The magical power of church candles, part 2. Love spell on candles - using church or ordinary candles Will a candlelight spell help

When a person has problems, illnesses attack, family relationships are upset, he seeks help from the Higher Forces, turns to healers, psychics.

Experts in the field of bioenergetics are sure that any person is able to perform a ritual aimed at creation (for example, the fulfillment of desires), healing oneself and loved ones from diseases, and protection from negative energy. The main thing is to do it sincerely, with an open heart and with great faith in a positive outcome.

The main tool in home rituals is a candle.

Fire has the following properties:

  • bewitches;
  • soothes;
  • gives hope and security;
  • burns negative energy and diseases.

Candles can not be used in witchcraft, harm, love spells. But they will definitely support you in love, health, financial, family well-being, and fulfill your desire.

Working with a candle is not difficult, you need to know some subtleties.

I will share with you the advice of psychics, parapsychologists, bioenergetics, how to choose or make a candle for a certain ritual.

Magic with candles

How to work with a candle?

Fire is the brightest and most living element. In him mighty force that needs to be learned to manage. To combine the energy and power of desire is the principle of candle magic, coming from the depths of centuries. Today it is a whole art taught by many esoteric clubs.

Candle - a symbol and the center of association of 4 elements.

The earth is the body of the candle.

Fire is her flame.

Water is melted wax.

Air is smoke.

All this carries a huge positive charge. Therefore, you need to work with a candle only with good intentions and pure thoughts. Then the fire will not allow evil to penetrate into the house and heart of a person.

And if there are also herbs in the composition of the candle mass, then in addition to energy there is also the power of plants. Such candles are the most powerful, aimed at cleansing, healing, protection from negativity.

To conduct a magic ritual, candles must be:

  • church or ordinary non-figured beeswax;
  • real ones, when pressed, a honey aroma is emitted, they burn with a violet flame;
  • new and chosen according to the color for the zodiac sign or a certain ritual;
  • best made by hand.

Candle magic - ritual

Ritual rules.

  1. It is important to consider lunar days. You need to purchase a lunar calendar. Removal of damage, protection from enemies, getting rid of difficulties, relieving pain is done on the waning moon. Candles to attract love, good luck, finances, health - for growing. The new moon is suitable for money magic, and the full moon is suitable for love magic. You can not engage in magical practices on the 1st, 9th, 23rd and 29th lunar days (satanic), when the influence of dark forces increases.
  2. Choose a quiet place in the house, you should not be distracted by calls, the noise of equipment, where there are no air conditioners or fans. You can turn on calm music. Put on comfortable clothes, remove glasses, contact lenses.
  3. Place the candle on the table in a glass with any grain or place it on a metal lid or in a candlestick. Sit at arm's length from her. You can put a candle on a coffee table and sit on the floor in the lotus or student yoga position. The flame should be the only source of light. Light only with matches.
  4. After performing the ritual, you must wait for the candle to go out by itself. You can not pinch the flame with your fingers - this will mean a rejection of what was planned. You can clamp the flame with a spoon, charcoal tongs.
  5. You have to be careful with wishes. Concentrate as much as possible, weigh everything and decide whether this is really so important to you. Clearly formulate a desire, speak simply and clearly, as if talking to a small child. Name a common goal, without details, for example, I want to find love, family happiness. Do not name names, titles, cities. Do not interfere with fate.
  6. Do not expect an instant result - the effect of magic manifests itself after a while.

The main rule of candle magic is what actions you perform, such are the consequences. For love you will receive love, for harm - harm.

Conspiracy for candles

How to make a candle with your own hands?

The most potent handmade candle. Once done, you will be sure that it is charged only with your energy.

How to cook?

  1. Melt the wax in a water bath. If you want a colored candle, add a dye that is sold in Easter sets or a natural one (for example, brilliant green from a pharmacy).
  2. To make thick candles, you can use a tube of glue or toothpaste. Pass a wick of cotton thread through it. Place the tube in a glass or jar and pour melted, slightly cooled, but still flowing wax into it. Leave for 5 days.
  3. For thin ones, grease the wick with melted wax, then, taking it from both sides, dip it into melted, slightly cooled wax. Dry. Repeat the procedure several times. Leave to freeze for a few days.
  4. Another way is to pour the melted and slightly cooled wax into a cup of water. When the cake has cooled down a bit, take it out. Put a wick on one side, twist the wax tightly. Leave for a day to dry.
  5. On the surface, you can apply an essential oil or an alcoholic infusion of a plant whose internal energy will help achieve your goal, rub it with your fingertips along the entire length. Three drops of essential oil can be added to the melted wax at the manufacturing stage.
  6. During manufacturing, there should be cleanliness around: in the house, in the soul, in the body (lack of menstruation).

Choosing herbs.

  1. For health - mint, bergamot (for calming nerves), jasmine, marjoram (for depression), lavender (for insomnia), rosemary (for headaches), valerian (for relaxation), cypress, eucalyptus (for various diseases).
  2. For love and relationships - vanilla, rosemary, jasmine, lavender, cardamom, ginger, patchouli, sandalwood, coriander, basil.
  3. Protection from negative influences - pine, laurel, juniper, bergamot, anise, onion, coriander, garlic, basil, ginger, nettle, elderberry, rue, pepper.
  4. Financial well-being - patchouli, bergamot, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, basil, cinnamon, cloves, camellia, ginger.
  5. Success, career - clover, patchouli, chicory, allspice, cypress, lavender, cedar, dill, plantain, fern.

The meaning of candle colors in magic

Each color of the candle has a meaning, has a certain energy.

  1. White is a symbol of protection and purification, it is used for rituals with good intentions. Patronizes people born under the sign of Cancer.
  2. Blue - represents the pursuit of excellence and spiritual growth. It is used to restore peace in the family, harmonize relations between people. Protects Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  3. Yellow is a symbol of wisdom and confidence. Used to fulfill a positive wish. Protects the Lions.
  4. Green - abundance, prosperity, health. It is used for material well-being, attracting wealth, getting rid of diseases, fulfilling desires.
  5. Brown - "home", with its help they solve housing problems, affect the health of their favorite animals.
  6. Red is a symbol of the sun in esotericism, victory over evil, love and health. It increases vitality. Protects Scorpions and Aries.
  7. Orange - success, attraction of positive energy. Protects Gemini.
  8. Blue - protection from evil forces and restoration of health. Especially suitable for Libra and Aquarius.
  9. Violet - from serious illnesses. Protects Taurus, Virgo.
  10. Pink is a symbol of happiness, love, friendship, tenderness. For all signs of the zodiac.
  11. Black - to get rid of negativity, illness, bad habits, eradication of evil.

How to perform?

Fix a third of a thin church candle on the inside of a metal lid with glass jar. Light it for health, mentally turn to the Higher Forces. Put a lid on a sore spot for yourself or the person you want to help. For stability, you can put a book. Do not extinguish the candle, wait until it burns out.

2) By reading healing words for health on a growing, waning or full moon, their power can be increased with the help of candlelight.

This requires white. Light up and say:

“Morning dawn Ulyana! Give the servant of God (name) good health. And the evening dawn of Maremyan, take away the cursed gnaws, cough-phlegm, consumption-ache Amen. Amen. Amen."

On the waning moon, you can dissuade a cold. Light a candle, look at the flame and read three times: “As the miraculous creator father Ilya the prophet sent a veil of fire on the king and queen of the serpents, so, fire, burn the stabbing-shooting, fever-cough, so that the servant of God (name) has everything inside was clean. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then spit three times over your left shoulder. Bury the dripping wax under a lone tree.

3) Black eliminates a serious illness, it is a strong remedy for healing. Before you light it (and not during or after ignition), read: “God bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessed, go, crossing myself, according to the mother damp earth into an open field, I will stand on a flat place. I will clothe myself in clouds, I will cover myself with heaven, I will put a crown on my head - the sun is red. Burn, candle, like the sun, burn out along with my illness (the name of the disease) and with fever-stabbing, shooting-pinching, aching-consumption, gnaws-nibbles. Be, my words, stronger than stone, stronger than iron, from now on and forever. Amen".

Then you need to scratch the name of the disease on the candle, light it and do not extinguish it until it burns out completely. Spend on the waning moon. If there is no black candle, then you can soak the usual one in a decoction of alder root.

4) Red color has a strong effect on a person, excites nervous system causes rapid breathing. It is used in the treatment of hypotension, anemia, colds, depression, wounds, fractures, bruises, to stop the blood.

It is useful to light a red candle for 30-40 minutes in a house where a person has diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems, veins, disorders of sexual and reproductive functions, female diseases, impotence, reduced activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be put on a sore spot or left on the table. During the ritual, tune in to a decisive fight against the disease, and not to a mild healing effect.

Healing candle magic does not replace traditional treatment and can only be used as an additional method of treatment!

Candle magic. cleansing

Candles have always been used in rituals for expelling evil spirits, cleansing the house and a person from damage, the evil eye, and curses. Did you move into the house after the other owners? Or do you feel bad in your apartment, feel a breakdown, suffer from insomnia, nightmares, often get sick, quarrel with relatives? All these are signs of negative energy and we urgently need to deal with it.

First you need to do a general cleaning (on the waning moon): throw away unnecessary things, trash, broken dishes, old newspapers, clothes. Wash the floors with a few tablespoons of coarse salt and pour water under the bush over your left shoulder.

Then wash yourself with running water, imagining how you are being cleansed physically and energetically. Light a church or made magic candle and, starting from front door, go through all the rooms from left to right, baptizing the corners with a candle. After making a circle, return to the front door.

Most negative places with bad energy - toilet, kitchen, bathroom. Clean them very carefully. While looking at the fire, say your desire, clearly articulated, for example: "Let us have a calm, happy atmosphere at home."

Cleaning should be done several times a year.

If the candle smokes (drops of wax flow down and solidify, forming an influx) - this is a sign of damage. Sometimes this happens in the paranormal zone. Therefore, it’s better not to place a bed here, it’s better to put flowers, for example, cacti or a TV.

If there are things left after the previous owners, clean them. Items that have absorbed the energy of quarrels, scandals, divorces can affect your life in a bad way. Surround things with a burning candle in a clockwise direction, thus cleaning them.

It is important to know that bad energy can be brought into the house with gifts not given from a pure heart, and even with food.

Candle magic. Protection

Sometimes you can jinx a person without realizing it. But there are people who want to cause harm on purpose, using black magic. But in order to protect yourself from evil, you need to do only good, radiate positive emotions, think about the good. Then all the bad will return to the person who wishes you harm.

Checking if there is an evil eye is simple. Take a sewing needle, put a pea of ​​black pepper on its end and place it with its lower end for 30 seconds to the top of the person (pepper up). Next, slowly pass the pea planted on the needle through the flame of the candle. If you hear a crack, then there is an evil eye.

How to protect yourself with candle magic?

First you need to make a phyto-candle. Melt the wax in a water bath and add dry herbs 3:1 to it. Twist the wick from a natural thread. The form can be made by twisting a cone of thick paper, secure with tape, put a lid on the bottom. Pour the wax into the mold and wait a couple of hours.

From herbs it is better to take wormwood, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, dill. They are energizing and are best used in the morning. Can be taken essential oils. Before pouring the phyto-wax mixture into the mold, drop a few drops of oil into it: for the morning - oils of sandalwood, rose, lemon, rosemary; for the evening - lemon balm, juniper.

In a calm atmosphere, light a candle, which must be fixed on a stand, sit opposite, relax. The way the room will be filled with the aroma of herbs. Then hold the candle over your head counterclockwise 33 times. Put out the fire, and as soon as the smoke appears, “wash” your face with it, picking it up in your hands.

To protect the house, walk with a lit candle counterclockwise from wall to wall, starting from the entrance. Be sure to linger for a few seconds in each corner.

Protective Prayer Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina

Sincerely, Olga.

A church love spell can be a good way out if you are tormented by unrequited love. Higher powers will not allow you to make a mistake, love spells with the help of the church are considered one of the most powerful and relatively safe.

In the article:

Church spell - what is it

Every person who is interested in magic knows about the confrontation between sorcerers and the church. However, magicians often use the ecclesiastical egregor for your purposes. No wonder our ancestors knew how to recognize a witch in a church and prevent her from doing evil. Within the walls of the temple, you can do both good and evil deeds by directing the most powerful energy of this place to the purpose of the rite.

Church magic is a very special section of witchcraft. In many ceremonies, Orthodox attributes are used. These are icons, crosses, holy water and candles consecrated in the church. Many rituals are performed only on church holidays. Even the tradition of making wishes at Christmas can be attributed to the rite of church magic. In such conspiracies they turn to saints. However, rituals from Voodoo or Santeria magic may not correlate with the Christian egregore at all.

Most church rituals are available to the general public. They are considered quite powerful, because your intention will be strengthened by faith in God's help and the strong energy of the temple. Similar considerations are guided by magicians who perform rituals in.

If you are interested in church magic, you can try out numerous protective conspiracies and healing prayers. The temple is engaged not only in white magic, which is directed for good. Its energy can also be directed to inducing damage or creating a love spell. Almost everyone knows that you can’t put candles for the dead alive. This is the easiest way to inflict damage on death with the help of church magic. Many rites of black sorcerers combine not only temple attributes, but also items from cemeteries.

Love spells in the church - a separate conversation. The so-called are rarely harmful. As a rule, they are prayers that are supposed to be read in a temple or at home. If higher powers consider your desire to connect life with a certain person or return the father of the children to the family as wrong, the white love spell will not come true. In order for it to work, you need to sincerely love a person and not be guided by selfish goals. Such magic works great if the husband was taken away by a rival, both spouses made a mistake, or circumstances turned out to be stronger than feelings. Sometimes it works like a cold on oneself, which frees the unrequited lover from unrequited love.

All other types of love spells are black magic. These are powerful rites that direct the energy of the temple and the people praying there to create feelings for the initiator of love magic. They must be used with caution, the consequences are dangerous. Such negativity is also removed in the church. It is believed that the magician, who received a reverse blow from such a rite, the road to the temple will be closed. However, there is another fact - any soul can be saved. If you have suffered from your own black rite, you will have to sincerely repent of your deed and take the right path.

Church magic - rules and signs of higher powers

As mentioned above, higher powers may not allow your love spell to come true. But sometimes they just send signs that serve as warnings about the terrible consequences of a love spell. There are church signs that are observed by all magicians who practice magic on the territory of the temple.

Most often, a love spell through the church is done on candles. If during the ritual one of the candles broke, it urgently needs to be stopped at least this time. God will protect the object of love magic, and all the consequences of black witchcraft will overtake you. If the candles go out, you are threatened with serious illnesses, they will become a retribution for practicing black magic.

If the candles that you are trying to fasten or connect come apart and do not hold together in any way, your witchcraft cannot cope with the protection that the object of the love spell has. Perhaps she was also created in the temple, like a love spell that will not work. Even if after the ceremony the candles are disconnected, this indicates that you have wasted your energy.

As with all powerful rites, time should be taken to prepare. Most important rule temple witchcraft is fasting and abstinence. The longer you fast, the stronger the witchcraft will work. Usually it is one, three, nine or forty days. The most powerful love spell in the church is the one made by a virgin or virgin. In general, this applies to any goal in the achievement of which the help of a Christian egregore is planned.

The more often the object of influence is in the church and the stronger his faith in God, the better the spell will work. If everything was done correctly, with each trip to the church or interaction with Christian objects of worship, witchcraft will increase. Such magic is designed for Christians, baptized and believing people. If the object of your passion has nothing to do with your faith or is not baptized, it may not work at all.

How to cast a love spell on church candles

In order to conduct a ceremony using a Christian egregor, it is not necessary to go to church. A love spell on church candles can also work well, however, in order to purchase them, you still have to look into the church shop. You will need two candles, you also need blessed water, a mirror and a red ribbon or thread from natural material. The ceremony is performed on the growing moon.

Candles must be connected with tape or thread so that they do not separate. After that, they are dipped in holy water so that the wicks remain dry. The water container should be in front of the mirror. Then the candles need to be pulled out of their water and placed in front of the mirror. Light candles from one match and read:

Lord God, turn the servant of God (name) in my direction, may he love me, his passion will be hotter than fire, more transparent than water and deeper than a mirror. As the fire goes out, so he will remember me and come. Amen.

Candles should burn out to the end. Often this conspiracy is recommended to be read until they burn out. You can do it this way, thin church candles burn for only a few minutes. This love spell for two church candles refers to white ones, since the text of the conspiracy contains an appeal to the Lord, who will decide whether it is worth connecting the fates of two people in a particular case. That is, this love spell on church candles may well not work.

How to make a strong love spell through the church

In order for the love spell through the church to work, you need to find a suitable temple. This rite is often called a love spell on church gates - it is standing in them that you need to read the plot. We'll have to look for a temple that will have a gate through which the parishioners pass. Track how often they are locked up. The gate should look like an arch, a rounded shape at the top is a must.

It is desirable that the chosen temple is located on a hill or hill. Another circumstance that can play into your hands is the age of the building. The older the church, the better.

If you managed to find such a temple, on a full moon you need to get up at dawn and, without breakfast, go to it. It is supposed to go on foot, but if it takes more than two hours, part of the way can be traveled by any transport. If the temple is nearby, you are in luck. But if several tens of kilometers separate it, you will have to get off several stops earlier and walk for two or three hours. You can go only the first half of the way, you need to come to the church on foot.

Make sure that people who can interfere or, even worse, approach you with questions, are not near the temple. Churches in villages are often deserted on weekdays. If the church itself is closed, it's okay - you only need a gate. Stand under their arches with your back to the temple, raise your hands up and read three times from memory:

Gate Strong! Gate Resistant! I conjure you by the Immortal Spirit! You will connect our destinies with (name), connect our pure hearts forever! So that we live together all our lives until old age, so that we love each other until last day! Gates of the Kings! Gates of Heaven! I entrust my fate to you! My hope is on you, my last hope!

After the last reading, you should wait for the sensation of goosebumps and some shaking. If no sensations follow, you need to take a break and try again. Wander around the churchyard for about half an hour, tune in to the ceremony, and take a rest. Perhaps you are simply tired of the journey to your destination. You can only try again once.

After you decide that the rite worked or, on the contrary, did not wait for the desired sensations, you should go home. This time you need to walk the first half if it is impossible to walk all the way. Only after you have walked for about two hours, you can get into the transport.

On the next full moon, you can try to perform the ceremony again, if the last time you could not feel its effect. This time you can try again twice. The second full moon is your last chance; you cannot repeat the trip to the temple gates for the third time.

Church love spell - consequences for the victim of witchcraft

Each magical effect has its own characteristics, and is no exception. , which is performed in the temple, usually differ when compared with other rites. The main sign that a love spell or damage was cast on you with the help of a Christian egregora- this is a sharp change in the state of health in the temples. A harsh and powerful influence that affects free will is expressed in its deterioration.

Listening to how the candle burns, and peering into its flame, into what remains of it, we can find out how our desires “pass” and what will happen to them in the end.

As the candle burns, it changes circumstances, while at the same time it tells you what is happening now and what will happen next.

It is able to show at what stage of the path your request is, whether it has reached the goal and how difficult it is to achieve. Most importantly, think positively first. Although this doesn't always work.

If the candle smokes, everything negative is burned, all the troubles surrounding you. Do not disturb the candle until it takes on a clear flame on its own.

If the fire flickers, it is difficult for the candle. Perhaps on its way there are reasons for indecision, or you yourself are unsteady in your desire.

It burns slowly or goes out completely - the task turned out to be difficult for the candle, it took more time and effort. Or there are obstacles on the way that the candle tries to overcome with all its might.

It may also be an indication for you to change, reconsider your desire. It is also possible that in your thoughts you forgot about the good for all stakeholders.

In such cases, the candle may go out altogether. In this case, intrinsic motivation should be reconsidered.

If the candle burned out quickly, additional energy was urgently needed to complete the task. Perhaps the candle used the energy offered to it already in the process of preparation. Or the fulfillment of the goal turned out to be simple.

If the candle exploded, it may reflect an extremely explosive situation, or your request went in the wrong direction. Try to figure out the situation yourself.

If drops of wax flow down the candle, the candle is “crying”, trying to tell you something.

If drops of wax fly off to the side - such a piece of wax is called a "gift". It symbolizes some kind of surprise, good or bad, which came before or will come later.

Wax streaks that persist until the wick is completely or partially burned out indicate a problem that has arisen in the past or present and persists in the future. Someone is trying to influence your life.

Hissing flames and other noises - angels, dead relatives, the subtle world are trying to convey something to you. Note. You may receive something important.


1. If the candle is lit easily, the first time, and the flame is even and calm, confident, this means that you have chosen the right place to work (carry out the ceremony), everything here will contribute to your magic.

If there are problems with lighting a candle, this means that external forces will weaken your work and prevent you from achieving the desired result.

2. If during the entire ceremony the flame of the candle is weak, small, it seems that it is about to go out, this may mean that there are certain kinds of interference and obstacles, and the situation may not develop as you would like.

The candle, as it were, "does not cope" with the task. A weak flame is an indicator of instability, possible losses and obstacles. Feed the candle with warm energy to give it strength.

3. If the flame jumps, sways, “dances” on ritual or altar candles, then the situation you are working on is heated.

There are things that, regardless of you, kindle passions, or heat up the situation. It's up to you to decide if it's good or bad for you at the moment.

4. If you use two candles in the ceremony, each of which symbolizes a certain person, carefully observe their burning.

If you see that one of them burns more brightly and confidently, this may mean that this person has power, gains the upper hand over the other.

If the flame on both candles is jumping, unstable, this means that both people have strong feelings for each other. You must decide whether it is anger, hatred, or passion.

5. If the flame has an unusual color (for example, green, blue, red), look at the significance of this color in magic. This usually affects the conduct of the ceremony accordingly.

6. Burning a candle may be accompanied by unusual sounds, reminiscent of a whisper or chatter. Quiet "chirping" signifies the presence of pure energy.

Frequent, mid-range "talking" may indicate the presence of a threat, or someone's power over the situation. Sharp, loud sounds mean chaos.

7. Observe which direction the flame chooses: deviates to the north, south, west, east, or burns strictly vertically. The direction of the flame indicates what kind of energy surrounds you at work.

Why is the candle crying?
In religion and magic, a candle is the main attribute during religious sessions, rituals, and ceremonies. Candles cleanse both the church and the house from various evil spirits.

According to the drips of wax on the candle, according to the characteristics of burning, the bends of the candle, it is possible with a high degree of probability to judge the source of the troubles that have fallen on a person.

If suddenly your troubles are growing like a snowball, and you cannot understand what the matter is, what is the reason, then take the advice: go to church, go up to an old icon there and put a candle to your health.

Look carefully: if the set candle burns with a high, even flame, without wax buildup, then you are all right.

If there is an influx on the candle you just placed from top to bottom, this means that a curse has fallen on you or someone has done damage to you.

If there are two influxes along the candle, then two damage has been done.

If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, a serious illness awaits you, and you yourself are to blame.

If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of a person’s body and it suddenly begins to smoke, this is a direct indication of diseases of the internal organs.

If the candle goes out three times in a row, then this is a sign of imminent misfortune, up to death from an accident.

If you undertake to help the patient, then remember one condition: you do not need to turn the candle either with one or the other side to the patient. She is an indicator of the patient's condition.

If the influxes are formed on the part of the sick person, then he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease was sent to him.

If a tear - a drop of wax - rolls down the candle on the left and right and the candle crackles strongly, mobilize: there is a serious energy struggle between the sick person and the dark force sent to him by someone.

If the tear of wax is black, it means that negative energy prevails in a person, and in this case, urgent measures must be taken, otherwise something irreparable may happen to you.

You can watch how the candle bends during the ritual. This indicates that the person is possessed by an evil spirit.

The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of a devil or a person who sent damage to you, for this you just need to look closely.

If the candle put to the icon goes out, take serious measures: repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness from those who offended, and forgive those who offended you. These actions will save you from stress - the fertile soil of most of the diseases of modern man.

If something prevents you from going to church to a priest (for example, you are not a baptized person), then choose a time when no one will be in the house, open a window or window, light a candle and read “Our Father” in front of the icon.

Then place the candle on the table and sit on a chair, straightening your back, put your feet together, and put your hands on your feet with your palms up. Aloud three times ask for forgiveness, calling by name and surname (if you know) those who offended you.

Then blow out the candle. After this ritual, you will feel better psychologically, and it is possible that soon you will find out "accidentally" that those who offended you were judged by the Lord's court.

No wonder the Bible says: “Judge not, lest you be judged, for by what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you.” New Testament Matthew 7:1).

If you need to ask someone for forgiveness, then light a candle in front of a mirror and, looking through the flame at your reflection, honestly and frankly tell aloud what happened and how, condemn your act, words; and then your misdeed, as it were, will burn in the cleansing flame of a candle, you will feel better and find the strength in yourself to ask for forgiveness from real person(if he is alive).

Home is your castle and family nest. You must take care of your walls, create comfort, peace and harmony. For this, your home will thank you with positive energy and peace in the family.

Sometimes it happens that negative energy accumulates in the walls of housing, regardless of your personal efforts.

Reasons for the accumulation of antiharmony:

  • Frequent numerous guests;
  • Internal experiences, anger that the owners of the apartment cannot let go;
  • Evil eye and damage;
  • Any illness of one of the family members.

The best remedy for negative energy in the house is a lit candle. Fire relieves the room of evil and heavy energy, leaving purified air and harmony. They burn the remnants of painful fluids, soothe pain and longing, repel slander. And a conspiracy on a candle, especially if it is correctly told and the goal of calming is set, will enhance the reaction of purification.

Decorative candle and church candle

If you do not have wax candles purchased from the church at home, you can use a decorative candle. It’s good if the house has candles donated for a wedding, anniversary, significant celebrations for well-being and peace in the family. A candle bought of one's own accord for beauty and decoration of the house is no worse than a wax one, except that it has not been in God's temple and is somewhat weaker energetically.

Colored candles: red candle. Properties of a green candle

Colors play an important role in our life. The influence of color harmony on the state of mind leads to an improvement in life in general.

  • Blue color is responsible for conspiracies on restful sleep, for health, for the Guardian Angel for the child and for easy childbirth;
  • Green color - Young mothers and newlyweds often make a conspiracy on a green candle. This is the color of reconciliation, family well-being, recovery, good studies and career advancement;
  • Red color is a color for asking for love, mutual understanding, prolonging youth, for beauty, a conspiracy to ensure that a loved one is near;
  • Yellow candle - for conspiracies for the well-being of relatives and friends, for health and longevity.

Preparing a candle for a conspiracy

If you have been visited by complete despair, then preparation for a conspiracy is not required. At the moment of the peak of disappointments and heartache, you yourself generate a frantic flow of energy, which must certainly be directed in one direction and turn the negative into positive warmth. To do this, light a candle and ask the fire for calm and reconciliation. Carry a lit candle around all the rooms clockwise and look into every dark corner. It will become easier in the very first hours, while the candle is burning. Then you will act according to the circumstances.

To cast a candle spell for profit or a successful purchase, it is better to read the words for the full or waxing moon, so it is better to wait for a good date on the calendar.

To enhance the effect of a charmed candle for a child or loved ones, use incense of lavender, ylang-ylang, lemongrass.

For a conspiracy to love, in addition to a red candle, keep some thing of a loved one nearby. If you do not have a loved one, but want to meet true and sincere love, gather around you all the most beautiful things. Be sure to prepare a beautiful comb or decorative comb, mirror, red lipstick. Reading a conspiracy on a red candle, put yourself in order, love yourself and enjoy your reflection. You will succeed.

Conspiracies for a candle

There is a proven conspiracy for a red candle, giving strength to new dawns and good for new meetings. For a conspiracy, you will need 7 red candles and water infused on the full moon.

King of fire and smoke smoke!

Fly, look for a beautiful young man,

heart open, for me,

servants of God (name), appointed,

beyond the open field, beyond the sea-okian,

behind the buyan island, in the gorenka-svetlitsa for honey dishes,

baked pies.

Beat around him, wind, take off his white shirt,

fly into the valiant body, into the liver, into the blood, into the half-veins.

His heart would be torn, rushing, for me,

servant of God (name), worried.

My words are firm and the key is the lock. Amen.

You can buy candles, or you can make it yourself, then there will be more power in the ritual

Conspiracy on a red candle for pain

Light a red candle and circling clockwise near the sore spot, read these words:

I will get up, blessing, and go, crossing myself,

I will go out into the open field at the Alatyr-stone.

There is no blood, no alder, no pain on this stone.

So it is with the servant of God (name) so that it does not hurt, does not pull, does not burn.

I conclude the words with an iron lock - and the key to heaven. Amen.

Collect everything that drips from the candle, to the last drop, and throw it away from home. So you get rid of diseases and pains.

Conspiracy for peace in the house

Put a candle in front of the dining table and light it in the kitchen when you prepare food. Say:

As at dawn at dawn the sun rises,

So in my native family happiness is poured

Peace to our home

Peace to our home

Harvest and grace to our home

Bread, salt, water on the table, happiness in the family nest.

A conspiracy on a candle from the evil eye

Light a candle, go around all the corners of the house and circle the flame around all the windows in the house clockwise. You can conspire on a yellow or green candle.

“Light my fire and illuminate the family,

But blind the unkind and do not let the house in ”

“I will light the fire of a candle and take trouble away from home.

May my family be alive

And the enemies will go their own way.

So my word is tempered by the flame and brought to God.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Household items often figure in magical rites. So, with the help of a candle, they make love spells, remove damage, conduct conspiracies when casting on wax, rituals to attract money, good luck, love. The advantage of these rituals is that the candle is an accessible tool for every person, with exceptional magical power.

Casting on wax - a popular magical rite

Items in magical rites

The candle is a strong link between the magician and higher powers. Her strength is in connection with the element of fire. A conspiracy on a candle allows you to attract its miniature to solve your problems. Products made from natural wax are more often used, they are stronger than non-natural ones. With the help of wax candles in magic:

  • pronounce conspiracies;
  • conduct or subject;
  • perform rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Also in magic pay attention to the color of the product. Depending on it, a candle is chosen for the ritual. What do the colors symbolize:

  • White - cleansing, deliverance, blessing.
  • Black - destruction, trouble, used to bring the evil eye, damage, get rid of something.
  • Red is a symbol of love and relationships, used for love spells.
  • Blue is the color of water and is used for healing.
  • Green - money and property.
  • Yellow - coercion of a person, mastery of his will.
  • Gray - soothing rituals and meditations to remove negativity.

Some rituals involve the use of only candles purchased from the church. For the strongest Slavic rites, a special kind is made (lights twisted together) - a loud candle. You can read the plot on the smoke of a candle or on cast wax. Salt, water, herbs and other attributes are also used in rituals.

Different masters of magic have their own effective rituals with candles. Fortune tellers use them in almost every ritual, they can interpret the meanings of figures from cast wax. With it, they predict the future or see the past of a person.

What is a thunderous candle

To conduct the Slavic rite, you will need to make a loud candle. It is used for several rituals at once, because it has a great cumulative power. The tomb is celebrated on February 2.

Ancestors believed that on this day there is a fleeting meeting of winter and summer. Days passed under the protection of fire. In the afternoon, February 2, they made loud candles, they tried to light as many sources of fire as possible in the house.

This type is made only from natural wax. For a loud candle, several products are intertwined, often three. This item conveys the magic of the number, which the Slavs had a symbol of the world or three worlds. Such a candle is perceived as a family amulet, it should not be loaned to anyone.

A loud candle is used for various conspiracies: to cleanse the house, you can use an item instead of 3 different candles in rituals.

What to read during wax casting

There are several methods for wax casting. Some of them belong to black magic and are not recommended for amateurs.

Conspiracies for opening locks, removing quarrels during the melting of a candle, and interpreting castings are safe. But their interpretation requires experience and knowledge that an ordinary person does not have. How to carry out the rites for casting:

  • take a container with water;
  • a candle is melted over it, drops of wax are thrown into the water. Do not allow them to fall on the conductive casting or other objects. Charmed wax can be dangerous to humans. You can get not only a burn, but also energy damage. Water takes away the energy of the candle, so the liquid should be poured outside the house.

Do not wax casting through sharp objects (knife, sickle). They injure not only the defense of another person (for this they do pouring through a sickle), but also yours. Such rituals are energy-consuming and deal a blow to human health.

Drops of wax should fall into a container of water

Words on an open padlock

Opening locks means opening life paths. You need to read the plot like this:

  • while the wax is melting (the candle is just lit), say:

    "Just as wax melts and melts, so all the witch's locks, made for work, for hunting, for concealment and for shelter, open and break."

  • When you started to drip them into the water, read these words:

    “I pour out the wax, and open it with a key, unlocking, opening, breaking any magical locks. All the locks that hide, all the locks that lock, the key breaks, breaks, and sprays into dust. How not to hide the sun from the sky, how not to hide the sky from the sun, so do not hide anything from me (name) in this wax. I break all the locks with a key, I open all the locks with a key, everything that (name) was hidden and hidden Everything that was done on (name) and closed with a key breaks, opens, pours onto wax, but it manifests itself.

  • three candles must be twisted, they do it this way: they put them on top of each other in the middle and connect the ends. During this, you need to read the plot:

    “Three candles, three powers, three powers, three fires, three powers, three help, three beginnings, three ends, three infirmities, thirty-three words and three demons, I unite you all in one, I create a crown for my work.”

  • then the charmed candles are set on fire and the words are read on them:

    “The conspiracy fire of the wax body, the love fire of the living body slept. Fall off with (name) a love spell and dry, and all sorts of rubbish: pretense and honorary, edible and parable, conspiratorial and cursed, strengthened and triklyatnaya, prayed and prayed for, said in a cry and whisper, done in word and deed, smeared with blood and oil, wind and carried by smoke, by a cemetery, led by a church, let in by rapids and roads, let in a trail and a sigh, and let everything that is in the body (name). Depart the demons of anguish and desire, retreat the devils of enslavement of the heart, depart the tempting serpent, renounce the destroyer of love. Oh, the Triple Power, crush all witchcraft from a person (name), free him, and break those who cursed my dear, who took him away from me, or witchcraft, or witchcraft, or witchcraft and quackery, or secret word and deed. The Triple Power - Hail! The crown of my work - Stand up! And my dear man (name), free yourself and come back to me! From this moment and forever and ever! May it be so! The crown is like that!

  • candles should not go out, if this happens, the ceremony is repeated on the third or fourth day. Lights must burn out to the end.

Conduct a ritual for women or men's days(It depends on the gender of the one who conducts). A strong conspiracy will be if you read it on the waning moon.

Although this is black magic, this ritual removes financial damage or the evil eye. Even dark power can be useful in good hands.

On a green candle for money

Everyone has several outstanding debts, which in total will hit your pocket hard. This rite will help to get back a debt that has not been returned.

To perform this ritual, you will need a green candle. Get one exactly like this, because green is considered the color of money. The scheme of the ceremony is as follows:

  1. take a lit candle in your working hand (if you are right-handed - in the right, and if you are left-handed - in the left);
  2. imagine how a person gives money or a thing. You need to imagine the process of transfer, and not how bills just appear with you;
  3. during this you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

    “I charge you with Jupiter, I charge you with Earth. I charge you with the Sun, Moon and Stars. Bring my money back to me. Welfare, Money to me, Welfare, Money to me, Welfare.

  4. wait until the candle burns out.

A candle can burn out in a few days, but if the ceremony fell on a new moon, it should be burned out on the same night. Soon you will wait for the return of the debt or unexpected profit from the outside.

Call for boyfriend

  • you need to read the words on a lit candle;
  • stand with her near the window or open window;
  • read the words:

“Come to me, clear falcon, not along one road, but along all at once. Listen to the damn command. Here is my threshold, here you are, here you live. (Name), come to me. I'm standing in front of you. I'm waiting for you today, and forever, and forever and ever. May it be so".

The plot is strong, acts quickly. While reading, there should be no rings, chains on the body. The ceremony is performed with loose hair and a shirt on a naked body.

Stand by the window with a burning candle

For the love of a guy at night without candles

“I will go out, God's servant (my name), from the upper room - into the vestibule, from the vestibule - into the yard, through the gate I will go out of the gate. I will stand in a clean field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, helper and protector. I will look at all 4 directions of the world, I will turn to the Lord God with a prayer. I will ask them for help so that they protect my love. I turn to natural elements. So that the violent winds across the white world smash my melancholy-grit, and she never returned to me. And my beloved, so that he always yearned far from me, dreamed of me. Night and day, morning and evening, he remembered me. My words are strong. Amen".

The slander will work if your feelings are strong, and the guy feels at least a slight sympathy for you. Words will help remove indecision and push the guy to the first step and the manifestation of feelings.


In any life situation, a candle plot will help. He can remove damage, the evil eye, attract love and money into your life. It is easy to carry out such rituals on your own.

When the wax is poured onto the water, the words are read to open the locks and it is also important to choose the right type of candle and its color for the effectiveness of the ritual.

For some conspiracies, only church candles are used. To attract money - green, and for rituals for love or feelings - red. You can also conspire for love without the help of candles, simply by reading the words for the night.

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