Words formed by prefixes and suffixes are examples of verbs. Morphological methods of word formation. Suffixal method of word formation

Words in the Russian language are formed by the most different ways, and very often special morphemes - prefixes and suffixes - are involved in this process. Some words are formed by prefixes, some by suffixes, but there are also those that combine both of these cases. How can you form a new lexical unit using two morphemes?

Prefix-suffix way of word formation: examples and features

So, already from the name it is clear that with this method the word is formed using a prefix and suffix, which are simultaneously attached to the stem. For example, if you take the word “gift” and add to it the prefix bez- with the suffix -n-, you get the noun “mediocre”. Since morphemes are used in the formation of new words, the prefix-suffix method is classified as morphemic.

One of the most common cases when a word is formed by a prefix-suffix method is one where a noun with a preposition is taken as a basis, for example, from the combination “under the snow” the word “snowdrop” is formed. In this case, former prepositions turn into prefixes.

It is quite difficult to form a word using the prefix-suffix method, because to do this you need to know what features distinguish all the morphemes included in it.

As for the meaning of a new word, it is usually made up of a combination of the meaning of the prefix and the stem; the suffix only adds certain shades to it. Usually, new nouns, adjectives and verbs, as well as adverbs, are formed in this way.

All adverbs that, according to spelling rules, are written with a hyphen, are formed in just this way. Here are examples of the prefix-suffix way of forming words of this part of speech on behalf of an adjective: prefix po + adjective adult + suffix om, the result is the adverb in an adult way.

But they do not necessarily have to be formed specifically from adjectives - there are a number of such adverbs formed from ordinal numbers, for example, firstly, secondly, and so on. They are written with a hyphen, which means they fall under the general rule.

There is a complex case of the prefix-suffix way of forming words, when the suffix is ​​zero, as, for example, in the word legless. They are formed according to the same principle as words where the suffix is ​​physically present, such as stowaway, fearless, and so on. Also sometimes the suffix “th” may be implied, which can only be noticed when phonetic analysis- lack of water, desolation.

What have we learned?

One of the most difficult ways of forming new words in the Russian language is prefixal-suffixal, when two morphemes are added to the base at once - a prefix and a suffix. Moreover, in some cases the suffix may be zero, and sometimes it can only be seen during phonetic analysis of the word. Nouns and adjectives, as well as verbs and adverbs, are most often formed using the prefix-suffix method. The latter needs special mention, because it is not difficult to determine which adverb is precisely formed in this way - they are written with a hyphen, and can be formed from both adjectives and pronouns. Another common option for this method of forming new words is the option when there is a word with a preposition, a suffix is ​​added to it - and now there is a new word. The meaning of this word is usually a synthesis of the meaning of the prefix and root, and the suffix in this case can either add some shade to the meaning, or not perform a meaning-forming function at all.

The most productive in Russian is formation of new words using prefixes, suffixes, postfixes. However, firstly, they do not exhaust all possible ways of the morphological method of word formation, and secondly, within each of these methods more specific varieties can be distinguished. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1. Prefix method - formation of new words using prefixes.

For example, verb swim across formed from the verb swim using the attachment re- (re-swim - t← ply - t).

    A derivational prefix is ​​attached to the entire word. Moreover, derived words formed by prefixes always belong to the same part of speech as the producing words.

    The prefix method is used in the formation of all significant parts of speech.

    For example: discomfort□ ← comfort □ ; you go-t← go - t; super-gifted-th← gifted - th; to this day← now.

But it is most productive in the formation of new verbs.

Wed: for -pe-t← ne - t; to-pe-t← ne - t; with -pe-t← ne - t; re-pe-t← ne - t.

2. Suffix method- formation of a new word using derivational suffixes.

For example: verb resin formed from a noun resin using the verbal suffix -i- (smol- And-t← resins - A).

    The suffix method is one of the most common in the language. With its help, all significant parts of speech are formed in the Russian language. In this case, the part of speech of the derived word can be the same as that of the producing word (cf.: birch- nope□ ← birch - A; census yva-t← census - t; ser- ovat-th← gray - th), may be different than that of the word producing (cf.: ser- e-t← gray - th; ser- awn□ ← gray - th; ser- O← gray - th).

3. Postfix method- formation of a new word using derivational postfixes.

    In the Russian language, as noted, derivational postfixes include:

    a) return postfix -;
    b) postfixes of indefinite pronouns -this, -either, -something.

    Therefore, reflexive verbs, indefinite pronouns and pronominal adverbs are formed in a postfixal way.

    For example: teach - t-Xia← teach - t; How - Ouch-That← how - Ouch; When- or← when .

Note. If we consider a postfix as a type of suffix, then this kind of formation can be attributed to the suffixal method of word formation.

4. Zero suffixation- formation of a new noun by meaningful use of the absence of a suffix.

Note. In some manuals this method is also called suffixless.

For example: height -Ø□ (“high space”) ← height/ok - th; zadir -Ø-a (“one who bullies”) ← bully - t.

    The absence of a suffix is ​​significant for a new word in the same way as the absence of a materially expressed ending is significant in the presence of a zero ending.

    For comparison, let’s compare the formation of words with the same root:

    1. ascending enij-e← sunrise/s - t; incision- To-A← cut/a - t; daring stv-O← deleted - Ouch;

    2. sunrise -Ø□ ← sunrise/s - t; cut -Ø□ ← cut/a - t; prowess -Ø□ ← prowess - Ouch.

    In the first case ( climbing, cutting, daring) when forming a verbal noun, a materially expressed suffix is ​​used, in the second case ( sunrise-Ø, incision-Ø, prowess-Ø) - zero suffixation.


In modern Russian there is big number words formed by zero suffixation:

1) Verbal nouns of the masculine gender of the 2nd declension with the meaning of an abstract action or its result.

Login ← enter, departure ← fly out, twitter ← twitter.

2) Verbal nouns of the feminine gender of the 1st declension with the meaning of an abstract action or its result.

Retribution ← to pay, merit ← to deserve.

3) Verbal nouns of the feminine gender of the 3rd declension with the meaning of an abstract action or state.

Scold ← scold, tremble ← tremble.

4) Verbal nouns general kind on -a, -i, denoting a person according to his characteristic action.

Bully ← bully, roar ← roar.

5) Masculine nouns of the 2nd declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of an abstract feature or the name of a person based on a distinctive feature.

Primitive ← primitive, original ← original.

6) Feminine nouns of the 1st declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of the subject according to the attribute.

Thick ← thick, steep ← steep.

7) Feminine nouns of the 3rd declension, formed from adjectives, with the meaning of an abstract feature.

Blue ← blue, wilderness ← deaf.

    When forming verbal nouns using zero suffixation, the productive stem is usually truncation (the verbal suffix is ​​cut off).

    For example: merit -Ø- A← merit - t; story -Ø□ ← story/a - t; twitter -Ø□ ← twitter/a - t.

5. Prefix-suffix method- the formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a prefix and suffix to the base of the word that produces the word.

    Nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs are formed in the prefix-suffix way.

    For example: under -glass-nick□ ← glass □ ; under -chef-th← chief □ ; de-weapons← weapons- j-e; in his own way← its - th.


1) The meaning of a derivative word formed by the prefix-suffix method is often derived from the combination of a noun in the indirect case with a preposition, and the derivative word uses a prefix homonymous to the preposition.

Wed: windowsill□ (“under the window”) ← window - O; under -glass-nick□ (“under the glass”) ← glass □ ; without -lun-ij-e(“without moon”) ← moons - A.

2) Do not forget that the suffix -j- may not be expressed in a word by a special graphic sign:

without-people- [ j ]-e← people - And.

3) Adverbs that are written with a hyphen are formed in the prefix-suffix way:

a) from adjectives - with the prefix po- and the suffixes -oom, -em, -i:

like an adult wow← adult th; in a good way to him← good th; comradely← comradely th; wolf-like[j ]-And← wolf th;

b) from ordinal numbers - with the prefix v-, vo- and the suffix -y, -i:

firstly ← first th; in-third-their ← tert th.

4) Their meaning is usually motivated by the combination of a noun with a preposition, and the derived adjective uses a prefix homonymous to the preposition:

without legs-Ø- th(“without legs”) ← legs - A; without -horn-Ø- th(“without horns”) ← horn □.

Compare the formation of similar adjectives, where, along with the prefix, not a zero, but a materially expressed suffix is ​​used:

without -ticket-n-th(“without a ticket”) ← ticket □ ; without -harm-th(“without harm”) ← harm □ .

6. Since in this manual -sya is considered not as a type of suffix, but as a postfix, we can distinguish several mixed ways of word formation of verbs with the postfix -sya:

    prefix-postfixal method- the formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a prefix and a postfix to the base of the word that produces the word;

    You are crying-t-Xia← plaka - t; in -chita-t-Xia← read - t.

    suffixal-postfixal method- formation of new words by simultaneously attaching a suffix and a postfix to the base of the word that produces the word;

    Morphemes are similar building material, only morphemes make up words. But with the help of construction, you can create new buildings, and you can make new words from morphemes. How? You will learn about this in this lesson.

    Topic: Word formation. Spelling

    Lesson: Basic ways of forming words in Russian

    When forming words prefix in this way, a new word arises as a result of attaching a prefix to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word belongs to the same part of speech as the original one.

    The following are formed using the prefix method:


    to the original noun grandmother prefix is ​​added great-- a new noun is obtained great-grandmother;


    to original adjective Kind prefix is ​​added pre-- a new adjective appears kind;


    to the original pronoun Who prefix is ​​added some- a new pronoun is obtained someone, which is written with a hyphen;

    4. Verbs, and the prefix changes the imperfect form of the original verb to the perfect:

    5. adverbs:

    to adverb funny prefix is ​​added Not- - a new adverb is obtained sad.

    Suffixal The method is to add a suffix to the base of the original word.

    Most often, the following are formed in a suffix way:


    Help+ suffix - Nick- it turns out assistant

    Stone+ suffix - shield- it turns out mason

    Parachute+ suffix - ist- it turns out skydiver

    Learn+ suffix - tel- it turns out teacher

    Brave + suffix - awn- it turns out bravery

    Build+ suffix - eni- it turns out structure

    Table+ suffix - IR- it turns out table

    2. adjectives

    Care+ suffix - liv- it turns out caring

    Spring+ suffix - n- it turns out spring

    Goose+ suffix - in- it turns out goose

    Grey+ suffix - enk- it turns out gray

    3. adverbs ending in O:

    To an adjective slow the suffix is ​​added - O-, an adverb appears slowly

    To an adjective silent the suffix is ​​added - O-, adverb arises silently

    Prefix-suffixal The method consists in simultaneously attaching a prefix and a suffix to the base of the original word.

    To original noun snow under- and suffix -Nick-, a new noun appears snowdrop

    To original noun city the prefix is ​​added at the same time behind- and suffix -n-, an adjective is formed country

    To the original verb run the prefix is ​​added at the same time once- and suffix -xia, a new verb is obtained run away

    To original adjective new the prefix is ​​added at the same time By- and suffix -oh, the adverb appears in a new way

    The most difficult of all ways to form new words in the Russian language is suffixless.

    Without suffix way verbal nouns are formed.

    We take the initial form of the verb go over and cut off from her -th And - And-, we get a verbal noun formed without a suffix transition.

    Verbal nouns entry, repeat, departure, story, dispute formed in a suffixless manner.

    The suffixless method is also used to form nouns from adjectives in which the ending is discarded.

    Let's take an adjective far and discard the ending from it - th, we get a noun formed without a suffix distance.

    Quiet, dry, high, blue, green- these nouns are formed in a suffixless way from adjectives quiet, dry, high, blue, green.

    Addition Another way to form new words is to combine two words in one word.

    As a result of addition, complex words consisting of two roots are formed.

    Words such as are formed by addition sofa bed, drama club, steamboat.

    In Russian, words can be formed by transition from one part of speech to another.

    Let's analyze two proposals:

    1. There's a new face in town.

    2. I love everything new.

    In the first sentence the word new answers the question WHAT? (what kind of person? new) and is an adjective.

    In the second sentence the word new answers the question WHAT? (I love what? everything new) and is no longer used as an adjective, but acts as a noun.

    Read the text and complete the tasks.

    Our extraordinary language is still a mystery. It contains all the tones and shades, all the transitions of 2 sounds from the hardest to the most delicate and soft; it is limitless and, alive as life, can be enriched every minute 2, drawing, on the one hand, lofty words from the language of the church and biblical 2, and on the other hand, choosing apt names from countless 2 of their dialects scattered throughout our provinces, thus having the opportunity in one and the same speech to ascend to the heights , inaccessible to any other language, and descend to simplicity, perceptible to the touch of the most incomprehensible person - a language that in itself is already a poet (N.V. Gogol).

    Tasks 1. From the highlighted sentence, write down: a) words that do not have an ending; b) words with zero ending; c) words with a formally expressed ending. For the last two groups of words, indicate which grammatical meaning have endings. 2. Find related words in the text. Group them according to the meaning of the root. 3. Find words that are formed by suffixal, prefixal and prefixal-suffixal methods of word formation. Indicate from what words they are formed. 4. Make a morphemic and word-formation analysis of the highlighted words.


    1. Russian language. 6th grade: Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.

    2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

    3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

    Basic methods of word formation.

    Laws of word formation with examples:

    1) Take into account lexical meaning words (handcuffs<= рука (ручники по смыслу не подходят)-приставочно-суффиксальный)

    2) The derivative and productive stems must differ by a minimum of morphemes (for free => for free - prefix)

    3) Take into account parts of speech (behind our FOREST - non-productive, but to go FOREST - transition from one part of speech to another)

    I) Suffixal

    • Adverbs ending in -o, -e (lightning-fast)
    • Verbs with the suffixes -yva-, -iva-, -va- (consider – consider)
    • Nouns with the suffixes -eni-, -ni-, -i-, -ti- (position – put)

    II) Transition from one part of speech to another (I think it’s not worth explaining, since everything is clear)

    III) Prefix (if the word exists in the language and explains the original word)

    • Verbs (affects-acts...)
    • Adverbs (forever – always...)
    • Noun (superman – man...)
    • Adjective (hyperactive – active….)
    • Pronoun (never – when, nowhere – where..)

    IV) Prefix-suffixal (the main thing is that the word logically explains the original)

    • Verbs (scatter - run...)
    • Adjective (helpless - help...)
    • Noun (snowdrop - snow, pomorie - sea...)
    • Adverbs (in my opinion - my..., firstly - first..., again - new..., to the right - right)

    V) Suffixless (only nouns by cutting off the ending and suffix from the generating word)

    • Image. from the verb (meaning of action) (heating - to heat, looking - to look, running - to run....)
    • Image. from adjectives nouns with “-ь” (width - wide, distance - distant...)

    VI) Addition of stems (easy, but not to be confused with suffixation: Agricultural<= земледелие, суффиксальный )

    VII) Addition and suffixation (there is no such thing on the Unified State Examination).

    VIII) A method that is also not in the Unified State Examination. Postfixal is an affixal way of word formation, which uses a postfix as a means of word formation: bathe - bathe.

    More about word formation methods

    Word-formation analysis answers the questions:

    • What word is this word derived from?
    • How is this word formed?

    The following methods of education are distinguished:

    1) petitionerprostrateApetitioner(suffixal method, using the suffix –nits-);

    3) underwindowsNickAwindows o (prefix-suffix method, using the prefix sub- and suffix –nik-);

    4) explosionexplosion at (same general part, method of formation – without suffix);

    5) heels And floor ny ← five floor her (addition of two roots).

    Rule #1.

    Work only with the initial form of the word (for inflected parts of speech - nominative case, singular and, if possible, masculine gender, for verbs - indefinite form).


    re-read l ← re-read t (suffixal method). Error! –т and –л- are formative suffixes, i.e. these are forms of the same word.

    Right: re-read, n.f. re chita th – chita t ( prefix method).

    Rule #2.

    If a word has a prefix, then try first of all to find a cognate word with a prefix.


    input ← move (additional method). Error! Progress – not the closest cognate word!

    Right: entranceentrance it (no suffix method).


    When analyzing word formation, remember that there are historical alternations of vowels and consonants:

    E/o/i/a/zero sound (with br at - with bir at - with ber y);

    Error: vishwhish nya (suffixal method, suffix –enn).

    Right: cherries ny ← cherry I (suffixal method, suffix -n).

    Hissing w, sh, ch, ts alternate with g-k, z-s, d-t ( start ah, empty it, Pushcha y);

    B/bl, p/pl, v/vl, f/fl, m/ml ( love it, love yu, in love ennobled).

    When choosing a cognate word, remember the following:

    Part of speech from what part of speech can it be formed how
    noun noun prefix, suffix,


    adjective suffixed, unsuffixed
    adjective noun suffixal, prefix-suffixal
    adjective prefixal
    verb suffixal
    verb verb prefix, suffix
    noun suffixal,


    adverb noun, adjective, adverb, numeral, pronoun suffixal,


    participle suffixal
    participle, participle verb only suffixal only

    Ways of word formation:

    1) First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the method of transition from one part of speech to another.

    Transition- This is a non-morphological method of word formation, which consists in changing the morphological characteristics of a word. Outwardly, this is manifested by the preservation of all morphemes and endings characteristic of the original part of speech, but by a change in the question asked of this word.

    To the past (which?) Sunday we went to the circus. – It is necessary to remember (What?) past.

    In the first case, by the way past the question is asked which?, i.e. the question is an adjective, and in the second What?– noun question. This means there has been a transition in the second sentence.

    2) Prefix method.

    Remember!The prefix does not change the part of speech!

    Common models:

    times/ras, over, super, ultra, extra + noun/adjective = noun/adjective.

    anti, dez, counter, not, nor + noun/adjective = noun/adjective.

    prefix + any unprefixed verb = verb.

    3) Suffixal method (more often forms a new part of speech).

    4) Prefix-suffix method.

    5) Addition

    When adding, usually two roots, parts of roots, words in a certain case are distinguished in a word, or the word is an abbreviation (MSU, Unified State Examination).

    Algorithm of actions.

    1) Write down the word in the initial form and highlight the ending or formative suffix (-ть, -ч or –ти for verbs).

    2) Select the closest related word (it should include as many morphemes as possible of the word being analyzed) and highlight the ending or formative suffix.

    3) Identify the common part of two words (matching morphemes)

    4) Determine the method of formation using a morpheme that is not included in the general part.

    Analysis of the task.

    From the sentences, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

    And I, first in kindergarten and then at school, bore the heavy cross of my father’s absurdity. Everything would be fine (you never know what kind of fathers anyone has!), but I didn’t understand why he, an ordinary mechanic, came to our matinees with his stupid accordion. I would play at home and not disgrace myself or my daughter!

    Let's talk. If you need to find a word formed using a prefix and suffix, then they must be present in the word that needs to be written down. Let's try to find these words. There weren't that many of them: at first, absurdity, incomprehensible. Now let’s select the closest cognate “relative” to these words.

    First - the beginning (they differ in both prefix and suffix, i.e. prefix-suffix method),

    Absurdity – awkward (formed using the suffix –ost, method of formation – suffixal),

    It’s unclear - it’s clear (they differ only in the prefix, which means this is a prefix method).

    Thus, the correct answer is the word at first.


    1. From this sentence, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.

    I suddenly felt scared, as if the earth had broken off under me and I found myself on the edge of a bottomless abyss.

    2. From this sentence, write down a word formed by a prefix.

    But in the “virtual” he can appear as a prince on a white horse.

    3. From these sentences, write down words formed in a suffixless way (using a zero suffix).

    Insulting shouts and threats were heard. Barclay's adjutant had to draw his saber to pave the way to the carriage.

    1) bottomless

    2) appear

    Word formation is a branch of linguistics that studies the ways of forming words in a language. By studying word formation, you can understand the means of enriching the language as a whole. After all, the language we speak is constantly changing, everything that happens in society is reflected in the language through new words and the meanings of words, and the main source of the appearance of new words in the language is word formation.

    Concepts of derivative, non-derivative, producing bases

    The stem of the word from which a new word is formed is called producing . The stem of the formed word is called derivative, and the word itself with such a base is called derivative. The base of a word that is not formed from anything (i.e., a base equal to the root) is called non-derivative , the word itself is also called non-derivative.

    For example, in the word house the basis is non-derivative. If we want to form a noun with a diminutive meaning from this word using a suffix -hic- (house + -ik-->house), then the basis house acts as a productive one, and the basis of a new word house– derivative.


    1. Divide the words below into derivatives and non-derivatives:

    wall, cannon, fly, washing, bench, table, rabbit, leaf, east, blue, fox, bluish, healthy, table, pearl barley, give, give, give, wash.


    Derived words: wall, front sight, washing, table, leaf, fox, bluish, table, give, give, wash.

    Non-derivative words: gun, shop, rabbit, east, blue, healthy, pearl barley, give.

    2. Underline the productive stem of the words: necessity, carrier, statement, come, carefree, interesting, termination, hunting, plantain.


    necessary awn, transfer chick, declared tion, with go yeah, without worries ny, interesting O, stop tion, hunting yay, by dear Nick.

    Basic methods of word formation

    Prefixal way of word formation the formation of words by adding prefixes to the generating word. Different parts of speech can be formed using the prefix method (in examples: noun, adj., v., adv.), while the generating and derivative words always refer to the same part of speech. This method is most actively used in the formation of verbs.

    with + student
    productive base

    fellow student
    derivative base

    pre + greatOuch
    productive base

    very largeOuch
    derivative base

    re + beiget
    productive base

    derivative base

    from + now
    productive base

    from now on
    derivative base

    Suffixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding suffixes to the generating stem. In this way words of different parts of speech are formed:

    Prefix-suffixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding both a prefix and a suffix to the generating stem:

    Often such words are formed on the basis of combinations of a preposition with a noun. In this case, a suffix is ​​added, and the former prepositions become prefixes:


    1. Words given: unemployed, nonsense, switch, express, express, utterance, hum, write, translated, substitute, stand, coaster, ask, in the old way, co-author, interview, promote, compatriot, accompaniment.

    Distribute the words into three groups according to the method of formation.


      Add-on method:

      • express, write, substitute, ask, co-author, contribute.

      Suffix method:

      • switch, express, statement, translation, stand, accompaniment.

      Prefix-suffix method:

      • unemployed, nonsense, humming, cup holder, old-fashioned, interview, compatriot.

    Postfixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding a postfix to the generating word. Derivative and producing words belong to the same part of speech. Using postfix -xia verbs are formed ( captivate --> get carried away, teach --> learn, break --> break), using postfixes -this, -either, -something– indefinite pronouns and pronominal adverbs ( who --> someone, whose --> anyone's, which --> any, where --> somewhere, when --> ever, how --> somehow).

    Suffixless method of word formation - the formation of nouns from verbs and adjectives without adding any suffixes. To form nouns from verbs (often with the meaning of action) and from adjectives (often with the meaning of attribute), as a rule, the suffix method is used: study - study eni e, draw - rice neither e, walk - walk ba, white – white purl a, dark - dark from ah, weak - weak awn . However, often the stem of nouns with a similar meaning coincides with the stem of a verb or adjective (carry - transfer, go out - exit, green - greens, dry - dry). However, such nouns are considered to be derived from the corresponding verbs and adjectives (and not vice versa), since the meaning of action is primary for the verb, and attribute for the adjective. Sometimes a noun can be formed from one stem in both a suffix and a suffixless way: rewrite – rewriting, census; blue – blue, blue.
    The method of word formation, which in school practice is usually called suffixless, is usually considered by linguists as a type of suffixal method, in which a zero suffix is ​​used, cf.: blue) + -ev- --> blue And blue) + --> blue.

    Addition– the formation of words by combining two or more stems or words. Words formed in this way are called complex. The following types of addition are distinguished:
    A. Addition of words: sofa bed, rocking chair.
    B. Adding basics using interfixes: rhinoceros, vacuum cleaner, half-blind.
    B. Addition of abbreviated bases, resulting in compound word, or abbreviation. The abbreviation has the same meaning as the original phrase. This method in Russian is typical only for nouns. The most common cases are addition initial letters words (MSU, university), addition of syllables or parts of words of the full name (food store, special correspondent) and addition of the initial part of a word with the whole word (wall newspaper, chief physician, half a melon, half a watermelon).
    The addition of stems can be accompanied by the simultaneous addition of a suffix: agriculture, five-story.

    Transition to another part of speech- a method of word formation in which a word or a separate form of a word of a certain part of speech begins to be understood as a word of another part of speech. In this case, the phonetic appearance of the word remains the same, but changes occur in the grammatical properties of the word that accompany the transition to another part of speech. Examples: sick(adj. in the form of gender) --> sick(noun), reception(adj. in the form of gender) --> reception(noun), lying down(verb.) --> lying down(adverb), in the spring(noun in the form of the TV case) --> in spring(adverb).


    1. Indicate how words are formed:



    • carpentry, girlfriend.


    • predawn, interlocutor.


    • rise up, some.


    • yellow-green, diver, pentagon.

2. Indicate the method of formation of the following nouns:

off-road, military, dislocation, knowledge, ice cream, subgroup, sentence, school, food store, dust jacket, ship, quiet, reader, kebab shop, sixth grader, school.



    • subgroup, dust jacket.


    • knowledge, reader, school.


    • off-road, school.


    • dislocation, sentence, silence.

    Transition adj. or par. in noun:

    • military, ice cream, kebab shop.


    • grocery store, motor ship, sixth grader.

3. Which word is derived in these pairs, the first or the second? What method of forming derivative words is used here?

Greens - green, out - out, in - in, out - out.

Answer: first, without suffix;

4. What method was used to form the word? hillock?

Answer: prefix, from a noun slide(note the alternation of zero sound / fluent vowel O.)

Other word formation methods

Prefix-postfixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding both a prefix and a postfix to the generating word, for example: think --> think about it, joke --> laugh it off, yawn --> gape.

Suffixal-postfixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding both a suffix and a postfix to the generating word, for example: proud --> proud, crowd --> crowd.

Prefixal-suffixal-postfixal method of word formation - the formation of words by adding a prefix, suffix and postfix to the generating word at the same time, for example: shoot --> exchange fire, talk --> talk over each other.

Word formation analysis

Derivative analysis allows you to find out from what and with what help a given derivative word is formed; in other words, the analyzed derivative word is divided into two parts: a generating stem and a derivational morpheme.

Let's carry out a word-formation analysis of the words contained in the sentence:

During the lunch break, the employees ate and went for ice cream..

Dining<-- dinner

1. Initial form – dining.
2. Generating word - dinner. Dining– ‘relating to dinner’.
3. Word-forming suffix – -enn-.
4. The method of word formation is suffixal.

Break<-- break at

1. Initial form – break.
2. Generating word - rummage through. Break– ‘a period of time for which something is suspended, “interrupted” action'.

4. The method of word formation is suffixless.
A, standing at the end of the verb infinitive stem.

Employees<-- work happen

1. Initial form – employee.
2. Generating word - work. Employees– ‘those who work together’.
3. Word-forming morphemes: prefix co- and the suffix - Nick-.
4. The method of word formation is prefix-suffixal.
5. When forming a noun, the vowel is cut off And, standing at the end of the verbal infinitive stem, and a postfix -xia.

Eat<-- e there is

1. Initial form – eat.
2. Generating word - There is. Eat– perfective verb, paired with the verb There is.
3. Word-forming prefix – By-.
4. Method of word formation – prefixes.

Let's go<-- send t

1. Initial form – go.
2. Generating word - send. Go– ‘send yourself’.
3. Word-forming postfix – - Xia.
4. The method of word formation is postfixal.

Ice cream (noun)<-- мороженое (прич.)

1. Initial form – ice cream.
2. Generating word - pr. ice cream in the neuter form.
3. There are no word-forming morphemes.
4. Method of word formation - transition to another part of speech: participles into a noun.

Additional information about some features of Russian word formation

1. Word-formation homonyms.

Suffixes, like words, can be homonymous. For example, the suffix -To- can form nouns with the meaning of a female person from the name of a male person (student - female student, Muscovite - Muscovite), diminutive nouns (turnip - turnip, room - room), verbal nouns with the meaning of action (wash – wash, install – installation) etc. Sometimes homonymous suffixes are added to the same productive stem, and then two homonym words are obtained. Since the emergence of such homonyms is associated with word formation, they are called word-formation homonyms, For example: raincoat(cloak) and raincoat(mushroom); conflagration(big fire) and conflagration(place after the fire), ax handle(big axe) and ax handle(axe handle). Conflagration(place) and ax handle(handle) – neuter nouns: a terrible conflagration appeared before our eyes; the ax has a comfortable ax handle. And nouns with an increasing meaning ax handle And conflagration– masculine (as well as boot, house etc.), since when forming diminutive or augmentative nouns, the gender, as a rule, does not change.
Homonyms often have different morphemic compositions. Yes, word mink(beast) is non-derivative, and the word mink(small hole) formed using a diminutive suffix -To- from the word Nora.

2. Morpheme overlay.

Adjective pinkish derived from an adjective pink and denotes a weak degree of manifestation of this symptom. This means that the productive basis pink-. Remaining suffix -at- occurs in adjectives, but it has the meaning of possession and forms adjectives from nouns (mustachioed, bearded, striped). And the meaning of the weak degree of manifestation of a characteristic is the suffix -ovat-(cf. reddish, bluish). According to the rule, the word should be pinkish. But in the word there was a repetition of two sound segments: ov – ov. They combined with each other, and the result was the word pinkish. This phenomenon is called morpheme overlap. Other examples: Smolensk + -sk- --> Smolensk(cf. Suzdal + -sk- --> Suzdal), Lermontov expert(cf. Pushkin scholar), honor(cf. to greet).
According to the spelling rules of the Russian language, three identical consonants cannot coexist in a word, even if this is required by the composition of the word. This is a special case of morpheme overlap: dis- + quarrel --> quarrel, column(s) + -n- --> columnar, Odessa + -sk- --> Odessa.

3. The difference between word formation and historical (etymological) analysis of a word.

In the process of language development, the morphemic composition of a word can change: a derived word, previously divided into morphemes, can lose its segmentation and become non-derivative. So, for example, the words benefit, benefit And it is forbidden were once words with the same root. But now, after the word has disappeared from the language lie (lzya), each of these words is perceived as non-derivative.
Even more amazing is the history of the word umbrella. This word comes to us from the Dutch language: zonnedek ‘sun canopy’. Originally in the word umbrella the suffix was not highlighted, and its meaning was closer to the meaning of the Dutch word. This is how N.V. uses it. Gogol in “Dead Souls”: Approaching the yard, Chichikov noticed the owner himself on the porch, standing in a green shallot frock coat, with his hand pressed to his forehead in the form umbrella above the eyes to get a better look at the approaching carriage. Over time, changes have occurred not only in the meaning of the word, but also in its morphemic composition. Now we perceive the last part of the word -ik as a diminutive suffix and, discarding it, we get the word umbrella. So from a historical point of view the word umbrella derived from the word umbrella. And word-formation analysis of the modern Russian word shows that the word umbrella derived from the word umbrella using a diminutive suffix -ik(cf. house, table).

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