Anfsa Chekhova divorce. All that is known. Anfisa Chekhova divorced her husband: latest news, photos Divorce of Anfisa

Anfisa Chekhova's mother said that she was not surprised at the divorce of her daughter, since Guram often behaved not like a married man - he could disappear for several days and scandals arose in the family. However, the woman does not consider the separation of the spouses a tragedy - she is sure that her daughter will still gain personal happiness. As it became known recently, the couple broke up six months ago, but they carefully concealed it.

Anfisa Chekhova and Guram Bablishvili broke up six months ago, but fans were informed about this only recently, when all the documents were already formalized. They visited the "Secret for a Million" program, where the TV presenter told about the true reasons for the divorce.

Anfisa Chekhova with her son and mother // Photo: Instagram

The spouses took turns arguing that the reason was simple - the relationship had become more friendly than love. Anfisa Chekhova's mother Natalya Alekseevna also came to visit Lera Kudryavtseva, admitting that the divorce was quite predictable, since the spouses often quarreled.

“I was ready for this news because it was not the first time. Before that, there were some movements in this direction, and then I was very upset, but now I was ready. They had a very difficult relationship when they just got together ... You can’t torture a pregnant woman - for example, disappear and not say a word, but this happened ”, - Natalya Alekseevna told.

Anfisa Chekhova // Photo: Instagram

Chekhova, however, was quick to defend her ex-husband. She assured that personal freedom is very important for Guram. Sometimes he really could disappear for a couple of days, but she tried to ignore such situations. Now they are quite satisfied with a strong friendship. According to Natalia Alekseevna, ex-spouses often see each other for walks with their son.

Not without mention of Anfisa's father, who intends to sue his daughter. Chekhova noted that the man did not appear in her life while she was little, and only when fame came to her, he began to remind of himself. Despite all the troubles, the celebrity is optimistic about the future.

Today, few people will remember that Chekhov did not start her career with the program “about it”. She was the lead singer of the group Mad Fireflies. The producers noticed the luxurious forms of the singer, and soon she appeared in a different role.

Anfisa Chekhova: “Do you know what was offered sometimes? The businessmen's wives called and offered to dine for money. But I never agreed to even that. "

Chekhova remembered an interesting moment. In 1998, during the broadcast with her, she told that the main thing is pleasure. But then she was still a virgin.

Anfisa Chekhova: “I was innocent at the age of 19. I became a woman a little later. "

Her first man was slightly older than her. But at that moment she was in love with another, with whom they "did not succeed."

Anfisa Chekhova: “He was a very nice guy, he was very handsome, he treated me very well. But I had no feelings. Therefore, after the first sex, I did not understand at all why people were doing this. I didn’t like many “first times”. In principle, I realized that sex is great, much later. Probably when I really fell in love. Before, in order to have sex, I had to drink, because it seemed strange to me sober to do all this. "

According to Anfisa, there were only six serious novels in her life. But each of them, as a rule, lasted no more than three years. She spent almost eight years with her husband alone. Chekhova admitted that she was always afraid of marriage, because she was serious about marital duties.

Also, in a conversation with Lera Kudryavtseva, Chekhova assured that she had never done plastic surgery. And her breasts of impressive size from childhood gave her inconvenience - at school she was teased "Big Tits". Anfisa spoke frankly about her relationship with her parents. The mother was engaged in raising Chekhova, and her father actually did not pay attention to her, on the contrary, she recalls him with resentment.

As a result, the conversation turned to the topic of Anfisa's marriage. According to her, neither she nor Guram wanted to arrange a wedding. He proposed to her when she was pregnant. Guram put a postcard for her under the tree with the words: "Marry me."

Anfisa Chekhova: “When we“ courted ”, probably, in all honesty, I was more interested in our relationship than he was. He never wanted a female star, he himself always wanted to be a leader, strong, support. "

Pregnancy turned out to be difficult for Anfisa, despite the fact that it was planned. The problem was that the Guram family did not immediately accept her. Later, the couple wanted to have a second child, but they did not succeed.

Chekhova broke up with her husband six months ago. The question of loyalty in their relationship did not arise. According to her, the reason for the separation was not betrayal, but the fact that they "just sort of moved away from each other." She herself claims that she remained faithful to her husband throughout all the years spent together.

Anfisa Chekhova: “I started to live my own life. I began to love loneliness, I began to travel alone to rest. It was necessary for me to plunge into myself, well, this is the period. On the contrary, Guram had some kind of business story. We somehow went in different directions. "

Guram Bablishvili himself came to the studio to explain the reasons for their divorce. As a result, he was taken by surprise by Lera Kudryavtseva's question about whether he was a faithful husband. His answer came as a surprise to Anfisa.

Guram Bablishvili: “Honestly, no. It's not about her (Anfisa - ed.). And it was not a mistress, a separate romance or another family - this was not the case. It's just, maybe, a certain masculine nature. It happened".

How did their child receive the news of the parents' divorce? And did Anfisa dare to reveal her most important secret at the cost of a million? The answers to these questions - in the release of the program "".

Anfisa Chekhova became a guest of the new release of Lera Kudryavtseva's show "Secret for a Million", in which she first spoke about the divorce from Guram Bablishvili and its reasons. According to the TV presenter, their parting happened six months ago, she did not want to talk about it, but she could not remain silent for a long time due to her inability and unwillingness to lie. Guram also appeared in the studio of the program, where he made a shocking statement about his infidelity. We publish the most significant quotes, see the full release of the TV show below.

Anfisa about Guram:

Guram is a very freedom-loving man, before me he had no long-term relationship. It's hard for such a man to understand what it's like to live with a woman, that you need to put your desires into the background somewhere and be with her ... We are both not a gift, we are both proud, constantly colliding with our foreheads, we really had difficult, stormy, passionate relationship, but how we made up ..!

Anfisa about how Guram conquered her:

It was never boring with him, not even a minute - he is very cheerful. Although there were no courtship and gifts - at an early stage, then, of course, he gave me very good gifts. When everything was just beginning, probably, in all honesty, I was more interested in our relationship than he was. He never wanted a female star. He himself always wanted to be a leader, and then suddenly he came across an independent, well-earning, and also a star ... And I was a great initiator of our relationship and was more eager to squeeze him out. I remember when I completely endeared him to me, he came to my house. As luck would have it or for joy, I cooked cabbage soup by accident. And that's it, he ate my soup and stayed with me. Then he told me many times that he was stunned by the fact that I can cook. Thanks to him, by the way, I learned to be a woman and let a man be in charge. I was originally a fire woman.

About the wedding:

None of us really wanted a wedding. I lived normally without her and would have lived for so long. Guram, although he proposed to me when I was pregnant, was also in no hurry. He made an offer to me, putting a postcard under the Christmas tree with the words "Marry me." For a long time we could not figure out where to do the wedding: if we do it in Moscow, Georgian relatives will be offended, if in Georgia, Russians will be offended. It was expensive to take our relatives by plane, so we decided that we would leave together and get married. Parents were then offended that they learned about the wedding from magazines. Guram should have told them about it, but I don't remember that he did it. Probably, I didn't want to upset my mother, who really wanted a Georgian wedding.

About the second child:

We thought and wanted, but we didn’t have a second child ...

About divorce:

We talked about him very often, endlessly repeated "Well, that's it, we're getting a divorce!", Even when we weren't married yet. The decisive point was put by life. We have not been together for six months. I did not strive to be the best wife in the world, I am imperfect. I was quick-tempered, exploded a lot, but I was faithful. I think he does too. This question did not arise for us. We just moved away from each other, I began to live my life - to travel to Bali, I began to love solitude, I began to love to rest alone, I needed to immerse myself in myself. There was such a period. Guram, on the contrary, had some kind of business history - he began to look for ways and exits in order to have a lot of money. And so we somehow went in different directions, practically stopped communicating, plus it merged with the fact that Guram's family moved to Georgia. He began to travel there, helped his parents to settle down and realized that business was going on there better, he started work there. He left for long periods and was there all the time. And we became like friends, there was not that spark. And we cannot live in those countries where everyone wants to live - Guram is going to leave for Georgia.

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Guram Bablishvili on divorce:

It hurts, it's serious, it's a long time. It just happened. The passions have cooled down. Probably, we dragged on so much that we became friends. And to be honest, I was not a faithful husband. Anfisa did not know about this. It wasn't about her, I didn't have a mistress or something so serious, it's just a certain masculine nature. It happened. I love Anfisa, but we already have different roads.

Anfisa Chekhova's mother about her divorce:

I was ready for this news because it was not the first time. Before that, there were some movements in this direction, and then I was very upset, but now I was ready. They had no problems with everyday life - when I sometimes came to sit with Solik with them, I saw how Guram very touchingly prepared her omelettes so that she could eat and not be late for the shooting. When Anfisa introduced me to him, I told her: "From this man it is necessary to give birth." But they had a very difficult relationship when they just got together ... You cannot torture a pregnant woman - for example, disappear and not say a word. But we still communicate with him, I send him photos from walks with Solomon.

Anfisa Chekhova became another star guest of Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million" on NTV. The TV presenter spoke about her struggle with being overweight. Anfisa said that her breasts grew at school, for which she received, in her opinion, an insulting nickname among classmates.


However, it was only much later that excess weight really became her problem. Anfisa said that she suffered from bulimia. She went to the grocery store every day, looked painfully at the shelves and could not buy anything, although she really wanted to. Chekhova compared a grocery store to a museum, because she behaved there exactly as in a cultural institution.

She periodically broke down, her character deteriorated terribly, as a result, her beloved man could not stand it and said to her: "Be fat, at least 100 kg, but do not be so s ***!" At some point, Anfisa realized that she could not continue this way and decided to use a different strategy.

And it helped her. Chekhova said that she just accepted and fell in love with herself. The way it is. “With her breasts of the fifth size,” the host said with a laugh. And then her weight began to decrease. Now he is 63-65 kg with a height of 163 cm. Of course, not without some restrictions. She does not use sugar, does not eat fried, fatty, flour. However, she does not suffer from this.

Anfisa Chekhova said that her maximum weight was 90 kg. This was already at the time of relations with her husband (now former), the popular actor Guram Bablishvili. Then she lived in Georgia for two months. During this time, she gained 20 kg. The most interesting thing is that Guram was not at all embarrassed by the extra kilos of his beloved. But Anfisa herself was very much. She admitted that it was hard for her to walk and chase her young son, so she made a firm decision to lose weight.

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