View the horoscope for Libra for March. What causes sneezing allergies

The situation on the personal front in March 2016 will push Libra to an extremely unusual type of behavior for them, namely determination and the ability to take the initiative in relationships into their own hands. Moreover, it will be somewhat easier for representatives of the second decade of birth; this is not the first time for them to “steer” the situation. It is best for guys and girls born under this sign to use their new opportunities in the sphere of love. Moreover, there are not so many chances to make new romantic acquaintances, but there is a high probability of meeting an old love, with whom a new relationship can suddenly break out.

At the beginning of the first month of spring, it will be great for Libra to go on a short vacation. It could be just a weekend at a recreation center, a week in tropical countries, or even just an excursion to a neighboring town. The vacation will be wonderful; in a short time you will regain your strength and improve your mood. And if you manage to go on such a short trip together with your loved one, then against the backdrop of new impressions, love will also grow stronger. It will be simply ideal for a partner if the idea and organization are executed by Libra.

Love horoscope for Libra woman for March 2016

Flirting, romance, love for life or only part of it - this is what will sit in the charming heads of Libra women and girls throughout March 2016. During this period, ladies will not set themselves the most simple tasks: moving to a new place of residence with a loved one, organizing an unplanned outing for a week or two on a romantic vacation, and even an unexpected engagement for the entire environment. From the outside, such actions will look eccentric, but wise and insightful Libras always have their own reasons for each such “madness”.

If we consider the plane of events, then for Libra girls enjoying mutual love, the second half of March can become a time of change. Throughout the month, you will exude waves of tenderness, softness and charm, which will inevitably lead your loved one to think about formalizing the relationship at an official level or to talk about living together.

There is a warning in the Libra female love horoscope: you should not take interpersonal situations to extremes now. They should especially take advantage of those whose love boat is noticeably rocking under the pressure of everyday circumstances. For example, it could be a marriage that is falling apart. Don’t put too much pressure on your spouse, 2016 has just begun, it is possible that as the middle of the year approaches, he will realize that he is wrong and will change his behavior.

Love horoscope for Libra men for March 2016

Guys and men from the changeable sign of Libra will direct the emotional upsurge of March 2016 towards the unification of opposites. For unmarried people, this will manifest itself in the desire to start a relationship with a girl who outwardly does not suit you at all. However, astrologers advise such guys not to be afraid; sometimes ladies look not at the visual component, but at the essence of the issue. And if you think that your chosen one is one of them, then feel free to storm this peak, the chances of reciprocity are quite high.

Family men born in October will be determined to strengthen ties within a separate unit of society. Moreover, we are talking not only about the relationship between two people, but also about establishing contacts with children, brothers, sisters, and parents. You should not be overly assertive; your spouse does not expect such behavior, and therefore, most likely, is not ready to become too intensely close to relatives.

The first spring month of 2016 for the zodiac sign Libra may turn out to be quite an interesting and dynamic time, especially successful in terms of work. And for this, among other objects solar system we need to thank our permanent ruler, who in the usual position is responsible for the “fall” of Libra, but at this stage will replace the negative emanations with a fairly positive, although not particularly dynamic, influence. At the same time, one cannot help but note the position of Pluto, which in general is not the most, let’s say, “reliable” planet, but in March its position is beyond doubt, because Pluto will become the full-fledged “celestial leader” of the air trine for the entire month. As a result, Libra will be shielded from any external negative influences, and even if some problems arise on your way, it will be logical to look for their precursors either in yourself or in your immediate environment. However, there are no really significant conflicts or dilemmas to speak of, so you can not doubt your capabilities and confidently move towards conquering the intended heights.

In terms of work direction, March 2016 will present you with a unique opportunity. The current period will show you the work team within which you work from an unexpected side. It is difficult to say how negative or positive this will be, but the fact remains that you will be seriously surprised. Obviously, it will take you some time to get used to the new information, but under no circumstances should you allow any external factors to influence the course of your work process. Learn to distance yourself from other people's problems, and under no circumstances reduce the level of your own concentration and attention. If you manage to do all this, then you will not face even a minimal drop in work rates. On the contrary, by adding a little cunning, the most banal and the most harmless, to solving the problem, you will be able to gain an exceptional advantage in the struggle for “a place in the sun.” But be careful not to go too far! “Going over your head” is frankly the worst case scenario, which will not lead to anything good. Be yourself, and do not rush to accept someone’s point of view, even if it is about a person who is an absolute authority for you.

On the “love front” the situation will be much more stable. In March 2016, you will feel like you are in control of the situation in all situations without exception. If you are faced with a fierce argument with friends, then you can not doubt your own abilities; you can easily convince your comrades of the truth and immutability of your theses. It will also concern possible dilemmas in the family circle. Do not hesitate to take the initiative into your own hands, especially if you have complete information on the issue at hand and are ready to solve the problem, clearly aware of the potential liability. In your relationship with your crush, be a little more delicate and do not try to resolve any difficult situations immediately, with a “frontal attack.” This is especially true for men, who in March may become overly “bright” and temperamental. But it’s still better to hold your horses and give the situation the opportunity to develop as usual. You can intervene at any time, but clearly calculate the time when it is best to take active action. Remember that although your feelings should become a real guiding star for you in a world of raging passions, reason is always an objective limiter, without which your actions can easily lose their meaning.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for March 2016 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra:

The first month of spring will surround Libra with the attention of the opposite sex, and they will shine like the warm rays of the sun. What could be more beautiful than a romantic note in the mood after a long winter? Spring will awaken your senses, so don't get too carried away and take risks. Do not rush headlong into the pool - this may infringe on the interests of others. Pay attention to your loved one - he really misses you. Trust your intuition and you will easily read the signs of fate. The thoughts of others will not be a secret to you, and this will help you give them wise advice.

For Libra in March favorable days will : 2, 3, 9, 11, 17, 25, 29.

For Libra in March unfavorable days will : 1, 5, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24, 31.

Finances and career for Libra in March

From the point of view of career growth, March will not bring you the mood to delve into solving complex professional problems. However, you should not give up on all your endeavors, even if you are not particularly enthusiastic about them. Complete unfinished tasks, otherwise success will turn away from you. Try to do everything yourself, without the interference of colleagues. Unions can make you uncomfortable, and you risk not completing important tasks on time. Having like-minded people in the work environment in March may even bring feelings of dissatisfaction. Be tolerant of the advice of others older than you, but do not trust your work to others.

In the material sphere, Libra will have a prosperous atmosphere. The last week of the month will delight you with successful shopping. Your delicate taste when choosing purchases will sharpen.

On the love front for Libra in March

Your personal life will plunge you into a whirlpool of passion so that you will burn from it. If you have a significant other, then it’s worth finding time to retire for a couple of days. Leave the bustle of the city and spend time outside the city.

March for Libra is a good reason to end a relationship that no longer provides moral satisfaction.

Only those Libra who will be able to expand their social circle in March will form new romantic acquaintances. Agree to any event to which you are invited, be it a party, a concert, or going to the gym or museum. This will allow you to relax and, perhaps, find a more attentive and devoted soulmate. Be open to new love adventures, create all the conditions for making new friends.

Health and well-being for Libra in March

Unfortunately, March is not the month that can reward you with excellent immunity. It's worth taking care of your health. You may be exposed nervous breakdowns– try to restrain your sensitivity. High likelihood of infection problems various kinds infections and impaired fluid circulation in the body. Try to take time for yourself and visit more fresh air. It would be a good idea to take a course in soothing therapeutic baths or massages. Taking vitamins regularly will also help improve your health during this time. Try to eliminate everything spicy from your diet and switch to a gentle diet.

Thus, March will give you a lot of positive emotions and pleasant surprises, but only if you do not deny yourself the pleasure of paying more attention to yourself. Don’t be discouraged if difficulties arise, because all this is temporary. And don’t forget that the end of March will be a favorable time to get rid of bad habits. We wish you good luck, because the stars will help you with this!

Think about how you can get extra benefits from doing what you love!

Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. It is better to use vigorous energy for peaceful purposes: at work - in creative realization, at home - in the intimate sphere. Beware of participating in conflicts, even though you will be pushed to do so. Do not express your opinion if there is the slightest chance that loud disputes will follow - save your nerves and remember: you are not obliged to prove anything to anyone.


March opens up wonderful career prospects for you. If you have long been planning to change your job or find a new one, then the beginning of the month is best time for this. During this period, you may be promoted, offered a leadership position, and have a salary increase.

In the second ten days of March, another source of income may appear. extra work, which will be offered to you, will not take much time and effort, but will bring decent fees. It is possible that your hobby will now begin to bring in money. For example, if previously you only cut hair at home, now, having become more proficient, you will feel confident and offer your services to friends and acquaintances. You should succeed!

The third ten days of the month will require mobility from you. Travel is not excluded: short or long business trips, as well as more active than usual movement around the city. There will be a lot of work, so save up your strength!


At the very beginning of the month, due to the activation of Saturn, relationships may be tested. The stumbling block will be different points point of view on some everyday issue. Of course, things won’t escalate to a serious scandal, but you’ll get on each other’s nerves pretty well. Is it worth it?

But the second and third decades of March promise to be calm and harmonious. You understand each other almost perfectly! By the way, this also applies to the intimate sphere. Nights of love during this period will be especially tender and sensual. All sorts of experiments in bed are also approved by the stars.

March is also a wonderful period for Libra, who has not yet met their soulmate. These representatives of the sign will surround themselves with an aura of mystery, which will attract the attention of the opposite sex. Flirting is the least you can count on this month. Well, then it’s up to you!


On March 1-11, it is recommended to engage in disease prevention endocrine system, which is favored by harmoniously located Venus. Add seafood to your daily menu, and also start taking iodine-containing vitamins. This is the right time to go on a diet aimed at losing weight: the first results will not take long to appear. From March 14 to 20, you will feel the influence of Neptune. This planet promises you a sharpening of intuition, so you can safely trust your inner voice in matters related to health. In general, any water procedures: from visiting the pool to hydromassage.

Toothache may take you by surprise during the period from March 21 to March 29, which will be associated with the negative influence of Saturn. The temptation to self-medicate and use methods traditional medicine will be great, but you should not give in to it. You will either be wasting your time, or your actions will provoke complications, so it is better to make an appointment with the dentist. The most successful days for visiting a doctor will be March 23 and 29, as evidenced by the harmoniously positioned Moon.

The world

During the period from March 1 to March 9, take the position that the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie, even if you do not fully share it. Never lie to your family and friends. The Black Moon affecting you at the indicated time says that the truth still cannot be hidden. Subsequently, you will have to re-gain the trust of others, and there is no guarantee that this will be possible. Thus, do not risk your reputation, wanting to protect dear people from unpleasant information.

Stop belittling your merits and don’t hide your talents on March 12-31, when the ruler of your sign, Venus, will be in Pisces. By throwing away excess modesty and indecision, you will be able to win numerous sympathy and significantly expand your circle of acquaintances. At the same time, the people with whom fate will bring you together on March 18 and 19 will play an important role in your life.

Having fallen under the influence of the descending Lunar Node in the last week of the month, you will begin to analyze the past. You would like to understand what would have happened if once upon a time you had acted differently. You should not indulge in such reasoning, because it can provoke an attack of melancholy in anyone. Instead, decide on your current goals and start making plans for the next few months.

Favorable days - 5, 9, 12, 23, 29
Unfavorable days - 7, 18, 30

From 1 to 10 March. A large cluster of planets in the sign of Pisces will force you to take more active care of your loved ones. During the period from March 2 to March 5, under the influence of Venus, you will become especially charming. From March 3 to March 7, passion will prevail in relationships. There is a very high probability of meeting the prince from afar, although new acquaintances will be short-lived.

From 11 to 21 March. There will be a lot of reasons to fall in love without memory. Even with own husband relations will warm up noticeably. Your lover will give you gifts and take care of you. A relative or family celebration will play a key role in a new acquaintance. A beautiful office romance is also likely, especially during the period from March 11 to March 18. In mid-March, look for your happiness in large companies. During the period from March 15 to 19, the likelihood of meeting your soul mate increases.

From 21 to 31 March. Don't be afraid to seem too caring - this will help you express yourself to the fullest now. In an office romance, an ambiguous situation may arise. After March 22, under the influence of Mars, you will meet a boyfriend with serious intentions. It will also significantly increase your likelihood of receiving an offer.

Family horoscope

Your task this month is to harmonize the atmosphere in your home. And you will succeed. Children will show a desire to make something. The spouse will have free time, and from mid-March it will intensify physical activity. Your parents will provide you with all possible help. The husband will need more personal space, and the children will need a moral and ethical lesson about life values ​​(money, relationships, people). It's good to visit with the whole family.

Health horoscope

Pay attention to how you feel, because it is during this period that negative consequences will appear. wrong image life. The month is favorable for dental procedures and medical examinations. It is highly recommended to visit an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Besides. you should work on your worldview and reduce the amount of stress, because most of your ailments are of a psychosomatic nature. Buy an orthopedic mattress.

Horoscope of work and money

This period is very favorable for the device on Good work. If you planned to improve your skills, then you will succeed even without interrupting your job. Completing paperwork on work issues will involve bureaucratic issues, but everything will be resolved successfully. In general, there will be a lot of work this month; the psychological climate at work may change frequently. From March 2 to March 15, legal, consulting and veterinary activities will be particularly successful.

Horoscope for March 2016 for Libra men

Love. Heavy workload at work can somewhat distance you from each other. Try to find time for meetings yourself - for example, during your lunch break. The beloved is trying his best to provide you with a decent life. therefore, treat his busyness with understanding.

Tone. Emergency situations at work will lead to a decrease in tone, which, in turn, is fraught with health problems. Therefore, it is important for him to love himself and take care of getting enough sleep, not overworking, and giving the body the opportunity to recover.

Finance. Libra can get a profitable position very easily. Cooperation with public organizations will be very profitable. From March 6, it is profitable to invest money in expanding production. After March 15, the business partner or spouse will provide significant financial support.

Job. If his documents are in order, then there will be no problems with employment. The transition to a new level of service awaits long-distance transportation. You may have to work for yourself and your absent partner until mid-March. Until mid-March, it is worth giving priority to cooperation and drawing up agreements.

Friends. Friendships will begin in the service. Like-minded people will provide assistance with work. Also, connections or other support from comrades will allow you to find good specialists who will help you restore your health. From March 12 best friend will be able to play a very important role in the affairs of the faithful.

Leisure. The most pleasant holiday for him will be in the company of loved ones. Perhaps your hero will want to get a pet and start training his newly acquired friend.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for March 2016:

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