Siberian greyhound. Borzoi Russian dog. Description, features, care and price of the Russian greyhound. Natural food for the Russian dog

The Russian greyhound originates from the eastern breeds of greyhounds brought to Russia during the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. By crossing with local breeds, the dog acquired a thick coat, making them adapted to the difficult climatic conditions of Central Russia. The Russian dog was infused with the blood of other greyhounds: the English greyhound, Polish, southern (mountain and Crimean).

General appearance and dimensions of the greyhound

The Russian Greyhound is a dog of an aristocratic appearance, tall, with a lean, strong, slightly elongated build. The dog's body is graceful, slender, muscular, designed for speed and short, quick bursts; rib cage deep. These dogs have a long, thin, narrow head, a slightly arched bridge of the nose with a black nose. The eyes are oblong and dark. The ears are folded back. The tail is lowered, saber-shaped. The coat is long, wavy or with slight curls, thicker and longer on the neck.

Height at the withers: males – 75-85 cm. Females – 68-78 cm.

Weight: males – 34-48 kg. Females – 27-41 kg.

Maintenance costs: $300/month - food

The long, silky coat is easy to care for and requires only brushing with a coarse bristle brush

It was used exclusively for hunting wolves and foxes. In 1888, the first breed standard was adopted. After the revolution of 1917, some of the dogs were exported to Europe, where they are still used today as decorative dogs. Restoration of the breed in Russia after the Great Patriotic War happened practically from scratch. The modern type almost completely replicates the appearance of individuals from the late 19th century.

Color color of Russian greyhounds:

  • white;
  • all shades of gold;
  • yellow-brown with black markings;
  • yellow-brown single color;
  • yellow-brown with spots.

It is advisable to raise Russian greyhound puppies in an enclosure, giving them the opportunity to walk without a leash. Dogs of this breed cannot be considered ideal for any lifestyle: they need a lot of space, long walks and regular exercise.


Dogs of this breed are prone to bloating, so it is recommended to feed them two or three times a day in small portions. With the advent of dry ready-made food, most professional dog breeders are trying to feed their dogs exactly this food. This recommendation also applies to nutrition for the Russian greyhound. There are several reasons for this: a balanced content of all necessary nutrients in the feed, the owner does not waste time on cooking, saving money. If the food is of high quality, which includes premium and super-premium food, then the dog receives all the necessary nutrients for normal height and development, taking into account age characteristics, size characteristics, breed, predisposition to diseases, etc. These foods include: Acana, Orijen, Eagle Pack, Bosh, Hill’s, Iams, Royal Canin, Pro Plan.

A natural diet must include:

  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • fish fat;
  • poultry meat;
  • sunflower oil;
  • lean sea fish;
  • offal (liver, tripe, etc.);
  • lean meat (beef, lamb).

When feeding, adhere to the following ratio of animal products to plant products: 2:1 for adult dogs and 3:1 for puppies.

The Russian Greyhound has the following qualities: good eyesight, aggressiveness towards animals, strength

Features of caring for the Russian greyhound

The long, silky coat is easy to care for and requires only brushing with a coarse bristle brush and, as needed, dry shampoo or bathing. Bathing poses some challenges for such tall dogs and should not be too frequent. Trimming your dog's fur between his toes will help keep his paws clean and provide extra comfort for your dog.

The Russian Greyhound needs to be provided with soft bedding, this will help prevent calluses and irritation on the elbows.

Trainability of the Russian Greyhound

The character of the Russian greyhound is affectionate and reserved. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their tenacity and quiet behavior. Loyal to their master. Proper training requires great willpower of the owner and a lot of time. From an early age, your dog should be taught not to rush at other dogs. This is especially important when walking your dog without a leash.

The Russian Greyhound is not at all suitable for the role of a guard dog.

Breed standard

FCI breed standard No. 193 of 1997.

Group 10: Greyhounds. Long-haired or with hanging hair. Breed recognized by: AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, ANKC.

The Greyhound is a dog with an excellent character. She is smart and very affectionate with her owner. The Russian Greyhound is very loyal and always strives to protect its owner and his family members.

Dogs of this breed can be very obedient. They are also generally very quiet and are happy to spend some quiet time in the comfort of their home.

In general, greyhounds prefer to be indoors and do well in an apartment if they receive a large amount of daily physical exercise. However, in order to be happy, the greyhound still needs some space.

Since this is a fairly large dog, it is better not to keep it with small children. In addition, these dogs often do not like the rough play of small children. However, for older children, the Greyhound can be a great companion.

The Russian Greyhound is well known for its speed and agility, as well as its intolerance to any pain, real or perceived.

Training a greyhound should begin quite early. Dogs of this breed learn quickly, but can be somewhat stubborn and easily become bored with repetition.

The main problem with greyhounds is their passion for chasing. Therefore, the Russian Greyhound must be supervised when it roams freely on the street. If she notices an interesting object to pursue, she will run after it without showing any caution.

Before bringing a greyhound into your home, take your time, first introduce it to other family members, children and other pets, especially cats if they live in your home, and observe their behavior.

Although greyhounds tend to chase some animals as prey outside, they can get along well with other pets in the home if they are raised with them from puppyhood.


In general, Russian greyhounds healthy dogs. However, the following diseases are known to be the most common in this breed:

  • Bloating (volvulus)
  • Wobbler's syndrome (compression of the cervical vertebrae)
  • Borzoi retinopathy - progressive atrophy of the retina
  • Cataract

Like other sighthounds, the Russian Greyhound is sensitive to a variety of anesthetics, as well as some chemicals, including flea and tick preventatives.


Caring for a greyhound is not as difficult as it may seem. Largely because this breed of dog likes to be well-groomed. The greyhound will take part of the care on itself, which cannot but please its owner. However, this does not mean that you can forget about caring for this dog. Russian Greyhounds have long coats that require brushing at least once a week.

Since greyhounds really know how to take care of themselves, these dogs don't need to be bathed often.

An important part of caring for a greyhound includes taking care of its paws. The fur between the toes needs to be trimmed.

Unfortunately, the greyhound dog sheds a lot, which is an additional incentive for more frequent brushing.

Dogs of this breed need to run and play regularly. The owner of a greyhound needs to provide the dog with a lot of exercise, it is important that the Russian greyhound is always in good physical shape.

The greyhound will gladly accompany its owner on jogging and cycling trips.

The Russian Greyhound is a rather demanding dog when it comes to nutrition. She needs good nutrition due to her muscularity and bone structure. Please pay Special attention on a greyhound diet.

In addition, the greyhound can be a picky eater. Instead of one or two large feedings, opt for several smaller feedings throughout the day. This will improve the greyhound's digestion and well-being. After eating, do not plan active games or exercises for your dog. Give the animal a chance to take a nap.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

Despite their large size, greyhounds adapt well to apartment life.

They love comfort and will happily share the sofa with you. These are not very active dogs, and many of them only need a 20-minute walk a day. Sometimes they need to be able to run around in a fenced area. Caring for the delicate coat of Russian greyhounds requires care: they often develop tangles on the head and between the legs.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Russia

Country of origin – Russia. It is believed that among the ancestors of the breed were bugbears, Tatar hounds and shepherd dogs. The history of the Russian greyhound can be traced back to the 17th century - in 1650 the first breed standard was recorded in Russia. For hundreds of years, this breed has been kept or bred by many people of noble birth. More than a hundred dogs could participate in the lordly hunt. However, after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the number of greyhounds declined sharply, and by 1873 the breed had almost disappeared. Fans of Russian greyhounds created the Imperial Association to preserve and restore the characteristics of the breed. But the association disappeared along with the aristocracy. During and after the 1918 revolution, many dogs were destroyed. The breed has survived only due to the fact that late XIX centuries, they were actively exported from Russia to Europe and America. They were often given to royalty in other countries, particularly Queen Victoria of England.

Let's start with the fact that greyhound dog breeds are a whole group of hunting dogs that are used to track animals without a gun. The peculiarity of such pets is their long legs and great speed, so they perform well in open areas and have excellent vision. Greyhounds have slender, muscular legs, so they are most often used for hunting hare or foxes.

It is also interesting that greyhound dog breeds are often used for sports competitions and races.

Australian Greyhound

The Australian Greyhound or Kangaroo Dog was developed in Australia. Previously it was used to hunt kangaroos because they were harmful to the farm. This breed is distinguished by its high speed, ingenuity and use of instincts. Now used as a companion and hunter of small animals. It works only on the plain, easily tolerates heat and can pursue a victim for several hours. Now the breed is almost not popular, it is rarely kept in apartments, and requires long training due to excessive aggressiveness.


The Azawakh appeared in Europe in the Azawakh Valley, and was used by nomads from the Middle East as a hunter, protector and added status. The pet can hunt any medium-sized game, performs well in fields or plains, and can easily tolerate heat. Its peculiarity is its high and strong paws, so it can even catch up with lions. The Azawakh is characterized by wild, detached behavior; the pet is closed to itself, not sociable and cannot be kept at home.

Arabian Greyhound (Slugi)

The Arabian Greyhound (Slugi) is considered a rare breed that tracks prey by sight. The most common dog in Africa, it works for hare, wild boar and fennec fox, sometimes acting as a protector. The peculiarity of the animal is its long legs and dexterity of movements, since the pet can make sharp turns and put its front legs far forward when running. By nature, they are neat, obedient, selective and reserved animals, but they do not tolerate the cold well.

Few people know, but images of slugs were found in the caves of Tunisia, and they are interpreted as 5000 BC. e., and in Egypt, archaeologists were even able to discover mummies of these animals, which indicates their veneration in the ancient world.

Afghan Hound

It appeared in Afghanistan for hunting, but is very difficult to train and is attached to its owner. Can hunt small game, wild boars and foxes, tolerates different types of climatic conditions. Features include agility, high speed and the ability to overcome obstacles, so it will perform well on the plains or in thickets. By nature, they are independent, stubborn, hardy and independent animals, but they get along well at home.


The Bakhmul first appeared in Russia and Afghanistan and belongs to the group of eastern sighthounds. Previously they hunted only ungulates, now they hunt hares, foxes and wolves. Works on rocky, flat and forested terrain. Features are speed, agility, good vision and hearing. By nature, these animals are calm, restrained, hardy, but passionate in the process of pursuit. They require a lot of space to maintain and require constant loads.

Greyhound (English greyhound)

It was bred in England as a hunting breed, although they do not differ in endurance and the ability to pursue for a long time. Their main advantage is running over short distances, so they use the pet to catch hares and foxes. The dog is intelligent, reserved, loyal, learns quickly and follows its owner everywhere. But he cannot live in an apartment without long walks.

It is interesting that the greyhound was previously used as entertainment for the nobility and a way of subsistence for the poor. But after 1014 the breed was only available to the rich.


The Deerhound was first bred in Scotland; the purpose of the breed was to hunt deer unarmed, so the dog can catch and kill prey on its own. Features of the animal are instinct and quick reaction. The Deerhound has endless energy, great physical strength, but cannot do without workload and training. By nature, the pet is inherently gullible, calm, emotional, and does not show aggression.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is considered one of the largest hunting dogs in the world and originated in Ireland. Used for hunting and protection, works well in open areas and forests, hunting hare, wolf, foxes and wild boars. Advantages – overcomes long distances, uses scent and instinct. By temperament - patient, kind, faithful and well-mannered, loves his family.

Spanish galgo

The Spanish Galgo was bred in Spain to catch hare and small game, was often used as a racing dog, and is considered one of the oldest breeds. Its peculiarity is its instinct and subtle sense of smell, so galgo never loses its scent. By nature, the animal is characterized by tenderness, kindness, energy, and calmness. It is better not to keep him in an apartment, to give him the opportunity to walk in an open space - on his own, since innate instincts cannot be overcome.

It is impossible not to mention the problem of cruelty to galgos, because in Spain this breed is bred only for the hunting season, and then the owners themselves kill, abandon or mutilate them. Since the Spaniards consider the dog only a tool for searching for game. Therefore, campaigns to protect and preserve the breed are taking place all over the world.

Kyrgyz Greyhound (Taigan)

The Kyrgyz Greyhound (Taigan) is an aboriginal sighthound dog that was formed in Kyrgyzstan. Used for hunting in mountain and forest areas, works on fox, badger, wolf and mountain goat. Often works in pairs, catches up with the victim, and then holds or kills it, managing to catch burrowing animals. The pet also easily tolerates different climatic conditions and uses its sense of smell. By nature - obedient, independent and persistent.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound, considered the shortest hunting breed, originated in Italy. It can hunt small animals in open spaces; the Italian greyhound has a developed hunting instinct and excellent eyesight. By temperament - calm, loyal, gentle, non-aggressive, well-mannered. But they have fragile bones, require long walks, and keeping them outside the city.

Magyar agar

Magyar Agar is a Hungarian breed that continues to form and develop. It can hunt small animals and burrowing animals, it is distinguished by endurance, fast speed, and often leaves its owner for several kilometers. Another feature is overcoming various obstacles, ingenuity, and the use of innate instincts. The pet is also characterized by playfulness, excitement, kindness and sociability. They are easy to learn, but not emotional.

Russian greyhound

The Russian Greyhound was bred in Russia and is used for tracking small animals or large game. The pet tolerates different climatic conditions, runs quickly, uses keen eyesight and sense of smell. It performs best when running short distances, and is passionate and aggressive when hunting. Easy to train, distinguished by endurance, devotion and balance, it is better not to keep it in an apartment.

Want to know more? It turns out that the Russian greyhound was often painted by emigrants from Russia during the Art Deco period, and all thanks to the elegance and aristocracy of the pet.


The Whippet, originally from England, has always been used as a hunting dog, working on hare and small game. The dog thrives in temperate climates and hunts in forests or on plains. Features are strong paws and great speed. He also uses his senses and keen eyesight and learns quickly. The pet can live in an apartment, but subject to long walks (at least two hours), it is distinguished by mobility and sociability.


The Hortai dog breed was bred in the southern part of Russia to hunt hare, saiga and even wolves; it feels good in the fields and on the plains, in the steppes. It easily tolerates heat and cold, but in severe frost it freezes. Features are endurance, great speed, resourcefulness and agility. It performs best when running short distances. Hortaya is easy to train, follows all commands, respects her owner, is devoted to him and is ready to protect. It's better not to keep it in an apartment.

To summarize, it can be noted that greyhounds are distinguished by agility, great speed, scent and keen eyesight. Although some cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Greyhound dogs were bred specifically for hunting, which is carried out over long distances without the use of firearms. They are characterized by an athletic physique, magnificent proportions, aristocracy in appearance and extraordinary grace. The Russian Greyhound is capable of independently driving in prey and bringing it to its owner.

Russian Greyhound - description and photo

In Russia, the breed was selected by the Russian nobility during the monarchy. Russian greyhounds were used to hunt animals (especially wolves). IN North America dogs of this breed showed excellent performance when driving coyotes. But they have also gained immense popularity as pets.

By nature, the Russian Greyhound is a very calm dog, however, at the sight of prey it suddenly becomes incredibly excited.

Although outwardly these dogs look fragile and thin, in reality they are quite strong and hardy animals. Thin and tall the build is very similar to English greyhounds. But they differ from them in having longer hair, consisting of hard or soft silky hair. The color can be any, but more often it is white with spots.

Possible color variations:

At the same time, fawn spots are very undesirable. Animals of dark colors have a characteristic black mask.

The Russian Greyhound has such qualities as aggressiveness towards other animals, excellent eyesight, and when running the dog can develop enormous speed (especially at short distances). This is an elegant dog with a strong build and great height.. In males, the height at the withers can reach 75-86 cm, in females - from 68 to 78 cm. The elongation index for females is approximately 102, for males - 102.

The average life expectancy of greyhounds is 12-14 years.

For its agility and high speed, the Russian Greyhound has gained popularity in certain circles, however, owners should take into account that dogs of this breed are known for intolerance to any kind of pain, be it perceived or real. Puppies need to be trained from a very early age.. They learn easily and quickly, but they need to be interested in this and diversify their activities as much as possible, otherwise the animal will get bored and become stubborn.


Owners of Russian greyhounds living in urban areas may be faced with the problem of these animals' increased passion for chasing and chasing. That's why the dog needs special attention and control during free walking, otherwise the dog, having noticed an interesting object, can easily chase it completely without paying attention to possible dangers.

Do not rush to bring a greyhound straight into the house - first you should introduce the dog to all household members, pets (especially cats), children and carefully observe the dog’s behavior. Greyhounds Able to get along well with other animals if they grow up with them from an early age, even despite their tendency to pursue street “prey”.

At first glance, it may seem that animals of this breed need any special care, but this is not so. This is explained by the fact that Russian greyhound loves to feel well-groomed and is even ready to take on some of the worries. But this does not mean that you can forget about care completely.

The dog is the proud owner of a luxurious long coat that needs to be brushed regularly (at least once a week). Since dogs really like to keep themselves tidy, they don't need frequent bathing. Important part of animal care is taking care of the limbs - regularly trimming the hair between the toes. A disadvantage of the breed is a tendency to shed heavily, which may serve as a reason for more frequent brushing.

The active temperament of these animals does not allow them to sit idle, so the greyhound needs constant games and fun exercises. The dog must always be in good physical shape, so the owner must provide his pet with enough exercise. The dog will be happy to accompany its owner on bike rides and jogging.

Due to the fact that the Russian greyhound has a bone structure and is a fairly muscular animal, it it is necessary to provide high-quality food, paying special attention to diet. To improve your pet’s well-being and digestion, you should divide the daily intake not into 1-2 doses, but into several fractional ones. After eating, let your dog rest and do not plan any active activities during this period.

Modern greyhound breeds

Modern breeders are familiar with other breeds of greyhounds. There are quite a few of them, the most popular of which are the following:

The Greyhound is a dog breed that is perfect for easy-going and cheerful people. Very smart and kind the dog will become a great friend and companion for those who love long walks, jogging and lead a fairly active lifestyle. For pensioners and people with poor health, it is better to choose another, calmer breed.

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