A check mark next to the name in the contact. How to create a verified page on VK? Verification rules. We get a VKontakte checkmark - if you are a famous person

On the social network VKontakte you can see the official pages of famous people. Their profiles are marked with a distinctive sign, which is placed above the main photo. Dmitry Medvedev, Maria Kozhevnikova, as well as many other people from show business and other spheres of life have such a sign in the form of a tick next to their first and last names. In "Contact" the official page says that this account has been verified and is indeed who it claims to be.

How to check the box in "Contact"

Verification is the process of checking an identity for authenticity. A social network user who wants to make his page official must meet certain requirements. As a rule, only those users who really need to have a verification mark are approved. Checking the “Contact” box and receiving confirmation of your suitability means earning the trust of people who are interested in you. Famous people open public pages to communicate with fans and admirers, supporters and followers. So how do celebrities get verified or how do they check the “Contact” box? It is necessary that the person who requests identification of his identity be reasonably well known to the general public. If his publications, as well as quotes, are in popular media, Wikipedia writes about him on its pages, and other Internet sites note his noticeable presence, then the likelihood of passing verification is high. There are also certain requirements for a social network page that will have official status. There should be no spam or inappropriate language on the user's wall, so it should be constantly moderated or disconnected from third-party publications.

A verified page ranks high in searches. Therefore, it needs to be constantly updated - filled with relevant and interesting topics. In addition, the user’s personal data is filled out on the official page and their own photographs are posted. By the way, the number of contacts in friends should not exceed the number of subscribers.

Myths about how to put a tick in “Contact” without checking

To know the correct options for designing an official page, writing your first and last name, and many other options available to users of this social network, you need to open the “Help” section. It indicates everything that can be done and what should not be done. On Internet forums, many answers have also been written to the question of how to put a tick in “Contact”, decorate your nickname, design a page, and install applications. However, before you install anything on your page, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and capabilities of the social network. Remember that by contacting hacker programs, you can open access to your contact information, this will lead to your account being hacked with all the ensuing consequences.

There are several articles on my website dedicated to the social network. So, some of them are asked questions that are not related to the topic, which I periodically answer. Today this is exactly the case and I will tell you how to put a tick next to your name.

So, first, let's define what it actually is. A checkmark is a kind of verification, that is, confirmation that the user you see is real person, and not just another fake. The need for verification arose after hundreds and thousands of fakes by popular users began to appear on the social network. And since the administration is unable to fight fakes, it simply decided to make a verification that you can go through at your own request.

It should be noted that not all users can see this checkmark, including even stars. Why? Because you need to confirm your data, which not every user does. But some still provide documents to the VK administration. Let's take, for example, Dmitry Medvedev, now the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Here is his page:

As you can see, Dmitry Anatolyevich’s account has been verified, as symbolized by the check mark, so by visiting his page, you can always be sure that it belongs to Prime Minister Medvedev, and not to some other clone.

Of course, users immediately wanted to get such a tick for themselves, but this cannot be done. The fact is that only popular personalities are subject to verification. What is this popularity? A person must be famous, and the criteria for fame can be:

  • Wikipedia article.
  • Presence on various Internet platforms.
  • Citation in the media.

But even if you are, say, a famous singer who constantly appears on TV screens and about whom all the media write, this does not mean at all that you will receive the coveted tick. The reason is simple - you need to monitor your page. Here's what the rules say:

  • It is necessary that the page is clean. In this case, we are talking about incorrect statements and spam, which should not be present on your wall. In order not to miss spam, you need to moderate your page, or even better, pre-moderate and allow only “clean” comments.
  • It is necessary that the owner use his page and update it. If he visits it once a year and then by accident, then it is clear that the administration will not verify him.
  • The number of friends should not exceed the number of subscribers.

If you follow all these rules and you are a well-known person, then you can safely contact VK support. Perhaps your application will be approved. Go for it.

Are you probably tired of a lot of clones of a popular singer or a beautiful TV presenter? If so, then we would like to inform you that VK has been using the so-called checkmark for verification of famous persons on the social network for several years now. It is necessary so that users can immediately determine whether the person in front of them is a fake or a real person.

A check mark is a distinctive sign of successful completion of verification (verification), which is located to the right of the user name or community name.

What does it look like, this very tick? Let's go to the page of some verified star. Let it be Fred Durst from the band Limp Bizkit. We see a check mark next to the name:

The fact that this is not a fake can be determined as follows: hover the mouse arrow over the checkbox and information will appear that this is a verified page.

In order to successfully pass the VKontakte verification, the following criteria must be met:

  • Page owner fame
  • The purity of his page
  • Page owner activity

Now, in order. As for the fame and popularity of a person, there are no rules as such, the main thing is that the person is really famous, and not necessarily in real life- virtual is quite enough.

The individual or his managers are required to keep the page clean. If there is spam, swearing, incorrect statements, etc. on it, this may become a reason for refusing to verify the page.

As for activity, everything is simple here. You need to add photos, interesting news from your life or career, and have a large number of subscribers.

Agree, there is nothing incredible in these rules. If you think that you are a famous person who deserves to get a tick, contact the user support service of the VKontakte social network. If the administration approves your candidacy, a check mark will soon appear next to your name, symbolizing a verified page.

VKontakte is a social network that has a high security system and an extremely strict attitude towards users. In this regard, the administration from the very beginning to today constantly introduces new features that provide you and your page with additional protection.

Today, almost any major project has its own VKontakte group and, at the same time, big number fake communities. To prevent people from connecting with false groups and pages, famous individuals undergo account verification.

Although the verification process allows you to confirm ownership of the VKontakte page, however, at the same time, you are required to do a lot of actions and, most importantly, provide a lot of different information. Here you should not ignore the fact that it is possible to verify only those pages that fall under the rules of official confirmation.

Despite the difficulties with official confirmation of the page, there are still other ways to get the coveted tick. Of course, remember that without the personal participation of the administration, you only receive a fake checkmark indicating your desire for other users to consider the page real. At the same time, no one is stopping scammers from doing exactly the same.

Method 1: official VKontakte check mark

This checkmark is given exclusively to well-known people, or rather to those whose page really needs this confirmation. To fully understand all aspects of issuing a checkmark, you should familiarize yourself with the primary mandatory requirements for the owner of a verified page.
Each famous user can receive a checkmark if their fame covers one or more of the following:

If you fully comply with all the above requirements, you can receive an official VKontakte tick. However, unfortunately, the VK social network still does not have a specialized service for rating your page.

To get a checkmark you can:

  • contact support;
  • write to VK representatives personally, through the internal messaging service.

Only the administration can officially confirm a VK.com user page!

After your persistence and perseverance, your application will definitely be considered. If your page actually meets the requirements, you will soon receive the “Page Officially Verified” status.

Method 2: check the VKontakte page through communities

This method is suitable for those users who cannot put an official mark on themselves due to a low level of fame or for some other reason. At the same time, quite a lot of people on this social network use this method.

If you see a page of a user who has opposite the item "Place of work" checkbox is checked, be aware that this profile may still be a fake.

To install an unofficial VKontakte checkbox, proceed as follows.

This method of checking a box is the only one that works, besides the official check mark from the administration.

The main advantage of this option of installing a checkmark on a VKontakte page is that it will also be visible when searching for your page directly under the name. The disadvantages include redirecting the user to the VKontakte group when clicking on this checkbox.

We wish you good luck in confirming your VK pages!

In one of the updates, the VKontakte website surprised users with the appearance of special checkmarks next to the name of the page owner. It means that the administration of the social network has officially confirmed the identity of the owner of the account. Among other imitator pages, many celebrities have confirmed their representation on VKontakte.

How to create a verified page on VK? What do you need to do and who do you need to be to get the desired tick in your profile?


It is this strange, at first glance, word that names the procedure directly related to obtaining official confirmation of the page. In other words, this is nothing more than checking the account and the person who owns it. The successful result of the administration’s analysis of the provided documents is confirmed by a checkmark appearing next to the user’s last name. How to make a verified page on VKontakte, prepare for verification and be sure of its completion?

Rule one: the identity of the account owner, organization is known

The administration of the social network carefully ensures that the “official page” status does not depreciate and remains relevant, so it is extremely difficult to achieve it. How to make a verified page on VK forever? To do this, you need to go through verification, the success of which guarantees the fame of the community or the owner of the page.

A person or organization is considered famous if they:

1) Repeatedly mentioned in the media.

2) Seen more than once on well-known Internet sites.

3) Copy. There must be at least ten groups and communities posing as the original, with a population of five thousand members or more.

How to create a verified page on VK? Other nuances will be discussed below.

Rule two: competent management of the community, its cleanliness and content

The official page on VKontakte is an important part of any well-known organization. For a celebrity, a social network account also has a special meaning; it acts as a real business card. How to create a verified page on VK? It is important for the community administration to fulfill several additional conditions: the group must be open so that anyone can join it, and the brand name must be mentioned in the name of the public.

For officially verified pages, it is very important to have fresh news content and frequent updates. You need to reduce the number of reposts as much as possible, or better yet clear your feed of them altogether. A person monitoring a community needs to strictly control the quality of published posts. They should not contain profanity, insults or empty information.

It is extremely important to have a moderator who monitors comments from subscribers, they must be correct. If there is no way to constantly check user statements, the best solution would be to limit the ability to comment on posts.

The name of the public should not be overloaded; it includes the name of the brand, and in no case tags, long slogans or other spam. It is recommended to close or limit the community wall. Mentions of others in social networks, in which the group is also represented, should be left exclusively in the special “Links” section.

Rule three: activity

How to create a verified page on VK? The site administration is interested in profiles famous people remained protected from obscene language, insults and spam. The developed automatic filters do not cope with the task as effectively as we would like, especially if we are talking about an account that is visited by a large number of people every day. How to create a verified page on VK under such conditions? As with a community, you can hire a moderator or limit the ability to comment.

Pages that have passed verification have higher priority, so search always puts them first. The site administration ticks pages that should be of interest to other users:

1) The profile must be completely filled out.

2) The owner of the page is obliged to post his photographs.

3) The profile should please other users with updates.

4) The number of friends cannot be greater than subscribers.

How to create a verified page on VK by fulfilling all these conditions? You need to collect documents confirming your identity, as well as proof of popularity, and then contact technical support site.

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