Golden root cultivation. Growing Rhodiola rosea in the country

For more than three hundred years, the golden root has been one of the most popular tonic and stimulating remedies in folk medicine. Often, the golden root was used in the form of vodka tincture, as a means of increasing efficiency, reducing fatigue, especially with a breakdown in old age.....

red root

used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, impotence, infertility, various oncological diseases, helps to restore male sexual activity, improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the prostate gland, restores strength during heavy physical exertion.....

maral root

perennial herbaceous plant, 1.0 - 1.5 m tall. The rhizome is thick, woody, with numerous hard roots, has a specific resinous smell. Stems are straight, hollow. The leaves are deeply pinnately dissected, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile and often entire. The stems and leaves of the gauze root are bare or slightly pubescent. Single inflorescences-baskets are located at the top of the stem. All flowers of Leuzea safflower are tubular, bisexual, the corolla is pink, purple-lilac, very rarely white .....

Maryin root

grows in forests, forest edges, clearings, forest meadows in Eastern Siberia. In some places it forms large thickets. Maryin root is a perennial herbaceous plant with a powerful horizontal rhizome and spindle-shaped root tubers. Stems are thick, 40-100 cm high, densely leafy. The leaves are alternate, double-tridissected into lanceolate segments. Maryina root flowers are beautiful, solitary, large, up to 13 cm in diameter, with leathery sepals, five pink petals, numerous stamens and one to eight pistils with an upper ovary.....

Antler baths

Traditional medicine has long adapted antler baths as one of the most effective procedures, and now modern medicine recognizes their extremely beneficial effect on the human body. Specialists strongly recommend taking antler baths after damage to muscle tissue, for example, after intense muscle exertion.....

Blooming Sally

This is a tall perennial plant popular in folk medicine in many countries, including Russia. In 1801, Professor Sobolevsky in his well-known "Travnik" noted that fireweed angustifolia has a "compressive" power, and the root has "dilutive and emollient, and can be used for external dilutive poultices." More than 200 years have passed, and the popularity of fireweed (willow-herb) does not fade .....

Kuril tea

a.k.a. shrubby cinquefoil, shrubby cinquefoil, shrubby dasiphora with reddish-brown branches, at a young age with silky pubescent leaves. The leaves are compound, pinnate, with 5-7 oblong leaflets. Flowers solitary or in small racemose or corymbose inflorescences, up to 3 cm in diameter, with rounded bright yellow petals. The plant is bisexual, but in the highlands it is most often dioecious. Fruitlets - nuts dry, numerous, small. It grows along the valleys of mountain rivers, along the pebbly-sandy banks of these rivers and on the slopes of the mountains, forming significant thickets in places. In nature, Kuril tea develops slowly, only by the age of 20-40 reaching 80-120 cm in height.....


Phytobarrel, like any heat treatment, is primarily a stimulation of anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous processes. It also has an excellent analgesic effect, for example, with muscle pain.....

Russian bath

it is an indispensable remedy in many cases for curing ailments. It is undeniable that during a cold, a visit to the bath instantly solves the problem. This is because the whole body is intensely affected by high temperatures and humidity. As a result, blood circulation and sweating increase, and this leads to the removal of all harmful substances, toxins from the body.


One day in 1990, I was in a car accident. There was a head-on collision due to the fault of a drunk driver driving towards. As a result of the accident, my leg was broken and I hit my head hard. Blood was flowing from the mouth and nose. The doctors diagnosed him with a severe brain injury. I lost my sense of smell, I could not hear well. The head was very dizzy. I lay in bed without getting up for 4 months, but literally from the 3rd day I took Golden Root powder 3 times a day, 0.1 g. After I got out of bed, I walked like a drunk for another 2-3 weeks. Then everything returned to normal. After 9 months, I had an electroencephalogram. The doctors were very surprised. But when I told them that I drank the Golden Root, they answered me: well done, keep drinking. The results are excellent. A year later, my hearing was completely restored and my sense of smell began to recover. And after 3 years, I already distinguished all the smells, even in low concentrations. I drank it for 7 years without a break. But then he began to feel great and stopped using it. Which, by the way, I regret a lot.

I was engaged in cultivation and research of the Golden Root (Rhodiola Rosea) from 1972 to 1996. Once in the Harvest newspaper I read a short article "Rhodiola Rosea" and decided that it was necessary to supplement what I knew. In the process of breeding and studying this plant in detail, I learned a lot of useful things about breeding, harvesting, and application so that this plant would bring as much benefit to people as possible.

A bit of theory

Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) is a new medicinal plant, reminiscent of the nature of the action of drugs of the ginseng group.

The rhizome of radiola contains glycoside, rhodiolosite and its aglycone para-tyrosol, which have high biological activity. Preparations of the Golden Root are not toxic and harmless for long-term use. They improve the quantitative and qualitative indicators of physical and mental work, increase the body's nonspecific resistance to the harmful effects of a number of factors of a physical and biological nature. As is customary in pharmacognosy - the science of medicinal plants - I will start by describing the appearance. The stems of Rhodiola Rosea are erect, not branched, up to 70 cm high in favorable conditions and up to 10 cm in oppressed conditions. The leaves are alternate, numerous, sessile, ovate-lanceolate, 7-35 mm long, 5-15 mm wide, almost entire or in upper part with few teeth, only serrated at apex. The upper leaves (under the inflorescence) are usually the largest. The flowers are unisexual, dioecious, usually 4-, rarely 5-membered, 3-4 mm long, collected at the tops of the stems in sepals lanceolate-linear, yellow or greenish. Petals linear or oblong, yellow or greenish. Blooms in May-June. The fruit is a drop-down leaflet, often reddening when ripe. Rhodiola rosea reproduces vegetatively and with the help of seeds, which have an elongated ovoid shape, from 1.8 to 2.2 mm in length, from 0.8 to 1.0 mm in width. Seed color dark to light brown. The seed coat has a pronounced longitudinal ribbing. The surface of the rhizomes is smooth, grayish-beige in color with a golden sheen. When scraping off the outer layer of the cork, its inner layer of lemon-yellow color is detected. The smell is characteristic, a bit reminiscent of the smell of pink essential oil (hence the specific name - "Pink"). The taste is bitter-astringent. The fracture is even, white with a creamy tint. The size of the largest rhizomes reaches 3.5 kg. Unfortunately, some gardeners instead of the Golden Root grow purple stonecrop, which also belongs to the Crassulaceae family, but does not have any properties of the Golden Root. A characteristic difference between stonecrop purple is red-burgundy flowers, collected in corymbs at the top of the stem. The stems themselves are much larger than those of the Golden Root. The roots are long, spindle-shaped. They are found even in dense forests. The genus Rhodiola includes 21 species. In the rhizomes of Rhodiola Four-membered, Cirrus, Cold, Frosty, Linear, salidroside (radioloside) was also found. But a comparative assessment of these species with Rhodiola Rosea indicates undoubted advantages in favor of Rhodiola Rosea. The most important environmental factor for the growth of Rhodiola is moisture and the nature of the soil. She likes moist, well-drained, open (well-lit) areas, avoiding stagnant moisture. This must be taken into account when breeding it in the garden. It is very important to note that Rhodiola Rosea does not like the neighborhood with weeds. Creeping couch grass turned out to be especially harmful for her. The neighborhood of Rhodiola Rosea with wheatgrass can lead to the death of rhizomes. Sometimes, with a strong infestation with weeds, it is necessary to dig it out to save the root, clear it of weeds and transplant it to a site free of weeds. Fungal diseases are also detrimental to Rhodiola. Therefore, it is recommended to systematically use antifungal drugs during irrigation: phytosporin, potassium permanganate. The term of cultivation of Rhodiola Rosea is from 5 to 16 years. Moreover, the older the plant, the more effective it is in terms of treatment. Rhodiola Rosea is a marganophile plant. That is, it accumulates active substances in itself in the presence of manganese. Therefore, in the process of growing it, you need to water it with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

My practice

I measured the content of radioloside in wild roots grown in a garden plot, where I constantly watered Rhodiola Rosea with a burgundy solution of potassium permanganate. So, the content of the main active ingredient rhodioloside in the roots grown in the garden was 3-4 times higher than in the wild ones. The literature indicates that the harvesting of the roots should be done in August-September. But academician V.P. Filatov writes that all succulents, falling into unfavorable conditions, produce powerful biostimulants in themselves (aloe according to the method of V.P. Filatov). And Rhodiola Rosea is also a succulent. Therefore, I harvest it in October after the autumn frosts, and sometimes even after the first snowfalls. As a rule, then comes warming (the second "Indian summer"). And then I dig it up. I take one or two rhizomes, depending on the size. This amount is enough for the whole family to consume during the year and still enough to treat friends. Excavated rhizomes with roots should be cleaned from the ground, rinsed with a stream of cold water to wash the earth and clay out of the gaps. Then gently wipe and let dry for 2-3 hours. Rhizomes during washing should be whole. Cut the roots across into thin slices 2-3 mm thick and dry in a special dryer at a temperature of no more than 50-60 degrees. If this is not possible, then you can make a wooden frame, stretch gauze and put it on a home heating radiator. And on gauze already lay out sliced ​​\u200b\u200band peeled corks and skins in one layer. As a rule, by this time the heating in the houses is already turned on. The roots collected at such a time showed high therapeutic efficacy when applied. Drying whole rhizomes is unacceptable, as it leads to spoilage. Dried roots should be ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder, pour into a glass jar and close tightly. For everyday use, you need to pour a small amount into a small container, from which we will take daily for brewing. A single dose for an adult is approximately 0.1 g of dry root. Rhodioloside is easily soluble in water, and therefore it is not necessary to infuse it with vodka or other alcohol solutions. By the way, testing the effectiveness of Golden Root preparations showed that fresh, clean (without skin and cork) rhizome pulp has the highest efficiency. Slightly weaker fresh dried roots, brewed for consumption with boiling water. And the effectiveness of alcohol preparations (tinctures and extracts) is much weaker. Apparently, due to oxidation by oxygen in the air. Preservation tests have shown that the dry powder of the root, stored in a tightly sealed glass jar for 10 years, contains 95% of the active ingredients of the original. A. S. Saratikov, in his book “Golden Root”, a publication of Tomsk University, describes in detail the studies of the Golden Root on animals and humans. As a result of research, it was found that the use of Golden Root preparations increases the glucose content in the brain by 20%, which in turn increases the ability to intellectual overload, improves post-traumatic recovery of the central nervous system, and the treatment of neuritis of the facial and auditory nerves. Contributes to the preservation of the energy potential of the brain. It contributes to the better functioning of the central nervous system (central nervous system), which undoubtedly leads to an increase in the body's performance. Prevents the depletion of glycogen resources of the liver. Strengthens the functions of the sex glands. Prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Normalizes blood pressure. Reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics.

One of the most versatile medicinal plants is the golden root herb, known in the scientific literature as Rhodiola rosea. The plant is used in folk cosmetology and in medicine, saves from many diseases.

Golden root is a herbaceous perennial plant with thick rhizomes surrounded by thin adventitious roots. The rhizome is distinguished by a beautiful bronze color, which is why the plant is so named. In the context - lemon-yellow. Rhodiola also has a characteristic aroma - it smells like rose oil. Tastes bitter, astringent.

The plant has erect stems, which reach a height of 40 cm, and fleshy, oblong, light green leaves. At the top is an inconspicuous inflorescence of light yellow or greenish-yellow color.

The place of distribution of Rhodiola is the territory of Altai, Eastern Siberia, the Urals, it also grows in the Carpathians and the Far East. A favorite place for grass are mountains, rocky elevations and the banks of mountain rivers. Traditional medicine uses the rhizomes of the plant, peeled and crushed.

Medicinal properties of the golden root

The excellent stimulating effect of the golden root allows you to increase the mental, physical and mental abilities of a person. Its use improves the process of memorization, helps to increase the ability to concentrate. The golden root improves metabolic processes, helps to optimize energy metabolism in muscles, tissues, and the brain.

Also, Rhodiola rosea is designed to strengthen the immune system, has a sedative property and improves sleep.

Thus, Rhodiola is indicated in the following cases:

  • if necessary, strengthen the body, increase efficiency;
  • in the treatment of neurosis caused by stress and overwork;
  • with hypotension;
  • with vegetovascular dystonia;
  • with diseases of the joints;
  • in the treatment of diabetes.

Rhodiola is also prescribed for anemia, mental fatigue. In the latter case, the plant reduces the effect of stress on the brain and the entire body as a whole. With sore throat and toothache, you can rinse your mouth and throat with a decoction of the golden root, and for cuts, wounds, apply a lotion based on this plant or wipe the wounded area with a decoction, quick healing and no pain are guaranteed.

However, the golden root should not be considered a panacea. He has contraindications, like any plant. First of all, they include intolerance to the component, which manifests itself in each individual. Rhodiola-containing products should not be used by people who suffer from headaches and hypertension, as well as if there is a febrile state. It is better to refuse to take medicines, decoctions and other medical procedures based on Rhodiola rosea, if the patient has a strong emotional experience, hysteria. But after the person calms down, rests, he can be offered tea from the golden root. The drink will restore strength, because after emotional outbursts their decline is noted, it will help to calm down, fall asleep. Children under one year old, pregnant women and nursing mothers should also not use products based on the golden root.

The main forms of taking Rhodiola rosea

With a particular disease, various forms can be used. So, for the treatment of diabetes, anemia, with certain types of gastrointestinal diseases, neurosis, overwork and toothache, golden root tincture is used. Its preparation is as follows: the roots of Rhodiola must be washed and dried, then chopped. Then pour the mass with vodka or alcohol and leave for 2 to 4 weeks. Specific proportions and method of administration are dictated by the nature of the disease.

Otherwise, an infusion is prepared: 2 tablespoons of crushed root should be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is poured into a thermos and infused for a day.

A decoction of Rhodiola is also used. To prepare it, you need 1 teaspoon of herbs, which is poured into 900 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that the infusion is a more concentrated form than the decoction. Therefore, the former is used in smaller doses. A decoction can replace herbal tea, since it is allowed to drink during the day.

Finally, in pharmacies you can buy a ready-to-use composition based on the golden root - its extract. It is indicated for fatigue, tonsillitis, hypotension, and also copes with sexual impotence.

Rhodiola rosea: a natural antidepressant

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) can become a natural antidepressant, comparable in its effectiveness to drugs, whose medicinal properties are to calm, suppress depressive disorders and fatigue. The herb acts on the brain by releasing the hormones serotonin, known hormones of joy and pleasure. At the same time, there is a struggle with stress and disorders. In addition, Rhodiola rosea enhances the psycho-emotional resistance of the body, so further stress and emotional overload are not terrible.

For the treatment of minor disorders or in an agitated state, a tea based on rhodiola is recommended. The golden root should be crushed and pour a teaspoon of herbs with a liter of boiling water. Then the broth must be boiled for 10 minutes and let it brew for an hour. Ready tea is filtered and consumed 2-3 times a day. If desired, you can put a spoonful of honey or lemon in tea.

In addition to the antidepressant, calming effect, Rhodiola-based tea will save you from indigestion, and will have a tonic effect in case of colds.

Rhodiola rosea: remedy for hypotension

Hypotension, or low blood pressure, can act as an underlying disease or be the result of a particular disease. Consulting a doctor and undergoing an examination will help establish the root cause and prescribe treatment. However, along with drugs that increase blood pressure, it may be effective to take a remedy such as golden root tincture. The natural components that make up its composition minimize the appearance of an allergic reaction.

To prepare it, you need a golden root, vodka or alcohol. First you need to make a preparation. Wash and grind the golden root, the workpiece should be 50-60 gr. It is poured ½ liter of vodka or alcohol. The future tincture should be shaken and placed for 2 weeks in a dark place. After the specified period, the tincture is shaken again, filtered.

Golden root tincture on vodka is applied in half a teaspoon 2 times a day. The treatment course is at least 2 weeks.

Rhodiola rosea: joint treatment

Joint diseases form a fairly large group. Each of them has its own symptoms and causes. However, the unifying factor is acute pain in the joints, a decrease in human motor activity. It is clear that only a doctor can make a diagnosis, he will also prescribe treatment.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of joints recommends the use of a golden root. The feedback from those who followed the advice is impressive: after the first use, the pain subsides, and the movement is noticeably easier. And with regular use of a natural remedy, joint problems go away forever.

For the treatment of joints, the golden root is used both externally and internally. External use involves applying compresses and rubbing to painful areas. For them, you need to prepare a tincture: grind 40 grams of Rhodiola, and then pour the resulting slurry with ½ liter of alcohol. The tincture is aged in the dark for 3 weeks.

Tincture rub the joints, making massage movements. You should feel warm. After that, you can cover the pounded part of the body with a cotton cloth, and put a woolen cloth on top of it. This will provide a warming effect, enhance the healing effect.

The same tincture is used as a compress. She needs to soak, and very thoroughly, a gauze napkin that is folded several times. Then the compress is applied to the diseased joints, loosely fixed with a bandage, covered with a warm cloth. After 2 hours, the compress is removed.

Rubbing and compresses should be done daily. It is better to carry out the procedures before going to bed so that the joints are in a calm position, and the warmed limbs do not catch a cold.

In parallel with rubbing and compresses from the tincture, which is based on the golden root, its use internally is also necessary. Reception is carried out by 2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals. The treatment course is a month.

Osteochondrosis is also one of the types of joint diseases, which is a displacement of the intervertebral discs. Treatment of osteochondrosis must be entrusted to a doctor who will prescribe medications in combination with physiotherapy exercises. However, the disease is extremely painful, which the golden root will help to remove. Painful places are recommended to be treated with golden root tincture. Do not make strong movements at the same time, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Rhodiola rosea: treatment of diabetes

A disease characterized by insulin deficiency is called diabetes mellitus. Treatment involves compensation for impaired metabolism, in particular carbohydrate deficiency disorders. Treatment is carried out by means of official medicine, the doctor prescribes a complex of sugar-lowering drugs, a special diet and other procedures. As an aid, golden root is used. The instruction for its use in this case looks like this: combine 1 tablespoon of crushed roots of Rhodiola rosea and blueberry leaves. The workpiece is poured with 400 ml of boiled water and infused for at least 3 hours. The remedy is used ½ cup 2 times a day before meals.

There is another recipe that uses the golden root, a tincture of the plant in particular. You can buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself in the above way.

So, you should pour 5 dried bay leaves ½ liter of boiling water. The broth should be infused for 4 hours, after which it must be filtered. Then 1 tablespoon of Rhodiola-based tincture is added to it.

The resulting composition is consumed 3 times a day, a single dose is 0.3 cups of decoction.

Rhodiola rosea: treatment of the cardiovascular system

In the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases, the golden root can be used as an additional remedy, the healing properties of which have a beneficial effect on the heart. This happens due to the special substance contained in the plant - glycoside. It has a positive effect on the heart, increasing the rest period of the heart muscle and increasing its contraction. This optimization of the cardiac cycle is what is needed in the treatment of most heart diseases.

The popularity of rhodiola as an additional method of treating the heart is also due to the fact that it improves the rhythm, but it is completely harmless.

So, for the treatment of tachycardia, that is, palpitations, herbal teas are shown, based on the golden root. Recipes for such teas can be as follows:

  • Collection with lemon balm, St. John's wort and Rhodiola. First of all, you should prepare and mix the components of the tea. They are taken in the following proportions: 1 tablespoon of crushed Rhodiola root, 2 tablespoons of yarrow herb, lemon balm leaves and St. John's wort leaves. The workpiece is thoroughly mixed, after which 1 tablespoon of herbs is taken from it, which is poured into 400 ml of boiled water. Further, the broth is insisted for 3-4 hours. It is necessary to drink this "medicine" in small sips once a day in a volume of 100 ml.
  • Collection with rhodiola and hawthorn. You should take 1 tablespoon of pre-shredded root of Rhodiola rosea, 3 tablespoons of lemon balm and hawthorn fruit. Then each component should be poured with a glass of boiling water (180-200 ml) and infused for 4 hours. The final step is the mixing of all individual broths. The resulting drink must be consumed 2 times a day, 200 ml. It is best to do this between meals.

Rhodiola rosea: treatment of atherosclerosis

Rhodiola rosea is actively used to treat atherosclerosis. The disease is a chronic disease in which the walls of blood vessels are covered with special deposits - atherosclerotic plaques, which over time close the lumen of the vessel.

The use of Rhodiola by patients with atherosclerosis leads to some improvement in the condition, helps to reduce the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

As a medicine, teas based on the golden root are used. Take 2 tablespoons of the crushed roots of this plant and chopped dry leaves of yarrow and 1 tablespoon of horsetail herb, hawthorn flowers, white mistletoe herb. All components should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Then 1 tablespoon of dry collection is poured with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion, the tea is filtered. The resulting drink should be drunk in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment with this decoction is 1.5 - 2 months, after which a break of 1-2 months should follow.

An easier to prepare, but no less effective collection: it requires 2 tablespoons of crushed golden root, St. John's wort, as well as 1 tablespoon of yarrow herb. All components are poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for 3 hours. Strained broth is ready for use, it should be consumed within a day.

Rhodiola rosea: impotence treatment

Rhodiola rosea has another remarkable feature - it is able to cope with such a male ailment as impotence. Thus, the golden root for men is an amazing, effective and natural way to solve problems of an intimate nature. The action of the golden root is aimed at improving the activity of the gonads. In addition, the plant is able to cope with diseases of the genitourinary system in men. To increase potency, golden root is also shown, the tincture of which is much more effective than ginseng root tincture.

Tincture is prepared as follows: 30 gr. Rhodiola root, washed and crushed, is poured with vodka in a volume of 300 ml. After this, the tincture should be allowed to brew in a dark, cool place - usually it takes 2-3 weeks. After the specified time, the tincture is ready for use. It is necessary to use 25 drops of golden root tincture 3 times a day. The treatment course is 15 days.

Rhodiola rosea: to boost immunity

Rhodiola rosea is also used to protect the immune system, which helps to increase the body's defense reactions, its resistance to aggressive environmental influences. In addition, the plant gives strength, therefore it is recommended in the form of decoctions in the postoperative period or at the time of recovery after a serious illness. In addition to protection, Rhodiola improves the general condition, gives strength, so necessary for recovery. In addition, the patient's mood improves, which also "works" for a speedy recovery.

To prepare a true "decoction of health", based on Rhodiola rosea, it is necessary to fill in its crushed rhizomes. The weight of the resulting raw material is 20 gr. Then it must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for 25 minutes. Then it can be strained and drunk. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals in the amount of 150 ml.

Rhodiola rosea: treatment of gastric diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are found in every second city dweller, and there is a tendency to rejuvenate the disease. Today it is found in most students.

Herbal treatment of diseases of this group, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer, is not always possible. However, taking some of them can relieve pain, restore microflora. These properties have a golden root. In addition, it promotes the healing of ulcers, which, together with proper nutrition, can be a panacea for the disease.

For gastritis and ulcers, it is recommended to use a water-based plant, in other words, teas and decoctions. The recipe is extremely simple: 2 tablespoons of chopped Rhodiola rhizome are poured with 400 grams of boiling water and insisted for 3 hours. Drink the decoction in small sips throughout the day. The resulting volume of broth is calculated per day.

Rhodiola rosea: treatment of children

Particular attention is always deserved by the methods of treatment and medicines that are intended for use by children. As for the golden root, it can be safely used as wound healing rubbing and compresses for children. With toothache and sore throat, you can also rinse the throat and mouth with a decoction of the golden root. But the reception of formulations based on this plant should be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician and a narrower specialist. So, for example, if a child has gastritis, then before using Rhodiola, consult a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist. In addition, children under one year old are not allowed to take the golden root internally.

Rhodiola rosea for general wellness

In addition to the treatment of specific diseases, Rhodiola rosea has been used since ancient times as a preventive and general health remedy. It restores the body, increases the ability of the immune system to resist the effects of the environment, gives vigor. To prepare this truly "living water", take 1 part of crushed rhodiola and fill it with 10 parts of vodka. The composition should be kept in a dark place for 14 days, periodically, every 3-4 days, shaking the bottle. After the specified time, the tincture is filtered, and it is ready for use.

Apply the remedy 3 times a day for a teaspoon before meals. In the event that your sleep has worsened, insomnia has appeared, cancel the evening reception of Rhodiola.

Instead of an afterword

Thus, Rhodiola rosea is a powerful medicinal plant with a wide spectrum of action. It has a stimulating, healing, healing effect. Not many people know that a weak decoction of the golden root is used to treat wounds, cuts, they also gargle with sore throat.

People improved their health by using the golden root. Medicinal properties, reviews of which confirm this, are impressive. Everyone who has used a natural remedy claims that after the first days of use, there is an improvement, pain and anxiety subside. And after a course of phytoprocedures, a noticeable improvement and improvement of the body as a whole is felt.

Rhodiola rosea(Golden root) belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The rhizome is powerful, tuberous, with a large number of adventitious buds of renewal and a few thin roots that smell like roses. The surface of rhizomes and roots is covered with a smooth, exfoliating bark of a grayish-beige color, with a metallic golden sheen. Hence the name "Golden Root".

Stems few, erect, unbranched, 25-50 cm high, 4-6 mm in diameter, dressed at the base with membranous scaly leaves. Stem leaves are alternate, sessile, thick, juicy-fleshy, light green, oblong-ovate, lanceolate, 7-35 mm long and 3-15 mm wide, pointed, entire or with several teeth in the upper part.

The inflorescences are terminal, dense, corymbose, many-flowered, 3-6 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, unisexual, usually four-dimensional with yellow-green lanceolate sepals about 2 mm long and linear lemon-yellow petals, twice the size of the calyx, reddening when ripe.

The fruits are leaflets. Blooms in June - July. Seeds ripen in July-August.

In the roots and rhizomes of the golden root, glycoside salidroside, p-tyrosol, flavonoid, kaempferol, tannins of the pyrogallic group, lactones, fats, waxes, sterols, organic acids, essential oil and more than 20 trace elements were found.

Flavone compounds were found in flowers, leaves and stems, and tartaric and malic acids were found in leaf juice. The plant contains a large amount of sugars, mainly glucose and sucrose.

Liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is prescribed as a stimulant and adaptogenic remedy for diseases of the nervous system (insomnia, neurosis, increased irritability), with heavy physical and mental work, hypotension, with occupational hearing loss associated with constant exposure to noise, metabolic disorders , with sexual disorders (impotence), with mild forms of diabetes, to stimulate hematopoiesis, in sports practice to eliminate fatigue, as a general tonic.

The golden root strengthens the body's defense systems, enhances resistance to the adverse effects of external and internal environmental factors, acting much more efficiently than Manchurian aralia, Leuzea.

The therapeutic effect of the liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea, as an adaptogen, preserves the field of ingestion for 6 hours. The extract is contraindicated in persons with pronounced symptoms of nervous diseases, with exhaustion of the cortical cells of the brain, hypertension caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Under natural conditions, Rhodiola rosea is found in mountainous regions, in the Urals, Altai, Sayan Mountains, etc. It grows along the rocky shores of mountain streams and lakes. In cultivation, the plant prefers moist, loose, well-drained sunny areas with light sandy loam soil. For digging the soil, it is desirable to add humus (6-8 kg / m²), ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), potassium nitrate (15-20 g) and superphosphate (20-25 g).

How to grow golden root?

When sowing seeds, they are pre-frozen for 1.5 months. In the first year of plant life, from 2 to 10 above-ground shoots appear, reaching a height of 6-12 cm, and small tuberous rhizomes weighing 1-2 g. Plants are planted in a permanent place in the third year. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the apical wintering buds are located at the level of the soil. Seedlings are plentifully watered and mulched with peat chips.

For vegetative propagation, take segments of rhizomes older than 5 years, 3-5 cm long with an apical bud of renewal.

The growth of the aerial part of the golden root begins very early. In early June, the plant blooms, and by mid-July the seeds ripen. Root harvesting begins in the second half of August and continues until frost. Harvesting is subject to 5-6-year-old rhizomes obtained from sowing seeds, and 3-4-year-old, propagated by segments of roots.

Their weight reaches 700-1500 g. The dug out rhizomes are washed, cleaned of the old brown cork, rotting parts and dried in the shade. Then the rhizomes are cut across into pieces 2-10 cm long and dried at a temperature of 50-60 °. The shelf life of dried raw materials is three years.

Adonis spring, Adonis

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Common lingonberry: description

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