How important is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene rules that are important for your health. Fight bad breath

Creation date: 2013/11/21

Daily regime

The daily routine creates optimal conditions for the activity and recovery of the body. It is based on the correct alternation of work and rest. Steady observance of the daily routine helps to bring up organization, willpower, and teaches discipline. It is impossible to recommend a single daily regimen, but its main provisions must be observed under any circumstances.

The daily regime should include, first of all: the performance of various activities at a strictly defined time; correct alternation of educational activities, training sessions and rest; regular meals; enough time for a full sleep.

Basic rules for organizing the daily regime:

  • getting up at the same time;
  • performance of morning hygienic gymnastics and hardening procedures;
  • eating at the same time, at least three times a day (preferably 4-5 times a day);
  • eating 2 hours before training and sleep;
  • self-study for academic disciplines at the same time;
  • at least three to five times a week for 1.5-2 hours of physical exercise or sports with optimal physical activity;
  • performance in pauses of educational activity (3-5 min) of physical exercises;
  • daily stay in the fresh air with walking and other physical exercises (1.5-2 hours);
  • full sleep (at least 8 hours) with falling asleep and waking up at the same time.

Let us consider in detail the most important points: sleep, gymnastics and physical exercise, nutrition, classes in academic disciplines.

Dream. Special attention in the daily regime should be given to sleep. Sleep is the main and irreplaceable type of rest. It contributes to the preservation of health and high mental and physical performance. Systematic lack of sleep and insomnia cause exhaustion of the nervous system, decreased performance (especially mental), weakening defensive forces organism. However, too much sleep is not desirable. The duration of sleep depends on the age, state of health and individual characteristics of the person. For adults, sleep duration is 8-9 hours. During intense learning activities (exams, tests), training and competitions, sleep duration should be increased. Sleep should be uninterrupted and occur at certain hours. best time for sleep from 22-23 to 6-7 hours. Peace and quiet are indispensable conditions for healthy sleep.

Gymnastics and exercise. The morning of the child should begin with hygienic gymnastics, a set of exercises should be selected taking into account his health and functional characteristics. Before classes at school, introductory gymnastics is carried out, the purpose of which is to prepare the body for perseverance, increase the level of functioning of all systems, and reduce the period of entry into the rhythm of classes at school. Its duration is 7-10 minutes, it includes 5-7 exercises. From the very first lessons, you must learn to breathe correctly and deeply through the nose, not to hold your breath during the exercises. During charging, it is necessary to observe the correct posture of the student (raised head, deployed shoulders, tucked up belly). All exercises are performed clearly, without haste and excessive muscle tension. Morning exercises should begin with vigorous walking around the room or on the spot for 30-40 seconds. Walking, as it were, “warms up” the body, adjusts it. Gymnastics should be done in a well-ventilated room, lightly dressed. It is advisable to carry out such gymnastics before doing homework.

Nutrition. The main requirement of food hygiene is eating at a strictly defined time. Thanks to this, food is better absorbed, less likely to develop gastrointestinal diseases. Between main meals, children and teenagers should only be allowed to eat fruit.

Many physiological processes in the body proceed rhythmically, in waves. At the same time, along with circadian rhythms, there are rhythms of longer duration. In relation to nutrition, this is manifested by a periodic increase and decrease in appetite, and without any apparent reason. This is a completely natural phenomenon, and a deterioration in the student's appetite should alert adults only if it is accompanied by any signs of malaise, a decrease in his motor and mental activity.

Food should be as freshly prepared as possible and have a pleasant taste, smell and appearance. It is necessary to observe the rules and conditions for the storage of products.

It must be borne in mind that the appearance, as well as the environment in which food is eaten, is very important for its good assimilation. In order for food to be better absorbed, one should start with those dishes that have the most pronounced juice effect (for lunch - broth, rich soup). While eating, you should not be distracted, as this reduces appetite and impairs the absorption of nutrients.

Students should eat 4 meals a day:

  • first breakfast - at home at 7.45 - 8.00;
  • the second, also a hot breakfast - at school, during a big break;
  • lunch - at 13.00 - 14.00, upon returning from school;
  • afternoon tea - at 16.30 - 17.00, in between the preparation of homework;
  • dinner - no later than an hour and a half before bedtime.

Pupils of schools and extended day groups should receive at school, in addition to the second breakfast, lunch; in total, this should make up about half of the daily diet.

Classes in academic disciplines. It is important to correctly allocate time for completing lessons, alternate types of classes in different subjects, take breaks between them for 10-15 minutes. This time is used for physical education, gymnastics for the eyes (to change the posture, deepen breathing, improve cerebral circulation, give rest to the eyes). For younger students, outdoor games and relay races are good.

Body and oral care

Body hygiene contributes to the proper functioning of the body, improves metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, respiration, and the development of a person’s physical and mental abilities. The main components of body hygiene:

  • skin care,
  • hair care,
  • systematic care of the oral cavity and teeth.

Leather. The health of a person, his performance, resistance to various diseases depends on the condition of the skin.

The skin is a complex and important organ of the human body that performs many functions: protecting the internal environment of the body, excreting metabolic products from the body, heat regulation, etc. All these functions are performed in full only by healthy, strong, clean skin. Pollution of the skin, skin diseases weaken its activity, which negatively affects the state of human health.

The basis of skin care is regular washing of the body with hot water and soap and a washcloth. It is carried out at least once every 4-5 days in the shower, bath or bath. Be sure to change your underwear afterwards. Hand skin care requires special attention, as pathogenic microbes and helminth eggs can get on it, which will then be transferred to food and dishes. Especially a lot of microbes (about 95%) that are on the skin of the hands accumulate under the nails. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, performing various tasks and before eating. Feet also require systematic care. Barefoot activities, sweating contribute to the appearance of scuffs, local inflammation and calluses. That is why you need to wash your feet daily with soap and change your socks more often. Dry corns should be removed in a timely manner with a pumice stone, corn patch or corn fluid.

The skin contains a large number of nerve endings, and therefore it provides constant information to the body about all stimuli acting on the body. It is estimated that there are about 100 painful, 12-15 cold, 1-2 thermal and about 25 points that perceive atmospheric pressure per 1.cm2 of the body surface!

Careful and proper skin care prevents skin diseases and maintains a healthy beautiful skin. But it's not only that.

The hygienic condition of the skin affects the condition of the whole organism. Her diseases can affect the internal organs. Hair care. Basically, this question concerns girls, especially those with braids. It is necessary to constantly monitor the neatness of the head, learn how to comb and braid hair, wash your hair at least once a week, make sure not to get fungal diseases from domestic dogs or cats, which can lead to hair loss, brittleness, baldness .

Hair care includes a timely haircut and wash. Should not be used to wash hair laundry soap or synthetic detergents intended for washing clothes. It is recommended to use toilet soap or shampoo. When dandruff appears, oily hair can be washed with medicated shampoos 1-2 times a month.

Systematic care of the oral cavity and teeth is one of the mandatory hygiene requirements. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the body through the oral cavity and because of damaged teeth. Rotten teeth serve as a source of serious diseases, such as tonsillitis, rheumatism. If you do not brush your teeth for a while, they become covered with plaque, tartar is deposited on them. These deposits are formed from food debris, from mineral salts and a huge number of microbes in the oral cavity. Remains of food, settling in the gaps between the teeth, rot and serve as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.

When eating, it is advisable to avoid the rapid alternation of hot and cold dishes. When a toothache occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist. You should visit the dentist twice a year for preventive examinations.

In the morning, before going to bed and after each meal, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth with paste for 2-3 minutes, both from the outside and from the inside. The toothbrush should be directed from the gums to the teeth, and not vice versa and only vertically.

Each member of the family, including each child, should have his own separate toothbrush corresponding to his age, a separate glass in which it is stored. After each use, the brush should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap. Rinse your mouth after eating to remove food debris.

Hygiene of clothes and shoes

Clothing protects the body from the adverse effects of the external environment, mechanical damage and pollution. From a hygienic point of view, it should help to adapt to various environmental conditions, contribute to the creation of the necessary microclimate, be light and comfortable. The heat-shielding properties of clothing, as well as its breathability, hygroscopicity and other qualities are important.

Sportswear must meet the requirements of the specifics of classes and the rules of competitions in various sports. It should be as light as possible and not restrict movement. As a rule, sportswear is made of elastic fabrics with high breathability, which absorb sweat well and contribute to its rapid evaporation. For outdoor activities in the summer, the uniform may consist of a T-shirt, shorts, and a cotton or wool knitted suit. During outdoor activities in winter, sportswear with high heat-shielding and windproof properties is used. Usually it is cotton underwear, a woolen suit or a sweater with trousers, a hat. In strong winds, a windproof jacket is put on top. Different kinds sportswear made of synthetic fabrics is only recommended for protection against wind, rain, snow, etc. It is unhygienic to use sportswear in everyday life.

It is necessary to be neat in clothes and shoes, be able to use clothes and shoe brushes and clean your clothes and shoes daily. So, having come from the street, the clothes must be removed, cleaned of dust with a clothes brush and ventilated. Next, change into special clean clothes for the house. Outerwear must be stored separately in a special place (hanger, closet, etc.).

Shoes should be light, flexible and well ventilated. It is necessary that its heat-shielding and water-resistant properties correspond weather conditions. These requirements are best met by footwear made of genuine leather, which has low thermal conductivity, good elasticity and strength, and also has the ability to retain its shape after wetting. The various leather substitutes currently used are close to it in terms of their hygienic qualities, but are not equivalent. Rubber shoes and shoes with rubber soles have one significant drawback: without letting air through, they cause sweating. The so-called "inner shoes" are important - socks, stockings. It is necessary that they pass air well, absorb sweat. Socks should always be clean, elastic and soft. In the warm season, you should wear shoes that provide good air exchange: shoes with slots and holes or a top made of cloth. In winter, waterproof shoes with high heat-shielding properties are recommended. Its size should be slightly larger than usual, which makes it possible to use a warm insole, and if necessary, two pairs of socks.

Home hygiene

Living room air is easily polluted, which increases the content of microbes in it. Ventilation can reduce air pollution by 3-5 times. It should be done in winter at least 3 times a day (in the morning, during cleaning and before going to bed) for at least 30 minutes. Cross-ventilation is the most efficient. The most favorable temperature in residential premises is 18 - 20 and relative humidity 30 - 60%. Drying laundry in living areas should be avoided to avoid dampness. Cleaning should be carried out with a wet method (damp cloth, brush) or with a vacuum cleaner. Dry sweeping releases a lot of dust and germs into the air.

It is always necessary to wipe your feet at the entrance to the premises, and change shoes at home; ventilate your room during the day and before going to bed, and ventilate the classroom at school during recess; systematically dust and clean your room; keep your workplace, books, notebooks, toys in order; make the bed neatly and quickly and air it daily.

The child should have a separate bed, clean and not too soft. The length of the bed should be 15 - 25 cm longer than the child's body length. He should sleep in a nightgown or pajamas made of soft cotton fabric and should not be overly wrapped up. Clothes in the process of wearing and bed linen are contaminated with dust and microorganisms. The accumulation of dirt in linen for 6 days of wear reaches 4 - 5% of its weight; for 120 days of wear - 11%, dirt accumulates in outerwear up to 15%.

It is desirable to organize a convenient school corner for the child. The study table is placed so that the light falls on the left. The light from a table lamp (60 W) should not hit the eyes and blind the child. Improper lighting and incorrect table and chair heights can lead to impaired vision and posture. In order to reduce the load on the spine when writing, you should sit straight, leaning on the back of the chair, do not lean on the table with your chest; legs at the ankle, knee and hip joints bent at a right angle; a uniform load on both halves of the pelvis is necessary; the head should be kept forward, the distance from the eyes to the table is 25 cm.

Along with the family, the school also takes care of preserving and strengthening the health of children. In the primary grades, schools, first of all, consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in preschool age. In addition, children are introduced to the importance of morning exercises and hardening procedures for improving health and good performance.

Only with daily hygienic education and control can one achieve the formation and consolidation of useful skills, i.e. converting them into persistent habits.

A person grows and lives in society, so it is necessary to reckon with generally accepted norms. For example, with such as: rules of conduct, etiquette, hygiene. Compliance with the norms allows a person to live a full life, while the implementation, for example, helps to strengthen and maintain one's health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is one of the sections of general hygiene, the study of which is aimed at maintaining and strengthening human health. Performing hygiene procedures destroys the microbes present, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of disease.

Sections of personal hygiene

Personal hygiene considers sections such as hygiene:

  • human body and skin;
  • oral cavity;
  • sleep and rest - properly organized sleep and its timely alternation with difficulty;
  • nutrition;
  • shoes and clothes.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, the observance of which will help maintain and prolong health. For hygiene procedures, you need to have individual items. These include:

  • towel;
  • soap;
  • washcloth;
  • Toothbrush;
  • razor;
  • manicure set;
  • hairbrush;
  • facial skin care complex: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask;
  • clipper;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • deodorants, antiperspirants.

The use of the presented items helps a person to easily carry out hygiene procedures that are aimed at keeping the body clean, which will help to avoid possible diseases.

Personal hygiene requirements

Consider the basic principles of each area of ​​​​personal hygiene.

Body hygiene:

  1. Timely shower. In the summer, this procedure must be performed daily. The result will be a reduction in germs and harmful microorganisms on the human body, which will reduce the risk of disease.
  2. Hands and nails must be kept clean. Pay special attention to the nails, as a large number of harmful microbes can accumulate under them.
  3. Keep feet clean, wash daily.

Hair hygiene:

  1. Wash hair when dirty. In this case, it is not recommended to use hot water, since there is a possibility of increased sebum secretion of the head, which will lead to poor rinsing of the shampoo from the hair.
  2. Choose hair products according to your hair type.
  3. At the end of washing, rinse your hair in cool water.
  4. Do not use a hair dryer.
  5. If necessary, make a hair mask.
  6. Have your own hairbrush.
  • A toothbrush is an individual item for everyone.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Visit the dentist once every six months.

Hygiene of underwear, clothes, shoes:

  • keep clothes and shoes clean;
  • change underwear daily;
  • do not give anyone your personal clothes and do not use someone else's;
  • dress according to weather conditions;
  • choose clothes from high-quality natural fabrics.

Bed hygiene:

  • change bed linen in a timely manner;
  • have clothes for sleep;
  • the bedroom should have clean and fresh air;
  • maintain an optimal humidity regime;
  • the bed should be comfortable and comfortable.

Child hygiene

The personal hygiene of the child is laid by the parents. At first, adults perform all hygiene procedures for the baby themselves, and as they grow older, the child begins to do them on their own.

When a child becomes a teenager, he should already follow the basic principles of hygiene automatically: wash his face, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, wash himself, keep his clothes and shoes clean. However, you need to know that there is personal hygiene. What's happened? These are the principles that must be adhered to in order to strengthen and maintain your health.

These include:

  • properly organized classes and recreation;
  • a full night's sleep, at least 9 hours;
  • sports;
  • balanced diet.

Differences between hygiene of children and hygiene of adolescents

The hygiene of adolescents is slightly different from that of children, as changes occur in the body at this age. Boys and girls grow up, they begin to show masculine and feminine characteristics, respectively. Therefore, parents should take the time to explain to the child what changes will occur in him and how this will affect personal hygiene.

In girls, pay attention to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly hygiene the genitals.

Principles of personal hygiene in adolescents

The child attends school, studies a lot, uses a personal computer. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to Parents should limit the time spent at the computer, tablet, TV, monitor the level of lighting during the child's classes.

Since the personal hygiene of a person is aimed at preserving and maintaining his health, one of the main components of this direction is proper nutrition. Teenagers should be supervised by their parents to ensure they do not use harmful products, while monitoring the presence of good nutrition at least three times a day.

The following basic principles can be identified healthy eating teenager:

  • eating at least three times a day;
  • use fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • avoid snacking, eating chips, fast foods, crackers;
  • limit the intake of flour and sweets;
  • control the intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances for the body.

Personal hygiene is the responsibility of every person. In adolescence, there are changes in the usual hygiene procedures. At this age, the hormonal background changes, which causes the appearance of acne on the face in both boys and girls. Therefore, the personal hygiene of adolescents should include proper facial skin care: the use of lotions, tonics, masks, scrubs and other cosmetics that are selected individually for the skin type.

Boys begin to grow hair on their faces, so parents should buy a teen a safe razor and teach them how to use it so as not to damage the skin of the face. Pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs of boys and girls.


Personal hygiene of a person plays a big role in determining his place in society. To achieve success, one must not only have good knowledge, but also observe personal hygiene: keep the body and clothes clean, adhere to the principles proper nutrition, have a proper rest and perform the necessary physical activity to maintain health.

Personal hygiene - what is it? This is a set of rules, following which a person prolongs his life and improves health. Appearance shows how each individual adheres to the principles of hygiene. Neat clothes, shoes, healthy complexion, clean skin, athletic figure - are the key to a successful and long life.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of patients, has great importance. A comfortable bed, a clean bed create the conditions for a quick recovery of patients to prevent complications. And therefore, proper care, personal hygiene, sanitization of patients is of great importance. The more severe the disease in a patient, the more difficult it is to care for him. Therefore, the nurse should be well versed in the methodology of all manipulations and procedures for caring for patients and be able to clearly perform them.

In the hospital, it is necessary to observe the sanitary and epidemic regime, to carry out the sanitization of patients entering the hospital. Upon admission to the hospital, patients, if necessary, undergo sanitary treatment in the admissions department, including: taking a shower or bath, cutting nails and other procedures, depending on the results of the examination. After sanitization, the patient is given a set of clean underwear, pajamas / bathrobe, slippers. Personal clothes and shoes are left in a special package with hangers (polyethylene bags, covers made of dense fabric) in the storage room for patients' belongings or given to their relatives (acquaintances). Patients are allowed to stay in hospitals in home clothes. Personal clothing of patients with infectious diseases should be subjected to chamber disinfection in cases stipulated by sanitary rules.

In the department, the patient is given soap, a towel, a glass (cup, mug), if necessary - a drinking bowl, a spittoon, a bedpan with a stand. You are allowed to use your own personal hygiene items.

Hygienic treatment of patients (in the absence of medical contraindications) should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days with a note in the medical history. Hygienic care for seriously ill patients (washing, wiping the skin of the face, parts of the body, rinsing the mouth, etc.) is carried out in the morning, as well as after meals and when the body is contaminated. Haircuts and shavings of patients should be arranged periodically.

Change of linen for patients should be carried out as it gets dirty, regularly, but at least 1 time in 7 days. Soiled linen must be replaced immediately.

Cleanliness of the skin plays an important role in patient care. Human skin performs a protective function, is involved in heat production and metabolism. Therefore, the purity of the skin and the absence of damage are the main conditions for its normal activity.

Maintaining the elasticity, softness and flexibility of the skin contributes to the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands. However, the accumulation of fat and profuse sweating lead to contamination of the skin.

It is estimated that within a week the sebaceous glands secrete from 100 to 300 g of sebum to the surface of human skin, and sweat glands from 3.5 to 7 liters of sweat. Together with fat and sweat, microorganisms accumulate on the skin, which cause itching. Itching leads to scratching, the appearance of abrasions, which are the entrance gate for the penetration of microorganisms into the thickness of the skin. If you do not follow the skin, diaper rash may form on it.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is of considerable importance for the recovery of the patient, as well as for the prevention of various complications.

In order for the skin to be clean and function normally, it is necessary to carry out a daily toilet.

If the patient's condition allows, then he performs hygiene measures himself, sitting in bed, it is only necessary to organize this procedure for him.

Since the patient spends more time in bed, it is very important that the bed is comfortable and that the bed is clean, dry, and even. Proper bed preparation and monitoring of its condition is the creation of a comfortable position for the patient, prevention of the development of diaper rash, bedsores and other complications.


Fundamentals of life safety
Grade 11

Lesson 1
Personal hygiene and health rules

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is understood as a way of life of people that provides them with the formation, preservation and strengthening of health. Conventionally, this process can be divided into two areas: the active actions of a person to form and improve their health ( physical education, hardening, compliance with hygiene rules, etc.) and the desire of a person to avoid the effects of factors that destroy health (smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse and drinking alcohol).

Important components of a healthy lifestyle- personal hygiene, friendly relations in the family and high moral behavior.

Personal hygiene and health rules

Human activity from the first days of his life passes in close interaction with the external environment. The science that studies the influence of the external environment on the health of an individual and the entire population, and also develops hygiene standards, requirements and rules for maintaining health, high working capacity and prolonging the active longevity of people, is called hygiene. Many centuries passed before it took shape in a real science, one of the areas of medical knowledge.

When we talk about personal hygiene, we mean the hygiene of an individual. It, in turn, is of great importance for social hygiene, that is, the hygiene of society as a whole. The concept of "personal hygiene" is very broad and includes the implementation of many hygiene rules, requirements and norms aimed at maintaining health, performance, active longevity, and preventing infectious and non-infectious diseases. Personal hygiene includes several sections, including dental care and hair care.

Dental care

An adult should have 32 teeth. However, due to malnutrition and dental care, trauma, and removal of wisdom teeth, most adults are left with slightly fewer teeth.

The layer of enamel that covers a healthy human tooth is the hardest substance in the human body. However, like other hard objects, teeth can be traumatized and eroded. Its most common form is caries, a decay caused by acid that forms on the teeth as a result of the presence of bacteria and food particles on them. Acid can gradually eat into the hollow in the tooth, and it will start to hurt if the nerves at its root are affected.

The initial symptoms of such a toothache are usually hypersensitivity to heat, cold or sweets (the tooth begins to ache). The pain will gradually increase (it may become so severe that it will not let you sleep) until the cavity is healed or until the nerves are killed by bacteria (in this case, an abscess may form - a swollen, inflamed area in the tissues where pus accumulates) . Treatment of caries is more difficult if you wait until the disease becomes acute.

The mouth with its warm and moist environment- one of the most favorable places in the body for the reproduction of bacteria. If they are allowed to multiply uncontrollably, an infection or abscess can develop. Bacteria through the cavity in the tooth can penetrate into the pulp, from it - into the tooth socket and lead to the formation of an abscess. Abscesses most often form in the gums due to food particles getting stuck between the teeth and gums.

Another common dental disease is stomatitis: the appearance of painful sores on the inner surface of the cheeks. The causes of this disease can be food allergies, stress, mechanical injuries and poor oral hygiene.

As with any other part of the body, infections in oral cavity, if left untreated, tend to spread. The infection from the tooth can spread to the tissues of the face and neck, causing them to swell and make breathing difficult. If large numbers of bacteria enter the bloodstream, a person may develop a fever or even develop a life-threatening condition. In this condition, he needs immediate intensive health care and hospitalization.

To keep your teeth and oral cavity healthy, you must adhere to the following rules:

Protect yourself from the most common sports injuries and car accidents: if you play contact sports, wear protective equipment such as a helmet, face mask and jaw protector; in the car, fasten your seat belt, which can save not only your life, but also your appearance, in particular, save your teeth;
eat more foods that strengthen your teeth and gums, and less than that, which leads to their weakening (vegetables rich in fiber and calcium contribute to the health of the teeth; apples, carrots and celery, which must be chewed thoroughly, not only give work to the jaw muscles, improve blood flow to the teeth and gums, but also clean the surface of the teeth well; peanuts and nuts, tea, sunflower seeds, cheese, olives, if consumed after meals, can also prevent tooth decay by preventing the formation of an acidic environment in the mouth);
avoid fatty, viscous and acidic foods: they can change the environment in the oral cavity and affect the composition of saliva in a way that increases the likelihood of tooth decay and erosion of enamel;
regularly clean the interdental spaces with a special floss or toothpick, use a natural-based toothpaste;
visit the dentist 2-3 times a year: in this case, he will detect diseases of the teeth and gums in a timely manner.

Hair care

By appearance hair does not resemble skin in any way, although it is a modified epidermis.

The hair is made up of a shaft and a root.. The rod is located above the surface of the skin, and the root is located in its thickness, in the hair follicle. The extension of the root at its end is called the hair follicle. Hair grows from it.

Hair is present on almost the entire surface of the skin, except for the palms and soles. There are three types of hair: long (hair of the head, mustache, beard); bristly (eyebrows and eyelashes) and fluffy, located on the whole body.

Hair cells contain the pigment melanin. The color of the hair depends on its quantity. The more pigment, the darker the hair. As we age, the pigment cells stop multiplying and the hair turns gray.

What is hair for? They perfectly protect the head from cold and heat, eyelashes protect the eyes from specks, eyebrows do not allow sweat to get into the eyes.

Hair is devoid of nerve endings, so it can be cut painlessly. They require meticulous care. Only well-groomed hair - clean, shiny, silky, well combed - decorates its owner.

Unfortunately, sometimes white and yellowish scales appear on the scalp and in the hair. There may be few of them, and sometimes it seems that the whole head is sprinkled with flour. At the same time, hair constantly looks dirty and can fall out a lot. In everyday life, this phenomenon is called dandruff. Its medical name is seborrhea. Seborrhea is closely related to metabolic disorders in the body. To get rid of it, you need to exclude from food fatty and spicy dishes, smoked meat and fish, canned food, limit the use of sweets and cheese. Outdoor games, playing sports, eating cereals, especially oatmeal, and sound good sleep are conducive to the good condition of the hair.

Hair should be washed not according to the schedule, but as needed. Dirty - so you need to wash. At the same time, it is good to rinse them with water with vinegar, a decoction of chamomile or nettle. Very helpful head massage. You can do it before every wash. Do not be lazy to comb your hair in the morning and evening. It’s good if you have a wooden or bone comb: the plastic one electrifies the hair and splits it with its microburrs. It is absolutely unacceptable to comb someone else's, even mom's or dad's, comb.

Body hygiene

Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences.. Maintaining the cleanliness of the skin is extremely important, because in addition to the protective function, it performs the following functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.

Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e. slightly above normal body temperature. Up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat are released through the skin of a person per week. So that the protective properties of the skin are not violated, these secretions must be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions are created on the skin for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, bath) using a washcloth at least once a week.

Keep your hands and nails clean. Exposed areas of the skin are particularly prone to contamination. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from hands to mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called the disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before going to the toilet and always after the toilet, before eating and after eating, after contact with animals (both street and domestic). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some of the germs.

Feet should be washed every day with cool water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

Hygiene of underwear and clothing and footwear

An important role in personal hygiene is the cleanliness of our clothes.. Clothing protects the human body from pollution, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, insect ingress, and so on.

Underwear needs to be changed after each wash, i.e. everyday.

Socks, socks, stockings, tights are changed daily.

Clothes should be washed regularly.

It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes and shoes

Clothing and footwear must be suitable for climatic conditions.

It is advisable to give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics, and shoes from natural materials.

The cut of clothes and shoes should take into account the anatomical features and correspond to the size of the person.

For more information, see the article “Clothing Hygiene”.

Sleep hygiene

Each member of the family you must have your own towel and your own bed.

Linens must be changed weekly.

The bed should be comfortable.

Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the sleeping area.

Try to keep pets out of bed.

Home hygiene

Home hygiene not only allows you to maintain order in the house, but also contributes to the preservation and promotion of health.

Cleanliness is essential for the destruction of germs, mold and mites that can cause various diseases.

The implementation of a number of hygiene measures reduces the risk to health, which is one of the main human values. In addition, compliance with hygiene rules indicates high culture person.

Healthy lifestyle It is impossible to imagine without caring for the hygienic condition of your own home. This is the same important element of hygiene as taking care of your own body, linen, clothes, shoes, etc. After all, on average, a person spends a third of his life in his home.

That is why the hygiene of housing should be given special attention.

For supporting the natural beauty of your home it is best to use proven folk remedies, safe for health, which can be easily prepared at home.

Let's look at them in more detail:

All-purpose detergent - to prepare it, add four tablespoons to one liter of warm water baking soda and mix thoroughly;
stove cleaner - pour fresh stains with water and sprinkle them with salt, and after the stove has cooled, wipe off the dirt with a sponge;
drain cleaner - pour half a glass of baking soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar, after five minutes rinse the drain with boiling water from the kettle;
toilet bowl cleaner - a paste made from lemon juice and borax will help to clean the surface of dirt.

Maintaining good home hygiene helps to ensure the health and well-being of the family. Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness if there is a small child in the house. To ensure comfort and safety own house, it is necessary to regularly clean and take care of the presence in it of a sufficient amount of heat, light and comfort. Do not cover windows during the day and do not put too many pots of indoor flowers on the windowsill, as this prevents penetration sun rays to the room.

Ventilate rooms regularly to prevent oxygen deficiency (since lack of oxygen causes headaches and fatigue) and to freshen up the atmosphere. The temperature in the house should be no more than plus twenty-two degrees Celsius, which is most comfortable for the body.

Some concepts about cleansing the body

Over the past decades, there have been significant changes in human nutrition. A person began to use a lot of synthetic and refined products, although most of them are poorly processed and absorbed by his body. From the wrong combination food products and intake of liquids, pollution and poisoning of the large intestine, liver, kidneys, connective tissue of the body occur, which are unable to completely neutralize and remove unnecessary substances and toxins. This leads to an overload of toxins in the lungs, nasopharynx, skin and other organs. Numerous pathogenic microbes, penetrating the human body, find ideal conditions for reproduction in places of accumulation of harmful and unnecessary substances and subsequently cause various diseases.

That is why people should take care that their body is clean not only from the outside, but also from the inside, so that it clogs as little as possible and is constantly freed from toxins and other toxic substances.

There are many ways to cleanse the body. Most of them come down to cleansing and restoring the functions of the large intestine, liver, kidneys, joints, etc. This is done by combining various methods of cleansing (enemas, fasting, special diets, the use of choleretic and diuretic drugs, the use of heat, the implementation of various movements and pos). The success of the procedures, as a rule, is achieved only with the complete rejection of stimulants (tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol). And they must be carried out under the guidance of experienced professionals.

Questions and tasks

1. What is healthy lifestyle life and personal hygiene?

2. What diseases of the oral cavity are possible if you do not take care of your teeth?

3. What hygiene rules must be followed to keep the teeth and oral cavity healthy?

4. What are the functions of the hair?

5. What hygienic rules must be observed when caring for hair?

6. What are the reasons for the need to cleanse the body?

Exercise 1.

Are all your teeth healthy? When was the last time you visited the dentist? If you cannot answer these questions right away, hurry to the dentist and get your teeth in order.

Task 2.

What Foods Promote Dental Health? Choose the correct answers:

a) confectionery;
b) vegetables rich in fiber and calcium;
c) fatty foods;
d) peanuts and nuts.

Task 3.

From the suggested answers, choose the one that correctly explains why hair can be cut painlessly:

a) hair follicles are not affected when cutting;
b) hair cells contain a special pigment that protects them from pain;
c) hair is devoid of nerve endings.

Task 4.

Dandruff (seborrhea) occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. And this means that it is necessary to exclude fatty and spicy dishes, smoked meat and fish, canned food from food, limit the consumption of vegetables and fruits, sweets and cheeses.
There is an error in the list of products provided. Find her.


The state of all internal organs, systems depends not only on genetics or nutrition. This is also influenced by personal hygiene - a set of everyday rules that preserve health and strengthen it. This concept includes not only washing hands and taking a shower, but also the principles of behavior during an illness, a competent sleep schedule, and even the choice of shoes. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to a deterioration in immunity, especially in children.

Elements of personal hygiene of a person

This includes the basic rules for skin care, hair, nails, oral cavity. They are of great importance for the prevention of infections. In addition, doctors advise paying attention to the hygiene of the bed: frequent change of linen, airing, fresh nightgown, absence of pets in bed. It is especially important to observe these rules for a sick person who spreads the infection himself.

Regular showering

It is recommended to do this in the morning, in the evening to keep the body clean. From the position of hygiene, it is more important to wash before going to bed to remove the sweat and dirt accumulated during the day. In the morning, the shower is designed to restore freshness to the body, and vigor to the person. Do not do this more than 2 times a day, so as not to overdry the skin. The exception is a short shower after a workout to wash off the smell of sweat.

hand washing

This is a reliable way to prevent viral, bacterial infections. They can be picked up through contacts with other people, touching household items, and then - to the face, lips, food. Many dangerous microorganisms accumulate on hands during the day, especially if a person goes out into a public place. Washing hands with soap and water is a must after walking. At home, this should be done after visiting the toilet, playing with animals, before cooking.

Nail hygiene

After returning from the street from under them, you need to clean the dirt with any small brush. This is done while washing hands. During the evening shower, it is also recommended to clean the nails. A weekly hygienic manicure and pedicure is required, which involves removing the free edge with scissors, softening the cuticle with a special tool. This makes the nails neat, reduces the risk of brittleness, and prevents dirt from accumulating under them.

Care of teeth and gums

Use a soft brush matched with a toothpaste after every meal. Give this process at least 3 minutes. If you can't brush your teeth, use floss to remove leftover food. Visit your doctor for a preventive examination at least once every six months. Bacteria that accumulate in the tooth gaps, on the enamel, gums can get into the heart through the bloodstream, so it is important to notice the problem in the oral cavity in time.

Healthy sleep

If you do not rest for the prescribed 8 hours, the body does not have time to recover. Gradually, this undermines the immune system, it becomes vulnerable to diseases. suffering with him nervous system which can cause problems with internal organs. Go to bed before midnight and try to shield yourself from electronic devices 1-2 hours before that.

intimate hygiene

It is important for men to push back the foreskin every time they take a shower to wash out the secretions that have accumulated under it. For intimate hygiene, use mild soap or special gels. In a woman, the cleansing of the vagina occurs independently, therefore, in the shower, only the external genital organs are washed 2 times a day. During menstruation, the scheme remains standard.

Important points of women's care:

  • During your period, change your pads and tampons every 3-4 hours. Wash your hands thoroughly before using them.
  • In case of vaginal irritation, thrush, do not wear synthetic or tight underwear - wear cotton. Use fragrance-free toilet paper.
  • Wax your bikini area regularly.

Care of clothes and shoes

A clean wardrobe is the key to your health. In the evening after returning home, clean the dirt from the shoes with a damp cloth or brush, wash the insoles every week (if they are removed). To get rid of the smell of sweat and bacteria, use special sprays.

Important requirements for clothing and footwear:

  • Comfort. Do not wear what strongly rubs, presses, presses. In narrow shoes, air exchange is disturbed, infections develop. Clothing that does not fit impairs blood flow in the tissues on which it presses, causing irritation of the skin by friction.
  • Dryness. After playing sports, change clothes, shoes, socks.
  • Freshness. Wash clothes regularly so that bacteria do not accumulate on them - this will save you from skin diseases. Shoes that can get completely wet should be washed 1-2 times a month.

Personal hygiene in case of illness

When an infection occurs, it must be prevented from spreading. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze and cough, wear a medical mask, and talk less to others. Use a separate set of dishes and linen, ventilate the room more often. Try to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene: take a shower and wash your hair, if there is no high temperature, brush your teeth. If you have a runny nose, throw away all used wipes immediately - do not save up in the room.

How to form healthy habits

When accustoming yourself or your child to personal hygiene, use these recommendations:

  • Do not hurry. During the week, work on one habit, from next Monday, add another. Let your set of rules be replenished gradually. This is especially important in children's education- the child is not able to remember everything at once, and this will cause him disappointment.
  • Make hints. Put selected personal hygiene products on a shelf in the bathroom, stick a piece of paper at the sink with a reminder to wash your hands after using the toilet, and ventilate the bedroom near the bed. Over time, prompts will not be needed: actions will become habitual.
  • Take advantage of gadgets. Set reminders on your phone or smartwatch to brush your teeth, trim your nails, or toss all your T-shirts in the laundry.

In addition to the basic rules that relate to cleanliness of the body and hair, clothes, shoes, there are several important points that improve your health. These are recommendations for behavior in the kitchen, in public places, in the office. In a separate line, doctors display tips for safety on vacation in hot countries. You need to use only bottled water or boil well poured from the tap, touch the food with completely dry hands.

Fight bad breath

This problem is one of the main signs of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules or malfunctions in the body. Try freshening your breath by using a mouthwash. Visit the dentist: bad breath is often associated with cavities and gum disease. Review your diet - onions, garlic, spices, coffee also make your breath stale. Eat more raw vegetables, chew hard fruits. Drink natural yogurt, use sugar-free gum.

Ventilate and disinfect residential/office areas

In an enclosed space full of people, viruses and bacteria multiply very actively. For this reason, offices, schools and shopping malls outbreaks of epidemics of SARS and other diseases often occur. Make it a rule to ventilate the room every 3-4 hours for 5-10 minutes. In the office, wet cleaning should be carried out daily, using antiseptics, paying attention to door handles, drawers, table surfaces, cabinets. At home, this is carried out at intervals of a day.

Use hand sanitizer

An alcohol-based gel (the concentration reaches 99%) is able to help out in a situation where there is no access to water. It is much more effective than antibacterial wet wipes, quickly evaporates from the skin. Carry an antiseptic in your purse, use it in public places, but remember that it dries your hands a lot due to the aggressive composition.

Take care of your makeup

Brushes and sponges are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria. Wash makeup tools thoroughly with soap and water after each use, especially if you have applied liquid products (foundation, lipstick). It is also advisable to clean the jars themselves, tubes with cosmetics with alcohol or micellar water. Pay special attention to the spouts on which the remnants of the cream dry up, and sharpen the pencils before each use.

Get rid of sweat odor

In a healthy person, it appears with improper hygiene procedures and wearing stale clothes. Make it a rule to wear clean underwear and socks every day, do not use T-shirts and shirts for more than 2-3 days in a row. Other causes of sweat odor are alcohol abuse, infections, and hormonal imbalances. In these situations, review the diet, visit a doctor.

Wear good shoes and socks made from quality fabrics

In any artificial materials, the body sweats a lot, because there is no good air exchange, no fresh oxygen supply. Humidity rises in a closed space, harmful bacteria multiply. This not only creates an unpleasant smell, but also increases the risk of a fungal infection. Choose shoes made from natural materials (leather, suede), and cotton socks and tights.

Properly store and prepare food

If you put raw meat, fish, or seafood in the refrigerator, don't let it come into contact with other food. Keep their juices away from other foods. When cooking meat or fish, use a separate board, knife. Unprocessed animal protein often contains dangerous bacteria on the surface that can cause infection.

Wash all plant foods thoroughly. If you eat fruits or vegetables with the skin on, buy a wax remover. It is similar to dishwashing liquid, but safer for humans. Another way to kill bacteria is to scald plant food if the recipe allows it.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Personal hygiene rules that are important for your health

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