Download cool and new widgets for Android. The best widgets for Android. Why do we need widgets?

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A widget is a small utility application that performs a specific function.

Modern widgets can provide any information, complement the desktop, and provide messaging. To understand what a widget is, think about the signal that indicates that you have received another letter. This is the most common example of a widget.

Let's figure out what widgets are and how to use them. From a formal point of view, a widget is a small application tailored for the implementation of some useful task. It is not entirely easy to understand what the word “widget” means, because for a long time various gadgets were called that way, but over the past 20 years special applications have appeared, written in HTML or JavaScript and performing a specific function.

The widget can show the weather on the home screen of a mobile phone or a large clock on a computer. But you can often hear another description, more generalized. This is an icon (graphic or text symbol) that launches the program itself.

Today, most widgets are used on the Android operating system, social networks and almost all browsers Opera, Yandex, Chrome, etc.


By appearance

Widgets are classified by appearance, functionality and installation location. Based on their appearance, the following types of programs are distinguished:

  1. Toppers located at the top of the screen and look like a strip with a field and a button. They perform an informational function, informing about promotions and discounts, and can also be used to collect contacts.
  2. The flor performs the same functions as the topper, but is located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Pop-up windows that overlap a website page. They are used to report various kinds promotions or for offers to leave contact information.
  4. Shortcuts are located on the side of the screen and are used to receive feedback from site visitors.
  5. Embeddable widgets.

All widgets can also be divided into groups for the desktop (desktop widgets) and . Developers can place a variety of visual and text programs on website pages. The user can only interact with them.

According to the installation location

Web widgets

This type of widget is built into a website. To understand what a widget is on a website, we must take into account that programmers divided this type applications on:

  • interactive – those with which you can interact;
  • non-interactive, working autonomously, regardless of the consumer’s wishes.

A more accurate name for the second type is informer. A classic example is showing a weather forecast or displaying changes in exchange rates.

An example of interactive widgets are widgets social networks and message widgets. Social network widgets are familiar buttons with Facebook logos,

One of the first concepts that we come across when we begin to master our first Android tablet or phone is a widget. What is a widget?

A widget is a small program, or part of a program, that is located on the desktop of a device and is designed to display information, control the device’s equipment, and at the same time can launch another program of which it is a part.

For example, there are widgets that can be used to display information such as processor load, battery status, current weather information, and more. There are widgets with which you can quickly turn on or off GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, speakers and control other equipment Android devices. There are widgets such as weather widgets, which display information about the current weather and weather forecast on the screen, and which can call the weather application of which they are part.

Widgets can have different sizes - from a minimum size of 1x1, in the style of a regular shortcut, to full screen.

As you can see, everything is very simple - a widget is a program that “lives” on the screen of your tablet or phone and allows you to control it, receive the necessary information, and so on.

Now let's figure out how to add a widget to your desktop. It is not enough just to install a widget on your device like any other application; it also needs to be placed on the desktop.

In Android version 3.0 and higher, you can add a widget using fairly simple manipulations:

1. Click on the cross icon located in the upper right corner of the screen

2. In the window that opens, at the bottom of it you will see lists of widgets, application shortcuts, wallpapers and other things installed on your tablet or phone. At the top of the window there is a list of desktops.

3. Tap on the words “Widgets” and select the desired widget from the list below (the list can be scrolled right and left). The widget will be placed on the current desktop.

In addition, you can simply drag the desired widget onto any of the desktops.

In earlier versions Android installation widgets on the screen are done a little differently:

1. Press and hold with your finger on an empty area of ​​the tablet or phone screen.

2. In the menu that opens, select “Widgets”

3. A list will open with widgets installed on the device.

4. Select the desired widget from the list by tapping on it, and it will be placed on the screen of your device.

Widgets can be moved around the device screen. To do this, you need to press and hold your finger on it, and then move the widget to new position. In Android 3.0 and above, you can resize some widgets. To do this, you need to select the widget on the screen with a long tap on it, and then change its size by pulling the frame in the place indicated by the diamond-shaped icon.

Widgets are one of the unique features operating system Android. After all, there are no widgets that could be added to the screen even on the iPhone. In this article, you will learn how to add a widget to your Android screen and how to remove it later.

Depending on the version of Android that is installed on your smartphone, the process of adding widgets to your desktop may vary greatly. In addition, there are differences in different shells. In the standard Android shell, widgets can be added completely differently than in the shell from some conventional Samsung. In general, it is simply impossible to describe all possible options in one article. Therefore, we will consider only a few of the most common methods.

If you have a smartphone with a standard Android shell, then in most cases, in order to add a widget to the screen, you need to click on any empty space on the desktop and hold your finger on the screen until the menu appears. This menu may look different depending on what version of Android is installed on the phone. For example, in older versions of Android it looks something like this:

If you have such a menu, then you need to select the “Widgets” option and then add the desired widget to the screen by selecting it in the list.

In more modern versions of Android, after a long press on an empty space on the desktop, this menu appears. In which you can select “Wallpaper”, “Widgets” or “Settings”.

Select “Widgets”, after which a list of available widgets opens. In order to add one of these widgets to the Android screen, you need to click on it and, while holding your finger on the screen, transfer the widget to the desktop.

In addition, in some versions of Android, the list of widgets can be opened through the application list. To do this, click on the button that opens the list installed applications(button with dots at the bottom of the screen).

And after the list of applications opens, you need to swipe to the left to go from the list of applications to the list of widgets.

To add a widget to the screen, do the same as described above. Click on the widget and without releasing your finger, transfer it to one of the desktops.

If you are tired of the widget or you have added the wrong widget, you can always remove it from your desktop. To do this, you need to click on the widget and, without releasing the panel, drag it to the “Delete” button. Typically this button is located at the top or bottom of the desktop.

One of the most interesting features of the Android operating system interface is widgets. Using widgets, you can display useful information or implement quick access to important functions. But, unfortunately, there are not so many high-quality widgets for Android. In this article we have compiled a selection of the best widgets for Android.

Calculator++ is an advanced calculator for the Android operating system. This application allows you to perform both simple and complex technical calculations. One of the most interesting features of this calculator is the widget. The widget, which is installed along with the Calculator++ program, allows you to easily and quickly perform calculations without launching the application. Moreover, if the need arises, the user can switch from a widget to a full-fledged application by pressing one button.

Widget screenshot:

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Weather widget

The next application has the simple name “Weather & Widget”. This application is interesting primarily for its widgets. Along with this program, several widgets of various sizes are installed at once. This widget for Android displays the following information: date, time, time for which the alarm is set, current weather, as well as the weather for the next few hours or days. Thus, this widget can replace several others at once.

Widget screenshot:

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Calendar widget

Month Calendar Widget is a simple calendar widget. This calendar shows the current month. The user can also go to view previous or next months. This widget does not provide any additional functions, but nevertheless it is very convenient to use.

Widget screenshot:

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Widget with sound and brightness settings

Slider Widget is one of the best widgets for Android. The main function of this widget is to adjust Android parameters. Using Slider Widget, the user can change the screen brightness, ringer volume, and the volume of other programs. In this case, the user does not need to open the settings; everything is done right on the desktop with just one movement.

Widget screenshot:

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Flashlight widget

All users mobile phones and smartphones use their gadget as a helper. The Holo Bulb app makes this process much easier. After installing this application, a widget becomes available to the user, with which you can turn on the device’s flash directly from the desktop. This will not open the main application.

Widget screenshot:

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Widget with media player

Rocket Music Player is one of the most advanced audio players for Android. One of the most interesting and useful features of this player is the widget. This widget can be considered the best widget for Android among media players. The user has two widget options: large and compact. Using the widget you can start or stop playing music. The user can also go to the next or previous song.

Widget screenshot:

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Do you know any other good widgets? Tell us about it in the comments and perhaps your information will be added to the article.

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