How to develop a work program in the subject. Recommendations for the development and approval of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules). Zankov education system

Working programm

around the world

2-B class

Teacher: Kolyada Elena Vladimirovna

2016 – 2017 academic year

Total - 68 hours, per week - 2 hours

The work program fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and is based on the exemplary program of primary general education, the author's program of A.A. Pleshakov " The world.

Textbook: Pleshakov A. A. The world around us: a textbook for grade 2: in 2 parts - M .: Education, 2012

  1. Planned results of mastering the subject

Mastering the training course "The World Around" makes a significant contribution toachievement of personal results of primary education, namely:

1) in the formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in their homeland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of the multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

2) in the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

3) in the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;

4) in mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world;

5) in the acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

6) in the development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

7) in the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

8) in the development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

9) in developing the skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of contentious situations;

10) in the formation of a setting for a safe, healthy lifestyle, the presence of motivation for creative work, work for results, respect for material and spiritual values.

Mastering the course "World around" plays a significant role in achievingmeta-subject results of primary education, such as:

1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

3) the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways achieving results;

4) the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

5) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

6) the use of sign-symbolic means of representing information to create models of the objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

7) active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

8) the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the subject "World around";

9) mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

10) willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events; 11) definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, to exercise mutual control in joint activities, to adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

12) mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around";

13) mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

14) the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of the subject "World around".

When mastering the course "The world around you" are achievedthe following subject results:

1) understanding the special role of Russia in world history, fostering a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;

2) the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, the native land, one's family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;

3) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, mastering the basics of environmental literacy, elementary rules of moral behavior in the world of nature and people, norms of health-saving behavior in the natural and social environment;

4) mastering the available ways of studying nature and society (observation, recording, measurement, experience, comparison, classification, etc. with obtaining information from family archives, from people around, in an open information space);

5) development of skills to establish and identify causal investigative links in the surrounding world.

  1. The content of the subject

MAN AND NATURE The surrounding world, its diversity. Ways and means of cognition of the surrounding world. Signs of objects (color, shape, comparative sizes, etc.). The idea of ​​time and its flow. Past, present and future. Sequence of days of the week, seasons, months. Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by man. Natural objects and objects created by man. Inanimate and living nature. Natural phenomena. Examples of natural phenomena: change of seasons, snowfall, leaf fall, bird flights, change of time of day, dawn, sunset, wind, rain, thunderstorm. Variety of sounds in the world; the origin and mode of sound propagation. Rainbow - the decoration of the world, the colors of the rainbow, the causes of the rainbow. Connections in the surrounding world: between inanimate and living nature, between plants and animals, between man and nature. Depicting relationships with models. Substance is what all natural objects and objects consist of. variety of substances in the environment. Examples of substances: salt, sugar, water, natural gas. Solids, liquids, gases. The simplest practical work with substances, liquids, gases. Stars and planets. The sun is the closest star to us, a source of light and heat for all life on Earth. Earth - a planet, a general idea of ​​the shape and size of the Earth. The Moon is the Earth's satellite. Human space exploration; achievements of our country in space research. Globe as a model of the Earth. Geographic map and plan. Continents and oceans, their names, location on the globe and map. Cold and hot regions of the Earth, features of their nature. The most important natural objects of their country, region. Location orientation. Compass. Change of day and night on Earth. The rotation of the Earth as the cause of the change of day and night. Seasons, their features (based on observations). The revolution of the Earth around the Sun as the cause of the change of seasons. Change of seasons in the native land based on observations. Weather, its components (air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind). Monitoring the weather in your area. Measurement of air temperature with a thermometer. Weather forecasting and its importance in people's lives. Forms of the earth's surface: plains, mountains, hills, ravines (general idea, symbol plains and mountains on the map). Features of the surface of the native land ( a brief description of based on observations). Water wealth, their diversity (ocean, sea, river, lake, pond); human use. Water wealth of the native land (names, brief description based on observations). Air is a mixture of gases. Air properties. The value of air for plants, animals, humans. Water. Water properties. The state of water, its distribution in nature, the importance for living organisms and human economic life. The water cycle in nature. The world of stones, its diversity and beauty. Rocks and minerals. Minerals, their importance in the human economy, people's careful attitude to minerals. Minerals of the native land (2-3 examples). Soil, its composition, significance for wildlife and human economic life. Soil protection. Plants and their variety. Algae, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. Plant parts (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, seed). The conditions necessary for the life of a plant (light, heat, air, water). Features of respiration and nutrition of plants. Reproduction and development of plants. Trees, shrubs, herbs. Wild and cultivated plants. The role of plants in nature and human life, the careful attitude of man towards plants. Plants of the native land, names and a brief description based on observations. Mushrooms, their diversity, importance in nature and human life; edible and non-edible mushrooms. Rules for collecting mushrooms, respect for them. Animals, their diversity. Insects, fish, birds, animals, their differences. Amphibians, reptiles and other groups of animals (optional). Conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, heat, food). Features of the nutrition of different animals (herbivores, insectivores, carnivores, omnivores), food chains. Reproduction and development of animals (for example, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals). Wild and domestic animals. The role of animals in nature and human life, the careful attitude of man towards animals. Animals of the native land, names, a brief description based on observations. Forest, meadow, reservoir - the unity of living and inanimate nature (sunlight, air, water, soil, plants, animals). Circulation of matter. Natural community and relationships in it: plants - food and shelter for animals; animals - distributors of fruits and seeds of plants. Human impact on natural communities. Natural communities of the native land (2-3 examples based on observations). Natural zones of Russia: general idea, main natural areas (natural conditions, flora and fauna, features of work and life of people, human influence on the nature of the studied areas, nature protection). Man is part of nature. Dependence of human life on nature. Ethical and aesthetic significance of nature in human life. positive and negative influence human activities on nature (including the example of the surrounding area). Ecological problems and ways to solve them. Rules of conduct in nature. Protection of natural resources: water, air, minerals, flora and fauna. reserves, National parks and their role in nature conservation. The Red Book of Russia, its meaning, individual representatives of plants and animals of the Red Book. Active participation in nature conservation. The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation of nature. World Natural Heritage. Respect for the natural heritage of mankind is the duty of the whole society and every person. International Red Book. International environmental organizations (2-3 examples). International Ecological Days, their significance, participation of children in their implementation. General idea of ​​the structure of the human body. Organ systems (musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, sensory organs), their role in the life of the body. Hygiene of organ systems. Measurement of human body temperature, pulse rate. The personal responsibility of each person for the state of his health and the health of the people around him. Attention, care, respect for people with handicapped health.

INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY Society is a set of people who are united by a common culture and are connected with each other by joint activities in the name of a common goal. Spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​are the basis of the viability of society. Man is a member of society, the bearer and creator of culture. Understanding how the culture of society and each of its members develops and develops. A general idea of ​​the contribution to the culture of mankind of the traditions and religious beliefs of different peoples. The relationship of a person with other people. Culture of communication with representatives of different nationalities, social groups: showing respect, mutual assistance, the ability to listen to other people's opinions. The inner world of a person, a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman properties and qualities. The family is the closest environment of a person. Names, patronymics and surnames of family members. Relationships in the family and mutual assistance of family members. Providing assistance to adults. Caring for children, the elderly, the sick is the duty of every person. Family traditions. Pedigree. Genealogical tree charting, family history. Family household. Household items, their variety. Things as keepers of family memory. Caring for things. The path of water from natural sources to people's homes, ways to save water in everyday life. A general idea of ​​how to generate electricity and deliver it to consumers. Household electrical appliances, their role in life modern man. Ways to save energy at home. Clothing in the past and now. The dependence of the type of clothing on weather conditions, national traditions and purpose (business, sports, work, home, etc.). Junior student. Rules of conduct at school, in the classroom. Appeal to the teacher. The role of the teacher in the spiritual and moral development and education of the student's personality. Cool, school team, joint study, games, recreation. Schoolchildren's daily routine, drawing up a daily routine. Friends, relationships between them; the value of friendship, harmony, mutual assistance. Rules for relationships with adults, peers, culture of behavior at school and other public places. Attention to peers, classmates who do not speak Russian well, help them in orienting themselves in the learning environment and the environment.

The economy, its components (industry, Agriculture, construction, transport, trade) and connections between them. Goods and services. The role of money in the economy. State and family budget. Environmental consequences economic activity people. The simplest ecological forecasts. Building a secure economy is one of the most important tasks of society. Natural resources and human labor are the basis of the economy. The value of labor in human life and society. Diligence as a socially significant value. Professions of people. Personal responsibility of a person for the results of his work and professional skills.

Land, air and water transport. Transportation of the city or village. Public transport. Rules for the use of transport. A general idea of ​​the history of the development of transport, including the history of the emergence and improvement of the bicycle. The device of a bicycle, a variety of modern models (walking, racing, children's tricycle, etc.).

The role of the computer in modern life. Communication means: mail, telegraph, telephone, Email. Mass media: radio, television, press, Internet. Selectivity in the use of the media in order to maintain spiritual and moral health.

Our Motherland is Russia, the Russian Federation. Value-semantic content of the concepts: Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. State symbols Russia: State Emblem of Russia, State Flag of Russia, State Anthem of Russia; rules of conduct when listening to the anthem. Constitution - Basic Law Russian Federation. The rights of the child. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state. Responsibility of the head of state for the social and spiritual and moral well-being of citizens. A holiday in the life of society as a means of strengthening social solidarity and strengthening spiritual and moral ties between compatriots. New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, Children's Day, National Unity Day, Constitution Day. Making a poster or wall newspaper for a public holiday. Russia on the map, the state border of Russia. Moscow is capital of Russia. Moscow attractions: Kremlin, Red Square, The Bolshoi Theatre and others. Characteristics of individual historical events associated with Moscow (the foundation of Moscow, the construction of the Kremlin, etc.). Coat of arms of Moscow. Location of Moscow on the map. Cities of Russia. St. Petersburg: attractions (Winter Palace, monument to Peter I - Bronze Horseman, drawbridges across the Neva, etc.). Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia (optional). Russia is a multinational country. The peoples inhabiting Russia, their customs, characteristics household (optional). The main religions of the peoples of Russia: Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism. Respect for one's own and other peoples, their religion, culture, history. Native land is a part of Russia. Hometown (village), region (region, territory, republic): name, main sights; museums, theaters, sports complexes, etc. Features of the work of people of their native land, their professions. Names of different peoples living in the area, their customs, characteristic features of life. Important information from the history of the native land.

History is the science of the past of people. historical sources. Counting years in history. historical map. The history of homeland. The most important and striking events in the social and cultural life of the country in different historical periods: Ancient Russia, Moscow State, Russian empire, USSR, Russian Federation. Pictures of life, work, spiritual, moral and cultural traditions of people in different historical times. Outstanding people of different eras as carriers of basic national values. Protection of historical and cultural monuments. Feasible participation in the protection of historical and cultural monuments of their region. The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of his region. countries and peoples of the world. A general idea of ​​the diversity of countries and peoples on Earth. Acquaintance with several countries: name, location on political map, capital, main attractions. Ideas about epochs in the history of mankind: primitive history, the history of the Ancient World, the history of the Middle Ages, the history of the Modern Age, the history of the Modern Age. Monuments of history and culture are witnesses of various eras in the history of mankind. World cultural heritage. respect for cultural heritage humanity is the duty of the whole society and every person.

RULES OF SAFE LIFE The value of health and healthy lifestyle life. The personal responsibility of each person for the preservation and strengthening of their health. The daily routine of the student, the alternation of work and rest in the daily routine; personal hygiene. Physical culture, hardening, outdoor games as a condition for maintaining and strengthening health. Phone numbers emergency assistance. First aid for minor injuries (bruise, cut, burn), frostbite, overheating. The road from home to school, the rules of safe behavior on the roads, the main road signs. Safety rules for use Vehicle including when cycling. Fire safety rules, basic rules for handling gas, electricity and electrical appliances, water. Safety rules when using a computer, mobile phone. dangerous places in an apartment, house and its surroundings (balcony, window sill, elevator, construction site, wasteland, etc.). Safety rules for contact with strangers. Rules for safe behavior in nature, including in the forest, on the water. Safety rules for handling cats and dogs. Environmental Safety. Household water filter, its design and use. Concern for the health and safety of the people around is the moral duty of every person.

Studying the course "World around" in primary school aims to achieve the following goals:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of a person’s place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value understanding by a child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society.

Main tasks implementation of the course content are:

1) Formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, locality, region, Russia, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life.

2) Awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the surrounding world, one's place in it.

3) Formation of a model of safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations.

4) Formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society

  1. Calendar - thematic planning

Lesson topic

Number of hours


D / s



Section "Where do we live?" (4 h)

Mother country.


p.4-7 retelling, p.7 questions

City and countryside Project "Hometown (village)"


p.8-11 retelling p.11 questions, p.12-13 project

Nature and man-made world.


pp.14-17 retelling

We will check ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section “Where do we live?”


make a crossword on the topic "Where we live"

Section "Nature" (20 h)

Inanimate and living nature


p.24-27 retelling, p.27 questions

Natural phenomena Practical work Acquaintance with the device of a thermometer, measuring the temperature of air, water, the human body


pp.28-31 retelling

What is the weather


pp. 32-35, from 35 questions, retelling, to monitor the weather, if desired, prepare a message about folk omens the weather

On a visit to autumn (excursion)


a miniature essay, a photo story or a series of drawings on the theme “Beauty of Autumn”

On a visit to autumn (lesson)


p.36-39 retelling, p.39 questions

starry sky


p.40-43 retelling, p.43 questions, if desired, a message about the constellation

Let's look into the pantry landsPractical work Acquaintance with rocks and minerals.


pp.44-47 (retelling), p.47 questions

About air


P.48-51 retelling, textbook questions, p.51 questions

About water


p.52-56 retelling, p.56 questions

What are the plants


p.56-59 retelling, p.59 questions, optionally compose a photo story about the beauty of plants

What are the animals


p.60-63 retelling, p.63 questions

invisible threads


p.64-67 retelling, p.67 questions

Wild and cultivated plants


p.68-71 retelling p.71 questions, optionally compose a fairy tale about a plant

Wild and domestic animals


p.72-75 retelling, p.75 questions, optionally compose a fairy tale about an animal

HouseplantsPractical work Techniques for caring for indoor plants


p.76-79 retelling, p.79 questions

Animals of the living cornerPractical work Rules for the care of animals in a living corner.


p.80-83 retelling, p.83 questions

About cats and dogs


p.84-87 retelling, p.87 questions, optionally compose a story about a pet or find additional information about cats or dogs

Red Book


pp.88-91 retelling, if desired, prepare a report on the Red Book

Be nature's friend. Project "Red Book, or Let's Take it Under Protection"


pp.92-95 retelling, pp.96-97 project

We will check ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section "Nature"


Make a quiz on the topic "Nature

Section "Life of the city and the village" (10 hours)

What is economics


pp. 106-107 retelling, p.105 questions, p.107 questions, if you wish, compose a message about money in different countries

What is made of


pp.108-111 (tasks)

How to build a house


p.114-115 retelling, p.115 questions

What is the transport


p.116-119 retelling, p.119 questions

Culture and education


pp.121-123 retelling

All professions are important. Project "Professions"


p.121-127 retelling, p.127 questions, p.128-129 draft

On a visit to winter (excursion)


prepare a photo story or a series of drawings on the theme "Beauty of winter"

Visiting winter (lesson)


p.130-131 retelling, p.130 questions

We will check ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section "Life in the city and the countryside"


Project preparation

Presentation of the projects "Native Village", "Red Book, or Let's Take Protection", "Professions"


Make a crossword on the topic "Life in the city and village"

Section "Health and safety" (9 hours) Part 2 of the textbook

The structure of the human body


p.5 task 3

If you want to be healthy


pp.8-11 retelling

Watch out for the car!


pp.12-13 retelling

Pedestrian School Practical work Rules of safety on the road.


P.14-17 retelling, p.17 questions

home dangers


P.18-21 retelling, p.21 questions



S.22-25 retelling, if desired, find information about the work of firefighters

On the water and in the forest


S.26-28 retelling, p.29 questions

Dangerous Strangers


p.30-35 retelling, p.35 questions

We will check ourselves and evaluate our achievements in the section "Health and safety"


Make a quiz on the topic "Health and safety"

Our friendly family


p.42-45 retelling, p.45 questions

Project "Pedigree"


pp.46-47 project

At school


p.48-51 retelling, p.51 questions

Rules of courtesy


p.52-55 retelling, p.55 questions

You and your friends


S.56-59 retelling, p.59 questions,

We are spectators and passengers


p.63 questions

Check yourself and evaluate your achievements in the "Communication" section


Make a quiz on the topic "Communication"

Section "Travel" (18 hours)

Look around


p.70-73 retelling, p.73 questions

Orientation on the ground


pp.74-75 retelling

Determining the sides of the horizon with a compass.


pp.76-77 retelling

Earth surface shapes


pp.78-81 retelling, p.81 questions, optionally compose a photo story or a series of drawings on the theme “The beauty of the mountains”

Water wealth


pp.82-85 retelling, p.85 questions, optionally compose a photo story or a series of drawings on the theme “The beauty of the sea”

On a visit to spring (excursion)


Compose a photo story or a series of drawings on the theme "The beauty of spring"

Welcome to spring


p.86-89 retelling, p.89 questions

Russia on the map


p.90-95 work on the map

Project "Cities of Russia"


pp.96-97 project

Traveling in Moscow, Moscow Kremlin


p.98-107 retelling, p.101, p.107 questions

City on the Neva


pp.108-113 retelling, p.113 questions, optionally prepare a report about the sights of St. Petersburg

Travel around the planet


pp.114-117 work on the map

Continental travel


pp.118-121 retelling, optionally prepare a report about any continent

Countries of the world. Project "Countries of the World"


Preparing for the test

Final test for class 2


Draw a picture about the world

Summer ahead


pp.130-133 retelling. p. 133 questions, optionally compose a photo story or a series of drawings on the topics “Beauty of Summer”, “Beauty of Animals”

Check yourself and evaluate your achievements in the section "Travel"


Presentation of the projects "Genealogy", "Cities of Russia", "Countries of the World"


Keep a diary of observations

Practicum for the teacher.

How to write a work program for GEF LLC.

Annotation: From September 1, 2015, the implementation of federal state educational standards in the main school. Each teacher who will work in the 5th grade in the 2015-2016 academic year must write a work program in their subject. These methodological recommendations are intended for subject teachers who have to draw up work programs for the GEF LLC. How to minimize such a large work of the teacher, what Internet resources exist to help the teacher - this is the presented methodological recommendations.

So, you are lucky, in the 2015-2016 academic year you will have the fifth grade. Deputy directors demand to write a work program for the Federal State Educational Standard. How to do it? Most likely, you have already seen, read, and even tried to understand the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. I can assume that questions remained in my head, and something remained incomprehensible. Take a break from everything and focus on the main thing - composing work program according to GEF LLC in their subject.

  1. The first rule is that your school must have a local act “Regulations on the work program for GEF LLC”. Such documents are usually accepted at the Pedagogical Councils by all teaching staff educational organization.
From this local act, you will learn how it is customary to write work programs in your school: for one academic year or for the entire level of basic general education. It is more correct to write for the entire level, i.e. for grades 5-9 (depending on which grade, how many years your subject has been studied, for example, mathematics is written for grades 5-6, respectively). Unfortunately, some deputy directors who draw up the local act "Regulations on the work program" try to foresee everything and therefore overload the indicated local act with unnecessary information. There is a law - on the basis of which you can write a program (rule: no less, but no more!!!)

  1. Second rule. The teacher must follow two points when compiling the work program - this is the structure of the work program (we take from the local act, which must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, the structure of the work program is also prescribed in the last document indicated), and this is the content of the work program.

  2. Structure of the work program:

  • Explanatory note

  • General characteristics of the subject

  • The place of the subject in the curriculum

  • Personal, interdisciplinary and subject results of mastering a subject

  • The content of the subject

  • Thematic planning

  • Educational-thematic and logistical support of the educational process.
It's mandatory structural elements work program for GEF. Let's take a look at these parts of the working program.

V "Explanatory Note" the teacher must indicate the goals and objectives of studying his subject. Where do you get such information from? The goals and objectives are listed in a document known as the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.

It would be more correct to include the following sentence in the Explanatory Note: "The main goal of the work program is the implementation of the Basic Educational Program of Basic General Education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the fulfillment of the state municipal task."

V "General characteristics of the subject" The teacher points to each class sections of his subject. For instance:

Story. Grade 5

Section 1. Introduction to the history of the Ancient World.

Section 2. Primitiveness.

Section 3. Ancient East.

Section 4. Antique world.

In the same structural element of the work program, it is recommended to list the forms of organizing the educational activities of students - lessons, lectures, practical lessons, seminars, tests, excursions, laboratory work, practical work, etc.

It also lists the methods of organizing educational activities, that is, with the help of what, what methods the teacher will implement the work program. It must be remembered that methodological basis GEF LLC is a system-activity approach.

At the end, the relationship of your academic subject with other academic subjects is described.

Section "The Place of the Subject in the Curriculum" can be presented in the form of such tables (two options):

Option 1.

Option 2.


Number of hours per week

Number of study weeks

Total hours per year


Practical, laboratory







Chapter "Subject content"- when we wrote work programs for FC GOS BUP 2004, the content was taken from the standard (the so-called didactic units). Now we take the content from the Federal State Educational Standard for each subject (just copy and paste it into your work program).

Chapter "Thematic planning", in my opinion, does not require explanation. The only note is that if the work program is written for the entire level, for example, for grades 5-9, then it is more expedient to write Thematic Planning annually, which must be recorded in the school's local act.

Chapter "Educational-thematic and logistical support of the educational process" can be represented as the following table:

Possible way of presenting information:

Name of objects and means of educational - methodical and logistical support


Library fund (printed products)

printed manuals

Technical training aids

Screen and audio aids

Class equipment

Electronic educational resources

Free Educational Internet Resources

Probably, the attentive reader noticed that there are no explanations for the section "Personal, interdisciplinary and subject results of mastering the academic subject." This was done on purpose, since from experience, this section is the most difficult for the teacher, so we will single out a separate item for this section.

  1. Chapter "Personal, interdisciplinary and subject results of mastering the subject".
In order to write this section without difficulty, it is necessary to understand what are personal, what are interdisciplinary and what are subject results.

Personal Outcomes– are listed in detail in the Sample Master educational program basic general education, approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (protocol dated April 8, 2015 No. 1/15).

Interdisciplinary results include interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students: the formation of reading competence, the acquisition of skills in working with information, the acquisition of experience in project activities and universal learning activities (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, three groups of universal educational activities are distinguished: regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Regulatory UUD this is the ability to independently determine the goals of learning, set and formulate new tasks in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity.

Cognitive UUD this is the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive, by analogy) and draw conclusions.

Communicative UUD this is the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and consideration of interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion.

Subject Results the easiest to write are the results of studying a particular subject.

A list of all the above results is indicated in the Exemplary Basic Educational Program of Basic General Education, approved by the decision of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for General Education (Minutes No. 1/15 dated April 8, 2015).

A possible option for presenting personal results:

Possible variant of presentation of interdisciplinary results:

Module No.

Educational Outcome

Number of years for development


Metasubject results:

  1. Regulatory


Result 1


  1. cognitive


Result 1


  1. Communicative


Result 1


Possible variant of presentation of subject results:

Module No.

Subject result

Number of years for development


Is it subject to intermediate certification

  1. The student will learn (basic level):


Result 1


  1. The student will have the opportunity to learn (advanced level):


Result 1


  1. Online resources for teachers to help write and compile a work program.
There is a main resource on the Internet - the site “Public Expertise of Normative Documents in the Field of Education”, which presents, firstly, programs for each subject according to the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as a constructor of work programs for the Federal State Educational Standard. This constructor has no legislative force and is advisory in nature, but is the main methodological tool for compiling work programs.

  1. Compilation Tips:

  • some teachers follow the "path of least resistance", as they say, namely, downloading other teachers' ready-made work programs from the Internet or buying books where ready-made work programs are printed. But you must admit, remaking someone's finished product for yourself requires considerable time resources. Firstly, not everything in the finished product can suit you, secondly, no one guarantees that the finished product contains all the necessary didactic units according to GEF LLC, and thirdly, the finished product will not comply with your local act on the work program. Therefore, it is more expedient to draw up work programs for yourself, for your classes, for your school.

  • it must be remembered that the work programs of teachers are an integral part of the main educational program of an educational organization. That is, in your educational institution for the next academic year there will be at least four educational programs - the main educational program for grades 1-4 according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the main educational program for grades 6-9, the main educational program for grades 5-9 according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The fact is that, in accordance with the law, basic educational programs are written for the entire level of education, which is why it is more expedient to write work programs for the entire level. In addition, the main educational program at the level of the main school according to the Federal State Educational Standard consists of two parts: 70% is the Federal State Educational Standard, and 30% is the part formed by the participants in the educational process.
You should ask the deputy directors in charge of the implementation of GEF LLC about this last part. What will the specified part be like in your school? Will it be included in the content of your work programs? Once again, the teacher's work program is an integral part of the main educational program, so it logically turns out that 30% of your program should be a part formed by the participants in the educational process. What could it be? Excursions, generalization lessons, repetition lessons, tests, project activities.

It is also necessary to remember that project activities are mandatory for each subject in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, it is necessary to attach a list as an annex to the work program design work in your subject.

Is it possible to make changes and adjustments to the work program? It is possible, because it is not in vain that the program is called working, because they work with it. But the introduction of changes and adjustments must be included in the local act "Regulations on the work program".

And, in conclusion, I would like to note that the work program is the main document by which the teacher will work, therefore, when I draw up the work program, the teacher, first of all, works for himself.

I wish you success in the preparation of the work program!


The work program is an individual tool of the teacher, in which he determines the most optimal and effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing the educational process for a particular class in order to obtain a result that meets the requirements of the standard.

Compiled by a subject teacher in a particular academic subject and calculated, as a rule, per academic year or stage of study. For example, "Work program for a biology course in grade 6", "Work program for basic general education in biology." When drawing up a work program, factors such as:

  • targets and value bases for the activities of an educational institution;
  • the state of health of students;
  • their ability level;
  • the nature of learning motivation;
  • quality of educational achievements;
  • educational needs;
  • teacher opportunities;
  • the state of educational, methodological and logistical support of an educational institution.

The development of a work program, which is a rather complex educational and regulatory document, requires a high level of qualification from the author-compiler. Insufficient readiness of the author to develop new or modernize existing programs causes serious shortcomings in them.

The most typical shortcomings in work programs:
the goals and objectives of the educational program of the school are not taken into account;
some mandatory sections are missing, for example, requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities; substantiation of the goals, objectives of the course, etc.;
it is not always provided that the proposed program is provided with the necessary educational and methodical complex;
the principle of continuity with other programs of the educational field or subject is not respected.

Requirements for the design of work programs

The text of the teacher's work program includes 8 main structural elements:
1. Title page (program name).
2. Explanatory note.
3. Educational and thematic plan.
4. The content of the topics of the training course.
5. Requirements for the level of preparation of students enrolled in this program.
6. Calendar-thematic planning.
7. List of educational and methodological support. List of references (main and additional).
8. Applications to the program.

All structural elements of the work program must be clearly identified and meet certain requirements for them.

Explanations to the structural elements of the program

The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

1. Taking into account the main provisions of the educational program of the school (requirements of social order, requirements for the graduate, goals and objectives of the educational process, features of the school curriculum).
2. The relationship of curricula within the educational field, a reflection of the complete, holistic content of education.
3. The presence of signs of a regulatory document.
4. The sequence of location and the relationship of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of training, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.
5. The completeness of the disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education with the inclusion in the program of all the content elements necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the goals set (knowledge about nature, society, technology, man, methods of activity; experience of creative activity; experience of emotional and value attitude to reality).
6. The specificity of the presentation of the elements of the content of education.

Table 1
Structural elements of the teacher's work program

Elements of the work program

Title page

Full name of the educational institution,
- the stamp of approval of the program (by the pedagogical council or methodological association of the school and the principal of the school, indicating the date);
- the name of the training course for which the program was written;
- an indication of the parallel on which the program is being studied;
- last name, first name and patronymic of the program developer (one or more);
- city name, locality;
- year of development of the program.

Explanatory note

To whom the program is addressed: type (general education, special, etc.), type (gymnasium, lyceum, etc.) of the educational institution and the definition of the class of students;
- concept (main idea) of the program;
- validity (relevance, novelty, significance);
- it is indicated in which educational area the given subject is included;
- the goals of the subject for each level of education are briefly formulated;
- an indication of the place and role of the course in learning;
- goals, objectives;
- timing of the program implementation;
- the basic principles of material selection and a brief explanation of the logic of the program structure, including disclosure of the links between the main and additional education on this subject (if any);
- general characteristics educational process: methods, forms of training and mode of employment;
- logical connections of this subject with other subjects (sections) of the curriculum (educational) plan;
- expected results;
- a system for assessing student achievement;
- tools for evaluating results;
- the system of symbols used in the text of the program is given.

Educational and thematic plan

The list of sections, the sequence of their study;
- the number of hours to study each section and each topic;
- type of classes (theoretical or practical, number of hours)

List and title of the section and topics of the course;
- the required number of hours to study the section, topic;
- the content of the educational topic:
main research questions;
practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;
requirements for knowledge and skills of students;
forms and issues of control;
possible types independent work students;
- regional component.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students enrolled in this program

This section specifies the requirements for:
- knowledge;
- skills;
- competencies.
The forms of control of students' knowledge are concretized

List of educational and methodological support. References (main and additional)

Methodological and teaching aids;
- equipment and instruments;
- didactic material;
- literature used in the preparation of the program;
- literature recommended for students;
- educational discs.

Applications to the program

Commentary on the structural elements of the work program of the teacher

1. The development and approval of work programs for training courses and disciplines falls within the competence of educational institutions (clauses 6 and 7 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

2. Appointment explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

Briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this academic subject, its functions, specifics and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education, defined in the educational program of this stage of education for schoolchildren;
give an idea of ​​how to deploy educational material, in in general terms show a methodical system for achieving the goals that are set in the study of the subject, describe the means of achieving them.

The explanatory note explains the relevance of studying this course, its objectives and specifics, as well as the methods and forms of solving the tasks (practical tasks, independent work, trainings, etc.), recommendations for their implementation. For compiling programs, the output data of the materials (programs, manuals, etc.) that were used in compiling the program should be indicated. The explanatory note should justify the proposed content and volume of the course, indicate the number of hours allotted for the study of this course according to the curriculum, forms of control and possible options for its implementation. The number and nature of control measures to assess the quality of student training should be clearly justified. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate exactly how these activities make it possible to identify the correspondence of educational results to the goals and objectives of training.

3. In the educational and thematic plan the topics of the course, the sequence of their study, the organizational forms of training used and the number of hours allocated both for the study of the entire course and for individual topics are reflected. The educational and thematic plan is traditionally presented in the form of a table.

When filling out the calendar-thematic plan, it should be borne in mind that the wording of the topic of the work program, the calendar-thematic plan and the entry in the educational journal must match.

  • unity of the content of education at its different levels;
  • reflections in the content of training of the tasks of personality development;
  • scientific and practical significance content of training;
  • accessibility of education;
  • maintaining succession.

When describing content of work program topics can be recommended next sequence statements:

  • topic name;
  • the required number of hours to study it;
  • the content of the educational topic:
  • main research questions;
  • practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;
  • requirements for knowledge and skills of students;
  • forms and issues of control;
  • possible types of independent work of students.

5.In the block of the work program "Requirements for the level of training of students" it is necessary to reflect the requirements under the headings "Know / understand", "Be able", "Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life".
This item of the work program may include a list of questions for the final control in the discipline under study. Control should be planned and recorded in the educational and thematic plan. (Information about control, laboratory, practical work and excursions).

6. The literature on the academic discipline is divided into basic and additional. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. An additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes publications that expand the knowledge of students on certain aspects and problems of the course.
In the bibliographic list, publications intended for students and literature for the teacher (both basic and additional) are distinguished. The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order with the author, title of the book, place and year of publication.
Example: Gorsky D., Ivin A.A. A short dictionary of physical education. M: Enlightenment. 2006.

7. Calendar-thematic planning is drawn up in the traditional form.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" does not define the requirements for the work program.
Each teacher chooses an independent form of records, a text version of the work program.
One of the options for the work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a typical curriculum.
The teacher can make adjustments to all the structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of his educational institution and the characteristics of students in a particular class.
For example, define new order study the material, change the number of hours, make changes to the content of the topic being studied, supplement the requirements for the level of training of students.
This will allow you to see the features of the content implemented by the teacher, but does not contain information about the features of the organization of the educational process.




1. Work programs of educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) ( Further - work programs) are an obligatory part of the basic general education programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, developed and approved by the educational institution independently. The procedure for developing, agreeing and approving the work program is regulated by the local act of the educational institution.

Work program - a document that details the content of a subject, specifies the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students, developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard (the federal component of the state educational standard or the mandatory minimum of the content of general education), an exemplary curriculum and copyright taking into account the peculiarities of the region, the specifics of the activities of the educational institution, the educational needs and requests of students, the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the subject.

The work program is developed by a teacher who ensures the teaching of a subject in accordance with the curriculum of an educational institution for a specific class or level of general education.

The main functions of the working program:

Regulatory - the program is a document that is mandatory for

full implementation;

Goal setting - the program defines the values ​​and goals to achieve

which it is introduced into a particular educational area;

to be mastered by students;

procedural - the program determines the logical sequence

assimilation of content elements, organizational forms and conditions


Evaluative - the program identifies objects of control, levels of assimilation

2. The structure of the work program is determined by the local act

educational institution and, as a rule, contains the following elements:

Title page;

Explanatory note;

Educational and thematic plan;

Information sources.

Name of the founder of the educational institution (according to the Charter);

Name of the educational institution (according to the Charter);

Vulnerabilities for consideration, approval and approval of the work program

(according to the local act);

Name of the subject (according to the curriculum

educational institution);

Indication of the class or level of general education;

Information about the teacher-compiler of the work program;

Year of development.

2.2. The explanatory note reflects the following aspects:

Normative basis for the development of a work program (federal

component of the state educational standard or mandatory

Name of the curriculum (approximate and copyright), based

which developed the work program, in accordance with the rules

bibliographic description;

Used educational kit;

Goals and objectives of the subject in the field of knowledge system formation,

skills, key competencies of students;

Justification of the additions and changes made, taking into account the features

region, the specifics of the activities of the educational institution,

educational needs and requests of students;

Intersubject communications of a subject;

Requirements for the level of training of students;

The number of training hours for which the work program is designed;

Features of the organization of the educational process in the subject: preferred

methods, teaching aids, forms of organization of educational activities,

types of control of knowledge, skills, skills of students (introductory,

current, thematic, milestone, final, complex), methods


2.3. In the educational and thematic plan, the sequence of studying the sections and topics of the program is revealed, the distribution of training hours is carried out by sections and topics based on the number of hours determined by the curriculum of the educational institution . The number of hours for laboratory, practical and control work is determined.

2.4. The section "Content of the subject" is the main part of the program. It is built on sections and topics in accordance with the educational and thematic plan of the work program. When developing, one should rely on the federal component of the state educational standard or the mandatory minimum content of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, an exemplary program taking into account the chosen author's, regional basic curriculum for educational institutions of the region implementing educational programs of general education.

The name of the section and topic (from the educational and thematic plan of the working


federal component of the state educational standard or

mandatory minimum content, additional didactic

units, taking into account the regional component and the educational component


Topics of laboratory and practical work, demonstration experiments (if any);

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students

According to paragraph 7 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"development and approvalwork programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules)to competence and responsibilityeducational institution.

Work programs are one of main components educational program of a general education institution, as well as a means of fixing the content of education in subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum of a general education institution, intended for compulsory study, as well as elective, optional courses and additional subjects (courses) of the variable part of the curriculum. Also, work programs are compiled for subject circles that expand the possibilities of the curriculum.

In order to bring the work programs in line with the existing requirements, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methodological recommendations for their development and execution.

1. Status of work programs in general educational institution

Working programm- this is a document that defines the content, volume, procedure for studying any academic discipline, in accordance with which the teacher directly carries out the educational process in a particular class in a subject, elective and optional courses, subject circles. Together, it is the work programs that determine the content of the activities of a general education institution in accordance with the educational program aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education, taking into account the specifics of the educational policy of a general education institution, the status of a general education institution (type and type, See http://edu.tomsk, educational needs and requests of students, characteristics of the contingent of students, the author's intention of the teacher.

The working program performs three main functions: normative, information-methodical and organizational-planning.

normative function determines the obligation to implement the content of the program in full.

Information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, sequence of studying the material, as well as ways to achieve the results of mastering the educational program by students by means of a given academic subject.

Provides for the allocation of stages of training, structuring of educational material, the definition of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

1) the presence of signs of a regulatory document;

2) taking into account the main provisions of the educational program of the educational institution;

3) consistency and integrity of the content of education;

4) the sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the course content;

5) taking into account logical relationships with other subjects of the curriculum of an educational institution;

6) the specificity and unambiguity of the presentation of the elements of the content of education.

Types of work programs:

Work programs

subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum

subjects additionally introduced into the curriculum at the expense of hours of the variable part in accordance with the characteristics of the educational institution (type and type) and its educational policy (mission, goals, tasks, etc.)

elective courses

optional courses

subject circles

Circles, associations, sections of additional education

2. Work programs for academic subjects included in the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum.

The basis for the preparation of work programs are sample programs . Sample Program is a document that details the mandatory (federal) components of the content of education and the parameters of the quality of assimilation of educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum. Exemplary programs serve as a tool for the implementation of the federal component of the state standard of general education in general education institutions. The development of exemplary curricula falls within the competence of the Russian Federation in the field of education represented by its federal government bodies (Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

Sample Programs Perform Two Main Functions .

Information and methodological function allows participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing school students by means of a specific academic subject, about the contribution of each academic subject to the solution of the general goals of education.

Organizational planning function allows to consider the possible direction of deployment and concretization of the content of the educational standard of general education in a separate academic subject, taking into account its specificity and the logic of the educational process. The implementation of the organizational and planning function provides for the allocation of stages of training, the determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the content of training at each stage.

An exemplary program defines an invariant (mandatory) part of a training course, subject, discipline (module), outside of which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the content of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to achieve the results of mastering the educational program by students.

Sample programs cannot be used as working programs. , because they do not contain the distribution of educational material by year of study and individual topics. Sample programs are reference document when preparing work programs in subjects included in the Basic Curriculum. Also, exemplary programs can be a reference document in the preparation of programs for integrated academic subjects. (Sample programs are posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia – )

The work programs for academic subjects included in the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum include:

1) Author's programs for textbooks(lines of textbooks or teaching materials).Author's program is a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and an exemplary program and having the author's concept of constructing the content of an academic subject, course, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one or a group of authors. The author's program is characterized by an original concept and content construction. For such programs, the teacher makes only calendar and thematic planning. , reflecting the features of the educational process in a particular educational institution, class.

2) Programs compiled by a teacher or a team of teachers. In this case, to develop a work program, teachers can take as a basis:

-sample programs on individual subjects of general education.

The compiler of the work program can independently: expand the list of topics studied, concepts within the academic load, disclose the content of sections, topics indicated in the state educational standard and exemplary program; specify and detail topics; establish the sequence of studying educational material; distribute educational material by year of study; distribute the time allotted for studying the course between sections and topics according to their didactic significance, as well as based on the material and technical resources of the educational institution; specify the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program by students; choose, based on the tasks facing the subject, methods and technologies of teaching and monitoring the level of preparedness of students.

3. Working programs of additional subjects, elective, optional courses, subject circles and other associations of additional education.

Work programs for additional subjects, elective, optional courses, subject circles introduced into the curriculum in accordance with the features of the educational policy of a general education institution, status (type and kind), educational needs and requests of students, characteristics of the contingent of students can be developed on the basis of a wide variety of program and teaching materials. Such materials can be:

Programs of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;

Programs implemented in institutions of additional education for children;

Reference and methodical literature;

Other information sources.

Such diversity is determined by the fact that, as a rule, these programs are aimed at mastering the content of general education that is not included in the state educational standards, and the teacher, in the absence of ready-made author's programs, can use a variety of sources. If there are approved author's programs for optional, elective courses, subject circles, they can be used as working ones.

4. Structure of the work program:

The structure of the work program is a form of presentation of the training course, subject, discipline (module) as an integral system that reflects the internal logic of the organization of educational and methodological material, and includes the following elements:

Title page;

Explanatory note;

Requirements for the level of training of students;

Calendar-thematic planning;

List of educational and methodological support.

Title page The work program must contain:

Name of the educational institution;

The name of the course for which the program was written;

Program level (basic, profile level, in-depth or extended study of the subject);

Indication of the parallel, class in which the course is being studied;

Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher - compiler of the work program;

Program approval stamp;

Year of the program.

Purpose explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

Determine the goals and objectives of studying the subject (should be understood unambiguously and be diagnosable), the role of the subject in achieving the results of mastering the educational program of the educational institution;

To give an idea about the ways of deploying educational material, to show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, to describe the means of achieving them;

If a teacher uses a published author's program as a working program, then in the explanatory note it is enough to provide information about the author's program indicating the name, author and year of publication and briefly justify the reasons for choosing it and the features of its implementation in a particular educational institution. In this case, the explanatory note is very brief.

main content of the program.

This section is included in the work program if:

There are no author's program and teaching kit, and the work program is based on educational literature (for work programs in additional educational subjects, elective and optional courses).

This part of the work program provides summary of the studied educational material in the form of a listing of the main sections, topics of the course and a list of didactic elements within each topic. For each section ( common theme) indicates the number of training hours allocated for its development.

The teacher, developing a work program, can determine a new order for studying the material; make changes to the content of the topic being studied, concretizing and detailing didactic units; expand the list of didactic units, supplement the requirements for the level of training of students. Changes made in the content of the work program in comparison with the exemplary or author's program in the subject must be justified, logically follow from those stated in the explanatory note.

If the changes compared to the author's program do not significantly affect its structure, the order of presentation of educational material, etc., then in this section you can only indicate the sections, topics, didactic elements introduced into the author's program, indicating their place in the author's program without completely rewriting its text.

If the teacher uses the author's program without changes as a working program, then this section may be absent (in this case, the teacher must have a published author's program).

Requirements for the level of training of students

Requirements for the level of preparation of students are designed taking into account and on the basis of state educational standards. They are formulated in three main components: "Students should know ...", "Be able to ..." and "Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life."

The state educational standard and exemplary programs for a number of subjects characterize the requirements for the level of preparation of students at the time of graduation from a certain stage of education (basic general education, secondary (complete) general education) without detailing by year of study. Some of the requirements that are natural for a graduate of the 9th grade can hardly be made for a student who has completed the 5th grade. This circumstance must be remembered when compiling the section "Requirements for the level of preparation of students."

If the teacher uses the author's program as a working program, which formulates the requirements for the level of students' preparation, then this section may be absent (at the same time, the teacher must have a published author's program with this section).

Calendar-thematic planning is one of the most important components of the work program, because allows you to distribute all educational material in accordance with the curriculum and the annual work schedule of the educational institution.

Calendar-thematic planning is developed for the academic year. Planning for six months or quarters (trimesters) is inappropriate, because does not allow planning, ensuring and monitoring the passage of the work program by students in full.

The calendar-thematic plan should contain information about the sections and topics of the program, indicating the amount of training hours allocated for their implementation; topics of lessons within the framework of the topics and sections of the program, topics of workshops and laboratory lessons; themes of the lessons of monitoring the results of mastering the program material by students. The lesson distribution of educational material is carried out sequentially. Approximate dates for completing training topics are indicated according to the calendar of the current year.

In every reporting period(quarter, semester, half year) the calendar and thematic plan of the work program should be correlated with the class journal and the teacher's report on the passage of the program material. In case of discrepancy, the teacher substantiates and makes changes to the calendar and thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Approximate form of the calendar-thematic plan.

Lesson numbers

Names of sections and topics

Planned completion dates

Adjusted due dates

Name of the topic under study No. 1 (total hours for its study; number of hours per week according to the curriculum)

Lesson topic

Lesson topic

Theme of the control lesson

List of educational and methodological support, which is a component of the work program, contains background information about the output data of exemplary and author's programs, the author's educational and methodical set and additional literature, and also includes data on the educational and laboratory equipment used.

The work program is subject to examination . First, it is considered at a meeting of the methodological association of teachers for its compliance with the requirements of the state educational standard, as well as the mission, goals, objectives of the educational institution, fixed in the educational program. The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting, and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the stamp of approval is put: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

Then the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for the compliance of the program with the curriculum of the general education institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the presence of the textbook intended for use in the federal list is also checked.

On the last page of the work program (bottom left) the stamp of approval is put: AGREED. Deputy director for water resources management (signature) Transcription of the signature. Date.

After agreement the work program is approved by the director educational institution, puts the stamp of approval on title page(upper right): APPROVED Director (signature) Signature transcript. Date.

5. Classification of work programs according to the level of content being implemented

In educational institutions are implemented:

Work programs for studying the subject at a basic level (grades 1-11);

Work programs for studying the subject at the profile level (grades 10-11);

Work programs for in-depth study of the subject (grades 2-11);

Work programs for extended study of the subject (grades 2-11).

Work programs for studying the subject on basic level are a tool for the implementation of the state standard of general education and allow for general educational preparation of students. The basis for the compilation of these programs (as noted above) are exemplary programs.

Work programs for studying the subject at the profile level (grades 10-11) are focused on preparing students for further professional education. These programs provide specialized training for students in secondary general education schools and institutions of higher status (school with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceum, gymnasium.). The basis for the compilation of these programs are exemplary profile level programs.

In order to implement additional training for students in institutions of higher status, programs of in-depth and extended study of the subject are also being implemented.

As work programs for in-depth study of the subject, as a rule, author's programs are used, proposed by groups of authors, authors

textbooks for in-depth study of subjects recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In the absence of such programs, the teacher (a team of teachers) can develop work programs for in-depth study of the subject. In primary and secondary schools, an exemplary program in the subject is taken as a basis (guaranteeing the fulfillment of the requirements of the state standard) with a deepening of individual topics and issues. In high school, the program of in-depth study of the subject can be compiled on the basis of 1) an exemplary profile level program with a deepening of individual topics and questions; 2) the author's program for the profile study of the subject with the deepening of individual topics and issues. Also, the program of in-depth study of the subject can be recognized as the author's program for studying the subject at the profile level, provided that students are offered elective courses that deepen certain issues of the subject being studied (i.e., the program of profile study of the subject + programs of elective courses = the program of in-depth study of the subject) .

When developing programs for in-depth study of subjects by a teacher (a team of teachers), the following conditions must be met:

The program should be considered in an educational institution (methodological council, department, methodological association, etc.);

The program must be tested in an educational institution and receive expert opinion on the progress of the program implementation and the results obtained (in aggregate, these actions provide an internal review of the program);

The program must undergo external review at the subject (subject-methodological) departments of profile (pedagogical) universities, advanced training institutions (regional, federal).

Work programs for extended study of subjects are implemented, as a rule, in institutions of higher status - a lyceum, a gymnasium, and provide additional training in a certain direction (humanitarian, natural science, etc.). The program for an extended study of the subject assumes the presence of additional content (at least 10-15%), which allows you to study additional questions, topics that are not contained in the sample program. The content of the additionally proposed material reflects the features of the educational policy of the educational institution, its type, areas of profile training, the needs and requests of students, the author's intention of the teacher.

The teacher, the developer of the program for the extended study of the subject, in the explanatory note must justify the goals of inclusion additional material, highlight the planned result (increments compared to the basic level of training), describe ways to check the result; indicate the available resources for the development of the proposed content.

The program of extended study of the subject undergoes an internal review procedure at the educational institution:

Presented at a meeting of the methodological council (subject department, methodological association, etc.)

It is being tested, analyzed for the effectiveness of the additions made.

Thus, the work programs used in a general education institution reflect the features of the institution's educational policy, its status (especially its type) and ensure the implementation of the State Educational Standard.

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