Wonders of Space: interesting facts about the planets of the solar system. Seven wonders of Space: how unusual are the planets? Cosmic wonders visible to our eyes

The first miracle: the planet of x-rays and ultraviolet

The first exoplanet, i.e. the planet, which is not part of the solar system, was discovered back in 1992. This unfriendly planet orbits a pulsar. A pulsar is a magnetized, spinning top-like neutron star. She was once one of the familiar suns, and now she is old and dying. No, and there can be no chance of finding life in any form on such a planet, because the pulsar star floods everything around with X-rays and ultraviolet rays high level. Be that as it may, the deadly world itself can look quite nice despite all this.

Second miracle: planet core

A planet with a high density of matter can be easily detected using a powerful modern telescope. Astronomers believe that there are many planets in the Universe that are entirely made of iron. That is, from which, as a result of space “adventures,” only a metal core remained. Our Mercury is very similar to such a celestial body - 40% of its volume is occupied by a “core”, similar to a huge cannonball.

The third miracle: the sky in diamonds

If the search for a giant cannonball is a boring task, then what can you say about a sparkling new world consisting of pure carbon - that modification called diamond. A diamond planet could form in a carbon-rich star system. Such bodies are already known to science. Some cold suns revolve around planets whose surface consists of graphite, and in their depths, due to strong pressure, a diamond core has formed! One such planet can pay off all the debts of humanity to humanity.

Astronomers know where to look for such planets - in orbits around white dwarfs and neutron stars, where the ratio of carbon to oxygen is very high. For example, carbon planets were discovered in the pulsar system PSR 1257+12.

On the other hand, it is impossible to determine whether there are diamonds inside such celestial bodies. Moreover, the atmosphere of coal planets should be cloudy, like smoke from a chimney.

Volcanic eruptions on such planets can “spit” diamonds onto the surface, forming diamond mountain ranges and even entire valleys.

The fourth miracle: planets are balls of gas

Most of the planets discovered by people are gas giants. For example, frozen, like Jupiter. But there are also so-called “hot Jupiters” that orbit close to their suns.

Recently, astronomers discovered a couple of new exoplanets in intergalactic space. At this time, several hundred such planets are known. What might they look like? Should people study them?

Either way, all of these planets are amazing and deserve our attention.

Let's start with the planet of x-rays and ultraviolet


This exoplanet, i.e. a planet that is not part of solar system, was discovered back in the early 90s of the last century. It orbits a pulsar, which is a magnetized, spinning top-like neutron star. This unfriendly planet used to be one of the ordinary suns, but is now old and dying. There is not the slightest chance of detecting life in any form on this planet, because the pulsar star fills all nearby space with high levels of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation. Despite this, the planet itself can look quite attractive.

The second miracle is the core planet

On this planet, the matter has a very high density; such a planet can be found without problems using modern powerful telescopes. Scientists think that there are many planets in the Universe that are entirely made of iron. As a result of their space “adventures,” all that was left of these planets was a metal core. Our Mercury is very similar to such a cosmic object - almost half of its volume is a “core”, similar to a huge cannonball.

Third miracle: diamond stars

If you think that the search for a huge cannonball is not worthy of attention, then what about a shiny new world that is made entirely of pure carbon - the kind of carbon we call diamond. The formation of a diamond planet is possible only in a star system that is sufficiently saturated with carbon. Such objects are known to science today. There are bodies spinning in the orbits of some cold suns, top part which is graphite, and the depths, due to enormous pressure, formed into a diamond core! A small piece of such a planet will be enough to pay off all debts between states.

Scientists know that such planets can be found in orbits around white dwarfs and neutron stars, where there is hundreds of times more carbon than oxygen. For example, such “precious” planets were found in the pulsar system PSR 1257+12.

Volcanic eruptions on these planets can “spew” diamonds to the surface, forming diamond mountain ranges and even entire fields of diamonds.

The fourth miracle: planets made of gas

The majority of planets found by people are gas giants. There is such a planet in our system - it’s cold Jupiter. However, there are also so-called “hot Jupiters”, which are at a much smaller distance to their stars than our Jupiter is to the Sun.

For example, 51 Pegasus B is a gas giant that is significantly larger than Saturn. The atmosphere of 51 Pegasi B is incredibly dense, and the temperature on its surface is approximately a thousand degrees Celsius. At this temperature, even glass instantly turns into silicate vapor.

Fifth miracle: planets made of water

Exoplanet GJ 1214b may well be an ocean planet. Measurements of its temperature, mass and radius indicate that the planet has a small rocky core inside, and the remaining space (about 75%) is liquid water.

Such a world has a strong gravitational field, as a result of which the water is at a temperature of approximately two hundred degrees Celsius, but it does not boil away. Planet GJ 1214b revolves around its star in a highly elongated orbit, which is why the colossal deep ocean freezes completely in “winter.”

Sixth Wonder: Hell

This planet can easily be mistaken for the biblical hell.
There is one terribly hot place in our Galaxy. This hot planet is so close to its star that it, in turn, is slowly but steadily absorbing it. This exoplanet is called WASP-12b and is located in the constellation Auriga. She will never be able to overcome the attraction of her yellow sun (which is 1.5 times larger than ours).

This planet has an oval shape. The temperature on its surface is approximately a thousand degrees, and its mass is forty times greater than our Jupiter.

Seventh Wonder: Earth

Space is beautiful, and it really is close. After all, if you could drive up in a car, it would only take you about an hour to reach outer space. But, alas, such cars have not yet been invented, however, you can always buy a car in Mogilev, go out of town and enjoy the planets, nebulae and galaxies through the eyepiece of a telescope.

Earth is a planet in the solar system, the largest in diameter, mass and density among the terrestrial planets.

No one doubted that the Earth would take its place on this list, because living on it we do not notice that it is beautiful and unusual.

If the Earth disappears, it will probably be the saddest news for the Universe. So let's save our planet to the best of our ability, intelligence and love!

It's hard to believe, but once upon a time Space was completely empty. There were no planets, no satellites, no stars. Where did they come from? How was the Solar System formed? These questions have troubled humanity for many centuries. This article will help give some idea of ​​what the Cosmos is and will open Interesting Facts about the planets of the solar system.

How it all began

The Universe is the entire visible and invisible Cosmos, along with all existing cosmic bodies. Several theories have been put forward for its appearance:

3. Divine intervention. Our Universe is so unique, everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, that it could not arise by itself. Only the Great Creator can create such a miracle. It is absolutely not a scientific theory, but it has a right to exist.

Disputes about the reasons for the true emergence of outer space continue. In fact, we have an idea of ​​the solar system, which includes a burning star and eight planets with their satellites, galaxies, stars, comets, black holes and much more.

Amazing discoveries or interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

Outer space beckons with its mystery. Each celestial body keeps its own mystery. Thanks to astronomical discoveries, valuable information about celestial wanderers appears.

Closest to the sun is Mercury. There is an opinion that he was once a satellite of Venus. But as a result of a cosmic catastrophe, the cosmic body separated from Venus and acquired its own orbit. A year on Mercury lasts 88 days, and a day lasts 59 days.

Mercury is the only planet in the solar system on which it is possible to observe the movement of the Sun in reverse side. This phenomenon has a completely logical explanation. The speed of the planet's rotation around its axis is much slower than the movement in its orbit. Because of this difference in speed conditions, the effect of changing the movement of the Sun occurs.

On Mercury you can observe a fantastic phenomenon: two sunsets and sunrises. And if you move to the 0˚ and 180̊ meridians, you can witness three sunsets and sunrises per day.

Venus comes next after Mercury. It lights up in the sky during sunset on Earth, but can only be observed for a couple of hours. Because of this feature, she was nicknamed "Evening Star". It is interesting that the orbit of Venus lies inside the orbit of our planet. But it moves along it in the opposite direction, counterclockwise. A year on the planet lasts 225 days, and 1 day lasts 243 Earth days. Venus, like the Moon, has a change of phases, transforming either into a thin sickle or into a wide circle. There is an assumption that some types of terrestrial bacteria can live in the atmosphere of Venus.

Earth- truly the pearl of the solar system. Only on it there is a huge variety of life forms. People feel so comfortable on this planet and don’t even realize that it is rushing along its orbit at a speed of 108,000 km per hour.

The fourth planet from the Sun is Mars. He is accompanied by two companions. A day on this planet is equal in length to that of Earth – 24 hours. But 1 year lasts 668 days. Just like on Earth, the seasons change here. Seasons also cause changes in the appearance of the planet.

Jupiter- the biggest space giant. It has many satellites (more than 60 pieces) and 5 rings. Its mass exceeds the Earth by 318 times. But, despite its impressive size, it moves quite quickly. It turns around its own axis in just 10 hours, but covers the distance around the Sun in 12 years.

The weather on Jupiter is bad - constant storms and hurricanes, accompanied by lightning. A bright representative of such weather conditions is the Great Red Spot - a vortex moving at a speed of 435 km/h.

Distinctive feature Saturn, definitely are his rings. These flat formations are made of dust and ice. The thickness of the circles ranges from 10 - 15 m to 1 km, width from 3,000 km to 300,000 km. The rings of the planet are not a single whole, but are formed in the form of thin spokes. The planet is also surrounded by more than 62 satellites.

Saturn has an incredibly high rotation rate, so much so that it is compressed at the poles. A day on the planet lasts 10 hours, a year lasts 30 years.

Uranus, like Venus, it moves around the star counterclockwise. The uniqueness of the planet lies in the fact that it “lies on its side”, its axis tilted at an angle of 98˚. There is a theory that the planet took this position after a collision with another space object.

Like Saturn, Uranus has a complex ring system consisting of a collection of inner and outer rings. Uranus has 13 of them in total. It is believed that the rings are the remains of a former satellite of Uranus that collided with the planet.

Uranus does not have a solid surface; a third of its radius, approximately 8,000 km, is a gas shell.

Neptune- the last planet of the solar system. It is surrounded by 6 dark rings. The most beautiful shade of sea green gives the planet methane, which is present in the atmosphere. Neptune completes one orbit in 164 years. But it moves quickly enough around its axis, and a day passes in
16 hours. In some places, Neptune's orbit intersects with Pluto's orbit.

Neptune has a large number of satellites. Basically, they all orbit in front of Neptune's orbit and are called internal. There are only two external satellites accompanying the planet.

You can observe it on Neptune. However, the flares are too weak and occur throughout the planet, and not exclusively at the poles, as on Earth.

Once upon a time there were 9 planets in outer space. This number included Pluto. But due to its small size, the astronomical community has classified it as a dwarf planet (asteroid).

These are the interesting facts and amazing stories about the planets of the solar system that are revealed in the process of exploring the black depths of space.

“Earth (lat. Terra) is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System, the largest in diameter, mass and density among the terrestrial planets.

And who would doubt it! After all, we are simply accustomed to it, to everything beautiful and unusual on earth: what floats in the deep oceans and what grows under the hot sun. To what makes us find hidden strengths within ourselves, to what makes us happy, and to what frightens us to the core.

If the Earth dies, it will be the saddest loss for the Universe. So let’s take care of it, our planet, to the best of our ability, intelligence and love!


The Earth does not revolve around the Sun, as we were taught in school.
In order to figure out what's what, you need to look at the Earth from the Sun or Moon.
What if you receive the information: The Sun revolves around the Earth!?
You will experience an internal emotional drama. You will refuse to accept it.
If you want to know the exact state of things, you still need to be on the Sun. At the moment this is not possible.
Even spacecraft will not help you figure out what revolves around what. There is no point in Our Universe - any basis by which one could judge the movement of something.
Based on this, we come to understand: Why the planets of the solar system do not actually revolve around the Sun, as they taught in school.
Rather, we come to understand that the planets are entrained by the Sun and move in a spiral through the Universe.
An explanation is proposed: how, in addition to rotating on its axis and rotating as if around the Sun, the Earth follows the moving Sun through the Milky Way galaxy - in a continuous spiral, and not a flat elliptical plane.
We are moving from a representation of the Solar System - from a planar model to a three-dimensional picture.
Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually revolves around the Sun!
Many of us have been reassured about how the solar system works by viewing its physical model, which has the sun at the center.
The planets move around the Sun in a simple circular orbit without proper consideration of the Sun's movement through Our Galaxy - the Milky Way (approximately 450,000 miles per hour).
The sun and the Milky Way galaxy move in space.
The Earth moves in a spiral an unimaginable distance in space throughout the year.
How “fast” the Earth moves depends on the reference point you use.
You use something “stationary” or “background”, although all objects in the Universe are in motion.
The Earth rotates on its own axis - 0-1040 mph (depending on the latitude where the observer is located). The Earth rotates around the Sun at approx. 66,629 mph
The Sun revolves around the galactic center - approx. 447,000 mph
Considering the speed of the Sun, we learn that the Earth travels around Our Galaxy - 3918402000 miles per year! (Because it, in addition, revolves around the Sun).
The general speed of the Earth - movement in space is difficult to even approximately calculate. It is impossible to establish the entire set of movements.
The movement of the cosmic microwave background (relict radiation) relative to the movement of the Earth is approx. 1,342,000 mph
Or 11763972000 miles in 1 year! (only 0.2% of the speed of light!).
The old model of the Solar System shows a stationary picture of the Existence of “where the beginning came from.”
After a year has passed, this “time” is the past.
You are, in fact, over 11 billion miles from where you were a year ago!
It is necessary to understand that the movement of the Earth in our solar system looks different.
The true motion of the Earth around the Sun occurs in a spiral. In addition to rotating around its axis and around the Sun, the Earth follows the movement of the Sun throughout the Milky Way galaxy.

Such knowledge brings an understanding of the larger reality of the solar system - with a more logical perception.
Our scientists are constantly “tossing” “new” evidence to inquisitive humanity about what the solar system was like before.
There is a curious series of facts according to which “A BILLION YEARS AGO” - the Moon was allegedly located at a distance of 30 thousand kilometers from the Earth.
At the same time, the Earth rotated around its own axis six times faster, i.e., there were only “four hours” in an Earth day.
Our usual “YEAR” (a year on Earth “today”) consists of 365 “days”, with the number of “hours” in a “day” equal to twenty-four. Thus, we get: 24 x 365 = 8760 “hours”.
For the rotation of the Earth accelerated six times around its own axis, we obtain:
8760: 4 = 2190 “days”.
What is the number of “days” required for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun? It’s not a fact that it’s 799350.
The “year” of the Earth, determined by one revolution around the Sun, with “its daily rotation of four hours” remains unexplored.
By what right do scientists operate with “facts” that the above-mentioned event took place “A BILLION YEARS AGO?”
By what right do scientists extend their “human time to the entire Universe, and claim that the above-mentioned event took place - “A BILLION YEARS AGO?” WHAT YEARS?
What do we have “today”:
“The earth rotates on its own axis - 0-1040 miles/hour.” The Earth revolves around the Sun at approx. 66,629 miles/hour. The Sun revolves around the galactic center - approx. 447,000 miles/hour.
Considering the speed of the Sun, we learn that the Earth travels around Our Galaxy - 3918402000 miles in “our human year”! (Because, in addition, it also revolves around the Sun).”
The general speed of the Earth - movement in space is difficult to even approximately calculate. It is impossible to establish the entire set of movements.
The given parameters of the Solar system show a “momentary” picture of Genesis - what we observe “today”.
After each “year”, this “time” is the “past”.
No amount of tricks will help you figure out what revolves around what. There is no point in Our Universe - any basis by which one could judge the nature of the movement and duration of existence of cosmic objects, ... especially on the scale of our “human time”.
In space, everything moves and it is impossible not only to understand what is moving, but also what is moving around what.
Attempts to understand such ideas about Our World, without “human time”,
replenish our energy-informational content - give an understanding, in the human mind, about the dynamics of the energy-informational content of the planet Earth (about its addition to other objects - to the energy-informational content of Our Universe).
Our understanding deepens in the realization that we are, to some extent, witnesses to the real transformation of Our World.

Most astronomy enthusiasts are content to look at color pictures from NASA. At the same time, a huge array of amazing black and white photographs remains unclaimed. Look at the images you haven’t seen and try to answer – what is this?

In July 1983, the magazine “Technology for Youth” published a very interesting, in my opinion, article. I will give it in full. (Scan of the magazine on the website zhurnalko.net).

Cosmic wonders visible to our eyes

Magazine "Technology for Youth", 1983-07, page 37-39.

Alexey Vorobyov, candidate technical sciences, Leningrad

Let's imagine that the activities of highly organized intelligent beings are capable of changing the properties of entire galaxies. Based on this, we will examine photographs of these star systems and try to find in them something that goes beyond our ideas about action natural laws nature. Considering the seriousness of our goal, we cannot limit ourselves to considering random photographs of galaxies wandering through the pages of popular publications, but must turn to special astronomical atlases, which contain the most detailed data on all objects of interest to us.

One of the major works in this area is the “Palomar Atlas of the Northern Sky,” compiled at the Mount Palomar Observatory in 1952 by Wilson (up to 33° northern declination). It seems to deliver the starry sky to the researcher’s desk, and reproduces it down to very faint objects of the order of 20-21 magnitudes.

Studying the structural features of individual galaxies and their groups, one can notice that they, as a rule, are isolated star systems. However, there are cases when galaxies located nearby somehow influence the shape and structure of each other. Such galaxies are called interacting. Some of them are connected to each other by one or more jumper bridges, consisting mainly of stars.

It should be emphasized that the difficulties in studying interacting galaxies are very great. Besides the fact that they are, as a rule, far from us and weak, many are not taken into account even in the “New General Catalog” of NGC and its supplement IC. Their morphological study in structural and temporal development is just beginning. The same applies to their classification. There is work to be done here for many generations of astronomers.

There are many examples of galaxy interactions. Their forms and features are so diverse and unique that it is not possible to list even the main ones here, in this short article.

The founder of the systematization and study of interacting galaxies is our astrophysicist B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. Using data from the Palomar Atlas and other sources, he published several atlases of interacting galaxies beginning in 1959. According to astronomical tradition, in these atlases interacting galaxies are designated by the first letters of the compiler's last name in Latin spelling.

For example, the pair of interacting galaxies shown in Photo 1 is designated W33. (Here, as in astronomical atlases, the photographs are given in negatives.)

Let us limit ourselves to considering only interactions that manifest themselves in the form of jumpers-bridges between galaxies.

Studying these groups of interacting galaxies, such as VV33 and VV34, one is struck by their “smart” arrangement in space. It’s as if someone deliberately, for their own purposes unknown to us, creates jumpers-bridges consisting mainly of stars, and surprisingly expediently, with minimal expenditure “ building materials”, often in the form of straight lines stretched like a string (photos 1 and 2).

Figures 1-8. Interacting galaxies.

A striking chain of five VV172 galaxies, sequentially connected by bridges (photo 3). What is also striking in this case is that the speeds of these five galaxies are almost the same, with the exception of the smaller one.

The chain of six VV165 galaxies of different sizes, also sequentially connected by bridges, is also impressive (photo 4). Photo 5 shows two VV21 galaxies, connected not by one bridge, but by two, and several clumps of stars are observed on the longer bridge. But photo 6 shows a simply fantastic picture of the interaction of three galaxies VV405, connected by curved bridges. This bend was probably formed as a result of the rotation of the central galaxy.

Photo 7 shows a galaxy with two satellites VV394 on short legs-jumpers, once again demonstrating the unusualness and uniqueness of these amazing cosmic formations.

To explain the interaction of galaxies, many interpretations of this phenomenon have been proposed. Let us dwell only on some hypotheses.

Some scientists believe that the bridges that appear between interacting galaxies are jets of stars ejected from converging stellar islands as a result of gravity. But such models immediately raise objections. In fact, how can such jumpers appear that are visible, for example, in objects VV33 or VV34. Why did these bars arise when the approaching galaxies are at enormous distances, even on a cosmic scale, and why do many galaxies that are almost nearby do not have such bars? What keeps these extended thin bridges as long-term formations from destruction? The assumption that they are connected by electromagnetic forces is ruled out, since the bridges consist mainly of stars, and, as is known, the magnetic field cannot control stellar structures. But what then?

Other scientists believe that the observed interactions are not a consequence of the convergence of galaxies, but the result of the opposite phenomenon - separation into two or more galaxies after a violent explosive process, and stellar bridges are the last gravitational connections still remaining between the separated galaxies. And in this case, the same objections as given above remain.

Some researchers of interacting galaxies believe that in this case there are some unknown factors at work. physical phenomena, a completely different nature than the gravity and magnetism already familiar to us - for example, some kind of hypothetical force that can arise when some fundamental properties of vacuum are manifested, the so-called “lambda force” in Einstein’s equations, creating and holding jumpers. In general, the proposed hypotheses and models of galaxies with connecting bridges are not able to explain this cosmic phenomenon, but that’s not all. The galaxies in question presented researchers with a whole bunch of mysteries, one of which we will now consider.

Let's return to the pair of interacting galaxies VV5216 and VV5218 (photo 1) (VV5216 and VV5218 are galaxies included in the object VV 33). The image shows a long thin bridge that connects the lower large spiral galaxy with a small, apparently elliptical, with a thin tail. So this pair was visible in the Palamar atlas and in the album of V. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov. The bridge goes from the middle of the spiral galaxy to the elliptical one. But it only seemed so. Photo 8 shows a composite image of these galaxies, in which the lower “spiral galaxy” is represented by an image by I. D. Karachentsev, obtained on the 6-meter BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The world's largest telescope has “resolved” this “spiral galaxy” into individual details, which turned out to be a whole group of galaxies of different sizes. But this is not its mysterious feature. A thin intergalactic bridge does not emerge from the disk or core of the spiral, but from the upper stellar bracket almost perpendicular to it and rushes upward towards the elliptical galaxy. This has never been seen before. This picture has baffled scientists, and even a hypothetical interpretation has not yet been found. In fact, what processes can explain this mysterious formation?

So, if the proposed hypotheses and models of interacting galaxies are mutually exclusive, then why not propose another, perhaps strange, but undoubtedly bold hypothesis, which claims that these groups of galaxies, connected by stellar bridges, are the result of the activities of cosmic civilizations. It's scary to think, but maybe the luminous bridges connecting galaxies are bridges of communication and intelligence between them. Maybe this is a cosmic miracle that we have simply not noticed until now.

Of course, not all interacting galaxies with strange appendages should be considered evidence of the activity of intelligent beings. Of course, a careful scientific approach to each pair or group of galaxies connected by bridges is required. Here it is necessary to proceed from the “presumption of naturalness” and only after careful research and exhaustion of evidence of the naturalness of the phenomenon can one begin to create acceptable models of its artificiality.

The use of powerful astronomical instruments on Earth and in space will reveal to us such amazing pictures of the Universe that we simply do not suspect, but which we must prepare to understand.

And even though today for us, the people of a tiny but beautiful planet, these works of distant intelligent beings are still incomprehensible both in scale and in purpose, one thing is certain: they increase our confidence that we are not alone in the universe.

Discussion . Since the time of W. Herschel, thousands of astronomers have been studying galaxies more and more closely. But we do not know that at least one of them tried to find traces of the organizing influence of the mind in the structure of these largest objects in the universe, as the author of the report did.

Specifically, the task of searching for a cosmic miracle, that is, some formation or phenomenon in space that is inexplicable on the basis of the natural laws of nature, was clearly posed almost a quarter of a century ago. Since then, astronomers have been conducting a targeted search for it, but a sufficiently convincing reflection of artificial activity on extraterrestrial objects has not yet been found. Although researchers have noticed something suspicious in this regard, the “artificiality coefficient” of all finds is still extremely low.

One of the reasons for this, in our opinion, is that they are not looking for a miracle in the literal sense of the word, but for very real objects, the existence of which can be predicted based on the development of our civilization. And for her, in our time, it is scientifically permissible to predict only the development and transformation of the solar system. Such a limiting forecast was given by K. E. Tsiolkovsky at the beginning of the century. He believed that humanity’s desire for the rational use of the resources at its disposal would lead to the construction of a thin shell from the substance of the planets, composed of many orbital belts revolving around the Sun and completely covering the entire celestial sphere somewhere within the radius of the asteroid belt. This will allow civilization to fully utilize the energy emitted by the central luminary. Half a century later, the American physicist F. Dyson came to this idea in a different way. Then the Soviet scientist G. I. Pokrovsky showed in engineering how such an object could be constructed practically, gave refined characteristics of the radiation that the Tsiolkovsky-Dyson sphere should have, and indicated two actually observable objects with such characteristics. And although the “artificiality coefficient” in this case is already quite high, astrophysicists still do not have enough data to admit or refute Pokrovsky’s hypothesis.

How do you think? further development? Tsiolkovsky believed that some part of humanity on giant ships with huge reserves of energy would fly over hundreds or thousands of years to other stars and carry out the same transformation of their systems. In this way, humanity can gradually master the entire Galaxy. Now we can imagine that using relativistic speeds this process will go faster than Tsiolkovsky thought. We can quite easily imagine moving a planet (see TM No. 7, 1981) and even the entire solar system (see TM No. 12, 1979). Astrophysicists suggest that advanced civilizations can, at least in principle, transform stars or at least their atmospheres in order to obtain certain benefits. But in all these cases, the “artificiality coefficient” when assessing the observed object from the standpoint of the presumption of naturalness remains a value insufficient for a definite conclusion.

And all this is because we proceed in research from the possibilities of our civilization, and the higher we rise above them, the less bold the flight of our thoughts becomes. But even at the end of the last century, the Russian philosopher and playwright A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin substantiated the idea that civilizations in their development should go through telluric (planetary), sidereal (stellar) and galactic stages. And then they turn out to be capable of restructuring entire stellar systems. We still cannot imagine how to rebuild galaxies and why to do this, but, based on the philosophical concepts of the boundlessness of development and the infinity of the diversity of the world, we can imagine that at a certain stage of development, intelligent beings must come to the need for such activity.

So why do we limit ourselves to the search for what is most difficult to find and isolate - the search for the results of the activities of civilizations with capabilities commensurate with ours? After all, the most powerful, most developed civilizations should have the greatest impact on natural objects. And it is natural to look for them precisely in the structural features of the largest objects in the universe - galaxies. The rebuilt galaxy is truly a cosmic miracle! A. Vorobiev calls us precisely to this bold path, and this is the meaning of his hypothesis.

The modern majority of the “civilized” world is not concerned with anything other than moving the mouse and building a business career. - The people are getting smaller...

After reading the article, I decided to rummage around these objects - maybe I’ll come across something... The first circle is empty. On the second, we came across an amazing “clearing” of who knows what: four bubbles and a dividing “tank”. The size of these containers, compared to VV 33, is huge. On these scales, our Milky Way is a small point.

Figure 9. Object VV 33 and surroundings. 1.2. VV 33. 13h32m06.9s +62d42m03s (3-3600). 3. “Glade” is made up of 12 photographs. Center - 13h16m00s +64d0m00s (2-3600). (I’ll explain later what the numbers after the coordinates mean).

After such a find I wanted to find something else. The “dense forest” of the Universe turned out to be a fabulously “mushroom” place...

All images are taken from the California Institute of Technology astronomy site “IRSA: Finder Chart”. There are many nuances on the site. We'll figure it all out a little later, but for now, just take a look:

Figure 10. 1. 09h22m12s 19d20m02s (5-600). 2. 11h11m05s 22d02m35s (2-1200).3. From 09h40m00s 18d00m00s (5-3600).4. From 09h24m00s 22d00m00s (5-3600).5. From 11h10m30s 74d20m00s (1-3600). 6. From 12h18m56s 09d49m05s (2-3600). 7. From 00h56m00s 16d00m00s (1-3600). 8. From 00h18m31s -20d17m07s (2-3600). 9. 03h16m43s -10d51m00s (2-600). 10. From 11h08m07s 03d50m48s (2-600). 11. 14h47m43s -00d11m10s (1-1400). 12. 10h07m15s 00d13m13s (5-1400). 13. From 00h00m00s -43d00m00s (5-3600). 14. From 13h37m44s 76d46m06s (5). 15. 10h16m00s 24d00m00s (5-300). 16. From 09h40m00s 18d00m00s (5-3600). “From” means that it is impossible to give exact coordinates. We enter the specified coordinates and look for the object in the image.

A beautiful computer model of the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (LSS) has been developed:

Figure 11. Computer model of KMSV

I propose to look at the real elements of this sponge-web. Even if they are black and white, they are natural.

Figure 12. 10h39m50s 23d58m30s (1-3600)

Figure 13. 14h20m00s 14d00m00s (1-3600)

Figure 14. From 11h56m00s 20d00m00s (2-3600)

Figure 15. From 21h07m30s 00d30m00s (2-3600)

Figure 16. From 01h31m00s -11d10m00s (1-3600)

Figure 17. 09h36m00s 21d00m00s (5-3600)

Figure 18. 12h49m21s 20d54m09s (5-1500)

Figure 19. From 12h49m00s 18d00m00s (5-3600)

Figure 20. Previous photo in positive image. This is what the CMSV threads look like in the Universe.

Figure 21. “Patch”. 14h32m00s -89d30m00s (5-1100)

Figure 22. From 06h20m09s 10d11m47s (1-3600)

Let's finish with the elements of the KMSV for now. For dessert - three unusual objects.

Figure 23. 03h55m49s -26d59m23s (4-3600)

Figure 24. From 23h00m00s -27d11m00s (5-3600)

Figure 25. “Magic wand.” From 04h00m00s -46d00m00s (5-1600)

In addition to threads and tangles, there are a huge number of bubbles and containers in Space. There are not many of them by type and can be easily classified. The number of such “vacuoles” cannot be counted...

Let's call the first type of bubbles “eyes”. The largest family in the Universe. They are spherical objects with some spherical luminous content. We haven’t come across any completely empty “eyes” yet.

Have at least four holes and four threads coming from the center. Some have minor "dents". The shell of the sphere consists of two layers. In the red and blue spectrum, objects are not much different.

Figure 26. 1. 10h07m21s 16d46m10s (1 - 700). 2. 11h14m08s 20d31m45s (3 - 800). 3. 03h59m30s -12d34m28s (5 - 400). 4. 16h33m30s -78d53m40s (3 - 800). 5. 16h33m30s -78d53m40s (4 - 800). 6. 16h20m30s -78d40m22s (4 - 1000)

Let's take a closer look at the second image:

Figure 27. 11h14m08s 20d31m45s (3 - 800)

Figure 28. Positive image of the previous photo.

The next type is similar to a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg box. “Eyes” are much less common. They can be either empty or filled with some kind of crystal. Triple shell. Objects look different in the red and blue spectrum.

Figure 29. 1. 13h58m00s 15d20m00s (2-3600) red. 2. 11h13m00s 56d45m00s (2-3600) red. 3. 09h46m22s 54d56m00s (2-3600) red. 4. 13h58m00s 15d20m00s (1-3600) blue. 5. 11h13m00s 56d45m00s (1-3600) blue. 6. 09h46m22s 54d56m00s (1-3600) blue

Figure 30. Positive image of the previous drawing.

When magnified, the three-layer shell is clearly visible:

Figure 31. 11h13m00s 56d45m00s (2-3600)

Figure 32. “Swim.” (11h24m00s-11h35m00s) 27d00m00s (1 - 3600)

The next group of bubbles are lenticular “spotlights” with a very beautiful internal structure. They can be either empty or filled.

Figure 33. 1. 19h46m00s -76d45m00s (3 - 3600). 2. 09h57m30s 17d10m00s (3 - 3600). 3. 13h20m00s -09d30m00s (3 - 3600). 4,5,6 – Previous objects in a positive image.

Figure 34. 13h20m00s -09d30m00s (3 - 3600)

Below, on a greatly reduced scale, some of the bubbles we examined are trying to merge into a single whole:

Figure 35. From 00h58m44s 15d55m30s (1 - 3600)

Bubbles of the second type (kinder surprise) are often found near multi-layer tanks of various shapes:

Figure 36. 1. 00h10m00s 06d00m00s (2-3600). 2. 02h05m31s -07d55m00s (2-3600). 3. 01h01m14s -11d28m00s (2-3600). 4. 10h03m00s 17d00m00s (2-3600). 5. 01h01m37s -13d10m00s (2-3600). 6. 00h05m00s 08d25m00s (2-3600).

Figure 37. 1. 14h13m55s 15d10m32s (2-3600). 2. 13h26m00s -12d10m00s (2-3600). 3. 00h23m00s -04d00m00s (2-3600).

Figure 38. 00h56m00s -03d00m00s (2-3600)

Figure 39. 11h57m00s 69d45m00s (2-3600)

Figure 40. Sky survey of the Palomar Observatory from 12/07/1953. The figure is compiled from 16 adjacent images. (03h20m00s-03h32m00s) –(12d00m00s-14d00m00s) (2 - 3600).

The next group of cosmic wonders is similar in structure to a longitudinal section of wood or an openwork washboard. Sometimes the “tree” turns into a “board”, so let’s combine them into one group.

Figure 41. 233600 -130000 (5-3600)

Figure 42. 04h16m00s -14d00m00s (5-3600)

Figure 43. 01h51m14s -25d00m00s (5-3600)

“Match”, on the left side, turned out to be not alone. In some places there are whole garlands.

Figure 44. 1. 10h24m00s 27d15m20s (5 - 3600). 2. 21h12m00s -04d00m00s (5 - 3600). 3. 23h17m00s -79d00m00s (5 - 3600). 4. 10h44m00s 03d00m00s (5 - 3600). 5. 03h33m30s -07d20m00s (5 - 3600). 6. 09h40m00s 20d00m00s (4 - 3600).

Figure 45. 10h24m00s 27d15m20s (5-3600)

Figure 46. 23h17m00s -79d00m00s (5-3600)

After such “landscapes” I remembered the Egyptian Sky Goddess Nut. The ancient Egyptians imagined her as a huge cow, whose body was strewn with stars.

Figure 47. Sacred cow of the ancient Egyptians.

The question may arise: why are there no such miracles in the night sky? Everything is very simple. The solar system is surrounded by stars milky way, they are the only ones we see. Unusual pictures remain behind the veil of our galaxy. Only telescopes can penetrate this curtain.

There are a huge number of amazing objects in Space. They are not hidden, they are simply not advertised. To avoid getting into the astronomical “vegetable garden”, we are entertained with color pictures, like Papuans with beads, and professionals deal with black and white reality.

At first glance, all this seems strange and incomprehensible. In fact, each of us studied similar structures in school, starting in the fifth grade. Remember...

To be continued…

A short guide to working with the IRSA website.

We go to the IRSA website: Finder Chart.

Figure 48. Home page website "IRSA: Seeker's Graph".

If you don’t know English, it’s better to work in a browser with automatic translation. In the Russian version, there is some displacement of windows and buttons, but this does not affect the operation of the site. Not all browsers handle this resource correctly. I use Yandex.

In the window that opens, make the following changes:

In the line “Name or Postion: - Name or Position” - enter the coordinates: 13h58m00s 15d20m00s (can be copied from here).

In the line “Image Size: - Image Size” - set the viewing angle to 2500 seconds, maximum 3600.

In the line “Display Size: - Display Size” - depending on the speed of your computer and the Internet, you can set any size of the requested pictures. The most convenient is “Medium”.

In the line “Select Images: - Select Images” - leave the checkbox only for DSS. We remove the rest. Other image databases (SDSS, 2MASS, WISE, etc.) also have interesting images. To begin with, let's limit ourselves to DSS only.

In the line “Search Corresponding Catalog(s) - Search for the corresponding directory” - put a dot in “No” (we refuse to download catalogs). After this, all underlying lines will disappear.

Figure 49. Window for entering coordinates and parameters.

Click “Search - Start”). A window with five pictures will open:

Figure 50. Pictures.

We will denote interesting objects as follows: coordinates; + photo number; + image size (viewing angle). Example: 13h58m00s 15d20m00s (1 – 2500).

Click on the first image (a yellow outline will appear) and click on the black square. After a small picture appears in the center, enlarge it by clicking . This view is convenient for viewing all five images.

Figure 51. Photo of the Palomar Observatory from April 17, 1950. (blue spectrum).

Click on the arrow and go to the second image:

Figure 52. Photo of the Palomar Observatory from 04/17/1950. (red spectrum).

The same object, at the same time, but in the red spectrum.

If you need to view or save only part of the image, use the “Select area for cropping or statistics” tool. Click on the dotted square - it will become darker: . Select the objects of interest to us and click on “Crop image in selected area.” A cut out area will appear in the center. We increase it to the original size:

Figure 53. Cutout from Figure 52.

Let's move on to the fourth image:

Figure 54. Photo taken on April 20, 1996.

It was made forty-six years after the first and second. The bubble floated away, the threads of the KMSV appeared.

To save the desired image, press . The Save Image window will appear:

Figure 55. Saving an image.

To search by other coordinates, click the “Search” button and enter new values.

The site has many nuances that are constantly being added. Puzzle lovers will not be bored here.

Sometimes a window appears without pictures:

Figure 56. Empty window.

In this case, click on - “Show all as tiles”. We will consider other nuances as we progress.

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