Subtropics human economic activity. Economic use of subtropical deserts of Central Asia

"Agriculture" - Balance of feed and fertilizers. Sustainable agriculture is the future of farmers and agricultural consumers. Problems caused by industrial agriculture. Amount of payments within the framework of the project “Ecological Agriculture 2004”. Surface agricultural procedures. Mechanical weeding - herbicides are not allowed.

In addition, with more rain and floods, diseases such as cholera, schistosomiasis, leptospirosis, and infectious diarrhea tend to become more common, Barbosa explains. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Global Climate Change, the average temperature of the planet has increased by 0.7 degrees Celsius throughout the century. Not only that: this warming has been happening faster over the past 25 years, causing several changes throughout the planet, like changing precipitation patterns; rising sea levels; and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods, storms, hurricanes and droughts.

"Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory" - Bred more than 20 highly productive varieties and hybrids of corn. The main areas of tea growing: Khostinsky, Matsestinsky, Dagomysky, Adlersky. Published about 150 scientific papers, including 8 books and brochures. Viticulture. Peculiarities. Specialization Agriculture. Krasnodar region is the northernmost region of the world's tea cultivation.

In addition, climate change could widen the tropical range, forcing tropical diseases to afflict countries in the temperate region. This moment is not defined, but some reflexes are already being felt. For example, until recently, we did not assume that visceral leishmaniasis could occur in colder climates, for example, in the south of the country, but now there is such a disease in the region, as well as in Argentina and even in Uruguay, says Lindoso. “These data suggest that temperature changes, coupled with population migration, contribute to the emergence and resurgence of tropical diseases in previously free areas of these diseases,” the researcher adds.

"Economy of the Central District" - Railway oil pipeline gas pipeline. Geographical position... Change in the share of the region in the industry of RUSSIA for 1991-2001,%. View of the Kremlin. Iversky Monastery. Functions of cities Central Russia: Ural economic region. _ Ecological problems area: Soil degradation; Deforestation; Water pollution.

Another study by Harvard Medical School in the United States indicated that 60% of the world's population would live at risk of developing malaria. Today it can be noted that the disease is becoming more frequent when it practically does not exist, like the United States.

Over the past 10 years, the country has reported about 10,000 cases - most of them in regions close to Mexico, such as Texas. Earlier this year, the organization called on its member countries to invest heavily in the fight against these diseases. However, there is still a long way to go. Changing this picture requires a collective effort to fight not only climate change but also poverty. Improving the living conditions of people living in these regions is necessary to prevent the spread of these diseases and significantly reduce their mortality. Classic sanitary measures are the best preventive barrier.

"Geography of the World Economy" - Stages of the formation of the world economy: Peripherals of about 100 countries. Center - 25 countries with a population of 800 million people. General geography of the World Economy. Table of contents. The center is the most developed countries at the post-industrial stage of development. Economically developed countries North. Geography of the economy of regions and subregions.

Actions such as reducing mosquito outbreaks and maintaining water quality can save millions of lives, says Barbosa. Banana: golden fruit The Pacific? Scientific, socio-economic and cultural values ​​of bananas in the South Pacific.

Free admission, no reservations. In addition to the history of the Pacific Ocean of this mobile plant and the cultural significance of the banana in Melanesia, Valerie Kagi will discuss the scientific and socio-economic assets of local bananas, while her research has shown real genetic identity in New Caledonian varieties. Fortunately, because in the face of diseases, pests and climate change that threaten the global banana trade, choosing more reliable varieties is one of the preferred ways to continue to produce these fruits sustainably.

"Agriculture in Europe" - Spain ranks first in the world for the export of oranges. Europe-western part of Eurasia, the largest continent of the Earth. Goods from countries classified as least developed are not subject to duties. Since the time of Ancient Greece, the olive branch has been a sign of peace. In many cases, the specialization of agriculture takes on a narrower profile.

With 106 million tonnes of fruit produced annually worldwide, bananas are the most widely consumed fruit in human populations and constitute a source of food security for half a billion people worldwide. A huge economic challenge, the world banana trade is estimated at 14 million tons and weighs $ 9 billion.

The banana is native to Southeast Asia and is still found in the wild in the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. It is one of the oldest domesticated plants by man, who, by the grace of colonization of new lands, spread it in all subtropical and subtropical humid regions. Today, the most common banana group in the world includes 180 wild species and over a thousand varieties of bananas called "dessert" or "cook". However, world trade is dominated by the almost exclusive cultivation of a single cultivar, the Cavendish banana and its intensive cropping system now weakened by a multitude of ulcers.

The peculiar nature of deserts determines the use of their main areas as seasonal and year-round pastures. In the northern half of the deserts of the temperate zone, meat-tallow, smushkovo and semi-fine fleece sheep breeding, meat and dairy cattle breeding (cattle) are developed. In the south of this zone and in the subtropical deserts, the main place belongs to karakul breeding, meat and wool sheep breeding and camel breeding. In irrigated oases, cotton growing, horticulture, viticulture, and rice cultivation are widely represented here. Central Asia provides the overwhelming majority of the cotton harvested in the USSR. The large number of hours of sunshine is a favorable factor for the industrial use of solar energy. The climatic resort Bayram-Ali located in the Karakum Desert is widely known.

With chemical control strategies showing their limits, the selection and improvement of banana varieties is becoming a major food safety concern and is at the heart of several international research programs. Cradle of the primary domestication of this giant herb, the South Pacific is home to the unique and original banana reservoir, the Pacific plantain, as a result important process diversification. Some older varieties have interesting nutritional or resistance qualities. In the long term, improved varieties will optimize the management and valorization of this resource locally, regionally and internationally.

On the territory of the deserts in the Soviet years, a huge amount of work was done to irrigate the land and water the pastures. Large reservoirs have been created on many rivers, and canals have been dug. The fund of lands suitable for irrigation in the deserts of Central Asia is far from being exhausted. However, the further development of irrigated agriculture is limited here not by soils, but by fresh water reserves. The area of ​​irrigated land in desert and semi-desert zones can be increased by more than 5 million hectares, and with the transfer of the waters of Siberian rivers - much more. The increasing withdrawal of water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya threatens the existence of the Aral Sea, which has already split into several shallow water bodies and is rapidly continuing to dry up. In the future, keeping it on modern level will become possible only if its water reserves are replenished with the waters of Siberian rivers, but this will lead to a major environmental disaster in our country. As we see today, the area of ​​the Aral Sea is rapidly decreasing and in the future it will completely disappear.

Some commercial animals of the deserts are of economic interest. Large numbers of corsac fox, sandy gopher and muskrat, perfectly acclimatized along the swampy shores of lakes and rivers, are hunted here.

The wealth of minerals opens up great prospects for the industrial development of desert zones. Here oil, gas, brown and bituminous coals, polymetals, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorites, mirabilite are mined. If we add to the above that the neighboring mountainous regions of the Pamirs and Tien Shan have large reserves of water energy, which can be successfully used by industrial centers on the plains, then it is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of further economic growth of these regions.

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