The actor from the TV series “Capercaillie” has passed away. Russian celebrities who died under strange circumstances (23 photos) Vyacheslav Titov: strangled under strange circumstances

Sergei Bezdushny is already the fourth actor who has passed away in Lately

On July 13, it became known about the death of actor Sergei Bezdushny, who played in the first season of the acclaimed TV series “Capercaillie”. He was only 53 years old. The actor's health problems arose when he suffered a head injury several years ago. In 2013, the artist underwent surgery after an intracranial hematoma caused by an injury. Doctors then diagnosed him with a brain tumor. The doctors fought for the life of Sergei Bezdushny as best they could, but to no avail.

After the death of the actor, fans of the series started talking with renewed vigor about the curse of the Capercaillie. Over the past six years, several actors from the television project have tragically died. One death is more mysterious than the other.

Vyacheslav Titov: strangled under strange circumstances

A series of “mystical deaths” began in 2011. Vyacheslav Titov, who played the role of a drug dealer, was found dead in his apartment in the center of Moscow on Novorogozhskaya Street. Oleg Shilkin by nickname Awl. As forensic experts established, the actor was strangled.

Titov’s friends said that he loved to meet men on social networks and often invited them to his house. His relatives warned him more than once - they say, be careful, now is not the time when the doors can be wide open. He laughed it off. And here's the result. Two years later, Vyacheslav Titov’s killer was identified. He turned out to be a 23-year-old David Zaseev, whom the murdered man met through social networks. The court sentenced the killer to nine years in prison.

Anatoly Otradnov: frozen to death

A month after the death of Vyacheslav Titov, Anatoly Otradnov, who performed one of the roles in the TV series “Capercaillie. Continuation,” was found in a village near Mytishchi near Moscow. Eyewitnesses say that the actor was lying near the garbage dumps with his face in the snow. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was still breathing, but died in the ambulance due to hypothermia.

A forensic examination showed that death was the result of an overdose of alcohol and the drug clozapine. A criminal case was initiated, because it is known that robbers often use clonidine to poison the victim and then rob him. However, the killer was never found. Four months later, the actor’s widow gave birth to a daughter, who was named Sonya just like her father wanted. The actor was really looking forward to the birth of the baby. He broke the news to his beloved teacher like this: “I married the best woman in the world, and soon we will have a child."

Sergei Sharoshkin: died due to an exploding grenade

In March 2012, another actor of the series, Sergei Sharoshkin, died. He was found in his village house in the Ryazan region. The investigation showed that there were no signs of violent death, the actor himself was to blame for the death - he was collecting a grenade, which exploded in his hands. There are also many strange things in this death. Relatives say that they cannot imagine that Sergei would suddenly decide to tinker with weapons and assume that someone pushed Sharoshkin to do this. But who could “help” him remains unclear.

In addition to a series of deaths, strange troubles constantly happen to the actors of the series. So, one of the artists Arseny Postnov, was robbed and severely beaten, but fortunately survived. Some psychics say that the project is cursed, and there are several more deaths of artists ahead. However, the producer of "Capercaillie" Efim Lyubinsky doesn't believe it. He appeals to logic. About two thousand actors starred in the series. The producer asks not to create horror, but adherents of the “curse” theory of the popular series have their own opinion.

Anatoly Otradnov managed to star in a huge number of TV series and by the approaching 30s had gained popularity. However, the actor’s career ended very tragically - he was found unconscious on the street, and after some time he died in the hospital

"Silent" matter

Anatoly Otradnov (29), an actor in the TV series “Capercaillie”, “Interns”, “Soldiers”, “Univer” and some others, disappeared on January 29 and was found the next day in the morning, when passers-by discovered him at a bus stop in Mytishchi near Moscow. He was unconscious, but still alive. Anatoly died some time later in the hospital. All this time he passed through as an unknown person - he had no documents with him. Otradnov’s wife Vitalina, who is five months pregnant, immediately began a search, but only morgue workers identified the actor.

According to one version, Otradnov died due to alcohol poisoning, according to another - due to the machinations of “clonidine specialists”

Now the police and the actor’s relatives have completely different views on his death. For now, according to official version police, the cause of Anatoly Otradnov’s death was alcohol poisoning, and then hypothermia. However, his relatives - brother and wife - believe that he died from poisoning with an unknown chemical. “They found a little alcohol in his blood - he drank a can or two of beer,” said Anatoly’s older brother, 36-year-old Maxim.

As the actor’s relatives suggest, the criminals could have mixed poison into the alcohol, and as soon as Otradnov became ill, they searched him and, not finding any valuables, abandoned him on the street. Therefore, the assumption has been made that the actor became a victim of clonidine addicts. Moreover, his wife also reported that Otradnov behaved differently than usual. He called her on the phone and said that he was communicating with a friend, without giving her name, as he usually did. The final response from the examination will be given in early March.

Otradny’s death gave reason to say that a real curse hangs over the series “Capercaillie”. After all, recently the son of Victoria Tarasova, who starred in the same series, was beaten by adult men, and the boy spent some time in the hospital. And another one of the actors, Vyacheslav Titov, was found dead under mysterious circumstances.

Actor Vyacheslav Titov was a lover of online dating. They led to his death - another acquaintance, who turned out to be a criminal, strangled him

Internet affairs led to tragedy

The death of Vyacheslav Titov (40), who, in addition to “Capercaillie”, starred in many TV series, seems to have been taken from a detective story. Titov was discovered dead on the morning of December 29 by his 59-year-old mother Lyudmila Dmitrievna, who specially came from Tula to Moscow to find her son, who had stopped answering phone calls. Lyudmila found him in bed completely naked, with a bag over his head. Death occurred as a result of mechanical asphyxia - in other words, the actor was strangled.

The police began to actively study Vyacheslav’s mobile phone and entered his profiles in in social networks. According to investigators famous actor Theater named after Mayakovsky was killed by an unknown person, in whose company, apparently, he spent the night. They first hit him on the head with something heavy, and only then strangled him.

The evening before the murder, Titov was seen in the courtyard of the house in the company of several men. He drank beer with them. Criminal investigation officers are looking for this company, finding out with whom exactly Titov could have secluded himself in a rented apartment. In addition to the version that unknown criminals could have poisoned him and then strangled him for selfish reasons, there is another version that the investigation is considering: the murder was committed out of jealousy by someone else. “In addition to his documents, iPhone and bank card, other items were seized from Titov’s apartment,” law enforcement officials said. “These are towels from the bathroom, cigarette butts of two different brands (Marlboro and Captain Black), fingerprint film and shoe prints, 6 beer bottles.” However, so far all the search efforts have not led to results, and whether the actor’s killer will be found is a big question.

But it seems that Titov was led to death by his love of “adventure.” According to one of his acquaintances, Vyacheslav spent a lot of time on the Internet and spent hours on dating sites. Moreover, I met mostly gay men.

Titov is survived by his daughter Stefania, who is now six years old. A loving father spoke about her like this: “My daughter occupies a big place in my heart. Maybe even too big."

“He actively communicated on social networks and on dating sites. He corresponded and met mainly with men - I don’t know why, I didn’t go into these details, this is his personal life,” said a friend of the actor, who wished to remain anonymous. He admitted that Titov invited new acquaintances to his home more than once or twice. He simply waved away his friends’ requests to be more careful and not let strangers into the house. “There are many stories when guys were approached by their new “friends” from dating sites, and then beaten and robbed. And among my friends there are such examples. But to kill...” added a friend of the artist.

Despite indirect accusations of gayness, Titov still has a six-year-old daughter from his wife, with whom he separated several years ago.

The death of Andrei Kadetov, a participant in the Dom-2 television project, was very confusing. He was stabbed 14 times by the ex-boyfriend of the girl he allegedly raped. Before the murder, the girl apparently blackmailed Kadetov

Bloody revenge

The murder of Andrei Kadetov, a participant in the Dom-2 television project, was even more complicated. This story began in November 2010, when a resident of St. Petersburg, Alexandra O., wrote a statement to one of the police departments in which she accused Andrei of rape after they and their friends spent the night at a country dacha. After this, the creators of “House-2” asked 23-year-old Kadetov to immediately leave the popular project and deal with personal problems.

“Andrei met this girl at a bus stop,” his close friend Alexei Sidorov told reporters. “A few days later she wrote a statement to the police. But nothing like what Alexandra wrote in the statement happened!” Be that as it may, the enterprising lady demanded about three thousand dollars from Kadetov for refusing to testify. “He borrowed from friends and gave her half,” Alexey continued. “Then the girl wrote a new statement, asking not to initiate a criminal case against Kadetov.”

But soon Andrei admitted that some police lieutenant called him and began to demand another 5 thousand dollars so that the criminal case would be closed. He even met with him, but the negotiations led nowhere: the policeman demanded his share. Then Andrei turned to the Internal Security Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. The operatives immediately became interested in this situation. Andrei was supposed to meet with the policeman, give him the money, and the extortionist would be caught red-handed. The meeting was scheduled for December 25, 2010, but the night before Kadetov was brutally stabbed to death near his house. As a result of 14 stab wounds, the young guy died on the spot.

Naturally, suspicion fell on the notorious policeman. “I accepted the statement from Alexandra O. about rape,” he told investigators. - Then the girl refused to testify. I inquired about the reason, she did not hide the fact that she was paid. But I didn’t extort any money from either Kadetov or this girl, much less did anything more terrible.”

However, in the dock it was not the notorious policeman, but a certain Yuri Zhidkov (23), a former inspector of the department of supervisory activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg, who was the former boyfriend of Alexandra, allegedly raped by Kadetov. Law enforcement officials, after talking with Alexandra, saw a connection between her ex-boyfriend Yuri and Andrei’s murder. It turned out that Alexandra asked him to talk to Kadetov like a man, but the conversation between the guys ended in murder. “The detainee acted out of a sense of revenge,” the police said. - This was not a contract killing. Apparently, he was driven to brutal murder by the desire to avenge his “raped” girlfriend. Perhaps he didn’t know that there was no rape or didn’t want to believe it.”

David Carradine was a successful Hollywood actor who appeared primarily in action and science fiction films. His absurd death was a complete surprise

The artist satisfied himself to death

In the West, celebrities are practically never killed. The deaths of stars here, as a rule, are associated with some absurd tragic incidents, and not with the evil intent of criminals.

This is how the famous Hollywood actor David Carradine met his most absurd death, dying at the age of 72. Carradine has appeared in more than 200 films and TV series. His last high-profile statement about himself was the role of Bill in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill films. The actor was found dead on June 4, 2009 in a hotel room in the Thai capital Bangkok. The police quickly dismissed the suspicion of murder; the version of suicide persisted longer, but it also turned out to be incorrect.

In Thailand, the actor participated in the filming of the film “Stretch”, and he had only three working days left, but the love of pleasure led Carradine to death. The actor's body was found by a maid in the closet. He was hanging from interconnected nylon ropes of black and yellow flowers, with one rope tied around the neck and the other around the penis. The ends of the ropes were tied and attached to the built-in wardrobe.

Hotel security cameras recorded that on the day of Carradine's death, no one but him entered or left his room. The door was locked from the inside. “We cannot say that he committed suicide. Most likely, the actor died during masturbation,” said one of high ranks Thai police. A forensic expert later confirmed that Carradine died as a result of an autoasphyxiophilic accident, in other words, during masturbation, during which he also strangled himself to obtain additional sexual pleasure. By the way, in the USA, from 200 to 400 people die every year from asphyxiophilia.

The famous Australian "crocodile hunter" Steve Irwin was very popular. When the television star died, real hysteria arose in some countries about his death

Nature turned out to be evil to the nature lover

A “non-standard” death was also found by the world-famous Australian “crocodile hunter” Steve Irwin, who turned the image of a fearless and enthusiastic lover of studying fauna up close into trademark. His series was a great success all over the world, and he himself was the prototype for the film “Crocodile Dundee.”

An Australian star known for her wildlife reporting and stunts with crocodiles and snakes was killed by a stingray. Irwin was 44 years old at the time of his death. Steve participated in the filming of a film about the underwater world of Australia. The stingray killed the actor with a blow to the chest during one of the dives. The helicopter with doctors arrived to the victim too late, and it was not possible to save him. Interestingly, people usually do not die after attacks by these stingrays.

As it turned out, some famous people I had to do terrible things. And some stories, to be honest, are shocking...

At the age of 17, the future first lady drove through a red light and crashed into a car, the driver of which died as a result of the accident. The driver turned out to be her classmate.

The famous writer killed his own common-law wife, Joan Vollmer. At first, Burroughs adhered to the version that he and his wife were just playing, and he was supposed to shoot the glass standing on her head, but missed. William's story was later simplified to "gun mishandling."

The famous boxing promoter killed twice. One victim tried to take over his business, and the killing was ruled self-defense. The second time King shot and killed a man who owed him money. And he didn’t get away with this crime - Don was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Blake's wife was shot to death outside the restaurant that evening while the couple were having dinner. Robert convinced the investigation that he was not guilty, because after dinner he took his wife out to the car, then returned to the restaurant to pick up a pistol forgotten on the table (strange coincidence, don’t you think?), and the woman was already dead. Ultimately, Blake was found not guilty in the criminal trial, but convicted in the civil trial.

5. O. J. Simpson

His case is one of the most mysterious. It is still unknown for sure whether he killed his wife and her waiter friend or not. At the crime scene, DNA traces of a famous American football player were found on knife-slashed corpses. And in his house the police found bloody socks. And the blood belonged to the dead. Be that as it may, O. Jay was acquitted.

A tragedy happened in Ireland. Matthew was traveling with his girlfriend Jennifer Gray. He turned into the next lane and collided head-on with another car, the driver of which died. The examination showed that the star was sober. As a result, Matthew was only charged with careless driving and ordered to pay a fine of $175.

The celebrity did not have time to brake in time and crashed into the car in front. The driver died as a result. Brandi took full responsibility for what happened, but was never charged with murder.

The murder occurred after the opening of a pub called the Red Lion in Hatfield. The presence of the wealthy star offended other visitors - working class people and skinheads - and they attacked Moon. The bodyguard and driver tried to take Keith out, but the car was surrounded. When a security guard came out to disperse the crowd, Moon, who was not known for his driving skills, took the wheel. Only a few meters later the celebrity realized that the bodyguard’s corpse was dragging behind the car. Keith blamed himself terribly for what happened. But the court acquitted him.

He committed murder in his home while still a 12-year-old child. His close friend was shot dead. It all happened by an absurd accident - Adlai did not know that the gun was loaded. As a result, no charges were brought against him.

Famous fact: Sid stabbed his girlfriend Nancy to death. He himself admitted, although he later denied his words. And he died shortly after being released on bail.

11. Jason Williams

The basketball player showed his shotgun to his friends and accidentally shot his own driver with it. Negligent handling of weapons sent the athlete to prison. And even attempts to persuade witnesses did not help.

He was driving (it is possible that he was drunk), and the car accidentally drifted into the water. Ted managed to swim to the surface, but his passenger, unfortunately, did not. In a panic, Kennedy fled the crime scene, but returned the next day. As a result, he was only charged with escape, for which Ted received 2 months in prison.

The actress ran over a boy who was crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. The car driving in front of her let him pass, and Rebecca was talking on the phone and, losing sight of this, went to overtake. The punishment turned out to be surprisingly fair - just a fine and mandatory community service.

The producer and businessman also ran over a pedestrian. At first he was accused of murder by negligence. But then the witnesses changed their testimony, and all charges were dropped.

The actor broke into the house of an 81-year-old grandmother and brutally dealt with her. After the incident, Johnny climbed onto the roof and threw himself down, falling to his death.

In the 90s, a rapper and a bodyguard were accused of murdering a member of a rival gang. After several court hearings, Snupp was released and acquitted, classifying the incident as the use of force in self-defense.

While driving drunk (the alcohol level was three times higher), the actress crashed into the car of an elderly couple. The 60-year-old woman was killed immediately and her husband was seriously injured. Amy was given three years in prison because at the time of her imprisonment the star had two small daughters, one of whom suffered from Crohn's disease.

The Soviet cinema star was sentenced to prison for the murder of her common-law husband, Stas Zhdanko. Although the actor was quite talented, his work was not in demand. As a result, Stas started drinking, and this became the cause of frequent quarrels with Valentina. According to the actress, Zhdanko stabbed himself, trying to scare her. But the relatives and friends of the deceased tried to do everything for her conclusion.

A famous restaurateur strangled and dismembered his wife, who bore him three children. For some time, Alexey kept Irina’s remains on the balcony at home, and then transferred them to the trunk of a car, which he borrowed from a friend. They immediately began searching for Irina, and Kabanov took an active part in the search. But the truth was revealed, and Alexei was sentenced to 14 years.

At the age of 17, Polezhaikin from “Daddy’s Daughters” tried to reconcile a couple of friends in love. Instead of reconciliation, a fight broke out, during which Misha stabbed his opponent several times. He died, and Kazakov was credited with exceeding self-defense. When the parties reconciled, the actor was acquitted.

A large number of television viewers know and love the actors of the famous TV series "Capercaillie", which was released in 2008. However, a few years after the painting appeared, many began to consider it cursed. This is due to the fact that under tragic circumstances, three actors who starred in this film died one after another. The purely deceased actors of the series “Capercaillie” included Vyacheslav Titov, Anatoly Otradnov and Sergei Sharoshkin. In this article you can find out the biography of these movie stars and the cause of their death.

The first deceased actor of the series "Capercaillie"

Vyacheslav Titov became the first of the film's actors to die under unclear circumstances. Vyacheslav was born and raised in the city of Tula. While in high school, he began taking acting classes at the theater. The talented 12-year-old Vyacheslav was immediately noticed and the boy was invited to join the Tula theater troupe.

His debut in the world of cinema took place in 1994 in the film “Provincial Flowers,” where the actor played the leading male role. In the series “Capercaillie” Titov played the role of drug dealer Oleg Shilkin. In December 2011 he was killed. The famous actor of the TV series "Capercaillie" died from strangulation, a plastic bag was placed over his head. Only at the end of 2013 the killer of Vyacheslav Titov was caught. He turned out to be a 23-year-old guy who fully admitted his guilt. The court sentenced him to 9 years in prison. Then, in 2011, no one connected Titov’s death with the series, until a month later another of the actors from the series “Capercaillie” died. The deceased turned out to be Anatoly Otradnov.

Russian actor Anatoly Otradnov was born in 1982 in the city of Revda. Anatoly's parents were not connected with the world of cinema; his father worked as a military man, and his mother worked as a salesman. In 2004, the actor first appeared on television, playing a cameo role in the film “Games of Moths.” Thanks to his passion for kickboxing, Otradnov took part in films with a lot of fights.

In the series "Capercaillie" Anatoly Otradnov played one of the minor roles. At the end of January 2012, the actor was found unconscious next to the road, but he died on the way to the hospital. It was established that death was caused by alcohol poisoning, as well as from a potent medication. A criminal case was opened in the Otradnov case. The deceased actor of the series “Capercaillie” left behind a pregnant wife. Despite the death of two participants in the film, everyone said that it was a simple coincidence, but a couple of months later another actor of “Capercaillie” died.

Sergei Sharoshkin is a Russian theater and film actor. Sergey was born in December 1970 in the city of Tashkent. During his life, he managed to act in only two films. The actor of the series "Capercaillie" died in mid-March 2012. At that moment he was in his parents' house. There was an explosion that killed Sergei. Experts say that such an explosion cannot kill a person, but only cause harm such as temporary loss of vision or hearing. The investigation has not yet solved the case of Sergei Sharoshkin. Since his death, no one considered these events to be a mere coincidence.

Another actor of “Capercaillie” who almost said goodbye to his life is Andrei Vorozheikin. He was attacked, but doctors were able to take him to intensive care in time. It is unknown how this tragic series of deaths would have ended if the main actor of the series had not left the project.

Soviet actors whose lives were cut short due to ridiculous accidents

It's no secret that during the filming of dangerous scenes, actors are most often replaced by stuntmen, and it is their lives that are often at risk. They manage to avoid injuries only thanks to their own professionalism and special training. However, in the history of cinema there have been such tragic cases when actors themselves took on difficult stunts and paid for it with their lives. This happened to three Soviet actors whose lives ended prematurely and absurdly...

Still from the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Inna Burduchenko's film career ended as soon as it began. Her first role in the film “Ivanna” (1959) brought her success, and viewers began to call the actress Ivushka by the name of her heroine. She played the daughter of a priest who renounced God, which later became the reason for persistent rumors that this film was anathematized by the Pope. These rumors were born after Soviet football players visited Rome for Olympic Games and there they heard about the anathema. Decades later, the press again started talking about the curse supposedly hanging over the picture - the death of the 21-year-old actress seemed too ridiculous.

Inna Burduchenko in the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Actress Inna Burduchenko

Her life was cut short just a year after her successful film debut. On the set of the film “Nobody Loved Like That,” Burduchenko’s heroine had to carry a banner from a house engulfed in flames. The actress worked without an understudy. They filmed several takes, and during the last one a tragedy occurred: Inna’s heel got stuck in the wooden boards, and at that moment a burning beam fell on her. Miner Sergei Ivanov, who was acting as an extra, rushed into the house and carried out the actress. Unfortunately, it was too late - she received 78% burns and could not be saved. The film's director was sentenced to 4 years in prison and removed from filming.

Evgeniy Urbansky's film career was short, but very bright. After his first role, he gained popularity and love from the audience. His film debut was the film “Communist” (1957), for his participation in which he received main prizes at festivals in Kyiv and Venice. Two years later, he starred in the film “The Unsent Letter.” 36 years later, Francis Ford Coppola undertook the restoration of this painting and financed its distribution in the United States. In 1961, Yevgeny Urbansky’s success was consolidated by the film “Clear Sky,” recognized as the best picture of the year in the USSR. It seemed that a brilliant future awaited him, but, despite all the prerequisites, he failed to become one of the first Soviet film stars. he managed to star in only 9 films.

Evgeny Urbansky in the film *Communist*, 1957

Still from the film *Communist*, 1957

In 1965, on the set of the film “The Director,” an accident occurred that took the life of the 33-year-old actor. He had a permanent stunt double, a professional athlete, but the actor preferred to perform most of the stunts on his own. The first take was filmed without incident, but the director suggested complicating the stunt so that the car would jump higher, and filming another take. The truck, driven by Evgeniy Urbansky, bounced on a sand dune and suddenly overturned. The actor broke his cervical vertebrae and died on the way to the hospital. After the tragic death of Urbansky, the film was closed, and 4 years later it was remade with another actor.

Still from the film *Clear Sky*, 1961

Soviet actor whose life was cut short by a freak accident

The sudden death of Urbansky immediately gave rise to many ridiculous rumors that made his colleagues indignant. Thus, Alexei Batalov said with indignation: “When they said about Urbansky that he died because he was drunk, nothing more offensive could be imagined. Once I almost had a fight with the audience, which I never do, because the gossip about Urbansky is monstrously unfair. I know that he was the most conscientious actor, that if he climbed into this car, which became his grave, it was only so that these same viewers would believe in his hero...”

Andrei Rostotsky in the film *Days of the Turbins*, 1976

Still from the film *Loop*, 1983

Andrei Rostotsky, the son of the famous director Stanislav Rostotsky, often starred in military and heroic adventure films, choreographed stunts and participated in them himself, without the help of stunt doubles. Since 1997, he has worked as an instructor at the transnational Vitalis survival school, as a deputy general director Foundation of Russian Expeditions and Travels, conducted expeditions to the Crimean caves, was a member of the jury of the Moscow international festival stuntmen. No one doubted his experience and professionalism.

Soviet and Russian actor Andrei Rostotsky

In 2002, Rostotsky went to film the film “My Border,” which took place in the area of ​​a ski resort near Sochi. He usually inspected the places where the stunts were to be filmed himself. Relying on his athletic training, he tried to climb the mountain slope at the “Maiden Tears” waterfall without a safety net and fell down from a 40-meter height. It was not possible to save the actor - he died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. Rostotsky’s widow said: “And the waterfall is called that for a reason: people have died there before. There are a lot of moving stones in this place - it seems that the boulder lies firmly on the ground, but in fact it hangs in the air. Andrei stepped on one of these. After his death, they put some kind of fence there and hung a warning sign...”

Actor with wife and daughter

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