Russian female names starting with the letters k, l. Women's names starting with the letter L Girl names starting with L Russian

The name begins with the letter “L” - it means the girl understands and appreciates all the most beautiful things in life - beauty, development, creativity, self-realization, new impressions, her business and family. The only question is whether she will be able to use her talents and not slip into the empty life of ordinary everyday life with a dream in the form of an apartment or a car. So everything is in her hands, because such a girl has a lot of abilities and, in addition, knows how to communicate skillfully and is able to win over anyone.

  • Lada - – Slavic name, translated as “sweetheart”, “wife”. A sensual and emotional girl who does not accept half measures: if you love, then to the grave, if you hate, then to the end. She always remains a little child who needs attention, love and understanding. (1) 131
  • Lana - perhaps the name comes from the word “lan”, in Old Russian - “wide field”, “land”. She is a friendly, positive, very romantic girl at heart, but in reality she is smart and brave. -52
  • Lara - the name is of Latin origin. A sociable, persistent girl with obvious organizational skills - a real businesswoman. -152
  • Larisa - possibly comes from the ancient Greek word “laros” - “pleasant”, “sweet”. Larisa has an innate ability to lead, a penchant for analytical thinking and a career. She will never stop working. -76
  • Laura - translated from Latin - “crowned with a laurel wreath.” This is a determined woman for whom movement is life. -125
  • Lelya - (Lala) affectionate, young (from Slavic). A sociable, cheerful girl who knows how to grasp the situation as a whole. -163
  • Lera - this is a derivative of the name Valery. A girl with that name is convinced that life is wonderful and should not be wasted on boredom and routine. She is independent and always knows what to do. -15
  • Lesya - Slavic name, derived from the word “forest”. Very often the name is considered a form of the names Alexander and Olesya, but it can also be an independent name. Lesya is a cautious, prudent girl who relies only on her own strength. (1) -61
  • Liana - the origin of the name is unknown, perhaps from the Latin “lilium” - “thin”, “slender”. A strong-willed, strong woman, an introvert by nature, but able and loving to communicate. -53
  • Lydia - a name of Greek origin, based on the name of a geographical area. A girl with this name is distinguished by independence, truthfulness and kindness. The main value in life is family; she is a wonderful housewife and caring mother. Work is more of a burden for her. 74
  • Lika - a derivative of the name Angelica, which has become an independent name. Usually she is a calm, charming girl with charm, excellent intuition and a sense of humor. Lika's life motto is all or nothing. She readily takes on a new task, and, as a rule, brings it to the end. 50
  • Lillian - (Lily, Lilu) from the Latin “lilium”, which literally means “lily”. Ambitious, calculating and active - a true bright leader. -25
  • Lily - the name comes from lily, the name of a flower. A girl with this name is driven by an interest in everything that happens around her, and her abilities allow her to grasp everything on the fly. She is very temperamental and it is especially important for her to find her calling and realize herself. 569
  • Lina - (Laina, Liana) the name is most likely of Greek origin, from the name of the city of Linos. A sociable, relaxed, inquisitive and cheerful girl. (1) 269
  • Linda - the name probably has German roots and means “tender”. This is an intelligent, well-mannered, creative person. -105
  • Lyra - translated from Greek - “melodic”. A calm, thrifty, dreamy girl who subtly perceives beauty. -148
  • Leah - biblical name. Leah is a creative person, not well suited for family life. 106
  • Lolita - the name was originally used as a diminutive appeal to the names Dolores and Lola. Lolita is an omnipresent girl from whom there is no escape. -208
  • Laura - possibly derived from the name Laura. This is a determined, energetic and active girl, especially appreciating beauty and stability. -154
  • Louise - probably comes from male name Louis. A girl with this name is usually unhurried, kind-hearted, patient, sympathetic - and is a good housewife. -147
  • Lyubava - Slavic name, from the word “to love”, “beloved”. Sociable, frank and direct nature. -115

Accepted abbreviations: az. – Azerbaijani, English – English, Arabic. - Arabic, Aramaic. - Aramaic, Bulgarian – Bulgarian, Wall. – Welsh, Hung. – Hungarian, Gaelic. – Gaelic, Greek – Greek, Danish. – Danish, Old English – Old English, Old German. – Old Germanic, Old Hebrew. – Hebrew, Old Indian. – Old Indian, Old Irish. – Old Irish, Old Norse. – Old Icelandic, Old Persian. – ancient Persian, ancient Roman. – ancient Roman, other Russian. – Old Russian, other Scand. - Old Scandinavian, Egyptian. – Egyptian, female – female, zap. – western, ind. – Indian, Spanish – Spanish, it. – Italian, Kazakh. – Kazakh, Celtic. – Celtic, lat. - Latin, lit. – Lithuanian, husband. - masculine, Dutch - Dutch, Norwegian – Norwegian, Persian – Persian, Polish. – Polish, colloquial - colloquial, rum. – Romanian, Russian. – Russian, Sami. – Sami, Skt. – Sanskrit, Serbian. – Serbian, Syrian. – Syriac, Scand. – Scandinavian, slav. – Slavic, see – look, Sov. – Soviet, St. French – Old French, Taj. – Tajik, Tat. – Tatar, Turkic. - Turkic, Uzbek – Uzbek, Ukrainian - Ukrainian, outdated. - outdated, Finnish. – Finnish, French - French, frieze. – Frisian, Swedish. - Swedish, Czech. - Czech, Scotl. – Scottish, South Slav. - South Slavic.

Lavinia (lat.) – female, after the name of the ancient Roman. cities.

Laurel (lat.) – male, after the name of the tree.

Lavrentiy (lat.) – male, “Laurentian, from the city of Lavrentiy.”

Lada (slav.) – female, 1.) abbr. to Vlad (see); 2) is also identified with glory. goddess of spring, spring plowing and sowing Lada. However, the existence of such a deity is not indisputable, since the goddess Lada is derived from the incomprehensible refrain “lado” found in folk songs. In other Russian the period is known only to the husband. the name Lada, not related to the name of the disputed glory. deities.

Ladislav – male, Czech. variant of the name Vladislav.

Lazarus – male, western to Lazarus (see).

Lazar - male, variant of the name Elizar (see).

Lazzat, Lyazzat, Lazzat, Lyazzat (Arabic-Persian) – female. and husband masculine, “sweetness, pleasure.”

Laziz (Arabic) – male, “sweet, giving pleasure.” Tajiks may also have a truncation of ‘Abd al-Aziz (see Aziz).

Laziza – female to Laziz (see).

Laila – feminine, Lapland name, probably derived from Ayla (q.v.).

Lionel, Lionel(English) – male, from French, “lion cub.”

Lajos - male, Hungarian. variant of the name Ludwig (see).

Lala, Lala (pers.) – husband. and women, “tulip”. Included in a number of complex names: Lalagul, Lalazar, Lalegun, Laleroh, Lalekhan.

Lambert (Old German) – male, “country” + “brilliant, famous.”

Lambert - female to Lambert (see).

Lana – female 1. Short for Milana, Svetlana, Ruslana and similar names. 2. Short for Alana: feminine for Alan: Celt. "harmony, agreement." In English-speaking countries, the name Lana is used mainly in the USA.

Larisa (Greek) – female, from the names of several ancient cities or “seagull”.

Larry (English) – male, short for Laurentius (see).

Larion - male, colloquial to Hilarion (see).

Lars (Swedish) – male, derived from Laurentius (see).

Lasse (Swedish) – male, short for Laurentius (see).

Latif, Latif (Arabic) – male, “merciful, kind.”

Latifa, Latifa - wife of Latif (see).

Launo (Finnish) – male, short to Nikolaus (see).

Laura – female, 1) female to Laurel (see); 2) short to Laurencia (see).

Laurens (Dutch) – masculine, derived from Laurentius (see).

Laurencia – female to Laurentius (see).

Laurentius – male, western to Lavrenty (see).

Laurids (Danish) – masculine, derived from Laurentius (see).

Lachin, Lochin, Lashin, Lachin, Lochin, Lashin(Turk.) – husband. and female, “falcon”. Usually they give boys. Kazakhs have Lashin as a feminine name.

Leander - male, western to Leander (see).

Leander (Greek) – male, “lion” + “man”.

Leberecht, Lebrecht(German) – male, “live righteously!”

Leo (Greek) – male, “lion”.

Levky (Greek) – male, “white, light.”

Ledger (Old German) – male, “people, people” + “spear”.

Leila (Arabic) – female, “night”.

Leif (Norwegian) – male, “inheritance”.

Lex (zap.) – male, short to Alexander (see).

Lel (Old Russian) – male, from a chant lel-lada. Reinterpreted as the name of the son of Slav. goddess Lada - Lel.

Lennart – male, Swedish. variant of the name Leonard (see).

Lennox (Celtic) – male, “commander”.

Lenora – female, short for Eleanor (see).

Leo – male, zap. to Leo (see).

Leocadia (Greek) – female, after the name of the island of Lefkada.

Leon (Greek) – male, “lion”.

Leona – female to Leon (see).

Leonard (Old German) – male, “lion” + “strong, brave.”

Leonarda - female to Leonard (see).

Leonie (French) – feminine, derived from Leon (see).

Leonidas (Greek) – male, “lion” + “likeness, descendant.”

Leonore - female

Leonty (Greek) – male, “lionlike”.

Leopold - male, Latinized to Luitpold (see).

Leopolda - female to Leopold (see).

Leroy, Leeroy (English) – male, from French. le roi "king".

Leslie (English) – male, from the surname Leslie.

Leslie (English) – female, from the surname Leslie.

Lester (English) – male, from the surname Lester.

Letitia (lat.) – female, “joy”.

Leia – female, colloquial to Leah (see).

Lee (English) – male, 1) fem. Leigh; 2) derivative from Leo (see).

Lee (English) – female, 1) from fem. Leigh; 2) derivative from Leah (see).

Libusha, Libushe (Czech) – female, derived from Lyuba “beloved”.

Liverius (lat.) – male, “free”.

Livy (lat.) – male, “blue-black.”

Libya – female to Livy (see).

Lydia (Greek) – female, after the name of the region in Asia Minor.

Lizaveta - female, colloquial to Elizaveta (see).

Lisbeth (zap.) – female, short to Elizabeth (see).

Liana – female, short for Liliana (see), Yuliana (see), etc.

Liliana (lat.) – female, “lily”.

Lily – female, after the name of the flower.

Limnius (Greek) – male, “lake, swamp.”

Lin (Greek) – male, “sorrowful song.” In ancient mythology, Lin is the son of Apollo, a student of Orpheus. At the same time, the name Lin is also considered as an abbreviation for names like Marcellinus, Paulinus, Wendelin.

Linda (Old German) – female, short for names in Lin - “shield (made of linden wood).”

Lynn (English) – female, from the surname Lynn.

Linus – male, zap. to Lin (see).

Lionardo - male, it. variant of the name Leonard (see).

Lipa - female, short for the Olympics (see).

Leah (ancient Hebrew) – female, “heifer, antelope.” In the calendar - Leah.

Lloyd (wall..) – male, “gray”.

Lodovico - male, it. variant of the name Ludwig (see).

Lola (Spanish) – female, babbling form to Dolores (see), Charlotte (see).

Lolita (Spanish) – female, affectionate for Lola (see).

Longinus (lat.) – male, “long, long.”

Lor (French) – female, short for Laurencia (see).

Laura, Lore - female. 1) (ap.) short to Eleanor (see); 2) short to Larisa (see); 3) (new) from the first letters of the combination Lenin and the October Revolution.

Laurent (French) – masculine, derived from Laurentius (see).

Lorelei, Lorelei(Old German) – female, after the name of the rock, “rock of the elves.”

Lorena (zap.) – female, short for Laurencia (see).

Lawrence (English) – masculine, derived from Laurentius (see).

Lorenz (German) – masculine, derived from Laurentius (see).

Lorette (French) – feminine, diminutive of Laurencia (see).

Loretta (English) – feminine, diminutive of Laurencia (see).

Laurie (English) – female, short for Laurencia (see).

Lorin) English) – female, short for Laurencia (see).

Lothar (Old German) – male, “famous” + “army”.

Ludolf (Old German) – male, “people” + “loud, famous.”

Ludolf - female to Ludolph (see).

Louis (French) – male, derived from Ludwig (see).

Louise (zap.) – female to Louis (see).

Luitpold (Old German) – male, “people, people” + “brave.”

Luke (lat.) – male, “light”.

Lukerya - female, colloquial to Glykeria (see).

Lukiy (lat.) – male, “light”.

Lukia – female to Lucius (see).

Lucretius (lat.) – male, from Roman. generic name, "benefit".

Lucretia - female to Lucretius (see).

Lukyan (Greek) – male, “son of Luke, belonging to Luke” (see Luke). In the calendar - Lucian.

Lulu (zap.) – female, children's form of names in Lu-: Lyudmila (see), Ludwiga (see), Louise (see), etc.

Lupp (lat.) – male, “wolf”.

Lutfi (Arabic) – male, abbreviated from Lutfuddin “doing good in the name of faith”, Lutfunissa.

Lutfiya - female to Lutfi (see).

Lutz (German) – male, short to Ludwig (see).

Lucian (zap.) – male, derived from Lucius (see).

Lucius, Lucius - male, zap. to Lucius (see).

Luchezar (Bulgarian) – male, “radiant”.

Lewis (English) – male, derived from Ludwig (see).

Lyubava (slav.) – female, “to love.”

We love (slav.) – male, “beloved.”

Love - female, Russian. Greek translation named Agape.

Lyubomila (slav.) – female, “to love” + “sweetheart”.

Lyubomir slav.) – male, “to love” + “peace”.

Lyubomyra – female to Lubomir (see).

Lyubomysl (slav.) – male, “to love” + “thought”.

Ludwig (Old German) – male, “loud, famous” + “battle”.

Ludwig - female to Ludwig (see).

Lyudmil (Bulgarian) – husband. to Lyudmila (see).

Lyudmila (slav.) – female, “people, people” + “sweetheart.”

Louis - male, from Lat. Ludovicus (see).

Ludovika - female to Louis (see).

Ludovicus - male, Latinized to Ludwig (see).

Lucy, Lucy (English) – female, short for Lucy (see).

Lucille (French) – female, derived from Lucius (see).

Lucien (French) – male, derived from Lucius (see).

Lucienne (a) (French) – female, derived from Lucius (see).

Lucia, Lucia (zap.) – female. to Lucius (see).

Luciano - male, it. variant of the name Lucius (see).

On this page: Kaleria, Camilla, Capitolina, Karina, Carolina, Catalina, Katerina, Kira, Kiryana, Cyrene, Kiryena, Claudia, Clara, Clarice, Clarissa, Clementina, Cora, Christina, Ksenia // Lada, Linda, Ladislava, Leah , Laima, Lolita, Lola, Larisa, Louise, Laura, Lukerya, Lukeria, Leda, Lukia, Leonilla, Lyubava, Leonia, Leonida, Leontina, Love, Liana, Lyubomira, Lydia, Lyudmila, Lilia, Lucyena, Lina, Lucia

Feces e Riya, Valeria

Godfather Orthodox name : Kaleria, as well as Valeria

: The female name Valeria comes from the Latin valere and means “strong, good health” (the same root as in the name Valentina). Regarding the name Kaleria, there is every reason to believe that this beautiful and proud name was formed by chance, as a result of a simple mistake in rewriting the name Valeria from Latin into Greek (instead of Βαλλερία it turned out to be Καλλερία). Nevertheless, the name Kaleria firmly entered into life, gained recognition, and became a completely independent female name.

Conversational options: Kaleria// Kalya, Kalyusha, Lera, Lerochka, Leronka, Lerushka, Lerusya

Conversational options: Valeria// Valerenka, Valeronka, Valerochka, Valerushka,

Valerka, Valera, Valya, Valenka, Valechka, Valesya, Valesha, Valusya, Valyusha, Lera, Leronka, Lerochka, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerusha, Lerushka, Lerushka, Lerka, Vava

Holy Martyr Valeria of Caesarea (otherwise - Kaleria of Caesarea, Palestine), June 7/20

: Valeria and also Kaleria (Caleria)

Valeria is a very popular name, it ranks 11th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 260 per 10,000 newborn girls); Kaleria is not ranked, only 1-2 girls out of 10,000 receive this name

Cam and lla

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Camilla - “a girl of impeccable behavior, from a respectable family” (Latin), this female uniform generic Roman name Camillus. The name Camilla is popular in all European countries without exception. A suitable godname based on the meaning of the name is Evgenia

Note: There is a similar Muslim female name Camila (Kamila, Kamila), meaning “perfect” (Arabic)

Conversational options: Milla, Mila, Mile, Milka, Milka, Darling, Milechka, Kamilka, Kamilka, Kamilya, Kama, Pebble

: Camilla, Camille, Kamilla // Cam, Cammie, Cami, Camie, Kam, Kamie, Mille, Millie, Milly

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

53rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 27 per 10,000 newborn girls); the name is “international”, it can be found not only in Russian families, but also among Muslims North Caucasus, Volga region, Central Asia(Kamila, Camila, Camilla)

Capitol and on

Godfather Orthodox name: Capitols on

Meaning, origin of the name: Latin name Capitolina ("Capitolian") comes from Capitolium (Capitol), the name of one of the seven hills in Rome. On the Capitoline Hill, this place sacred to the Romans, there was a temple in honor of Jupiter, Minerva and Juno. In this regard, figuratively speaking, the name Capitolina means “living next to the gods”

Conversational options: Kapa, ​​Kapulya, Kapusha, Kanya, Kapitolinka, Kaptelinka, Lina, Kapochka, Kaponka, Kaka, Kapitolya, Tolya, Tolya, Kapitonya, Tonya, Kapitosha, Tosha

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godname in foreign countries Orthodox churches : Capitolina

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Capitolina is a rare name, there are only isolated cases of registration

Kar and on(see Ekaterina na, see Kirya na)

Carol and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: From the European male names Carl, Charles and Charles (Carl, Charles) several female names are formed - Carla, Caroline and Charlotte (Carla, Carline, Karolina, Charlotte). The original name is the ancient Germanic Karl, meaning “warrior, warrior, warrior”, there is also an assumption that it can mean “free man”. The Latinized form of the name Karl became Karolus and then Carolus. The French form of the name is Charles (Charles), which also passed on to the English - Charles (Charles). The name was like this big number European supreme rulers, that in a number of countries it has become associated with the very concept of “king” and “royal power”, for example, Charles I Stuart (English) and Charles XII (Swedish) in Russia are called “king”, in the Czech Republic - “kral” , Poland "krol", Latvia "karalis", while the English, Swedish, French, German and Swedish "kings" Charles actually bore the titles king (king), kung (kung), roi (rua), koenig ( König). Now let's get back to female names. In light of the above, the meaning of the names Carla, Charlotte and Caroline can be considered “queen” or “royal princess”. In Russia, the female names Karla and Charlotte are perceived as foreign, but the name Carolina is perceived normally, quite in Russian

Conversational options: Karolinka, Karolya, Karusya, Kari, Lina, Linusya, Lola, Korolevna, Queen, Kalina, Karla, Karlushka, Karlusya, Carol, Charlotte, Charlotte, Sheri (cherie - “dear, sweetheart”, French), Lotta, Lottie

Modern English analogues: Carolina, Caroline // Carolyn, Carolyne, Carly, Carlie, Callie, Cal, Cali, Caro, Carol, Cara, Care, Carey, Carrie, Carri, Cary, Lin, Lina, Lena, Liney, Linny, Lola, Lolly, Kari, Karrie, Rory

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Carolina - a borrowed European name, in Russia it is rare (1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Cathal and on

Godfather Orthodox name: Catherine

Meaning, origin of the name: Catalina is a form of the name Katherine, popular in Spanish-speaking countries. The Irish form of the name has a similar sound - Caitlyn, Caitlin, Kathleen

Conversational options: Katalinka, Alya, Alina, Alinka, Lina, Katya, Katyulya, Katyusha, Kalinka

Modern English analogues: Catalina // Cate, Cati, Caty, Lina

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Boat and on(see Ekaterina on)

TO and ra

Godfather Orthodox name: Ki ra

Meaning, origin of the name: The name Kira appears to be a feminine version of the male name Cyrus, and means "Sun" or "Sun-like", "like the Sun" (translated from Old Persian). But another option for the origin of the name cannot be ruled out - from the Greek word kyrios (κυριος). In this case, the meaning of the name will be “power”, “strength”, “mistress”

Conversational options: Kironka, Kirochka, Kirenka, Kironka, Kirusha, Kirushka, Kirusya, Kirunya, Pickaxe

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Kyra

Modern English analogues: Kira, Kyra, Kyrah

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Kira is one of the top thirty names - 26th place in the ranking (approximately 114 per 10,000 newborn girls)

Kiri I'm on, Kirie's on, Kirie's on

Godfather Orthodox name: Kyrie on

Meaning, origin of the name: Apparently, Greek name Cyrenia means "from Cyrene". Kyrena (Kyrene, Cyrene) is one of the greatest cities of antiquity, the center of Cyrene (Cyrenaica - a Roman province in North Africa). Russian church form of the name - Kyrie na

Conversational options: Kira, Kirunya, Kirena, Yana, Kironka, Kirochka, Kirenka, Kironka, Kirusha, Kirushka, Karina

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Cyrene of Tarsus, November 1/14

Note: Church name Kirien can be proposed as a godname for the passport “non-calendar” name Karina (based on the similarity of sound)

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cyrenia

Modern English analogues: Cyrenia, Kyrenia // Cyrene, Cyrena, Cyren, Cirenia

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Kiryana, Kirena, Kirien are very rare names, there are only isolated cases of registration (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Cl and Vdiya

Godfather Orthodox name: Claudia

Meaning, origin of the name: Claudia is a female ancient Roman aristocratic name, its meaning is “from the Claudian family.” The founder of the Claudian dynasty was Atta Clausus, a native of the Sabine tribe. After his election to the post of consul, he changed his name to the Roman style: Appius Claudius, and his entire family was called Claudii (Claudians, clan of the Claudius). The names Claudia and Claudius come from the Latin verb claudere (“to lock, close, close, block”). The exact connotation of the name is unknown - it could be from claudere urbem (to besiege a city), maybe in the sense of claudo (to bring up the rear of a formation, a column) or homo clausus (a secretive, closed person)

Conversational options: Klava, Klavushka, Klavdenka, Klavdeyka, Klavdik, Klavik, Klavchik, Klavochka, Klavdyusha, Klavdyunya, Klavdechka, Klavdya, Klavka, Klasha, Klashenka, Klashechka, Klashka, Klanya, Klanechka, Klakha, Klavunya, Kladya, Klasya, Klasenka, Klasechka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Claudia

Modern English analogues: Claudia, Claudina // Claudie, Claude, Cloudy, Cloud

Note: The Latin word claudus (“lame”), which is close in spelling, has nothing to do with the origin of the family name Claudius: the legendary Appius Claudius Sabinus, who gave the name to his family, lived in 540-480 BC, and was the only one of all Claudius who had injured leg, was Emperor Claudius (son of Nero), who lived a full 500 years later (from 10th to 54th AD)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Claudia is a rare name today, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

Cl a ra, Clarisa, Clarissa

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “Light, clear.” European name Clara (sometimes Klara), French form Clair (read: clair), Italian form Chiara (read: chiara). The name comes from the Latin clarus - “clear, light, bright, brilliant”.The derived form of the name Clara is Clarice (Clarissa)

Conversational options: Klarusya, Klaruska, Klarochka, Klarusha, Klarushka, Klarik, Klarchik, Clarka, Klarisa, Klarina, Klarinka, Klarishka, Claire, Claire, Klera, Lara, Larisa, Lera

Modern English analogues: Clara, Clair, Claris, Clarice, Clarissa, Klaris, Klarissa // Clarie, Clary, Clari, Claris, Clariss, Clarita, Rice, Risa, Rissy, Reese, Lissa

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Clara, Clarissa, Clarissa - borrowed European names, are rare in Russia

Clement and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “Merciful, compassionate, kind, soft” - from the Latin clemens (clemens).

Note: Male Russian versions of the name are Klim, Klimentiy, Kliment (with the letter “i” in the first syllable)

Conversational options: Clementinka, Clementisha, Klem, Klem, Klem, Klemchik, Klyoma, Klemushka, Klementka, Klemenka, Klemka, Klemusya, Klemushka, Klemochka, Clementia, Lema, Lyomochka, Lemushka, Tina, Tinochka

Modern English analogues: Clementine, Clementina // Clemmie, Clem, Lemmie, Tina, Tiny, Emmie, Emmy, Minnie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

TO oh ra

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Cora is a name coined by Fenimore Cooper for the novel The Last of the Mohicans (1826), the heroine's name was Cora Munro.Before the appearance of the novel, there was no such personal name either in Europe or America. Apparently, the author used one of the names of the ancient Greek goddess of fertility and the other world Persephone (daughter of Demeter and Zeus) - Kore. In Greek, the word kora (κορη) means "girl" and also "pure, fresh, sinless"

Conversational options:

Bark, Corey, Korri, Korik, Korochka, Korushka (with the sound “o”, o - percussion); Korina, Korinka, Korusha, Korunchik, Korusya (with the sound “a”, o - unstressed, are perceived by ear as Karina, Karinka, ...)

Modern English analogues: Cora, Kora, Kore, Corinna // Corrie, Corey, Cory, Cor, Koree, Korey, Kory

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, rare in Russia

Krist and on, Christ on

Godfather Orthodox name: Christi na

Meaning, origin of the name: “Christian”, “Christian”, “dedicated to Christ” (Greek, Latin)

Conversational options: Kristya, Kristechka, Kristenka, Kristinka, Kristisha, Kristishka, Kristyusha, Kristyushka, Kristi, Kristik, Kristinchik, Kristina, Kristyoshka, Kristenok, Kristyasha, Crossing, Krestenka, Cross, Krista, Chris, Cree, Kisa, Kristyukha, Christ, Christya, Khrisya, Khristenka, Khrisenka, Khristechka, Khrisechka, Khristyusha, Khristena, Khristinya, Khristinka, Tina, Tinka, Tinochka, Tesha, Tyusha

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea, February 6/19

Holy Martyr Christina of Lampsaki, May 18/31

Holy Martyr Christina of Persia, March 13/26

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Christina

Modern English analogues: Christina, Christine, Christiana, Kirsteen // Christa, Christy, Christie, Chrissie, Chrissy, Chris, Teenie, Tina, Teena, Ina, Kristina, Kristine, Kristin, Kristen, Kris, Krissie, Krissy, Kristi, Kristie, Kristy, Kissy, Kirsty

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Christina is one of the top thirty names - 24th place in the ranking (approximately 122 per 10,000 newborn girls); Christina is rare name(no more than 3-6 per 10,000)

KS e niya, Aksinya, Oksa na

Godfather Orthodox name: Ksenia

Meaning, origin of the name: “Hospitable.” The name Xenia is derived from the Greek xenos (“wanderer, foreigner”), but this word received an unexpected interpretation in ancient times. - One of the names of the supreme god Zeus was Zeus Xenios, which was literally understood as “the patron god of wanderers”, “protecting foreigners”,

"Guardian of the laws of hospitality." And the word xenia in Greek has become synonymous with a warm welcome, hospitality. Possible Russian passport forms of the name are Ksenia, Aksinya, Aksiniya, Oksana

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, January 24 / February 6; May 24 / June 6

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Xenia

Conversational options: Ksenya, Ksenya, Ksenechka, Ksesha, Kseshka, Ksenyusha, Ksenyushka, Ksenitsa, Ksenitsa, Ksenka, Ksenik, Ksenyok, Ksyunya, Ksyunechka, Ksyuta, Ksyutka, Ksyusha, Ksyushka, Ksyushenka, Ksyushechka, Ksyukha, Aksinya, Aksenya, Aksenya, Aksyunya , Aksyunechka, Aksyuta, Aksyutka, Aksyutochka, Aksyutushka, Aksyusha, Aksyushka, Aksyushenka, Aksyushechka,Aksyukha, Aksya, Aksenka, Aksyosha, Aksyoshka, Asya, Senya, Senechka, Senka, Senyusha, Senyushka, Oksanka, Oksya, Oksik, Ksana, Ksanya, Ksanochka, Ksanushka, Ksanka, Ksasha, Sanya

Modern English analogues: Xenia // Xeni, Xena, Xia (Xenia in English is read like this: zinja, zinia - zinya, zinia), Zena, Zenia, Zenya, Zeena, Zenna, Zinia, Zonia, Sena, Senia, Senja, Sonia

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Ksenia is one of the most popular names, it ranks 10th in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 290 per 10,000 newborn girls); Oksana - 68th place in the ranking (approximately 15 per 10,000); Aksinya and Aksiniya are names that are rarely given to newborns today, the frequency of each of them is from 1 to 4 per 10,000

L yeah

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “Good”, “pretty”. Lada was the name of the Slavic goddess of beauty, love and marriage, but in ancient times the name Lada was not used as a personal female name. This modern name. As for its meaning, the word lad in former times meant “order”, hence the word “ladny”, that is, “good”, “pretty”, “in perfect order”

Conversational options: Lada, Ladya, Ladka, Ladka, Ladonka, Ladenka, Ladochka, Ladusya, Laduska, Ladusenka, Ladusik, Ladushka, Ladunya, Ladunka

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Ladisle a va(see Slavic names)

L and yama

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: In Baltic mythology, Laima is the goddess of happiness and fate (laima, laime - “happiness, luck, success”, Latvian).In Latvia, Laima’s birthday is considered to be February 11, in Lithuania - March 8, June 22, August 12

Conversational options: Laimochka, Laimushka, Laimi, Lami, Lammy

Modern English analogues: Laima // Laimi, Lammie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed name, very rare in Russia

Lar and sa

Godfather Orthodox name: Lari sa

Meaning, origin of the name: The name means “from Larisa”, “resident of Larisa”. IN Ancient Greece there were several cities with this name (one of them still exists today). In the language of the Pelasgians, a people who lived in the territories of Greece and the island of Crete even before the Greeks arrived here, the word larisa meant “citadel, fortress, fortified city.” Many Larissas believe that their name means “seagull.” And such a version is quite possible, since the Latin word larus - “seagull” and the Greek laros (λάρος) - “sea bird” are very close in sound to the name Larisa.

Conversational options: Lara, Larya, Larenka, Larechka, Larochka, Laronka, Larushka, Laryusha, Laryushka, Larisha, Laryosha, Laryonok, Larusya, Laruska, Larunya, Larunka, Larunchik, Larka, Lariska, Larina, Laura, Lorochka, Lorik, Larisochka, Larisonka , Lesya, Risya

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Larissa

Modern English analogues: Larisa, Larissa, Lara // Laris, Lars, Lari, Larry, Lara,Lauri, Laurie, Lori, Lorie, Lacy, Lacey, Rissa, Risa

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

La hooray

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: The name Laura comes from the Latin word laurus - “laurel branch, laurel wreath”, which figuratively means “victory, triumph, triumph” (sometimes the meaning of the name is played out like this: Laura = l'aurea, that is, in Italian “golden "). This was the name of the beloved of the Renaissance poet Francesco Petrarch, whom he sang in his sonnets.

Conversational options: Lara, Larya, Larka, Larichka, Lavrusya, Lavruska, Lavrusha, Lavra, Laurka, Laurina, Laurita, Larina, Larisa, Laura, Lorina, Loretta

Modern English analogues: Laura // Laurie, Lauri, Lorie, Lori, Laurina, Laureen, Laurita, Lauretta, Loretta, Lolly

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

L food

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Leda is the heroine of an absolutely amazing ancient Greek myth, the wife of Tyndareus (king of Sparta), who captivated Zeus with her beauty. Many works of literature and painting are dedicated to Leda. The meaning of the name is presumably from the ancient Lycian word for “woman” (this is where the word lady may have come from)

Conversational options: Leda, Ledanya, Ledasha, Ledka, Lady, Ice, Lida

Modern English analogues: Leda (pronunciation: LEE-də, LAY-də, leda, leida)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

Leon and lla(see Leonia, see Eleanor)

Le o niya, Leonie yes, Leonti na

Godfather Orthodox name: Leoni lla

Meaning, origin of the name: “Lioness”, “strong as a lion”, “with a lion’s character” - from leo, leoninus (Latin)

Conversational options: Leona, Leonya, Leonka, Lenya, Lenechka, Lena, Lina, Leya, Tina

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Leonilla (Neonilla) of Langonia, January 16/29

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Leonilla

Modern English analogues: Leonia, Leonie, Leona, Leontina // Lee, Leo, Leoni, Leonee, Liona, Lione

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European names are very rare in Russia

Lee and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: The name Liana was often used as a short form of the names Juliana, Liliana, Elian. When they realized that the name Liana was beautiful in itself, it became an independent female name in many countries. A good interpretation of the name was also found: liane - “liana” (English, French), lianas are plants of tropical forests

Conversational options: Lianka, Lyana, Lyanka, Lina, Linusya, Linuska, Linusha, Lin, Lee, Lana, Leah

Modern English analogues: Liana // Lee, Li, Li-Li, Lia, Lian (read: Lee-ahn)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

L and diya

Godfather Orthodox name: Li Diya

Meaning, origin of the name: “Resident of Lydia”, “originally from Lydia”, “Lydian” (Latin, Greek). Lydia - a powerful ancient kingdom in Asia Minor, and in later times - one of the Roman provinces

Conversational options: Lida, Lidusya, Liduska, Lidusik, Lidusha, Lidushka, Lidushka, Lidochka, Lidonka, Lidonya, Lidok, Lidka, Lidya, Lidunya, Lidunka, Lidunechka, Lidunchik, Lidichka, Lidenka, Lidechka, Lilya, Lika, Lina

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Lydia

Modern English analogues: Lydia // Liddy, Liddie, Lydi, Lidi, DeeDee, Didi, Lid, Lyd, Lids, Lydz, Lida, Lidja, Lidija, Lilzy

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

L or me(see Susa nna)

L and on(see Barely on)

L and so on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “Soft, tender” (from German lind). This German name is widespread throughout Europe. The name has the same sound and spelling as the Spanish word linda (sweet, charming, lovely)

Conversational options: Linda, Lindochka, Lindusya, Lindy, Lin, Lee, Lida, Lina

Modern English analogues: Linda // Lin, Linn, Lyn, Lindie, Lindy, Lindey

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

L and I

Godfather Orthodox name: Do I

Meaning, origin of the name: Leah is a biblical name (Le’ah, ancient Hebrew), meaning “chamois”, “gazelle”. By the way, Leah’s sister’s name was Rachel - “lamb” (Rahel, ancient Hebrew)

Conversational options: Leya, Liyka, Liechka, Lienka, Lilya, Lika, Leyushka, Lenka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Righteous Leah (wife of the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob), her birthday is considered the so-called “Day of the Holy Forefathers” (the penultimate Sunday before Orthodox Christmas)

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Leah

Modern English analogues: Leah // Lea, Lia, Lee, Leigh, Laya, LeeLee

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Lol and ta, lo la

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: The Spanish name Dolores comes from the Latin dolorosa, meaning "sorrowful, sorrowful." This name is in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who grieves over the crucified Jesus Christ (in Spanish, Maria de los Dolores). The names Lola and Lolita are Spanish diminutives of the name Dolores. The name Lolita became famous worldwide due to the Argentine film actress and singer Lolita Torres, who had rare charm (she starred in the films “Girl of Fire”, 1952, “Age of Love”, 1954, etc.). Apparently based on the popularity of her name, the writer Nabokov gave it to the heroine of his novel Lolita (1955).

Conversational options: Lola, Lelya, Lelka, Lyolechka, Lolitka, Lolitochka, Lolya, Lolochka, Lo, Lolo, Loloshka, Lolka, Lolik

Modern English analogues: Delora, Deloris, Lola, Lolita

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

A borrowed European name, quite rare in Russian families (1-2 per 10,000), popular in Armenia and the republics of the North Caucasus

Lou and for

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “Glorious in battles”, “will be glorified in battles” (ancient German, French). Louise is the feminine form of the French masculine name Louis. The name Louis among the ancient Germans had the form Clovis (Chlodwig, Hludowig, Chlodowech), which meant: chlod, hlud - “famous, glorious”, wig, wech - “war, battle, struggle”. Later the name Clovis in Germany was transformed into Ludwig, to Latin it began to be written as Louis (Ludovicus), and in France the name took the form Louis (Louis). In France, the name was of high status; it was borne by as many as eighteen kings (from Louis I to Louis XVIII)

Conversational options: Luizka, Luizonka, Luizyasha, Luizyusha, Luizulya, Luizanya, Luizaika, Luzichka, Luzinka, Luzichek, Luizik, Luzyanya, Louis, Louise, Lu, Lulu, Lulusha, Lisa, Lizochka, Lizka, Lizonka, Lusya, Lucy, Liz, Lizik , Lizzie, Iza, Izulya, Izunya

Modern English analogues: Louisa, Louise // Luise, Aloisia, Lou, Louie, Lu, Lula, Lulu

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, rare, 1-2 per 10,000 female births

Onion e rya, Lukeria, Glykeria,

Godfather Orthodox name: Glyceria

Meaning, origin of the name: Glykeria - “sweet” (Greek name Glykeria, from the word glykys - “sweet”). Lukerya (Lukeria) - a common Russian form of the name in the old days

Conversational options: Lusha, Lushanya, Lushanka, Lushenka, Lunya, Lunechka, Lunyushka, Lunka, Lukerya, Lukerka, Lukasha, Lukesha, Lukeshka, Lika, Likanya, Likasha, Likusha, Lera, Lyusha, Luke, Glusha, Glushka, Glasha, Glashenka, Glaska , Glanya, Glanechka, Glanka, Glerya, Gleria, Glera, Glerka, Glika, Glira, Glitya, Glikerya, Heka, Kera

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Glyceria of Heraclea, May 13/26

Holy Righteous Glyceria of Novgorod, May 13/26

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Glyceria

Modern English analogues: Glykeria, Glyceria

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Lukerya (Lukeria) is a rare name today, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls; the name Glyceria is even rarer (less than 1 in 10,000)

Onion and I

Godfather Orthodox name: Luke I, Luke na

Meaning, origin of the name: Lucia - “light”, the name is derived from the Latin lux (“light”, “radiance”). European variants of the name are Lucienne, Lucie, Lucia, Lucina.

Conversational options: Lusha, Lushanya, Lushenka, Lushka, Lukiyka, Luka, Lukanya, Lukesha, Luke, Lukina, Lyusya, Lyusenka, Lyusyanya, Lucyena, Lucy, Lucia, Lyutsina, Lyutsinka, Lyutsyka, Lukiyushka, Lukinushka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Lucia of Rome, July 6/19 (Lucia)

Holy Martyr Lucia of Syracuse, December 13/26 (Lucia)

Holy Martyr Lucina of Rome, June 7/20 (Lucina, Lucy)

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Lucia, Lucina

Modern English analogues: Lucy, Lucia, Lucie, Lucina, Lucille // Lucy, Lucky, Luci, Luciel, Luce, Lu, Lula, Lulu

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Lukia is a very rare name today (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Lyubava (see Slavic names)

Love oh oh

Godfather Orthodox name: Love

Meaning, origin of the name: The name Love in the Orthodox calendar appeared as a literal translation into Russian of the Greek female name Agape. Agape came from a legendary family of holy martyrs, which included the sisters Pistis (Faith), Elpis (Hope) and Agape (Love). Such “transparent” translations of names are called “calques”. For some reason, only the name of their mother Sophie and (Wisdom) was not translated into Russian and other languages; it retained its original sound

Conversational options: Lyuba, Lyubasha, Lyubashka, Lyubushka, Lyubochka, Lyubonka, Lyubanka, Lyubanya, Lyubanechka, Lyubka, Lyubchik, Lyubusha, Lyubsha, Lyubashechka, Lyubinya, Lyubinka, Lyubava, Lyubavka, Lyubakha, Lyubasya, Lyubuska, Basya, Busya, Busenka, Busechka , Buska, Lyubushka-darling, Lyubonka-darling

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Lyubov of Rome, September 17/30 (on this day the memory of the sister martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia is celebrated)

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Lyubov

Note 1: Faith (Russian), Pistis (Greek), Fides (Latin), Faith (English) // Nadezhda (Russian), Elpis (Greek), Spes (Latin), Hope (English) ) // Love (Russian), Agape (Greek), Caritas (Latin), Love (English) // Sofia (Russian), Sophia (Greek, Latin, English)

Note 2: The name Lyubov was absent among the Slavs in the pre-Christian period, but similar names with the root Lyuba were: Lyubava, Lyubitsa, Lyubisha (Libushe)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Anyone and ra(see Slavic names)

Ludm and la

Godfather Orthodox name: Lyudmi la

Meaning, origin of the name: “Dear people” (Slavic name). This name is included in the calendar in honor of Saint Ludmila, Princess of Bohemia, who is honored by both the Orthodox and Catholic churches. She was the daughter of Prince Slavibor, the wife of Borivoj of Bohemia, her grandson was Saint Wenceslas (see name Vyacheslav). Died in 921, buried at Prague Castle in the Basilica of St. George

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Ludmila, Princess of Bohemia, September 16/29

Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Ludmila (Ludmilla)

Conversational options: Luda, Lyudonka, Lyudochka, Lyudasha, Lyudushka, Lyudok, Lyudka, Lyudusya, Lyusya, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Lyusik, Lyuska, Lyudmilka, Lyudmilochka, Mila, Milka, Mile, Milasha, Milyusha, Darling, Milechka, Milonka, Milena T, U, F, X, Ch, Sh, E, Yu, I

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