Dyskinesia 12 duodenal ulcer what. Dyskinesia of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment. Causes of the disease

Patients suffering from inflammation of the duodenum should, first of all, refuse coarse food that injures the mucous membrane, limiting themselves to the use of pureed, boiled, stewed and steamed dishes.

It is obligatory to refuse everything spicy, salty, sour, fried, smoked meats and marinades, spices are unacceptable. Fresh pastries are unacceptable, they are replaced with crackers and bread.

Alcoholic drinks, coffee, hot chocolate and soft drinks are absolutely contraindicated.

The diet should be dominated by gentle and enveloping foods, these can be cereals, mashed potatoes, casseroles, meatballs, kissels, meatballs, meatballs, cereal and vegetable puree soups. It is very useful to use low-fat dairy products. The principles of fragmentation and regularity of the diet must be observed.

Prevention of the disease and its prognosis

A set of preventive measures against inflammation in the duodenum helps prevent relapses, exacerbations and complications of the disease. It includes:

  • an orderly schedule of work and rest;
  • strict adherence to restrictions medical nutrition;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • exclusion of stress loads;
  • dispensary observation with courses of anti-relapse therapy;
  • timely treatment of concomitant diseases.

To prevent pathology from developing, observe the following rules:

  1. sleep at least 8 hours;
  2. go to bed no later than 11 pm;
  3. alternate mental and physical labor;
  4. walk in the fresh air;
  5. eat fully: eat more plant foods, cereals, boiled animal products, less fried meat or fish;
  6. Avoid stressful situations.

If the pathology has already developed, it is worth following the recommendations of your gastroenterologist, paying attention to the psycho-emotional background.

Biliary dyskinesia does not reduce life expectancy, but affects its quality.

Causes of the disease

Symptoms of inflammation of the duodenum in patients can be different, sometimes they are completely absent. Duodenitis is characterized by these symptoms:

  • the main symptom of the disease is pain in the epigastric region or near the navel. In the acute form of the disease, the pain is severe and incised. It appears in the patient a few hours after eating or at night;
  • a patient with duodenitis has poor appetite;
  • after eating, he has discomfort in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness;
  • the patient suffers from belching, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation;
    the patient develops nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness makes itself felt, dizziness, the patient may experience irritability;
  • if the bile and pancreatic ducts are affected during duodenitis, then the patient may experience girdle pain, bile in the vomit, and the patient's skin and sclera will turn yellow.

Duodenitis can be acute, when all the symptoms are especially pronounced, and chronic. The disease becomes chronic if acute duodenitis reappears in the patient, or this disease could not be cured in time.

With chronic inflammatory disease the pain becomes constant, but it is not strong, but rather aching or "sucking". Also, the patient has severe heartburn, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

The following reasons lead to a violation of the tone or movement of the bile ducts:

  • birth defects development of the biliary tract and gallbladder:
    • doubling of the bile ducts;
    • congenital weakness of the bladder wall;
    • intrahepatic gallbladder;
    • inflection of the gallbladder;
    • gallbladder separated by a septum;
    • valves in the bile duct;
    • accessory gallbladder;
    • movable bubble;
    • abnormally located bubble.

Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia differ depending on the type of pathology: whether it is hyperkinetic or hypokinetic.

Characteristics of pain hyperkinetic type Hypotonic type
Localization In the right hypochondrium In the right hypochondrium
Character Sharp, colicky Dull, aching, not intense. May be described as heaviness or stretching of the area under the rib
Where does it give Right shoulder blade and shoulder Felt only under the rib
What provoked Physical activity, stress, after fatty foods Strong emotions, errors in the diet
What other symptoms accompany the pain?

Nausea, vomiting, large amounts of urine, constipation/diarrhea.

Against the background of an attack, there may be: irritability, sweating, lowering blood pressure, headaches

Bitterness in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, belching of air, feeling of "bloating" of the abdomen, constipation / diarrhea
What is eliminated Preparations "No-shpa", "Buscopan" Passes on its own
During the non-attack period Nothing worries, only short-term pains may appear in the right hypochondrium, "under the spoon", near the navel The disease reversibly changes a person's personality: he becomes whiny, irritable, gets tired quickly, mood swings are noted. Outside the attack, nothing hurts

Both types of dyskinesia can cause other symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • bad breath;
  • bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • yellow coating on the tongue;
  • decreased libido in men;
  • some women have menstrual irregularities.

Dyskinesia in children

Biliary dyskinesia in young children develops due to their abnormal structure. Most often, this is an inflection of the gallbladder or the presence of partitions in it, less often - doubling or an abnormal location of the bile ducts.

In older children, the cause is emotional stress. These are the quarrels of the parents, and the relocation of the family, and the team in the kindergarten and school, and a large study load.

Other causes of dyskinesia are:

  • birth injury ;
  • hypoxia or birth asphyxia;
  • frequent sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis;
  • transferred hepatitis A, dysentery, salmonellosis;
  • helminthic invasions: giardiasis, roundworms;
  • allergic diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses;
  • neuro-arthritic diathesis.

Dyskinesia in children is a more dangerous disease: without normal emulsification of fats, there will be no absorption of a sufficient amount of fatty acids and other substances necessary for the body, as well as fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K, each of which is important for a growing body.

If parents pay attention that the child is closed, irritable, gets tired quickly or cries for the slightest reason, it is worth contacting a pediatric gastroenterologist to rule out biliary dyskinesia.

If on this moment it is not detected, this does not mean that the danger has passed; this suggests that there is a predisposition to it, but the pathology has not yet had time to debut. In this case, you should pay attention Special attention on the diet and daily routine of the child, in order to prevent its formation.

The following symptoms indicate that the pathology has developed:

  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • periodically - especially after eating fatty or fried foods - the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • itching of the skin, which appeared for no apparent reason, not after an injection, not after a bite, eating a new food or a new medication.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out according to ultrasound with a choleretic breakfast. X-ray contrast, and even more so, radioisotope techniques in children are carried out according to strict indications, and with the advent of magnetic resonance cholangiography, they are almost never performed.

For therapy in children, preference is given to herbal preparations. They are selected depending on the type of pathology.

Treatment with folk methods

The approach to the treatment of dyskinesia is always complex. The therapy includes several components at once, including:

  • drug therapy;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Diet therapy;
  • Physiotherapy.

The most important component is proper, well-functioning nutrition. Correction should also apply to lifestyle in general. The patient needs to give up bad habits, get rid of excess weight and engage in physical activity.

Biliary dyskinesia is a pathology in the treatment of which folk remedies- an excellent addition to drug therapy, and sometimes its only component (for example, in children).

In the treatment of biliary dyskinesia, the following are used:

  • physiotherapy: diadynamic currents, electrophoresis, microwave;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • treatment with leeches;
  • treatment in sanatoriums of a gastroenterological profile, in which therapy with mineral waters is carried out.

Preventive actions

All of the preventive methods usually focus on compliance healthy lifestyle life.

The emphasis should be on giving up bad habits and on the predominance of food rich in minerals, vitamins and useful elements in the diet.

A person who wants to prevent dyskinesia should take care of their own psychological state. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations, nervous shocks and depressions.

Section Description

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are currently extremely common in all age groups. Diseases of the stomach and intestines can be organic or functional. It is functional diseases that include intestinal dyskinesia, in which only the digestive system is disturbed, and there are no pathological changes of an organic nature.

Pathology affects all parts of the digestive system. This bowel disorder occurs in one in three people, and women get sick more often than men.

The essence of pathology

So, intestinal dyskinesia - what is it and why does this condition develop?

Dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract is a pathological condition, the essence of which is a change in the tone and motor function of its various departments. Violation of peristalsis has a negative effect on the digestion process. This disorder is most characteristic of the colon.

Dyskinesia covers all parts of this segment of the digestive tract, including the caecum, colon and sigmoid colon. Of the functional disorders of the small intestine, duodenal dyskinesia is the most common.

Since the gastrointestinal tract is a system of interconnected organs, failures in one of them lead to disturbances in others. Therefore, with dyskinesia of any part of the intestine, the liver, stomach, and suffer.


Dyskinesia has several classifications.

According to the nature of changes in the tone of the colon wall and the speed of peristalsis, the disorder can be of two types:

  • hypomotor dyskinesia, in which the tone of the intestinal wall and its ability to contract are reduced;
  • hypermotor dyskinesia, it is characterized by a high tone and a tendency to spastic contractions of the intestinal walls.

According to the mechanism of development, the following types of dyskinesia are distinguished:

  • primary - develops for an unknown reason against the background of the complete well-being of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • secondary - occurs against the background of any disease of the liver, stomach, pancreas, due to the intake medicines, food allergies.

A classification is also used, which is based on the predominant clinical symptom: defecation disorders, pain syndrome, or neurotic disorders.

The reasons

Patients often ask the question: colon dyskinesia - what is it? To understand the nature of this violation of the motor functions of the intestine, it is possible only by finding out the causes of this condition.

Most often, this pathology develops due to the following factors:

  • chronic psycho-emotional and physical overload;
  • hereditary predisposition to intestinal diseases;
  • hypodynamia, sedentary work;
  • unbalanced diet with insufficient content of vitamins, vegetable fiber, with a predominance of refined food;
  • endocrinological pathology, especially diabetes, thyroid disease, obesity, menopause, pituitary adenoma;
  • transferred infectious diseases of the stomach or intestines, helminthic invasions;
  • syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases nervous systems s.

Drug dyskinesia occurs with prolonged and uncontrolled use of drugs or drugs that have a fixing effect on the stool, improper use of antibiotics.

The cause of the development of the disease in women may be diseases of the genitourinary system.


The main symptoms of intestinal dyskinesia, indicating a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, are:

  • Stomach ache. They intensify after eating, against the background of excitement, decrease after stool or gas discharge, most often localized in the umbilical region, by nature they can be aching, cramping, stabbing. At night, as a rule, the pain does not bother.
  • , nausea, and heaviness in the abdomen even before meals or after a light snack.
  • Flatulence, the manifestations of which are intensified in the evening.
  • Stool disorders - it becomes unstable, regardless of the nature of the food eaten, they change for a short time. In the hypertensive form of dyskinesia, after constipation, the stool is plentiful, the sphincters relax until fecal incontinence. With hypotonic - stool rare, meager, not bringing relief.
  • An admixture of mucus in the feces (more often appears against the background of stress).
  • Astheno-neurotic changes, including fatigue, bad dream and appetite, irritability, drowsiness, headaches.

Symptoms of duodenal dyskinesia are somewhat different. Pain can be cramping in nature, localized in the right hypochondrium, appear after eating, significantly worse in the evening.

In addition to pains of typical localization, symptoms of duodenal dyskinesia are characterized by nausea after eating, vomiting with an admixture of bile, mucus.


Treatment and symptoms of intestinal dyskinesia vary depending on the form of the disease, so this great importance has a timely diagnosis. It includes various methods. An examination by a specialist with a carefully collected anamnesis is important.

Laboratory methods - general blood and urine tests, fecal analysis for helminth eggs, occult blood, dysbacteriosis. Instrumental Methods used for examining the intestines - irrigoscopy (determines a section of the intestine narrowed due to spasm, where the contrast will move slowly).

During colonoscopy, hypomotor dyskinesia of the large intestine manifests itself as sharply reduced, the mucous membranes of the large intestine are sluggish, pale and dry. Hypermotor dyskinesia of the colon during this examination can be suspected with increased contractions of the intestinal walls, their tension, hyperemia of the mucous membranes.

Duodenal dyskinesia can be successfully diagnosed during fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Ultrasound and MRI of organs are also used abdominal cavity.

Features of the clinic in children

A child of any age is prone to functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, intestinal dyskinesia in children develops against the background of stress, beriberi, hormonal disruptions, autonomic disorders. Symptoms and treatment of intestinal dyskinesia in children roughly correspond to the manifestations of the disease and methods of its treatment in adults.

Clinic features:

  • more pronounced tendency to spasms of the intestinal walls;
  • frequent regurgitation in young children;
  • violations of the general condition (lethargy, pallor, apathy, poor appetite) develop faster and are more pronounced than in adults;
  • if not treated, the baby quickly loses weight, anemia may develop and;
  • in advanced cases, against the background of dehydration and neurotoxicosis, a convulsive syndrome develops.

If the child was examined by a doctor and the diagnosis is established, then with painful spasms of the intestines, applying a warm heating pad or heated diaper to the tummy will help. A good soothing and relaxing effect has a light massage of the abdomen.

You can not abuse the intake of laxatives, you need to normalize the diet and drinking regimen. The intake of any medication must be coordinated with the attending specialist. Preference should be given to herbal medicines, the frequency and duration of which is determined by the pediatrician. Sometimes, in order to normalize the stool and improve the condition, it is enough to change the diet, normalize the regime of the day and rest, and the situation in the family.

Which doctor treats intestinal dyskinesia?

Having noticed signs of a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, you should immediately contact the observing pediatrician or therapist. The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination. If a digestive disorder is detected, the patient will be referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist.


Therapy, like the symptoms, depends on the type of disease, but the treatment of any form of the disease consists of the following sections:

  • normalization of the diet and diet;
  • the use of drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • ethnoscience;
  • treatment in sanatoriums.

Drug therapy

Treatment of intestinal dyskinesia should be comprehensive. The choice of drugs depends on the nature of the pathology.

Therapy for dyskinesia of the colon according to the hypertensive type, it involves the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

  • antispasmodics to normalize intestinal tone and peristalsis, including No-shpa (Russian analogue - Drotaverin), Spazmalgon, Papaverin;
  • antiemetic drugs (Cerukal), especially indicated for duodenal dyskinesia;
  • antacids (Almagel, Maalox) to reduce nausea,.

To reduce inflammation and soreness of the rectal mucosa, rectal suppositories containing extracts of belladonna, calendula, and sea buckthorn oil are topically applied. Laxatives medicines with this form of dyskinesia is not recommended.

Hypomotor dyskinesia of the colon and other parts of the large intestine is treated with drugs from the following groups:

  • laxatives (Regulax, Bisacodyl drops) to thin the feces and facilitate its passage through the intestines;
  • enzymes (, ) to improve food digestion;
  • drugs to enhance motility, intestinal motility, reducing gas formation (tablets Motilium, Prozerin).

For any functional bowel disorders, if sleep is disturbed, irritability and anxiety appear, experts recommend taking sedatives from the groups of tranquilizers (Phenazepam) and antipsychotics (Sonapax).

More often, soothing herbal preparations are prescribed, which act more gently and are not addictive. These include Novo-Passit, Persen, Tenaten.


The doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures depending on the type of dyskinetic disorder and the patient's state of health.

With spastic dyskinesia of the large intestine, applications of paraffin, ozocerite, electrophoresis with therapeutic mud on the anterior abdominal wall are prescribed. The use of rectal mud swabs is effective.

To improve intestinal motility, radon baths, electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles, electrophoresis with a solution of prozerin, calcium are prescribed. Bowel lavage mineral water promotes cleansing, improved absorption of nutrients and normalization of peristalsis.

Alternative medicine methods are also used, for example, acupuncture. The selection of active points and the method of exposure depends on the type of violation of peristalsis. So, hypermotor dyskinesia of the intestine is successfully treated using the inhibitory method of exposure, with sluggish peristalsis, a tonic method of setting acupuncture needles is used.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine suggests treating this functional bowel disorder with herbal remedies.

The following medicinal plants are used:

  • Aloe juice - improves peristalsis.
  • Rhubarb, cranberries, senna leaves, buckthorn will help with constipation.
  • Infusion of chamomile, cranberry jelly is used for diarrhea.
  • Green tea relieves intestinal spasms.
  • Chamomile infusion, fennel decoction, dill reduce inflammation, flatulence and painful abdominal cramps.
  • Raw potato juice improves appetite and normalizes digestion.

Alternative recipes must be agreed with the doctor. The patient must understand that alternative medicine methods are only auxiliary in the treatment of any form of the disease.

Sanatorium-and-spa treatment is permissible only in the stage of remission in sanatoriums of the corresponding profile.


Diet for intestinal dyskinesia is an essential component of competent therapy. Nutrition should be balanced in all main ingredients, enriched with vitamins and minerals. You need to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions, dishes should be boiled or steamed.


  • hot, spicy, fried, fatty foods, as they adversely affect peristalsis and the digestion process;
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • legumes, spices, whole milk;
  • vegetables containing coarse fiber;
  • canned food;
  • strong black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks.

With intestinal hypotension, the diet must necessarily contain fermented milk products, bran, a lot of vegetables and fruits, with a hypertonic form, these products should be limited. The diet must be agreed with the doctor.


Intestinal dyskinesia has a favorable prognosis with timely access to a specialist, careful implementation of medical recommendations, normalization of the daily routine and lifestyle.


Measures to prevent functional bowel disorder are quite simple:

  • adhere to the rules of a healthy diet;
  • do physical education;
  • spend enough time outdoors;
  • strive to develop stress tolerance and a positive attitude towards life.


Depend on the type of disease.

The hypomotor form of dyskinesia can lead to the following problems:

  • requiring urgent surgical care;
  • slowing down metabolism, which leads to an increase in body weight;
  • intoxication and allergization due to chronic constipation.

The hypermotor form of pathology is dangerous with the following consequences:

  • development of dehydration due to frequent diarrhea;
  • the occurrence of dysbacteriosis;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • formation of a depressive emotional background.

Any form of the disease is dangerous by the transition to the chronic stage.

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract give a person a lot of unpleasant experiences. In order to quickly cope with the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and follow all his appointments.

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People with various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthic invasions, diseases of the endocrine, nervous systems often develop duodenal dyskinesia. This is the name of the violation of its motor-evacuation functions. As a result, there is both an accelerated passage of chyme (a mixture of partially digested food, gastric juice, and digestive enzymes) through the intestine, and a long stay of food in it - duodenostasis. This variant of duodenal dyskinesia is diagnosed more often than others. Pathology occurs in children. Women are more likely than men to suffer from dyskinesia.

Causes and symptoms

Gastrointestinal diseases (gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, biliary tract pathologies) are the main causes of dyskinesia. Other factors predisposing to the development of a disorder in the functioning of the duodenum are:

  • operations on the stomach;
  • violations of the endocrine glands;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • infectious processes;
  • genetic reasons;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • physical inactivity.

There are 2 types of dyskinesia: spastic and atonic. The first option develops with gastric colic, constipation, hypertonicity, spastic contractions of the intestine. In the second case, among the symptoms there are constipation against the background of a weakening of the tone and peristalsis of the intestine, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness. The condition is dangerous with the risk of intestinal obstruction.

Dyskinesia occurs with periods of remission and exacerbation. The latter is characterized by a complex of specific features:

  • constant pain in the epigastric region;
  • nausea, vomiting interspersed with bile;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • belching;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the chair;
  • increased fatigue;
  • excessive irritability.

Over time, the manifestations of dyskinesia fade into the background, the person begins to be disturbed by the symptoms of the disease that caused the pathological disorder of the duodenum 12.

Periods of remission usually occur with mild or no symptoms.


When dealing with complaints, the specialist performs palpation of the affected area, revealing the painful area. He also conducts an external examination of the patient, collects an anamnesis. Laboratory tests are considered mandatory - blood, feces, urine tests. They help to clarify the nature of the changes occurring in the body. The most important method for diagnosing dyskinesia is an X-ray examination. There are several options for assessing the degree of pathological changes in the duodenum:

  • balloon kymographic;
  • electromyographic;
  • balloonless, with the use of a radio telemetry capsule;
  • relaxation duodenography;
  • combination of balloon kymographic study with intraduodenal pH-graphy.

The doctor, having received the final results, determines the diagnosis, prescribes an effective course of treatment.

Treatment and prevention

The identified pathology needs complex therapy, selected individually and aimed at blocking the symptoms, as well as restoring the motor function of the organ.

The food is changing. Meals are taken 4-6 times a day, in small volumes. Meals should be easily digestible. The recommended cooking method is baking, steaming. The daily amount of fluid taken is up to 2 liters. Foods containing fiber are excluded from the diet.

Also banned are fried, fatty foods, marinades, canned food, onions, garlic, hot spices, radishes, chocolate, alcohol, semolina. Tea with sugar, dry biscuits should be consumed in small quantities.

Low-fat varieties of fish and meat, jelly, jelly, wheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat porridge, pasta, omelettes, dairy products - kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, milk, from berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, from sweets - honey, marshmallows, marshmallow, marmalade, jam (no more than 1 time per day). Useful decoction of wild rose, prunes compote.

Medical therapy consists of:

  • drugs that normalize nerve conduction of cells;
  • drugs that relieve spasms;
  • sedatives and anticholinergics.

In some situations, the patient is prescribed tranquilizers.

An infusion of a mixture (in equal proportions) of motherwort grass, sage, St. John's wort flowers, yarrow, oak bark, peppermint leaves has a calming effect. The collection is brewed and taken 0.5 cups up to 4 times a day for the first 3 days. Further, the intake is reduced to a third of a glass 3 times a day for a week.

An effective treatment is washing the duodenum with mineral water (portion up to 350 ml) 3-4 days a day. It is recommended to perform the procedure no more than 2 times a week.

To consolidate the result, classes of physiotherapy exercises (LFK), special massage help.

With duodenal dyskinesia, mud therapy, ozokerite therapy can be prescribed, coniferous and oxygen baths, acupuncture, paraffin applications have a good effect.

If there is no result from the use of conservative methods, surgical intervention is performed.

A healthy lifestyle is important for disease prevention. It is necessary to adhere to the daily routine, balanced nutrition, give up bad habits, try to avoid stress, adjust physical activity, and also treat gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner.

Duodenal dyskinesia is a pathology that significantly worsens the quality of human life. However, the symptoms of the disease, stopped medically or surgically, with the obligatory correction of the diet, are successfully blocked, prolonging the period of remission for a long time. By following the recommendations of specialists in the future, it is possible to prevent the development of an unpleasant disease.

Most often, duodenal dyskinesia occurs in the pathology of the duodenum itself and adjacent organs:

  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum - in 53.8-100% of cases;
  • gastric ulcer - in 66.7-76.5% of cases;
  • diseases of the biliary tract - in 65-96.2% of cases;
  • pancreatitis - in 46-75.6% of cases.

Also, duodenal dyskinesia can occur:

Under the influence of these factors, the regulation of the motor function of the duodenum, the secretion of digestive juices in it, which already indirectly affect the quality of food digestion (gastrin, cholecystokinin, pancreatin, secretin, etc.), is disrupted. At the same time, it is possible both to accelerate the passage of food through the duodenum, and to increase the length of stay in it - duodenostasis. This type of duodenal dyskinesia is the most common and occurs with periodic exacerbations and remissions.

The main manifestations of duodenal dyskinesia

The period of remission is usually asymptomatic or accompanied by mild symptoms, while exacerbations occur with severe and characteristic symptoms. Usually it is constant pain in the epigastric region and right hypochondrium, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, vomiting with an admixture of bile due to reflux (retrograde reflux of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach and esophagus).

During the period of exacerbation, patients often have reduced appetite, they can lose weight, often they are worried about bloating, unstable stools. Patients are asthenic, irritable, note increased fatigue, weakness. Often these symptoms fade into the background, and the symptoms of the underlying disease that caused the onset of dyskinesia are more pronounced. Sometimes the patient develops spastic contractions in the right hypochondrium, associated with increased motility of the duodenum to irritate it with food that stays in it for a long time.


The leading method for diagnosing duodenal dyskinesia is x-ray.

  • Relaxation duodenography is a study of the duodenum using drug relaxation, which allows you to carefully study the structure of the intestine and identify pathological changes in it.
  • The balloon kymographic method (now rarely used) is the registration of contractions of the duodenal wall, which makes it possible to identify violations of its motility.
  • The combination of balloon kymography with intraduodenal pH-graphy makes it possible to estimate the transit time of the contents of the duodenum.
  • The balloon-free method using a radiotelemetric capsule is a study of pressure in the lumen of the duodenum depending on the tone of its walls and the speed of movement of the contents through it.
  • Electromyographic method using intraduodenal electrodes.

Basic principles of treatment of duodenal dyskinesia

  • Diet therapy, taking into account the nature of the underlying disease, with fractional nutrition, including fortified and easily digestible foods.
  • Drug therapy (antispasmodics, sedatives, tranquilizers, anticholinergics, drugs that improve nerve conduction).
  • Physiotherapy treatment, massage, physiotherapy exercises (LFK).
  • Reflexology, phytotherapy.
  • Balneological therapy (use mineral water, mud therapy, ozokeritotherapy) and sanatorium treatment during remission.
  • Surgical treatment - used only in extreme cases, with ineffective conservative therapy.

Doctors emphasize duodenal stasis - a type of evacuation disorders. At first, its appearance was associated with congenital barrier causes or an acquired character:

  • tumor;
  • adhesions;
  • arteriomesenteric compression;
  • pathology of the duodenum of the colon, neighboring organs.

Duodenostasis occurs infrequently.

The unequivocal cause of the occurrence of evacuation defects is a violation of the motor functionality of the duodenum, associated with a change in regulation against the background of the pathology of organs located nearby, a violation of nerve conduction, in diseases of the central nervous system.

Pathologies of the patency of the duodenum occur due to the penetration of gallstones, compression of the superior mesenteric artery, aneurysm of the abdominal aorta. There are mechanical causes that are less common. These are congenital or acquired anomalies.

Symptoms of the disease

Severe acute symptoms appear in the stage of exacerbation of the disease. A person complains of acute pain in the abdominal cavity that appears after eating. Acute blockage of the intestine develops transiently, accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen, in the navel area, constant vomiting, bloating.

Depending on the exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms are different. Associated with the duration of the disease, the presence of defects in neighboring organs, pathologies in the mucous membrane of the twelfth colon. Dyskinesia is characterized by periods of exacerbation, calm - they differ in the course and the presence of different symptoms.

The period of exacerbation is accompanied by three symptoms - acute pain, frequent nausea, vomiting. The main symptom is pain. The pain syndrome is not associated with meals. Pain is not clearly defined. Felt on the right under the ribs or in the area under the pit of the stomach. Often the intensity of the pain is increasing. The appearance of pain is influenced by two factors: stretching of the 12-colon intestine with contents, peristalsis.

The reflex spasm of the pylorus contributes - often, for a long time, nausea, which is extremely unpleasant. Vomiting occurs several times a day, often after eating, regardless of food. People who are susceptible to the disease feel bitterness after vomiting, due to the presence of bile. After the emetic release of the stomach, short-term relief occurs.

In addition to the three main symptoms, worsening of apatitis, constipation, and significant weight loss were noticed. There are signs of intoxication: fever, impotence, sleep disturbance, irascibility, pain in the muscles of the legs.


The doctor, based on the patient's history, directs for testing and diagnosis. He is able to determine an accurate, correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment course only when he receives the results.

To diagnose a disorder, the patient's abdomen is examined. Often a swollen abdomen in the upper part. Pain is localized at the top right side, sometimes it is possible to determine the "splash noise" - a phenomenon when both liquid and gases are in the cavity at the same time.

X-ray analysis is also used. The indicators of the disease are:

  • The barium suspension lingers for more than 40 seconds.
  • In the place of contrast, the dilated intestine.
  • Spasm in a separate segment is combined with an increase in another.
  • Contents are thrown into the proximal sections.

The disease may be accompanied by a clinical sign characteristic of acute diseases of the intestinal tract - severe pain.

Signs of duodenostasis, both clinical and peripheral, are often associated with other pathologies of the digestive tract, such as gallstone ileus, chronic duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, as well as a peripheral symptom - tumors. In such cases, it is difficult to diagnose a violation of the patency of the duodenum.

To assess the amount of mass in the organ, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out, which combines intraduodenal pH-graphy and balloon kymography. Often the patient is referred for electromyographic diagnosis. The balloon kymographic method of diagnosis is also used, but very rarely.

Patients are also given blood, urine and stool tests, the results of which will complement the already existing data on abnormalities in the human body.


When the doctor suspects an acute blockage of the duodenum, the patient is urgently hospitalized, and the surgeon conducts an examination.

When anomalies in the functions of the duodenum 12 are detected, complex treatment is used, which is prescribed individually for each patient. The main goal is to eliminate the acute disease and restore the normal functionality of the organ.

Doctors prescribe a special diet, which provides food in small doses up to five times throughout the day. Foods that are easily digestible are introduced into the diet, with various vitamins and microelements useful for the body. Foods containing fiber are not recommended. The diet is especially useful for poor patency in the 12th colon.

The course of medications includes various antispasmodic drugs, anticholinergics, drugs that act sedative, as well as various drugs that improve nerve patency. In special circumstances, tranquilizers with a weak effect are used. The treatment of physiotherapists effectively helps. They send to massotherapy or physical education (exercise therapy), advise herbal medicine or reflexology. With dyskinesia, mud treatment, ozokerite therapy or various balneological techniques are carried out. During a lull, sanitary treatment is carried out.

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