Miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk. Amazing possibilities of a natural product

Ecology of health: Preparing the ointment yourself is a great way to make sure all the ingredients are natural

You can prepare propolis-based ointment yourself at home!

Without a doubt, many people want to use ointments prepared with their own hands. And this is not surprising, because this is a great way to make sure that all components are natural. A conscientiously executed mixture can greatly help with various kinds diseases.

Propolis in pharmacology

The pharmacological complex has developed a very large number of medicinal substances aimed at curing various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, high-quality, natural methods have already become half-forgotten traditional medicine, in which a special place is occupied by methods of healing ulcers and gastritis with propolis. After all, it has a clear antiseptic effect, preventing the proliferation of various harmful bacteria, and also suppresses any putrefactive processes.

The best anesthetic

In any case, curing stomach diseases with bee products is possible precisely thanks to its amazing anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative abilities, which directly affect the mucous membrane and walls of the stomach itself. Based on data from various sources, the analgesic effect of this drug exceeds even the capabilities of novocaine.

External use

However, not all substances prepared according to recipes from this remedy, can only be taken internally. It is more rational to use some of them exclusively for external application, since they are very poorly absorbed by the stomach, and, despite the presence of propolis in their composition, will cause more harm to it than good.

Let's take a closer look at what substance, why and how it should be produced.

Recipe No. 1 Butter ointment

Ointment from propolis and butter can be made quite simply, and has a wide range of applications. Since the components are completely edible, they can be used both internally and externally. This ointment is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to speed up the treatment process for external skin damage, as well as abscesses.


  • 10% propolis tincture (infused in 90% alcohol for a week);
  • butter (regular, no salt).


  1. The ingredients are mixed in a strict ratio: propolis tincture to butter – 10:1.
  2. Next, this mixture is brought to a boil at home and filtered while hot through cheesecloth.
  3. The tincture for acute stomach diseases is ready.

Oral use

In case of gastritis, you should drink 25-35 drops of freshly baked tincture, after mixing it with milk or water, three times a day, one hour before use. The duration of the full course of treatment is 20 days.

External use

To treat skin lesions, gauze or bandage dressings are used. The ointment itself is applied to them, after which it covers the desired area and is fixed in that position for several hours. Every 3 - 4 hours it needs to be bandaged and the ointment itself changed with your own hands. It is worth noting that this recipe practically does not change if the oil is replaced with olive oil. Although the features of its use will become wider.

Recipe No. 2 Olive oil ointment

To prepare propolis in olive oil, you need to follow the same recipe. Having mixed them in the required proportions, it is necessary to heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, and then filter it through a bandage or gauze.

Oral use

Treatment with propolis oil, as many people know, is a long-proven method of getting rid of diseases. If you have a cough, take only half a teaspoon of ointment three times a day. When the cough is paroxysmal in nature, the propolis mixture should be kept in the mouth until completely resolved.

External use

In case of a runny nose, the mucous membranes should be thoroughly treated with ointment using bee glue and olive oil, but smear your nose as intensely as possible.

In case of cold viral infections, propolis oil is the most reliable assistant. But it should be used not only during epidemics, in order to avoid diseases. Half a teaspoon per day, for a whole month, will provide your health with immunity to colds<заболеваниям.

Recipe No. 3 Ointment made from butter and yolk

Bee products are of particular importance for hair, especially honey and propolis, as well as egg yolk. However, they must be mixed strictly in accordance with the recipe.


  • propolis oil (ointment, preferably based on sea buckthorn) – a tablespoon;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • honey (optional, but it’s better to add it) – 1 tablespoon.


  1. All of the listed ingredients are mixed with your own hands until smooth.
  2. The prepared propolis mixture is applied evenly over the hair, but after the head has been washed.
  3. It is advisable to cover this ointment with a cellophane cap and wash it off only with warm water.

Sometimes the composition is varied with wax, but such an element can greatly thicken the mixture as soon as it cools. And this makes the process of washing off the ointment much more difficult. Therefore, you should use wax only at your own discretion.

Recipe No. 4 Vegetable oil ointment

Another great recipe you can make at home. The resulting propolis ointment, alas, is not suitable for oral use, but it copes well with external wounds.


  • 20 g crushed propolis;
  • 95 g vegetable oil


In order to make a quality product, porcelain dishes are used for the water bath. It is worth heating the mixture of both components in it for half an hour. As in other recipes, such a liquid will need to be filtered to remove heavy sediment. The prepared substance can be safely applied to the bandages as soon as it has cooled a little.

Recipe No. 5 ointment with sea buckthorn oil

If you have all the necessary ingredients, you can make an excellent remedy for burns with simple preparations. It nourishes the skin with moisture, disinfects the wound, and at the same time accelerates tissue regeneration. The recipe is quite primitive.


  • olive oil – 100 g;
  • propolis crumbled into flour (preferably without wax) – 15 - 20 g.


  1. The principle of preparing the ointment is no different from the conventional system. Olive extract is poured into a container with crushed bee glue.
  2. You can prepare the mixture correctly only if you heat it in a water bath for half an hour to forty minutes.
  3. Open fire will be very harmful to her.
  4. When finished, be sure to strain through two, or preferably three, layers of gauze or bandage.


An olive-based substance obtained under ordinary conditions can be applied directly to the burn site. But this is not a very pleasant feeling. Therefore, it is better to let the fresh mixture cool, and also apply it to the bandage, and not to the wound.

Recipe No. 6 Ointment made from oil and wax

Another product based on the amazing products that bees make has extensive medicinal properties. You can prepare an ointment from them if you have the following ingredients.


  • propolis oil (preferably olive, sea buckthorn or butter) – 120 - 140 g;
  • boiled chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • wax – 25 g.


  1. All ingredients must be thoroughly crushed, including wax, and mixed.
  2. They should only be heated in a water bath for about twenty minutes, and do not use any boiling water!
  3. As usual, at the end of cooking, the mixture should be strained through a bandage or gauze and cooled.


This mixture with wax has amazing antibacterial properties, as well as a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat many diseases, but the greatest effectiveness of the product has been proven for viral infections and damage to the skin. published

The solid structure, high melting point, tendency to harden quickly - all this makes it difficult to use beeswax. But in folk medicine, an innovative recipe was invented that allows... to spread the product on damaged areas! How to properly prepare beeswax ointment, how to use it and in what cases it is effective - read further in the article.

Beeswax ointment: reviews and properties

The healing properties of the folk remedy are explained by the composition of its main ingredient - wax. It contains a large amount of natural balms and resins, tannins, essential oils, as well as vitamins and minerals. Since ancient times, this combination has been used in folk medicine to disinfect, relieve inflammation and heal wounds. Today, the natural product has been more thoroughly studied - this has opened up new facets of its healing effect.

Article on the topic: Beeswax: answers to the most common questions

Miracle ointment based on beeswax:

  • destroys bacteria
  • prevents or relieves inflammation
  • promotes the removal of pus
  • accelerates regenerative processes
  • reduces pain
  • has a warming effect
  • moisturizes and softens the skin
  • has a rejuvenating effect

Beeswax ointment has found application in the fight against various skin ailments: cracks, wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite, boils, acne, wrinkles, fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema, etc. In addition, the properties of the product will be useful in the treatment of cough, runny nose, sore joints, varicose veins, mastopathy, mastitis and damaged hair.

You can purchase wax directly from our apiary "Sviy honey":

Beeswax ointment recipes

There are several ingredients that can be used in tandem with a bee product - the exact recipe for beeswax ointment depends on what effect you plan to achieve. Read more about possible variations later in the article.

Beeswax and vegetable oil ointment

Why these particular ingredients? The oil is a rich source of vitamin A, group B, D, E, which gives it anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. In addition, it improves the absorption of the product and the digestibility of each component.

Before cooking, thoroughly grind 50 g of beeswax. Pour 150 ml of vegetable oil into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat to a temperature of +35 degrees, without bringing to a boil. Next, start gradually adding bee product. Stir the contents until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.

Interesting fact: to prepare an ointment from beeswax and olive oil, it is best to use an unrefined product. It is believed that it contains more vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Article on the topic:

Reviews say that this recipe is the most effective in the fight against almost all possible ailments. From a chicken egg we need its most nutritious component - the yolk. It is rich in fats, vitamins and minerals, which activate the recovery process.

The miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk requires strict adherence to proportions and careful preparation. To begin, grind 80 g of bee product - this can be done with a knife or grater. Heat 100-150 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath to a temperature of +35 degrees. Then gradually add wax shavings, stirring continuously. At the same time, make sure that the mixture does not boil. When the wax acquires a homogeneous liquid consistency, start adding the yolk of one chicken egg bit by bit. Strain before use.

An ointment based on beeswax and yolk should be prepared using only natural products - buy wax from a beekeeper, and use an egg from a domestic chicken.

Ointment based on beeswax and propolis

The most effective regenerating tandem is a mixture of wax and propolis. Both of these bee gifts have pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties.

Before cooking, grind wax (40 g) and propolis (20 g). Pour a small amount of vegetable oil (up to 100 ml) into the bottom of the pan and heat to a temperature of +35 degrees. When this happens, melt the wax in the contents, and then propolis. Stir continuously until smooth.

Article on the topic: How to prepare propolis ointment at home?

Ointment with beeswax and fat

For joints, the best warming agent is an ointment using bee products and animal fat. By the way, this same recipe is effective for coughs, mastitis and other similar ailments.

Add 150-200 g of animal fat (preferably pork) to the pan. Melt it to a liquid consistency, then gradually add 50 g of bee product (pre-crushed). Stir until smooth.

Some sources recommend adding propolis or bee venom to this recipe.

Beeswax-based ointment: application

The folk remedy should be spread quite generously - the layer on the skin should be about 1-2 mm. Rub it into the surface using gentle massaging movements to improve absorption. Finally, wrap the treated area with gauze. If you want to achieve a warming effect (for joints, cough), it is recommended to additionally wrap the treatment area with a warm cloth.

The ointment can also be used as a face or hair mask. Rub a small amount between your fingers and apply to skin or hair ends. You don’t have to wash off the mask, but blot it with a napkin if there is an oily sheen left.

Article on the topic: Using beeswax for face and hair

There are no strict rules for using an ointment made from beeswax, yolk, or vegetable oil - if necessary, you can repeat the procedure up to 4-5 times a day. To treat chronic diseases such as varicose veins, it is enough to apply the product 2 times a day. To eliminate wounds, burns, frostbite and other ailments that require prompt assistance, you can use the ointment every 4 hours.

The course of treatment is also not limited by a time frame - the folk remedy can be used without interruption until complete healing.


The main ingredient of the ointment - beeswax - has the only contraindication. This is an individual intolerance to bee products, which affects about 1% of the world's population. In other cases, the use of the product is completely safe.

If you use additional ingredients to prepare beeswax ointment, pay attention to the list of contraindications for them.


Wikipedia: Beeswax

Video "How to make wax-based ointment at home"

It is always necessary to have some kind of universal healing agent in your home medicine cabinet, at least for such emergency cases as cuts and burns.

For example, disinfectants are usually used for cuts: iodine, brilliant green, or, at best, hydrogen peroxide. To stop the bleeding, they simply bandage it. To some extent, tightening the wound helps stop the bleeding. But there are always blood-stopping agents on hand, such as honey and. Did you know about this? In addition, they are also good antiseptics.

But rarely does anyone think about the fact that they still need to help the wound heal quickly. Yes, the regenerative properties of the body will work themselves, but there are cases when not only the skin, but also a piece of meat is cut off from a finger. If only you had such a miracle ointment made from beeswax, which easily not only speeds up the healing of a simple cut, but also heals a cut-off piece of a finger...

Homemade miracle ointment and its uses

Homemade miracle ointment - a universal remedy

A homemade miracle ointment made from three main components (wax, egg yolk, vegetable oil) is used not only in emergency cases (cuts, burns, mosquito, wasp and bee bites), but also for the treatment of skin and other diseases:

  • To remove juvenile acne, which manifests itself as inflammation on the skin, you must first cleanse your face (wash with laundry soap), burn the most inflamed pimples with vodka, and then, to reduce the inflammatory process, smear your face with miracle ointment
  • for removing papillomas. Flat and thread-like papillomas often occur in older people on the neck, under the arms, near the eyes, on the arms due to low blood pressure. Thread-like papillomas (on a thin stalk) in such places very often get in the way and receive mechanical damage (for example, from friction with clothing) and since there is a risk of the damaged papillomas developing into skin cancer, it is better to get rid of it. Miracle ointment copes with this task perfectly.
  • If, by chance, a mole was damaged and began to become inflamed, then ALWAYS use a miracle ointment to remove the inflammation and completely remove the mole from the skin. It will heal, dry out and fall off.
  • for the treatment of female gynecological diseases (cervical erosion, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the appendages), tampons with miracle ointment are made
  • To treat mastopathy, make compresses with ointment
  • for otitis media, place a cotton swab with ointment in the ear to draw out pus and relieve inflammation
  • for sinusitis, lubricate the sinuses on the face (it is impossible to heat the sinuses during an exacerbation)
  • for a sore throat, apply compresses with ointment to the neck
  • in case of inflammation of the gums (gums become inflamed especially often in older people under dentures) draws out pus and relieves swelling
  • you can get rid of atheroma without surgery ( I’m just writing an article on emotions, when this morning the atheroma in the capsule (on my father’s chest - 84 years old) the size of a hazelnut “disappeared” itself. Before this, they took him to the clinic to cut him out, but there was a complete scam for money: first, to the oncologist, 500 rubles, then tests, 3 thousand, and only then they cut him out for 3 thousand. It’s amazing how pensioners are scammed!!!)
  • Various skin tumors are treated: lipomas, atheromas. You just need to constantly smear it in the morning and evening until they disappear completely.

Of course, there is no need to clarify and remind that any treatment requires consistency and time.

Beeswax is a unique substance that has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties, but there are also other beekeeping products that can also be added to the miracle ointment recipe.

Miracle ointment can be prepared for specific purposes by adding additional ingredients to its composition:

  • By adding propolis to the main composition of the ointment, we get an excellent remedy that gets rid of corns and heals cracked heels
  • Royal jelly - in a cosmetic cream for facial skin care: being absorbed into the skin, it enriches it with vitamins, including A, due to which the skin becomes elastic and smooth. If you add coconut oil, vitamin E, or any essential oil of your choice to the miracle beeswax ointment, then it will have no price as a face and hand care cream: for chapped skin and those exposed to any other constant influences. And also against wrinkles and skin aging for women after 35...
  • To treat fractures of the limbs or diseased joints, mummy is added to the recipe, which has the properties of rapid regeneration and active restoration of bones.

Miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk - recipe, preparation technology

A miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk is prepared from only three components, if you make it according to the basic recipe:

  1. In 200 ml of vegetable oil: sunflower or olive (better), crumble 25 g of YELLOW beeswax
  2. put on low heat, heat, stirring constantly, until the wax dissolves in the oil
  3. Add the crumbled half of the boiled egg yolk to the mixture when it boils: throw in the pieces and stir. First, the egg must be well boiled: hard-boiled. If the yolk is not at least a little cool, then the service life of the ointment will be reduced to a minimum, because the liquid yolk will quickly deteriorate and the ointment will begin to smell
  4. Continue to gradually add pieces of yolk and stir all the time until it dissolves. By the way, it does not dissolve very well and with further straining you can make sure that yolk crumbs remain on the gauze. The entire mass in the dish is boiling at this time and, if it rises to the brim, you can regulate the temperature by removing the dish from the heat and putting it back...
  5. the entire process of cooking and dissolving the components lasts no more than 20 minutes
  6. strain the resulting mixture through a nylon mesh or tulle (gauze will not work)
  7. put in a cool place to cool
  8. put into small jars and put in the refrigerator for storage

If necessary, remove the jar from the refrigerator, take the ointment from it with your finger (at the same time it warms up a little from the living heat) and apply it to the required place.

If you need the miracle ointment made from beeswax and yolk to be warm (for application to large surfaces of the skin, for example, on the knee joints or chest for mastopathy), then it warms up well: in a natural way, if you put the jar on the table in the morning and smear it - In the evening. Or - using a microwave, just be careful with the temperature regime. Also, the ointment should be warmed for any internal treatment: gynecological tampons or tampons in the nose or ears.


A miracle ointment with beeswax is considered a great panacea for all diseases (and especially for sinusitis, otitis and tonsillitis). It's amazing how simple all the substances that make up it are.

Everyone knows about the benefits of honey, even children. Honey is widely used to treat colds; there is also a known way to cure sinusitis with honey. But not everyone knows that honey is not the only beekeeping product. There are also other products obtained from the apiary, including beeswax.

Even in ancient times, the unique healing properties of this product were noticed; even then it was used as a medicine to facilitate the discharge of sputum when coughing. Widely used in nursing women to increase milk retention. Even then, beeswax was used at home as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent, and fresh wax was always the most effective.

In the modern world, people have not remained indifferent to this product and various studies have been conducted that have confirmed the unique healing properties of the product.

The composition of beeswax still surprises scientists. What is not included in it! There are many different substances that give it healing power. Depending on their percentage, as well as on the number of “generations” of bees living in the hive, the wax takes on a different color - from very light to dark, almost black.

Beeswax ointment: components

The bactericidal properties of wax determine its use in pharmaceuticals. Healing creams, plasters, and ointments are made from beeswax. The most widely used miracle ointment is beeswax.

What's so wonderful about her?

Probably the most surprising thing is the area of ​​application of this ointment. Using an ointment made from wax, oil and yolk, sinusitis, abscesses, abscesses in the throat, purulent inflammation in the throat, ears, boils, barley, pain in the stomach and intestines, various female diseases such as mastitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc. are treated.

The second component of the ointment is vegetable or olive oil. It is used to absorb wax. Makes it quite soft and soluble. It also supplements the ointment with vitamins B, D and E, and polyunsaturated acids. Oil increases shelf life, which is important for medicine.

The third and final ingredient is chicken yolk.

Everyone knows that egg yolk is one of the richest sources of vital elements. The benefits of yolk for the cardiovascular system, fat and protein metabolism have been scientifically proven. It is simply necessary for the construction of new cells and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is perfectly digestible and is a supplier of omega-6 and omega-3 acids. It is rich in substances necessary for restoration processes, these are proteins, sulfur and fats.

It is worth noting

It is advisable to choose a fresh homemade egg rather than a factory-made egg.

Miracle ointment with beeswax is not at all difficult to prepare at home. It is only important to remember some features:

  • It is better to purchase wax directly from beekeepers to be sure that it is truly natural.
  • In addition, you need to take into account that some substances included in its composition may react with certain metal utensils. Therefore, it is not recommended to melt wax in dishes made of copper, iron and cast iron, because then the quality of the wax may deteriorate. To preserve all its beneficial qualities, it is better to use aluminum, enamel or stainless steel cookware.

Beeswax ointment: recipes

To get such a miracle cure at home, you need very few ingredients: wax, oil and an egg. All ingredients must be carefully selected. It is advisable not to use a metal container; it is also better to put aside the Teflon frying pan. Enameled cookware is best.

Method of preparing ointment No. 1.

A piece of beeswax (thirty grams), a glass of oil (olive or any other vegetable) and an yolk.

Place the vegetable oil with the wax crumbled into it over low heat. After the wax has completely dissolved in the oil, add half the yolk and continue heating. When the mixture boils a little, about two minutes, remove from heat and leave to infuse. In about a quarter of an hour, the beeswax-based ointment will be ready. All that remains is to strain it and put it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Before use, warm the ointment in a water bath.

Cooking method No. 2.

This method is good for preparing ointment for future use. It differs in that the egg must be boiled in advance. To make it, we need about 200 grams of oil (can be olive or vegetable), 30 grams of beeswax and 1/2 of a pre-hard-boiled chicken yolk.

Place the yolk on a plate and mash. You can use a fork, you can use a blender. Next, pour two glasses of oil into a saucepan, and place beeswax there, the size of which is approximately the size of two matchboxes. Place on low heat, then wait for the wax to completely dissolve.

After some time, lumbago will be heard in the oil and wax. At this time you will need to add the yolk in small drops. The oil will begin to foam and you may have to remove the pan from the heat and wait until it calms down. The entire yolk must be poured out. The mass will have a dark brown color. Stir constantly until smooth. Do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat and be sure to leave to cool for a quarter of an hour. But it is important to monitor the resulting mixture - it should not thicken.

Next, you need to strain the solution; it is better to use nylon cloth; it is not recommended to use gauze. The resulting mixture must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container. To use, you should also heat it in a water bath.

Miracle ointment with beeswax is considered effective for about three months.

It is worth noting

You can make a tincture of olive oil and St. John's wort or calendula, thus enhancing the healing properties of the ointment.

If the dose needs to be changed for one reason or another, then the main thing to remember is that the proportion is 1:10 of wax and oil, respectively.

Instead of olive oil, you can use sweet almonds or wheat germ oil.

It should also be noted that this is a medicine, so you must measure the ingredients strictly using a measuring cup.

How to use beeswax ointment

Beeswax-based ointment is easy to prepare and use. In addition, it has the amazing property of drawing out pus, so it is excellent in treating abscesses and purulent diseases.

We treat sinusitis. Melt a piece of ointment and use a pipette to drop it into each nostril. After some time, about an hour, drop one more drop. Sometimes even two times is enough for sinusitis to recede, even the most severe one. You can also apply cotton wool with ointment to the bridge of your nose, i.e. use as a compress.

We treat purulent otitis media. A cotton pad with ointment applied to it is inserted into the ear, and the area behind the ear should also be smeared with it. This is the most important thing - to simultaneously apply turundas and lubricate the area behind the ear! Any pus is drawn out. Just two or three uses and the disease will go away.

We treat purulent sore throat. The entire mouth and throat cavity are smeared with the healing mass, and cotton wool smeared with it is applied on the outside. It is good to carry out these procedures at night and periodically, at regular intervals.

Also, in the case of purulent sore throat and various abscesses in the throat, it is applied separately, as a cervical compress. The effect is achieved with constant use. If you start in the evening and apply a compress every hour, then in the morning the abscess will most likely break through.

It is important to know

At high temperatures, any compresses are contraindicated

You can use the ointment for other diseases:

If you have stomach problems, weak intestines, boils on the body, bronchitis, then an ointment based on beeswax is taken orally three times a day before meals. The dose is half a teaspoon.

Burns, joint pain, wounds, tooth pain- can be applied to the affected area, wrapped or anointed in the case of the oral cavity.

Ulcers and gangrene. You just need to apply beeswax-based ointment on napkins and change them very often. The minimum shift time is 2 hours. The wounds will gradually clear of pus and the treatment will be completed. The ointment also helps strengthen the nails; you just need to apply an ointment based on beeswax at night.

Many people want to get a medicine that would save them from all diseases (or at least from most). Official medicine declares that this is simply impossible, because specialized drugs are needed to treat certain groups of diseases.

But alternative medicine, on the contrary, says that this is theoretically possible. And one example of such a product is the specified ointment, which includes yolk, wax, and some other components such as oil. This ointment with beeswax is unique in its own way, especially since its effectiveness is even confirmed by scientific research.

Beneficial properties of ointment with egg yolk, wax and oil

All three components that make up the ointment have unique properties and benefits for human health. Moreover, when they all come together, complementing each other, improving performance other components and at the same time removing some of the existing shortcomings. All this allows you to create a truly miraculous remedy, which can be equaled by few other compositions.


  • vegetable oil);
  • wax (beeswax);
  • chicken egg).

Some argue that you can use non-vegetable oil, and the egg does not have to be chicken, but the original recipe includes just such components and therefore it is better to start from them. Moreover, finding these constituent products is not too difficult.

The yolk of a chicken egg, which is one of the constituent components, acts as a nutrient in this combination of elements.

It contains a large amount of proteins, sulfur and fats. That is, those substances that are needed for normal and complete nutrition of the cells of the human body.

The oil in the ointment acts as a solution. She is a connecting link, which, among other things, also has its own beneficial properties. Vegetable oil contains various tannins, acids, vitamins and other similar components. In large doses they may not have a very positive effect on the human body, but in small quantities they are only beneficial.

Naturally, main role The wax itself plays a part in the ointment. It has a huge list of useful properties that have been known to mankind for a very long time. Our distant ancestors were also successfully treated using various beekeeping products. It is almost impossible to list all three hundred units of wax components, as well as to fully describe all the benefits that come from it. In any case, this is an incredibly useful substance that is very popular. Its medicinal properties are confirmed by official medicine.

Selection of components for ointment from wax, oil and yolk

To make the ointment as effective and useful as possible, you need to be very careful when choosing components. Only the highest quality wax should be selected. Yes, it can cost significantly more than those options that are not of particular quality, but given the fact that it is the main component, it simply requires certain costs.

It is better to take fresh, homemade eggs. It contains many more useful substances than the store-bought version, even if it is somewhat more expensive.

Opinions differ regarding oil. Some argue that you need to take purified oil, which does not contain any impurities. They insist that in this ointment the oil plays an exclusively binding role and its purity is important. Others say that you need to choose the freshest, homemade oil possible. Yes, it contains some impurities, but the amount of useful substances is much greater. What choice to make is a matter for each individual person.

When to use ointment with yolk and wax

There are a number of diseases that can be treated with this remedy. Skeptics claim that the entire therapeutic effect lies solely in self-hypnosis, but in fact, after various tests and even scientific studies, doctors are also inclined to believe that there is a benefit from the substance, and it very significant.

When to use:

  • gastrointestinal problems and indigestion (internal use);
  • for sinusitis (in the form of drops);
  • with otitis;
  • for the treatment of problems in the genital area (in the form of tampons);
  • for the treatment of skin problems (external use);
  • for bronchitis (compress);
  • for the treatment of trophic ulcers (external use).

And the list is far from complete. Most often, it is these problems that are recommended to be treated using the specified ointment based on beeswax and yolk, however, with certain changes, it is quite capable of solving a number of other problems. True, in this case an individual approach will still be needed.

You should always remember that anyone can be allergic to honey or certain groups of bee products. That is, before each use If you use a previously untried ointment, it is recommended to first check to see if you are allergic to it. This can be done by applying ointment to the back of the wrist for half an hour. If there is no redness, everything is fine.

How to prepare an ointment from wax and yolk

The process of preparing and making the ointment itself is not particularly difficult. However, there are several certain conditions that must be met in order to obtain the most effective remedy.


  • scales;
  • temperature control;
  • container

Most people who know how to cook anything on their own prepare all the ingredients “by eye.” That is, the amount of one or another component will differ from each other during each cooking. The same is true for various homemade remedies. However, it is not for nothing that the exact volumes of one or another constituent substance are indicated. It is recommended to use a kitchen scale for maximum efficiency.

Both wax and oil, and even the egg, lose their properties if the temperature is too high or exposed to it for a long time. An egg, for example, if boiled for a long time, generally becomes poisonous. The oil loses its beneficial properties, but still retains its function as a binder.

Wax at high temperature loses almost everything. This must be taken into account and not subject each component individually and the finished ointment as a whole to too active heat treatment.

Plastic, Teflon surfaces and even metal utensils (especially those that are not coated) can interact with the components, significantly reducing their beneficial properties. Ideally, ceramics should be used, or, if not available, at least coated metal containers.

The composition of the ointment (in a standard size) includes half the yolk extracted from a hard-boiled chicken egg, about 40 grams of wax and 250 milliliters of oil. The specified amount of oil is poured into the container and very carefully, over low heat, begins to heat up. When its temperature reaches about 40 degrees, you should lower the wax there and wait until it melts.

The yolk can cause the formation of foam and bubbling of the composition. It is recommended to add it in very small portions, stirring.

At this time, you should very carefully crush that half of the yolk with a fork or any other suitable device and after that, making sure that the wax has completely melted, begin to lower it into the liquid.

When the entire yolk is placed in the liquid, it must be stirred until the composition is homogeneous, and then poured into any convenient and suitable container. For example, in a thoroughly washed hand cream jar. The substance should be stored in a refrigerator or any other similar cold place. There, an ointment made from beeswax and yolk retains its healing properties until up to three months.

Using an ointment made from wax, oil and yolk

The use of ointment to treat each individual problem may vary. If you need to deal with acne, rashes or other similar external manifestations, it should be applied to the affected areas in a thin layer. If the problem is inflammation, ointment-based compresses or tampons are best if it is difficult to reach the affected area with a compress.

If even a tampon does not allow you to reach the place, you can try ointment-based drops, but it is better not to try this on your own to avoid problems. Some affected areas, which are distinguished by open wounds, are better not to smear on top, but to treat along the edges. You can also use the ointment as a healing and rejuvenating mask for the skin of the face, hands, to strengthen nails, and so on.

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