A used leech, how long after it can be placed. Hirudotherapy is treatment with medicinal leeches. Does hirudotherapy help with weight loss?

Before you conduct a course of hirudotherapy yourself, you should undergo a couple of sessions with a specialist and carefully study the basic rules.

When carrying out such a treatment procedure as hirudotherapy at home, you need to learn to find the points to set on your own and quickly enough.

This will help you avoid mistakes and get a positive result after a course of treatment and recovery in the form of recovery and complete relief from diseases.

The essence of treatment with leeches

In general, the use of hirudotherapy is not difficult. The most important thing is to follow all the rules and steps, as well as follow the tips and recommendations.

It is worth getting your first experience of treatment with leeches from a professional hirudotherapist. This way you can see for yourself how and in what places leeches are placed, you can quickly learn certain techniques and become familiar with some of the subtleties of this process.

After gaining the knowledge, treating yourself with leeches will be much easier.

Hirudotherapy is perfect way improve your health quickly and effectively. Even though it's not medications, caution still wouldn't hurt.

In the process of hirudotherapy, it is very important to know how to independently apply leeches in normal home conditions, where and how many leeches should be used to ensure the maximum positive effect.

There are several basic rules in the process of hirudotherapy treatment. Immediately after purchasing them, you need to carefully examine their condition at home.

Should only be used by healthy, hungry and active individuals.. They are distinguished by their speed in the process of movement and are very nimble.

Slow leeches with an adhesive skin surface cannot be used as a treatment. It is advisable to plant them in a separate container.

Special requirements are placed on the patient himself.. Before the procedure, he must take a shower, but without aromatic detergents. This is important because leeches are highly sensitive to aromas.

All that is needed to attract individuals is the smell of a clean body. Based on this rule, we can conclude that you cannot use perfume and various deodorants before the procedure.

Drinking alcohol before the event is strictly prohibited, since hirudotherapy and alcohol are completely incompatible.

For proper treatment with hirudotherapy, not only certain theoretical knowledge is important; you will need to prepare special devices and materials.

Before the event, you should prepare the following tools:

  • tweezers;
  • a test tube and a special glass container with a not very wide neck;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • sterile bandage;
  • jar with typed clean water where already used individuals will be transplanted;
  • cotton swabs.

The presence of a specialist at the first procedure is very important for the reason that the first time it is not very convenient to place leeches on your body. In addition, no one knows how the body will behave after leeching.

It is for this reason that having a professional nearby definitely won’t hurt. Also, the help of a professional is important to determine how many hirudotherapy sessions are needed to obtain a positive result.

Before applying leeches to your body yourself, for stronger suction, areas of the body need to be rubbed a little. This will increase the temperature of the skin and increase blood flow, on the basis of which the leeches will be much more willing to start the “meal”.

To increase the appetite of leeches, the skin can be wiped with a glucose solution or sweetened water..

After the procedure, the patient usually feels very relaxed and can fall asleep. This leads to another cause-and-effect relationship, which requires the presence of, if not a professional, then at least an assistant nearby.

If a person falls asleep, after saturation the leeches will fall off and crawl away, so you will have to spend time searching for them.

The procedure is repeated no earlier than after 5-6 days. During hirudotherapy treatment, 5-7 individuals are placed in one session.

A significant increase in the effect can be achieved by placing leeches on special points. In the absence of knowledge regarding their location, the process of choosing a suction site can be left to the leeches themselves.

These are truly unique and mysterious creatures that are able to independently select the most active points of the body, stick to it and begin the healing process.

Immediately after the session, quite severe itching may appear near the wounds. Here you have to be patient a little; under no circumstances should you scratch your skin.

The itchiest areas should be lubricated with a pre-prepared mixture of an equal ratio of petroleum jelly and ammonia.

Also, at the site of suction, in addition to itching and a slight burning sensation, there remains a wound that looks like a Mercedes badge.

Treatment with leeches can be carried out using one of two methods - traditional, that is, aspiration or with hemorrhage, as well as a more modern one - non-aspiration or without hemorrhage.

At traditional method leeches are applied to the skin and removed only after complete saturation. This is a fairly ancient method that has been used for more than three thousand years.

As for the non-aspiration method of using leeches, it was developed around the middle of the 20th century. The essence of this technique is that the laid leech is not allowed to become completely saturated.

As soon as the individual being used starts the sucking process, which is evident from the special movements of its skin, the leech is immediately removed from the surface of the patient’s skin.

Professionals believe that this method makes it possible to achieve an optimal positive effect, but there is no loss of blood.

With this technique, you can use a slightly larger number of leeches in one session. On average, up to 20 of them can be installed, and at the same time.

To interrupt the leech’s suction to the body, it is not recommended to simply tear it off. This way you can harm everyone - the patient and the leech itself.

To cause an artificial separation of an individual from the surface of the skin, a cotton pad soaked in iodine, alcohol or slightly salted water must be applied to its back.

After such a tear, the wound may bleed for some time, there is nothing wrong with that, this is normal.

The only thing you need to take care of is the presence of a bandage, which is necessary in order not to stain the linen with blood, and also to prevent the process of infection from entering the wound.

The bandage looks like a cotton swab, which is secured with a medical adhesive plaster. As soon as the bandage is completely saturated with blood, you need to place another one on top without removing the first one.

To achieve a positive result during the treatment process, it is important not only to correctly apply and remove leeches, but also to know which points to apply them to.

Here are the most basic areas for placing leeches:

In order not to make a mistake in choosing where to apply the leech, you should first consult a doctor. This is very important, since each person has his own individual diseases and body characteristics.

Having chosen the desired point of application, you should pay attention to ensure that the veins are not located near the surface of the skin. There are even certain prohibited places - the temples, scrotum and eyelids.

The only indication for installing a leech over a vein is such a common disease as thrombophlebitis. Even here, it is important to choose a place where the vein will not stand out too much under the skin.

In the presence of a disease such as thrombophlebitis, leeches should be placed on both sides of the affected vein at a distance of one centimeter.

This should be a checkerboard pattern, and the total distance between leeches should be 5-6 cm. The leech may well bite through a vein, thereby causing severe bleeding.

If the patient has been suffering from high blood pressure, migraines for a long time and has been diagnosed with vascular thrombosis in the brain, leeches will be placed on both sides of the head.

They need to be placed on the mastoid auricular processes while simultaneously retreating from the auricles by about a centimeter.

It is enough to place just one leech here. There are a large number of veins in the ear areas and damage to them can lead to bleeding.

If such a procedure is carried out in a professional’s office, for these pathologies, leeches can be placed next to the anus and on the tailbone.

It is not recommended to place leeches in these places on your own, as there have been situations when individuals, having sucked themselves, penetrated inside the patient.

For various inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to place it on the inflamed areas or the visual projection of the diseased organ.

Here are a few more rules for the location of leeches depending on pathologies:

By following these rules, as well as by obtaining preliminary consultation from a specialist, you can quickly achieve a positive therapeutic result.


At home, you can undergo not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive course of treatment with hirudotherapy. This will help to effectively heal the entire body, activate immune forces, and normalize metabolism.

A similar course of prevention should be taken 1-2 times a year, in any season, but preferably in the autumn or spring.

The choice of location for installing leeches should also be made based on diagnosed diseases. For example, if hypertension is just beginning to appear, you can take a course of prevention by placing leeches in exactly those places that will correspond to this pathology.

If prevention is carried out correctly using hirudotherapy, the disease is guaranteed not to develop and will not cause complications.

Such a course is aimed at treating a specific problem, but will effectively prevent the development of a particular disease. This is an ideal opportunity to get rid of migraines and hypertension at an early stage.

Hirudotherapy is a treatment with medicinal leeches, used for therapeutic, preventive and health purposes.

Hirudotherapy treats a wide range of diseases. It is effective for disorders of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems.

With its help, ENT organs, vision, joints, skin, and mammary glands are treated. It is often used in the acute period for injuries and after operations.

The universality of the method lies in the fact that any disease is associated with impaired microcirculation. The problematic organ/tissue becomes inflamed and compresses the blood vessels.

Cells stop receiving nutrients and oxygen. The outflow of lymph is disrupted, and edema forms.

At the same time, the body strives to protect neighboring organs from the spread of inflammation and protects the lesion with connective tissue. When the problem is solved with medications, connective tissue scars remain and interfere with normal microcirculation.

Leech saliva contains enzymes that destroy hyaluronic acid. And this is the main component of connective tissue.

Other enzymes provide blood thinning (hirudin) and blood clot dissolution (destabilase). Eglins relieve inflammation, and kininase eliminates pain.

The total number of enzymes is 2 hundred. Their action is to restore microcirculation by relieving swelling and inflammation, improving tissue trophism.

How long does a hirudotherapy session take?

The duration of the session depends on the method of hirudotherapy. For full exposure, leeches are left on the body until saturation. This takes from 30 minutes to an hour.

In case of partial exposure, weaning is done by force. To do this, apply a cotton swab with alcohol to the leech. With this method, the session takes a few minutes.

Preparing the patient for a hirudotherapy session

1. Before the session, take a hygienic shower, do not use hygiene products with perfume, you can use baby soap and unscented shampoo.

2. On the day of placing leeches, you cannot use any perfumes.
(perfumes, eau de toilette, lotions, body creams, etc.).

3.On the eve of the procedure, you should not drink alcoholic beverages!

4. Bring sanitary pads (2 – 3 pcs.) to the session.

5. Have a clinical blood test on hand, the analysis is no more than 1 week old. As prescribed by the doctor, the results of additional studies (ECG for heart rhythm disturbances, coagulogram, etc.).

6. The duration of the session is 20 – 60 minutes.

How does a hirudotherapy session work?

Leeches are placed on warm, clean, dry skin, free of foreign odors. Before the procedure, it is prohibited to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, use perfumes and scented body care products, including decorative cosmetics.

The hirudotherapist wipes the placement sites with a cotton swab and alcohol. The area is then cleansed with warm water.

Leeches are planted on the body one by one using a syringe without a top or a test tube. The hirudotherapist makes sure that the worm is sucked in with the front part.

Place a cotton pad under the leech. The session ends with the application of a sterile dressing. The wound is not disinfected because leech saliva contains antibacterial components.

How many leeches are needed for one hirudotherapy session?

The number of leeches depends on the diagnosis and health status of the patient. The hirudotherapist determines this value individually. From 1-2 to 10 or more leeches can be used in one session.

What to do after a hirudotherapy session?

He talks about what a leech cures. Director of the Research Institute of Naturotherapy, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy natural sciences Sergey Arsenin.

Healing Bite

– Sergei Vladimirovich, I somehow can’t believe it: a leech bit you, the blood was sucked out, and you are healthy. Practically, mosquitoes do the same thing, but no one calls them living healers.

– Let's start with the fact that the leech does not just bite anyhow, but bites through the skin only in special places that it chooses itself, that is, in reflexogenic zones. She clearly chooses a sore spot to which she will stick. Second, and this is perhaps the most important thing, the saliva of a medicinal leech contains more than 50 enzymes that can restore an organ damaged by the disease. All these enzymes enter the blood and the bloodstream, begin to circulate there, and each organ has the opportunity to take for itself those enzymes that it needs specifically this moment. That is, the body begins to heal itself. Roughly speaking, it is not the leech that heals, but the body restores itself.

Finally, one of the main functions of leeches is to restore or normalize blood flow.

– How is the therapeutic effect achieved?

– Due to three factors: reflex, mechanical and biological. The reflex factor comes down to the impact on biologically active points. Mechanical – aimed at changing the intensity of blood flow as a result of suction of “bad” blood by a leech. And about the third, biological, I have already said, it is due to the presence in the leech’s saliva of more than 50 enzymes, which it injects into the patient’s body.

– Couldn’t a leech bite through some vital blood vessel?

– The leech bites a maximum of 3 mm of skin, and at a depth of 3 mm blood vessels no, but there are small capillaries. After the leech disappears, for some time, maximum 24 hours, blood may slowly ooze from the wound. But it's not scary. Firstly, it is impossible to die from blood loss from the capillaries, and secondly, by and large, it is not even blood that oozes, but lymph stained with blood.

Pros and cons

– Are there any contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy?

– There is only one contraindication – hemophilia. This is due to the fact that among the 50 enzymes that the leech is “rich in”, there is hirudin, an enzyme that prevents blood clotting.

- Well then, let's talk about the testimony.

– These are almost any diseases in which the blood flow is impaired: cardiovascular (hypertension, angina), venous diseases accompanied by increased blood viscosity (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids), any inflammatory diseases(prostatitis, adnexitis, pyelonephritis), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis). Systematic use of leeches thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming. If after the operation a person has an adhesive process or a woman of childbearing age cannot become pregnant due to adhesions in the pelvis, we apply leeches, and the adhesions decrease, the adhesive process goes away. In inflammatory processes, as a result of the fact that the leech unloads the blood flow, the organ where the inflammation occurs begins to normally receive blood and oxygen, immunoglobulins enter it and the patient quickly recovers, even in cases where drug therapy does not help.

For people suffering from arthrosis and arthritis, literally after 2-3 sessions the pain goes away, they begin to walk normally, and subsequently even the restoration of cartilage tissue occurs, which no modern drug can do.

Moreover, the leech not only treats the underlying disease, but also corrects the patient’s biofield. As a result of this bioenergetic effect, a person’s sleep and appetite are normalized, their mood is elevated, their vitality and performance increase.

Do no harm!

– I heard that a person cannot apply leeches to himself, but only a specialist should do this.

– The fact is that when a person comes to a hirudotherapist, he must determine, based not only on the patient’s complaints, but also on objective indicators, such as test results, other studies, how many leeches he needs to put, in what places and in what sequence . For one, you can put one or two, and this will be enough, but for another, even 15 leeches will not have any effect.

In addition, a medicinal leech is certified as a medical product, so only a doctor can determine whether hirudotherapy is indicated or not.

– So, hirudotherapy can cause harm? You said that there is only one contraindication - hemophilia.

– That’s right, there is one absolute contraindication, but there are a number of relative contraindications. For example, if a person has low hemoglobin or the acute stage of a disease, leeches can further aggravate the situation. If you raise hemoglobin and start using leeches in the subacute phase of the disease, then there will only be benefit. But again, only a hirudotherapist can determine this.

– The person has completed one course of hirudotherapy under the guidance of a doctor, what next?

“Then, when he found out how many leeches he needed, how and in what sequence to place them, he could use them himself for preventive purposes. But with a doctor, treatment will, of course, be much more effective.

– What leeches are used for medical purposes? Are they really the ones that are found in many ponds and reservoirs?

- In no case! Only medicinal leeches are used for treatment. The Nile, or horse, black leeches, which are widespread in our central region, should absolutely not be used. Medical leeches are grown in special biofactories, which eliminates the possibility of them becoming infected with anything. After all, no one can guarantee that the leech that you caught from the pond did not previously bite a cow with brucellosis or a person suffering from AIDS or syphilis. Although leech enzymes have a bactericidal effect, as is known, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises.

Home session

– How to properly maintain them at home?

- Very simple. You don't need to feed them anything. At the biofactory they are fed once every 3-4 months, and this supply lasts them for 2-3 years. You just need to change the water every day. Ideally, the water should be river and clean. If the water is from the tap, then it should sit for a day. You can keep leeches in a three-liter jar, over the neck of which it is best to stretch a thick cloth rather than gauze, since gauze, even folded in five or six layers, is pierced by leeches. And, of course, it is necessary to provide the leech with access to air.

– How often can leeches be applied for prophylactic purposes?

– 1-3 times a week.

– Probably, for different diseases they should be placed in different places?

- Of course. For heart disease, leeches should be placed under the left nipple and on the sternum, for high blood pressure - behind the ears and on the sacrum-coccyx area, for osteochondrosis - along the spine, for liver disease - on the liver, for headaches - on the back of the head and collar area, for glaucoma - on the temporal region (in this case, special small leeches are used), for gynecological diseases - above the womb, for prostatitis - in the groin area, for acute hemorrhoids - around anus, for varicose veins - along the vein in a checkerboard pattern.

When placing leeches on a joint, you must be very careful not to get on a vein, otherwise quite severe bleeding may occur.

– From a conversation with you, we can conclude that leeches are almost a panacea for all diseases.

– Practice shows that a medicinal leech is really strong and effective remedy. Very often, hirudotherapy is resorted to when other ways to help the patient have been exhausted. Of course, this is not a panacea, but the fact that by acting on a diseased organ, leeches stabilize the functioning of the entire body is a fact that you cannot argue with.

Chief physician of the BS Clinic Spine Treatment Center Sergey Nikolaevich Khovanov.

Please tell us what type of medicinal leech is it?

Medical leeches are ringed worms from the subclass of leeches, used for therapeutic and rehabilitation measures. They feed on the blood of humans and animals. Their medicinal properties known to people since ancient times.

Not many medicinal leeches have survived in the wild, but they can still be found in the water bodies of European countries. The population has declined due to the fishing of leeches in the past, all for the same medicinal purposes.

How many times can one leech be used?

Medical leech is used once.

What are the reasons for using hirudotherapy?

It's all about efficiency. According to research, leech saliva contains approximately 30 components that have beneficial properties. Among them there are biologically active substances that can lower blood pressure and improve the breakdown of fats.

Don't forget about enzymes. The most famous of them is hirudin, whose main property is to thin the blood.

In addition to various substances, the body has the effect of bloodletting. Thanks to him, hirudotherapy provides positive influence on general well-being, which is achieved by improving the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, stimulation of the immune system, preventing the development of stagnant and inflammatory processes.

At the same time, hirudotherapy does not lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which means there is no need to be afraid.

How do leeches affect the body?

Hirudotherapy has a fairly broad effect on the human body:

  • reducing the risk of blood clots;
  • anesthesia;
  • improving the functioning of the vascular microvasculature;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • decrease ;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system, especially the peripheral one;
  • the breakdown of excess fats, which helps fight.

How painful is the procedure?

There is no pain. Leech saliva contains an enzyme that makes the procedure painless. Unpleasant sensations may be present for the first 10-15 minutes until the enzyme starts working well enough.

In general, the sensation is not much more painful than a mosquito bite.

For what diseases are leeches used?

Due to the substances contained in the leech secretion, the use of hirudotherapy occurs for the following diseases:

  • , chronic and other myocardial diseases. In these diseases, the effect of leech enzymes will regulate arterial hypertension and improve blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • , cardiopsychoneurosis. These diseases can be treated with hirudotherapy due to the reflex effect and the ability to break down deposited fats.
  • Varicose veins This disease affects a huge number of people all over the planet, and hirudin, contained in saliva, helps thin the blood, which will reduce blood clots and therefore prevent the development of the disease.
  • Chronic and inflammation and other diseases of the prostate gland. The positive effect is achieved due to the anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.
  • Chronic infections of the uterine appendages, fibroids, algodismenorrhea. The use of hirudotherapy for these pathologies stimulates the immune system and increases blood supply with oxygen. After a course of hirudotherapy for a period of 2 to 3 months, pain during menstruation decreases or disappears, and the cycle stabilizes.
  • Dyscirculatory, recovery after strokes and traumatic brain injuries, neurasthenia, neuroses, neuralgia. For these diseases, hirudotherapy therapy can reduce muscle spasm, as well as relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • , arthrosis and arthritis, rehabilitation after bone fractures, intervertebral hernia.
  • , neurodermatitis, .
  • , keratitis.

The listed diseases are not the entire list, because it is much more extensive. The list of pathologies and the effects that make it possible to cope with them could take a very, very long time; it is not for nothing that there are quite voluminous textbooks on hirudotherapy.

It is worth understanding that it is unlikely that the maximum effect will be achieved with hirudotherapy alone, so there is no need to refuse planned therapy for any disease prescribed by the appropriate specialist.

What contraindications to hirudotherapy exist?

Leech treatment, like any other treatment method, has its contraindications. Several pathologies can be identified here:

  • Blood diseases. Anemia causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Also, treatment with leeches is contraindicated in diseases accompanied by reduced blood clotting. These include any of the types, thrombocytopenic purpura. Therefore, before using hirudotherapy, you must consult a doctor.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, hirudotherapy is contraindicated, since substances contained in leech saliva can negatively affect the body of the unborn child.
  • Tumors and neoplasms.
  • Allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

Before starting a course of hirudotherapy, you should consult with a specialist to be sure there are no contraindications.

What are the rules for hirudotherapy?

The rules are simple: hirudotherapy sessions are attended every other day or 2 times a week. For chronic diseases, 8 to 12 sessions are necessary.

The duration of the procedure is 30-50 minutes. After the procedure, a sterile bandage is applied to the site where the leeches are applied. It should be removed after 5-6 hours.

Is hirudotherapy used in cosmetology?

More and more cosmetologists are turning to this ancient technique. All thanks to the effectiveness and wave of popularity of natural methods in cosmetology. Hirudotherapy can be used to achieve the following effects:

  • wrinkle removal;
  • treatment of minor skin defects;
  • face lifts.
Hirudotherapy is actively used in cosmetology.

Hirudotherapy is used for:

  • prevention of wrinkles;
  • acne removal;
  • reducing scars and scars formed due to minor skin defects;
  • removing pigmented areas of the skin and giving it a healthy color;
  • facial skin tightening;
  • reducing swelling.

Is hirudotherapy effective for combating cellulite?

Among the enzymes found in leech saliva, there are two most important: hyaluronidase and lipase. In areas of greatest fat deposition, due to insufficient blood circulation, connective tissue grows, which is the “basis” for further development in this place there is cellulite.

To combat the proliferation of connective tissue, hyaluronidase is needed - an enzyme that leads to the resorption of connective tissue, which allows you to get rid of cellulite.

The question of where to place leeches is asked by beginning hirudotherapists. In this article I will try to tell general principles placing leeches. Below in the slider you will find 17 disease diagrams: suction points. There are many special techniques, placement of leeches with heparin, placement using acupuncture points and many others. But all these methods require separate study and are used by doctors.

This article is intended for those who are just getting acquainted with hirudotherapy.

The main thing I would like to convey to readers is:

  • hirudotherapy is not exact science, but centuries of experience;
  • many rules of hirudotherapy do not fit into evidence-based medicine, but they work;
  • Hirudotherapy regimens are not strict rules, but approximate recommendations. Ultimately, each physician creates his own regimens;
  • hirudotherapy can be used for treatment, including aggressive treatment of serious diseases;
  • can also be used for general strengthening, healing, rejuvenating procedures

Is it possible to apply a leech at home?

Of course you can, but the question is, who will install the leech? A hirudotherapist or yourself? What is the difference?

The fact is that only a doctor can put a lot of leeches, combine them with various medications, put leeches in the mouth, nose, and vagina. At the same time, the doctor is aware of all possible risks and is ready to reflect them if any complications arise.

I recommend limiting hirudotherapy at home to general wellness sessions. Wellness, so to speak, is for those who already feel good, but want it to be even better.

  • If the patient is taking medications for any chronic diseases, then it is better to conduct treatment sessions in a clinic or at home in the presence of a doctor;
  • treatment with leeches is not combined with all medications and instead of a positive result, surprises may arise (see medications as);
  • During menstruation, it is better to refrain from applying leeches.

Where to place or points for hirudotherapy

First principle

Wherever you place a leech, it will still be useful (except for places where they should not be placed if you do not have the appropriate medical education). There is no need to place leeches on areas of large venous vessels, places with thin skin, the face, or in body cavities.

Principle two

There are special points and zones for influencing the entire body. Points general action: tailbone, navel, perineum, liver, pancreas area, chakra points. If we want to achieve maximum success in treating a local process, we also work with points and areas of general action.

Principle three

In addition to general points, we can act directly on the diseased area locally. We place it where it hurts the most, or where there is the main problem for which hirudotherapy is performed

How to place leeches

Each hirudotherapist has his own technique for various diseases, but if you do not have enough experience with leeches, put one - two - three leeches at a time, and you will never have problems. I recommend starting the first procedure with one leech on the liver.
You will become familiar with the reactions that occur during hirudotherapy, assess the volume of individual blood loss, assess the risk of allergies, and then you will plan the next sessions taking into account the results of the first introductory procedure.
In general, there is a rule: no matter how much weight a person has, the number of leeches he will need for a course of treatment. But from my experience I can say that a positive healing effect for any person is achieved even with a minimum number of leeches. It is quite enough to put 15 - 20 leeches in a course of 7-10 procedures, one session at intervals of a week, and the patient will fly on wings, so good will the state of health be for a variety of diseases.

Algorithm of actions for better leech suction

  • The patient's body should have a natural odor (it is advisable to wash the day before);
  • in winter, it is advisable to warm the suction points with a heating pad for five minutes before the procedure;
  • if the leech does not want to stick, I prick the patient’s finger with a scarifier, transfer a drop of blood from the finger to the points where the leeches should stick;
  • You can massage and rub the areas a little;
  • For better suction, some hirudotherapists pre-place the cups on the attachment points

Charts and tables

Schemes for placing leeches for various diseases are presented. On the slides you will see 17 diagrams: where to put leeches for heart pain, allergies, bronchitis, heart failure, pneumonia, constipation, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, hypertension, peptic ulcers, female diseases, urological diseases, mastitis, hypertension, varicose veins. Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents with leeches is described in the article about. See diagram for spina bifida in the cervical region.

The famous therapist, doctor of the imperial family, Professor Grigory Antonovich Zakharyin, left us his scheme.

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