Systematic groups of man. Biological systematics. Legal status and actual situation of a person

1) superkingdom: Eukaryotes
2) kingdom: Animals
3) subkingdom: Multicellular
4) type: Chordata
5) subtype: Vertebrates
6) class: Mammals
7) squad: Primates
8) family: Hominids
9) gender: Human
10) species: Homo sapiens


1. Mammals are
a) class
b) subtype
c) kingdom
d) squad

2. Animals are
a) class
b) type
c) kingdom
d) sub-kingdom

3. A person belongs to a class
a) Animals
b) Vertebrates
c) Mammals
d) Man

4. A person belongs to a race
a) Animals
b) Vertebrates
c) Mammals
d) Man

5. Several genera are included in one systematic unit (taxon), which is called
a) view
b) family
c) squad
d) class

6. Several orders are included in one systematic unit (taxon), which is called
a) gender
b) family
c) type
d) class

7. Classes consist of
a) types
b) childbirth
c) squads
d) families

8. Families consist of
a) childbirth
b) species
c) squads
d) classes

“The main stages of human evolution” - Gorilla. ANCIENT PEOPLE (Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus). The most ancient people. Propliopithecus. Parapithecus. Dryopithecus. FIRST MODERN (Cro-Magnon, modern man). Austalopithecus. Chimpanzee. Gibbon. Novikova A.V. ANCIENT PEOPLE (Neanderthal). The struggle for existence, natural selection. The main stages of human evolution.

“Human Biology” - Stage 3 Registration of research results - 2 weeks. Formation of groups to conduct research. Project protection. Australopithecus. Independent distribution of tasks within groups. "Nature! What is the impact of humans on the biosphere? Drawing up an action plan. What miracle of nature is man?

“The Origin of Races” - The position of man in the animal world. Epilogue. driving forces human evolution. Races of man. Since the 17th century, many different classifications of human races have been proposed. The Origin of Human Races The races of man appear to have appeared relatively recently. In Indonesia, the South Asian race predominates.

"Biology of Race" - Desert. Duration of the project. “All people are brothers and sisters.” Race-_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Species - _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Population - _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________.

“The Origin of Man on Earth” - Front View. Propliopithecus skull. Darwin began systematically collecting materials on the origins of man in 1837. Here are a few examples that prove the scale of human activity: THE DISAPPEARING ARAL. Genesis contains two accounts of God's creation of man. II. 4. The divine origin of man.

“Human Races” - Evidence that human races belong to the same biological species. The emergence of races and mechanisms of raceogenesis. Basic concepts for the lesson: race, racial studies, racism, miscegenation, social Darwinism. Peculiarities modern stage human evolution. The division of humanity into races is based on morphological characteristics.

There are 10 presentations in total

Man belongs to the animal kingdom. However, it is very different from all other representatives of the animal world. In the ecological pyramid, Homo sapiens occupies the highest level. The main thing is that a person, with the help of special tools, can transform the environment, modifying and adapting it to his needs. What class does the person belong to? We will consider this and other questions in this article.

The position of man in the animal world. What class does a person belong to?

In the system of the animal world, Homo sapiens has the following affiliation:

Type - chordates;

Order - primates;

Subphylum - vertebrates.

Certain signs, such as the presence of five sections of the spine, sweat and sebaceous glands, warm-bloodedness, a four-chambered heart, and others, allow us to answer the question of what class Homo sapiens belongs to. All these characteristics allow us to classify Homo sapiens as mammals.

Such human characteristics as bearing a fetus in the mother’s reproductive organs and feeding the fetus through the placenta are signs by which a person is classified as placental.

Common and Homo sapiens and other representatives of the class mammals

We have already figured out what class people belong to.

What features do they have in common with this class of animals, and which ones are different? Some similar features were described in the previous section. In addition, humans, just like other representatives of this class, feed their newborn offspring with milk.

However, although the structure of the human body has many similarities with the structure of mammals, it also has differences. Firstly, this is upright walking. Only Homo sapiens has this feature.

Because of this, the human skeleton has four curves of the spine, an arched foot and a flat chest. In addition, humans differ from other mammals in the predominance of the cerebral part of the skull over the facial part. Consciousness and the ability to communicate through speech - these traits, together with all others, distinguish man from animals and place him at the highest level of development.

Features of humans and animals

We have already found out which class of animals a person belongs to. What animals are the most monkeys, cetaceans, mice. It has been proven that primates have a sense of justice, just like humans, and are even prone to altruism. Some complex animals, such as dogs or cats, can be trained. However, no matter how smart and capable some representatives of the animal world are, they will never surpass humans in intelligence.

Relationship between humans and animals

We have already answered the question: “What class does a person belong to?”, and also determined his type, subtype, order and subclass. Now we will talk about the relationship between and representatives of the animal world.

Man is essentially a superpredator. He eats the meat of killed animals. Moreover, some animals may be the property of people. Domesticated individuals serve to satisfy human needs, and not only for nutrition. With the help of domesticated animals, a person protects his property, performs heavy field work, protects food from rodents, transports various objects, etc. From the wool of animals and their skin, a person obtains raw materials for the production of clothing and footwear. People need pets such as cats and dogs for companionship, relaxation and entertainment. That is, the relationship between homo sapiens and animals is very close and multifaceted.

Taxon- a classification unit in the taxonomy of plant and animal organisms.

The main evidence of human origin from animals is the presence of rudiments and atavisms in his body.

Rudiments- these are organs that have been lost in the process historical development(evolution) their meaning and function and remaining in the form of underdeveloped formations in the body. They are laid down during the development of the embryo, but do not develop. Examples of rudiments in humans can be: coccygeal vertebrae (remains of the skeleton of the tail), appendix (process of the cecum), body hair; ear muscles (some people can move their ears); third eyelid.

Atavisms- this is the manifestation, in individual organisms, of characteristics that existed in individual ancestors, but were lost during evolution. In humans, this is the development of a tail and hair throughout the body.

Historical past of people

The first people on Earth. The name of the ape-man - Pithecanthropus - was given to one of the earliest finds, made in the 19th century in Java. For a long time, this find was considered a transitional link from ape to man, the first representatives of the hominid family. These views were facilitated by morphological features: a combination of modern-looking bones of the lower limb with a primitive skull and intermediate brain mass. However, Pithecanthropus of Java is a rather late group of hominids. From the 20s of the twentieth century to the present, an important discovery was made in southern and eastern Africa: the remains of bipedal Plio-Pleistocene primates (from 6 to 1 million years old) were found. They marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of paleontology - the reconstruction of these stages of hominid evolution based on direct paleontological data, and not on the basis of various indirect comparative anatomical and embryological data.

The Age of the Bipedal Apes Australopithecus. The first australopithecus of East Africa - Zinjanthropus - was discovered by the spouses L. and M. Leakey. The brightest distinguishing feature Australopithecus - upright walking. This is evidenced by the structure of the pelvis. Upright walking is one of the oldest human acquisitions.

The first representatives of the human race in East Africa. Together with the massive australopithecines, other creatures lived in East Africa 2 million years ago. This first became known when, the next year after the discovery of Zinjanthropus, the remains of a miniature hominid were discovered, the brain volume of which was no less (and even more) than that of Australopithecus. It was later revealed that he was a contemporary of Zinjanthropus. The most important discoveries were made in the lowest layer, dating back to 2–1.7 million years. His maximum thickness is 40 meters. The climate when this layer was laid was more humid and its inhabitants were zinjanthropus and prezinjanthropus. The latter did not last long. In addition, stones with traces of artificial processing were also found in this layer. Most often it was pebbles ranging in size from walnut up to 7–10 cm, with a few chips of the working edge. Initially it was assumed that the Zinjanthropes were able to do this, but after new discoveries it became obvious: either the tools were made by a more advanced Zinjanthropus, or both inhabitants were capable of such initial stone processing. Full Opposition Clamp Emergence thumb the hand should have been preceded by a period of predominance of a forceful grip, when the object was raked into a handful and clamped in the hand. Moreover, it was the nail phalanx of the thumb that experienced particularly strong pressure.

Prerequisites for anthropogenesis.The common ancestors of apes and humans were gregarious, narrow-nosed monkeys that lived in trees in tropical forests. The transition of this group to a terrestrial lifestyle, caused by climate cooling and the displacement of forests by steppes, led to upright walking. The straightened position of the body and the transfer of the center of gravity caused the replacement of the arched spinal column with an S-shaped one, which gave it flexibility. An arched springy foot was formed, the pelvis expanded, rib cage became wider and shorter, the jaw apparatus was lighter, and most importantly, the forelimbs were freed from the need to support the body, their movements became freer and more varied, and their functions became more complex. The transition from using objects to making tools is the boundary between ape and man. The evolution of the hand followed the path of natural selection of mutations useful for work activity. Along with upright walking, the most important prerequisite for anthropogenesis was the herd lifestyle, which, with the development of work activity and the exchange of signals, led to the development of articulate speech. Concrete ideas about surrounding objects and phenomena were generalized into abstract concepts, and mental and speech abilities developed. A higher education system was being formed nervous activity, and articulate speech developed.

Stages of human development. There are three stages in human evolution: ancient people, ancient people and modern (new) people. Many populations of Homo sapiens did not replace each other sequentially, but lived simultaneously, fighting for existence and destroying the weaker.

Human AncestorsProgressive features in appearanceLifestyleTools
Parapithecus (discovered in Egypt in 1911)We walked on two legs. Low forehead, brow ridges, hairlineConsidered to be the oldest apeTools in the form of a baton; hewn stones
Dryopithecus (bone remains found in Western Europe, South Asia and East Africa. Antiquity from 12 to 40 million years) According to most scientists, Dryopithecus is considered a common ancestral group for modern apes and humans.
Australopithecus (bone remains dating back 2.6-3.5 million years were found in Southern and Eastern Africa)They had a small body (length 120–130 cm), weight 30–40 kg, brain volume 500–600 cm2, and walked on two legs.They consumed plant and meat foods and lived in open areas (such as savannas). Australopithecines are also considered as a stage of human evolution that immediately preceded the emergence of the most ancient people (archanthropes).Sticks, stones, and animal bones were used as tools.
Pithecanthropus (the oldest man, remains discovered - Africa, Mediterranean, Java; 1 million years ago)Height 150 cm; brain volume 900–1,000 cm2, low forehead, with brow ridge; jaws without chin protrusionSocial lifestyle; They lived in caves and used fire.Primitive stone tools, sticks
Sinanthropus (China and others, 400 thousand years ago)Height 150–160 cm; brain volume 850–1,220 cm3, low forehead, with brow ridge, no mental protuberanceThey lived in herds, built primitive dwellings, used fire, dressed in skinsTools made of stone and bones
Neanderthal (ancient man); Europe, Africa, Asia; about 150 thousand years agoHeight 155–165 cm; brain volume 1,400 cm3; few convolutions; forehead low, with brow ridge; the chin protuberance is poorly developedThe social way of life, the construction of hearths and dwellings, the use of fire for cooking, dressed in skins. They used gestures and primitive speech to communicate. A division of labor appeared. First burials.Tools made of wood and stone (knife, scraper, multifaceted points, etc.)
Cro-Magnon - first modern man (everywhere; 50–60 thousand years ago)Height up to 180 cm; brain volume - 1,600 cm2; high forehead; the convolutions are developed; lower jaw with mental protuberanceTribal community. They belonged to the species Homo sapiens. Construction of settlements. The emergence of rituals. The emergence of art, pottery, agriculture. Developed. Developed speech. Domestication of animals, cultivation of plants. They had rock paintings.Various tools made of bone, stone, wood

Modern people. The emergence of people of the modern physical type occurred relatively recently (about 50 thousand years ago), who were called Cro-Magnons. Increased brain volume (1,600 cm3), well-developed articulate speech; the construction of dwellings, the first rudiments of art (rock painting), clothing, jewelry, bone and stone tools, the first domesticated animals - everything indicates that real man finally separated from his bestial ancestors. Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and modern people form one species - Homo sapiens. Many years passed before people moved from an appropriating economy (hunting, gathering) to a producing economy. They learned to grow plants and tame some animals. In the evolution of Cro-Magnons great importance had social factors, the role of education and the transfer of experience increased immeasurably.

Races of man

All modern humanity belongs to one species - Homo sapiens. The unity of humanity follows from common origin, similarity of structure, unlimited crossing of representatives of different races and the fertility of offspring from mixed marriages. Inside the view - Homo sapiens- There are five major races: Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Australoid, American. Each of them is divided into small races. Differences between races come down to features of skin color, hair, eyes, shape of the nose, lips, etc. These differences arose in the process of adaptation of human populations to local natural conditions. It is believed that the black skin absorbed ultraviolet rays. Narrow eyes protected from harsh sunlight in open spaces; a wide nose cooled the inhaled air faster by evaporation from the mucous membranes, on the contrary, a narrow nose warmed the cold inhaled air better, etc.

But thanks to work, man quickly escaped the influence of natural selection, and these differences quickly lost their adaptive significance.

Human races began to take shape, believed to have started to take shape, about 30–40 thousand years ago during the process of human settlement of the Earth, and then many racial characteristics had adaptive significance and were fixed by natural selection in the conditions of a certain geographical environment. All human races are characterized by species-wide characteristics of Homo sapiens, and all races are absolutely equal in biological and mental respects and are at the same level of evolutionary development.

There is no sharp boundary between the main races, and there are a number of smooth transitions - small races, whose representatives have smoothed out or mixed the features of the main masses. It is assumed that in the future, differences between races will completely disappear and humanity will be racially homogeneous, but with many morphological variants.

The races of a person should not be confused with concepts nation, people, language group. Different groups can be part of one nation, and the same races can be part of different nations.

Good day, guys! Let's start reviewing the material for the Unified State Exam in Biology! The first questions are devoted to biology as a science. It is necessary to know the names of special biological sciences and what they study. Let me remind you that last year we worked together to compile a small dictionary. Let's repeat the terms.
To test your knowledge of the methods of biology and the properties of living things, I propose to solve
Complete the drawing task:

To expand your knowledge on taxonomy, I suggest reading this text.

Biological systematics- a scientific discipline whose tasks include the development of principles for the classification of living organisms and the practical application of these principles to the construction of a system. Classification here refers to the description and placement in the system of all existing and extinct organisms.
Systematic units (taxa) in decreasing order:

  • superkingdom
  • kingdom
  • sub-kingdom
  • type/department
  • Class
  • squad/order
  • family
Phylums and orders are used in the classification of animals, and divisions and orders are used in the classification of plants and fungi.
The largest of the above systematic units is the superkingdom. The smallest (original, minimal, basic unit of taxonomy) is the species.
Types are divided into classes, classes into orders/orders, orders/orders into families, etc. And vice versa: genera are made up of species, families are made of genera, orders/orders are made of families...
Taxonomists can distinguish many additional taxa - subphylum, subclass, etc.
Example: human taxonomy
  • superkingdom: Eukaryotes
  • kingdom: Animals
  • subkingdom: Multicellular
  • phylum: Chordata
  • subphylum: Vertebrates
  • class: Mammals
  • order: Primates
  • family: Hominids
  • gender: Human
  • species: Homo sapiens
All species have a “double name”: the first word is the name of the genus, the second is the name of the species.

Now it is impossible to say with complete certainty when and how life arose on Earth. We also do not know exactly how the first living creatures on Earth ate: autotrophic or heterotrophic. But at present, representatives of several kingdoms of living beings coexist peacefully on our planet. Despite the great difference in structure and lifestyle, it is obvious that there are more similarities between them than differences, and they all probably have common ancestors who lived in the distant Archean era. The presence of common “grandfathers” and “grandmothers” is evidenced by whole line common characteristics in eukaryotic cells: protozoa, plants, fungi and animals. These signs include:
overall plan cell structure: the presence of a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, organelles;
— fundamental similarity of metabolic and energy processes in the cell;
- coding of hereditary

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