, hiding his beautiful faces behind wonderful avatars on forums, but he is coming back to life! Let him freeze for a moment when he hears something thrown at him: “You’re dragging us into the Soviet Union again,” and he freezes, but then he moves on again. Our patriotism is still weak, but it is steadily improving. Yes, in his temporary absence a lot has been turned upside down, but the time has come to put all the concepts and principles in their place. Black cannot be white, as we have been taught over the past decades. Evil cannot be good. A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf. Destruction cannot be the highest value of humanity. And don’t even try to convince us of this! Don’t believe the clichés about a helpless, oil-fuelled, always-drunken Russia, supposedly known in the world only for its Rubik’s cube and prostitutes. All this is from the same arsenal. Make them feel worthless, continue to develop an inferiority complex in ordinary respectable people, drawing parallels between good taste and blue cheese. And at the same time, deliberately hushing up the fact that if from the statistics of almost all European countries, led by the American locomotive, we remove the Fed candy wrappers introduced in the form of zeros into the banking system, and recalculate them again, based on real production, then their economies fall below the bar , in the literal sense of the word, fall into the negative zone. And Russia, in reality, is in the positive sector. And it turns out that the developed countries that they consider themselves to be are, in fact, just soap bubbles today. But a liberal will come up to you and quietly whisper in your ear: “Did you know that the rating agency Moody’s on Saturday downgraded Russia’s rating to Baa2, maintaining a negative outlook? So stop boasting about your achievements here.” Or, it would seem, an even stronger argument: - “Look at what the current rulers, led by Putin, have brought the country to - the ruble has already completely depreciated” And that seems to be all. It seems like there is nothing more to talk about. What kind of patriotism is there? Again they will call me a hater. I can only talk about love for Russia, but you see, he’s smart, he knows everything, but I obviously don’t understand something. Well, that’s what it’s all about!!! As Nikita Mikhalkov said, they have learned well how to sew for us a blanket of lies from scraps of truth. Patriotism is a shield, it is the immune system society, protecting its national interests from the inculcation of false values. Not fanatical, not momentary, but real, healthy patriotism, which Adlai Stevenson said so well: “Patriotism is not an explosion of emotions, but a calm and lasting devotion that lasts throughout a person’s life.” The main strength of patriotism is that it gives people the opportunity to confront the false essence of the liberal conundrum without delving into all its intricacies. It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand that the fall in the ruble exchange rate is not a disaster for Russia, as liberals shout on every corner, but a situation deliberately created from outside, which the national leader skillfully uses for the benefit of his country, replenishing reserves not with virtual, but with physical gold, specifically cheapened by short-sighted Western politicians to support their candy wrappers. He takes gold from them, which is cheap today, in exchange for oil products that they have made cheaper. (in the third quarter alone, out of 95 tons of gold purchased by all countries, 55 tons went to Russia). And Putin’s skillful use of the fall in the ruble exchange rate for the benefit of the ruble portion of Russian budget revenues through taxation of exporters allows him to practically avoid the sequestration (expense reduction) planned for 2016-2017 at the previous rate. All these numerous interconnected intricacies of the first chef of world politics are difficult to understand not only for an ordinary person, but also for leading politicians and economists in many countries. It is also difficult to understand whether Putin trusts his political opponents and partners. But the fact that he trusts his people is a fact that he constantly confirms with his actions. Such trust is worth a lot. And its value increases when it is mutual.

I invented the muse of Irony
For this harsh land.
I gave her huge possessions:
Bet, grin, shawls.

Zeus's arrogant daughters,
Appreciating your superiority,
No matter what kind of clever people they pretend to be -
They're not worth a penny without it.

Don't try this honey: there is a fly in the ointment.
What you haven’t earned, don’t ask.
Don't spit in the well. Don't be arrogant. Up to the elbow
Just an inch - try a bite.

The hour of the morning is business, the hour of love is evening,
Thoughts - autumn, cheerfulness - winter...
The whole world is made of restrictions,
So as not to go crazy with happiness.

The blue snow is crushed under the hooves.
I'm riding in a carriage on the wrong side...
So sad, my brother, sad, my brother!

There is a light burning near that fishing line.
I'm riding in a carriage. Arc on a horse...
Melancholy surrounds everything, melancholy, melancholy!
Oh, if only someone remembered about me.

All alien forests and alien distances.
And the frost is worse, and the soul is on fire...
And sadness, my brother, sadness, sadness!
Oh, if only someone remembered about me.

Nice company... What should I decide?
I myself don’t drink, my friends add more.
It's not scary to die, it's scary not to live.
These are the thoughts that plague me.

However, these thoughts were expressed by Voltaire.
You should read Voltaire sometimes.
The West, of course, is not an example for us.
However, I don't see a better example.

Wasn’t it I who called you, gentlemen, to join hands?
Why didn’t you listen to my words when
Someone powerful took our souls away from each other?..
Why didn't I please you? Why didn't I please you?

Your eyes are aimed at me like guns,
as if I owe you something... We don’t owe each other.
What are we? Just crumbs in the murky sea of ​​existence
Everything that is nearby is more valuable the shorter my life.

I don’t judge you with bias, I don’t cry, I don’t yell,
With calm inspiration I take the cane into my hands
And on proud thin legs I soar into the holy distance.
Apparently, everything must fall apart. Fall apart...
It's a pity.

Oh, I can’t believe that, brother, I fought.
Or maybe it was a schoolboy who drew me:
I wave my arms, I kick my legs,
I expect to survive, and I want to win.

Oh , Somehow I can’t believe that I, brother, killed.
Or maybe I just went to the cinema in the evening?
I didn’t have enough weapons, I destroyed someone else’s life,
And my hands are clean, and my soul is righteous.

Oh, I can’t believe that I didn’t fall in battle.
Or maybe I was shot, I’ve been living in paradise for a long time,
And the bushes there, and the groves there, and the curls on the shoulders...
And this beautiful life is only a dream at night.

How time is merciless
his deeds and the light.
Well, I'll die, oh well -
There's no need for me to do that.

And the one with soft fluff
Above the upper lip
With a still unsteady spirit,
Awakened by a trumpet, -

What a happy fight
He's woken up now
Shod heel
Slamming the door?

To the sounds of brass
Without knowing it
How sweet everything is for the first time,
How sad everything is later...

Involved in earthly passions,
I know that from darkness to light
one day a black angel will come out
and shouts that there is no salvation.

But simple-minded and timid,
beautiful, like good news,
white angel following
whispers that there is hope.

I'm wearing a gray-gray suit,
Just like a gray overcoat.
And I go out onto the stage
And I sing in a quiet voice.

And the people in the hall are crying and crying -
Not because I'm great
And it’s not me they feel sorry for
And they probably feel sorry for themselves.

Have pity, darlings, have pity,
While he still regrets,
While I have a guitar in my hands,
Not a heavy machine gun.

Regret, as if on the road
You are accompanying me...
I'm wearing a gray suit.
He is all like a gray overcoat.

In memory of A. D. Sakharov

When the speech begins that spirituality has disappeared,
That from now on the road for people lies through the darkness,
In the eyes of the surprised and in the souls there is a holy readiness
To go and perish like a new flame, trembling.

And this is not a seduction or a mistake,
And this is truly a proud flame of a fire,
And in this righteous flame of hope there is a smile
It appears on pale lips, and the conscience is sharp.

Their midnight silhouettes frighten with mystery.
You can't ask fortune - she keeps her secrets,
And it’s too early to revel in the sweet victory,
Dawn is still far away... And my heart aches.

The poet has no rivals
Neither on the street nor in fate.
And when he shouts to the whole world,
He’s not talking about you – he’s talking about himself.

Raises his thin hands to the sky,
Losing life and strength drop by drop.
Burns out, asks for forgiveness:
He is not for you - for himself.

But when it reaches the limit
And the soul flies into the darkness...
The field has been completed. It's done.
It's up to you to decide: for what and to whom.

Either honey or a bitter cup,
Either hellfire or a temple...
Everything that was his is now yours.
Everything is for you. Dedicated to you.

Sweet time, you see, turns into a penny:
Blood and gunpowder draw from close borders.
A dark-skinned sabra with a weapon, with a thin neck
She looks out like a young housewife from under her black eyelashes.

The way you stand... the way you touch the butt with your hand!
Dressed in a dark green jacket...
You know, it was not without reason that they appeared before me, hostess,
Those front-line, others, my time.

Maybe our destiny is like spending money,
That on the palms of strangers they tremble doomedly...
So I shout out of place: goodbye, girls!
No choice! Try to go back!..

Jerusalem, 1995

At the beginning there is a short preamble. At one time, this novel served as a “lightning strike” for me. He opened the door from foolish, unreasonable childhood to adulthood complex world, marked the beginning of a rethinking of my own life, forced me to reflect and think for myself. The result was the initiation of a new stage. Overflowing with gratitude, I wanted to write a heartfelt letter to the author, but I was embarrassed... And then he died. I'm trying to rehabilitate myself.

“If we do not realize the short duration of our earthly stay, then our nature itself, at its own peril and risk, is forced to guide us, forcing us to nevertheless accomplish the very thing that is determined for us from above. And it’s as if everything has calmed down, balanced, calmed down, and in fact, nothing has settled down and nothing has been balanced, but has only perfected itself in order to circle and torment and test us again.”

“Concerns about restoring justice are always noble, however, they are not always fair, because violence is a poor justification for the most impeccable and legitimate impulses, and besides, haste, as we know, is the sister of failure, and ardor is the sister of blindness... What kind of justice is there? ?"

“If there were two lives, one could be devoted to vain regrets and sorrow. Yes, there is only one.”

“Joy, as soon as we are filled with it, immediately becomes habitual and disappears from our consciousness, and therefore the memory of long-term freedom does not please us for long, and the memory of momentary slavery depresses us until the very end.”

“Being happy is extremely dangerous. Happy people are blind, prone to dizziness, prone to delusion. They do not notice the bad, but take everything beautiful personally. True happiness does not last, and it begins to seem to them that from now on it will be forever...”

“The inability to endure misfortune is the greatest of misfortunes. We learn this skill hastily and ineptly throughout our lives, achieving only some perfection with age.”

“The best times are those times that can come, but somehow never come.”

“In our time, service to society is not called the passion to give one’s inspiration, but the ability to APPEAR indispensable with, naturally, a certain obedience.”

“When we are powerless, we become like wet pinkish garden snails, deprived of their shell; we can only hide our despair under the mask of integrity, wild fun or imaginary indifference.”

“It is extremely easy to condemn. There are a lot of judges and subverters, but there are only a few creators. It is difficult. Well-intentionedness is not weakness, as it seems to the overly vain ignoramuses; well-intentionedness is the intention to achieve the good of one’s fatherland.”

"All our tragedies are just a combination of small unfortunate circumstances; their severity is relative."

Involved in earthly passions,

I know that from darkness to light

One day a black angel will come out

And he will shout that there is no salvation.

But simple-minded and timid,

Beautiful as good news

white angel following

Whisper that there is hope.

"Often, when some kind of trouble happens, some events on Manezhnaya Square and so on, we constantly hear texts from city leaders that the crowd is uncontrollable, it is unpredictable. And in the next paragraph we are told that the provocateurs brought the crowd into such a state. I have not heard a single journalist ask: if the crowd is uncontrollable, why do provocateurs control it and do what they want, but you don’t? " - this is a quote from the article Psychologists say that the crowd can be manipulated.

I don’t know about you, but for me, when I hear similar conversations about provocateurs in relation to events that the leadership of law enforcement agencies and the country’s leadership knows about in advance, a similar question immediately arises. And only recently it dawned on me: what if THEY are doing just that? The same question concerns Pilgrim_67. Were the riots on Manezhnaya Square provoked by Russia? Young and United Russia? .

Why are they doing that? Why are our factories and factories closing, why are all pensioners going to be resettled in separate cities, why are they passing laws on education, medicine, and police that infringe on our rights, why are they hiding the truth about the true size of Russia’s population?

I can’t help but feel that our country has been for many years recent years They are deliberately destroying, doing everything possible so that we have nothing to love and respect our Motherland for. We were not defeated by war or famine, but the years of “stagnation” and “stability” were much more successful in this.

As Bulat Okudzhava wrote:

Universal experience says
That kingdoms are perishing
Not because life is hard
Or the ordeal is bitter,
And they die because
And the more painful it is, the longer it takes,
That the people of their kingdom
No more respect.

I don’t want to dwell on the enemies of the Fatherland who are in power. I want to talk about where the State begins. The state, like the family, begins with defining the purpose of its existence - why do we need a state? And just like in a family, the goal of which, as a unit of society (state), is its happy, healthy and prosperous life, the goal of the state is the happy, healthy and prosperous life of all families inhabiting the territory of this state.

Sergei Lukyanenko, a science fiction writer, in his post The State and the State Idea writes:

“There is no state without state ideology.

There are not many possible "state ideas".

They all come down to two vectors:


1. National idea - “we, representatives of a given nationality (ethnic group) are the bearers of power, everything in the state should be done in the way that is most convenient for us, the rights of citizens of other states and people of other nationalities do not concern us.”

A prominent representative is Japan. The brightest - Germany during the 3rd Reich.

2. Religious idea - “we, followers of the correct faith, are the bearers of power, everything in the state should be done in the way that is most convenient for us, the rights of citizens of other states and people of other religions do not concern us.”

A bright representative of the country of radical Islam.

3. Social idea - “we, representatives of the advanced class, are the bearers of power, everything in the state should be done in a way that is more convenient for us, the rights of citizens of other states and people of other social groups We don't care."

The clearest example is the USSR (however, this ideology is already on the verge of transitioning into an “expanding ideology”, since “class-close” sections of the population are everywhere, in contrast to people of the “correct” nationality or religion.


4. The imperial idea - “we, citizens of a given state, are the bearers of power, everything in the state should be done in the way that is most convenient for us, the rights of citizens of other states do not concern us.”

Imperial ideology, in turn, is divided into

active: “we strive to expand our state and its zone of influence and include more territories and people in it” - USA, USSR, China.

and passive: “at the moment we are satisfied with our territory and zone of influence, we do not seek to expand them, but we will not allow them to be reduced either” - France, present-day Britain, in principle - most developed European countries.

Everything else - the social system, forms of government, ambitions and traditions - is secondary. The existence of a state is determined precisely by the national ideas that underlie its structure and give understanding who lives well in this country.

In the state in which I want to live, it should be good for my family, the families of my friends and relatives, the families of my neighbors, and in general all the families who live on the territory of my state and are its citizens. Therefore, according to Lukyanenko’s classification, the imperial passive national idea is closest to me.

Why passive? Because I am against violence and coercion, no matter how beautiful words they are covered up and no matter how lofty goals they pursue.

And I will continue to quote Sergei Lukyanenko, since I completely agree with him on this issue:

“Of course, the desire to get rich, mistakenly accepted by many as the state idea of ​​the United States and mistakenly accepted by the state idea of ​​Russia, is not in the least a state idea. Everyone understands that the easiest way to get rich is on the territory of one country, while stealing and destroying it, and enjoying the fruits statehood - in another country. It directly follows from this that if the goal of the state is declared to be “get rich,” then the consequence of this will be the self-destruction of the state as a result irretrievable loss human and material resources.

Since the processes of state life depend not on the decisions of individuals, but on phenomena that are much more complex and unpredictable, then in a state that has lost the state idea - as happened with Russia after the collapse of the USSR, the state idea was bound to arise. Having lost the “social ideology” and not risking gaining a “national” one (we are not talking about religious ideology for obvious reasons), Russia did not risk declaring its imperial ideology, but replaced it with the vague slogan “we are building capitalism, earn as much as you can,” a kind of helpless and capitalist “pseudo-ideology”, amazing in its blindness. Therefore, the state idea in Russia began to sprout by itself - of course, on its own the easy way: national and religious. Its ideal bearers turned out to be representatives of the North Caucasian peoples, possessing both a clearly defined national identity and a rapidly reviving religious one.

Of course, this process could not continue indefinitely - in a country where Russians and the population affiliated with them constitute the absolutely overwhelming majority, the imposition of an alien state idea, and even in this form. The creation of parallel “legality”, untouchability and demonstratively aggressive, socially unacceptable behavior of North Caucasian citizens of Russia began to lead to a reciprocal growth of the Russian national idea, seemingly carefully destroyed for almost a hundred years.

Now this process can only increase momentum. In response to the growth of Russian nationalism, the growth of Caucasian nationalism will follow - and the process will go in a spiral. An attempt to contain it by force will either lead to the effect of a plugged safety valve and intensify the explosion - as a result of which we will actually get a “national Russian state", but at the cost of enormous blood - and the loss of vast territories; or it will force Russian population, feeling unprotected and humiliated, “vote with their feet” - in full accordance with capitalist pseudo-ideology, choosing for themselves to live and work in other countries in which an imperial ideology has developed, no matter whether active or passive, and where they will feel more comfortable and safer. The result will be the collapse of the state, which has lost industry, Agriculture, army, science, culture and all other vitally important areas (Caucasian citizens are not at all in a hurry to the machine or to scientific laboratories; they will not replace Russians). On this moment the second option is more likely, but the consequences of Russia’s collapse will still be unpredictably terrible.

Of course, there is still a way out. This is a recognition of the imperial essence and ideology of Russia. Upholding the rights of its citizens both in the country and around the world. The cruelest dictatorship of the law - primarily in relation to crimes on ethnic grounds. A demonstrative fight both against the pseudo-ideology of “enrichment” - in the form of a harsh hunt for corrupt officials, and against any anti-state ideology - from nationalist to simply anti-state. This will be a process no less difficult, unpleasant and not arousing delight in the world around us - but it will save both the country and all the peoples inhabiting it, both Slavic, Caucasian or Asian."

B. Slutsky

Universal experience says

That kingdoms are perishing

Not because life is hard

Or terrible ordeals.

And they die because

(and the more painful it is, the longer it takes),

That the people of their kingdom

No more respect.

I invented the muse of Irony

For this harsh land.

I gave her huge possessions:

Bet, grin, shawls.

Zeus's arrogant daughters,

Appreciating your superiority,

No matter what kind of clever people they pretend to be -

They're not worth a penny without it.

Don't try this honey: there is a fly in the ointment.

What you haven’t earned, don’t ask.

Don't spit in the well. Don't be arrogant. Up to the elbow

Just an inch - try a bite.

The hour of the morning is business, the hour of love is evening,

Thoughts - autumn, cheerfulness - winter...

The whole world is made of restrictions,

So as not to go crazy with happiness.

The blue snow is crushed under the hooves.

I'm riding in a carriage on the wrong side...

So sad, my brother, sad, my brother!

There is a light burning near that fishing line.

I'm riding in a carriage. Arc on a horse...

Melancholy surrounds everything, melancholy, melancholy!

Oh, if only someone remembered about me.

All alien forests and alien distances.

And the frost is worse, and the soul is on fire...

And sadness, my brother, sadness, sadness!

Oh, if only someone remembered about me.

Nice company... What should I decide?

I myself don’t drink, my friends add more.

It's not scary to die, it's scary not to live.

These are the thoughts that plague me.

However, these thoughts were expressed by Voltaire.

You should read Voltaire sometimes.

The West, of course, is not an example for us.

However, I don't see a better example.

Wasn’t it I who called you, gentlemen, to join hands?

Why didn’t you listen to my words when

Someone powerful took our souls away from each other?..

Why didn't I please you? Why didn't I please you?

Your eyes are aimed at me like guns,

as if I owe you something... We don’t owe each other.

What are we? Just crumbs in the murky sea of ​​existence

Everything that is nearby is more valuable the shorter my life.

I don’t judge you with bias, I don’t cry, I don’t yell,

With calm inspiration I take the cane into my hands

And on proud thin legs I soar into the holy distance.

Apparently, everything must fall apart. Fall apart...

Oh, I can’t believe that, brother, I fought.

Or maybe it was a schoolboy who drew me:

I wave my arms, I kick my legs,

I expect to survive, and I want to win.

Oh , Somehow I can’t believe that I, brother, killed.

Or maybe I just went to the cinema in the evening?

I didn’t have enough weapons, I destroyed someone else’s life,

And my hands are clean, and my soul is righteous.

Oh, I can’t believe that I didn’t fall in battle.

Or maybe I was shot, I’ve been living in paradise for a long time,

And the bushes there, and the groves there, and the curls on the shoulders...

And this beautiful life is only a dream at night.

Arbat courtyard

...And the years pass like songs.

I look at the world differently.

I feel cramped in this courtyard,

And I'm leaving it.

No honors and no wealth

I don’t ask for long roads,

But the small Arbat courtyard

I take it with me, I take it with me.

In a duffel bag and a shoulder bag

Lies in a small corner

Not reputed, like me, to be flawless

That yard with a human soul.

I am stronger and kinder with him.

What else do you need? Nothing.

I warm my cold hands

Oh its warm stones.

How time is merciless

his deeds and the light.

Well, I'll die, oh well -

There's no need for me to do that.

And the one with soft fluff

Above the upper lip

With a still unsteady spirit,

Awakened by a trumpet, -

What a happy fight

He's woken up now

Shod heel

Slamming the door?

To the sounds of brass

Without knowing it

How sweet everything is for the first time,

How sad everything is later...

Involved in earthly passions,

I know that from darkness to light

one day a black angel will come out

and shouts that there is no salvation.

But simple-minded and timid,

beautiful, like good news,

white angel following

whispers that there is hope.

Georgian song

M. Kvlividze

I'll bury a grape seed in warm soil,

And I will kiss the vine, and pluck the ripe grapes,

And I will call my friends, I will set my heart to love...

Get ready, my guests, for my treat,

Tell me straight to my face what I am known to you as,

The King of Heaven will send me forgiveness for my sins

Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth?

My Dali will sing in her dark red,

In my black and white I will bow my head to her,

And I will listen, and I will die of love and sadness...

Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth?

And when the sunset swirls, flying around the corners,

Let them float before me again and again in reality

Blue buffalo, and white eagle, and golden trout...

Otherwise, why do I live on this eternal earth?

I'm wearing a gray-gray suit,

Just like a gray overcoat.

And the people in the hall are crying and crying -

Not because I'm great

And it’s not me they feel sorry for

And they probably feel sorry for themselves.

Have pity, darlings, have pity,

While he still regrets,

While I have a guitar in my hands,

Not a heavy machine gun.

Regret, as if on the road

You are accompanying me...

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