The legend of the constellation Aquarius. Legends and myths about constellations. Constellation Aquarius in astronomy

There are patterns in the night sky that are very difficult to see while in the city. Their elements are located very far from the Earth or emit so little light that they can only be seen on a clear night, standing in an open field, out of reach. Such celestial patterns include the constellation Aquarius.


In urban conditions, especially in northern latitudes, finding it in the sky is not easy, although it is possible. Best time for observation - summer. The reference point for the search is a clearly visible sign immediately below which Aquarius is located. Its silhouette is more expressive in the south of the country.

The constellation Aquarius in the sky can be recognized by the more or less bright Jug asterism related to it. It is formed by five luminaries, visually creating an inverted Y with Zeta Aquarius in the middle.


The constellation Aquarius is not surrounded by legends. The reason for this lies in the relative dullness of its elements. However, several mythological stories are still connected with it. IN Ancient Greece Aquarius was associated with Ganymede, who was summoned to Olympus by Zeus. The handsome young man was supposed to serve as a cupbearer to the gods. In return, the Thunderer promised Ganymede immortality. Hera intervened in Zeus's plans, not wanting to see the young man among her entourage. As a result, Ganymede gained its promised immortality by becoming a constellation. To this day he pours wine from a jug.

Aquarius was also associated with the legend of the flood, and also served as a harbinger of irrigation work.

The brightest

Despite some inexpressiveness, the constellation Aquarius itself, the stars and others included in its composition, are worthy of attention. The most noticeable of them are the alpha and beta constellations, which have their own names: Sadalmelik and Sadalsuud, respectively. The second star is the brightest. Beta Aquarii is 600 light years away from Earth. Its mass is 6 times greater than the Sun, and its diameter is 50 times. The luminosity of Sadalsuud is 2200 times greater than that of our luminary. However, from Earth, Beta Aquarii appears brighter than Alpha only due to the smaller distance separating the two cosmic objects.

Another feature of Sadalsuud is clearly visible through a telescope. It is a system of three components.


Sadalmelik is a star that is in no hurry to reveal its secrets to astronomers. It has a luminosity and diameter 3 thousand and 60 times, respectively, greater than those of the Sun. The measurements obtained suggest that Alpha Aquarius is approaching the end of its existence. According to the accumulated data, luminaries with similar characteristics, as a rule, are variables of the Delta Cepheus type. However, in practice, Sadalmelik cannot be classified in this class. And this is one of its main secrets: the reasons why the “behavior” of the star does not agree with the theory and previously obtained information about similar objects are incomprehensible.

Scientists have classified Alpha Aquarii as a type of hybrid star. The surface temperature of Sadalmelik is close to the sun, therefore, taking into account other characteristics, it should have the same corona that is observed on our luminary on the days of a total eclipse. Similar in temperature, but having a higher temperature, do not have such decoration. Their magnetic field produces a strong circumstellar wind, much cooler than the surface. Sadalmelik, again deviating from theory, has both the crown and the wind.

Symbiotic variable

The constellation Aquarius is distinguished by several objects of great scientific interest. One of them is R Aquarii, a variable star located 650 light-years from the Sun. Changes in its brilliance were noticed as early as the 19th century. Today the star is classified as a symbiotic variable. R Aquarii is a system of two stars that are very different in their characteristics - a red giant and a white dwarf, “cooperating” with each other, like organisms forming a biological symbiosis.

It has such a huge diameter that the outer part of its atmosphere slowly flows into the surrounding space. The impressive size leads to another consequence. The gas shell of the giant flows to the neighboring one. Part of the incoming substance accumulates on the surface of the small companion. When its temperature and density reach a certain critical value, the attracted substance will explode. The white dwarf will not be damaged.

The two objects are surrounded by a nebula, which is the remnants of a once exploding nova-like star. Although many oddities have been explained, R Aquarii remains a mysterious object. The reasons for some features of the star's brightness curve have still not been found.

Snail and Saturn

The nebula surrounding R Aquarii is not the only one in the constellation. In its southern part, an object designated NGC 7293 or the Helix Nebula (aka Helix) was discovered. It is the closest to us among all similar cosmic formations.

The constellation Aquarius (photo of the object is presented below) boasts another beautiful nebula. It is called Saturn or NGC 7009. Indeed, in photographs taken from a certain distance, the silhouette of the object resembles a gas giant of the Solar System.

The constellation Aquarius also “contains” within its borders the beautiful globular cluster M2, which is larger in size than many similar objects. There is also an open cluster here.

Although Aquarius is a dim celestial design, it is worthy of the significance that astronomy gives it. Constellations like it are not easy to spot in the sky, but when studied through a telescope, amazing secrets and beauties of the Universe are revealed.

Constellation Aquarius

Aquarius(Aquarius) is a large zodiac constellation located between Capricorn and Pisces. The radiant lies in Aquarius meteor shower Delta Aquarids, active at the end of July.

As a rule, the Sun is in the constellation from February 16 to March 11. The most favorable visibility conditions are in August-September. The constellation is better visible in the central and southern regions of Russia.

First classification - Yerkes classification taking into account luminosity (ICC). An additional factor influencing the appearance of the spectrum is the density of the outer layers of the star, which in turn depends on its mass and density, that is, ultimately, on its luminosity. SrII, BaII, FeII, TiII are especially strongly affected by luminosity, which leads to differences in the spectra of giant stars and dwarfs of the same Harvard spectral classes. The dependence of the type of spectrum on luminosity is reflected in the newer Yerkes classification, developed at the Yerkes Observatory by W. Morgan, F. Keenan and E. Kelman, also called the ICC after the initials of its authors. In accordance with this classification, the star is assigned a Harvard spectral class and luminosity class:

Second classification - Basic (Harvard) spectral classification, developed at the Harvard Observatory in 1890-1924, is a temperature classification based on the type and relative intensity of the absorption and emission lines of the spectra of stars. Within the class, stars are divided into subclasses from 0 (hottest) to 9 (coldest). The Sun has a spectral class of G2 and an equivalent photosphere temperature of 5780 K.

Stars of the constellation Aquarius

Sadalsuud\ Beta (β Aquarii) is the brightest star in the constellation. The star is a hot yellow supergiant G0 Ib. Its temperature is about 5400K. It is located 611.2 light years from Earth. And it shines 2,200 times more than the Sun. Its diameter is 50 times larger than the Sun. It is believed that the stars Enif, Sadalsuud and Sadalmelik were born together in a stellar association as class B stars; they all have the same age, mass, and they all produced carbon from helium nuclei. These stars move almost perpendicular to the plane of our Galaxy. Sadalsuud consists of three optical components, but they may be connected to each other.

Sadalmelik\ Alpha (α Aquarii) is the second brightest in the constellation. The star is a yellow supergiant G2Ib. Its temperature is 5,400 K. Its luminosity is 3,000 times greater than the sun. And the diameter is 60 times larger than the sun. The star is in the last stage of its evolution. Sadalmelik is a hybrid star. The star has an optical companion CCDM J22058-0019B. The star is located at a distance of 757.6 light. years. from U.S. This star is 53 million years old.

Scat\ Delta (δ Aquarii) is the third brightest star in the constellation. Skat is an A3V white main sequence star. The star is located at a distance of 159.4 light. years from us. The star is 2 times larger in mass, 2.4 times larger in radius and 26 times the luminosity of the Sun. Its temperature is about 8700K. Its age is estimated from 500 to 600 million years. Skat possibly has a companion with an orbital period of about 483 days.

Hydor\ Lambda (λ Aquarii) is a red giant M2.5IIIa. It is located at a distance of 391.1 sv. years from us. It is classified as an LB irregular variable star. Its temperature is 3300K. Its radius is 100 times larger than the Sun. The star emits most of its energy in the infrared region of the spectrum.

Albali\ Epsilon (ε Aquarii) is an A1.5V white star. The star is located at a distance of about 229.3 light. years from Earth. The star is 3 times larger in mass, 2 times in radius and luminosity 40 times brighter than the Sun. Its temperature is 9400 K.

Sadachbia\ Gamma (γ Aquarii) is a white star A0V. The star is located at a distance of 157.6 light. years from us. The star is 3 times larger in mass, 3 times in radius and luminosity 62 times brighter than the Sun. Its temperature is 9800K. The star has a companion with an orbital period of 58 days.

Hydria\ Eta (η Aquarii) is a blue-white subgiant B9IV-Vn. It is located at a distance of 183.3 sv. years from Earth. The star is 3 times larger in mass, 2.6 times in radius and luminosity 104 times brighter than the Sun. Its temperature is 11,400 K. And its age is 175 million years. Rotation speed - 245 km/s.

Tau1 Aquarii - (τ1 Aquarii) - a star system of 4 components. The main star is the blue-white star B9V. Located at a distance of 259.6 sv. years from Earth. It is 18 times larger than the Sun in mass, 7 times in radius and 20,000 times in luminosity. Its temperature is 11,000K.

Tau²(τ² Aquarii) - orange giant K5III. The star is located at a distance of about 229.3 light. years from Earth. Its temperature is 9,400 K.

Ancha\ Theta (θ Aquarii) is a G8III yellow giant. It is located at a distance of 191.2 sv. years from Earth. Its temperature is 4900K. The star is 2.8 times larger in mass, 15.4 times in radius and luminosity 83 times brighter than the Sun.

91ψ1\ Psi1 (ψ1 Aquarii) is an orange K0III giant in a triple star system. Its companions are HD 219430 B and C. Companion B is the orange star K3V. Star 91 is 2.5 times larger in mass, 8.5 times larger in radius and 33 times larger in luminosity than the Sun. Its temperature is 4700 K. It is located at a distance of 148.3 sv. years from Earth.

Psi²(ψ² Aquarii) is a blue-white B5V star. It is located at a distance of 321.6 sv. years from us. Its radius is 4.6 times that of the Sun. Its temperature is 15,000K.

Psi3(ψ³ Aquarii) - double star system. The main star is A0V. The star is located at a distance of 248.7 light. years from us. The star is 3.1 times larger in mass, 2.1 times in radius and luminosity 40 times brighter than the Sun. Its temperature is 9800 K.

Iota(ι Aquarii) is a blue-white star B8V. The star is located at a distance of 173 light. years from us. Her age is estimated at 30 - 60 million years. Its temperature is 11,300K. The star is 2.7 times larger in radius than the Sun.

99 b² Aquarii is a K4III orange giant. The star is located at a distance of 310 light. years from us. Its temperature is 3500 - 5000K. Its radius is 0.9 solar, its mass is 0.8 solar and its luminosity is 0.4 solar.

Omega1(ω1 Aquarii) is a white star A7IV (F0IV). The star is located at a distance of 134 light. years from us. Its temperature is 7,500 - 10,000K. The star is 3.1 times larger in mass, 2.1 times in radius and 40 times more luminous than the Sun.

Omega²(ω² Aquarii) is a blue-white star B9 V. It is located at a distance of 154 ly. years from us. Its temperature is 10,500K. The star is 2 times larger in mass and 4.2 times larger in radius of the Sun.

101 b3 Aquarii is a double star. The main star is A0V. It is located at a distance of 320 sv. years from us. Its temperature is about 9000K. The star is 2.7 times larger in mass and 4.2 times larger in radius of the Sun.

88 c2 Aquarii is a K1III orange giant. It is located at a distance of 234 sv. years from us.

Bunda\ Xi (ξ Aquarii) is a spectroscopic binary system. The main star is the white main sequence star A7V. It is located at a distance of about 179 sv. years from Earth. Its radius is 2.1 solar, its mass is 3.1 solar and its luminosity is 40 solar. Its temperature is 7500 - 10,000K.

Seat\Pi (π Aquarii) is a blue-white B1Ve star. It is classified as a Gamma Cassiopeiae variable star. It is located at a distance of about 1100 sv. years from Earth. Its radius is 6 solar, its mass is 13 solar and its luminosity is 15,000 - 17,500 solar. Its temperature is 26,500K.

Deep space objects in the constellation Aquarius

Star clusters

M2(NGC 7089) - globular star cluster. Diameter M2 is about 174 light. years, contains about 150,000 stars. The first discoverer was Jean Dominique Maraldi, 09/11/1746. Class - II. Distance from Earth - 37,474 sv. years.

M 72(NGC 6981) - globular cluster. First discoverer Pierre Mechain 08/29/1780 The faintest globular cluster in the Messier catalog. The distance from Earth is 55,362 light years and lies at a considerable distance beyond the center of the Galaxy. Size in diameter - 106 cm. years.

M 73(NGC 6994) - open cluster. M73 contains four stars of 10-12 magnitude. First discoverer Charles Messier 10/04/1780 Distance from Earth - 2,498 sv. years. Diameter size - 1, 02 St. year.


NGC 7009(Saturn Nebula) - planetary nebula. First discoverer William Herschel 09/07/1782 Distance from Earth - 2000-4000 sv. years. Photographic magnitude (B) 8.3.

NGC 7293(Helix Nebula) - planetary nebula. The first discoverer was Carl Ludwig Harding in 1824. The predecessor star was a “main sequence” star similar to the Sun. It is located at a distance of 650 sv. years from Earth. One of the closest nebulae to Earth. Its size is 2.5 cm. d. The speed of expansion of the nebula into space is 31 km/s. The age of the nebula is 10,600 years.


NGC 7252- lenticular galaxy (SB0). First discoverer William Herschel 10/26/1785 Photographic magnitude mB 12.1. These are two galaxies that began interacting a billion years ago. An X-ray study revealed that there is an active black hole in the center of the galaxy. The galaxy is located at a distance of 220 million light years from Earth. years.

NGC 7257- spiral barred galaxy (SBBC). The first discoverer is Albert Martha 10/01/1864. Photographic magnitude mB 13.7.

NGC 7600- elliptical galaxy E-S0. The first discoverer was William Herschel on September 10, 1785. Located at a distance of about 160 million St. years from Earth. Photographic magnitude mB 12.9. Redshift +0.011541 ± 0.000267.

NGC 7723- barred spiral galaxy (SBb). The first discoverer was William Herschel on November 27, 1785. Redshift +0.006261 ± 0.000163. The galaxy is located at a distance of 79.86 million light years from Earth. years. Diameter size - 81,400 St. years.

NGC 7727- barred spiral galaxy SBa/P. Perhaps the galaxy NGC 7727 is a merger of two galaxies. The first discoverer was William Herschel on November 27, 1785. is located at a distance of 76 million sv. years. Photographic magnitude mB 11.6. Redshift +0.006131 ± 0.000073.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Aquarius


Character of Aquarius Aquarius is a true artist, he is able not only to see the world in all its amazing diversity and completeness, but also to carefully notice the smallest details.


If you want to marry an Aquarius man, you can only sympathize with him: alas, marriage, as a rule, is not included in his plans. Life is too varied and multifaceted for its broad horizons to be limited to family.


“With my dear, heaven and in lavash!” - she can tell you in all seriousness. Why in pita bread, you ask? Yes, because she is an Aquarius. Accept that her logic is beyond your reach.


Aquarius in love remains freedom-loving and a passionate explorer of life. In relationships he is often unpredictable, because he does not follow the beaten path and does not accept templates - he has a lot of his own original ideas. Aquarius's thoughts are immersed in tomorrow, and therefore he needs personal space where he can be himself and breathe freely. Aquarius has good compatibility with zodiac signs, who also do not tolerate strict boundaries and restrictions. Aquarius will never control or limit their partner, and in return expects the same attitude. Intuitively, Aquarius can understand the deepest desires of a partner and fulfill them. However, he himself remains a closed book and does not like to be frank. Aquarius impresses his chosen one with unexpected actions and surprises, eloquence and broad outlook. Wanting to attract attention, an Aquarius in love can surprise, provoke, even shock with his unusual behavior. In a loved one, this friendly and open Air sign is looking, first of all, for a friend and like-minded person with whom he can have an interesting conversation and go in search of adventure.


The unpredictable, independent, extremely sensitive Aquarius child experiences an urgent need for personal freedom from an early age! He is full of original ideas, endowed with a penetrating mind and is in constant search of himself. Despite the shocking antics and hot temper that representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to, the Aquarius child is the most peaceful, sociable and sympathetic creature in the world.


It is not difficult for Aquarius to talk; he is very willing to communicate. Yes, he is drawn to everything non-standard and original, but if you don’t have this in you, it doesn’t matter. Aquarius is able to discern what is unique in every person or event; you just need to slightly catch his attention. But you shouldn’t delude yourself. His delight usually does not last long, which means you will need to try to keep his interest.


Aquarius is the sign of geniuses. Among them there are often people with superpowers, but it is very important that the talents of Aquarius are understood by management. Indeed, despite the fact that Aquarius is smart, has an unconventional approach, and is capable of literally gushing with new ideas at work, he may have many difficulties in relations with his superiors. Freedom-loving Aquarius does not recognize punctuality and painstaking daily work. His style is a flight of fantasy and inspiration, which is difficult to put on an assembly line. In this regard, the amazing talents of Aquarius can be realized only when he is given complete freedom of action in his work. In this case, he is able to reach enormous, unattainable heights.


The love of Aquarius is like an auteur movie, unique and not always understandable to others. This person is so unpredictable and amazing that sometimes you have to wonder whether he has fallen in love or this is how his high spirits manifest themselves.


The creative nature of Aquarius is very complexly organized - it is not for nothing that they say that from genius to madness there is only one step. Sensitive Aquarius is more susceptible than other signs to mental and nervous illnesses, as well as all kinds of illnesses blood vessels. To avoid this, Aquarius needs to be outdoors more often, and ideally lead a more athletic lifestyle, which, unfortunately, he is not very inclined to. This will strengthen not only his muscles and blood vessels, but also his nervous system. By playing sports, he will gain sound sleep, proper rest and, as a result, a much healthier life.

Let's start with the fact that the average person knows Aquarius, first of all, as one of the twelve existing signs of the Zodiac. Indeed, on the path of the Sun, this constellation lies along with the other eleven constellations of the zodiac belt.

The Sun is in Aquarius from February 16 to March 11, and best conditions to observe the constellation, they occur in August-September. If you are lucky enough to live in the central and southern regions of Russia, at this time you will be able to observe this constellation in all its glory without any problems.

Constellation location

Where is Aquarius located geographically? If we talk about zodiac placement, then traditionally it is between Capricorn and Pisces. The constellation Aquarius is located in the southern hemisphere of the starry sky, where it is surrounded by various water inhabitants - the constellations Cetus, Dolphin, Eridanus and others, due to which the area it occupies is often called the sea. Aquarius, as the ancient Greeks called it, is one of the oldest and largest constellations. To be precise, in terms of the area occupied in the starry sky, namely 980 square degrees, Aquarius is in tenth place.

Number of stars in the constellation

If there is a moonless and clear night outside the window, then the observer will easily be able to see approximately 90 stars from the constellation Aquarius. It is worth noting that only seven of these ninety have a magnitude greater than four. These stars form a kind of curved arc, in the middle of which the five brightest stars are concentrated. This five forms a kind of prototype of a jug with a stream of water flowing from it. It is not easy to see the stars in this arrangement young guy with a jug of water, but this is exactly how the constellation Aquarius was depicted on ancient star atlases.

Why did they begin to designate the constellation Aquarius with this image? This picture appeared as a result of the ancient Greeks’ observations of natural phenomena. The fact is that above the southern part of the horizon the constellation becomes clearly visible with the arrival of autumn and the onset of the rainy season. This situation repeated regularly, from year to year. Then the Greek ancestors began to associate Aquarius with a certain young man who, on his knees, watered the earth with water from a jug. The picture, invented in ancient times, has survived to this day.

The brightest stars of Aquarius

The most significant in this constellation are three stars - alpha, beta and delta Aquarius. Let's start the story with the first star, not alphabetically, but by brightness, which is called Sadalsuud (aka beta Aquarius). Like most stellar objects, this unusual name for the celestial body comes from the Arabic language, and translated means “lucky among the happiest.” The name is undoubtedly philosophical, but it is explained simply: the Sun enters Aquarius precisely at the moment when spring replaces winter, and the season of regular light spring rains begins outside the window.


Sadalsuud is a third magnitude star - its apparent magnitude is 2.91m. This celestial body is quite rare, because it belongs to the hot supergiants. Its spectral class is defined as G0, and its surface temperature is almost similar to the Sun - 5600 K. Beta Aquarii is located at a distance of six hundred light years from Earth and has a luminosity 2200 times that of the Sun. Sadalsuud also has other advantages over the Sun: the diameter of the star is approximately 50 times that of the Sun, and its mass is equal to six whole Suns.

In a telescope you can see that Sadalsuud is a triple star. In addition to the main component, beta Aquarius itself, it is worth noting two more optical components. The first component is Beta Aquarius B, which has an apparent magnitude of 11.0m and is approximately 35 arcseconds from the main star. The second component is beta Aquarius C, which is 57.2 arcseconds away from the main star and its magnitude is 11.6m. However, at the moment, unfortunately, there is no evidence that these stars are a triple system (gravitationally bound). There is a high probability that they are simply a visual triple system.

Another “lucky” star of Aquarius

The second brightest star in Aquarius after Sadalsuud is Sadalmelik, but its light is only slightly weaker than that of Beta Aquarii. As usual, the name of the star is rooted in Arabic. The name of Alpha Aquarius means "lucky star of the king." It has an apparent magnitude of 2.96m and its spectral type is G2 Ib. In the constellation drawing, this luminary is located on the right shoulder of Aquarius.

Sadalmelik is a rather unusual star, and this is due to several reasons. Firstly, this star is classified as a yellow supergiant. The surface temperature of Sadalmelik is only a few degrees lower than the solar 6000 K. It is worth noting that meeting a yellow supergiant in the sky is a great success, because most of the large stars known to astronomy are either even hotter (and therefore have a blue color) or colder (and, as a result, the color is red).

Sadalmelik is 750 light years away from Earth. From here, thanks to simple calculations, we can conclude that its luminosity is 3000 times greater than the Solar one, but its diameter is only 60 times greater than the Solar one. The figure is impressive, but unlike the real ones, which are capable of occupying the entire orbit of Jupiter, Sadalmelik is a moderately modest star. The rank of a supergiant rather suggests that, in accordance with the evolution of stars, this star is close to its imminent death.

The third bright component of Aquarius

In third place in brightness after Sadalsuud and Sadalmelik is the Aquarius delta. It is better known as Skat, which can be translated from Arabic as “thigh”. No wonder, because the star is located exactly on the foot of Aquarius, hence the origin of the name. The star's apparent magnitude is 3.27m, and its spectral class is determined to be A3V. It is 160 light years away from our planet.

Skate is a blue-white star. In its spectral class, Delta Aquarius is on the main sequence. Judging by the distance of the central star of the system, again by its spectral class and luminosity, we can conclude that it is very similar to beta of the constellation Leo. There is a possibility that Skat is part of a moving group of luminaries in the constellation.

If we compare this star with the Sun, it should be said that the mass of Stingray is approximately twice that of the Sun. The star's surface temperature is 9000 K, and its radius is about two and a half solar radii. Today, there are spectroscopic studies that suggest the presence of a companion star near Delta Aquarius. The circulation period of the latter can take about 490 days.

Meteor showers in the constellation Aquarius

Unfortunately, there are not many stars in the constellation that can be seen with an ordinary telescope. However, with its help, anyone can view the whole five radiants of different meteor showers. Let's tell you more about them.

First in line is a radiant called . This radiant of a strong meteor shower is located near Beta Aquarii. This star formation can be seen even with binoculars between May 1 and May 8. Its maximum falls somewhere on the fifth day of May: then about 36 meteors can be seen per hour. This stream is quite often associated with the brightest comet of the 20th century -. As the latter approached the Sun, an increase in the flow was noted; therefore, systematic observation of this phenomenon for its more detailed study is of particular interest.

Near Delta Aquarii you can see another radiant - . His observation falls on the 15th of July - 15th of August. The maximum of this flow is considered to be July 29. Then about 14 meteors can be seen simultaneously every hour.

Northern Delta Aquarids, long exposure shot

Still in the same place, near the Aquarius delta, the second meteor shower is located - the Northern Delta Aquarids. Its observation period, like its maximum, falls on dates similar to the Southern Delta Aquarid. However, the hourly fall of Nord Stream meteors is much weaker. From a scientific point of view, the simultaneous contemplation of these two meteor showers is very significant. Indeed, thanks to this, it is possible to reveal as many structural characteristic features both streams.

Near the celestial body Iot Aquarius you can find another interesting radiant of the Southern Iot Aquarids. It is usually observed between 15.07 and 25.08. The shower reaches its maximum on the 5th of August, when everyone can see about 10 meteors every hour.

In the interval from August 11 to September 10, one more radiant can be observed in the constellation Aquarius - the Northern Yota Aquarids. It is located near another star - Theta Aquarius. These two meteor showers should also be studied in combination, then the structural features of each radiant can be revealed as best as possible separately.

Interesting and unusual constellation objects

Helix Nebula

In addition to stars and meteor showers, globular clusters and nebulae can be recognized in Aquarius. For example, the planetary Helix Nebula, commonly referred to as NGC 7293.

It is the largest and closest nebula to Earth. The integral magnitude of the Snail is 6.5m, so it can be easily seen with binoculars. NGC 7293 has an angular size that is only half the apparent size of the Moon. The distance from Earth to this planetary nebula is six hundred light years. In the center of the Helix there is a star with a temperature of 60,000 K, which illuminates the nebula.

Gallery shot of the Helix Nebula

Another notable object in the constellation Aquarius is the globular cluster M2 (Messier 2 or NGC 7089). It is noteworthy that this cluster can be seen from Earth without the help of any optical instruments. Despite its great “saturation” - there are 150 thousand stars in the globular cluster, it is considered quite compact: its diameter is some 175 light years. It is interesting that in 1746 the M2 cluster was discovered a second time, in parallel by two scientists Zh.D. Miraldi and C. Messier. The latter listed it in the star catalog as a nebula in which there are no stars. The stars in it were discovered only 11 years later, and W. Herschel saw them.

In addition to M2, there are several other interesting nebulae in Aquarius, for example, the M72 cluster or NGC 6981. This cluster is the weakest and dimmest in the constellation, and even if you have high-aperture optics on hand, it will be quite difficult to see it in the sky. The star cluster M72 is located behind the center of our galaxy. The distance from Earth to M72 is 53 thousand light years.

AND . A famous asterism in Aquarius is the "Jug", a small Y-shaped group of five stars straddling the celestial equator. The central one of these stars, ζ Aquarii, is a double star. Also interesting are the globular cluster M2 and the planetary nebulae Saturn and Helix (NGC 7009 and NGC 7293). Aquarius is home to the radiant of the Delta Aquarids meteor shower, active in late July.

The symbol of the constellation Aquarius is ♒︎

The Sun is in Aquarius from February 16 to March 11, and the best conditions for observing the constellation occur in August-September. If you are lucky enough to live in the central and southern regions of Russia, at this time you will be able to observe this constellation in all its glory without any problems. An observer will easily be able to see approximately 90 stars from the constellation Aquarius. It is worth noting that only seven of these ninety have a magnitude greater than four. These stars form a kind of curved arc, in the middle of which the five brightest stars are concentrated. This five forms a kind of prototype of a jug with a stream of water flowing from it. In this arrangement of stars it is not easy to see a young guy with a jug of water, but this is exactly how the constellation Aquarius was depicted on ancient star atlases.

The Legend of the Constellation Aquarius

There is a mythical legend that this young man is none other than the son of the ruler of Troy - Ganymede. The young man was known as a handsome man, and one day, while he was tending sheep, Zeus saw him from the top of Olympus and ordered his Eagle to bring Ganymede up. On Olympus he was granted immortality, and Zeus appointed him heavenly cupbearer. During the festivals, Ganymede offered nectar, pouring out of a jug like water, to the Olympian deities. This is how the image of a young man with a jug appeared in ancient atlases.

Among the ancient Sumerians, Aquarius was one of the most important constellations, since it personified the sky god An, who gives life-giving water to the earth. According to the Greeks, Aquarius depicts several mythical characters at once, for example, Ganymede, the Trojan youth who became a cupbearer on Olympus; Deucalion - the hero of the global flood and Cecrops - the ancient king of Attica. Aquarius is included in the catalog starry sky Claudius Ptolemy's Almagest.

In the form of Aquarius, they depicted a young guy pouring water (nectar) from an amphora into the mouth of the Southern Pisces. Usually, Ganymede, the child of King Tros in Greek myths, appeared in his image. He was very handsome and caught the eye of Zeus. He decided to disguise himself as an eagle and kidnap him so that he would serve the other gods on Olympus. There is another version. This guy was the son of Prometheus Deucalion, who managed to save the lives of himself and his wife during the great flood.

In Babylonian mythology he was called GU.LA (great). For the Egyptians it was the god of the Nile.

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