Information about events held in the library in the summer. Report on the "summer reading" program. Lessons and hours

In the summer, municipal libraries actively worked under the “Summer Readings” program, which is part of the city program “Izhevsk Vacations”.

This year, 22 libraries took part in the program. They invited young Izhevsk residents under 14 years old to spend their leisure time with benefit and interest during the summer holidays. The subject matter in each library was determined in accordance with criteria such as relevance, diversity and relevance.

Due to the fact that 2013 was declared the Year of Environmental Protection in Russia, many events for children were dedicated to nature and respect for the environment. Some libraries raised the issue of the ecological state of both the entire planet and, in particular, the city of Izhevsk.

For example, the Central Municipal Children's Library named after. M. Gorky named her summer program "Library ECOwood".

In the library. V. G. Korolenko - “The Sun on the Pages.”

Library named after N. A. Ostrovsky - “Ecological primer”.

Library branch No. 18 – “Visiting the summer with the Green Professor.”

Library branch No. 20 – “Summer in the Book Forest.”

Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky - “This Summer is Ecoleto!”

Library branch No. 19 – “Shine brighter than the sun.”

Library named after P. A. Blinova - “Literary and environmental assortment “Forest newspaper”.

Library named after Yu. A. Gagarin - “Summer with a book under an umbrella.”

Library named after S. Ya. Marshak - “Forest Robinsons”.

Library named after I. D. Pastukhova - “Summer Ecological Train”.

Library branch No. 24 is carried by the “Wind of Wanderings”.

In library No. 25, summer readings were also devoted to the topic of ecology. All events were united by a single program “Library Hippodrome”, the symbol of which was a horse. This contributed to the cultivation of kindness in children, sensitivity to smaller friends, and the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library. N. K. Krupskaya began the “Summer Hunting Season, or Library Fishing” from the first sunny days.

Library named after I. A. Krylovaopened the door for her young readers to the world of magic, goodness, joy, hope. Their summer program was called"Magic Book".

Nature, history and secrets native land Library No. 23 dedicated its summer program. Their theme: “Myths of the big city.”

In the library L. N. Tolstoy the program was called “Craft, play, read - bring joy to the soul.”

Library named after V. M. Azinaworked under the “Young Local Historian” program.

Library named after A.P. Chekhova went with her readers to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Book Galaxy.”

Library named after M. Jalila wandered around with the guys "On the book paths of summer."

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia inlibrary named after F.G. It was truly a “Pioneer Summer” for Kedrov. The children were invited to plunge into the times when their parents and grandparents were pioneers.

« Librarian movement" was organized by the library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna. In summerthe fuckers got acquainted with the history of the pioneer movement, created a “librarian detachment” in order to help residents microdistrict


In the library. I. A. Krylova in the foyer, the “Pink Elephant” poster invited guests to spend a “magical” summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room a magical “seven-flowered flower” “bloomed”, telling about the events held every day in reading room.

In the summer, the entire library named after. Y. Gagarina was decorated with umbrellas and balloons. They are in windows, at exhibitions, on book shelves.

Between the trees in front of the entrance to Library No. 20, all summer long a banner with the name of the program “Summer in the Book Forest” attracted the attention of passers-by.

In the library premises. I.A. Nagovitsyn, one could clearly see the symbols of the pioneer movement: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library named after N.K. Krupskaya thematic composition on the theme of fishing, safish of events and a program of summer readings complemented the overall volumetric composition in the windows of the children's section of the library.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and without library exhibitions! In the summer, as usual, the most interesting books and magazines. And there may also be children's crafts, drawings, games, quizzes.

For example, in the library. V.G. Korolenko used fresh flowers, children’s crafts, and animal figurines to decorate the exhibition of books about nature “Give Kindness to Nature.” The game exhibition-quiz “Favorite Lines Carnival” is designed in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from wrapping paper, leaves are cut out of colored paper. In the branches there are birds and animals made of painted cardboard. In such a frame, the poems of F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin and A. S. Pushkin attracted the attention of many readers.

The “Magic Book” “opened” its pages in the reading room at the book exhibition of the library named after. I.A. Krylova Its unusual design created a fairy-tale atmosphere. The most “magical” book is “Eragon: A Guide to the Land of Dragons” by Christopher Paolini. The section of the exhibition “Little People”, which presents fairy tales about magical creatures, is supplemented with a quiz “Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers”. The “Fairyland” section contains wonderful fairy tales about winged sorceresses and the “Magic Remedies” quiz. And the section “Danila the Master’s Workshop” features crafts made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

The environmental theme of summer is reflected in library exhibitions. For example, a tabletop exhibition was organized in the V. Mayakovsky library "Read the Lawn" with quizzes, questions, "Ecological serpentine."

Library No. 18 hosts exhibitions “Ecological Around the World”, “ Green Man– Viktor Tuganaev.”

The game book exhibition “Forest Robinsons” delighted the children of the library named after. S.Ya. Marshak. The “Living Book” section presents fiction books by naturalist writers, the “Green House and Its Inhabitants” section consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library. M. Jalil during the summer there was a series of book exhibitions and quizzes “Academy of Forest Sciences” = “Urman fә nn ә re academy": "Pethe king of native nature" (M. Prishvin); " Amazing world birds"; “The Amazing World of Plants”; "In the animal world". The children had fun guessing riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, and also came up with them themselves. It turned out that young readers know medicinal plants well and will be able to use them.

In TsMDB im. M. Gorky decorated a colorful library exhibition about the animal world“You and I are of the same blood” with the following headings: “Neighbors on the Planet”, “Formula of Good”, “Stories from the Furry”. The “Stories from the Furry” section offered children books about the adventures of animals, told by them themselves. For example, Samarsky M. “Rainbow for a Friend”, “Formula of Good”, Pennak D. “Dog Dog”, the collection “My Dog Thoughts”, etc. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops representing the Earth were used. Toy animals were placed in a circle: monkeys, tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. Butterflies, beetles, and a ladybug “fluttered” on the ceiling space above the exhibition. Website addresses of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements from prominent people about love and mercy for wildlife were posted. On the floor and on the wall there are prints of animal and bird tracks.

Library branch No. 25 offered its young readers the following exhibitions about nature: “Library Hippodrome”, “Commonwealth of Books and Nature”.

Many exhibitions in libraries were dedicated to the works of children's writers, fun summer adventures and holidays.

Library named after F.G. Kedrova chose a different topic: the children's subscription included the book exhibition “Pioneer Summer,” which offered modern children an alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games, both active and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn with the helpOriginally designed book exhibitions and quizzes based on the works of Arkady Gaidar and other writers, she sought to instill in children a love for their native land, to cultivate a sense of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries, with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games, give exhibitions a playful character. Discount games and quizzes can not only be an additional element of the exhibition, but can also have an independent character.

Discount games

In the summer, the city's children could come to the library not only to read a book or take part in a library event, but also to independently engage in some favorite activity or just play.

Didactic (contact) games are games with ready-made rules. This should include the following educational games: literary crosswords, correspondence quizzes, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) has become firmly established in practical activities libraries.

Library named after Y. Gagarina prepared contact quizzes for young scholars, which the children answered with pleasure: “Around the world in a hot air balloon” (about nature), “Animal world”, “The ABC of nature”, “The very best”, “Travel through fairy tales” , “Residents of the Sunny City”, “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, “Fairy-tale objects”, “Hello, Mary Poppins”, “Fairy-tale ballooning”.

Library named after S.Ya. Marshak supplemented the book exhibition about nature with the following games: “In the Kingdom of Flora”, “Guess the Animal”, “Bird Conversations”.

In library No. 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and contact games. Among the most successful are “Urban Legends”, “Taste of Dumplings”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Mythological Zoo” and “Mythological Puzzles”, etc.

At the M. Gorky Central Children's Library, each department annually prepares new thematic contact games for the summer. For example, with a subscription, kids could test their reading and erudition on their own with the help of the following games: the encryption “Funny Journey”, the geographical game “Dog Stories”, the rebus “Eco-Knowledge”. For middle-aged readers, a quiz game “Book Mousetrap”, a literary crossword puzzle “ Cat and mouse”, rebus “Risk version”, eco-rebus “Brainstorm”, fairy-tale quiz “On the rights of the child”, coding game “Dog’s devotion”, etc. In the reading room, children and teenagers could study independentlycrossword puzzle “Flowers”, lotto “Pearls of the plant kingdom”, lotto “Merry Summer” (based on the poems of the hero of the day V.D. Berestov), ​​quiz “Along the seas around the earth” (based on the book by the writer of the day S.V. Sakharnov); crossword puzzle “Golden symbol of Udmurtia - italmas” (based on the book of the Udmurt scientist V.A. Buzanov “Pearls of the plant kingdom”); Chinaword “Entertaining Geography” (based on the book by A. Usachev “Geography for Children”); games “Language of Flowers” ​​and “Flower Clock” (based on the books “Entertaining Botany for Kids” and “I Explore the World: Plants”), etc.

“Catch a book, both big and small...” This diary book was developed in the library named after. N. Krupskaya. This is a psychological individual correspondence form of work with children. The diary contains psychological advice, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on the works read.


One of the main goals of the “Summer Readings” program is to organize leisure time for the city’s children during the summer holidays through books, reading and various forms of play. In the summer, libraries also cooperate with camps at schools, with children’s yard clubs and kindergartens, and various social organizations.

At the beginning of June, all libraries serving children had a bright and festive opening and presentation of the Summer Readings program. Usually this holiday coincides with Children's Day.


There are dates that libraries celebrate annually. One of them is the date June 6 - A.S. Day. Pushkin. On this day, libraries organize mini-exhibitions of the great poet’s works, conversations and loud readings.

For example, in the library. Y. Gagarin's children answered quiz questions based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. On this day, in library No. 25, children also competed in the intellectual quiz “Pushkin’s Horseman”. The book exhibition “I’ve known Pushkin for a long time” helped them work on the quiz. The great poet is known, remembered and loved.

In the library. I. A. Krylova successfully completed the literary game “At Lukomorye”. Connoisseurs of Pushkin’s fairy tales recognized fairy-tale characters from “literary portraits”, selected rhymes for Pushkin’s lines, etc. The extensive colorful exhibition “Lukomorye” on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz “Traces of Unseen Animals” and was decorated with “The Golden Chain on That Oak...”.

With Pushkin readings, the library named after I.D. Pastukhova came out to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. The children learned new biographical facts and interesting stories from the life of the great poet, played fairy-tale lotto, recited their favorite Pushkin lines. They also watched a puppet show prepared by young artists from the library.

In the library. M. Jalil, on the day of memory of A.S. Pushkin, conversations and reviews were held at the book exhibition: “Pushkin and Tukay - the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people.” Little readers remembered their favorite heroes of the great poet’s fairy tales at A.S. Day. Pushkin “Green oak at Lukomorye” in the library named after. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Republican Environmental Readings “In Harmony with Nature,” events were held in a number of libraries, dedicated t to the creativity of V.V. Tuganaev.

For example, in libraries P.A. Blinov, named after N. Ostrovsky, named after. V.M. Azina, named after V.G. Korolenko went through cycles of loud book readings“Green house and its inhabitants” (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library named after P.A. Blinov there was a theatrical presentation of the book by Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev “The Green House and Its Inhabitants”, which the librarian held together with the grasshopper Chick and the butterfly Moth. This was followed by quizzes, games and artistic performances.

The ecological process “We care” was repeatedly held in the library named after. I.A. Krylova. It was a trial of a civilized Man, of himself. The incriminating material was the books of Tuganaev V.V., biologist, professor, “Green Man of the Year.” Everyone present at the trial had the opportunity to admit guilt or not. But everyone agrees that Man has created so many things that it will be very difficult or completely impossible to correct it.

In the library. A.P. Chekhov’s children attended an educational conversation on Tuganaev’s work “I Want to Know Everything.”

In the library. M. JalilA literary and theatrical performance based on the book by V. Tuganaev “The Green House and Its Inhabitants” was held several times.

In children's library No. 18, the “Department of the Green Professor” functioned all summer, which was dedicated to the work of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev.

Forms of work

During the summer, libraries used various shapes work and library events, which were varied. For example, traditional library forms include loud readings and thematic conversations for younger children school age.

Loud readings

This form of loud reading has become more actively used in libraries. It is much more interesting and easier for modern children to listen to a librarian or peer read than to do it themselves at home. During the summer, children listened to loud readings of Udmurt fairy tales “With a basket, along forest paths” in the library named after. V.M. Azina. On Tuesdays at the library. F.G. Kedrov, loud readings and discussions were held. Books about heroic pioneers found a great response from the children. Many took these books home for independent reading. The works of A. Rybakov “Dagger”, “Bronze Bird”, A. Gaidar “The Fate of the Drummer”, G. Belykh, L. Panteleev “Republic of SHKID” and others aroused great interest.

In TsMDB im. Throughout the summer, the children, together with the subscription librarian, read in a circle and discussed books by such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianchi, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Evgeny Charushin and others.

In the summer we read aloud about horses in library No. 25. The children got acquainted with the books by V. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” E. Shima “How Horses Sleep”, V. Bulvankera “Horses on a Pedestal”, Yu. Korinets Yu. “The Smartest Horse”, etc.

The good tradition of pitching a tent on Fridays in a clearing near the library and holding loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library named after. I.A. Nagovitsyna.


Conversations are a traditional form of library events. On modern stage they are often accompanied by the display of electronic slides in the program PowerPoint and are supplemented with test questions to consolidate the learned material. This enhances the cognitive function of conversation and makes this form modern and relevant.

A series of slide conversations about the living world took place in the library named after. I.A. Krylova. This:

“Crocodile, Star and others”; “White-tailed eagle – bird of the year 2013”; "The Frog Princess, or the Frog Party" and "The Bird's Castle, or the Housing Question" bird's nests and etc.

In library No. 20, a series of conversations about a healthy lifestyle was very popular among the children: “On the benefits of exercise”, “Hygiene is the key to health”; “Oh! Vitamins are a thing!”; "Health: eight magic letters." All conversations were supplemented with active strengthening games, which greatly delighted the listeners.

Library named after V.G. Korolenko conducted a series of conversations“We are friends with nature”: “Green House and Its Inhabitants” based on the works of V.V. Tuganaeva; “Pharmacy under your feet”; “About the Circus” for the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.L. Durov; “Korolenkov Readings”: to the 160th anniversary of the writer’s birth, etc.

In the library named after I.D. Pastukhova held an educational conversation “Holland – traditional and fashionable”. Listeners got acquainted with the traditional and modern architecture of this country. The girls were interested in historical, folk and modern costumes. The acquaintance with Dutch handicrafts ended with the participation of everyone present in “design” competitions.

A series of educational conversations was listened to by young readers of the library named after. F.G. Kedrova. Stories about the pioneers, about their friendly public life, have always had an environmental bias. Who always collected waste paper and scrap metal? Who helped wounded animals in trouble, cared for them in wild places? Who knew how to go hiking correctly, without damaging nature? These are all pioneers! This was discussed at the conversations: “A pioneer and an example in the matter of ecology”, “Green wealth”, “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy”, “Everyone has only one land”, etc.


Informing children and attracting them to reading is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic literature reviews can be either an independent event or an integral part of a complex event. Literature reviews are often conducted at thematic exhibitions, or at exhibitions of new arrivals. Reviews may also be accompanied by slide shows.

A review of books about whales and dolphins “Inhabitants of the Deep Sea” was carried out in library No. 20. It was accompanied by an impressive video sequence. The children became interested in the story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: moonfish, swordfish, needlefish, belt, herring king, sawfish, etc.

The presentation of the library exhibition with a review of literature about animals “You and I are of the same blood” was held several times at the Central Children's Library named after. M. Gorky.

In library No. 18, literature reviews on the exhibition “Green Man - V. Tuganaev” were repeatedly conducted.

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, children can benefit from educational lessons and hours in libraries.

Library named after S.Ya Marshak invited young readers to an hour of nature based on the works of the wonderful writer V. Bianchi “Into the Forest with Riddles.” The guys “visited” the “bird canteen”, found out who eats what, “Whose nose is better” and “Who sings what”. Then they guessed riddles about birds and read the Forest Newspaper. In the same library, an environmental hour “Look into the Red Book” was held. The children got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Red Book, read sad stories, how people exterminated animals (about the aurochs, about passenger pigeons, about the sea cow). Then they showed erudition: from the description of the animal it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour ended with the zoological lottery “Earth and Its Inhabitants”.

Legal lesson “Environmental protection. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens” was held in the library named after. I.D. Pastukhova. The children got acquainted with articles No. 42, No. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the main regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, presented at the library exhibition “Children's Legal Planet”, and also tried their hand at “legal hunting”. The purpose of this hunt was to obtain legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

In the same library, an educational hour “Ecology and Transport” took place. The children listened attentively to the story about how closely the history of the development of transport and ecology are closely connected. The game “Earth, Water, Air, Fire” was dedicated to methods of movement. During the games "On Board the Ship", "Train" and "Car Racing", children played the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Divided into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized about what the transport of the future would be like.

For the musical and poetic hour “Valde no kyty - oh, oh, urome!” (“Harness the horses, boys!”) everyone was invited to library No. 25. Children enjoyed reading poems and singing songs about faithful and kind horses, which have helped people since ancient times, both on the farm and in battle.

Game forms

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. Usage game forms in group and individual work with children, attracts their attention to the book, turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Games or play elements are present in almost every activity for children. Young visitors to all libraries enjoy taking part in intellectual and literary games. A special feature of this summer is the combination of intellectual tasks with outdoor games in one event in a number of libraries.

The children were attracted to the M. Gorky Central Children's Library by the intellectual and sports game “Tricks of Vukuzyo”. Mythological characters Vukuzyo and Inmar asked the children questions about their knowledge of Udmurt mythology, and asked riddles about animals and birds. Then they had to name familiar objects in Udmurt. In the mobile relay race, it was necessary to carry and not splash water through conventional swamps, mountains and ravines. In the end, Vumurt became naughty and tried to drag the players into his pool - whoever he dragged became Vumurt himself.

In the same library there took placeecological tournament “Fantasies of a flower country”. The teams guessed riddles about flowers,they told legends and fairy tales, and remembered songs about them. Then the players showed their practical skills: how to properly cut flowers for a bouquet, and identify a flower by its aroma. Questions from other competitions concerned the symbolism of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and signs associated with flowers. Team play activated and united the children.

Young nature lovers took part in the intellectual game “Taiga Robinson” in the library named after. S.Ya Marshak. It was a kind of initiation into Robinson, a test of knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to name famous landmarks in the northern forest, list ways to light a fire without matches, create a menu of edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to help, find out folk signs weather. City guys coped with the tasks!

In the library. P.A. Blinov held the game “Tales of the Forest Edge”. During the event, the children were asked various questions about Olesya. Then there was a literary competition “The Most Attentive” and a quiz “Medicinal Plants”.

In the library. Y. Gagarin literary games “Have you met them”, “Trap for a bookworm”, “Literary jumble” and sports and environmental games: “Sunny and I are best friends”, “Big jumping ropes” were held.

In the library. I.A. Krylov was fascinated by the game “100 to 1” on an environmental and local history theme.

To consolidate the knowledge gained in the library named after. F.G. Kedrov played a game similar to the “Brain” game: each field of the drawn square shows how many points can be earned by answering the proposed literary question. If the field shows a smiling “smiley”, then you get points for nothing; if the “smiley” is sad, then you also need to answer an additional question.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses this form as a quest game. This summer, young friends of the library enjoyed participating in the “Librarian Quest.” They had to look for a magic book hidden by evil spirits, as well as the most important “librarian” attributes. The goal of the game is to collect clues and follow the directions to find the hidden object. During the game, the children got acquainted with all corners of the library and learned to use the catalogue.

The find of the summer in library No. 23 was “Mythological Quest”. Moving through the stations, participants in the outdoor game solved puzzles, recalled mythological characters, and became acquainted with myths different countries and urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library. In V. Mayakovsky, the children themselves came up with search tasks for the opposing teams.

Outdoor games

Warm summer weather and the declared Year of Environmental Protection and Ecology contributed to the fact that not only for the intellectual, but also for physical development Children had many activities in the fresh air.

So, in the library. Yu. Gagarin at the beginning of the summer there were fun games called “Upside down and backwards”, which included the following competitions: “Pulling Race”, running with tied legs, “Giant Steps”, the game “How many seconds in a glass of water”, competition “ Guess the opponent”, the game “Bumps and Swamps”, running with a balloon, etc.

In the library. I.A. The Nagovitsy children also improved their health and engaged in physical development through various sports competitions and competitions. For example, in July a sports role-playing game took place « Librarian games.” Based on previously acquired knowledge in the field of life safety and ecology, the young librarians took part in both outdoor sports competitions and intellectual quizzes. Each team had its own route sheet with tasks.

Library readers took part in the game “Forest Robbers”. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library named after F.G. Kedrov, before the next morning library event, children gathered for morning exercises at 9.30 to improve health and physical development. Readers of the same library took part in the pioneering library game “Zarnitsa”.

Themed days and holidays

I would like to note that, especially during the summer holidays, it is advisable to hold complex thematic events that require thorough preparation and assistance from the children themselves in carrying out them.

Complex events also include holidays held within the library. Real holidays are significant events, such as the opening and closing of the “Summer Readings” program in libraries, theme days.

At the beginning of summer in the library. V.G. Korolenko held the “Sun on the Pages” holiday. Children took an active part in quizzes about environment, got acquainted with the main environmental problems, decided how to behave in difficult situations in nature, watched the puppet show “Three Butterflies” about friendship and the interconnection of all living things in nature. A large screening of new literature for children “Read it first!” was organized.

This is not the first year that Library No. 25 has invited its readers to the Chocolate Festival, which this year was called “Do horses eat chocolate?” On this day, a test was conducted to test their knowledge of facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show game “Manege of Miracles” and “Chocolate and Candy Blind Man’s Bluff”. All the guys were happy with the sweet day.

The chocolate holiday “Medicine for the Sweet Tooth” was also celebrated in library No. 23. With the help of puppet theater, the audience was told the story of the chocolate tree and the drink made from cocoa beans, the benefits of chocolate and its unconventional uses. Young connoisseurs with a sweet tooth took part in fun quizzes.

In the same library, “Neptune’s Day” became traditional and, as always, it brought a lot of positive emotions to the guests. The guys remembered books about famous sailors, got acquainted with maritime terminology, plunged into the abyss of the sea and sang songs pleasing to the ruler of the seas - this is only a small part of what the guests of the holiday did.

Library named after L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, children read N. Gogol’s story “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, remembered folk customs, made dolls from flowers, herbs, wood chips, made “suns” from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of summer, many libraries invited the most active participants in the Summer Readings program to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelon gardens (Library No. 20, named after S.Ya. Marshak, named after I.A. Krylov, etc.)


And in the library. P.A. Blinov held a competition called “Pets”. Children willingly showed off their pets, talking about their habits, nutrition and characteristics. A quiz about animals was held, and then a mobile relay quiz, in which children were asked to split into two teams, each of which completed its own stage by guessing the correct answer to a question from three presented options.

A children's party with the participation of pets was organized in the library named after. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, a wet nose." It has been held here for several years now. First, the guys talked about their four-legged friends (calling card competition). The next task was training. The dogs showed remarkable compliance with basic commands. Then the pet owners competed: who could name the most breeds of dogs and list the professions of dogs, remember works with dog heroes, etc. Then everyone listened to a review of Pozharnitskaya’s book “Travel with Pets.”

Theatrical events

Carrying out library events with theatrical elements, where librarians or children themselves act as actors, arouses keen interest among readers from preschool age to high school students and promotes reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June at the Central Children's Library named after. M. Gorky children were greeted by the forest king Berendey and his assistants Lesovichok and Kikimora. The Experienced Traveler told the children about the upcoming summer. The carefree Butterflies played several games. The roles were played by both librarians themselves and child activists.

And at the end of summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown an environmental fairy tale “The Gray Cap and the Wolf”, which was prepared by the children themselves.

An initiative group of readers gathered in children's library No. 18, together with whom several small performances and skits were staged. Not a single event was held without theatricalization. The children prepared their own costumes and makeup, learned songs and choreographed dances. The actors were chosen to be of different ages: from 1st to 10th grade. By participating in the Summer Readings, children not only overcame shyness and discovered their talents, but also made new friends.

Puppet theater acts as a playful form of library work, combining theater - doll - book. Experience has shown that puppet theaters created on their own in libraries attract young readers and arouse in them a genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In TsMDB im. M. Gorky continued its activities at the book theater “Golden Key. In the summer, child actors performed the following puppet shows for unorganized readers: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” for Pushkin Day; local history and environmental performances “The Rooster and the Fox”, “The Old Man and the Birch”, “Kotofey Ivanovich”; environmental performances “The Curious Hare”, “The Hunter and the Snake”, “Once Upon a Time in the Forest”, “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “The Arrogant Bunny”, etc.

In the library. N.K. Krupskaya showed puppet shows in the summer: “At the Command of the Pike”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon”, etc.

In the library. M. Jalil's puppet theater has been operating since June 1Ә kiyat" - "Fairy tale " Fairy tales were shown to the children: “Teremok”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Goat and Ram” (G. Tukay). A play was staged based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Fly - Tsokotukha”. The amateur theater "Chulpan" showed for children c pricing “About the grasshopper” based on the book by V.V. Tuganaev “The Green House and Its Inhabitants”.

In the library. V.G. Korolenko, on Fridays in the summer, the children’s theater studio “Tales of the Learned Cat” worked.

Library No. 19 and TsMDB im. On City Day, M. Gorky went to an open city area with an environmental mini-performance and a quiz.

Summer, sun, holidays! Some activities were not limited to the walls of libraries and the proximity of bookcases and shelves.

In the library. Y. Gagarin, librarians and young readers repeatedly left the library premises. For example, they organized the environmental campaign “Spring” to clean up the spring closest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was held about the importance of water in human life “Water, water, water all around.” And several more times we went out for a walk “With an umbrella and a magnifying glass in the summer meadow.” Children got acquainted with and examined the plants growing in the surrounding area and took quizzes about plants.

Library named after S.Ya Marshak organized a walk for her readers in Cosmonaut Park. There, a conversation was held in the fresh air about medicinal plants, and about the plants of meadows and fields. Children got acquainted with legends about flowers, took part in a quiz about flowers, and solved riddles.

Readers of Library No. 25 were lucky enough to feel the horse and its soft touch. They visited “Ksyusha’s Stable.” The guys met the horse Belka, the pony Rute and the camel Lisa. We learned the history of their appearance in our area. Children came to visit the animals with gifts and treated them. And then we went horseback riding!

Readers of V. Mayakovsky's library visited library No. 25 and visited the local history museum. Library named after. N. Ostrovsky and young readers went for a walk in the forest in search of medicinal herbs“We all benefit from illnesses.”

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn never ceases to amaze with new ideas. On July 31, an action was held in this library "Anthill of good deeds." The purpose of the action is to attract the attention of residents of the industrial area to the library, books and reading, to make all residents kinder and happier. Activists and friends of the library came out with positive flyers. On this day, young librarians helped passers-by carry heavy bags, accompanied them home in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged “hugs.” In total, 20 librarians took part in the event, 60 notices were posted, 40 passers-by were hugged, and 30 good deeds were done!


All libraries had a schedule for the week - on certain days children would draw on a given topic, make crafts or compose.

Library No. 20 hosted a master class on creating “environmentally friendly” crafts from recycled materials called “Nine Lives of One Thing.”

All summer in the library. Yu. Gagarin hosted an eco-workshop “100 ideas from unnecessary things”. The children made voluminous balls from paper, kusudama flowers, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made keychains from buttons, and made funny clothespins.

All July in the library. L.N. Tolstoy had a puppet workshop, where different materials(clay, candy wrappers, herbs, sticks, fabric) you could learn how to make dolls and play with them. A “Gallery of Children's Drawings” has been created. By the end of summer, the library opened the “Museum of Children's Creativity” exhibition.

In the library. I.D. Pastukhov’s classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the recycling of old things: the guys made trailers for the future railway train from foam plastic and paper; from plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library. V.M. Azin's children learned to make amulets for good luck.

All summer long, visitors to the children's library named after. I.A. Krylov was pleased with the art exhibition of the best children's drawings, “Bird of the Year,” which was organized as part of an environmental project. Young artists received incentive prizes. And in library No. 24, children drew a library of the future.

In library No. 19, children watched a film about how cartoons are created and got acquainted with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then we tried our hand at creating a cartoon based on V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Apple”.

The most important achievement of this summer in library No. 20 was the creation of the author’s cartoon based on “Edible Tales” by Masha Traub “Porridge Manya”. The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, a library employee. And a friendly team of five creative young readers created “mushy” characters from cereals and plasticine, cut out the scenery, discussed the script, and posted individual frames.

Video views

In libraries, if technical means are available, children are invited to video viewings of cartoons and films on certain topics, or film adaptations of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library. Films and cartoons were shown by I.A. Krylov: “The Secret of Yegor, or extraordinary adventures in an ordinary summer.” This film is a participant in the International Human Rights Festival “Stalker”. The cartoon "Epic" is a fascinating story about protecting nature, about deceit and honesty, about evil and good. The library summer event in this library is a retro screening of a filmstrip based on Jack London's work "White Fang". For the first time in their lives, modern children watched a filmstrip. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: preparing a darkened hall, artistic reading of the text to the frames, rewinding them, left an unforgettable impression on the children. In the library. V.G. Korolenko watched cartoons on Wednesdays all summer. In the library. F.G. Kedrov, them. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries, viewings of cartoons were accompanied by discussion.


In the summer, children not only rested, played and read. Young librarian assistants took part in planting flower beds, caring for flowers, repairing dilapidated books, processing new literature, and dusting library collections.

Residents of the street Bummashevskaya were surprised by the young assistants of the library named after. I.A. Nagovitsyn, who took patronage of the house flower beds.

In May, the library named after. F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, developed an environmental map of the microdistrict, which indicates the locations of unauthorized dumps or simply poorly cleaned, ownerless areas. Over the course of the summer, the environmental library assault changed the appearance of this map as much as possible, where flowers bloomed instead of danger icons.

In library No. 25, young assistants took part in the labor landing: repairing children's magazines and books, removing dust from the library collections.


In the library. S.Ya. Marshaka reading screen was created - “Gifts of the Forester”. The guys attached leaves to the birch tree. The participant’s surname and points earned were written on pieces of paper (in the shape of birch leaves). These leaves turned out to be a beautiful birch tree at the end of summer!

In the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, every good deed was rewarded with library currency - “librarians”, and was taken into account in a special personal file.

At the end of summer, an auction “Finish” was held in library No. 25, where children purchased stationery with the library currency “horseshoes” they earned. Throughout the summer in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy's children kept travel diaries. In the library. V. Mayakovsky’s children earned “beacons” - library currency. The number of biblons earned over the summer by readers of the Central Children's Library named after M. Gorky amounted to a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. mass media

Information about ongoing library events is communicated to the population in various ways: from announcements in each library and handout flyers on the street, to print and electronic media, television and radio communications.

The press release for the coming summer could be read on the website

City guideThe program of the “Summer Readings”, which includes the events of the MBU CBS, is placedon the website of the Izhevsk Administration .

Natalya Vladimirovna Krasnoperova, deputy director for work with children at the Izhevsk Municipal Budgetary Institution Central Library, spoke about reading and summer events in municipal libraries live on “Persona” on the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “My Udmurtia”.

Throughout the summer, the library named after. I.A. Krylova was visited by Radio Russia reporter (Pesochnaya, 13) Dina Sedova and conducted several interviews with both child readers and librarians and children’s reading leaders. Notes about summer events have been repeatedly posted on the portal of the Izhevsk City Administration.

About the work of the library named after. M. Jalil, according to the program “Summer Readings-2013”, a story was filmed by the VGTRK branch of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Udmurtia”. The successes of the library named after. V.G. Korolenko was also covered by local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In the summer, libraries cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1, Children's Day, library named after. S.Ya. Marshaka took part in the children's party microdistrict Stolichny together with the Center for Aesthetic Education of the Industrial District. Games and quizzes were held.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk “Teplyydom” in the library named after. P.A. Blinov held three events during the summer.

In TsMDBim. M. Gorky for disabled children from CCSO No. 1, slide conversations, screenings of feature and animated films with quizzes were held.

In June, the children's library named after. Yu. Gagarina held three events for inmates of juvenile correctional colony No. 9 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Udmurt Republic.

Library named after I.A. Krylova prepared and conducted summer events for the children of Children's Hospital No. 7 (needy children of the Oktyabrsky and Industrial districts).

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the MKU SRCDN in Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 held events with children from the Family center, which included children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations.

For children of the children's department of the psychoneurological dispensary and the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors, the library named after. I.D. Pastukhova organized and conducted a number of events. Library named after F.G. Kedrova collaborated with school No. 96 (boarding school) and correctional school №23.

In a palace Children's creativity At the presentation of the book “What is the Motherland?”, published in connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization, children, young readers of the library named after. I.A. Nagovitsyn with artistic numbers.

This is how exciting and fruitful the summer was in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants in the “Summer Readings 2013” ​​program of the MBU CBS were invited to the Cosmonauts Park for the “So Summer is Over” holiday. They watched a performance by the High Five theater of children's art school No. 1,

Department of information and library services.

Bright and colorful book exhibitions were set up. 364 events were held, 4,658 people attended the events.

Summer period always starts with International Day child protection. Festive events were held in all libraries in the region on this day. The Novopoltava Rural Library held holiday “Childhood, I love you!” The presenter congratulated everyone present on the holiday and the beginning of the summer holidays. Children read poems, sang songs together, and took part in various competitions with pleasure. The festive mood of this day was reflected in the children’s drawings, which they had the opportunity to draw with chalk directly on the asphalt next to the library. And smiling faces became another proof that the holiday was a success. The Razyezzhenskaya rural library hosted competition program “With a golden key to the field of miracles.” The children guessed riddles, read poems, sang songs, and answered questions. quizzes "Literary assortment"", took part in competitions: “Modes of Transport”, “Funny Ball”, “Guess the Flower”. The best participants of the holiday were awarded prizes. At the Ermakovsky children's branch, young readers participated in asphalt drawing competition “Flowers and Children”.

On June 6th, Pushkin Day was celebrated throughout the country. Nizhnesuetukskaya rural library celebrated this date literary game “One is a step, two is a step.” During which the guys answered questions quiz “Name the fairy tale”, took an active part in competitions: “Lost and Found”, “Guess the Hero”, “Whose Words”. The Verkhneusinsk Rural Library hosted literary evening"The Lyceum Years of a Genius"", where there was a conversation about the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, poetry was sung. The Oysk rural library held for its readers evening - poetry “I am reading Pushkin’s lines again.”

During the summer, the district librarians paid much attention to the environmental education of children. For example, the Ermakovsky children's branch invited younger schoolchildren to hour of ecology “Symbol of Russian nature”. The presenter explained why white birch is, how many species there are, and why it is useful. The children read poems, solved riddles, and made up proverbs about the Russian beauty. The event turned out to be interesting and educational. The Novopoltava rural library hosted environmental competition "ECO - WE". Readers of the Verkhneusinsk Rural Library received practical skills in ecological game "Let's go on a hike." The children got acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature and took an active part in games and competitions: “Necessary things on a hike”, “Pack a backpack”, “Forest kitchen”, “Identify medicinal plant", "Guess the mushroom", determined by various criteria "What will the weather be like" decided "Environmental challenges." In connection with forest fires across the country, conversations with children about the rules of behavior in nature were held in area libraries.

Due to the fact that 2012 has been declared the Year of Russian history, in the district's libraries events were held to develop in children and adolescents a sense of patriotism, pride in their Motherland and increased interest in its history. On the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the Ermakovsky Children's Branch held memory lesson “The bitterest and longest day of the year.” The presenter told the children about when and with whom the war began, where the first battle took place, about Leningrad blockade, about young war heroes. The librarian's story was accompanied by a slide show. At the end of the event, the children read poetry.

Great Patriotic War will forever remain in people's memory as the greatest patriotic feat. To the 70th anniversary of one of the greatest pages of that terrible war, the great battle on the Volga - the battle for Stalingrad was held in the Novopoltava rural library history lesson “70 years of the Battle of Stalingrad.” The guys learned about the course of the Battle of Stalingrad and the exploits Soviet soldiers and officers who stood to death for two hundred fiery days and nights. The librarian's story was accompanied by electronic presentation “Bow harsh and beautiful land" At the end of the meeting, all those present honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

During the summer period, the district libraries continued to pay a lot of attention to educational events that promote healthy image life. Ermakovsky children's branch invited its readers to entertaining health lesson “We do exercises - jump and run.” The lesson was held outdoors in the summer courtyard. During the meeting, there was a conversation about how to take care of your health, what you need to do to avoid getting sick, the children remembered proverbs about health, Doctor Gradusnik explained what the word “vitamin” means. Then the children enthusiastically took part in fun relay races and competitions. The Nikolaev branch was held health hour “Live without risk.” Readers of the Semennikovskaya Rural Library really liked it educational program “Journey to the Land of Health”. Aibolit invited me on the trip. He told the children how to improve their health, the benefits of vitamins, what they need to know and be able to do to avoid illnesses and accidents, and how to provide first aid. The guys solved the riddles of Moidodyr and answered questions quiz "Name medicinal plant» , participated in sports relay races. Everyone present understood for themselves that the most valuable thing a person has is health. It must be taken care of from an early age.

All libraries in the district continued to operate areas for children's creativity. Where librarians conducted creative activities with children: “Crafts from buttons”, “Chamomile wonder”, “Magic flowers”, “Tili-tili dough”, “Do-it-yourself”, “Origami”, “Funny animals”.

Local history occupies a special place in working with children and adolescents. From time immemorial, man considers his land, his region to be the beginning of all beginnings. This is where our journey in life begins, here we rush from afar, sometimes we return to bow to our small homeland, for us our small homeland is the Siberian land. The Oysk rural library hosted literary - musical composition“My land is thoughtful and gentle.” The children read poems and sang songs by poets of their native land. Readers of the Nikolaev branch became participants quizzes "My little homeland." The quiz is dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the village of Nikolaevka. The presenter's questions were related to the history of the village, flora and fauna. The Ermakovsky children's branch for teenagers held poetic hour "Siberia - a source of inspiration."

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. The use of game forms in group and individual work with children attracts their attention to the book and turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Young visitors of all libraries took part in intellectual and literary games with pleasure. Readers of the Salbinsk Rural Library liked it literary game "Battleship". The Migninsky rural library invited children to game - journey “Tales of Foreign Readers”. The children's library held a meeting with primary schoolchildren game program “In the kingdom of Sharoman, games without deception.” The King of Balloons - Sharoman threw a party on his own birthday. The children enthusiastically took part in the fun games and competitions: “Statues"", "Higher above the ground", "In the rhythm of limbo", "Running with a newspaper", "Crabs", "The sea is agitated", "Running with a wheelbarrow", "Running with a ball", "Running in sacks", "Penguin" . Competitions were held outdoors in the library's summer courtyard. All those present received a charge of vivacity and fun.

The Ermakovsky children's branch was actively visited by students from the children's recreational areas of ESOSH No. 1 and No. 2. They were offered: the game show “Time of Fairytale Travels”, the game program “Our Beloved Charles Perrault”, the literary game “In the World of Books”, the literary tournament “Visiting Pavel Bazhov”, the quiz “Multi-remote”. Children of primary school age liked it presentation of the exhibition – viewing “Book in the Sun”.In the games corner for readers there were hours of riddles, quizzes, loud readings, and conversations on the books they had read. The reading room hosted screenings of fairy tales and cartoons, and tournaments. board games. This is how the kids spent their summer holidays interestingly and usefully.

Methodologist for working with children K.M. Gendrikson


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