What to do if money is stuck in Tatfondbank. The distribution by the names of Tatfondbank depositors by agent banks has been published. Is it possible not to pay the loan

As Vedomosti found out, a number of depositors of Tatfondbank and Intechbank carried out operations to reduce funds on their accounts so that they would fall under state insurance (threshold - 1.4 million rubles). They carried out such operations shortly before the introduction of the Central Bank's temporary administration in banks and the imposition of a moratorium on payments to creditors, which is an insured event, said two people close to both banks. For Tatfondbank, the regulator imposed a moratorium on December 15 last year, and a week later, Intechbank received a ban on satisfying creditors' claims. At the same time, Tatfondbank lost its solvency at the beginning of December, but operations with deposits continued to be carried out en masse, say the interlocutors of Vedomosti.

Intra-bank transfers were made from the accounts of legal entities to the accounts of individuals, large deposits were split up, fictitious operations were made to withdraw funds by some depositors and simultaneously deposit the same funds to old or new accounts of other individuals, Vedomosti's interlocutors list. All the balances on deposits that appeared as a result of such operations were not included in the register, one of them knows.

“About 3900 people were excluded from the register of depositors of Tatfondbank with claims for 4.4 billion rubles, Intechbank - 2,100 people with claims for 1.7 billion rubles. In these cases, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) suspects that depositors were taking actions aimed at obtaining insurance, which increases the agency's obligations, "says the second interlocutor of Vedomosti. At the same time, it is likely that one of the bona fide depositors could be among those who were not included in the register, he adds. A person close to Tatfondbank's management says that the DIA really has concerns that deposits are being split up.


Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov asked the National Bank and the Republic's Prosecutor's Office to strengthen control over the activities of banks in the region against the background of the problems of Tatfondbank and Intechbank. “It is necessary to exclude the possibility of a repetition of last year's situation and reduce the risks of losses on the part of clients and depositors,” he said, adding that these issues should remain under the special control of the prosecutor’s office (quoted by Interfax).

A representative of the DIA, in response to Vedomosti's questions, confirmed that there is such a problem in Tatfondbank and Intechbank: “The agency is considering applications that do not agree with the size of claims included in the register, and is investigating the situation.” The representative of the agency does not comment on the amount of claims that the DIA refused to enter in the register, and the number of depositors.

As of December 1, Tatfondbank had 75 billion rubles. deposits of individuals, in Intechbank - 16.3 billion. By mid-January, the DIA paid the depositors of Tatfondbank 48.3 billion rubles, or 90% of the funds to be paid. The agency paid out over 10 billion rubles to depositors of Intechbank, or about 80%.

Crushers are often found in collapsed banks. For example, during the formation of the register of obligations of Sudostroitelny Bank (lost its license in 2015), the temporary administration revealed that shortly before the revocation of the license, when the bank was already experiencing problems, “operations were being carried out to transform creditors' claims into a more privileged order of satisfaction”. In addition, deposits of individuals in the bank were split up to qualify for insurance compensation. The DIA identified similar operations in Lipetskoblbank (license revoked in 2013), First Republican Bank (2014), Stroycredit and Monolit banks, and Business Development Bank (all three lost their licenses in 2014).

Now more sophisticated schemes for splitting deposits are used than 5-7 years ago, says Svetlana Tarnopolskaya, partner of Yukov & Partners. Such transactions can be carried out with or without the connivance of the bank, she continues. Despite the fact that the schemes have become more cunning, the DIA still manages to prove intent for an unlawful insurance compensation, Tarnopolskaya concludes.

Information for Tatfondbank depositors, here you will find out where and how you can withdraw your deposit, which bank pays compensation on deposits of individuals, how to get payments to individual entrepreneurs. In addition, the page contains a complete list of branches of agent banks with addresses, phone numbers and working hours.

The introduction of the temporary administration of the DIA is aimed at obtaining operational control over the activities of the bank. This measure will ensure the protection of the interests of the bank's depositors and creditors.

The interim administration will check the financial situation of the bank, based on the results of which proposals for its further activities will be developed.


"Tatfondbank" is accepting applications for the payment of reimbursement of deposits until March 16, 2020, and the payments themselves are planned to be made until March 19 of the same year, inclusive. The funds of former clients of the republican bank, where the share of the region at the time of bankruptcy exceeded 40%, will be reimbursed through five Russian banks, which act as agent banks for the bankruptcy manager - the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

Applications from former clients, of whom there are more than 18 thousand creditors alone, are accepted through agent banks - Sberbank, VTB Bank, PJSC Ak Bars Bank, JSC Rosselkhozbank and PJSC Bank FC Otkritie.

Which bank will make payments

Reception of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation are carried out from December 26, 2016 across PJSC Sberbank, VTB 24 (PJSC), JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Bank FC Otkritie, PJSC AK BARS BANK acting on behalf of the Agency and at its expense as agent banks.

To receive a refund, the depositor shall submit to his agent bank only passport(identity document).

Compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount 100 percent of the sum of all his deposits(accounts) in the bank, including those opened for entrepreneurial activity, as of the date of the insured event, including interest, but in aggregate no more than 1.4 million rubles.

Interest is calculated on the date of occurrence of the insured event based on the terms of each specific bank deposit (account) agreement.

For a bank deposit (account) in foreign currency, the compensation is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of December 15, 2016.

The depositors of PJSC "Tatfondbank" can receive information on the list of divisions of agent banks that pay compensation and the mode of their work by calling the following hotlines:PJSC Sberbank - 8-800-555-55-50 , PJSC "AK BARS" BANK - 8-800-200-53-03, VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24, JSC "Rosselkhozbank" - 8-800-200-02-90, PJSC Bank FC Otkritie - 8-800-700-78-77, Agency - 8-800-200-08-05 (calls to all hotline telephones in Russia are free).

When will the refund be paid

December 26, 2016payments of insurance compensation to the depositors of PJSC "Tatfondbank" begin.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to make reimbursement payments only to a certain group of depositors. The distribution among agent banks of PJSC Tatfondbank's depositors was made depending on the depositor's place of residence, as well as on the initial letter of his surname. The distribution of the depositors of PJSC "Tatfondbank" was carried out on the basis of information about the address of the place of residence, submitted by them to the bank when opening a deposit (account).

To determine his agent bank, the depositor can use the table below.

Distribution of depositors of PJSC "Tatfondbank" by agent banks.

The depositors of PJSC "Tatfondbank" residing in the settlements specified in paragraph 1 of the above table are distributed among the agent banks in accordance with the first letter of the last name.

The agent bank of PJSC Tatfondbank depositors residing in settlements not specified in paragraph 1 of the above table will be Sberbank PJSC (regardless of the initial letter of the depositor's surname).

Having thus determined his agent bank, the depositor can apply for the payment of compensation to any of his divisions.

reference Information

The insured (subject to reimbursement through the DIA) are funds of citizens placed on time and demand deposits, including foreign currency deposits; on current accounts, including those used for payments with bank cards, to receive salaries, pensions or scholarships; on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs, in a total amount of up to 1 million 400 thousand rubles.

The depositors of PJSC Tatfondbank residing outside the settlements where the divisions of agent banks that pay compensation are located can also send an application for payment of compensation by mail to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, st. Vysotsky, 4. In this case, the payment of compensation will be carried out by bank transfer by transferring to an account with a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor in the application for payment of compensation, or in cash by postal order at the depositor's place of residence (except compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for entrepreneurial activity). The signature on the application sent by mail (if the amount of compensation is more than 3000 rubles) must be notarized. In the absence of a notary in the settlement, the authenticity of the depositor's signature on the application can be evidenced by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government. When sending it by mail, it is also necessary to attach a copy of the depositor's identity document to the application.

In the event of a disagreement related to the amount of compensation to be paid, or the absence of information about the depositor in the register of obligations of PJSC "Tatfondbank", the depositor can submit a statement of disagreement and submit it to the agent bank for transfer to the Agency or independently send such an application by mail to the Agency with the attachment of additional documents confirming the validity of the depositor's claims: a bank deposit (account) agreement, a cash receipt order, etc.

Payment of compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for entrepreneurial activity is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account specified by the depositor in a bank that is a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system, opened for entrepreneurial activities. If, at the time of payment of compensation, an individual entrepreneur is declared insolvent (bankrupt), such payment is made by transferring the amount of compensation to the debtor's account used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings. In this case, the application for payment of compensation must be accompanied by a certificate (or other document) issued by the bankruptcy administrator or by the court that made the decision to declare the depositor bankrupt (if the bankruptcy administrator has not been appointed), stating that the specified account is the debtor's account (the main account of the debtor) , used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings opened against the depositor, or the bank account of the debtor opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy administrator, or the deposit account of the court. If, at the time of payment of compensation, an individual entrepreneur has submitted a document confirming the state registration of the fact that he has lost the status of an individual entrepreneur, then the payment of compensation can be carried out both in cash and by transferring funds to an account with a bank that is a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.


In April 2019, after 3 months of provisional administration, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan declared Tatfondbank bankrupt. The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA) was appointed as the bankruptcy commissioner. If you are a borrower and want to understand where to pay a loan from Tatfondbank when revoking a license from an organization, know that liquidation of a bank does not in any way cancel loan agreements and debt repayment obligations. Find out how to proceed with making payments.

What to do with a loan at Tatfondbank

Now the offices of the credit institution are closed. What will happen to the loans of Tatfondbank and where can the next payment be made? You can get the most up-to-date information on the DIA website (asv.org.ru). If you are interested in what awaits the deposits of individuals, the procedure for presenting creditors' claims to the bank is also posted there. There is information for those wishing to repay the loan.

These are two categories of persons: the first may lose part of their funds, which will not be compensated, the second - they risk ruining their credit history due to uncertainty about the payment of debt. The work of the "Deposit Insurance Agency" is aimed at helping both groups - fresh information is promptly posted on the site, a special "hot line" has been opened for depositors and borrowers of the bank. There is an opportunity to consult with the specialists of the DIA and via the Internet using e-mail.

Is it possible not to pay a loan

In the event of the bankruptcy of a financial institution, borrowers are not released from the obligation to pay off debt on a consumer loan or mortgage. Debt obligations are transferred to a temporary administration or a third-party bank. If you are a borrower of Tatfondbank, you should never stop repaying loans. The answer to the question whether it is possible not to pay a loan at Tatfondbank can only be negative. By delaying payments, you will create delays, so you cannot avoid further problems in the form of collectors or litigation.

In the event that the liquidator transfers the bankruptcy debts to another financial organization, the problem of whether to pay the loan in Tatfondbank is removed automatically. The debtor receives a notification from the successor indicating the new details (where to pay the Tatfondbank loan and other information on payments). Also, the borrower may be offered to sign a new agreement, but he has the right not to do this if the proposed conditions do not suit him. In addition, the successor cannot demand early repayment of payments.

Where to pay a loan from Tatfondbank without commission

The procedure for revoking the license and bankruptcy was not the fault of Tatfondbank's clients, therefore they should not experience additional financial burden in addition to the existing one. Now, with the participation of the DIA, the money should be returned to the depositors of Tatfondbank, and convenient conditions will be created for the borrowers to receive payments to repay the loan. If you want to make a payment without extra commission, use one of the methods described below.

Service "Zolotaya Korona - Repayment of loans" (RNCO "Payment Center")

"Zolotaya Korona" is a convenient payment service, which is presented in the salons of mobile operators, branches of banks and other organizations (Euroset, Russian Post). The widespread prevalence of the network, the minimum of specified information for payment and the absence of a commission made this system very popular with those who need to make payments to pay off credit debt. In connection with the revocation of the license from Tatfondbank, the service stopped accepting payments to its details, but the website of the deposit insurance agency says that the service will resume in the near future.

Acceptance of cash payments for borrowers of Tatfondbank takes place at the address: Kazan, st. Chernyshevsky, 43/2. For the transfer, you need to fill out a special form, indicating the necessary details and the amount of payment (you must have a passport or other identity document with you). The ticket office is open without interruption from 9:30 to 17:00. Do not forget to keep the receipt of the transaction.

Through the terminals of JSCB "Russian Capital"

If the question of where to pay a loan from Tatfondbank is still relevant for you, pay attention to the terminals of the Russian Capital JSCB, which also make it possible to make payments without commissions. By specifying the information in the fields "agreement number", "date of the loan", "borrower data" and "phone number", you can make a payment (one-time payment should be no more than 15,000 rubles). The terminals are located at the addresses:

  • Moscow, st. Vysotsky, 4;
  • Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 59, bldg. 2.

At the cash desks of Tatfondbank Moscow

Another possibility to make a payment in cash without a commission (extra interest) is to do it through the bank's cash desks at the address: Moscow, Lesnaya ulitsa, 57, building 4. The information that must be specified when paying is the same as in other cases (bank details, payment amount, borrower details). Office hours: Monday-Thursday - 9: 00-17: 00 (break 13: 00-13: 45), Friday - 9: 00-11: 00.

Loan repayment through a third-party bank with a commission

Financial organizations will also help you in deciding where you need to pay a loan from Tatfondbank, but they charge a commission for their services. For example, Sberbank will transfer money for 1-2% of the total amount, depending on the transfer option (through an operator or remotely). Roughly the same prices are offered by other credit institutions, so the interest-free offers of Rosbank and Ak Bars Bank look very attractive against this background.

How to pay a loan at Tatfondbank

Having dealt with the question of where you can pay Tatfondbank loans, it remains to transfer the money. It can be done easily, having the necessary requisites. There are some differences when making a payment for legal entities and individuals, but they are not complicated. After completing the payment, do not forget to clarify the passage of the amount to be sure that the money reached its destination.

Payment details for individuals and legal entities

Payment to the address of the bankruptcy commissioner is suitable for both legal entities and individuals. In this case, you must specify:

  • Recipient - State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".
  • Address - Russia, Moscow, 109240, st. Vysotsky, 4.
  • Beneficiary's bank - Main Branch of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District, Moscow 35.
  • BIK - 044525000.
  • Current account - 40503810145250003051.
  • INN - 7708514824.
  • Checkpoint - 770901001.
  • Purpose of payment - the account of PJSC "Tatfondbank" with the Agency No. 76 / 11-0587 must be indicated here. In addition, there must be the borrower's data (surname, name, patronymic or company name), the number of the loan agreement, credit card or card account.

Details for payment exclusively by individuals

There is another way to pay off the loan, but it is only suitable for individuals. In this case, the data for enumeration will be as follows:

  • Recipient - PJSC Tatfondbank.
  • Address - Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, 420111, st. Chernyshevsky, 43/2.
  • Beneficiary's bank - Branch of the National Bank for the Republic of Tatarstan, Volgo-Vyatka State Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • BIK - 049205815.
  • Correspondent account - 30101810100000000815.
  • INN - 1653016914.
  • Checkpoint - 165501001.

Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya. Tatfondbank will start paying off creditors Attention The main part - about 65% - accounted for settlements under cession agreements, 20% - for unconfirmed debt on securities. Another 15% of the shortfall were unconfirmed claims for loans. On September 19, the bankruptcy commissioner announced that he had discovered property worth a little more than 2 million rubles, previously attributed to a shortage. These were shares in TFB-Rent Investment Fund, shares in Sovetsky Bank and bonds in RGS Nedvizhimost. According to Yulia Koroleva, a member of the Petersburgskaya Bar Association, the book value of the property says practically nothing: "This is such a relative indicator that it is better not to draw attention to it." Real prospects of Tatfondbank to pay off all creditors will depend on the market value of assets.

"Tatfondbank" (pjsc)

  • for heirs - the presence of a will or order from a deceased depositor;
  • for a representative - a power of attorney with the indicated powers to submit an application;
  • original and copy of the banking service agreement with the specified amount of the deposit.

Legal entities can substantiate their requirements with the following package of documentation:

  • signed mutual account service agreement;
  • agreement for cash services for a legal entity;
  • shares issued by the bank or securities transferred under purchase and sale agreements;
  • cash receipts, payment orders, applications for additional contributions to the account;
  • bank statements as of the date of revocation of the license by the Central Bank.

Clients can submit claims for payments within the next two years from the date of termination of activities and revocation of the license.

Payments to depositors "tatfondbank"


The main essence The deposit insurance system is subject to Federal Law No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation." The deposit protection system works according to the following principle. How does the insurance of deposits take place? Clients of the bank, whose deposits did not exceed 1.4 million rubles, in this situation have nothing to worry about, they will save money.

“Individual entrepreneurs will receive reimbursement only by transferring the amount due to the specified account with a bank participating in the deposit insurance system, open for entrepreneurial activities. Amounts over 1,400,000 rubles are drawn up as claims of the creditor against the bank, filled in by the depositor in the agent bank.

Such a document can be submitted through an agent bank, while it is necessary to attach copies of the deposit agreement or accounts and "incomers", as well as other documents confirming the validity of the depositor's claims. Individual entrepreneurs can receive insurance payments for funds that were suspended on the bank's correspondent account before the moratorium was introduced. As a reminder, since December 15, 2016, a three-month moratorium has been introduced with respect to Tatfondbank on the satisfaction of creditors' claims.
Also, the bank introduced a temporary administration represented by the DIA, which has to determine the financial condition of the bank to consider the possibility of reorganization. If the quality of assets turns out to be insufficient, Tatfondbank will be deprived of its license.
The insurer in this case is not the DIA, but any insurance company. Today, the procedure for insuring deposits of legal entities is in its infancy and has many nuances and shortcomings. Therefore, in the case of protection of such a deposit, the choice of an insurance company should be approached very carefully.

Our website will help you find where deposits with interest are more profitable, we will select the best option for your requirements. Insurance payments to depositors of tfb will begin three days earlier than planned In Kazan, the court stopped proceedings against the chairman of the "Association of Tatfondbank, Intechbank, Timerbank, Agroprombank" and the leader of the movement "Against crime and lawlessness" Dmitry Berdnikov. 03 February in the building of the Cabinet of Ministers were detained affected depositors.

Deposits tatfondbank

Saturday) at 11.00 Etendre le texte ... place: Kazan, Park im. Petrova We are waiting for EVERYONE. The rally was held for the following reasons: We are not satisfied with the work of the Competitive Managers! Instead of protecting the interests of the creditors, the CU file lawsuits against the innocent without filing claims against the PPB. the coming years are simply unrealistic for many !!! Payments to some groups of victims are not considered at all. Nobody sees them. As if they do not exist. The investigating authorities are in no hurry to look for the true culprits of our trouble !!! There is no full-scale investigation of the causes of bank bankruptcies Bank creditors are not recognized as victims We demand: 1.

Asv starts payments to Tatfondbank depositors

Its main part - about 65% - accounted for settlements under cession agreements, 20% - for unconfirmed debt on securities. Another 15% of the shortfall were unconfirmed claims for loans. On September 19, the bankruptcy commissioner announced that he had discovered property worth a little more than 2 million rubles, previously attributed to a shortage. These were shares in TFB-Rent Investment Fund, shares in Sovetsky Bank and bonds in RGS Nedvizhimost.
According to Yulia Koroleva, a member of the Petersburgskaya Bar Association, the book value of the property says practically nothing: "This is such a relative indicator that it is better not to draw attention to it." Real prospects of Tatfondbank to pay off all creditors will depend on the market value of assets. However, practice shows that first-line creditors, as a rule, receive money in full.

How I got my deposit back at Tatfondbank through a deposit insurance agency (asv)

  • Payment of money to depositors with a deposit amount of more than 1.4 mln.
  • Insurance payments to depositors of tfb will begin three days earlier than planned
  • How to return a deposit in excess of the insured amount?
  • "Tatfondbank" will start payments to creditors
  • Rfp paid 114 million rubles to depositors of tatfondbank and intekhbank
  • How deposit insurance works
  • Reckoning awaits tatfondbank
  • Payments to depositors of Tatfondbank of the first stage in excess of 1,400,000

Payment of money to depositors with a deposit amount of more than 1.4 million. If a financial institution ceases to exist or becomes bankrupt, then its license is revoked, and funds from the accounts are paid to the depositors. This procedure does not require prior agreement, since it is carried out by virtue of the law.

Reckoning awaits tatfondbank


In the event that counter claims of a bankrupt structure to its clients are found, payments will be made based on the validity of the claims, taking into account the deduction of the existing debt (loan), and it is likely that payments may not be made. The principle of refund is based on the gradation of the first letter of the account holder's surname, as well as on his permanent place of residence. Therefore, you can independently determine the agent bank through which it will be possible to receive compensation according to the compiled summary table, it can be found on the official website of the insurance corporation.

If the client could not independently determine the agent's bank, or the name of his place of residence is missing, then all obligations for the return will be transferred to Sberbank, the location of its divisions can also be determined by the interactive site map.

Payment of deposits of Tatfondbank

Economy 07:00, 25.09.2017 Plot: Banking crisis in the Republic of Tatarstan The DIA announced the first stage of payments to the creditors of the TFB. The agency itself will get the most. From September 29, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will start paying money to Tatfondbank's creditors of the first stage. Almost 11 billion rubles can be returned to them within five months.
Most of this amount will go to the DIA itself, not to the overstepping depositors. More than 21 thousand creditors are hoping to get the money out of Tatfondbank. Apparently, not everyone will succeed. Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
DIA begins payments to itself The Deposit Insurance Agency has announced the start date of payments in the Tatfondbank bankruptcy case. The first stage will begin on September 29 and will last exactly 5 months, until February 28, 2018. During this period, the DIA will pay first priority creditors 15.14% of the amount of their claims.

In the second stage, there are 26 creditors who have presented claims to the bank for 267 thousand rubles. There are more than 6 thousand third-priority creditors. Liabilities to them amount to 67.47 billion rubles. Another 117 creditors filed their claims after July 31, when the register was closed.

Scraped on the bottom of the barrel Auctions for the sale of the property of the TFB have not yet been held. Money to depositors and other creditors will be paid out of bank balances and other funds received. DIA completed the inventory of Tatfondbank's property in July. The bankruptcy commissioner estimated the book value of assets, which was listed in the bank at the date of the opening of production (April 11, 2017) at 214.8 billion rubles. At the same time, the DIA did not find part of the assets - the bank revealed a shortage of 40.9 billion rubles.

The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) informs about the occurrence of an insured event on December 15 in respect of - PJSC "Tatfondbank".

The obligation to pay compensation is assigned by the specified Federal Law to the Agency, which performs the functions of the insurer. Compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his deposits (accounts) with the bank, including those opened for entrepreneurial activities, as of the date of the insured event, including interest, but in aggregate no more than 1.4 million rubles. Interest is calculated on the date of occurrence of the insured event based on the terms of each specific bank deposit (account) agreement. For a bank deposit (account) in foreign currency, the compensation is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of December 15, 2016. If there are counter claims of the bank against the depositor, then when calculating the compensation, their amount is deducted from the amount of deposits (accounts), while the repayment of these claims not happening. Reception of applications for the payment of compensation for deposits and for the inclusion of the bank's liabilities in the register of creditors' claims (hereinafter referred to as applications for payment of compensation) and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation will be carried out from December 26, 2016 through PJSC Sberbank, PJSC AK BARS BANK, JSC Rosselkhozbank, VTB 24 (PJSC), PJSC Bank FC Otkritie, acting on behalf of the Agency and at its expense as agent banks. In addition, depositors of PJSC Tatfondbank can obtain information on the list of agent banks' subdivisions that pay compensation and the mode of their operation by calling the following hotlines: PJSC Sberbank - 8-800-555-55-50, PJSC AK BARS BANK - 8-800-200-53-03, VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24, JSC Rosselkhozbank - 8-800-200-02-90, PJSC Bank FC Otkritie - 8-800-700-78-77, Agency - 8-800-200-08-05 (calls to all hotline phones in Russia are free). To the attention of depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to make reimbursement payments only to a specific group of depositors. The distribution among agent banks of PJSC Tatfondbank's depositors was made depending on the depositor's place of residence, as well as on the initial letter of his surname. Distribution of depositors of PJSC " Tatfondbank»Was carried out on the basis of information about the address of the place of residence, submitted by them to the bank when opening a deposit (account). To determine his agent bank, the depositor can use the table below. Distribution of depositors of PJSC " Tatfondbank»By agent banks Depositors of PJSC " Tatfondbank», Residing in the settlements specified in paragraph 1 of the above table, are distributed among the agent banks in accordance with the first letter of the surname. Bank-agent for depositors of PJSC Tatfondbank"Living in settlements not specified in paragraph 1 of the above table, will be Sberbank (regardless of the initial letter of the investor's surname). Having thus determined his agent bank, the depositor can apply for the payment of compensation to any of his divisions indicated on the Agency's official website on the Internet. The depositor can apply for the payment of compensation both personally and through his representative, whose powers must be confirmed by a notarized power of attorney (a sample text of the power of attorney is posted on the Agency's official website on the Internet: www.asv.org.ru, section “ Deposit Insurance / Forms of Documents "). Depositors of PJSC " Tatfondbank»Can receive reimbursement for deposits (accounts) opened not for entrepreneurial activity, both in cash and by transferring funds to an account with a bank that is a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor. Depositors of PJSC " Tatfondbank », Residing outside the settlements where the divisions of agent banks that pay compensation are located, can also send an application for payment of compensation by mail to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, st. Vysotsky, 4. In this case, the payment of compensation will be carried out by bank transfer by transferring to an account with a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor in the application for payment of compensation, or in cash by postal order at the depositor's place of residence (except compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for entrepreneurial activity). The signature on the application sent by mail (if the amount of compensation is more than 3000 rubles) must be notarized. In the absence of a notary in the settlement, the authenticity of the depositor's signature on the application can be evidenced by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government. When sending it by mail, it is also necessary to attach a copy of the depositor's identity document to the application. Payment of compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for entrepreneurial activity is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account specified by the depositor in a bank that is a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system, opened for entrepreneurial activities. If, at the time of payment of compensation, an individual entrepreneur is declared insolvent (bankrupt), such payment is made by transferring the amount of compensation to the debtor's account used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings. In this case, the application for payment of compensation must be accompanied by a certificate (or other document) issued by the bankruptcy administrator or by the court that made the decision to declare the depositor bankrupt (if the bankruptcy administrator has not been appointed), stating that the specified account is the debtor's account (the main account of the debtor) , used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings opened against the depositor, or the bank account of the debtor opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy administrator, or the deposit account of the court. If, at the time of payment of compensation, an individual entrepreneur has submitted a document confirming the state registration of the fact that he has lost the status of an individual entrepreneur, then the payment of compensation can be carried out both in cash and by transferring funds to an account with a bank that is a member of the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor. Additional information The procedure for payment of compensation can be obtained by calling the Agency's hotline (8-800-200-08-05) (calls within Russia are free), as well as on the Agency's official website on the Internet (www.asv.org.ru, section "Deposit insurance / Insured events").

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L. applied to JSC "Gazprombank" on the protection of consumer rights, indicating that a loan agreement had been concluded between them and, when concluding the loan agreement, the bank imposed an insurance condition.
Aznakaevsk city court
19.03.2020 The Social Insurance Fund will issue a sick leave for Russians in quarantine remotely, according to the website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.
Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan
19.03.2020 Governments of different countries are taking emergency measures to support companies and citizens in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan

Insurers' fees in the republic in 2019 amounted to 28 billion rubles, payments - almost 12 billion.
19.03.2020 The fall in oil prices below $ 25 brought the Russian ruble to the second place in terms of the volatility of world currencies against the US dollar.
Evening Kazan
19.03.2020 “Black gold” has not been so cheap on the world market for almost 20 years. Evgeny BELYAKOV The fire in the financial markets is flaring up more and more.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Kazan

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the sale of Sberbank shares to the government by the Central Bank.
18.03.2020 The ruble showed a record collapse since February 2016. As RIA Novosti writes with reference to the data of the Moscow Exchange, during the trades the Russian currency in relation to the dollar reached 80.01 rubles, and the euro - 87.66 rubles.
18.03.2020 Question. I read on the Internet that military service and childcare are not included in the length of service to determine the right to a pension.
Mendeleevsky district

Traditionally, every week, the PFR Client Service in the Mendeleevsky District organizes the presentation of certificates for MSC to young families.
Mendeleevsky district
18.03.2020 The XXXVIII meeting of the City Council took place in Naberezhnye Chelny. It was chaired by the mayor of the city Nail Magdeev.
Administration of Naberezhnye Chelny

Rosgosstrakh strengthened its positions in the insurance market of Tatarstan. At the end of 2019, he rose from third to second place in the leaderboard.
Republic of Tatarstan newspaper
18.03.2020 In the first two months of 2020, VTB increased the volume of mortgage loans issued by 14%, to 106.6 billion rubles.
18.03.2020 Brent crude fell below $ 27 for the first time since September 2003.

TRK Tatarstan-New century
18.03.2020 The department of the Pension Fund in the Republic of Tatarstan draws the attention of citizens that there have been cases of fraud against people of the third age.
18.03.2020 The chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) Mikhail Shmakov, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, answered questions about the importance and necessity of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan

Many sectors of the Russian economy are shrinking due to falling oil prices and the spread of a new type of coronavirus, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at a meeting of the Federal Treasury Board.
Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan
18.03.2020 The cost of the euro is 87 rubles, the Brent oil is $ 27.22. New records are being set today by the soaring US dollar exchange rate.
TRK Tatarstan-New century
18.03.2020 Funds from the National Welfare Fund (NWF) can be used to support certain categories of citizens.
Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan

The Central Bank of Russia has published official exchange rates, which will operate on Thursday, March 19.
18.03.2020 The budget of the Russian Federation in 2020 will be in deficit, said the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov at an expanded meeting of the board of the Federal Treasury.
Ministry of Finance
18.03.2020 In the period from March 16 to March 27 of this year on the territory of the Bugulma region, the action "Tell me where they sell death" was launched.

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