Extension of maternity capital up to a year. A separate law will be written for subways

On December 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed the law on the extension maternity capital for the second child until December 31, 2021, as well as about making it immediately. Let us remind you that the maternity capital program has been operating in Russia for 11 years and was supposed to end after 2018.

Vladimir Putin noted the special role of the mat capital program in addressing issues of the country’s demographic development and increasing the birth rate. “Having two children in a family has become a stable trend”,” the President noted, speaking about the merits of the state program. In this regard, it is quite natural that families count on receiving a certificate for the birth of a second child in the future, therefore Lately The question was often asked: Will maternity capital be extended after 2018?

A new law on the extension of maternity capital until 2021 inclusive has been adopted in December 2017(at about the same time, on behalf of Vladimir Putin, the program was extended for the first time in December 2015 federal law No. 433-FZ dated December 30, 2015).

Changes in the use of maternity capital in 2018

In addition to the extension of the program until December 31, 2021, the law provides two new uses maternity capital certificate from 2018:

Payments from maternity capital in 2018 in cash

Until 2018, the only traditional form of receiving maternity capital funds was cash there were one-time payments, which over the 11 years of the program were provided for 4 years:

For most Russian families, real income have continued to fall for three years in a row, in connection with which the problem of poverty among families with children, including working ones, remains acute. Therefore, payments from maternity capital in cash in 2018 are provided for receiving monthly and only to families in need. Wherein:

  • As a criterion of need for obtaining the right to payments, the level of average per capita family income in the amount of 1.5 times the magnitude living wage working-age population in the corresponding region of residence;
  • monthly payments from maternity capital are proposed to be provided in the amount regional subsistence minimum per child(the average in Russia for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is 10,160 rubles);
  • payments can only be received for the second child born on January 1, 2018, until they reach 1.5 years of age(why the payment is offered precisely up to this age is not very clear, especially since up to one and a half years, parents are already paid a monthly child care allowance and other child benefits).

It should be noted that in general a certificate for maternity capital would be enough for such monthly payments in the amount of the subsistence minimum until the child reaches 3 years of age and even more!

Use of a certificate for up to 3 years of age to support a child in nurseries and kindergartens

In addition to extending the program until the end of 2021, the law provides for the opportunity to use a certificate for maternity capital already from the birth of the child"to pay for services preschool education”—meaning in educational organizations.

At first glance, this may also seem strange (especially since the specified age is already from the birth of the child), if you do not take into account other proposals to support families with children. In reality, we are talking about a new full-fledged

What amount?

453,026 rubles. This is exactly how much you can spend on purposes determined by the state if you apply for disposal of maternity capital within the next three years.

In 2007, maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles. Every year its size increased in proportion to official inflation - by 20-30 thousand rubles. Since 2015, the amount has been frozen and is not indexed.

Hurry up 🏃 spend it!

What to do?

If you received a certificate or decide when and how to manage the payment - not rely on additional help from the state and adequately assess your capabilities.

If you already have a certificate, and the application for disposal of funds was postponed until next year - don’t wait. There will be no indexation, and the payment in 2017 will be 453 thousand rubles. Go to Pension Fund and write a statement. The sooner the state makes payments for the purposes you specified, the less inflation will affect it.

If you were waiting for indexation to increase your mortgage repayment- prepare documents for the bank and pension fund now. Reduce your loan load, not your repayment period. This makes it easier to reduce the impact of inflation on your wallet.

If you are planning to have a second child and purchasing housing using maternity capital - take into account the fixed amount of the down payment. The state will provide only 453 thousand rubles for the purchase of an apartment. If this is not enough, you will have to add your own. Start thinking about where you will get those 30 thousand indexations that you were counting on next year.

If you were going to pay for your child’s studies at university- keep in mind that the cost of semesters will increase, but the maternity capital will not increase. Analyze the statistics on fee increases at a particular university over the last 3 years (information is available on the websites) and make a plan for the rest of your studies. If you don’t have enough maternity capital, and you don’t have your own money, you still have time to choose a simpler institute and choose the Unified State Exam for admission to other specialties.

If you wanted to cash out maternity capital- do not do this, regardless of indexation and amount. Such actions are illegal. There is a risk of being left without money and having big problems.

If maternity capital is not required or has already been received- Nothing.

You can once again think about the crisis and cuts in social benefits, discuss the dollar exchange rate, oil prices and Putin’s policies with your neighbor.

There is good news

Freezing the amount of maternity capital until 2020 actually means extending the program for another 3 years. If the right to payment has not occurred, there is time and chances to give birth to a second child and receive government support.

The bill, according to which the freeze of maternity capital will last until 2020, has already been approved by the government.

The harsh truth of life

In 2016, the amount of payments received by all families where a second or subsequent child was born or adopted remained at the same level. The government promised that this was a temporary measure due to the difficult economic situation, and state aid will certainly increase in the future. However, realities forced the authorities to abandon their promises - an increase in the amount of state support for Russian families is not expected in the near future, and the freezing of maternity capital in 2017 will last for another three years.

If the corresponding law is signed by the president, it will cancel the previously existing norms regulating the annual indexation of maternal capital taking into account projected inflation.

On a note! The freezing of maternity capital until 2020 assumes that the amount of payments will remain at the 2015 level and amount to 453 thousand rubles.

The reason for freezing the indexation of maternity capital in the Ministry of Labor, whose press service published this decision, is explained by the fact that this type of state assistance is not among the monthly state benefits for which a transition to actual inflation is provided, and this money is not intended for current needs - products food, clothing, etc.

It's a sin to complain

However, Russian families are also happy that it was decided to extend the support program. Initially, it was supposed to end on December 31, 2016, but the state will pay the money for another two years. True, the Ministry of Labor proposed extending the program for 5 years, but the Ministry of Finance and the President decided to limit it to a two-year period for now.

Let us recall that the issuance of maternity capital began in 2007, and initially Russian families received 250 thousand rubles. Taking into account inflation, this amount has grown to today’s 453 thousand - a good help that the state allows to spend:

    to improve living conditions;

    for the formation of the mother's pension;

    for the child's education;

In addition, the government regularly comes up with new opportunities to support Russians using maternity capital. For example, in 2016, one-time assistance was issued in the amount of 25 thousand, which could be spent at your discretion. Discussions and programs to support women who decide to have a second child before the age of 30 are in full swing. True, all ideas face an insurmountable obstacle - a lack of money in the treasury. According to analysts, next year the country will spend all the money from the reserve fund, while it may also require funds from the National Welfare Fund, which currently has 4.5 trillion rubles left.

Important! On this moment 7.4 million families received a certificate for the payment of family capital.

The government has approved freezing the indexation of maternity capital, but assures that there will be enough money for current payments. The Pension Fund budget allocates 331 billion rubles for these purposes next year, and almost 345 billion in 2018.

And from November 4, obtaining maternity capital has become even easier. With the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Labor, fewer certificates will be required. Thus, you will not have to provide information about the mother’s place of residence and citizenship, since all information will be sent to the Pension Fund directly from the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the online interaction system. It does not matter how the application is submitted:

    in person to the pension fund at the place of registration;

    to the multifunctional center of its settlement;

    by mail;

    through Personal Area on the Pension Fund website (if you have an electronic digital signature, you can submit the entire package of documents, and not just the application).

Without any confirmation, until November 30, 2016, it was possible to submit an application via the Internet for a one-time payment in the amount of 25 thousand. In this case, there was no need to visit any institutions, which is very convenient for parents raising a child. It was possible to receive a lump sum payment under a number of conditions:

    if the certificate was issued before September 30, 2016;

    if not all of the money issued by the state has been spent;

    It was also possible to list the balance of the maternity capital, which is less than 25 thousand.

To receive it, it was enough to indicate the number and series of the certificate and account details (it must belong to the owner of the certificate), to which the Pension Fund sent the promised money in a single payment within two months.

The news about the freezing of maternity capital has been confirmed, however, experts point out that such a decision was not easy and is completely justified from an economic point of view.

Many parents, especially those with many children, are interested in what year maternity capital is valid until. The question is quite interesting and important. After all, this payment is nothing more than a way for the state to support families with children. And you need to know when it will cease to exist. Particularly because of the crisis. So what should parents know about maternal capital? What should you pay attention to? Until when can you apply? this payment, And what you need to do? It is worth understanding these issues in detail. The main thing is not to believe all the news that is now spreading on the World Wide Web. There is a lot of deception and jokes among them.


So, until what year is maternity capital valid? First, you need to understand what kind of payment we are talking about. And who has the right to this kind of government support.

The assistance under study is material funds allocated from the Federal state budget to families with children. Important rule- presence of two or more children in the family. Adopted children will also be counted. Issued only once. Has a fixed size. Money cannot be used for all needs. This factor must be taken into account.

As a rule, people who have several minor children in the family are required to apply for this payment. This is good government support. What needs can it be spent on?

Where can you spend it?

We are trying to figure out until what year maternity capital is valid in Russia. But before that, it is necessary to understand for what needs a person will have the right to spend money. Indeed, at the moment the range of use of maternal capital is quite narrow.

Among the permitted expenses are:

  1. Investment in home improvement. Most often - in its purchase.
  2. Formation of a pension for the mother. Not so often, but money is transferred.
  3. Teaching children. As practice shows, more often money is put aside for higher education.
  4. Treatment and rehabilitation of a minor. Quite recently such an opportunity arose.

There are no other significant directions. In fact, you can send maternity capital either to improve housing, or for retirement, or spend it on a child. Money cannot be spent on daily needs.

Start of the program

Since what year has the Maternity Capital program been in effect? This question does not pose any difficulties. This financial assistance was introduced in Russia in 2007. And they accepted the corresponding program for consideration in 2006.

A much more serious issue is the topic of stopping payments. The state is trying its best to support families with children. Only in times of crisis this is not so easy to do. Especially when you consider that the amount of payment for matkamital is 453 thousand 26 rubles. And this is only for one family. Therefore, more and more often talk about the cessation of this state assistance began to be heard.

Presumptive action

But until what year is maternity capital valid? At the moment there are several theories. The first one is the most positive. This is where you need to start. The fact is that there is constant talk about curtailing the maternity capital program. Despite this, a specific “lifetime” of this assistance for families with children is provided.

Until when? The Maternity Capital program runs until 2020. It should be assumed that this offer will be available until the specified date. Payments will not be made after 2020. At least for now. But the moment is somewhat ambiguous. What does the population need to pay attention to? What other surprises has maternity capital prepared? Until what year is it valid according to some sources?

A bit earlier

The previously indicated period is not the only date when the state support program for families with children may be suspended. There are many theories regarding this issue. Which ones exactly? Until what year is maternity capital valid?

Some sources indicate that the government support program will be discontinued in 2019. Therefore, those who want to receive funds need to hurry. There is no confirmed data regarding the question posed. Accordingly, it should be assumed that payments will be stopped in 2020. This is the period that the population is recommended to focus on. Of course, in a crisis it is necessary to monitor latest news. It is likely that payment of maternity capital will be suspended even earlier.


So, assistance to parents such as maternity capital is valid until what year? In general, a bill passed not so long ago extended the program until 2020. Previously, it was said that this kind of payment would be abolished in 2016. But nevertheless, they did not put the plans into practice.

There is also an opinion that maternity capital may be frozen in 2017. That is, suspend payments. For example, for a year. Therefore, some sources indicate that it is likely that cash assistance to families with children will be discontinued in the period 2017-2018. And this fact must also be taken into account.

Real picture

Until what year will maternity capital be valid? The situation is ambiguous. In a crisis, it is very difficult to accurately predict this nuance. This needs to be taken into account.

The real picture at the moment looks controversial. On the one hand, as already mentioned, the program was adopted until 2020. On the other hand, they are talking about freezing payments. But one thing is clear - today in 2017, Russian families have a chance to obtain maternity capital. Of course, everything can still change. But so far there have been no direct bans. All changes to the adopted state program are only at the discussion stage. It is likely that this government support may soon be suspended. But there is no 100% reliable information about this. Therefore, as already said, all that remains is to wait. And hope that maternity capital will not be canceled until 2020.

About making a payment

Now we should talk a little about how to apply for such a subsidy. After all, as practice shows, not everyone knows how maternity capital is issued. Until what year is the program designed? Presumably until 2020. Therefore, there is still time for registration.

What should citizens know? Firstly, maternity capital is registered either in the MFC or in the Pension Fund. Secondly, it is necessary to collect a certain list of documents to issue the appropriate certificate. Which one? These include:

  • statement;
  • adoption and birth certificates for all children;
  • SNILS of parents and children;
  • passports of legal representatives;
  • bank account details;
  • registration documents (optional);
  • marriage/divorce certificate.

Accordingly, all these papers are submitted to the specified authorities. After checking the completeness of the package, citizens are issued a certificate for maternity capital within a month (usually this is how long it takes to prepare the document). After this you can use it. But only in those directions that were previously indicated. Now it is clear until what year maternity capital will be valid.

The freezing of maternity capital until 2020, which is now being talked about everywhere, essentially does not imply anything new for families with two or more children. For now, this only means that the size of the state certificate for maternal capital will not be increased (indexed) for several more years - but it has not been increased for 2 years in a row!

From January 1, 2015, its size does not change, and according to the new law on the federal budget, the amount of the certificate will not be increased again in 2019 - it will again be 453,026 rubles.

And since it was possible to use it all these 2 years without any additional restrictions (and no one talked about any “freezing” at all all this time), then in the same way it will be possible to use it freely until 2020 (and even beyond) .

Will maternity capital be frozen in 2019?

The restriction adopted by the Government does not in any way apply to the right to receive a certificate and the possibility of using it in the areas provided for by law:

  • they will still be issuing maternity capital for at least until December 31, 2018- just before this date last year, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and it is possible that after this maternity capital can be extended further;
  • the procedure for using certificates by the accepted “freeze” is now not only not limited in any way, but also vice versa:
    • measures are constantly being introduced to simplify the procedure for disposing of maternal capital;
    • the methods of applying for payments via the Internet are being significantly improved (now citizens even have the opportunity to have submitted applications executed by employees of the Pension Fund);
    • Even new directions for spending budget funds are opening up (since 2016, a certificate can be used to purchase without waiting 3 years).

Thus, the “freezing” adopted now does not in any way imply a ban on the use of a maternal certificate! Therefore, in 2018, a mortgage can be issued for it in the usual manner, and a previously taken out housing loan or loan can be repaid.

In other words, in 2018 everything will be exactly the same as it was in 2015 and 2016- so far there are no prerequisites for anything to change radically. It’s just that financial capital will continue to lose its price, so it makes sense to spend it early.

Why is certificate indexation frozen until 2020?

According to the official position of the Government, this is being done in view of the difficult economic situation in the country and the impossibility of indexing such a large payment to the current high inflation rates (i.e., even if there was indexation, it would still be “nominal” and would not correspond to real growth rates prices).

Besides, many experts note that due to the economic crisis in many regions of the country, housing prices have not only not grown over the past few years, but, on the contrary, have decreased slightly. And since more than 90% of certificate holders use it to purchase housing, the purchasing power of maternal capital will not decrease due to failure to index (at least not in the near future).

According to the law on the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period 2019-2020, the Russian Government has already planned the next indexation of maternity capital from January 1, 2020 by 4%(accordingly, the certificate amount will increase from 453,026 to 471,147 rubles). This will be the first indexation in the last 5 years of the program. At the same time, its validity period itself, at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin, was

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